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How to Choose the Best Cover Designer and Editor for Your Book 1.0

How to Choose the Best Cover Designer and Editor for Your Book

Learn How To Choose The Best Cover Designer And Editor Today!


If you are a self-published author, you might be wondering how to choose the best cover designer and editor for your book. A cover designer and an editor are two of the most important professionals you need to hire to ensure the quality and success of your book. A cover designer can create a visually appealing and genre-appropriate cover that attracts readers and conveys your book’s message. An editor can improve the clarity, coherence, and correctness of your book’s content and help you polish your writing style and voice.

However, finding and hiring a cover designer and an editor can be challenging, especially if you have a limited budget and time. How do you know which cover designer and editor are right for you? How do you communicate your vision and expectations to them? How do you evaluate their work and provide feedback?

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

In this article, we will provide some tips and guidelines on how to choose the best cover designer and editor for your book, based on some of the best practices and resources available online.

How to Choose a Cover Designer

A cover designer is a professional who creates the front, back, and spine of your book’s cover, using graphic design software and tools. A cover designer can also create other promotional materials for your book, such as banners, flyers, posters, etc.

To choose a cover designer, you should follow these steps:

  • Research your book’s target audience and genre. Before you start looking for a cover designer, you should have a clear idea of who your readers are and what kind of covers they expect and prefer. You should also research the covers of other books in your genre and see what works and what doesn’t. You can use tools like Google Trends1, Google Keyword Planner1, AnswerThePublic1, etc., to find out what keywords, topics, and questions your audience is searching for online. You can also browse online platforms like Amazon1, Goodreads1, BookBub1, etc., to see the best-selling and most popular books in your genre and their covers.
  • Brainstorm cover ideas within your genre. Based on your research, you should brainstorm some possible cover ideas for your book. You should think about the main elements of your cover, such as the title, subtitle, author name, images, colors, fonts, etc. You should also think about the mood, tone, theme, and message of your book and how to convey them through your cover. You can use tools like Canva2, Lumen53, or Adobe Spark1 to create some mockups or sketches of your cover ideas.
  • Research cover designers’ styles and portfolios. Once you have some cover ideas in mind, you should start looking for cover designers who match your style and genre. You can find cover designers on various websites, such as Reedsy4, Fiverr1, 99designs1, etc. You should browse through their portfolios and see their previous work samples. You should also read their reviews and testimonials from other clients. You should look for cover designers who have experience in your genre, who have a consistent and professional style, who have positive feedback from other authors, and who fit your budget and timeline.
  • Contact potential cover designers and request quotes. After you have narrowed down your list of potential cover designers, you should contact them and request quotes for your project. You should provide them with as much information as possible about your book, such as the title, subtitle, genre, synopsis, target audience, etc. You should also share with them some of your cover ideas or examples of covers that you like or dislike. You should ask them about their availability, turnaround time, pricing, payment methods, revision policy, etc. You should compare their quotes and see which one offers the best value for money.
  • Choose a cover designer and sign a contract. Once you have received the quotes from the cover designers, you should choose one that meets your needs and expectations. You should sign a contract with them that outlines the scope of work, deliverables, deadlines, fees, rights, etc. You should also establish a clear communication channel with them and agree on how often and how you will communicate throughout the project.

How to Choose an Editor

An editor is a professional who reviews and revises your book’s content for grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, tone, voice, structure, logic, consistency, accuracy, etc. An editor can also provide suggestions and feedback on how to improve your writing and storytelling skills.

To choose an editor, you should follow these steps:

  • Determine the type and level of editing you need. Before you start looking for an editor, you should have a clear idea of what type and level of editing you need for your book. There are different types of editing, such as developmental editing, copy editing, line editing, proofreading, etc., and different levels of editing, such as light, medium, or heavy editing. You should also consider the genre, length, complexity, and quality of your book and how much you are willing to pay for editing. You can use tools like ProWritingAid3, Grammarly3, Hemingway3, etc., to check the readability and correctness of your book and identify the areas that need improvement.
  • Research editors’ qualifications and portfolios. Once you have determined the type and level of editing you need, you should start looking for editors who specialize in your genre and offer the services you require. You can find editors on various websites, such as Reedsy4, Fiverr1, Scribendi1, etc. You should browse through their profiles and see their credentials, experience, samples, testimonials, etc. You should look for editors who have relevant education, training, and certification in editing, who have worked on similar books or projects in your genre, who have positive reviews and ratings from other clients, and who fit your budget and timeline.
  • Contact potential editors and request samples. After you have narrowed down your list of potential editors, you should contact them and request samples of their work. You should provide them with a brief description of your book and the type and level of editing you need. You should also send them a sample chapter or a few pages of your book and ask them to edit it for free or for a small fee. You should compare their samples and see how they have edited your text, what changes they have made, what comments they have left, etc. You should also ask them about their availability, turnaround time, pricing, payment methods, revision policy, etc. You should compare their offers and see which one offers the best quality and value for money.
  • Choose an editor and sign a contract. Once you have received the samples from the editors, you should choose one that meets your needs and expectations. You should sign a contract with them that outlines the scope of work, deliverables, deadlines, fees, rights, etc. You should also establish a clear communication channel with them and agree on how often and how you will communicate throughout the project.


Choosing the best cover designer and editor for your book is a crucial step in the self-publishing process. A cover designer and an editor can help you create a professional and appealing book that attracts readers and sells well. However, finding and hiring a cover designer and an editor can be challenging, especially if you have a limited budget and time. By following the tips and guidelines in this article, based on some of the best practices and resources available online, you can make the process easier and more effective.


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