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Creative Nonfiction Series: What It Is and Its Importance for You

Creative Nonfiction Series

Learn How to Buy from the Creative Nonfiction Series Today!

This article explores the concept of creative fiction series, their significance, and ways to obtain these books. It will also examine the relationship between these series and different personality types, as well as their relevance to you personally. If you are captivated by true stories told with a literary touch, then these books may intrigue you. Let’s begin without delay!

What Is Creative Nonfiction Series By John Monyjok Maluth?

The Creative Nonfiction Series comprises books crafted in a factual nonfiction style. These works, akin to novels, employ literary techniques like dialogue to narrate authentic stories. They blend the author’s personal experiences with contemplations on life, weaving autobiographical elements into the narrative in diverse manners.

Category: Self-Publishing

If you want to read John’s views on religiosity and spirituality, read his novel Beyond Religion. If you want to read about his life stories in a literary nonfiction format, read Life Cure. His thoughts about his country are presented in his book, The Bleeding Scars. His experiences as a refugee and as a foreigner in the neighbouring countries are narrated in his anthology of short stories in his book, Beegu City. The only difference between these books and others is the writing format.

In the Creative Nonfiction Series, John spoke his mind through other characters, not in the first person voice as he uses in his pure nonfiction books, such as his Autobiography Series.

This series came after the Autobiography Series mentioned above. John started writing exercise books back in 2002 when he was 19 years of age. He then started publishing his own books in March 2012, a decade later, and you can read more about his indie author journey in his book, Self-Publishing Experience and Tips for New Indie Authors.

Currently, the author has already published 10 series, which is a testament to their hard work and dedication. The author believes that the more they write, the more they want to write, which is a clear indication that writing, particularly nonfiction, is their true passion and talent. This is incredibly inspiring and demonstrates the author’s commitment to their craft. He has written and published 60 titles already.

How Important Is The Series For Me?

If you love immersing yourself in the lives of real people through the captivating lens of literary nonfiction, then you simply must check out these phenomenal books. These works of written art are crafted with the same care and attention to detail as fiction but with one key difference – they are based on true stories and real-life events. So prepare to be transported to another time and place, where you will experience the triumphs and trials of characters who are not mere figments of the author’s imagination but actual human beings who have lived and breathed. Whether you’re a seasoned nonfiction reader or a curious newcomer to the genre, these books are sure to captivate and inspire you.

When it comes to reading, there are many different genres to choose from. From fiction to biographies and autobiographies, there is something for everyone. The characters in these books might either be real or fictional, but either way, they can be incredibly captivating and entertaining. Whether you’re looking for a thrilling adventure, a heartwarming romance, or a thought-provoking memoir, there’s a book out there that will meet your needs. And the best part is that you don’t have to limit yourself to just one genre! You can explore them all and discover new authors and stories that will keep you engaged and entertained for hours on end. So why not pick up a book today and start exploring all that the world of literature has to offer?

I completely understand your perspective on the value of reading books written in the third-person format. It can be incredibly eye-opening to see the world through the lens of a fictional character and gain a new perspective on the world around us. Additionally, reading stories that are based on real-life events can give us a deeper understanding of our own experiences and the experiences of others. I’m glad that you find these books so meaningful, and I hope that you continue to explore new reading material that challenges and inspires you.

For example, Life Cure is the true life story of the author, and it has a connection with the history of Sudan as a country.

In the same way, reading Beyond Religion reminds me of the main differences between religiosity and spirituality. Humans are fascinating creatures with an innate ability to think, speak, and act in ways that are uniquely human. Whether they are religious or secular, their fundamental nature remains the same. They are driven by their passions, their desires, and their beliefs, and they are capable of creating incredible works of art, literature, and science that have the power to inspire and move us. Religion is just one way in which humans express their humanity, and it can provide a sense of purpose and meaning to their lives. Ultimately, no matter what path they choose to follow, humans are united by their common humanity and their ability to create, innovate, and explore the world around them.

Reading Beegu City reminds me of how foreigners are perceived and treated in other countries, even if they are from the neighbouring countries. It’s unfortunate and inhumane how people can mistreat each other. The book also provides insight into the mistreatment that occurred amongst South Sudanese when they began thinking about establishing their own country in the 1960s.

Reading his book, The Bleeding Scars, reminds you about how South Sudanese still think, speak, and do things to each other even in 2019 and beyond, long after their independence from Sudan. The scars were still bleeding. How long would it last? The book contains real-life stories from South Sudan’s past, present, and future.

These books in this series are incredibly significant because they challenge the reader to think, speak, and act in ways that transcend the limitations of human experience. The author has a unique ability to share his mind with his readers through the power of his writing. Personally, I believe these books are extremely valuable. What are your thoughts on the matter?

How Can I Find and Buy the Creative Nonfiction Series?

In order to acquire these books, it is important to understand the process of online shopping as it is currently the only recommended method for purchasing them. However, there may be alternative methods available.

It really depends on your personal preferences and situation. For instance, if you’re someone who enjoys the feel of a physical book, then a hardcover or paperback may be your best bet. On the other hand, if you prefer the convenience of an e-reader, then the Kindle version may be the way to go. Additionally, if you’re someone who is on a tight budget or just loves getting things for free, then you may want to check out the author’s website or Smashwords for PDF versions of the books. Ultimately, the choice is yours, and it’s important to weigh all your options before making a decision.

One alternative to purchasing these books through the previously mentioned online shopping method is to opt for local printing. The author has expressed intentions to print and bind the books in Juba, though it should be noted that this is still in the planning stages as of this writing. If you express interest in a particular book, the author can then print and ship it to you on demand. You will be responsible for paying the sales price after all production costs have been factored in.

If you reside in Juba, the author may provide complimentary delivery of the books to your doorstep. However, if you reside in other cities within South Sudan, you may be required to cover the shipping expenses, which may include air, road, or water transportation. It’s important to note that these are all anticipated plans and are subject to change. With proper planning, anything is achievable.

Creative Nonfiction Series and Personality Types

Our personality type is determined by both nature and nurture. While some may argue that nature plays a greater role, the correlation between personality type and book preferences cannot be ignored. Our unique personality traits can greatly influence the types of books we enjoy and dislike.

There are individuals who do not find pleasure in reading books of a fictional nature, just as there are those who do not enjoy reading books of a nonfictional nature. This may be due to their personality type or personal beliefs. Beliefs hold significant influence over our actions and can either motivate or dissuade us from pursuing certain activities.

In the same way, many people, because of their beliefs, don’t want to receive their COVID-19 japs, while others desire to get theirs as soon as possible. It all depends on one’s beliefs and knowledge. In this very same way, other people may love reading books in the creative nonfiction series by John Monyjok Maluth, and others may not.

Even in nonfiction, there are so many different categories and genres. There are those who enjoy reading self-help books such as motivational and inspirational books. But there are those who love reading biographies and autobiographies. In the same way, there are those who love reading science fiction and those who read horror fiction.

In short, personality type matters when it comes to choosing what to read. This is not yet your choice yet. Rather, it’s about the general readership ideas in relation to personality types. You can also be a part of this. But we will turn to you in the section below for more information.

This is because your own decision can be different from that of the general public, especially if you live and think from the modern world’s perspective. In Africa, it was difficult to think independently from the family, clan, and tribe, but it’s possible now.

Click here to sign up for my free book on Self-Discovery so that you learn more about your personality type and how this relates to the choice of what to read. I believe you don’t become because you are already who you are. Therefore, you can only discover and then improve both your true self and career. Wishing to become someone else is merely wishful thinking.

Creative Nonfiction Series and You

Now, what is your take on the creative series after reading about it above? Do you think it matches what you enjoy reading? Does it relate to your personality type or not? All these are questions meant for self-reflection and self-evaluation. You can answer them to your heart, alone, or you can share your responses in the comments below.

Again, these books are more than creative nonfiction or literary nonfiction as it is also called. They are individual books with their own themes within the umbrella of creative nonfiction series. You can read more about them above for a reminder about what these books are about. In short, the books are about the author and his worldview.

You have a final say on the series, especially after reading more about it in this article. The author is also writing six (6) more books for this series. This means in the coming future, you are going to find other new titles added to it. If you like the series, or if you want to explore more about it, click here now.

Your decision is paramount. Life is about making decisions whether good, bad, or neutral. These are still decisions, anyway. We decide every day. Someone said that even deciding not to decide is a decision in itself. So decide now and pick all four books or one of them by clicking here now.


In summary, we have read more about what creative nonfiction series is and whether these books can be important for you or not, where and to buy these books, personality and reading these books, and finally, your personal view on these books. What have you learned in this article that you didn’t know before? What did you know before reading an article? I would love to hear from you.

This will help me write better articles in the future because your feedback means a lot to me and to my other readers. We learn from each other as iron sharpens iron. In this case, I would be happy if you can take a minute to write your thoughts about this article in the comments below.

Finally, thank you very much for taking the time to read this article. I hope you have read it from the beginning to here. You know better. I pray and hope that this article was helpful to you. Please take a minute also to read what other writers are saying about the same article below. Shalom!

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