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Blogging: An Ultimate Guide


Learn Modern Blogging Today!

This article will explore blogging, its various types, and its significance. We will guide you through creating or starting a blog, identify who should consider blogging, and review the common and top blogging platforms of 2023, among other topics. If you’re continuing to read, it indicates your interest in learning more about this subject. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to determine if earning extra income through online blogging is suitable for you. Now, let’s dive in!

What Is Blogging?

Blogging, to me, is the act of creating and disseminating content. As a regular writer and poster of blog material, I consider myself a blogger. The contemporary term “blog” originated from “web blogging,” which denotes the act of publishing one’s diary online. This is a periodic publishing activity.

WordPress stands out as a premier platform for content creation, management, and blogging. Today, there are numerous similar platforms, including Medium, Google’s Blogger, and others. If you’re capable of producing original content, you can distribute it to your audience via a blogging platform such as WordPress.

“The definition of blogging is the process of writing a blog, an online journal in which you share your thoughts about a particular subject with readers.”

Blogging Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary

WordPress offers a free hosting version, meaning the open-source software itself is free for life, although the hosting package is not. Web hosting involves renting a server to store your content. provides free hosting for your files indefinitely unless you choose to upgrade.

For more information on WordPress, start by writing a blog post on a topic of your choice. Then, create your blog account and log in using a computer or smartphone. Next, transfer your content from a word processor like Microsoft Word to your blogging platform’s editor. Finally, format and edit your post, set categories and keywords, and decide whether to schedule it for later or publish it immediately. More details on creating a blog account will follow later in the post.

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Types of Modern Blogging

Danielle Willatt has outlined 13 blogging categories such as personal brand, lifestyle, corporate, fashion or beauty, finance, sports, travel, tech, parenting, gaming, design, health & fitness. While there are additional types, for our purposes, we’ll focus on these. Essentially, you can blog about anything as long as you’re knowledgeable about the subject. There’s no restriction on blog topics.

The categories Danielle detailed in the aforementioned post are the most prevalent at the time of writing. The post was updated on November 15, 2022, and I composed this article the following day.

I suggest you thoroughly review these categories to determine if any pique your interest. Subsequently, you could launch your own blog and potentially monetize it. As of now, I am earning revenue from this blog post based on various factors.

The Importance of Blogging

Understanding the significance of blogging is indeed crucial, especially since you’re here engaging with this content. If what you wish to share holds value to you, then it’s as significant as one can imagine. I’m confident that the insights I’m imparting here are of great importance to us both, or at least, they are to me.

I hold the belief that my knowledge isn’t universally known, and I’m compelled to share it before my time is up. My aim is to inspire you before I expire. Adopting the mindset of “Aspire to inspire before you expire,” as Eugene Bell Jr. put it, underscores the importance of utilizing blogging technology to achieve your utmost potential. Inspiration is a powerful motivator for me, just as I understand the importance of informing, instructing, and possibly educating others on the subjects I’m knowledgeable about.

Writing and sharing these posts doesn’t imply I possess greater knowledge than the average person; rather, it signifies my eagerness to disseminate what I know to the world, as expressed here and in most of my other writings. For me, the act of writing and sharing is vital. I indulge in it because it brings me joy in both the writing and publishing processes, knowing that it may inspire someone in need.

If my efforts can positively impact even one individual in my lifetime, that’s a triumph! Perhaps that’s the very purpose of my existence. Jesus proclaimed His purpose was to deliver His message (Mark 1:38). Similarly, I believe you have a purpose, which you can discover. Perhaps your reason for reading this is to seek assistance, enabling you to aid others within your sphere of influence. Indeed, there are countless reasons why sharing your thoughts is important.

Who Should Create A Blog?

Now, who am I to share these posts with the world? Well, if not me, then who? There are countless bloggers out there, but my contribution matters, doesn’t it? Perhaps you’ll share your thoughts on it after reading this article. Indeed, it’s up to you to create your own blog system if you believe you’re capable. I’m not here to convince you that you’re a blogger, but I believe my points could prompt you to consider it. This means you may have contemplated writing a blog post but are unsure how to start. Or perhaps you’re concerned about how your readers will react to your post.

Regardless of the situation, I’m here to say that anyone can start a blog, and that includes you. However, there’s no need to force yourself if it doesn’t feel right. In my experience, I’ve encountered many who admire everything and want to try everything, but that approach isn’t always effective. Everything follows a process, including writing and posting an article online. Some write on their computers and post whenever they choose, while others write directly on the blog, scheduling or publishing immediately.

Firstly, you need to be able to write in any language, be it Nuer, Dinka, or another, and then find your preferred method. For me, writing on paper before typing is redundant. Hence, I’ve learned to type directly into the computer. The world is indeed evolving. Years ago, there were no computers or smartphones for typing, but now they are commonplace, and we’re constantly improving both the devices and our skills in using them. Can you see why computer literacy is essential? I have some free computer books available for download.

How Do You Create A Blog?

It’s a process, albeit not a lengthy one. The process is straightforward, provided you enjoy it. That’s why I suggested you begin with some self-assessment. It isn’t too difficult to discern your likes and dislikes, right? For instance, if you’re reading this article, you likely know whether you enjoy writing or not.

Starting a blog or website begins with writing. You need to be a writer first if you want to proceed in an honest and lawful manner. I mention this because technology has made nearly everything possible. You could purchase content or hire someone to write for you, and then publish it as your own. However, the question remains: does it truly belong to you?

Write the content

Creating your content is the initial and crucial step among many others. You have the freedom to select the method that best suits you, whether it’s writing on paper or typing into your word processor. As previously mentioned, what’s most important is finding what works best for you.

Choose a blogging platform

Indeed, there are numerous options available now, with more emerging. However, for beginners in blogging, I would suggest WordPress as the ideal choice. It excels in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and offers a variety of useful features that are essential for bloggers.

Plan your content

Writing is one thing; publishing is another. How frequently do you wish to release your articles? For me, the objective of “An Article Every Monday” has been met consistently since August 2020. In fact, I had scheduled this article for the 16th of January 2022, two months in advance. You too can plan and schedule your blog posts in a similar manner.

There’s no need to publish new posts every hour. It would be impressive if you could, but remember, quality trumps quantity. Moreover, forming a habit is essential. Good and valuable things require time and thoughtful planning.

Publish your content

Finally, publish your content. This involves utilizing your content management system, like WordPress, where you can write, edit, design, format, and ultimately publish your new post.


You’ve been published! But hold on, don’t celebrate just yet. It’s a journey to get there, but fortunately, you’re now familiar with the steps. What I’m providing is a roadmap, not the specific steps for content creation. There’s an abundance of online resources on how to write nearly anything; I suggest delving into those detailed posts.

This roadmap is essential to start with before you dive into the finer details, like roads, streets, homes, and addresses. Similarly, you need this guidance to navigate the process. As for writing, I believe no article can teach us as much as the act itself. The best way to learn to write is by writing. We learn by doing, by getting our hands dirty. This is the advice I received and what I’ve discovered through years of experience. You can learn to write by simply opening your laptop, firing up your word processor, and embarking on the journey, right here, right now!

And yes, this isn’t directly about creating a blog. But remember, a blog is nothing without these steps. A blog is merely a platform, a space to share your creations with the world. Hence, as it’s often said, content reigns supreme.

Blog Creation Steps

  1. Make sure you have an active email address.
  2. Visit and sign up for an account.
  3. Log in to your WordPress account using your email address/username and password.
  4. Confirm your blog account by clicking on a link sent to you.
  5. Start designing your blog by choosing a theme and then customize it.
  6. Delete the default pages and posts.
  7. Create and publish a new post.

Read this article about creating a post or page in WordPress.


To summarize, this article has provided a wealth of knowledge about blogging. Now, the question is: are you a blogger, or do you aspire to be one? Your determination is the key to getting started. Begin by writing an article in your own style. Whether on paper or on a computer, the medium doesn’t matter. You could even draft your article directly on a blogging platform. The important thing is to learn content creation and share it with your audience. If writing excites you, dive in! If not, continue reading. Avid readers are essential; we writers value you immensely, even if we are the sole readers of our work.

Further Readings

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