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Environment: What It Is and Its Importance for Personal and Professional Development


Learning How to Relate to Your Environment

Understanding the environment is crucial for grasping fundamental concepts and relationships. Everything around you is interconnected in ways that may not be immediately apparent. This article will explore these connections and demonstrate how to apply this understanding. We will delve deeper into this subject in the subsequent paragraphs.

What Is Environment?

As mentioned in the introduction, this article is not intended to instruct on basic physics. Nonetheless, it is crucial to recognize that your environment encompasses everything around you, including plants, objects, places, people, and soil. Your environment significantly influences your personal development.

You exist as a being within a place. Your essence and nature are influenced by everything in your vicinity. Your environment contributes substantially to the formation of your personality and traits, yet you remain distinct and special.

It raises the question: if the environment is a sole determinant of personality, why are people who grow up in identical environments with similar life conditions still unique and special?

Nevertheless, the influence of nurture cannot be overlooked, and the environment effectively shapes our individual identities. This suggests that people from a specific region may think and act in a pattern reflective of their habitat and environment, a fact supported by science.

However, as we reach maturity, we gain the ability to craft our own worlds, independent of our physical surroundings. Maturity is not solely a factor of physical aging; it also encompasses the breadth of information we acquire, which can lead to greater maturity.

What Is Your Environment Like?

Reflecting on the information and knowledge provided, I reside in my own world, independent of my physical location. Whether in Juba, Nairobi, Addis Ababa, Kinshasa, Khartoum, or Washington, I inhabit a unique world within—a world of inner peace.

This is who I am, dear reader. Regardless of external circumstances, I remain in harmony with myself, God, and the environment. This mindset is innate to me, yet I continuously strive to enhance it. You may share this trait or not, but I offer this glimpse into my life as a hint for you.

Many people’s lives and thoughts are bound to their immediate surroundings, a state considered a lower form of existence. However, there exists a higher form of life, one of abundance as described by Jesus Christ. It’s a life filled with peace and joy, even amidst turmoil and disorder, akin to being a madman amongst the sane.

How Do You Live in Such an Environment?

If your life’s condition hinges on external events, you may not have embarked on self-discovery and self-improvement, yet it’s never too late to start. The environment where you spend your time can be as wondrous as you allow yourself to perceive.

Africa, the cradle of human civilization, is among the finest places to reside. However, due to various challenges, many Africans seek to leave, only to encounter similar or even tougher conditions elsewhere. Often, the grass seems greener on the other side, but that’s not always the reality.

To begin, one must cultivate an inner environment devoid of depression and stress, achievable through self-awareness and enlightenment. If you haven’t found your true self, consider exploring the free book available on the homepage for more insights.

How Do You Relate to Your Environment?

In the previous article, I discussed external relationships, which encompass your environment, world, and surroundings. Engaging with your environment involves interactions with other humans and creatures. This lesson is for those mature in knowledge, which may seem foolish in this world.

In a simpler life, it’s considered foolish to speak to a tree as if it were a human, but does that mean a tree cannot hear? It may not respond in our language, but does that mean it cannot respond at all? To many, this is foolishness because they are unaware of these life realities. Nonetheless, you continue to interact with your environment, whether you’re conscious of it or not.

Consider how I interact with my physical body while I inhabit it, with my computer as I type these words, with the chair I’m seated on, and with the ground, building, and surrounding area where I sit and write.

Similarly, you are interacting with your current environment. It could be a bus, a plane, a house, or a bed. Whatever is around you is in a relationship with you. The universe is interconnected in a specific way. The Bible mentions that He holds all things together. This is not merely gravity but the essence and the actual mind behind everything: God.

Why Do You Relate with The Environment?

Ah, it surfaces once more! What underlies your bond with the environment? We are frequently reminded that our connection to this physical universe exists to awaken us to our true selves. Everything around you serves as a mirror to your soul. You are innately intertwined with your surroundings. Yet, despite this inherent connection, it is your duty to delve deeper. It is your task to explore and unearth the reasons behind your bond with all that is close and distant.

The primary reason has been stated: it aids in self-discovery and self-awareness. However, there are countless other reasons, both known and unknown. I am persuaded that I was connected to you wirelessly even before you stumbled upon and read this article. That is why it strikes a chord with you. That is why you find it beneficial, although this may simply be a conjecture if the reverse holds true. Similarly, our connection with our environment ensures that we recognize our unity as well as our distinctiveness. We are a fragment of the vast cosmos, yet we are distinct, special, and unique. We belong to the human race, yet we are acutely aware of our differences from even our closest kin.

My relationship with my environment stems from being a part of the greater whole. The environment heightens my self-awareness, my understanding of God, other humans, and all living beings within it. It instills a sense of belonging and tranquility. It normalizes my experiences, no matter where I might be. This is who I am; this is my philosophy of life and the world.

Your Personal and Professional Development

This lesson is intricately linked to both your personal and professional development. Remember, everything is interconnected. Your environment shapes your identity through nurture. You are a product of both nature and nurture, with the environment playing a significant role in the latter.

Here’s the connection to your personal and professional growth: understanding who you are allows you to appreciate your environment. When you engage in activities you love, your enjoyment deepens. The tasks you perform effortlessly and joyfully define your career and profession. However, your actions do not define your essence, even though people tend to label you by your profession, such as a teacher, doctor, etc.

The purpose of these articles is to assist you in discovering and gradually enhancing your personality type. Nevertheless, life is beyond our control. Knowledge is less significant than the divine plan set for you since the world’s inception. God governs all, determining outcomes regardless of our efforts. This is the undeniable truth. We cannot know how many days we have left to either savor or endure our time on this earth.


In summary, the environment plays a crucial role in shaping your external relationships and influences both personal and professional growth. Nevertheless, it is believed that all has been predetermined since the creation of the world. Thus, familiarity with the Bible can make world events seem recognizable.

Nothing in this world takes me by surprise! I possess a depth of knowledge and insight that is not common. When referring to ‘the world,’ it implies those who lack this special understanding. It’s not about the environment, but rather the people. It is my hope and wish for you that as you continue to read such articles, your life will improve day by day. Shalom!

Further Readings

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