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The Lizard and the Writer

There was once a lizard, a lizard that lived in the garden, where it hunted for insects and worms. It was proud of its speed, camouflage, and tail, and it avoided the other animals and humans as much as possible. It thought it had found the best way to survive, and it enjoyed its life of freedom and adventure.

But one day, something strange happened. The lizard noticed that its food was not as tasty and satisfying as before. It felt a change in its appetite, as if something was missing in its diet. It tried to ignore it, but it grew stronger and stronger, until it could not satisfy it anymore. It roamed around the garden, looking for something to eat.

It saw a flower, blooming with nectar and pollen. It felt no hunger, no desire, no thrill. It saw a spider, weaving its web. It felt no thirst, no need, no excitement. It saw a butterfly, fluttering its wings. It felt no envy, no curiosity, no wonder.

It felt nothing, nothing but emptiness.

It looked around, and it saw a window, a window that was open, a window that had a light, a light that came from a lamp, a lamp that had a shade, a shade that had a pattern, a pattern that had words, words that the lizard could read.

The lizard was curious and scared, for it knew the words as a potential threat, a threat that could expose it or trap it. It wondered what they meant, why they were there, how it could see them. It wanted to run away, but it also wanted to stay, to learn more and to understand.

It decided to approach the window, to approach the window from a distance, to approach the window carefully and quietly. It approached the window every day, and it read. It read the words, the words that were on the lampshade, the lampshade that was in the room, the room that belonged to a man, a man who was a writer.

It learned that he was a writer, a writer who wrote books, books that were about life, life that was about learning and growing. It learned that he was a teacher, a teacher who taught people, people who read his books, books that were about self-discovery, career-discovery, life coaching, and personal development. It learned that he was a friend, a friend who helped people, people who needed his guidance, guidance that was about finding their purpose, their passion, and their potential.

It learned that he was a good man, a good man who loved God, God who created everything, everything that included it and its food. It learned that he was a kind man, a kind man who respected nature, nature that provided everything, everything that it needed for its survival. It learned that he was a wise man, a wise man who understood life, life that was a gift, a gift that it shared with him and his readers.

It learned that he was a miracle, a miracle that was the work of God, God who had a plan, a plan that brought them together, together in the same place, the same place that was their home, their mother, and their source.

It decided to talk to him, to talk to him from the window, to talk to him softly and gently. It talked to him every day, and they became friends. They became friends, and they exchanged. They exchanged their stories, their stories that were about their lives, their lives that were different but similar. They exchanged their knowledge, their knowledge that was about their skills, their skills that were unique but complementary. They exchanged their love, their love that was about their hearts, their hearts that were separate but connected.

They exchanged their miracle, their miracle that was the work of God, God who had a plan, a plan that brought them together, together in the same place, the same place that was their home, their mother, and their source. They lived together, and they grew together. They grew together, and they inspired each other. They inspired each other, and they inspired others. They inspired others, and they changed the world. They changed the world, and they fulfilled their purpose. They fulfilled their purpose, and they glorified God. They glorified God, and they lived happily ever after.

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