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Masculinity: What It Is and Its Importance for Your Personal and Professional Development


Learn More About Masculinity Today!

This article delves into the concept of masculinity, examining its meaning and whether it is a trait present in both men and women. Furthermore, it discusses the significance of having a masculine nature and how recognizing this trait in oneself can contribute to personal and professional development. Continue reading to learn more.

What Is Masculinity?

Masculinity refers to the qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men. It is a trait found in both humans and animals, where male individuals exhibit characteristics associated with maleness. While males and females share many similarities, certain attributes distinguish them, and masculinity is one such attribute.

Masculinity (also called manhood or manliness) is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles associated with men and boys.

While human males generally exhibit masculine traits, it’s not accurate to say they all share the same characteristics. “Maleness” refers to the attributes typically associated with men and male animals. For example, a common male trait is a strong sexual drive.

In many species, it’s usual for males to initiate sexual activities, while females less commonly do so, due to inherent behavioral differences. Moreover, males often show more aggressive behavior than females. It has also been noted that men may experience greater hunger than women, attributed to differences in metabolic processes.

Nature has equipped males, including humans, to dominate and control their territories, similar to territorial birds. This biological imperative contributes to males being generally more aggressive and assertive than females, driven by hormonal differences that define their masculinity.

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Are You Masculine?

Understanding that masculinity is not solely a male attribute is crucial. Both men and women can display masculine characteristics, which may lead to tension in relationships, especially if a woman exhibits stronger masculine traits than her partner, regardless of their own masculine or feminine tendencies.

But how can one determine if they are more masculine or feminine? Various indicators and behaviors can provide insight. For instance, aggressiveness is often associated with masculinity. Individuals with masculine energy tend to confront their adversaries, whether through words, actions, or both.

Many men have a strong desire for respect, particularly from women and children, due to their dominant nature. It’s an instinctive behavior that doesn’t require conscious thought. It’s important to note that the observations shared here are not common knowledge nor are they based on mere speculation. They are verifiable traits observed universally. It’s not a matter of wishing men and some masculine women to act this way; it’s simply how they are. They naturally seek control in professional and domestic spheres, often making decisions for themselves and those they are responsible for.

Is Masculinity for Men Only?

We have addressed this question previously, but let’s delve deeper here. We noted earlier that some women possess masculine traits, which imbue them with a sense of responsibility towards their children and even their husbands, particularly if the husband exhibits feminine traits. This dynamic is a fundamental cause of family issues in contemporary homes. In traditional African societies, roles were assigned based on gender. Gender-based violence was unheard of in the olden days in Africa, including South Sudan, because it was not identified as such. Moreover, every family member, be it a husband, a wife, or a child, was aware of their limits.

In contrast, in today’s world, influenced by Western civilization, the distinctions between male and female roles are increasingly blurred. When discussing gender issues, the focus often seems to be on women or females, overlooking that gender encompasses both males and females. Nevertheless, even in ancient South Sudan, there were women with inherent masculine qualities who thought, spoke, and acted accordingly. Had there been a system of kings and queens (which the Dinka and Nuer societies did not have), these women would have been regarded as queens of their time, with elders and chiefs governing instead.

In the contemporary era, some men also exhibit feminine characteristics, a phenomenon that has existed since the dawn of humanity. Men with feminine qualities tend to think, speak, and act in ways traditionally associated with women, prioritizing care and peace over conflict and violence. They are considerate and deliberate, especially when aware that their actions could lead to confrontation. However, this does not imply they lack physical strength or courage. They may be capable of defending themselves and possess physical prowess akin to other men, but they prefer resolving issues through dialogue and negotiation.

Bad Joke: feminine men can’t slaughter a chicken!

The Importance of Masculinity

Masculinity holds a significant place in both human life and wildlife, as it is a natural law. For instance, lionesses allow the male lions to eat first, not out of mistreatment or unfairness, but because they recognize the male’s unique strengths. The male must stay robust to protect the females and their offspring (cubs) and to hunt the largest prey, tasks that the females acknowledge they cannot undertake.

The natural world operates on a set order, and masculinity is part of this hierarchy. This structure is evident in human families, societies, and the animal kingdom. While it’s unclear if plants follow this same order, it’s certain that opposing it is futile. To attempt to change this order would mean altering the very fabric of life. Such is the significance of masculinity; it has a distinct and necessary role that we must understand.

There are five kingdoms: (1) Inorganic, (2) Organic, (3) Animal, (4) Man, and (5) God’s Kingdom. The kingdom above another is the improved version of the one below it. They need each other. Knowing this truth however is from a certain kind of light known as revelation knowledge, not scientific or discovery knowledge.

John Monyjok Maluth

We must safeguard this characteristic in both humans and animals. However, it is immutable unless we resort to drastic measures such as castration to change males into females. The distinction lies in the male hormone. Considering this, what about males who exhibit femininity?

A man who is feminine may have lower levels of male hormones. He remains male and is capable of naturally fathering children. Nevertheless, he has lower levels of the hormone that often contributes to the wild and aggressive traits associated with male masculinity.


In summary, both males and females can exhibit feminine or masculine traits, which is a natural aspect of human diversity. It’s important to understand whether you lean towards femininity or masculinity, recognizing that these traits exist on a spectrum. Some individuals may exhibit strong masculine traits, while others may have them to a lesser degree. Similarly, the expression of femininity can vary in intensity.

Understanding where you fall on this spectrum can enhance your self-awareness, influencing your thoughts, speech, and actions. This isn’t about changing your inherent nature, which is not necessary or even possible. Rather, it’s about embracing who you are. If you’re a male with feminine traits, cherish that nurturing quality. If you’re a male with masculine traits, embrace that protective strength.

I hope you find this article beneficial. If so, feel free to share your reflections in the comments section. Your insights are valuable, and I’m sure other readers would appreciate your perspective on the topic. Peace be with you!

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