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Author Platform: The Must-Have Tools

Author Platform

Exploring Your Author Platform and Branding Options

This article delves into the concept of an author platform, detailing its different forms and its importance for you as an independent author. Even if you have not yet written or published a book, acquiring this knowledge is crucial because it holds potential power. Please share this with anyone who might find it useful. Let’s begin!

What Is Author Platform?

An author platform showcases the author and their works, whether it’s online, offline, or both. For instance, a website is merely one component of an author platform. Tools for email lists, like MailerLite or MailChimp, also form part of this ecosystem. Likewise, social media networks are included.

“Author platform is a combination of who you are, what you do, and who you know.”

The Ultimate Guide to Building A Solid Author Platform — Alliance of Independent Authors (

This tool is something authors should utilize before it’s no longer available. Regardless of whether you are traditionally or self-published, a platform is essential. It’s your business branding and must represent you or your author. This holds true whether you’re reading this as an author or a publisher.

If you assist authors in achieving success, you need a system. Similarly, as an indie author, a platform is necessary. It could be a digital or physical platform, like a billboard or a website. If it fulfills your needs, then it’s the perfect platform for you.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

Types of Author Platforms

The introduction indicates that an author’s platform can encompass various types and options. For instance, serves as an excellent representation of my platform, which remains active even when I am engaged in writing or resting.

Social media presence constitutes another type of platform. Among all social media, I predominantly use Facebook, which has grown significantly in importance. It encompasses a network of platforms including WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook, and Instagram, collectively known as Meta Technologies.

While numerous platforms exist, a website stands out as the premier choice for authors due to its versatility, allowing for the inclusion of features like blogging. This article contributes to my platform by raising awareness about me and my publications, serving as a continual marketing tool. It’s advisable to consider incorporating this into your menu.

Many authors began their journey as bloggers. Blogging provides an opportunity to express your passions, document your writing journey, or even delve into the reasons behind prolonged contemplation on a writing project without initiating it. Procrastination, often seen as an impediment, can also be a gateway to ensuring quality.

Author Platform and You

What are your thoughts on author platforms? What’s your stance? Do you have one? If so, what does it entail? If not, would this article inspire you to create one? Consider if you’ve encountered such discussions on author platforms before. These questions are meant for self-reflection. You don’t have to answer them for me, unless you choose to share in the comments. Instead, answer them for yourself, in your heart and soul, because your beliefs are significant. Your essence is the sum of your thoughts; nothing less, nothing more.

For instance, if you firmly believe a platform is unnecessary, then it’s unlikely anyone could persuade you otherwise. Similar to self-publishing, many authors feel overwhelmed by managing their media. Yet, I want to remind you that writing is a business and should be viewed as such.

Am I trying to command you? Certainly not. My goal is simply to awaken the desire for independence within you. Independence means owning your space, not just renting. It’s about purchasing land and building upon it. Your website may feel like a lease, but it’s still your own space.

The Importance of Author Platform

If this were a question, the answer would resoundingly be YES! Having a chosen platform is crucial—it cannot be overstated. You need one, and it’s affordable. You can even begin with a free one if you lack capital. I began with a free blog, which remains free to this day, even though I no longer update it. So, do you need a website? A blog? What if you don’t have either? Would you lack a platform of your own? The answer to this hinges on your approach to establishing yourself as an independent author.

While a freelance writer might not require a blog or website immediately, an author should possess a platform of her choosing. This implies that a website or blog is just one component of a larger ecosystem. Some authors may not have websites but still control their platforms. Beyond websites, there are tools designed specifically for authors. For instance, the Amazon Kindle site is one such tool. You can utilize their Author Central feature, which acts as your website if you publish your books through the KDP platform. However, this alone may not suffice for your audience.

Services like MailerLite necessitate owning a custom domain website, which must be technically verified before you can dispatch email campaigns to your audience. This requirement may seem daunting, as not every writer or author is technologically adept. However, don’t let this deter you; much depends on your personality type. Indeed, it’s a tough truth that managing this aspect of the business requires a particular mindset, one that is not easily altered.

Should you doubt your ability to handle it independently, consider hiring someone to oversee your channels. This approach is about being true to yourself, to me, and to the world around you. Honesty yields rewards. Yet, if you feel capable, take the initiative and give it a try. Owning a platform for your work is crucial, whether you are a traditionally published or self-published author. All authors require a medium to showcase themselves and their work to prospective customers.


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Thank you for dedicating your time to read my article. We explored the concept of an author platform, its various types, its personal relevance, and the crucial importance of having one as an author. Whether traditionally published or self-published, having your own platform is essential. Now is the time to create or enhance your platform. Take action today.

Hashtags: #digitalmarketing #lifecoaching #selfpublishing #technology

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