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Empaths: Who They Are and Their Importance in Our Human Society


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This article explores the concept of empaths and beyond. It aims to underscore the significance of having highly empathetic individuals in our societies as a cornerstone for establishing and preserving genuine peace. But, are you an empath? How can you determine whether you are one or not? Continue reading to discover more.

Who Is An Empath?

Numerous definitions of ’empath’ exist both online and offline. One of the most insightful ones is, “An empath is a person highly attuned to the feelings and emotions of those around them, experiencing what another person feels at a profound emotional level,” as stated by After reading that article, I recognized that I possess some empathetic qualities, though not entirely. This stems from developing a method to manage emotions years ago. I’ve carved out a life path where I maintain concern for others without becoming overly involved in their lives, as it’s not beneficial for me or them.

Maturity involves comprehending others’ experiences without immersing oneself in their situations as though you are the cause. Do you understand now? Indeed, I am an empath, but I no longer allow it to consume me as it did in my younger, less mature years, both physically and emotionally.

Moreover, everything in this world exists on a spectrum – a scale of measurement. This implies varying degrees of empathy. Some may exhibit excessive empathy, while others display it through their thoughts, words, and deeds. As previously mentioned, I am uncertain of my exact position on this spectrum. For now, all I am certain of is that I am an empath, but to what extent—whether it’s high, low, or somewhere in between—I cannot ascertain.

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Are You an Empath?

In the aforementioned post, you may discover whether you are an empath by answering a few introspective questions. It’s important to note that not all empaths are alike; you may find that you’re a unique type of empath.

Being highly empathetic means that you tend to absorb other people’s emotions without filtering them through critical thought. These emotions can overshadow your own, and it may take some time to disentangle yourself from them. The 15 signs and symptoms listed could indicate whether you are an empath. For instance, many empaths, like myself, find it challenging to attend funeral rites because we become emotionally involved without conscious choice—it’s an instinctive reaction. I find myself attuned to every word, whether spoken or implied, which often leads me to reflect more deeply than those who express them.

Empaths typically have a strong sense of morality, more so than individuals who lack empathy, such as psychopaths. If you often try to understand the careless remarks of others, you might be an empath. Unlike most people who may not consider the impact of their words or actions, empaths process and sometimes embody these emotions, which isn’t always beneficial. If you resonate with this, you are likely an empath. Keep in mind, various factors can influence these feelings, depending on the context.

It’s fair to assert that all humans, even those considered insane, experience empathy at certain moments, influenced by their surroundings. Therefore, the distinction lies in the degree of empathy—one may be high or low on the empathetic spectrum, but empathetic nonetheless.

Advantages of Being an Empath

If you possess a high level of empathy, you have the ability to help yourself and others manage emotions effectively. It’s my hope that you can do so with ease. However, perfect assistance can only come from within; you can only aid others if they are willing to engage with you. This means they must be receptive to your actions.

Indeed, there are numerous benefits to being empathetic in our societies, where psychological and emotional support is often needed. One benefit is the ability to understand people’s thoughts before they take action or voice their concerns. It’s important to remember that not everyone has this ability. If you do, it’s a wonderful gift to utilize.

Another benefit is recognizing when the emotions of others might overwhelm you, allowing you to prioritize your own well-being before attempting to assist them. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to accept your empathetic words and actions for their healing. Thus, empathy is incredibly beneficial for you and your loved ones.

Certainly, we can contribute positively in various ways across societal levels—individually, within families, clans, tribes, and nations. The value of empathy is evident at home, in educational settings, and in the workplace. Knowing that you are there for others, not solely for yourself, provides a comforting assurance.

Disadvantages of Being an Empath

There are numerous disadvantages to possessing highly empathetic feelings and actions towards oneself and others. Being an empath can be detrimental if one does not learn to harness such a gift properly. The essence of this article is to assist you in utilizing your empathetic abilities wisely.

If not managed carefully, empathy can be detrimental to an individual. Minor issues can consume all your time and mental energy, which is unnecessary. It’s important to remain free and adaptable. Every being, whether human, animal, insect, or bird, faces their own challenges. Therefore, you are not alone; everyone has their own struggles, so there’s no need to overly concern yourself with your own problems.

Furthermore, empathy can impact those around you if not exercised prudently. In societies that value collectivism, such as South Sudan, individual actions have a ripple effect on others. As the late Prof. John Mbiti of Kenya articulated, “I am because we are, and because we are, therefore I am.” Hence, even a small change in routine, like waking up later, can cause concern among family members, who may check on you if you don’t rise at the usual time.

This is an example of how empathy can negatively affect others, which is a disadvantage. While there are many more setbacks, it is not feasible to list and discuss each one in this article. However, this should suffice for our discussion. You may wish to share some of the disadvantages at the end of this post.

The Importance of Empaths in Our Human Society

Understanding the pros and cons of being an empath in society is crucial. We should acknowledge these aspects individually. As previously stated, empathy is a natural human trait that varies in degree. Those with moderate to high levels of empathy are termed empaths, while those with very low levels are known as psychopaths.

Empaths are vital in every human society, highlighting the significance of their presence among us. They are needed as friends, family members, neighbors, and colleagues. Empaths are essential in every community, and even domestic animals benefit from their presence.

Consider this: if we have a significant number of empathetic individuals in homes, clans, villages, bomas, payams, countries, states, and regions within South Sudan, peace and harmony will prevail. I firmly believe that empathetic leaders will be genuinely concerned about their people’s suffering.

Similarly, empathetic individuals will care about the loss of any human life, regardless of community affiliation. Such empathy within families, clans, and tribes can foster genuine peace in our societies. This implies that maintaining peace in South Sudan and beyond is not solely the government’s responsibility; it also depends on the people’s empathy towards life and nature. I envision a peaceful existence if we all practice high empathy in our daily interactions at every level of relationship.

Empathy and Femininity: Empaths

Based on my observations, it appears that women tend to exhibit more empathy than men. This perception, however, may vary depending on whether a woman identifies with feminist ideals or exhibits traditionally masculine traits. Indeed, both women and men can embody characteristics typically associated with the opposite gender. Empathy is often linked with femininity, while traits like aggression and psychopathy are more commonly associated with masculinity.

Men are occasionally characterized as unfeeling, more focused on work than emotions, although they experience emotions similarly to women. The phrase “Be a man” is often used to discourage the expression of pain or fear, reflecting societal expectations of masculinity.

In my view, femininity is associated with vulnerability, physical delicacy, and a heightened emotional state, while masculinity is equated with resilience and stoicism in the face of adversity. Cultural upbringing significantly influences these perceptions and the way we are taught to cope with loss and pain.


This article spans over 1,800 words, indicating that you’ve engaged in extensive reading. Well done on dedicating time to thoroughly understand the content. It’s likely you now have a deeper grasp of the subject. Nevertheless, it’s important to recognize that each writer possesses a unique perspective and style. In my case, I view life as it comes—rejecting the notion of a universal solution.

Take, for instance, my admission at the outset that I am empathetic, yet the extent of my empathy in various situations remains unclear. This doesn’t imply a desire for you to emulate empathy. Far from it! You should embrace your true self, not transform into someone else. This aligns with my belief: you should seek to uncover and enhance your own identity and professional path. Absorb what resonates with you from this article and disregard the rest. Stay true to yourself and savor life in its current form. This is a truth often unspoken by therapists, yet it is crucial—you must come to this realization on your own.

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