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How to Celebrate International Women’s Day as a Female Entrepreneur 1.0

How to Celebrate International Women’s Day as a Female Entrepreneur 1.0

Celebrate International Women’s Day Well!


International Women’s Day, celebrated on March 8 every year, is a global day of recognition and celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. It is also a day of action and advocacy for gender equality and women’s empowerment.

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As a female entrepreneur, you have a unique opportunity and responsibility to celebrate and support women in business and beyond. You can use this day to showcase your achievements, inspire others, network with peers, learn new skills, and give back to your community.

Tell me more about this day…

International Women’s Day is a day to celebrate the achievements and contributions of women in various fields, such as social, economic, cultural, and political. It is also a day to raise awareness and take action for gender equality and women’s rights. The theme for International Women’s Day 2024 is Inspire Inclusion, which calls for everyone to work together to create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive world.

Some of the ways you can celebrate International Women’s Day are:

  • Learn about the history and significance of International Women’s Day123 and share it with others.
  • Recognize and appreciate the women in your life who inspire you, support you, and make a difference. You can send them a message, a card, a gift, or a flower.
  • Join or organize an event that celebrates women’s achievements or advocates for women’s equality. You can find or promote events on the International Women’s Day website1.
  • Support a charity or organization that works for women’s empowerment and well-being. You can donate, volunteer, or spread the word about their work. Some of the official charity partners of International Women’s Day are CARE International, World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, Catalyst, UN Women, and Women for Women International1.
  • Educate yourself and others about the issues that affect women around the world, such as gender-based violence, reproductive rights, education, health, and leadership. You can read articles, books, reports, or watch videos that highlight these topics.
  • Challenge stereotypes, biases, and discrimination that harm women and girls. You can speak up, take action, or report any instances of injustice or harassment that you witness or experience.
  • Support women-owned businesses and women-led initiatives. You can buy their products or services, invest in their projects, or collaborate with them.
  • Express your creativity and solidarity with women through art, music, poetry, or any other form of expression. You can also enjoy and appreciate the works of women artists and creators.
  • Have fun and enjoy the day with your friends, family, colleagues, or community. You can organize or join a party, a picnic, a game night, a movie night, or any other activity that brings you joy.

Here are some ideas on how to celebrate International Women’s Day as a female entrepreneur:

Host or attend a virtual event

One of the best ways to celebrate International Women’s Day is to host or attend a virtual event that brings together women from different backgrounds, industries, and locations. You can use this event to share your story, learn from other women, exchange ideas, and build relationships.

You can host your own event using platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, or Eventbrite, or you can join an existing event that suits your interests and goals. For example, you can check out the Women’s Leadership Teleconference1, which features speakers from Google, Etsy, Microsoft, Pepsi-Cola, and more. You can also browse the official International Women’s Day events page2 to find events near you or online.

Donate to start a scholarship fund

Another way to celebrate International Women’s Day is to donate to start a scholarship fund that supports women in education and entrepreneurship. You can use this fund to help women pursue their academic or business dreams, overcome financial barriers, and access opportunities.

You can start your own scholarship fund using platforms such as GoFundMe, Fundly, or Scholarship America, or you can donate to an existing fund that aligns with your values and vision. For example, you can check out the Red Backpack Fund3, which provides grants to women-owned businesses affected by Covid-19. You can also browse the Forbes list of scholarships for women4 to find funds that support women in various fields and levels of education.

Host or contribute to a virtual workshop

A third way to celebrate International Women’s Day is to host or contribute to a virtual workshop that teaches women new skills or knowledge that can help them grow their businesses or careers. You can use this workshop to share your expertise, provide value, and empower other women.

You can host your own workshop using platforms such as Teachable, Udemy, or Skillshare, or you can contribute to an existing workshop that matches your niche and audience. For example, you can check out the online workshop by The Ad Girls, which teaches top money-making tactics for online advertising and donates 100% of the profits to Freefrom, a nonprofit that helps survivors of domestic abuse achieve financial independence. You can also browse the Skillshare list of classes for women entrepreneurs to find workshops that cover topics such as branding, marketing, social media, and more.

Support a woman-owned business

A fourth way to celebrate International Women’s Day is to support a woman-owned business by buying their products or services, promoting their brand on social media, or leaving them a positive review. You can use this support to show appreciation, edge browser.

Support a woman-owned business: A fourth way to celebrate International Women’s Day is to support a woman-owned business by buying their products or services, promoting their brand on social media, or leaving them a positive review. You can use this support to show appreciation, recognition, and solidarity for other women entrepreneurs. You can also benefit from their products or services, learn from their experiences, and expand your network.

You can support a woman-owned business by searching for them online using platforms such as Women Owned, The Female Lead, or SheEO, or by asking for recommendations from your friends, family, or colleagues. You can also support a woman-owned business by joining or creating a community of women entrepreneurs using platforms such as Facebook Groups, LinkedIn Groups, or Meetup.

Celebrate your own achievements

A fifth way to celebrate International Women’s Day is to celebrate your own achievements as a female entrepreneur. You deserve to be proud of yourself and your accomplishments, no matter how big or small they are. You also deserve to reward yourself and treat yourself well, especially after working hard and overcoming challenges.

You can celebrate your own achievements by:

  • Sharing your success stories on social media, blogs, podcasts, or newsletters.
  • Creating a portfolio or a resume that showcases your work and skills.
  • Applying for awards or recognition programs that honor women entrepreneurs.
  • Taking a break from work and doing something that makes you happy and relaxed.
  • Buying yourself something that you want or need.
  • Saying positive affirmations or gratitude statements to yourself.


International Women’s Day is a great opportunity to celebrate and support women in business and beyond. As a female entrepreneur, you can use this day to showcase your achievements, inspire others, network with peers, learn new skills, and give back to your community. You can also use this day to celebrate your own achievements and reward yourself.

By following these ideas, you can celebrate International Women’s Day as a female entrepreneur. You can also use various resources and examples to help you along the way.

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[1] Women’s Leadership Teleconference [2] International Women’s Day events [3] Red Backpack Fund [4] Forbes list of scholarships for women [5] Women Owned [6] The Female Lead [7] SheEO

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