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Book Design: What It Is and Its Importance

Book Design

Learning How to Design Your Own Books

6th March 2023

This article delves into the realm of book design, exploring its various types and formatting, the role of indie authors within it, its connection to personality types, and its significance in today’s book industry. If you’re curious about the essence of book design, consider this article your comprehensive guide. Let’s begin!

What Is Book Design?

Book design, as I understand it, encompasses both interior and cover design. Once you have professionally edited your book or manuscript yourself (or hired someone to do so), the next step is to design it from the inside out. Interior book design, also known as book layout, involves formatting. This process includes choosing font faces, font sizes, text alignment, and text formatting, all of which collaborate to define the book’s final appearance.

Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, formatdesign, and sequence of the various components and elements of a book into a coherent unit. In the words of renowned typographer Jan Tschichold (1902–1974), book design, “though largely forgotten today, [relies upon] methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, [and which] have been developed over centuries. To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied”.[1] Richard Hendel describes book design as “an arcane subject”, and refers to the need for a context to understand what that means.[2]

Book design. (2023, February 27). In Wikipedia.

For me, the design of a book unfolds as I write. It’s integral to my planning and editing process. From the moment of conception, I have a vision for the book’s appearance, including its size, fonts, formatting, and more.

The cover design is also part of this creative process, envisioned from the beginning. A book is a product; it needs an identity. The genre plays a role in shaping the look of both the interior and the cover. Yet, despite these considerations, the book must retain a unique character.

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Book Design Types

Indeed, the genre greatly influences a book’s internal and external appearance, guiding the selection of design types. Consider poetry: its design must reflect its essence. Design types encompass layout, themes, colors, and other critical elements. Each genre or type of writing is associated with specific colors and themes that complement nonfiction or fiction works.

Moreover, within the broad categories of fiction and nonfiction, each genre carries its own design expectations, which contribute to the distinctiveness of design types. These elements ensure that books are differentiated by genre and individuality. A poetry book, for instance, must stand out with its unique design, just as each human is uniquely individual.

Book Interior Design

Interior design in books encompasses elements such as font types, sizes, text alignment, colors, and paragraph styles, all tailored to the book’s genre. These elements are interconnected; for instance, the genre of a book influences its interior design because text alignment varies significantly across genres. Text may be aligned left, right, center, or justified, each of which is crucial.

Take poetry as an example: most poems are centered on the page, signaling to the reader that the lines should be read with a specific intonation. This is similar to the prophetic oracles in the Bible, where the formatting of these messages stands out from that of standard narratives.

Not every Bible version adheres to this rule, though. The New International Version is notable for its consistent application of these interior design and formatting principles, which likely contributes to its popularity among contemporary readers. Further details on Essential Book Interior Design Elements can be found in the referenced article.

Book Cover Design

People often judge a book by its cover. Despite our efforts to resist, there will always be someone assessing a book by its external appearance. This holds true for any product, and books are no exception; they are frequently judged by their covers. Only God judges from the inside out.

For this reason, a book cover acts as a sales agent. The genre of the book is also crucial. Book lovers will share their thoughts on cover designs if you ask them. I mention this because books were unfamiliar tools to our ancestors in Africa. It may also reflect my personal beliefs. I tend not to concern myself with the external appearance of a book. After all, a cover is just that—a cover. It conceals the true essence, the content, which is akin to our skin; there’s much more beneath it. Therefore, I prefer to open the book to determine its value.

However, this is not the perspective of most readers; in fact, the opposite is often true. This is why many do not enjoy reading PDF or Kindle books; they lack the tactile experience of printed materials. People have their own unique ways of experiencing things. For those of us who look beyond face value, the appearance or feel of a book is not a concern. What matters is the content written within.

To succeed in the book market, one must adapt. As I write, I am considering reverting to an old cover because sales have plummeted since its replacement. There were no page reading reports in the subsequent months, indicating that the original cover was more appealing. Conversely, my Self-Help Series covers were completely redesigned, attracting many new readers. This underscores the importance of a professional book cover designer. If you cannot afford one, it’s crucial to learn what makes a cover stand out, as I am doing. Designing an effective cover is not a simple task.

Book Formatting

Book formatting is an integral part of a book’s interior design and varies according to the genre. Choices regarding font, alignment, and other formatting aspects are crucial and should align with the genre’s conventions. Does this restrict you from choosing a design that appeals to you personally?

If your preferred design and formatting do not align with the genre’s traditional design, it’s safer not to deviate. But how does one learn about these traditional designs? That’s the purpose of this article and possibly others you’ll read. You’re seeking knowledge about book formatting, aiming to excel at it so your book’s sales can support you financially.

I approach book interior formatting by setting it up as I write, determining book trim sizes, font types, and sizes, among other elements, before starting the writing process. This applies to both nonfiction and literary nonfiction genres that I write in. It’s beneficial to learn more about book formatting to ensure the best presentation for your book.

Book Design and You

When it comes to book design artwork, the decision to undertake it yourself or to outsource it is entirely yours. You possess the freedom to choose, as it is your book and your product. Your beliefs play a crucial role in any project you undertake.

If you lack confidence in your ability to design the best book cover, there’s no need to force it. Forcing anything can be detrimental. It’s important to recognize that many authors are unsure about how they want their books to look, both the cover and the interior.

You’re not alone in this predicament. There’s no need to be hard on yourself if you’re not a designer. Yet, some believe firmly that if it can be done by someone else, they can do it too. I hold that there is no perfect book designer, just as there is no perfect book writer.

Book Design and Personality Types

Personality type plays a role even in book design. Knowledge of book design, both interior and exterior, is essential, but ultimately, decisions reflect who we are. This implies that some individuals will endeavor to design their books thoroughly. I count myself among them. It boils down to personality type. It’s less about knowledge and more about our natural inclinations.

We don’t just become; we exist as we are. Yet, personality exists on a spectrum, like all things. No one is entirely introverted or extroverted, completely empathetic, or wholly psychopathic. It varies with the context. Even those of us who are innately reserved will speak up when necessary. Nonetheless, personality type is pivotal in deciding whether to design your book yourself or delegate it to another.

As is well-known, hiring a professional cover designer is beneficial. However, there’s a risk of being exploited, particularly when outsourcing online, as some exploit technology to deceive those in urgent need.

The Importance of Book Design

Book design’s importance cannot be overstated, a topic we’ve revisited multiple times in this article. Yet, delving deeper reveals its critical role. Since the cover is often the first impression, professional attention to it is crucial. Just as others invest in their presentation, so should we for our book covers—it’s a business necessity. After all, the common belief is that appearance reflects content, but is that always true?

Similarly, the book’s interior holds equal weight to its cover. As you read this, the significance of font choices and sizes is apparent, even in digital formats. Effective interior design enhances the reading experience, while lengthy, irrelevant paragraphs deter dedicated readers. Proper interior design is paramount; if beyond personal skill, one should either seek a professional or learn the craft.


This article has provided a comprehensive overview of book design, covering both the interior and exterior. Did any of the content present new information to you? Were you aware that designing your own book covers was possible prior to reading this? I would appreciate your general thoughts on the article. Your feedback is invaluable as it informs me of the effectiveness of my attempt to assist you and other readers. It also gauges the usefulness of writing such articles.

Before you share your feedback, take a moment to reflect on the content or quickly review it again. This will help refresh your memory and bring to mind any details you may have forgotten. If you choose not to share your thoughts, I thank you for your time spent reading. Feel free to pass the article along to family and friends who are, or aspire to be, writers and authors. Encourage them to further share it within their circles. Let’s spread the knowledge!

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1 thought on “Book Design: What It Is and Its Importance

  1. […] you have written, edited, and designed your manuscript to the best it could be, it’s time to share it with the world of readers in […]

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