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Alison Online Free Courses: The Best Distance Learning Website

Learning How to Learn Online: Get Alison Online Free Courses Today!

This article explores Alison Online Free Courses, detailing the variety of courses available, their significance, and the process for registering an account with It also guides on how to study online, order certificates and diplomas upon completion, and discusses personality types in the context of online learning. If you’re seeking virtual study opportunities, this article is an invaluable resource. Embrace it to enhance your learning journey. Let’s begin!

What Are Alison Online Free Courses?

Alison refers to the website, a platform offering a variety of courses from publishers and educators worldwide. The company is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. I have been and continue to be a student there. The courses are free, but obtaining an accredited certificate or diploma requires payment upon successful completion.

“Alison is a free online education platform that mostly focuses on job-applicable skills. It was founded in Galway, Ireland by Irish social entrepreneur Mike Feerick on 21 April 2007. At the moment, Alison offers over 2500 free online courses…”


The cost varies based on several factors, including the format and shipping expenses. For instance, a PDF certificate will cost less than a printed one due to the additional printing and shipping charges associated with the physical version. A digital certificate, however, can be simply downloaded and printed at home.

You may also consider ordering a T-shirt to commemorate your graduation from Alison. I remember doing so in 2018 and proudly sharing it on social media. It was a moment of pride to display my diplomas and certificates while donning a branded T-shirt. My journey with began in 2016, but it wasn’t until 2018 that I could order my certification. While the knowledge gained is free, official accreditation has its price. Such is the nature of our world.

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Course Types on Alison offers a diverse array of course types, with new additions being made to the course list periodically. The most effective way to discover the latest courses is by visiting the website directly. The platform includes ICT courses, language learning, self-help, and personal and professional development courses, among others.

Courses cover various subjects such as human resources, financial management, engineering, procurement, and sales management. To find classes on the website, you can perform a web search while on the site. Additionally, you can utilize the search feature to explore courses and categories, or scroll to the bottom of the page for more information.

Course updates are frequent, which may result in title changes, but the necessary courses remain accessible. New systems and course categories might be introduced even as this article is being written. A brief exploration of the site should provide you with what you need.

Furthermore, these courses are accredited by reputable universities and colleges worldwide, ensuring a level of trustworthiness. The classes are crafted and offered by esteemed professional educators, representing the highest standards in their respective fields.

The Importance of Alison Online Free Courses

As previously stated, these courses are vital for both your knowledge expansion and their accredited status. The learning itself is valuable, even without certification. For instance, if your goal is to improve your English article writing, you could enroll in an English literature course offered there.

Your goals and planning determine your path. What do you aim to accomplish with the knowledge acquired from this website? Answering this question is your first step. The courses I have completed and those I am pursuing are in line with my career objectives.

I advise you to adopt a similar approach. Do not engage in any study, online or offline, simply because someone like me suggested it. It’s not beneficial for you; it indicates that you haven’t yet identified your personality type. More on this will be discussed later in the article.

How to Register with Alison

Ready to upskill and earn valuable certifications for free? Alison offers a vast library of online courses on nearly any topic you can imagine. To get started, head over to their website – registration is completely free!

There’s an added bonus for using my referral link: you might even score a 20% discount on any certificates or diplomas you decide to pursue. Plus, if you complete a course and purchase certification, I might receive a small commission to help keep this platform going. It’s a win-win!

Now, creating your Alison account is a breeze. You can use your existing email address, just like you would when setting up a Facebook or any other online account. Most webmail services like Gmail or Yahoo! work perfectly. The key is to have a working email address you can access from any device.

Once you’ve entered your email and chosen a strong password, Alison might send a confirmation link to your inbox. Click on that link to verify your email and unlock your full access. Now you can log in and complete your profile setup. Here’s a heads-up: they’ll ask for your full legal name, just like it appears on your ID. That’s because your name will be printed on any certificates you earn – a badge of honor for your accomplishments!

It’s essential to use your own photo for your profile as it will also be displayed on your academic transcripts. The photo should be professional yet genuine. You can view my example by following the provided link. In addition to your photo, you must include a concise but comprehensive biography. Other required details are your country, physical address, and more. It’s crucial to enter all this information accurately. However, the most critical elements are your profile picture, your full legal name correctly spelled and ordered, and a brief biography.

After securing your email address, as previously described, you can sign up for free using the provided link (affiliate link included). Next, you need to log into your Alison account or verify it. Once this is done, you’re all set to begin your studies! For instructions on how to log into, continue reading.

How to Study with Alison

The crux of this article lies here. It’s crucial to understand the approach to online learning. As highlighted in the penultimate section, your personality type significantly influences your online learning experience. Nevertheless, the system incorporates all four recognized learning styles: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic. This ensures that whether you prefer to learn by watching, listening, reading, or hands-on practice, online learning platforms can cater to your needs. However, a basic proficiency in using computers or smartphones is essential.

This is because inadequate computer skills can greatly hinder your learning process. You don’t need to be an expert, but familiarity with the keyboard, mouse, and other computer components is necessary to ensure a seamless and enjoyable learning experience. This point is stressed because many people are averse to using technology. Yet, mastering these modern skills is indispensable for studying online. Competence is now a prerequisite for all. It’s imperative to be self-motivated to learn, as this is more about personal initiative than instructional guidance, since no teacher can guide you through every detail.

With that in mind, let’s explore how to study online. This guide will assist you in learning online, including the use of various online platforms. Nowadays, there are numerous online resources where you can learn almost anything for free. Firstly, you’ll need a computer and a reliable internet connection. I suggest using a strong WiFi connection over mobile data plans, as most courses feature texts, images, and videos that demand a stable and strong internet connection.

Secondly, a conducive study environment is crucial. A quiet, solitary space with minimal noise and interruptions is ideal for most learners. Your phone is not necessary, as it’s best to avoid distractions from calls and social media notifications, right? Thirdly, establish a daily study schedule. Treat it as actual class time, even if you’re studying from your bedroom. Being your own teacher and timekeeper, you must honor your study schedule. Success requires self-discipline to take breaks and manage study sessions. Lastly, mental preparation for study is key. While this point appears last, its significance is not diminished. The order of these points is flexible, and you can prioritize them as you see fit. Preparation is vital, even if it’s just mentally gearing up for your studies.

How to Order Certificates on Alison

Understanding how to access Alison Online Free Courses is one thing; paying for them after completion is another. Payment is required for either a digital or printed certificate or diploma. Here’s how to manage this: Firstly, if you’re in South Sudan, particularly in Juba, open a bank account with Equity Bank. While other banks are an option, I’ve found Equity Bank reliable for this purpose.

Secondly, ensure the account is a USD dollar account. Explain to the branch manager that you need the account for USD transactions. You’ll also need a Visa card linked to this account, which should be enabled for e-Commerce transactions. Thirdly, update your Alison account payment methods to include the Visa card details: card number, name, expiration date, and security code. Once set up, you’re ready to purchase your certificates, diplomas, and even T-shirts.

Ensure you have sufficient funds in your account. Upon completing a course, a link will prompt you to obtain a certification. Click this link to place your order and select the credit/Visa card payment method. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen, and a confirmation message will appear shortly. Your bank will notify you of the transaction. If you opt for a digital version, you can download your diploma or certificate in PDF format. This document will also be sent to the email address you have on file, from where you can download and print it.

Congratulations! You are now an graduate. With Alison’s Online Free Courses, the possibilities are expanded. You can download the academic transcript for your certificate or diploma and share your academic accomplishments on your LinkedIn profile, if available. The transcript includes a link to verify the authenticity of your certification.

Alison Online Free Courses and Personality Types

Your personality type is significant in this context. If you’re inclined towards self-directed learning, you’ll likely enjoy distance education. Conversely, if you prefer more traditional, interactive settings, online learning might not appeal to you. Consider whether you prefer solitary study or need hands-on guidance. Do you absorb information better through reading or listening? Or do you learn more effectively by observing or engaging in an activity?

These considerations are vital because they reflect your learning style. Everyone has a unique approach to learning, shaped by their distinct personality. While many prefer the structure of a physical classroom, not merely for tradition but for the sense of presence it offers, others find no difference between online and in-person instruction. For them, reading a book digitally or in print doesn’t change the essence of the words. The advancement of technology has even blurred the lines between digital and physical media.

To understand your learning preferences, introspection is key. Courses on self-discovery and personal development can be instrumental in pinpointing your unique learning style, which is a part of your identity. While others may define you by your possessions or actions, your learning preferences are a reflection of your inner self.

Alison Online Free Courses and You

Are you now persuaded that is an excellent place for your studies? If not, consider revisiting the entire article for a better grasp. If it still doesn’t appeal to you, there’s no need to push yourself. Liking the concept but not the method of online distance learning indicates it may not be the right fit for you. However, if the idea resonates with you, feel free to register at no cost here (affiliate link inserted) and give it a go; disappointment is unlikely.

I recommend sparing a moment to peruse my account of the experience on their blog after completing several courses. There, you’ll also discover accounts and critiques from their alumni and past students. Reading these could provide the motivation you need to start learning your preferred courses today. Yet, if the prospect of solo online learning remains daunting, don’t compel yourself. It simply might not suit you, and vice versa. Seek alternative methods to enhance your knowledge.


This article may be lengthy, yet it boils down to eight key points to remember. For instance, consider the following questions: What are Alison’s courses? What variety of courses does Alison offer? Are these courses essential? How does one register for a course? What is the process for studying a course? How does one purchase certification upon successful completion? What does your personality type indicate? What are your opinions on Alison’s courses?

These eight queries are crucial for your personal reflection. I eagerly await your thoughts on this article, which you can share in several ways. Feel free to initiate a chat or leave a comment below for me and other readers to enjoy. Even Google bots will take notice!

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