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How to Build Your Author Platform and Grow Your Fan Base 1.0

How to Build Your Author Platform and Grow Your Fan Base 1.0

Learn How to Build Your Author Platform and Grow Your Fan Base Today!


As an author, you may have heard of the term “author platform” and wondered what it means and why it matters. Simply put, an author platform is your ability to reach and influence potential readers and buyers of your books. It is the sum of your visibility, credibility, authority, and network in your target market or niche.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

Having a strong author platform can help you achieve several goals, such as:

  • Attracting the attention of agents, publishers, and media outlets
  • Building trust and loyalty among your existing fans and followers
  • Expanding your reach and exposure to new audiences and opportunities
  • Increasing your book sales and revenue streams
  • Establishing yourself as a leader or expert in your field or genre

But how do you build an author platform from scratch? And how do you grow it over time? Here are some practical tips and strategies to help you create and enhance your author platform and grow your fan base.

1. Define your target audience and niche

Before you start building your author platform, you need to have a clear idea of who you are writing for and what you are writing about. You need to identify your target audience and niche, and tailor your content and message accordingly.

Your target audience is the group of people who are most likely to be interested in your books, topics, or genres. You can define your target audience based on factors such as age, gender, location, education, income, occupation, hobbies, interests, values, needs, problems, goals, etc.

Your niche is the specific area or category that you focus on within your broader field or genre. You can define your niche based on factors such as subgenres, themes, styles, formats, angles, perspectives, etc.

For example, if you are a romance writer, your target audience may be women between 25 and 45 years old who live in urban areas and enjoy reading contemporary romance novels with strong female protagonists and diverse settings. Your niche may be multicultural romance with elements of comedy and suspense.

To define your target audience and niche, you can use various methods such as:

  • Conducting market research and analysis
  • Creating reader personas or profiles
  • Surveying or interviewing your existing or potential readers
  • Studying the bestsellers and trends in your field or genre
  • Analyzing the feedback and reviews of your books or similar books
  • Testing different ideas and approaches with small samples or groups

By defining your target audience and niche, you can create a more focused and effective author platform that appeals to the right people with the right message.

2. Create a professional website and blog

One of the most essential components of your author platform is your website and blog. Your website is your online home base where you showcase your books, bio, portfolio, testimonials, media appearances, contact information, etc. Your blog is where you share valuable content related to your books, topics, or genres, such as tips, insights, articles, stories, interviews, reviews, etc.

Your website and blog should be professional-looking, user-friendly, mobile-responsive, and SEO-optimized. You should also include a clear call-to-action on every page, such as inviting visitors to sign up for your email list, buy your books, follow you on social media, or contact you for inquiries.

Some of the benefits of having a website and blog are:

  • They increase your online visibility and credibility
  • They showcase your personality and voice
  • They demonstrate your expertise and authority
  • They provide useful information and value to your visitors
  • They generate traffic and leads for your books or services

To create a website and blog, you can use various tools and platforms such as WordPress, Squarespace, Wix, Medium, etc. You can also hire a professional web designer or developer to help you with the design, development, and maintenance of your site.

3. Build an email list

Another crucial component of your author platform is your email list. Your email list is a collection of email addresses of people who have subscribed to receive updates, newsletters, or offers from you. Your email list is one of the most powerful tools you have to communicate with and market to your fans and followers.

Some of the benefits of having an email list are:

  • It allows you to build a direct and personal relationship with your subscribers
  • It enables you to deliver relevant and customized content to their inbox
  • It helps you to increase engagement and loyalty among your subscribers
  • It drives more traffic and sales to your website or books
  • It gives you more control and ownership over your audience

To build an email list, you need to use an email marketing service or tool such as Mailchimp, ConvertKit, AWeber, etc. You also need to create an opt-in form or landing page where visitors can sign up for your list. You should also offer an incentive or lead magnet such as a free ebook, report, checklist, course, etc. to entice visitors to subscribe.

Once you have an email list, you need to send regular and valuable emails to your subscribers, such as newsletters, announcements, promotions, tips, stories, etc. You should also segment your list based on different criteria such as interests, preferences, behavior, etc. to send more targeted and relevant emails.

4. Leverage social media

Social media is another key component of your author platform. Social media is a collective term for various online platforms and networks where you can create and share content and interact with other users. Some of the most popular social media platforms for authors are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.

Some of the benefits of using social media are:

  • They increase your online exposure and reach
  • They showcase your brand and personality
  • They foster engagement and interaction with your fans and followers
  • They generate feedback and reviews for your books or content
  • They create opportunities for collaboration and networking with other authors or influencers

To leverage social media, you need to choose the platforms that best suit your goals, audience, and niche. You also need to create a consistent and attractive profile on each platform, with a clear bio, photo, and link to your website or books. You should also post regular and engaging content on each platform, such as updates, quotes, images, videos, podcasts, live streams, etc.

You should also interact with your fans and followers on each platform, by responding to their comments, questions, or messages, liking or sharing their posts, joining or creating groups or communities, participating in events or challenges, etc.

5. Publish quality content

Content is the core of your author platform. Content is any form of information or entertainment that you create and distribute to your audience, such as books, articles, blogs, podcasts, videos, etc. Content is what attracts, educates, entertains, and persuades your audience to know, like, and trust you.

Some of the benefits of publishing quality content are:

  • It showcases your writing skills and style
  • It demonstrates your knowledge and expertise
  • It provides value and solutions to your audience’s needs or problems
  • It establishes your authority and credibility
  • It generates traffic and leads for your books or services

To publish quality content, you need to follow these steps:

  • Research your audience and niche to find out what topics, keywords, questions, or issues they are interested in or searching for
  • Plan your content strategy and calendar to decide what type, format, length, frequency, and channel of content you will create and publish
  • Create your content using various tools and resources such as writing software, editing tools, graphic design tools, etc.
  • Edit and proofread your content to ensure it is clear, concise, accurate, error-free, and engaging
  • Publish and promote your content using various platforms and methods such as your website, blog, email list, social media, guest posting, media outreach, etc.

6. Network with other authors and influencers

Networking is the process of connecting and interacting with other people who share similar interests, goals, or values with you. Networking can help you build relationships, exchange ideas, learn new skills, gain exposure, find opportunities, and grow your author platform.

Some of the benefits of networking with other authors and influencers are:

  • They can offer you advice, feedback, support, or mentorship
  • They can introduce you to their audience, network, or resources
  • They can collaborate with you on projects, events, or promotions
  • They can endorse or recommend you or your books
  • They can inspire or motivate you to improve your craft or career

To network with other authors and influencers, you need to identify the people who are relevant, influential, and accessible in your field or genre.

You also need to reach out to them in a respectful, personal, and genuine way, such as by sending an email, a message, a comment, or a request.

You should also offer value, help, or appreciation to them, such as by sharing their content, giving them a review, inviting them to an interview, or sending them a gift.

You should also follow up with them regularly and maintain a positive and professional relationship with them.

7. Seek exposure and publicity

Exposure and publicity are the ways of gaining attention and recognition from the media, the public, or the industry.

Exposure and publicity can help you increase your visibility, credibility, and authority in your field or genre.

They can also help you attract more fans, followers, or customers for your books or services.

Some of the benefits of seeking exposure and publicity are:

  • They can boost your reputation and image
  • They can generate more traffic and sales for your website or books
  • They can create more opportunities and connections for you
  • They can enhance your confidence

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7. Seek exposure and publicity

Exposure and publicity are the ways of gaining attention and recognition from the media, the public, or the industry. Exposure and publicity can help you increase your visibility, credibility, and authority in your field or genre. They can also help you attract more fans, followers, or customers for your books or services.

Some of the benefits of seeking exposure and publicity are:

  • They can boost your reputation and image
  • They can generate more traffic and sales for your website or books
  • They can create more opportunities and connections for you
  • They can enhance your confidence and motivation

To seek exposure and publicity, you can use various methods such as:

  • Pitching your story or book to relevant media outlets, such as newspapers, magazines, podcasts, radio shows, TV shows, blogs, etc.
  • Writing guest posts or articles for popular websites, blogs, or publications in your field or genre
  • Participating in interviews, podcasts, webinars, panels, or events related to your topic or niche
  • Creating a press kit or a media page on your website that includes your bio, photos, book covers, press releases, testimonials, media appearances, etc.
  • Hiring a publicist or a PR agency to help you with your media outreach and promotion

8. Engage with your fans and followers

Engaging with your fans and followers is the process of interacting and communicating with them on a regular basis. Engaging with your fans and followers can help you build a loyal and supportive community around your books and brand. It can also help you gain feedback, insights, ideas, and testimonials from them.

Some of the benefits of engaging with your fans and followers are:

  • They can provide you with valuable information and suggestions for your books or content
  • They can spread the word about your books or brand to their friends, family, or network
  • They can write positive reviews or ratings for your books on platforms like Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub, etc.
  • They can become your advocates or ambassadors who promote your books or brand on their own platforms or channels

To engage with your fans and followers, you can use various methods such as:

  • Responding to their comments, questions, messages, or emails in a timely and friendly manner
  • Asking them for their opinions, feedback, or ideas on your books or content
  • Inviting them to join your email list, social media groups, online forums, or membership sites
  • Creating exclusive content or offers for them, such as sneak peeks, bonus chapters, giveaways, discounts, etc.
  • Hosting live sessions or events for them, such as Q&A sessions, book launches, readings, signings, workshops, etc.


Building an author platform and growing a fan base are not easy tasks. They require time, effort, creativity, and persistence. However, they are also rewarding and fulfilling tasks that can help you achieve your writing goals and dreams. By following the tips and strategies in this article, you can create and enhance your author platform and grow your fan base. You can also check out some of the resources I found for you:


  • Engadget. “IBM reveals its first 127-qubit quantum processor.” Last modified September 15, 2021. [1].
  • IBM Research. “IBM Quantum Roadmap.” Accessed October 4, 2021. [2].
  • Wikipedia. “Quantum supremacy.” Last modified September 29, 2021. [3].
  • Arute, Frank, et al. “Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor.” Nature 574, no. 7779 (2019): 505-510. [4].
  • Google AI Blog. “Accurate quantum simulations of chemical reactions.” Last modified August 27, 2020. [5].
  • Microsoft. “Microsoft Quantum Development Kit.” Accessed October 4, 2021. [6].
  • Microsoft. “Microsoft Quantum Network.” Accessed October 4, 2021. [7].
  • AWS. “Amazon Braket – Get Started with Quantum Computing.” Accessed October 4, 2021. [8].
  • AWS. “AWS Center for Quantum Computing.” Accessed October 4, 2021. [9].
  • Alibaba Group. “Alibaba Quantum Laboratory.” Accessed October 4, 2021. [10].
  • “Alibaba Cloud Launches Its First Cloud-Based Quantum Computing Platform.” Last modified July 8, 2017. [11].

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