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How to Use Pinterest and Instagram to Drive Traffic and Sales v1.0

How to Use Pinterest and Instagram to Drive Traffic and Sales

Learn How To Use Pinterest And Instagram To Drive Traffic And Sales Today!


Pinterest and Instagram are two of the most popular social media platforms for visual content. They are also powerful marketing tools that can help you drive traffic and sales to your website, blog, or online store. However, to succeed on these platforms, you need to have a clear strategy and follow some best practices.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide

In this article, we will show you how to use Pinterest and Instagram to drive traffic and sales in 2023. We will cover the following topics:

  • How to optimize your profile and content for Pinterest and Instagram
  • How to create engaging and shoppable posts for Pinterest and Instagram
  • How to promote your posts and reach more potential customers on Pinterest and Instagram
  • How to measure and improve your performance on Pinterest and Instagram

How to Optimize Your Profile and Content for Pinterest and Instagram

The first step to using Pinterest and Instagram to drive traffic and sales is to optimize your profile and content for these platforms. Your profile and content are the first impression that your audience will have of you and your brand. They should be professional, attractive, relevant, and consistent with your niche and identity.

To optimize your profile and content for Pinterest and Instagram, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Claim your website or online store on both platforms. This will allow you to access more analytics, features, and benefits, such as Rich Pins on Pinterest or Shopping Tags on Instagram. To claim your website or online store on Pinterest, you need to verify your domain by adding a meta tag or uploading an HTML file to your site1. To claim your website or online store on Instagram, you need to connect it to your Facebook Page by following the steps in this guide2.
  2. Create a business account on both platforms. This will allow you to access more tools, insights, and options, such as ads, analytics, stories, reels, etc. To create a business account on Pinterest, you need to sign up with your email address or convert your personal account by following the steps in this guide3. To create a business account on Instagram, you need to sign up with your phone number or email address or switch your personal account by following the steps in this guide4.
  3. Optimize your bio and profile picture on both platforms. Your bio and profile picture should clearly communicate who you are, what you do, what value you offer, and what action you want your audience to take. You should also include relevant keywords, hashtags, emojis, and links that describe your niche and content. To optimize your bio and profile picture on Pinterest, you can use tools like [CoSchedule Headline Analyzer] or [Sharethrough Headline Analyzer] to improve your headline quality and click-through rate. To optimize your bio and profile picture on Instagram, you can use tools like [Capitalize My Title] or [Hashtagify] to improve your captions and hashtags.
  4. Optimize your boards and posts on Pinterest. Your boards and posts should be organized, categorized, labeled, and tagged with relevant keywords, topics, themes, etc. that match your niche and content. You should also use high-quality images, videos, graphics, animations, etc. that capture the attention of your audience and entice them to click on your posts. To optimize your boards and posts on Pinterest, you can use tools like Keyword Tool or TubeBuddy to find popular and low-competition keywords that match your niche and content. You can also use tools like [Canva] or [Pixlr] to create graphics or animations for your posts.

Optimize your feed and stories on Instagram. Your feed and stories should be curated, styled, edited, filtered, etc. with a consistent aesthetic, tone, mood, color scheme, etc. that reflects your brand identity and personality. You should also use high-quality images, videos, graphics, animations, etc. that showcase your products, services, offers, etc. and compel your audience to take action. To optimize your feed and stories on Instagram, you can use tools like [InVideo] or [] to create short videos, stories, reels, clips, etc. for different formats. You can also use tools like [VSCO] or [Snapseed] to edit and enhance your images and videos.

How to Create Engaging and Shoppable Posts for Pinterest and Instagram

The next step to using Pinterest and Instagram to drive traffic and sales is to create engaging and shoppable posts for these platforms. Your posts should be designed to capture the interest of your audience, showcase the value of your products or services, and encourage them to visit your website or online store.

To create engaging and shoppable posts for Pinterest and Instagram, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose the right format and type for your posts. Depending on your goal, niche, and content, you can choose from various formats and types of posts on both platforms, such as:
  • Images: Photos or graphics that display your products or services in an appealing way.
  • Videos: Clips or animations that demonstrate your products or services in action or tell a story about them.
  • Carousels: Collections of images or videos that showcase multiple products or services or different features or benefits of a single product or service.
  • Stories: Short-lived vertical images or videos that capture the behind-the-scenes or the lifestyle aspects of your brand or business.
  • Reels: Short-form vertical videos that are fun, creative, and entertaining, often with music, effects, filters, etc.
  • Guides: Curated collections of posts that provide tips, recommendations, reviews, etc. on a specific topic or theme.
  • Pins: Images or videos that link back to your website or online store where users can find more information or make a purchase.
  • Video Pins: Short-form vertical or square videos that autoplay and loop on the platform.
  • Story Pins: Collections of images or videos that tell a story about your brand or business without linking back to your website or online store.
  • Idea Pins: Collections of images or videos that provide tips, tutorials, recipes, etc. on a specific topic or theme without linking back to your website or online store.
  • Add captions and hashtags to your posts. Your captions and hashtags should describe what your posts are about, what value they provide, what action you want your audience to take, etc. You should also include relevant keywords, phrases, emojis, etc. that match your niche and content.

To add captions and hashtags to your posts, you can use tools like [Hemingway Editor] or [Grammarly] to improve your caption readability and grammar. You can also use tools like [Rapidtags] or [Tag Generator] to generate tags for your posts.

  • Add shopping features to your posts. Shopping features are elements that allow your audience to easily discover, browse, and buy your products or services directly from the platform. Some of the shopping features that you can use on both platforms are:
  • Product Tags: Labels that identify specific products in your images or videos and link them to their product pages on your website or online store.
  • Shop Tab: A section on your profile that displays all your shoppable posts in one place.
  • Catalogs: Collections of products that you can upload to the platform and use in your shoppable posts.
  • Collections: Groups of shoppable posts that you can create based on a theme or category.

To add shopping features to your posts, you need to follow the requirements and guidelines of each platform. For Pinterest, you need to have a business account, claim your website or online store, and sync your products with your catalog. For Instagram, you need to have a business account, connect it to your Facebook Page, and comply with the commerce policies and eligibility requirements.

How to Promote Your Posts and Reach More Potential Customers on Pinterest and Instagram

The next step to using Pinterest and Instagram to drive traffic and sales is to promote your posts and reach more potential customers on these platforms. Your posts should be designed to increase your visibility, awareness, and engagement among your target audience.

To promote your posts and reach more potential customers on Pinterest and Instagram, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Use keywords and hashtags strategically. Keywords and hashtags are words or phrases that help users find your posts on the platform. You should use relevant, specific, and popular keywords and hashtags that match your niche and content. You can use tools like [Keyword Tool] or [TubeBuddy] to find popular and low-competition keywords and hashtags that match your niche and content. You can also use tools like [YouTube Suggest] or [Answer The Public] to find related keywords and phrases that you can also use.
  2. Use pins and stories to cross-promote your posts. Pins and stories are formats that allow you to share your posts with different audiences on the platform. You can use pins to share your posts with users who are searching or browsing for similar content on Pinterest. You can use stories to share your posts with users who are following you or who are interested in your niche on Instagram. You can also use tools like [Pinterest Story Pins Creator] or [Instagram Stories Templates] to create pins and stories for your posts.
  3. Use ads to boost your posts and reach more potential customers. Ads are paid promotions that allow you to display your posts to a larger and more targeted audience on the platform. You can use ads to increase your brand awareness, traffic, conversions, sales, etc. You can also use tools like [Pinterest Ads Manager] or [Instagram Ads Manager] to create and manage ads for your posts.
  4. Use analytics to track and measure your results. Analytics are data and insights that help you monitor and evaluate your performance on the platform. You can use analytics to understand how your posts are performing, who your audience is, what they are doing, etc. You can also use tools like [Pinterest Analytics] or [Instagram Insights] to access analytics for your posts.

How to Measure and Improve Your Performance on Pinterest and Instagram

The final step to using Pinterest and Instagram to drive traffic and sales is to measure and improve your performance on these platforms. Your performance is the outcome of your actions and efforts on the platform. It reflects how well you are achieving your goals and objectives.

Measuring and improving your performance will help you:

  • Identify your strengths and weaknesses
  • Discover new opportunities and trends
  • Solve problems and challenges
  • Achieve your goals and objectives

To measure and improve your performance on Pinterest and Instagram, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Define your key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs are metrics that help you evaluate how well you are achieving your goals and objectives. You should choose KPIs that are relevant, specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely for yourself. Some of the common KPIs for Pinterest and Instagram are:
  • Impressions: The number of times your posts are seen by users on the platform.
  • Reach: The number of unique users who see your posts on the platform.
  • Engagement: The number of actions that users take on your posts, such as likes, comments, shares, saves, clicks, etc.
  • Traffic: The number of users who visit your website or online store from your posts on the platform.
  • Conversions: The number of users who complete a desired action on your website or online store from your posts on the platform, such as signing up, subscribing, buying, etc.
  • Sales: The amount of revenue that you generate from your website or online store from your posts on the platform.

Use analytics tools to collect and analyze data. Analytics tools are applications that help you gather and analyze data from your posts on the platform. You can use analytics tools to measure your KPIs, compare your results, identify patterns and trends, etc. You can use tools like [Pinterest Analytics] or [Instagram Insights] to access analytics for your posts. You can also use tools like [Google Analytics] or [Facebook Pixel] to track and measure your traffic and conversions from your posts.

  • Use feedback tools to get opinions and suggestions from others. Feedback tools are applications that help you get feedback from your audience, peers, experts, etc. on your posts on the platform. You can use feedback tools to understand how your posts are perceived, appreciated, criticized, etc. by others. You can use tools like [BuzzSumo] or [Social Mention] to find relevant conversations and influencers in your niche. You can also use tools like [FameBit] or [AspireIQ] to find and work with other creators and influencers on the platform.
  • Use testing tools to experiment and optimize your posts. Testing tools are applications that help you test different versions or variations of your posts on the platform. You can use testing tools to compare and evaluate the performance of your posts, such as headlines, images, captions, hashtags, etc. You can use tools like [Pinterest Trends] or [Instagram Explore] to find popular and trending topics and content in your niche. You can also use tools like [Split Test Calculator] or [AB Testing Calculator] to calculate the statistical significance of your tests.


Pinterest and Instagram are two of the most popular and powerful social media platforms for visual content marketing. By following the steps and tips discussed in this article, you can use Pinterest and Instagram to drive traffic and sales to your website, blog, or online store in 2023.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to use Pinterest and Instagram to drive traffic and sales.

If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and family who are interested in using Pinterest and Instagram to drive traffic and sales. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the bell icon to get notified when we upload new videos. Thank you for watching and reading!

This article was co-authored by Bing Chatbox and John Monyjok Maluth, who are both passionate about writing and social media marketing. You can find more information about them and their work on their websites [30] and [31].


  1. : Pinterest Help Center. (2023). Claim your website.
  2. : Instagram Help Center. (2023). Set up Instagram Shopping.
  3. : Pinterest Help Center. (2023). Create a business account.
  4. : Instagram Help Center. (2023). Create a business account on Instagram.
  5. : Pinterest Help Center. (2023). Pinterest Analytics overview.
  6. : Instagram Help Center. (2023). Insights overview for business accounts on Instagram.

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