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How to Use Video Marketing to Increase Your Engagement and Conversion Rates v2.0

How to Use Video Marketing to Increase Your Engagement and Conversion Rates

Learn How To Use Video Marketing To Increase Your Engagement And Conversion Rates Today!

By Bing Chat and John Monyjok Maluth


Video marketing is the use of video content to promote your brand, products, or services. It can help you attract, engage, and convert your target audience, as well as boost your online presence and reputation.

According to a report by Wyzowl1, 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, and 93% of marketers say that video is an important part of their marketing strategy. Moreover, 84% of people say that they have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video1.

But how can you use video marketing effectively to increase your engagement and conversion rates? In this article, we will share some tips and tools to help you create and optimize your video marketing campaigns.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide

Tips to Use Video Marketing to Increase Your Engagement and Conversion Rates

Here are some tips to help you use video marketing to increase your engagement and conversion rates:

  • Define your goals and audience: Before you start creating your videos, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and who you want to reach. For example, do you want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive sales, or educate your customers? And who are your ideal customers, what are their pain points, needs, and preferences? Having a clear goal and audience will help you craft your video content and message accordingly.
  • Choose the right type of video: Depending on your goal and audience, you need to choose the right type of video that suits your purpose and context. For example, if you want to introduce your brand or product, you can use an explainer video or a product demo. If you want to showcase your customer satisfaction, you can use a testimonial video or a case study. If you want to educate your customers, you can use a tutorial video or a webinar. Some of the most popular types of videos for marketing are:
    • Explainer videos: These are short videos that explain what your brand, product, or service does and how it solves a problem for your customers. They are usually animated or live-action, and they can be used on your website, landing page, social media, or email marketing. Explainer videos can help you increase brand awareness, trust, and conversions.
    • Product demos: These are videos that show how your product or service works and what benefits it offers to your customers. They are usually live-action or screen-recorded, and they can be used on your website, landing page, social media, or email marketing. Product demos can help you showcase your product features, value proposition, and competitive edge.
    • Testimonial videos: These are videos that feature your happy customers sharing their positive experiences with your brand, product, or service. They are usually live-action or animated, and they can be used on your website, landing page, social media, or email marketing. Testimonial videos can help you build social proof, credibility, and loyalty.
    • Case study videos: These are videos that tell a success story of how your brand, product, or service helped a customer solve a problem or achieve a goal. They are usually live-action or animated, and they can be used on your website, landing page, social media, or email marketing. Case study videos can help you demonstrate your impact, results, and customer satisfaction.
    • Tutorial videos: These are videos that teach your customers how to use your product or service, or how to do something related to your industry or niche. They are usually screen-recorded or live-action, and they can be used on your website, landing page, social media, or email marketing. Tutorial videos can help you educate your customers, provide value, and increase retention.
    • Webinar videos: These are videos that host a live or recorded online presentation, workshop, or seminar on a specific topic related to your brand, product, or service. They are usually live-action or screen-recorded, and they can be used on your website, landing page, social media, or email marketing. Webinar videos can help you generate leads, nurture prospects, and establish authority.
  • Create high-quality videos: Once you have chosen the type of video you want to create, you need to ensure that it is high-quality and professional-looking. You don’t need expensive equipment or software to create great videos; you just need some basic tools and skills. Here are some tools and tips to help you create high-quality videos:
    • Video creation tools: These are software or apps that help you create videos from scratch or using templates. They allow you to add text, images, audio, transitions, effects, and more to your videos. Some of the best video creation tools for marketers are InVideo2, Powtoon3, Vyond4, Wideo5, and Animoto6.
    • Video editing tools: These are software or apps that help you edit your videos and make them more polished and engaging. They allow you to trim, crop, rotate, split, merge, adjust, and enhance your videos. Some of the best video editing tools for marketers are Adobe Premiere Pro7, Final Cut Pro8, iMovie9, Camtasia10, and Filmora11.
    • Video optimization tools: These are software or apps that help you optimize your videos for search engines, social media, and other platforms. They allow you to add captions, tags, descriptions, thumbnails, and other metadata to your videos. Some of the best video optimization tools for marketers are TubeBuddy12, VidIQ13, Wistia14, Vimeo, and YouTube Studio.
    • Tips for creating high-quality videos:
      • Use a good camera or smartphone with a high-resolution and a stable tripod or stand.
      • Use a good microphone or headset with a clear sound and a low background noise.
      • Use a good lighting source or natural light with a balanced brightness and contrast.
      • Use a simple and clean background or green screen with a relevant and attractive image.
      • Use a script or an outline to guide you through the content and message of your video.
      • Use a storyboard or a mockup to plan the visual elements and flow of your video.
      • Use a voice-over or a narrator to explain or comment on your video content.
      • Use music or sound effects to enhance the mood and tone of your video.
      • Use transitions or animations to create smooth and dynamic changes between scenes or segments of your video.
      • Use call-to-actions or buttons to invite your viewers to take action after watching your video.
  • Distribute and promote your videos: After you have created your videos, you need to distribute and promote them on the right channels and platforms to reach your target audience and achieve your goals. Here are some tips and tools to help you distribute and promote your videos:
    • Video hosting platforms: These are online platforms that allow you to upload, store, stream, and share your videos. They provide you with features such as analytics, security, customization, monetization, and more. Some of the best video hosting platforms for marketers are YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
    • Video marketing platforms: These are online platforms that allow you to manage, optimize, and measure your video marketing campaigns. They provide you with features such as lead generation, email marketing, landing pages, CRM integration, A/B testing, and more. Some of the best video marketing platforms for marketers are HubSpot Video, Vidyard, Lumen5, Hippo Video, and BombBomb.
    • Tips for distributing and promoting your videos:
      • Choose the right platform for your video type, goal, audience, and budget.
      • Optimize your video title, description, tags, thumbnail, and other metadata for SEO and social media.
      • Embed your video on your website, landing page, blog post, or email newsletter.
      • Share your video on your social media accounts, groups, communities, or influencers.
      • Encourage your viewers to like, comment, share, and subscribe to your video.
      • Run paid ads or sponsored posts to boost your video reach and engagement.


Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to increase your engagement and conversion rates. By following the tips and tools we shared in this article, you can create and optimize your video marketing campaigns like a pro.

If you want to learn more about how to use video marketing to increase your engagement and conversion rates, you can also check out some of the online courses and podcasts that we recommend:

  • Video Marketing Mastery by Think Media: This is an online course by Think Media, a leading YouTube channel and online community for video creators. The course teaches you how to create videos that get views, subscribers, leads, and sales. You will learn how to plan, produce, and promote your videos using proven strategies and best practices.[27]
  • Video Marketing School by Owen Video: This is an online course by Owen Video, a renowned video marketing coach and speaker. The course teaches you how to use video marketing to grow your business, brand, and influence. You will learn how to create video content, video ads, video funnels, and video systems that generate results.[28]
  • The Video Marketing Podcast by Ben Amos: This is a podcast by Ben Amos, a video strategist and founder of Engage Video Marketing. The podcast covers topics such as video strategy, video production, and more.


  • [14]. Wistia:
  • [15]. Vimeo:
  • [16]. YouTube Studio:
  • [17]. HubSpot Video:
  • [18]. Vidyard:
  • [19]. Lumen5:
  • [20]. Hippo Video:
  • [21]. BombBomb:
  • [22]. InVideo:
  • [23]. Powtoon:
  • [24]. Vyond:
  • [25]. Wideo:
  • [26]. Animoto:
  • [27]. Video Marketing Mastery by Think Media:
  • [28]. Video Marketing School by Owen Video:

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