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How to Find Your Niche and Target Audience as a Self-published Author

How to Find Your Niche and Target Audience as a Self-published Author

Learn How to Find Your Niche and Target Audience Today!


Learning how to find your niche and target audience is hard, but not impossible. As a self-published author, you may have a great idea for a book, but do you know who will want to read it? Finding your niche and target audience is crucial for the success of your book, as it will help you craft your message, market your book, and reach your ideal readers. In this article, we will show you how to find your niche and target audience as a self-published author in four steps.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

Step 1: Define your niche

A niche is a specific segment of the market that has a distinct need, problem, or interest that you can address with your book. A niche can be based on various factors, such as genre, topic, theme, style, tone, format, or audience. For example, if you are writing a romance novel, your niche could be historical romance, paranormal romance, or erotic romance.

To define your niche, you need to consider the following questions:

  • What is the main purpose or goal of your book?
  • What is the main problem or challenge that your book solves or addresses?
  • What is the main benefit or value that your book provides or delivers?
  • What makes your book unique or different from other books in the same genre or topic?

By answering these questions, you will be able to narrow down your niche and focus on the specific aspects that make your book stand out.

Step 2: Identify your target audience

Your target audience is the group of people who are most likely to be interested in your book and buy it. Your target audience may not be the same as your niche, as your niche may include people who are not your ideal readers. For example, if you are writing a historical romance novel set in medieval England, your niche may include anyone who likes historical fiction, but your target audience may be more specific, such as women aged 25-45 who love medieval history and romance.

To identify your target audience, you need to create a reader persona, which is a fictional representation of your ideal reader based on their demographics, psychographics, and behaviors. A reader persona can help you understand your target audience’s needs, preferences, motivations, and challenges. To create a reader persona, you need to consider the following questions:

  • Who is your ideal reader? (age, gender, location, education, occupation, income, etc.)
  • What are their interests, hobbies, passions, values, beliefs, etc.?
  • What are their goals, desires, aspirations, dreams, etc.?
  • What are their problems, pains, frustrations, fears, etc.?
  • How do they consume information and entertainment? (books, magazines, blogs, podcasts, videos, social media, etc.)
  • Where do they hang out online and offline? (websites, forums, groups, communities, events, etc.)
  • How do they make buying decisions? (influencers, reviews, recommendations, word-of-mouth, etc.)

By answering these questions, you will be able to create a detailed profile of your target audience and tailor your book and marketing strategy to their needs and wants.

Step 3: Research your niche and target audience

Once you have defined your niche and identified your target audience, you need to validate and refine them by conducting market research. Market research can help you determine the size, demand, and competition of your niche and the preferences and behaviors of your target audience. To conduct market research, you need to use various sources and methods such as:

  • Online tools: You can use online tools such as Google Trends or Amazon Kindle Store to analyze the popularity and trends of keywords or topics related to your niche and target audience. You can also use tools such as Google Analytics or Facebook Insights to learn more about the demographics and psychographics of your website visitors or social media followers.
  • Surveys: You can use surveys to collect feedback and opinions from potential readers or existing customers. You can use tools such as SurveyMonkey or Typeform to create and distribute online surveys. You can also use tools such as Reedsy Discovery or BookSirens to get early reviews from readers who match your target audience.
  • Interviews: You can use interviews to gain deeper insights and understanding from individual readers or customers. You can use tools such as Skype or Zoom to conduct online interviews. You can also use tools such as Calendly or Acuity Scheduling to schedule and manage appointments.
  • Observations: You can use observations to monitor and analyze the actions and reactions of readers or customers. You can use tools such as Hotjar or Crazy Egg to track and record the behavior of website visitors. You can also use tools such as Social Mention or BuzzSumo to monitor and measure the social media activity and engagement of readers or customers.

By conducting market research, you will be able to validate and refine your niche and target audience and discover new opportunities and challenges for your book.

Step 4: Communicate with your niche and target audience

The final step is to communicate with your niche and target audience and build a relationship with them. Communication can help you establish your credibility and authority, increase your visibility and awareness, and generate interest and demand for your book. To communicate with your niche and target audience, you need to use various channels and strategies such as:

  • Website: You need to have a professional and attractive website that showcases your book and your brand. Your website should include the following elements:
    • A catchy and clear headline that summarizes the main benefit or value of your book.
    • A compelling and concise introduction that explains the main problem or challenge that your book solves or addresses.
    • A persuasive and detailed description that highlights the main features or aspects of your book.
    • A strong and clear call-to-action that encourages visitors to buy your book or sign up for your email list.
    • A captivating and relevant cover image that reflects the genre and tone of your book.
    • A captivating and relevant cover image that reflects the genre and tone of your book.
    • A captivating and relevant cover image that reflects the genre and tone of your book.
    • Testimonials or reviews from readers or customers that showcase the positive outcomes or results of your book.
    • Social proof or evidence from media outlets, influencers, or experts that endorse or recommend your book.
  • Blog: You need to have a blog that provides valuable and engaging content related to your niche and target audience. Your blog should include the following elements:
    • A catchy and relevant title that captures the attention and curiosity of readers.
    • A captivating and informative introduction that hooks readers and outlines the main purpose or goal of the post.
    • A well-structured and easy-to-read body that delivers the main message or information of the post using headings, subheadings, bullet points, images, etc.
    • A strong and clear conclusion that summarizes the main points or takeaways of the post and invites readers to take action or leave a comment.
    • A relevant and optimized keyword that helps readers find your post on search engines.
  • Social media: You need to have a social media presence that connects and interacts with your niche and target audience. Your social media should include the following elements:
    • A consistent and recognizable profile that showcases your book and your brand using a logo, a bio, a link, etc.
    • A variety of posts that share useful and entertaining content related to your niche and target audience using text, images, videos, stories, etc.
    • A regular and frequent schedule that posts content at optimal times and frequencies for your niche and target audience.
    • A responsive and friendly attitude that engages with your followers by liking, commenting, replying, asking questions, etc.

By communicating with your niche and target audience, you will be able to build trust and loyalty, generate buzz and excitement, and increase sales and referrals for your book.


Finding your niche and target audience is one of the most important steps for self-published authors, as it will help you create a book that meets the needs and wants of your ideal readers and market it effectively and efficiently to them. By following the four steps in this article, you will be able to find your niche and target audience, research them, and communicate with them.


1 Target Audience for Your Book: How To & Examples. (n.d.). Self Publishing School. Retrieved from 1.

2 How to Identify a Target Audience for Your Book in 3 Steps. (n.d.). Reedsy. Retrieved from 2.

3 How To Target an Audience (And Avoid Book Launch Flop). (n.d.). Your Writer Platform. Retrieved from 3.4 Target Audience: How to Find Yours [+ 5 Campaign Examples]. (n.d.). HubSpot. Retrieved from 4.

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