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4 Keys to the True Inner Personal Peace

4 Keys to the True Inner Personal Peace

“4 Keys to True Inner Personal Peace” is an article drawing on my personal self-improvement insights that could assist you in enhancing your self-perception. We inhabit a world where the predominant news is negative—deadly, bloody, and frightening, akin to the realms of movies and fantasy. Indeed, the world has become as the Bible prophesied. Genuine peace is scarce worldwide.

The literature we consume is replete with themes of violence, assault, crime, horror, and mortality. As we are shaped by what we read, nourishing our spiritual and mental selves in this manner.

With this in mind, let’s explore these 4 Keys to True Inner Personal Peace, which might enable you to cultivate a personal haven of tranquility amidst global turmoil and strife.

Key #1: Understand the Root Causes of Conflict

Peace is often defined as the absence of violence, conflict, and disturbances that threaten our well-being. It can also signify prosperity, success, and stability.

Yet, the inner peace we refer to is not merely the lack of trouble or conflict. It is the capacity to avoid conflict or maintain a sense of serenity amidst life’s turmoil and chaos.

To achieve such authentic inner peace, one must comprehend certain truths. It is essential to recognize the fundamental cause of all conflicts in the world: SIN.

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We might believe that others are the root cause of conflicts, but a deeper reflection is necessary. Consider this: all humans are inherently flawed, which the Bible refers to as sin (Romans 3:21).

Comprehending human nature helps us grasp the reasons behind their initiation of conflicts, whether conscious or not.

This understanding doesn’t require us to condone every word or deed directed at us. Instead, it allows us to discern the motives behind others’ thoughts, words, and actions. They are, after all, only human, flawed at their core.

Yet, humans are more than their flaws; they are cherished by their Creator. God cares for every individual, fully aware of each one’s purpose in life.

What is the purpose for those who are born and then pass away within hours, days, weeks, or years? It’s hard to discern if there’s a divine intention for their brief presence in this world. However, it’s possible that their parents might gain valuable insights from the heartbreaking experience of losing a child.

Understanding humans as they truly are can place us in a stronger position to either forgive them following a conflict or to prevent conflicts altogether in various ways.

Preventing conflict is the most effective method of managing it, even though some individuals seem naturally inclined towards causing trouble. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure, and this is particularly true for conflict prevention.

Key #2: Avoid Conflict Whenever Possible

Understanding humans as flawed yet cherished by God, we should strive to avoid conflicts with anyone, related or not.

The Apostle Paul advised that we do our utmost to live peacefully with all, acknowledging the challenge this presents when others may not share the same desire for peace.

For instance, if you dislike noise and your neighbor revels in it, finding harmony can be difficult. Extroverts and talkative individuals often find joy in noise, which may disrupt your tranquility.

To prevent conflict, you might tolerate the noise, seek a resolution, consider relocating, request a volume reduction from your neighbor, or suggest they play music when you’re not home. The goal is to find the best way to minimize conflict wherever feasible.

Key #3: Negotiate For a Solution

The third key to achieving true inner peace is to seek a resolution through negotiation when conflict cannot be avoided for the various important reasons previously mentioned.

We are focusing on personal peace, which entails person-to-person negotiation as a means to resolve internal conflicts.

Revisiting the earlier noise example, one proposed solution was to engage in peaceful negotiation with your noise-making neighbor to achieve conflict resolution.

Remember, negotiation is distinct from argumentation. Arguing may incite further external conflict rather than resolving the internal one. This occurs because each party believes their perspective is valid, yet it’s impossible for all to be correct when opinions on the issue diverge.

Aim to negotiate a resolution to the conflict, rather than to prove who is right. The goal is not to win, but to find a way to prevent future conflicts or to resolve existing ones.

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Negotiation comes next after finding the possible root causes of any kind of conflict.

Key #4: Forgive the Wrongdoer

Ultimately, consider forgiving the wrongdoer and forgetting the incident for good. This becomes feasible if you find a compelling reason to forgive and forget, such as the understanding that no one is perfect. You, too, might make similar mistakes in the future.

You may have caused someone more pain than you believe they caused you, and that’s part of being human. Forgiving others is essential, and it starts with you because it’s within your power. Whether others choose to forgive you is up to them. You are in charge of your own thoughts, words, and deeds, just as they are of theirs. It’s acknowledged that forgiving can be difficult or seem impossible, but letting go is often the healthier choice.

Holding onto the painful words and actions of others can bind us. However, choosing to let go sets us free, demonstrating the power of forgiveness. Indeed, it’s easier said than done, but it is achievable. I forgive others because I understand that to err is human. They may not acknowledge their wrongdoings, but I have the power to declare it over.

Remember, love is the key to genuine inner peace. It enables us to comprehend the underlying causes of conflicts, to prevent them, to seek lasting resolutions, and to learn to forgive and forget the wrongs others have inflicted upon us. This newfound forgiveness fosters love and unity among former adversaries. I hope you find this perspective beneficial. If so, please share your thoughts by commenting below. If not, I would appreciate your feedback on your views.

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