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Learning Types: What They Are and Their Importance for You

Learning Types

Revisiting the Importance of Learning Types

This article explores the concept of learning, the different types of learning, the interplay between learning and personality, the significance of learning, and its impact on personal and professional development. As you peruse this article, you may be acquiring new knowledge or revisiting familiar concepts. But what does learning truly entail? Delve into the article for deeper understanding.

What Is Learning Types?

In our context, learning types involve a process where we gather both useful and useless knowledge, then filter out and retain what we need while discarding what we don’t. Learning occurs in various ways, which we will explore shortly. However, it’s important to remember that learning is, fundamentally, a process.

“Learning styles are the way by which students prefer to learn. One’s desired learning style is a factor of cognitive ability, emotions, and environmental factors.”


Learning new tips and tricks is a process that requires time and effort. The saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” may hold some truth, as people often learn more effectively when they are younger. Therefore, it’s advantageous to absorb as much knowledge as possible during one’s youth.

Nonetheless, it ultimately depends on one’s personality, a topic we will explore further in this article. This suggests that some older individuals can learn new things better and quicker than younger ones. Personality plays a crucial role in the speed of learning, regardless of age.

Because you are reading f*cken article, you are literally learning something. But the word, f*ck for me is more than abusive. However, it looks milder when spelled out that way than when written in full. Now, is that something new? Maybe you’re wondering why I am saying this, and that’s perfectly okay with me to know what you are thinking.

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Types of Learning

Just as there are various forms of knowledge, there are also numerous learning methods. However, there are two primary types: discovery and revelation. This article may not provide exhaustive details about these types of learning, but it aims to scratch the surface.

Learning through discovery happens when we are told how something is done, or when we figure out how to do it ourselves without help. These are considered discoveries because the knowledge existed before we became aware of it. Someone, somewhere, already had this knowledge, but it was new to us. The majority of human knowledge, about 90%, is discovery-based or scientific.

On the other hand, revelation knowledge, irrespective of religious or secular views, is the catalyst for many of the extraordinary human discoveries known today. It is tied to imagination. Similarly, we learn through revelation, which is not necessarily linked to religion or spirituality, even though life has a fundamentally spiritual essence.

As of this writing, scientific knowledge has debunked many unfounded human beliefs about ourselves and our world. Yet, religion persists, likely because our human knowledge is finite. Religion serves to interpret the myths of life.

For instance, in 2000 A.D., I dreamt a viper would bite me, and the subsequent events unfolded just as in the dream. That was not merely a dream, but a vision—a form of revelation. Now, let’s consider learning in relation to personality types.

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Learning Types and Personality Types

Learning is intertwined with personality types, as we all have our distinct ways of absorbing information. Some individuals grasp concepts better through audio messages rather than silent videos. Others prefer visual learning through videos, while some find reading text, like this blog article, most effective.

Additionally, there are those who learn optimally by engaging in hands-on activities. It’s akin to a learning spectrum: we each blend different methods in a way that’s unique to us. Even when accessing the same content, our learning processes differ.

Similarly, we don’t draw identical conclusions from a lesson because we are distinct not just in body, but in mind and spirit as well. If our behaviors and traits were solely shaped by our environment, we would be mere clones of one another.

Thankfully, we are far from being clones; even our offspring are not exact replicas. Despite any resemblance, my children are their own persons, distinct from me in every aspect.

The Importance of Learning Types

Is there ever a reason to question the importance of learning? Indeed, we have every reason to ponder and pose reasonable queries at any moment. What, then, is the significance of learning to you before I reveal my perspective? I relish posing questions to myself and answering them before exploring the opinions of others.

Without learning, knowledge is absent, and without knowledge, wisdom cannot exist; devoid of wisdom, life turns monotonous and meaningless. But what type of knowledge are we discussing? I refer to actionable knowledge, which prioritizes practical application over mere theoretical understanding.

Learning invariably demands focus, whether it’s through careful listening or observation. For instance, you must observe your football coach attentively as they demonstrate how to catch a ball mid-air. This is merely a hypothetical scenario, as I neither play nor watch football.

Regardless of the type of knowledge, learning is the initial step. We must learn to operate machinery before mastering it, to play the guitar, to type on a typewriter or computer, to drive a school bus, or to pilot a Boeing 737 aircraft. In all endeavors, learning precedes doing. We are perpetual learners, students of life itself. That is the essence of learning, dear reader.

Your Personal Development

Personal development is indeed intertwined with learning. We’re not just discussing the unique ways we learn due to our individual personalities. The focus is on utilizing learning as an ideal tool for personal growth. Now, that makes sense, doesn’t it?

I may not have a universal solution, but I can offer a method. I consider myself unique, with a specific destiny in life. This destiny, encompassing my goals, vision, and purpose, molds my mindset. My firm belief in living peacefully and guiding others towards peace keeps me focused and free from distractions.

Identify your mindset. It will guide you in choosing your friends, your information sources, and ultimately, your mentors or advisors. We all need these elements individually, right? A clear mindset provides direction in life. For instance, if you’re determined to go to America, you’ll stay on course regardless of the path you take.

Your Professional Development

Your professional life is intertwined with the learning process—what you learn and how you learn it. For instance, if you aspire to be a writer, mastering the craft is essential. It’s a journey filled with pain, trials, and errors before achieving perfection.

Even in published books, whether traditionally or self-published, I still encounter errors. The mode of publication is irrelevant; the human element in publishing is what truly matters. Yet, this doesn’t justify deliberately making mistakes in writing.

Remember, your professional life is as significant as your personal life. It represents one facet of the larger entity that is you, encompassing both personal and professional spheres. This is where tools like Personal Development and Professional Development become invaluable, offering insights for an improved life.

Success, to me, is engaging in what you love with ease and enjoyment, rather than succumbing to pressure. If you relish the process, you’ve already attained success. Success transcends financial gains, material possessions, cars, houses, land, and aircraft. These are merely the rewards of success, not its definition.


Ah, we’ve made significant progress in our learning journey. Now, I’d like to inquire: what have you gleaned? Merely stating ‘a lot’ is insufficient, isn’t it? I’m curious about your thoughts on the article below. But first, let’s take a step back. I have articulated my definition of learning. We’ve explored various types of learning and how they relate to personality types.

We’ve also examined the significance of acquiring knowledge, particularly practical or applicable knowledge. Ultimately, we’ve acknowledged how knowledge and learning can profoundly benefit our personal and professional lives. Indeed, learning is a natural process, isn’t it? Our learning begins in the womb and continues every day.

Yes, your learning journey began in the womb, which is quite remarkable, isn’t it? You were exposed to voices even then. And as you read this article, your learning continues. That’s wonderful. Continue to learn. More importantly, apply what you’ve learned. After all, that’s the essence of learning. Implement it! Practice it and integrate it into your being.

Further Readings

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