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How to Use Email Marketing to Build Trust and Loyalty with Your Customers v1.2

How to Use Email Marketing to Build Trust and Loyalty with Your Customers

Learn How To Use Email Marketing To Build Trust And Loyalty With Your Customers Today!

By Bing Chat and John Monyjok Maluth


Email marketing is one of the most effective and affordable ways to communicate with your customers and prospects. It can help you increase your brand awareness, generate more sales, and retain your loyal customers. However, to achieve these benefits, you need to use email marketing strategically and ethically. You need to build trust and loyalty with your customers through email marketing.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide

Trust and loyalty are essential for any business relationship. They can influence your customer satisfaction, retention, and advocacy. They can also affect your reputation, credibility, and authority. Trust and loyalty are not something that you can buy or force. They are something that you have to earn and maintain over time.

How can you use email marketing to build trust and loyalty with your customers? Here are some tips and best practices to follow:

1. Ask for permission

The first step to build trust and loyalty with your customers through email marketing is to ask for their permission. Permission means that your customers have given you their consent to receive emails from you. It also means that they have the option to unsubscribe or opt-out at any time.

Asking for permission is not only respectful and ethical, but also legal. According to the CAN-SPAM Act in the US, the GDPR in the EU, and other similar regulations around the world, you must obtain explicit permission from your recipients before sending them commercial emails. You must also provide them with a clear and easy way to unsubscribe or change their preferences.

To ask for permission, you can use various methods, such as:

  • Creating a sign-up form on your website, landing page, or social media platform
  • Offering a lead magnet, such as a free ebook, report, webinar, or coupon, in exchange for their email address
  • Adding a checkbox or a link to your privacy policy and terms of service on your checkout page or order confirmation page
  • Asking for referrals from your existing customers or partners

When asking for permission, make sure to:

  • Be clear and transparent about what type of emails you will send, how often you will send them, and what value they will provide
  • Use a double opt-in process, which means sending a confirmation email to verify their subscription
  • Segment your list based on their interests, preferences, behavior, or other criteria
  • Respect their privacy and data protection rights

2. Provide value

The second step to build trust and loyalty with your customers through email marketing is to provide value. Value means that your emails are relevant, useful, and engaging for your customers. It also means that your emails are consistent with your brand identity and voice.

Providing value is not only important for attracting and retaining your customers, but also for avoiding spam complaints and unsubscribes. According to a survey by MarketingSherpa1, the top reasons why people unsubscribe from emails are:

  • Too many emails (26%)
  • Irrelevant content (21%)
  • Don’t recognize sender (19%)
  • Don’t remember signing up (19%)
  • Too many emails from the company (17%)

To provide value, you can use various types of emails, such as:

  • Welcome emails: These are the first emails that you send to your new subscribers after they sign up for your list. They are meant to introduce yourself, thank them for joining, set expectations, and deliver your lead magnet if any.
  • Newsletter emails: These are regular emails that you send to keep in touch with your subscribers and share valuable content, such as blog posts, articles, videos, podcasts, tips, news, or updates.
  • Promotional emails: These are occasional emails that you send to promote your products or services, offer discounts, coupons, or deals, or announce new launches, events, or contests.
  • Transactional emails: These are automated emails that you send to confirm an action taken by your subscribers, such as placing an order, making a payment, registering for a webinar, or downloading a resource.
  • Educational emails: These are educational emails that you send to educate your subscribers about a topic related to your niche, such as how-to guides, tutorials, case studies, or best practices.
  • Nurturing emails: These are personalized emails that you send to nurture your leads or prospects along the sales funnel, such as providing social proof, addressing objections, or offering incentives.
  • Loyalty emails: These are rewarding emails that you send to appreciate your loyal customers, such as sending birthday wishes, anniversary greetings, thank-you notes, or loyalty program benefits.

When providing value, make sure to:

  • Write catchy subject lines that capture attention and curiosity
  • Use clear and concise language that avoids jargon, clichés, and errors
  • Use personalization and segmentation to tailor your content to each recipient
  • Use images, videos, or other visual elements to enhance your message and appeal to emotions
  • Include a clear and compelling call to action that tells your recipients what you want them to do next
  • Test and optimize your emails for different devices, browsers, and email clients

3. Seek feedback

The third step to build trust and loyalty with your customers through email marketing is to seek feedback. Feedback means that you ask for your customers’ opinions, suggestions, or ratings about your emails, products, or services. It also means that you listen to their feedback and act on it accordingly.

Seeking feedback is not only helpful for improving your email marketing performance and customer satisfaction, but also for building relationships and engagement with your customers. According to a study by Harvard Business Review2, customers who provide feedback are more likely to buy from the same company again, spend more, and refer others.

To seek feedback, you can use various methods, such as:

  • Sending surveys or polls to ask your customers about their satisfaction, preferences, needs, or expectations
  • Asking for reviews or testimonials to collect social proof and word-of-mouth marketing
  • Encouraging comments or replies to your emails to start a conversation and show that you care
  • Monitoring and responding to customer complaints or inquiries on your email, website, or social media platforms
  • Analyzing your email metrics, such as open rate, click-through rate, conversion rate, bounce rate, unsubscribe rate, or spam rate

When seeking feedback, make sure to:

  • Be specific and relevant about what you want to know and why
  • Be respectful and polite when asking for feedback and thanking for it
  • Be timely and responsive when receiving and addressing feedback
  • Be honest and transparent when sharing the results or outcomes of feedback
  • Be open-minded and willing to learn from feedback


Email marketing is a powerful tool that can help you build trust and loyalty with your customers. By following the tips and best practices we shared in this article, you can use email marketing strategically and ethically to communicate with your customers and prospects, provide value to them, and seek feedback from them. This way, you can increase your brand awareness, generate more sales, and retain your loyal customers.

If you want to learn more about how to use email marketing to build trust and loyalty with your customers, you can also check out some of the online courses and books that we recommend:

  • Email Marketing Mastery by Tom Corson-Knowles: This is an online course by Tom Corson-Knowles, a bestselling author, copywriter, and coach. The course teaches you how to write captivating email campaigns that increase your sales and conversions. You will learn how to craft hooks, bodies, calls to action, keywords, headlines, subheadlines, testimonials, blurbs, bios, and more.3
  • Email Marketing Rules by Chad S. White: This is a book by Chad S. White, a leading email marketing expert and researcher. The book covers over 150 best practices for every aspect of email marketing, such as list building, designing, writing, delivering, testing, and optimizing emails. The book also explains the rationale behind each rule and provides examples and case studies.4
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How to Use Video Marketing to Increase Your Engagement and Conversion Rates v2.0

How to Use Video Marketing to Increase Your Engagement and Conversion Rates

Learn How To Use Video Marketing To Increase Your Engagement And Conversion Rates Today!

By Bing Chat and John Monyjok Maluth


Video marketing is the use of video content to promote your brand, products, or services. It can help you attract, engage, and convert your target audience, as well as boost your online presence and reputation.

According to a report by Wyzowl1, 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, and 93% of marketers say that video is an important part of their marketing strategy. Moreover, 84% of people say that they have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video1.

But how can you use video marketing effectively to increase your engagement and conversion rates? In this article, we will share some tips and tools to help you create and optimize your video marketing campaigns.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide

Tips to Use Video Marketing to Increase Your Engagement and Conversion Rates

Here are some tips to help you use video marketing to increase your engagement and conversion rates:

  • Define your goals and audience: Before you start creating your videos, you need to have a clear idea of what you want to achieve and who you want to reach. For example, do you want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive sales, or educate your customers? And who are your ideal customers, what are their pain points, needs, and preferences? Having a clear goal and audience will help you craft your video content and message accordingly.
  • Choose the right type of video: Depending on your goal and audience, you need to choose the right type of video that suits your purpose and context. For example, if you want to introduce your brand or product, you can use an explainer video or a product demo. If you want to showcase your customer satisfaction, you can use a testimonial video or a case study. If you want to educate your customers, you can use a tutorial video or a webinar. Some of the most popular types of videos for marketing are:
    • Explainer videos: These are short videos that explain what your brand, product, or service does and how it solves a problem for your customers. They are usually animated or live-action, and they can be used on your website, landing page, social media, or email marketing. Explainer videos can help you increase brand awareness, trust, and conversions.
    • Product demos: These are videos that show how your product or service works and what benefits it offers to your customers. They are usually live-action or screen-recorded, and they can be used on your website, landing page, social media, or email marketing. Product demos can help you showcase your product features, value proposition, and competitive edge.
    • Testimonial videos: These are videos that feature your happy customers sharing their positive experiences with your brand, product, or service. They are usually live-action or animated, and they can be used on your website, landing page, social media, or email marketing. Testimonial videos can help you build social proof, credibility, and loyalty.
    • Case study videos: These are videos that tell a success story of how your brand, product, or service helped a customer solve a problem or achieve a goal. They are usually live-action or animated, and they can be used on your website, landing page, social media, or email marketing. Case study videos can help you demonstrate your impact, results, and customer satisfaction.
    • Tutorial videos: These are videos that teach your customers how to use your product or service, or how to do something related to your industry or niche. They are usually screen-recorded or live-action, and they can be used on your website, landing page, social media, or email marketing. Tutorial videos can help you educate your customers, provide value, and increase retention.
    • Webinar videos: These are videos that host a live or recorded online presentation, workshop, or seminar on a specific topic related to your brand, product, or service. They are usually live-action or screen-recorded, and they can be used on your website, landing page, social media, or email marketing. Webinar videos can help you generate leads, nurture prospects, and establish authority.
  • Create high-quality videos: Once you have chosen the type of video you want to create, you need to ensure that it is high-quality and professional-looking. You don’t need expensive equipment or software to create great videos; you just need some basic tools and skills. Here are some tools and tips to help you create high-quality videos:
    • Video creation tools: These are software or apps that help you create videos from scratch or using templates. They allow you to add text, images, audio, transitions, effects, and more to your videos. Some of the best video creation tools for marketers are InVideo2, Powtoon3, Vyond4, Wideo5, and Animoto6.
    • Video editing tools: These are software or apps that help you edit your videos and make them more polished and engaging. They allow you to trim, crop, rotate, split, merge, adjust, and enhance your videos. Some of the best video editing tools for marketers are Adobe Premiere Pro7, Final Cut Pro8, iMovie9, Camtasia10, and Filmora11.
    • Video optimization tools: These are software or apps that help you optimize your videos for search engines, social media, and other platforms. They allow you to add captions, tags, descriptions, thumbnails, and other metadata to your videos. Some of the best video optimization tools for marketers are TubeBuddy12, VidIQ13, Wistia14, Vimeo, and YouTube Studio.
    • Tips for creating high-quality videos:
      • Use a good camera or smartphone with a high-resolution and a stable tripod or stand.
      • Use a good microphone or headset with a clear sound and a low background noise.
      • Use a good lighting source or natural light with a balanced brightness and contrast.
      • Use a simple and clean background or green screen with a relevant and attractive image.
      • Use a script or an outline to guide you through the content and message of your video.
      • Use a storyboard or a mockup to plan the visual elements and flow of your video.
      • Use a voice-over or a narrator to explain or comment on your video content.
      • Use music or sound effects to enhance the mood and tone of your video.
      • Use transitions or animations to create smooth and dynamic changes between scenes or segments of your video.
      • Use call-to-actions or buttons to invite your viewers to take action after watching your video.
  • Distribute and promote your videos: After you have created your videos, you need to distribute and promote them on the right channels and platforms to reach your target audience and achieve your goals. Here are some tips and tools to help you distribute and promote your videos:
    • Video hosting platforms: These are online platforms that allow you to upload, store, stream, and share your videos. They provide you with features such as analytics, security, customization, monetization, and more. Some of the best video hosting platforms for marketers are YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.
    • Video marketing platforms: These are online platforms that allow you to manage, optimize, and measure your video marketing campaigns. They provide you with features such as lead generation, email marketing, landing pages, CRM integration, A/B testing, and more. Some of the best video marketing platforms for marketers are HubSpot Video, Vidyard, Lumen5, Hippo Video, and BombBomb.
    • Tips for distributing and promoting your videos:
      • Choose the right platform for your video type, goal, audience, and budget.
      • Optimize your video title, description, tags, thumbnail, and other metadata for SEO and social media.
      • Embed your video on your website, landing page, blog post, or email newsletter.
      • Share your video on your social media accounts, groups, communities, or influencers.
      • Encourage your viewers to like, comment, share, and subscribe to your video.
      • Run paid ads or sponsored posts to boost your video reach and engagement.


Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to increase your engagement and conversion rates. By following the tips and tools we shared in this article, you can create and optimize your video marketing campaigns like a pro.

If you want to learn more about how to use video marketing to increase your engagement and conversion rates, you can also check out some of the online courses and podcasts that we recommend:

  • Video Marketing Mastery by Think Media: This is an online course by Think Media, a leading YouTube channel and online community for video creators. The course teaches you how to create videos that get views, subscribers, leads, and sales. You will learn how to plan, produce, and promote your videos using proven strategies and best practices.[27]
  • Video Marketing School by Owen Video: This is an online course by Owen Video, a renowned video marketing coach and speaker. The course teaches you how to use video marketing to grow your business, brand, and influence. You will learn how to create video content, video ads, video funnels, and video systems that generate results.[28]
  • The Video Marketing Podcast by Ben Amos: This is a podcast by Ben Amos, a video strategist and founder of Engage Video Marketing. The podcast covers topics such as video strategy, video production, and more.


  • [14]. Wistia:
  • [15]. Vimeo:
  • [16]. YouTube Studio:
  • [17]. HubSpot Video:
  • [18]. Vidyard:
  • [19]. Lumen5:
  • [20]. Hippo Video:
  • [21]. BombBomb:
  • [22]. InVideo:
  • [23]. Powtoon:
  • [24]. Vyond:
  • [25]. Wideo:
  • [26]. Animoto:
  • [27]. Video Marketing Mastery by Think Media:
  • [28]. Video Marketing School by Owen Video:
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How to Create a Podcast and Grow Your Audience v2.0

How to Create a Podcast and Grow Your Audience

Learn how to create a podcast and grow your audience today!

By Bing Chat and John Monyjok Maluth


Podcasting is a popular and powerful medium to share your voice, ideas, and stories with the world. Whether you want to start a podcast for fun, passion, or business, you need to know the basics of how to create a podcast and grow your audience. In this article, we will guide you through the essential steps of podcasting, from planning and production to distribution and promotion. We will also share some tips and resources to help you make your podcast stand out and reach more listeners.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide

Planning Your Podcast

The first step of creating a podcast is planning. You need to have a clear vision of what your podcast is about, who it is for, and how it will be structured. Here are some questions to help you plan your podcast:

  • What is your podcast topic? Choose a topic that you are passionate and knowledgeable about, and that has enough potential for many episodes. Try to narrow down your topic to a specific niche or angle that will appeal to your target audience and differentiate your podcast from others in the same category.
  • What is your podcast title? Pick a catchy and descriptive title that reflects your topic and brand. Avoid using generic or vague words that might confuse or mislead your listeners. You can also include keywords that relate to your topic or niche to help with SEO (search engine optimization).
  • What is your podcast description? Write a concise and compelling description that summarizes what your podcast is about, who it is for, and why they should listen. Use clear and engaging language that captures your tone and personality. You can also include a call to action that invites your listeners to subscribe, rate, review, or share your podcast.
  • What is your podcast format? Decide on the format of your podcast, such as the length, frequency, style, and structure of each episode. For example, you can choose between solo or co-hosted shows, interviews or monologues, scripted or improvised content, etc. You can also decide on the segments or sections of each episode, such as the introduction, main content, conclusion, etc.
  • What is your podcast artwork? Create an eye-catching and professional-looking artwork that represents your podcast visually. Your artwork should match your title and description, and convey the mood and tone of your podcast. Use high-quality images and fonts that are easy to read and fit within the specifications of different platforms (e.g., 3000 x 3000 pixels for Apple Podcasts).
  • What is your podcast intro and outro? Record an intro and outro for your podcast that introduce and wrap up each episode. Your intro should include your podcast name, host name(s), tagline or slogan, and a brief overview of what the episode is about. Your outro should include a thank you message to your listeners, a reminder to subscribe, rate, review, or share your podcast, and any other information or links you want to promote.

Producing Your Podcast

The second step of creating a podcast is production. You need to have the right equipment, software, and skills to record, edit, and publish your podcast episodes. Here are some tips to help you produce your podcast:

  • Choose your equipment: You don’t need expensive or fancy equipment to start a podcast, but you do need some basic items that will ensure good sound quality and reliability. The most essential equipment you need are a microphone, headphones, and a computer. You can also use additional items such as a mixer, an audio interface, a pop filter, etc., depending on your budget and needs.
  • Choose your software: You also need software to record, edit, and publish your podcast episodes. There are many options available for different platforms and purposes. Some popular software choices are Audacity (free), GarageBand (free for Mac users), Adobe Audition (paid), etc. You can also use online tools such as Anchor (free) or Zencastr (paid) that allow you to record and edit your podcast in the cloud.
  • Record your podcast: Once you have your equipment and software ready, you can start recording your podcast episodes. Make sure you have a quiet and comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed or distracted by background noise or interruptions. You can also use a script or an outline to guide you through the content of each episode. Try to speak clearly and confidently into the microphone, and avoid filler words or long pauses.
  • Edit your podcast: After recording your podcast episodes, you need to edit them to remove any mistakes, noises, silences, or unwanted parts. You can also add music, sound effects, transitions, etc., to enhance the quality and flow of your episodes. Editing can be time-consuming and tedious, but it can make a big difference in how professional and polished your podcast sounds.
  • Publish your podcast: The final step of producing your podcast is publishing it online so that people can listen to it. To do this, you need a podcast hosting service that will store and distribute your podcast files to different platforms and directories. Some popular podcast hosting services are Buzzsprout, Podbean, Transistor, etc. You can also use Spotify for Podcasters to upload your podcast directly to Spotify and access analytics and features.

Distributing Your Podcast

The third step of creating a podcast is distribution. You need to submit your podcast to different platforms and directories where people can find and listen to it. Here are some steps to help you distribute your podcast:

  • Submit your podcast to Apple Podcasts: Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes) is the largest and most influential podcast platform in the world. It is also the source of many other podcast directories and apps that pull their data from it. Therefore, submitting your podcast to Apple Podcasts is a must for any podcaster. To do this, you need an Apple ID, a valid RSS feed from your podcast hosting service, and a podcast artwork that meets the specifications of Apple Podcasts. You can then use Podcasts Connect to submit your podcast for review and approval.
  • Submit your podcast to Spotify: Spotify is another major and fast-growing podcast platform that attracts millions of listeners worldwide. It is also one of the few platforms that allow you to upload your podcast directly without using a third-party hosting service. To do this, you need a Spotify account and a valid RSS feed from your podcast hosting service or Spotify for Podcasters. You can then use Spotify for Podcasters to submit your podcast and access analytics and features.
  • Submit your podcast to other platforms and directories: Besides Apple Podcasts and Spotify, there are many other platforms and directories where you can submit your podcast and reach more potential listeners. Some of the most popular ones are Google Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn, iHeartRadio, etc. You can also use services such as Podcorn or Podchaser that help you discover and connect with other podcasts and sponsors.

Promoting Your Podcast

The fourth and final step of creating a podcast is promotion. You need to market and grow your podcast audience by using various strategies and channels. Here are some tips to help you promote your podcast:

  • Use social media: Social media is one of the most effective and accessible ways to promote your podcast and engage with your audience. You can use platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc., to post about your new episodes, share behind-the-scenes content, ask for feedback, answer questions, etc. You can also use hashtags, stories, reels, live videos, etc., to increase your visibility and reach.
  • Use email marketing: Email marketing is another powerful way to promote your podcast and build a loyal fan base. You can use tools such as Mailchimp, ConvertKit, AWeber, etc., to create an email list for your podcast and send newsletters, updates, offers, etc., to your subscribers. You can also use email signatures, opt-in forms, landing pages, etc., to grow your email list.
  • Use SEO: SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of improving the visibility and ranking of your website or content on search engines such as Google or Bing. You can use SEO techniques such as keywords, titles, descriptions, tags, transcripts, etc., to optimize your podcast website and episodes for search engines and attract more organic traffic.
  • Use guest appearances: Guest appearances are when you or someone else appear on another podcast or media outlet as a guest or an expert. This can help you expose your podcast to new audiences, establish credibility and authority, and create valuable relationships with other podcasters or influencers. You can use tools such as PodMatch or to find relevant podcasts or guests for your show.
  • Use paid advertising: Paid advertising is when you pay money to promote your podcast on various platforms or channels such as Facebook Ads, Google Ads, YouTube Ads, etc. This can help you boost your visibility and reach more targeted audiences who might be interested in your podcast topic or niche. However, paid advertising can also be costly and competitive, so you need to have a clear goal and budget before you start.


Podcasting is a fun and rewarding way to share your voice with the world. However, it also requires planning, production, distribution, and promotion to make it successful. We hope this article has given you some useful tips and resources on how to create a podcast and grow your audience.


1. How to start a podcast: The creator’s step-by-step guide. (2022). Retrieved from

2. How To Start A Podcast In 2023: A Step-By-Step Guide. (2023). Retrieved from

3. How to Start a Podcast: The Beginner’s Guide 2023 – First

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How to Use LinkedIn and Medium to Showcase Your Expertise and Content v1.0

How to Use LinkedIn and Medium to Showcase Your Expertise and Content

Learn How To Use LinkedIn And Medium To Showcase Your Expertise And Content Today!

By Bing Chat and John Monyjok Maluth


LinkedIn and Medium are two of the most popular and powerful platforms for professionals, entrepreneurs, and creatives who want to share their expertise and content with the world. LinkedIn is a social network that connects you with other professionals, potential employers, clients, and partners. Medium is a publishing platform that allows you to write and distribute articles, stories, essays, and more. Both platforms can help you build your personal brand, grow your audience, and establish your authority in your field.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide

However, to use them effectively, you need to follow some best practices and strategies. In this article, we will discuss some of the ways to use LinkedIn and Medium to showcase your expertise and content, based on recent research and reports.

What are LinkedIn Benefits?

LinkedIn benefits are the advantages and perks that LinkedIn offers to its users, such as:

  • Access to a powerful job board that allows you to search and apply for jobs, set job alerts, and see how you compare to other applicants1
  • Ability to build your personal brand and showcase your skills, achievements, personality, and goals through your profile2
  • Opportunity to rank your name on Google and increase your online visibility and reputation3
  • Chance to publish relevant content that demonstrates your knowledge, insights, opinions, and stories to your audience4
  • Possibility to engage with your community by interacting with other users, joining groups or publications, and participating in discussions or events5
  • Access to comprehensive health insurance, wellness program, paid time off, life insurance, donation matching, education reimbursement, and other benefits and perks if you work for LinkedIn6

What are Challenges of Using LinkedIn?

Some of the challenges of using LinkedIn are:

  • It can be time-consuming to create and maintain a professional profile, network with other users, and participate in groups or discussions12.
  • It can be expensive to access premium features or services, such as advanced search, analytics, learning courses, or career coaching12.
  • It can expose you to potential spam, scams, or privacy breaches from malicious or fraudulent users or messages132.
  • It can be difficult to get your message noticed or stand out from the crowd of other users or content on the platform14.
  • It can have a slow or unresponsive customer support or technical service when you encounter problems or issues on the platform14.
  • It can limit your control over your personal data and information, as LinkedIn owns and uses them for its own purposes or interests15.
  • It can require a learning curve or a skill set to become a power-user or an influencer on the platform6.

What are the benefits of using Medium?

Some of the benefits of using Medium are:

  • You can access unlimited articles from a variety of topics, genres, and perspectives, written by both established and emerging writers1.
  • You can support the writers you read and appreciate by directly contributing to their earnings through your membership fee1.
  • You can publish your own content on the platform and reach a large and engaged audience, as well as earn money from your writing2.
  • You can learn from other writers, get feedback, and improve your craft by reading and interacting with their content3.
  • You can enjoy an ad-free and clutter-free reading experience, as Medium only makes money from its subscription service4.

What are the challenges of using Medium?

Some of the challenges of using Medium are:

  • It can be difficult to monetize your content, as Medium pays writers based on the reading time and engagement of Medium members, which can be unpredictable and inconsistent1.
  • It can be hard to build your own brand and audience, as Medium owns and controls your content, distribution, and design2.
  • It can expose you to potential plagiarism, piracy, or censorship, as Medium does not guarantee the protection or preservation of your content3.
  • It can limit your creative freedom and expression, as Medium has strict editorial guidelines and rules that you have to follow4.

Create a compelling profile

The first step to using LinkedIn and Medium is to create a compelling profile that showcases your skills, achievements, personality, and goals. Your profile is your online resume, portfolio, and introduction. It is what people see when they search for you or visit your page. Therefore, you need to make sure it is accurate, complete, relevant, and professional.

Some tips for creating a compelling profile are:

  • Use a clear and friendly photo that reflects your personal or professional image
  • Write a catchy and informative headline that summarizes your value proposition or unique selling point
  • Write a concise and engaging summary that highlights your background, experience, interests, and aspirations
  • List your education, work history, certifications, awards, publications, projects, and other relevant achievements
  • Add relevant skills and endorsements that demonstrate your expertise and credibility
  • Include links to your website, portfolio, social media accounts, or other online presence
  • Ask for recommendations from your colleagues, clients, mentors, or peers who can vouch for your work quality and character

Publish relevant content

The second step to using LinkedIn and Medium is to publish relevant content that showcases your knowledge, insights, opinions, and stories. Content is the currency of the online world. It is how you communicate your value, attract attention, engage your audience, and establish your authority. Therefore, you need to publish content that is useful, informative, entertaining, or inspiring for your target audience.

Some tips for publishing relevant content are:

  • Choose topics that are related to your field, niche, or industry
  • Use keywords that are relevant to your topic, audience, or goal
  • Use catchy titles that capture attention and curiosity
  • Use clear and concise language that is easy to read and understand
  • Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, or lists to organize and structure your content
  • Use images, videos, charts, or graphs to illustrate or support your content
  • Use links, citations, or references to provide evidence, examples, or sources for your content
  • Use a call-to-action at the end of your content to invite feedback, comments, shares, or actions from your audience

Engage with your community

The third step to using LinkedIn and Medium is to engage with your community. Engagement is the key to building relationships, trust, and loyalty with your audience. It is also how you grow your network, reach, and influence in the online world. Therefore, you need to engage with your community by interacting with other users, joining groups or publications, and participating in discussions or events.

Some tips for engaging with your community are:

  • Follow or connect with other users who share your interests, goals, or values
  • Comment on or like other users’ content that you find valuable, interesting, or helpful
  • Share or re-post other users’ content that you think your audience would appreciate or benefit from
  • Join or create groups or publications that are relevant to your field, niche, or industry
  • Participate in or host discussions or events that are related to your topic, audience, or goal
  • Ask or answer questions or polls that are relevant to your topic, audience, or goal


LinkedIn and Medium are two of the best platforms for showcasing your expertise and content online. By creating a compelling profile, publishing relevant content, and engaging with your community, you can use them effectively to build your personal brand, grow your audience, and establish your authority in your field.


1: How to Demonstrate Your Expertise and Build Your Brand on LinkedIn | Official LinkedIn Blog

2: 8 Ways to Effectively Display Your Skills on LinkedIn – MUO

3: Does Your LinkedIn Profile Prove Your Credibility? – Forbes

4: How To Post From Medium To LinkedIn In 10 Minutes

5: How I Used LinkedIn to Showcase My Projects & Knowledge – Medium

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How to Use Facebook and Twitter to Build Your Brand and Community v1.0

How to Use Facebook and Twitter to Build Your Brand and Community

Learn How To Use Facebook And Twitter To Build Your Brand And Community Today!


Facebook and Twitter are two of the most popular and influential social media platforms in the world. They offer businesses and individuals the opportunity to connect with their target audience, share their stories, and promote their products or services. However, to succeed in social media marketing, you need to have a clear strategy and follow some best practices.

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In this article, we will discuss some of the benefits of using Facebook and Twitter for marketing, how to create a social media strategy, and some tips and examples of effective Facebook and Twitter marketing.

Benefits of Using Facebook and Twitter for Marketing

Facebook and Twitter have many advantages for marketers, such as:

  • Reach: Facebook has nearly 3 billion monthly active users, while Twitter has over 300 million1. This means you can access a large and diverse audience base and potentially reach new customers from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds.
  • Engagement: Facebook and Twitter allow you to interact with your audience in real time, through likes, comments, shares, retweets, mentions, direct messages, polls, live videos, and more. You can also use these platforms to provide customer service, answer questions, collect feedback, and build relationships with your followers.
  • Awareness: Facebook and Twitter can help you increase awareness about your brand, products, services, values, mission, and personality. You can use these platforms to showcase your expertise, share your opinions, educate your audience, entertain them, inspire them, or persuade them to take action.
  • Traffic: Facebook and Twitter can help you drive traffic to your website or other online platforms. You can use these platforms to share links to your blog posts, landing pages, online store, newsletter sign-up form, or any other content that you want your audience to see.
  • Conversion: Facebook and Twitter can help you generate leads and sales for your business. You can use these platforms to advertise your products or services directly to your target audience using various ad formats and targeting options. You can also use these platforms to create a shop or a catalog where you can showcase and sell your products or services.

How to Create a Social Media Strategy

A social media strategy is a plan that outlines your goals, objectives, tactics, metrics, and budget for using social media platforms. A social media strategy helps you align your social media activities with your overall marketing strategy and business goals. To create a social media strategy for Facebook and Twitter, you need to follow these steps:

  • Define your goals: What do you want to achieve with Facebook and Twitter? Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). For example: Increase brand awareness by 20% in six months; Generate 100 leads per month from Facebook ads; Grow Twitter followers by 10% in three months; etc.
  • Identify your target audience: Who are you trying to reach with Facebook and Twitter? You need to understand your ideal customers’ demographics, psychographics, behaviors, needs, pain points, preferences, motivations, and challenges. You can use tools like Facebook Audience Insights or Twitter Analytics to get insights into your existing audience or potential customers.
  • Conduct a competitor analysis: Who are your main competitors on Facebook and Twitter? What are they doing well or poorly on these platforms? How can you differentiate yourself from them? You need to analyze your competitors’ social media presence, performance, content, engagement, audience size, and growth rate. You can use tools like Sprout Social or BuzzSumo to conduct a competitor analysis.
  • Create a content plan: What type of content will you create and share on Facebook and Twitter? How often will you post? What tone of voice will you use? How will you align your content with your goals and audience? You need to create a content plan that outlines the topics, formats (e.g., text, image, video), frequency (e.g., daily, weekly), timing (e.g., morning, afternoon), tone (e.g., formal, informal), style (e.g., educational, entertaining), and call-to-action (e.g., visit website, buy product) of your content. You can use tools like CoSchedule or Hootsuite to create a content calendar.
  • Implement a content strategy: How will you create and distribute your content on Facebook and Twitter? What tools will you use? How will you optimize your content for each platform? You need to implement a content strategy that covers the creation, curation, scheduling, publishing, promotion, and repurposing of your content. You can use tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create visual content; Buffer or Later to schedule and publish your content; Facebook Ads Manager or Twitter Ads to promote your content; Lumen5 or to repurpose your content.
  • Measure and analyze your results: How will you track and evaluate your social media performance? What metrics will you use? How will you report and communicate your results? You need to measure and analyze your results using key performance indicators (KPIs) that are relevant to your goals. For example: Reach, impressions, engagement, clicks, conversions, cost per result, return on ad spend, etc. You can use tools like Facebook Insights or Twitter Analytics to measure your organic results; Facebook Business Suite or Twitter Business to measure your paid results; Google Analytics or Bitly to measure your website traffic; HubSpot or Mailchimp to measure your email marketing results. You can also use tools like DashThis or Google Data Studio to create and share reports.

Tips and Examples of Effective Facebook and Twitter Marketing

Here are some tips and examples of how to use Facebook and Twitter effectively for marketing:

  • Use a consistent brand identity: Your Facebook and Twitter profiles should reflect your brand identity and personality. You should use a clear and recognizable logo, cover photo, bio, username, and URL that match your website and other online platforms. You should also use a consistent tone of voice, style, and color scheme across your content. For example: Nike uses a simple and iconic logo, a catchy slogan, a motivational tone of voice, and a black-and-white color scheme on its Facebook and Twitter profiles.
  • Optimize your profiles for SEO: Your Facebook and Twitter profiles should be optimized for search engines. You should use relevant keywords, hashtags, and links in your bio, posts, and tweets. You should also use descriptive alt text for your images and videos. This will help you rank higher on Google and other search engines when people search for topics related to your business. For example: Moz uses keywords like “SEO”, “marketing”, “analytics”, and “tools” in its bio, posts, and tweets. It also uses hashtags like #MozCon, #WhiteboardFriday, and #SEOChat to join relevant conversations and increase its visibility.
  • Create engaging content: Your Facebook and Twitter content should be engaging, informative, entertaining, or inspiring for your audience. You should use a mix of different content formats, such as text, image, video, carousel, live video, story, poll, event, or shop. You should also use various content types, such as tips, facts, quotes, questions, stories, testimonials, reviews, case studies, interviews, webinars, podcasts, e-books, infographics, memes, gifs, or user-generated content. You should also use emoticons, emojis, stickers, or gifs to add some emotion and personality to your content. For example: HubSpot creates engaging content that educates its audience about marketing, sales, service, and software. It uses different formats and types of content to showcase its expertise and value proposition.
  • Encourage interaction: Your Facebook and Twitter content should encourage interaction with your audience. You should ask questions or opinions to spark conversations and feedback. You should also respond to comments or messages to show appreciation and support. You should also tag or mention other users or pages to acknowledge them or invite them to join the discussion. You should also use hashtags or keywords to join trending topics or events. You should also participate in chats or groups to network with other users or businesses. You should also run contests or giveaways to reward your followers and attract new ones. For example: Starbucks encourages interaction with its audience by asking questions like “What’s your favorite Starbucks drink?” or “How do you take your coffee?” It also responds to comments or messages from its customers or fans. It also tags or mentions other users or pages that are related to its brand or products. It also uses hashtags like #StarbucksAtHome or #RedCupContest to join relevant conversations or events. It also participates in chats or groups like #NationalCoffeeDay or #CoffeeLovers to network with other users or businesses. It also runs contests or giveaways to reward its followers and attract new ones.

Use social proof: Your Facebook and Twitter content should use social proof to build trust and credibility with your audience. Social proof is the idea that people are more likely to follow the actions or opinions of others who are similar to them or who have more authority or expertise on a topic. You can use social proof by featuring testimonials or reviews from your customers or fans; case studies or success stories from your clients or partners; ratings or awards from reputable sources; statistics or facts from credible sources; influencers or experts who endorse or recommend your brand or products; user-generated content from your followers or users who share their experiences or results with your brand or products.

For example: Airbnb uses social proof by featuring testimonials or reviews from its hosts or guests; case studies or success stories from its community members; ratings …or awards from reputable sources like Forbes, Time, or Fast Company; statistics or facts from sources like Oxford Economics, McKinsey, or Harvard Business Review; influencers or experts like Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, or Richard Branson who have used or praised its service; user-generated content from its followers or users who share their stories, photos, or videos of their trips using the hashtag #Airbnb.