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How to Market Your Book on Amazon and Other Platforms 1.0

How to Market Your Book on Amazon and Other Platforms

Learn how to market your book on Amazon and other platforms today!


Learning how to market your book on Amazon and other platforms is not easy, but it is not impossible either. With the right tools and resources, you can do the impossible, yourself! In the digital age, marketing your book on various platforms, including Amazon, has become increasingly important. This article will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to effectively market your book on Amazon and other platforms.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

What is KDP Select?

KDP Select is a program offered by Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) that gives authors the opportunity to reach more readers through Amazon and Kindle promotions12. When you enroll your Kindle eBook in KDP Select, it is automatically included in Kindle Unlimited (KU), a subscription program for readers that allows them to read as many books as they want12.

Your Kindle eBook will also be eligible for Free Book Promotions and Kindle Countdown Deals2. The program is free and open to all authors willing to give Amazon exclusive rights to their book for 90 days3. After the 90 days, authors can choose to leave the program or auto-renew for the same amount of time3.

By enrolling in the program, you get access to promotional tools and the opportunity to earn higher royalties3. However, during the period of exclusivity, you cannot distribute your book digitally anywhere else, including on your website, blogs, etc1. You can continue to distribute your book in physical format, or in any format other than digital1.

How do I enroll my book in KDP Select?

To enroll your book in KDP Select, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Bookshelf.
  2. Next to the Kindle eBook you want to enroll, click the ellipsis button (“…”) under the Kindle eBook Actions menu.
  3. Select “Enroll in KDP Select”.
  4. On the screen that appears, click “Enroll”1.

You can also enroll your Kindle eBook by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Marketing page.
  2. In the KDP Select section, click “Enroll an eBook”.
  3. Select your eBook and click “Continue”.
  4. Click “Enroll”1.

You can change your Kindle eBook details (royalty options, and book descriptions) without affecting your enrollment in KDP Select1. You can also unpublish KDP Select-enrolled titles at any time during the term and republish them on KDP later1. This will pause your KDP Select enrollment period until you republish your Kindle eBook1. Once you choose to republish your title, your KDP Select enrollment period will resume1. Your Kindle eBook must remain exclusive through the remainder of the title’s current 90-day participation period1.

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is Amazon’s book publishing platform that allows authors to self-publish a book online, which readers can purchase as an eBook or print-on-demand book1. It is one of the top self-publishing companies and currently dominates the self-publishing book market1.

KDP provides you with free and simple tools to self-publish your book in more than 10 countries in over 45 languages2. It gives you control over your book’s content, design, price, audience, and advertising2. You can publish print and digital formats in three simple steps, and see your book appear on Amazon stores around the world in 72 hours2.

You can earn up to 70% royalty and offer your eBook on Kindle Unlimited by enrolling in KDP Select2. You retain ownership of your content, publish on your schedule, and set your own list prices2.

You can navigate your account, view and archive your existing titles, and create a new book or series from your KDP Bookshelf3. From your KDP Bookshelf, you can update existing book details like the description, cover image, and list price3. If you would like to remove a previously published title from Amazon, you can unpublish it from your Bookshelf3.

KDP has been around for many years. The idea is that if you are an author you can either release your book through traditional publishing or you can decide to self-publish your book4. Self-publishing has become more and more favored over the past few years4.

How much does it cost to publish a book on KDP?

Learning how to market your book on Amazon and other platforms is the best thing, but it comes after a lot of work. Publishing a book on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) is free, which means you do not have to pay any upfront costs to publish your books1. Once you start to sell books and earn money, you share a percentage of your revenue with Amazon1.

However, while pressing the KDP publish button is free, getting a book ready for readers, with editing and design work, and then marketing it later, is not2. You would need a budget for these services. For example, one estimate suggests you would need a budget of about £4,000 to produce a professional-quality book2.

For paperbacks, KDP prints your book on demand and subtracts your printing costs from your royalties3. That means you don’t have to pay any costs upfront or carry any inventory3. Printing costs vary depending on trim size, page count, and ink type (black ink or color ink)3. You can use KDP’s Printing Cost & Royalty Calculator to estimate your printing cost3.

For eBooks, KDP offers two royalty plans: 35% royalty and 70% royalty4. The list price you set for your eBook must meet KDP’s range of minimum and maximum list prices4. If you choose the 70% royalty option, delivery cost may apply depending on the size of your eBook file4.

Understanding the Basics

Before diving into specific strategies, it’s crucial to understand the basics of book marketing. Any action you can take to bring your book to the notice of potential readers is of high value1. Your marketing aim is the same, no matter what book promotion tools you use. When you advertise a book, you are trying to encourage as many people as possible to notice and consider buying your book1.

Strategies for Marketing Your Book

Here are some strategies that can help you market your book effectively:

  1. Re-Post one of your 5-star book reviews: Sharing positive reviews can attract potential readers1.
  2. Open a Pinterest account: Visual platforms like Pinterest can be a great place to share images of your book and connect with readers1.
  3. Add a comment on a popular book blog: Engaging with the online book community can help increase visibility1.
  4. Check your author bio again: Make sure your author bio across all platforms is up-to-date and engaging1.
  5. Publish to Medium: Platforms like Medium can help you reach a wider audience1.
  6. Run an ad: Consider running ads on social media or other platforms to reach more potential readers1.

Utilizing Amazon’s Tools

Learning how to market your book on Amazon and other platforms is a good thing. Amazon offers different ways to promote and market your book to readers2. These include KDP Select, which gives you the opportunity to reach more readers, Amazon Advertising, which allows you to create customized ads to reach more readers, and Author Central, where you can create an Author Page on Amazon2.


Marketing your book on Amazon and other platforms requires strategic planning and consistent effort. By utilizing the strategies mentioned above, you can increase your book’s visibility and reach more potential readers.


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