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Peace on Earth: Why Do We Care About It?

Peace on Earth

Learn More About Peace on Earth Today!

25th December 2023

This article explores the concept of peace on earth, its definition, plausibility, significance, and personal opinions. The exploration begins by defining peace and investigating why conflicts plague the world. It further delves into whether education can be a viable solution to war and other human-made disasters.

Subsequently, the article examines the possibility of achieving global peace and why people must comprehend how attainable that goal is. Finally, the piece encourages readers to offer their perspectives on the subject. By providing a comprehensive analysis of the notion of peace on Earth, this article aims to foster a deeper understanding of the topic.

What Is Peace on Earth?

The concept of peace on earth holds various interpretations by different individuals, depending on their intended message. However, in this article, its meaning transcends geographical and cultural boundaries. It denotes a universal peace enforced through actions and words, as espoused by the Apostle Paul. His use of “letter” and “spirit” encapsulates the literal and symbolic aspects of bringing about this peace.

Ultimately, achieving world peace is a noble endeavour that requires collective effort and commitment from all individuals, regardless of race, nationality, or religion. As we strive towards this goal, we must remain steadfast in our pursuit of creating a harmonious and equitable global community where the freedoms and aspirations of all individuals are respected and upheld.

World peace, or peace on Earth, is the concept of an ideal state of peace within and among all people and nations on Planet Earth. Different cultures, religions, philosophies, and organizations have varying concepts on how such a state would come about.”

Source: World peace – Wikipedia

The concept of peace on earth suggests that all living creatures, whether human or animal, should coexist in harmony, much like the Garden of Eden before the Fall. Understanding this notion calls for revelation knowledge, which is an individualized personal knowledge and not a communal-based one. This form of knowledge is referred to as epignosis, which is distinct from ginosko or gnosis.

Category: Life Coaching

The book of Prophet Isaiah offers insights still relevant to our lives today. Although world peace may seem unattainable, we must not dismiss it as a myth. The prevalent news of war and conflicts worldwide can make it seem like wishful thinking. Unfortunately, we encounter instances of human violence, cruelty, and animal predation each day. Nonetheless, we should not lose sight of the possibility of peace, for it is through our collective efforts that we can create a better world devoid of conflicts. As we reflect on the teachings of Prophet Isaiah, may we be inspired to work towards a more peaceful, just, and loving society?

The restoration of the world order to its original intention will occur when the sons and daughters of God arise. They have been diligently working ever since Jesus Christ’s triumph on the cross of Calvary. Thus, true peace on earth will be realized through their efforts.

The growth of the Kingdom of God that Jesus established on earth is often compared to a mustard seed planted within the branches of another tree – the current world order. Over time, this Kingdom continues to grow and flourish, and we believe that it will eventually become the shining beacon of hope in an often dark and uncertain world.

As spiritual beings, we understand that the root causes of conflict on earth often stem from an impure spirituality and a lack of understanding of our true purpose in life. However, with faith, hope, and the tireless efforts of individuals striving to spread the light, we believe a brighter future is possible.

How Do We Know About Peace on Earth?

Isaiah’s writings prominently discuss peace on earth, as the earlier quote shows. While other biblical writers also refer to peace, Jesus Himself, through John, left a promise of peace with His first disciples. This peace is not limited to letters of agreement but drives our hearts towards it.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you have already experienced peace in your heart. It is believed that the same peace will prevail in everyone’s heart when the kingdom of God overtakes the kingdom of this dark world, which currently lasts in the hearts of the children of darkness.

As believers, we were once blinded and misled by the Devil, the king of darkness. However, after giving our lives to Christ and confessing Him as our Lord and Savior, we are born anew into the kingdom of light. We have been granted access to the kingdom of the Light of Life through His death and resurrection. This profound transformation is a critical component of our faith as Christians. It reminds us to strive towards righteousness and embody the teachings of Christ in our daily lives. By reflecting on this transformation and holding ourselves accountable to our newfound faith, we can continue to grow and strengthen our relationship with God.

The Bible teaches that Jesus came to offer us access to a life that bears the qualities of God. Inspired by the promise of 1 Peter 1:23, we understand that the Word of God reigns in us, positioning us as children of God. Just like Jesus, the firstborn of this divine order, we have an everlasting seed that shall live through eternity. This life we have been given is nothing short of the life of God within us.

As human beings, it is essential to understand and acknowledge the inherent value and significance of our existence, as we are a reflection of God’s divine nature. Each life has a unique seed that represents the complete essence of its being. From plants to animals, this is a universal truth. Similarly, we possess a seed that directly represents God’s life, generating within us a profound sense of the God-Life. We must recognize and nurture this divine seed within us, as it shapes who we are and, ultimately, how we interact with others and the world around us. Through this realization, we can seek to live a meaningful and purposeful life, fulfilling our potential as bearers of God’s DNA.

Our unique nature sets us apart from the unregenerate individuals and shapes our thoughts, speech, and actions accordingly. As believers of a higher order, we understand that the order of nature governs our true selves. We endeavour to live a life that is in harmony with this order, and we aspire for all human beings to come to possess this understanding. We believe that peace on earth can be achieved if everyone operates in alignment with their true nature. We are confident and determined that this vision can become a reality.

Is It Important to Know About Peace on Earth?

Understanding the significance of the forthcoming peace on earth is of utmost importance. As we reflect on this matter, it is worth considering that the entire creation, including humans and animals, anxiously awaits its arrival. As alluded to in the Bible, the appearance of godly figures on earth marks the advent of this long-awaited day. Our anticipation for this momentous day is shared with all of creation. Therefore, we must prepare ourselves for its imminence, as it is the only way to ensure we are ready to participate in this epochal event.

Despite individuals’ innate desire for tranquillity, their malevolent tendencies often inhibit sustained peace. Their transgressive characteristics lead to internal disputes on various levels – from individual consciousness to family, tribal, national, and geopolitical spheres. This continuous cycle of conflict is exemplified by the BBC’s report of Russian airstrikes on Ukraine at the time of penning this article.

It has been suggested that the potential conflict between China and Taiwan was driven by Western influences, ostensibly to weaken China. Similarly, it can be inferred that the U.S. orchestrated the strife in Ukraine to cut Russia. However, it is essential to note that these assertions are drawn from personal perspectives and should not be treated as substantiated facts.

Truth Telling: The Mark of Divine Characters
However, who aspires to be truthful? Only those with an intimate connection with divinity uphold honesty and can be considered as true ‘Children of Light’, at variance with the ‘Children of Darkness’. To establish sustainable tranquillity, individuals must possess a genuine benevolence in their hearts, ensuring a truthful revelation of their intentions.
It appears, as concluded from the time of authoring this piece, that most people refrain from upholding truth, particularly if it does not serve their personal motives. They persist in deception. This deceitfulness stems from their symbolic ‘father’, the Devil, notorious for being an embodiment of falsehood since inception.

When Satan deceives, his falsehoods appear to be truths. This characteristic is typical of individuals born through the standard biological process, essentially the life of man and woman or the Human Kingdom. John, about verses 1:12-13, acknowledges this as he differentiates our present divine existence from our prior earthly incarnations. God begets us! Our identity is unique!

Understanding the Significance of Anticipating World Peace

It is essential for us to acknowledge the anticipation of universal peace, a notion already being materialized. This prophecy foretells a future where humanity and the animal kingdom coexist, reminiscent of a time before human transgressions against the divine.
In our current world, adversity may persist. However, solace and personal tranquillity can be found in God, specifically through the embodiment of Jesus Christ. Promising us not just peace but inner peace.

When it comes to imparting something to others, the principle is you can only distribute what you possess. This principle applies universally, including to the concept of peace. The world offers peace unto itself, which is markedly different from true peace because it is based on an illusion. In other words, it disseminates what it holds – a semblance of peace, as aptly proclaimed by Jesus Himself in John 12:27.
On the contrary, the peace Jesus offers blooms out of a serene heart, making it genuine. This divine peace – often referred to as God-Shalom or God-Peace- is born from a distinct perception of life and is innate in us all. It’s naturally our human condition – it allows us to exhale tranquillity.

What Do You Think About This Article?

Let us now focus on your perspective on the discussed subject matter. Presumably, you have kept track of the flow from the start. What are your thoughts on the presented points of view? Do you foresee a possibility of global peace? Are you, like many, concerned about the prevailing conflicts and wars worldwide?

The responses you provide to these queries carry significant relevance. They symbolize your existing level of self-awareness and cognizance of the surrounding world. Individual thoughts and perspectives are inherent to each one of us, and everyone is equipped with a certain degree of knowledge.

Nonetheless, do our thoughts stem from facts or conjecture? How do we validate the truth of our knowledge? This is a self-analysis of personal understanding and belief structures. Please contemplate this topic.

My conviction holds that authentic tranquillity shall, at some point, arrive on our planet sooner than we might anticipate. The crucial aspect lies not within the timeframe of its arrival but in unravelling the method of its manifestation, considering the initiation of this process dates back approximately two millennia from the period of creating this document. One might ponder how this information has become known to me. Is this a concept you align with? If so, could you elucidate your sources of accordance? Conversely, might you disclose the factors contributing to your disagreement if this idea does not resonate with you?


To summarize, this discussion has covered the significance of peace on earth, insights on the prediction of this unparalleled global peace, the importance of researching and understanding the origins of this peace, and your interpretations and views on this topic.

To summarize, this discussion has covered the significance of peace on earth, insights on the prediction of this unparalleled global peace, the importance of researching and understanding the origins of this peace, and your interpretations and views on this topic.

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