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How to Use Content Curation and Aggregation to Provide Value and Save Time v1.2

How to Use Content Curation and Aggregation to Provide Value and Save Time

Learn How To Use Content Curation And Aggregation Today!

By Bing Chat and John Monyjok Maluth


Content is king, as the saying goes. But creating original and high-quality content can be time-consuming, costly, and challenging. That’s why many content marketers and creators use content curation and aggregation as complementary strategies to provide value to their audiences and save time for themselves.

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Content curation is the process of finding, selecting, and sharing relevant and valuable content from external sources with your own audience. Content aggregation is the process of collecting and presenting content from various sources without adding much commentary or analysis.

Both content curation and aggregation can help you achieve various goals, such as:

  • Establishing your authority and credibility in your niche or industry
  • Providing useful information and insights to your audience
  • Building relationships and trust with your audience and other content creators
  • Driving traffic and engagement to your website or social media platforms
  • Saving time and resources for creating original content

However, content curation and aggregation are not as simple as copying and pasting links or headlines from other websites. You need to follow some best practices and use some tools to make your curated and aggregated content more effective and appealing.

In this article, we will share some tips and strategies on how to use content curation and aggregation to provide value and save time, based on our own experience and research.

Content Curation Tips and Strategies

Content curation is more than just sharing other people’s content. It’s about adding value to your audience by providing context, analysis, or perspective on the content you share. Here are some tips and strategies on how to curate content effectively:

  • Prioritize quality over quantity. Don’t share everything you find on the internet. Choose only the most relevant, reliable, and valuable content that matches your audience’s needs, interests, and preferences.
  • Use tools like RSS feeds or social media monitoring platforms for efficient data collection. You don’t have to manually search for content every time you want to curate something. You can use tools like Feedly or Hootsuite to subscribe to relevant sources, filter by keywords or topics, and get notified of new content.
  • Properly attribute and give credit where it’s due. Don’t plagiarize or steal other people’s content. Always link back to the original source, mention the author’s name, or use quotation marks when quoting directly from the source.
  • Add value with context and analysis. Don’t just share a link or a headline without explaining why you are sharing it. Provide some background information, summarize the main points, highlight the key takeaways, or offer your own opinion or perspective on the content you share.
  • Stay up-to-date with industry trends. Don’t share outdated or irrelevant content that may confuse or mislead your audience. Keep track of the latest news, developments, or innovations in your niche or industry, and share them with your audience in a timely manner.

Content Aggregation Tips and Strategies

Content aggregation can help you provide a large volume of real-time content to your audience without much effort. However, it can also be overwhelming or boring if not done properly. Here are some tips and strategies on how to aggregate content effectively:

  • Apply filtering options such as date ranges or languages to narrow down your search results more effectively. You don’t want to share too much or too little content with your audience. You want to share just enough content that is relevant, fresh, and diverse.
  • Create custom feeds based on your own criteria or preferences. You don’t have to rely on predefined categories or topics that may not suit your needs. You can create your own feeds based on keywords, tags, sources, authors, etc., that match your niche or industry.
  • Use keywords effectively to optimize your search results. You don’t want to miss out on any important or interesting content that may be hidden under different terms or phrases. You can use synonyms, antonyms, modifiers, operators, etc., to refine your search queries.
  • Consider smaller niches or subtopics that may be overlooked by others. You don’t want to share the same content that everyone else is sharing. You want to stand out from the crowd by sharing unique or niche content that may appeal to a specific segment of your audience.
  • Regularly update your library of aggregated content. You don’t want to share stale or outdated content that may lose its value or relevance over time. You want to keep your library fresh and updated by adding new content or removing old content.

Content Curation and Aggregation Tools for WordPress

If you are using WordPress as your website platform, you can use various plugins or themes that can help you curate or aggregate content easily and efficiently. Here are some of them:

  • MyCurator: This plugin allows you to curate content from various sources using artificial intelligence (AI). It learns from your feedback and preferences, and delivers relevant content to your WordPress dashboard. You can then edit, annotate, or publish the content with one click.
  • WP RSS Aggregator: This plugin allows you to aggregate content from various RSS feeds and display them on your WordPress site. You can customize the appearance, layout, and functionality of the aggregated content, and add features such as thumbnails, excerpts, categories, etc.
  • Curation Suite: This plugin allows you to curate content from various sources using a sidebar widget. You can search for content by keywords, topics, or sources, and preview, edit, or publish the content with ease.

How to Begin Curating and Aggregating Content

Now that you have some tips and tools on how to curate and aggregate content, you may be wondering how to start. Here are some steps that you can follow:

  • Define your goals and audience. What do you want to achieve with your curated or aggregated content? Who are you targeting with your curated or aggregated content? How will you measure your success?
  • Choose your sources and topics. Where will you find your curated or aggregated content? What kind of content will you share with your audience? How will you filter or organize your content?
  • Choose your tools and platforms. What tools will you use to curate or aggregate content? What platforms will you use to share your curated or aggregated content? How will you integrate your tools and platforms?
  • Create a schedule and a workflow. When will you curate or aggregate content? How often will you share your curated or aggregated content? How will you manage your time and resources?
  • Test and improve your strategy. How will you monitor and evaluate your curated or aggregated content? What feedback will you collect from your audience or other sources? How will you improve your strategy based on your results?


Content curation and aggregation are valuable strategies for content marketers and creators who want to provide value to their audiences and save time for themselves. By following the tips and strategies that we have shared in this article, you can curate and aggregate content that is relevant, reliable, and valuable for your niche or industry. You can also use the tools that we have recommended for WordPress users to curate and aggregate content easily and efficiently.

We hope that this article has given you some insights and inspiration on how to use content curation and aggregation to provide value and save time. We also invite you to share your own stories, experiences, or tips on content curation and aggregation with us and other readers. You can contact us through our websites or social media accounts, or leave a comment below this article.

We are Bing Chat and John Monyjok Maluth, co-authors of this article. We are both passionate about writing and conversational AI. We have found our purpose and passion in life by creating content that educates, entertains, and empowers people. We also enjoy collaborating with each other and learning from each other.

Thank you for reading our article. We wish you all the best in curating and aggregating content.


  • AtOnce. (2023). Mastering Content Aggregation for 2023: Tips & Strategies. Retrieved from [AtOnce]
  • Hootsuite. (2023). The Complete Guide to Content Curation in 2023: Tools, Tips, Ideas. Retrieved from [Hootsuite]
  • Elegant Themes. (2023). A Beginner’s Guide to Content Curation and Content Aggregation with WordPress. Retrieved from [Elegant Themes]
  • eLearning Industry. (2023). A Step-By-Step Guide To eLearning Content Curation. Retrieved from [eLearning Industry]
  • Octoparse. (2023). How Web Scraping Works for Content Aggregation. Retrieved from [Octoparse]

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