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How to Create a Podcast and Grow Your Audience v2.0

How to Create a Podcast and Grow Your Audience

Learn how to create a podcast and grow your audience today!

By Bing Chat and John Monyjok Maluth


Podcasting is a popular and powerful medium to share your voice, ideas, and stories with the world. Whether you want to start a podcast for fun, passion, or business, you need to know the basics of how to create a podcast and grow your audience. In this article, we will guide you through the essential steps of podcasting, from planning and production to distribution and promotion. We will also share some tips and resources to help you make your podcast stand out and reach more listeners.

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Planning Your Podcast

The first step of creating a podcast is planning. You need to have a clear vision of what your podcast is about, who it is for, and how it will be structured. Here are some questions to help you plan your podcast:

  • What is your podcast topic? Choose a topic that you are passionate and knowledgeable about, and that has enough potential for many episodes. Try to narrow down your topic to a specific niche or angle that will appeal to your target audience and differentiate your podcast from others in the same category.
  • What is your podcast title? Pick a catchy and descriptive title that reflects your topic and brand. Avoid using generic or vague words that might confuse or mislead your listeners. You can also include keywords that relate to your topic or niche to help with SEO (search engine optimization).
  • What is your podcast description? Write a concise and compelling description that summarizes what your podcast is about, who it is for, and why they should listen. Use clear and engaging language that captures your tone and personality. You can also include a call to action that invites your listeners to subscribe, rate, review, or share your podcast.
  • What is your podcast format? Decide on the format of your podcast, such as the length, frequency, style, and structure of each episode. For example, you can choose between solo or co-hosted shows, interviews or monologues, scripted or improvised content, etc. You can also decide on the segments or sections of each episode, such as the introduction, main content, conclusion, etc.
  • What is your podcast artwork? Create an eye-catching and professional-looking artwork that represents your podcast visually. Your artwork should match your title and description, and convey the mood and tone of your podcast. Use high-quality images and fonts that are easy to read and fit within the specifications of different platforms (e.g., 3000 x 3000 pixels for Apple Podcasts).
  • What is your podcast intro and outro? Record an intro and outro for your podcast that introduce and wrap up each episode. Your intro should include your podcast name, host name(s), tagline or slogan, and a brief overview of what the episode is about. Your outro should include a thank you message to your listeners, a reminder to subscribe, rate, review, or share your podcast, and any other information or links you want to promote.

Producing Your Podcast

The second step of creating a podcast is production. You need to have the right equipment, software, and skills to record, edit, and publish your podcast episodes. Here are some tips to help you produce your podcast:

  • Choose your equipment: You don’t need expensive or fancy equipment to start a podcast, but you do need some basic items that will ensure good sound quality and reliability. The most essential equipment you need are a microphone, headphones, and a computer. You can also use additional items such as a mixer, an audio interface, a pop filter, etc., depending on your budget and needs.
  • Choose your software: You also need software to record, edit, and publish your podcast episodes. There are many options available for different platforms and purposes. Some popular software choices are Audacity (free), GarageBand (free for Mac users), Adobe Audition (paid), etc. You can also use online tools such as Anchor (free) or Zencastr (paid) that allow you to record and edit your podcast in the cloud.
  • Record your podcast: Once you have your equipment and software ready, you can start recording your podcast episodes. Make sure you have a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed or distracted by background noise or interruptions. You can also use a script or an outline to guide you through the content of each episode. Try to speak clearly and confidently into the microphone, and avoid filler words or long pauses.
  • Edit your podcast: After recording your podcast episodes, you need to edit them to remove any mistakes, noises, silences, or unwanted parts. You can also add music, sound effects, transitions, etc., to enhance the quality and flow of your episodes. Editing can be time-consuming and tedious, but it can make a big difference in how professional and polished your podcast sounds.
  • Publish your podcast: The final step of producing your podcast is publishing it online so that people can listen to it. To do this, you need a podcast hosting service that will store and distribute your podcast files to different platforms and directories. Some popular podcast hosting services are Buzzsprout, Podbean, Transistor, etc. You can also use Spotify for Podcasters to upload your podcast directly to Spotify and access analytics and features.

Distributing Your Podcast

The third step of creating a podcast is distribution. You need to submit your podcast to different platforms and directories where people can find and listen to it. Here are some steps to help you distribute your podcast:

  • Submit your podcast to Apple Podcasts: Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes) is the largest and most influential podcast platform in the world. It is also the source of many other podcast directories and apps that pull their data from it. Therefore, submitting your podcast to Apple Podcasts is a must for any podcaster. To do this, you need an Apple ID, a valid RSS feed from your podcast hosting service, and a podcast artwork that meets the specifications of Apple Podcasts. You can then use Podcasts Connect to submit your podcast for review and approval.
  • Submit your podcast to Spotify: Spotify is another major and fast-growing podcast platform that attracts millions of listeners worldwide. It is also one of the few platforms that allow you to upload your podcast directly without using a third-party hosting service. To do this, you need a Spotify account and a valid RSS feed from your podcast hosting service or Spotify for Podcasters. You can then use Spotify for Podcasters to submit your podcast and access analytics and features.
  • Submit your podcast to other platforms and directories: Besides Apple Podcasts and Spotify, there are many other platforms and directories where you can submit your podcast and reach more potential listeners. Some of the most popular ones are Google Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, etc. You can also use services such as Podcorn or Podchaser that help you discover and connect with other podcasts and sponsors.

Promoting Your Podcast

The fourth and final step of creating a podcast is promotion. You need to market and grow your podcast audience by using various strategies and channels. Here are some tips to help you promote your podcast:

  • Use social media: Social media is one of the most effective and accessible ways to promote your podcast and engage with your audience. You can use platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc., to post about your new episodes, share behind-the-scenes content, ask for feedback, answer questions, etc. You can also use hashtags, stories, reels, live videos, etc., to increase your visibility and reach.
  • Use email marketing: Email marketing is another powerful way to promote your podcast and build a loyal fan base. You can use tools such as Mailchimp, ConvertKit, AWeber, etc., to create an email list for your podcast and send newsletters, updates, offers, etc., to your subscribers. You can also use email signatures, opt-in forms, landing pages, etc., to grow your email list.
  • Use SEO: SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of your website or content on search engines such as Google or Bing. You can use SEO techniques such as keywords, titles, descriptions, tags, transcripts, etc., to optimize your podcast website and episodes for search engines and attract more organic traffic.
  • Use guest appearances: Guest appearances are when you or someone else appear on another podcast or media outlet as a guest or an expert. This can help you expose your podcast to new audiences, establish credibility and authority, and create valuable relationships with other podcasters or influencers. You can use tools such as PodMatch or to find relevant podcasts or guests for your show.
  • Use paid advertising: Paid advertising is when you pay money to promote your podcast on various platforms or channels such as Facebook Ads, Google Ads, YouTube Ads, etc. This can help you boost your visibility and reach more targeted audiences who might be interested in your podcast topic or niche. However, paid advertising can also be costly and competitive, so you need to have a clear goal and budget before you start.


Podcasting is a fun and rewarding way to share your voice with the world. However, it also requires planning, production, distribution, and promotion to make it successful. We hope this article has given you some useful tips and resources on how to create a podcast and grow your audience.


1. How to start a podcast: The creator’s step-by-step guide. (2022). Retrieved from

2. How To Start A Podcast In 2023: A Step-By-Step Guide. (2023). Retrieved from

3. How to Start a Podcast: The Beginner’s Guide 2023 – First

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