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Learning Types: What They Are and Their Importance for You

Learning Types

Revisiting the Importance of Learning Types

This article explores the concept of learning, the different types of learning, the interplay between learning and personality, the significance of learning, and its impact on personal and professional development. As you peruse this article, you may be acquiring new knowledge or revisiting familiar concepts. But what does learning truly entail? Delve into the article for deeper understanding.

What Is Learning Types?

In our context, learning types involve a process where we gather both useful and useless knowledge, then filter out and retain what we need while discarding what we don’t. Learning occurs in various ways, which we will explore shortly. However, it’s important to remember that learning is, fundamentally, a process.

“Learning styles are the way by which students prefer to learn. One’s desired learning style is a factor of cognitive ability, emotions, and environmental factors.”


Learning new tips and tricks is a process that requires time and effort. The saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” may hold some truth, as people often learn more effectively when they are younger. Therefore, it’s advantageous to absorb as much knowledge as possible during one’s youth.

Nonetheless, it ultimately depends on one’s personality, a topic we will explore further in this article. This suggests that some older individuals can learn new things better and quicker than younger ones. Personality plays a crucial role in the speed of learning, regardless of age.

Because you are reading f*cken article, you are literally learning something. But the word, f*ck for me is more than abusive. However, it looks milder when spelled out that way than when written in full. Now, is that something new? Maybe you’re wondering why I am saying this, and that’s perfectly okay with me to know what you are thinking.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

Types of Learning

Just as there are various forms of knowledge, there are also numerous learning methods. However, there are two primary types: discovery and revelation. This article may not provide exhaustive details about these types of learning, but it aims to scratch the surface.

Learning through discovery happens when we are told how something is done, or when we figure out how to do it ourselves without help. These are considered discoveries because the knowledge existed before we became aware of it. Someone, somewhere, already had this knowledge, but it was new to us. The majority of human knowledge, about 90%, is discovery-based or scientific.

On the other hand, revelation knowledge, irrespective of religious or secular views, is the catalyst for many of the extraordinary human discoveries known today. It is tied to imagination. Similarly, we learn through revelation, which is not necessarily linked to religion or spirituality, even though life has a fundamentally spiritual essence.

As of this writing, scientific knowledge has debunked many unfounded human beliefs about ourselves and our world. Yet, religion persists, likely because our human knowledge is finite. Religion serves to interpret the myths of life.

For instance, in 2000 A.D., I dreamt a viper would bite me, and the subsequent events unfolded just as in the dream. That was not merely a dream, but a vision—a form of revelation. Now, let’s consider learning in relation to personality types.

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Learning Types and Personality Types

Learning is intertwined with personality types, as we all have our distinct ways of absorbing information. Some individuals grasp concepts better through audio messages rather than silent videos. Others prefer visual learning through videos, while some find reading text, like this blog article, most effective.

Additionally, there are those who learn optimally by engaging in hands-on activities. It’s akin to a learning spectrum: we each blend different methods in a way that’s unique to us. Even when accessing the same content, our learning processes differ.

Similarly, we don’t draw identical conclusions from a lesson because we are distinct not just in body, but in mind and spirit as well. If our behaviors and traits were solely shaped by our environment, we would be mere clones of one another.

Thankfully, we are far from being clones; even our offspring are not exact replicas. Despite any resemblance, my children are their own persons, distinct from me in every aspect.

The Importance of Learning Types

Is there ever a reason to question the importance of learning? Indeed, we have every reason to ponder and pose reasonable queries at any moment. What, then, is the significance of learning to you before I reveal my perspective? I relish posing questions to myself and answering them before exploring the opinions of others.

Without learning, knowledge is absent, and without knowledge, wisdom cannot exist; devoid of wisdom, life turns monotonous and meaningless. But what type of knowledge are we discussing? I refer to actionable knowledge, which prioritizes practical application over mere theoretical understanding.

Learning invariably demands focus, whether it’s through careful listening or observation. For instance, you must observe your football coach attentively as they demonstrate how to catch a ball mid-air. This is merely a hypothetical scenario, as I neither play nor watch football.

Regardless of the type of knowledge, learning is the initial step. We must learn to operate machinery before mastering it, to play the guitar, to type on a typewriter or computer, to drive a school bus, or to pilot a Boeing 737 aircraft. In all endeavors, learning precedes doing. We are perpetual learners, students of life itself. That is the essence of learning, dear reader.

Your Personal Development

Personal development is indeed intertwined with learning. We’re not just discussing the unique ways we learn due to our individual personalities. The focus is on utilizing learning as an ideal tool for personal growth. Now, that makes sense, doesn’t it?

I may not have a universal solution, but I can offer a method. I consider myself unique, with a specific destiny in life. This destiny, encompassing my goals, vision, and purpose, molds my mindset. My firm belief in living peacefully and guiding others towards peace keeps me focused and free from distractions.

Identify your mindset. It will guide you in choosing your friends, your information sources, and ultimately, your mentors or advisors. We all need these elements individually, right? A clear mindset provides direction in life. For instance, if you’re determined to go to America, you’ll stay on course regardless of the path you take.

Your Professional Development

Your professional life is intertwined with the learning process—what you learn and how you learn it. For instance, if you aspire to be a writer, mastering the craft is essential. It’s a journey filled with pain, trials, and errors before achieving perfection.

Even in published books, whether traditionally or self-published, I still encounter errors. The mode of publication is irrelevant; the human element in publishing is what truly matters. Yet, this doesn’t justify deliberately making mistakes in writing.

Remember, your professional life is as significant as your personal life. It represents one facet of the larger entity that is you, encompassing both personal and professional spheres. This is where tools like Personal Development and Professional Development become invaluable, offering insights for an improved life.

Success, to me, is engaging in what you love with ease and enjoyment, rather than succumbing to pressure. If you relish the process, you’ve already attained success. Success transcends financial gains, material possessions, cars, houses, land, and aircraft. These are merely the rewards of success, not its definition.


Ah, we’ve made significant progress in our learning journey. Now, I’d like to inquire: what have you gleaned? Merely stating ‘a lot’ is insufficient, isn’t it? I’m curious about your thoughts on the article below. But first, let’s take a step back. I have articulated my definition of learning. We’ve explored various types of learning and how they relate to personality types.

We’ve also examined the significance of acquiring knowledge, particularly practical or applicable knowledge. Ultimately, we’ve acknowledged how knowledge and learning can profoundly benefit our personal and professional lives. Indeed, learning is a natural process, isn’t it? Our learning begins in the womb and continues every day.

Yes, your learning journey began in the womb, which is quite remarkable, isn’t it? You were exposed to voices even then. And as you read this article, your learning continues. That’s wonderful. Continue to learn. More importantly, apply what you’ve learned. After all, that’s the essence of learning. Implement it! Practice it and integrate it into your being.

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Knowledge Types: What They Are and Their Importance

Exploring Different Types of Human Knowledge

This article will explore various categories, often referred to as types of knowledge. What exactly is knowledge? Is it linked to formal education? Is knowledge invariably practical? How do we define knowledge? These questions, among others, will be addressed in the following article. Let’s begin, as we typically do.

What Is Human Knowledge?

The English language contains numerous definitions for words, accessible both online and offline. Nevertheless, I find it fulfilling to define words in my own terms, based on my personal perspective and comprehension. This approach signifies that when we define words in our own manner, we have truly grasped and internalized their meanings, which epitomizes genuine education. Alright, that will suffice for the moment. The lecture concludes here.

“In everyday usage, knowledge refers to awareness of or familiarity with various objects, events, ideas, or ways of doing things. However, as philosophers have long noted, things get complicated quickly.”

Gregg Henriques Ph.D.

To me, knowledge signifies the practical know-how of doing something. Yet, there are various kinds and methods of acquiring knowledge. For instance, we may retain the ability to write even if we don’t actively engage in writing daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly. Does a long period without writing imply a loss of this skill? We may possess the knowledge but not apply it, which constitutes head knowledge.

We will explore two primary types of knowledge: discovery and revelation. Additionally, we will examine three levels of knowledge: head, heart, and hand. Information provides us with head knowledge, which is a level of knowledge rather than a type. Similarly, heart knowledge emerges from our belief in the information received. Conversely, hand knowledge pertains to practical application, representing a level of human knowledge rather than a distinct type.

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Discovery Knowledge

Discovery often tops the list of knowledge types because many people conclude their research at this point. It’s commonly believed to be the sole form of knowledge accessible to us, but is that accurate? I contend that knowledge transcends mere discovery since what is discovered has always existed, even before we became aware of its existence.

Consider Lake Victoria: did the Europeans truly discover and name it? To them, this was indeed the case. However, for the Africans who had lived around the lake for centuries, its existence and their name for it, which held significance in their language, was a given. Therefore, the local Africans were already aware of the lake; they didn’t need someone else to inform them of its presence or to name it. This suggests that discovery isn’t the only form of knowledge. We are currently examining just one type of knowledge.

Discovery knowledge is instrumental in our natural scientific research, including its methods and methodologies. It enables us to experiment with various subjects that we investigate, detect, measure, and study. Yet, as we will soon explore, research is non-existent without prior thought about the subject. For instance, if humans hadn’t considered that disease causes might extend beyond ‘bad air,’ would they have researched Malaria parasites? Without this initial thought, no research would ensue. Hence, before the actual cause of illness was discovered, there was contemplation, which falls under revelation knowledge, not discovery knowledge.

This revelation knowledge suggests that something or some force inspired that individual to think beyond our human constraints. Similarly, Thomas A. Edison had no precedent for what a light bulb would look like, having never seen one. Nevertheless, his mind, possibly with assistance from an unseen intelligent force, was able to conceptualize it into existence.

Revelation Knowledge

As previously mentioned, the knowledge of revelation remains elusive to many. Yet, it is the driving force behind our human imagination and creativity across generations. Regardless of our belief in a spiritual and supernatural realm, the undeniable truth is that our capacity for imagination is profound.

Imagination is as real as the spiritual and supernatural realms. Our minds, though invisible, undoubtedly exist. The mind is intangible, thus a supernatural or spiritual entity. It cannot be seen, touched, measured, or fully explained in its operation, can it?

Indeed, the brain, which collaborates closely with the mind, is one of the most complex organs known to humanity. Yet, the brain serves merely as the physical conduit, the intricate wiring that supports the functioning of the spiritual entity within this tangible world. This concept transcends religious belief and pertains to the reality we all share. It also implies that we have the choice to harness our minds deliberately. This does not necessitate a religious inclination, does it?

Furthermore, revelation often manifests as an intuitive “hunch,” as described by those who have experienced the supernatural. Notably, every person, whether religious or secular, encounters some form of revelation during their life. This underscores that religious belief is not a prerequisite for gaining revelatory knowledge.

Head Knowledge

Head knowledge, as previously mentioned, refers to information that remains theoretical. It’s an awareness of concepts we understand in theory but not in practice. This type of knowledge is distinct from practical or experiential knowledge, as it’s possible to be aware of concepts we don’t accept as reality.

Take angels and demons, for instance. Can one describe their appearance without referencing literature or media? Lacking personal encounters means lacking experiential knowledge of these beings, right? The same applies to concepts of heaven and hell.

In writing, my aim is to inform (head knowledge), guide (heart knowledge), and ultimately, educate (hands knowledge), because I hold information to be of paramount importance. We seek knowledge about heaven and hell, despite not knowing their exact locations or how to reach them.

Indeed, every human religion offers a path to heaven, reflecting our innate desire for a better existence. Religion has been and likely will remain a source of solace in our uncertain, troubled world. Yet, this comfort initially stems from head knowledge, which can transform into heart knowledge once it is embraced.

Heart Knowledge

Heart knowledge is considered a level of knowledge, rather than a type. It encompasses the deeply held beliefs that shape our lives, regardless of their veracity. As an African Christian, I hold a belief in the afterlife, a notion shared by my ancestors long before the advent of Christianity and Islam in Africa.

Africans have long believed that death is not the end; there are songs that depict the soul leaving the earthly body for a superior realm. The belief is that people transition from this world to another, and the location of this other world remains a mystery, as no one has returned to provide testimony.

Believing that a device possesses both hardware and software is akin to heart knowledge. Our convictions, perceived as truth, belong to this knowledge level, akin to revelation knowledge, which lacks physical representation.

My personal beliefs extend beyond those commonly held by my family, clan, tribe, society, country, and continent. Africans, Americans, and Asians each harbor unique and peculiar beliefs about all facets of life, encompassing both good and evil. Our origins do not diminish the diversity of beliefs held by those around us.

Hand Knowledge

Practical knowledge refers to information that is not just theoretical but also actionable in the physical world. It’s the kind of knowledge that, if you know how to write, you actually write; it’s applied, not just contemplated. For instance, knowing how to fly an aircraft involves practical training with tools and guidance from an instructor. Similarly, driving a car is a skill that, once learned, becomes a part of your practical abilities.

Building a hut or canoeing are also forms of experiential knowledge, often involving hands-on experience. However, not all skills require the use of hands; consider playing football, which primarily uses the legs. Practical knowledge encompasses any skill that can be performed, regardless of the body part used.

Smiling or laughing out loud are other examples of practical abilities, although they might not be appropriate in every situation, like when someone is very hungry. These actions are part of the broader spectrum of practical knowledge, which often involves our hands but can also include other parts of the body, like our mouths for speaking or eating.

The Importance of Human Knowledge

Our human knowledge, regardless of its type or level, is vitally important simply because we are human. Animals possess their own form of knowledge, as we have ours, which may include revelatory or discovered knowledge, or a combination of both. Every creature has its unique nature and, accordingly, its unique type of knowledge based on its acquisition method.

I hold the belief that flies possess knowledge that I do not, and that I would be unable to comprehend even if I were to live for over a thousand years. I might be correct in this belief, as I am convinced, even though I lack what is typically referred to as evidence or data to support my position. I also believe that plants communicate with one another. Whether this is through an audible voice, I cannot say. However, communication does not necessarily require sound; it can occur in many different forms.

As an intuitive empath, I understand animals and insects more profoundly than most people around me, who may dismiss my claims as mere illusions or madness. I am confident in my experiences, which are not shared by the majority. However, I am not alone; others can attest to these phenomena. An online search can provide more insight into these claims before drawing any conclusions.

Observing my interactions with animals and insects could lead to significant findings. Human knowledge, encompassing scientific and practical understanding, is crucial, yet our experiences vary. Science, a tool that has revealed much about the world and ourselves, has allowed us to explore our bodies for greater purposes.

Scientific advancements have enabled humans to dominate the skies, seas, and land. We soar beyond any other terrestrial beings, have developed communicative devices, and invented tools that facilitate travel far more efficiently than a century ago. The processes of writing and publishing books have also become significantly easier in less than fifty years.

Your Personal Development

Personal development is crucial, as it involves understanding who you are. Recognizing your identity is the first step towards finding your life’s purpose. You are already someone significant; aspiring to be someone else is merely wishful thinking. It’s not beneficial to strive to be someone else when you already have an identity.

Once you’ve discovered who you are, you can begin to enhance your true personality. Personal development represents one aspect of a coin, with professional development on the flip side, reflecting how people often define you by your profession.

In South Sudan, as of this writing, it’s possible to live comfortably without employment, but this situation is changing rapidly. Education doesn’t diminish love and care among people; rather, it heightens our awareness of what we can achieve independently.

Personal development encompasses both self-discovery and self-improvement. Self-discovery occurs once, but self-improvement is an ongoing process of positive evolution and growth. Can you see how they differ now?

Your Professional Development

Professional development is the complementary aspect of the concept mentioned earlier. It encompasses career discovery and enhancement. Similar to self-discovery and self-improvement, these components are crucial for one’s professional journey. It involves identifying your strengths in alignment with your genuine personality type, distinguishing a career from a mere job. As an intuitive, empathetic introvert, I struggle in crowds, particularly during emotionally charged events like funerals, as I tend to absorb every facial expression, which quickly becomes overwhelming.

My personality type leads me to prefer working alone in quiet places, where I seldom feel bored, especially when engaged with my writing tools. Boredom is foreign to me in solitude unless hunger strikes. Illness is the only other instance when boredom creeps in. Similarly, you can discover activities that align with your personality type, easing the path to self and career development. Understanding these aspects of knowledge is pivotal for discovery and gradual improvement in both personal and professional realms. This is the rationale behind emphasizing personal and professional development in this article segment. Indeed, everyone has a purpose in life. I am convinced that I am fulfilling mine at this moment.

If you haven’t already, take this opportunity to acquire these resources. The links provided will guide you to the books: Your Self-Discovery Guide, Your Self-Improvement Guide, Your Career-Discovery Guide, and Your Career-Improvement Guide.


Indeed, knowledge is power, right? Napoleon Hill suggested that knowledge is merely potential power. I believe he was alluding to impractical knowledge, perhaps the kind of theoretical knowledge discussed in this article. However, knowledge that resonates with the heart often translates into practical application, which is actual power, not merely potential, because it is already in action.

Yes, there are different types of knowledge! Having read this article, you might have drawn some conclusions. What are they? Have you learned something new? If so, what is it? What did you already know before reading the article? Thank you for reading! Your feedback is important, and I encourage you to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Your insights will surely be valuable to other readers as well. Enjoy your journey of learning.

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Empaths: Who They Are and Their Importance in Our Human Society


Learn More About Empaths Today!

This article explores the concept of empaths and beyond. It aims to underscore the significance of having highly empathetic individuals in our societies as a cornerstone for establishing and preserving genuine peace. But, are you an empath? How can you determine whether you are one or not? Continue reading to discover more.

Who Is An Empath?

Numerous definitions of ’empath’ exist both online and offline. One of the most insightful ones is, “An empath is a person highly attuned to the feelings and emotions of those around them, experiencing what another person feels at a profound emotional level,” as stated by After reading that article, I recognized that I possess some empathetic qualities, though not entirely. This stems from developing a method to manage emotions years ago. I’ve carved out a life path where I maintain concern for others without becoming overly involved in their lives, as it’s not beneficial for me or them.

Maturity involves comprehending others’ experiences without immersing oneself in their situations as though you are the cause. Do you understand now? Indeed, I am an empath, but I no longer allow it to consume me as it did in my younger, less mature years, both physically and emotionally.

Moreover, everything in this world exists on a spectrum – a scale of measurement. This implies varying degrees of empathy. Some may exhibit excessive empathy, while others display it through their thoughts, words, and deeds. As previously mentioned, I am uncertain of my exact position on this spectrum. For now, all I am certain of is that I am an empath, but to what extent—whether it’s high, low, or somewhere in between—I cannot ascertain.

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Are You an Empath?

In the aforementioned post, you may discover whether you are an empath by answering a few introspective questions. It’s important to note that not all empaths are alike; you may find that you’re a unique type of empath.

Being highly empathetic means that you tend to absorb other people’s emotions without filtering them through critical thought. These emotions can overshadow your own, and it may take some time to disentangle yourself from them. The 15 signs and symptoms listed could indicate whether you are an empath. For instance, many empaths, like myself, find it challenging to attend funeral rites because we become emotionally involved without conscious choice—it’s an instinctive reaction. I find myself attuned to every word, whether spoken or implied, which often leads me to reflect more deeply than those who express them.

Empaths typically have a strong sense of morality, more so than individuals who lack empathy, such as psychopaths. If you often try to understand the careless remarks of others, you might be an empath. Unlike most people who may not consider the impact of their words or actions, empaths process and sometimes embody these emotions, which isn’t always beneficial. If you resonate with this, you are likely an empath. Keep in mind, various factors can influence these feelings, depending on the context.

It’s fair to assert that all humans, even those considered insane, experience empathy at certain moments, influenced by their surroundings. Therefore, the distinction lies in the degree of empathy—one may be high or low on the empathetic spectrum, but empathetic nonetheless.

Advantages of Being an Empath

If you possess a high level of empathy, you have the ability to help yourself and others manage emotions effectively. It’s my hope that you can do so with ease. However, perfect assistance can only come from within; you can only aid others if they are willing to engage with you. This means they must be receptive to your actions.

Indeed, there are numerous benefits to being empathetic in our societies, where psychological and emotional support is often needed. One benefit is the ability to understand people’s thoughts before they take action or voice their concerns. It’s important to remember that not everyone has this ability. If you do, it’s a wonderful gift to utilize.

Another benefit is recognizing when the emotions of others might overwhelm you, allowing you to prioritize your own well-being before attempting to assist them. Ultimately, it is up to the individual to accept your empathetic words and actions for their healing. Thus, empathy is incredibly beneficial for you and your loved ones.

Certainly, we can contribute positively in various ways across societal levels—individually, within families, clans, tribes, and nations. The value of empathy is evident at home, in educational settings, and in the workplace. Knowing that you are there for others, not solely for yourself, provides a comforting assurance.

Disadvantages of Being an Empath

There are numerous disadvantages to possessing highly empathetic feelings and actions towards oneself and others. Being an empath can be detrimental if one does not learn to harness such a gift properly. The essence of this article is to assist you in utilizing your empathetic abilities wisely.

If not managed carefully, empathy can be detrimental to an individual. Minor issues can consume all your time and mental energy, which is unnecessary. It’s important to remain free and adaptable. Every being, whether human, animal, insect, or bird, faces their own challenges. Therefore, you are not alone; everyone has their own struggles, so there’s no need to overly concern yourself with your own problems.

Furthermore, empathy can impact those around you if not exercised prudently. In societies that value collectivism, such as South Sudan, individual actions have a ripple effect on others. As the late Prof. John Mbiti of Kenya articulated, “I am because we are, and because we are, therefore I am.” Hence, even a small change in routine, like waking up later, can cause concern among family members, who may check on you if you don’t rise at the usual time.

This is an example of how empathy can negatively affect others, which is a disadvantage. While there are many more setbacks, it is not feasible to list and discuss each one in this article. However, this should suffice for our discussion. You may wish to share some of the disadvantages at the end of this post.

The Importance of Empaths in Our Human Society

Understanding the pros and cons of being an empath in society is crucial. We should acknowledge these aspects individually. As previously stated, empathy is a natural human trait that varies in degree. Those with moderate to high levels of empathy are termed empaths, while those with very low levels are known as psychopaths.

Empaths are vital in every human society, highlighting the significance of their presence among us. They are needed as friends, family members, neighbors, and colleagues. Empaths are essential in every community, and even domestic animals benefit from their presence.

Consider this: if we have a significant number of empathetic individuals in homes, clans, villages, bomas, payams, countries, states, and regions within South Sudan, peace and harmony will prevail. I firmly believe that empathetic leaders will be genuinely concerned about their people’s suffering.

Similarly, empathetic individuals will care about the loss of any human life, regardless of community affiliation. Such empathy within families, clans, and tribes can foster genuine peace in our societies. This implies that maintaining peace in South Sudan and beyond is not solely the government’s responsibility; it also depends on the people’s empathy towards life and nature. I envision a peaceful existence if we all practice high empathy in our daily interactions at every level of relationship.

Empathy and Femininity: Empaths

Based on my observations, it appears that women tend to exhibit more empathy than men. This perception, however, may vary depending on whether a woman identifies with feminist ideals or exhibits traditionally masculine traits. Indeed, both women and men can embody characteristics typically associated with the opposite gender. Empathy is often linked with femininity, while traits like aggression and psychopathy are more commonly associated with masculinity.

Men are occasionally characterized as unfeeling, more focused on work than emotions, although they experience emotions similarly to women. The phrase “Be a man” is often used to discourage the expression of pain or fear, reflecting societal expectations of masculinity.

In my view, femininity is associated with vulnerability, physical delicacy, and a heightened emotional state, while masculinity is equated with resilience and stoicism in the face of adversity. Cultural upbringing significantly influences these perceptions and the way we are taught to cope with loss and pain.


This article spans over 1,800 words, indicating that you’ve engaged in extensive reading. Well done on dedicating time to thoroughly understand the content. It’s likely you now have a deeper grasp of the subject. Nevertheless, it’s important to recognize that each writer possesses a unique perspective and style. In my case, I view life as it comes—rejecting the notion of a universal solution.

Take, for instance, my admission at the outset that I am empathetic, yet the extent of my empathy in various situations remains unclear. This doesn’t imply a desire for you to emulate empathy. Far from it! You should embrace your true self, not transform into someone else. This aligns with my belief: you should seek to uncover and enhance your own identity and professional path. Absorb what resonates with you from this article and disregard the rest. Stay true to yourself and savor life in its current form. This is a truth often unspoken by therapists, yet it is crucial—you must come to this realization on your own.

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Femininity: What It Is and Its Importance for Your Personal and Professional Development


Femininity: Discover Your Type Today!

26th December 2022

This article aims to explore what femininity means and how it relates to personal and professional development. It will also help you determine if you identify as feminine or masculine, regardless of your gender. Additionally, the article will examine whether femininity is a trait exclusive to women and girls or if it can also be expressed in men and boys. To get a better understanding of femininity, keep reading below.

What Is Femininity?

Femininity is often described as a personality trait that is predominantly found in women, although there are also men who exhibit feminine characteristics. This trait has often been associated with fear, weakness, or femininity itself. However, fear can also mean being cautious and thoughtful about someone or something. It can imply considering the consequences or being deliberate before taking action.

Femininity (also called womanliness) is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles generally associated with women and girls.

“Weakness” is a subjective term and can vary depending on the context. Both men and women can be considered weak depending on how the term is being used. Being a woman can also involve traits such as motherhood, nurturing, and compassion, which are not negative qualities, regardless of whether one is male or female.

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It appears that even female animals possess feminine qualities. For instance, a male sparrow or weaverbird constructs the nest while his female partner observes. The female bird then has the liberty to choose whether she likes the nest or not. If she dislikes it, the male bird has no option but to rebuild it, either in the same location or a different one if the issue was related to the surroundings.

In the world of birds, both male and female have distinct roles. Typically, female birds take care of the eggs while males hunt for food to feed the mother and their young. This is a shared responsibility that ensures the survival of their offspring. It also means that the males are more masculine and the females are more feminine, with a motherly loving nature that is evident in their caretaking of the eggs.

Even though personalities matter, females have a few things in common, whether they are humans, birds, or animals. They do their things, slowly, taking their time, and enjoying the whole process. Masculine males and females do it the other way: rushing.

Are You a Feminist?

If you fit into some of the few descriptions of the feminine as shown above, then you are but a feminist, regardless of your age or gender. It might be somehow difficult to tell whether you are a feminist or a masculine in the first place. However, there are many ways to know where you belong. This is because everyone feels shy, at some point in time.

“In this case, shyness can’t be the only sign of feminism, yet, it is one of the major symptoms of the same. Most women shy away. This is why most men believe in the fact that “No,” can actually mean, “Yes,” for many reasons, and shyness is one of those reasons. Body language is also important.”In this case, shyness can’t be the only sign of feminism, yet, it is one of the major symptoms of the same. Most women shy away. This is why most men believe in the fact that “No,” can actually mean, “Yes,” for many reasons, and shyness is one of those reasons. Body language is also important.

If she says, “No,” when she means to say, “Yes,” her body language can tell.

How about fear? Well, all humans can feel this, at some point in time. Even men fear, only that they may not want to show it for some reason. However, men mostly don’t shout or wail when they fear, or when something unexpected happens suddenly in their world.

This is the major difference between men and women: women cry out loud when surprised; men get scared, too, but they don’t cry as quickly as women do. Women scream; men don’t.

Advantages of Being a Feminist

Oh, are there any advantages of being a feminist? Let’s see a few examples.

If feminism means motherhood, caring, and loving, then it must be a good thing. Men who are feminists must also love and care for their families in the way women do. Feminist men can then shy away from war and in the end, prevent the destruction that comes with war. In the same way, women who are feminists can raise their children better in love and care.

‘There is a good saying in Arabic: “El qu’ab berabeh ye’alu,” meaning to say, “The fearful takes care of his or her children.” And if this is femininity, then it is a good thing. It is an advantage to have these feminine characters and lifestyles.’There is a good saying in Arabic: “El qu’ab berabeh ye’alu,” meaning to say, “The fearful takes care of his or her children.” And if this is femininity, then it is a good thing. It is an advantage to have these feminine characters and lifestyles.

Do you know that female humans are mostly spared because they look so weak and vulnerable? That’s another advantage! Only heartless men attack and kill women, either in war or at home. Only heartless men fight their wives. Even though her words hurt you like a sharp sword, the best thing to do is to go away from her. When a man is fighting against his woman means weakness.

Men who fight women are also women in their hearts and minds. This is too harsh a reality.

Disadvantages of Being a Feminist

Are there any disadvantages of being feminine? Yes, there are several that I can’t even mention in this article. Weakness is what most people don’t want to be associated with, even though it is a natural reality. We measure weakness and strength against other people, and this is how crazy it is.

But, are all women weak? What do we mean by this? Do we mean physical weakness? Are we talking about mental weakness? Well, cultures are powerful. In some cultures, women accept the fact that they can’t do certain things because their bodies are weaker than those of men.

However, is this a natural reality or is it a culturally-endorsed thought process? I know that what the heart believes becomes a reality. For example, if I strongly believe that the food I am eating is poisonous, it is more likely to cause me more harm than good, right afterward.

If you forced me to eat or drink something labeled, “Deadly poison that kills in ten minutes or less,” do you think I will die after drinking it? Even if I won’t die, the drink will soon produce poisonous effects on me, if I believe it is poisonous.

However, poison is poison, regardless of whether I believe it is or not. Taking it produces real results, even if I don’t believe it can kill. This is true when you give me poison labeled as “Medicinal drinks from the best herbs of the field,” because if it is poisonous, it will still kill as soon as it could.

Even though most women and girls wear trousers today, yet, there are still disadvantages in so doing. I recall how a woman suffered under trousers because she can’t use a zipper to urinate while on the open boat on the Sobat River. She must remove the whole thing to her knees while everyone watches! Can you imagine that event? This is because a woman has a unique body for a natural purpose.

Hey, but we are not talking about women here. We are instead talking about feminism, which is shared across genders. Even transgender can be feminist or masculine in nature. However, feminism is deeply known for women or females, just as masculinity is mainly for men or males.

Your Personal Development and Feminism

If you know your place as feminine, you are good to go. It can help you in your journey of self-discovery and self-improvement, the two sides of the same coin: personal development. In the same way, if you know your place, this can help you in your journey of career discovery and career improvement, the other two sides of the other coin: professional development.

This is true because jobs and careers are connected to your personality type. Being feminine or masculine determines your personality type, which then helps you find the best career in line with your identity, your personality traits, and your type. For example, security jobs are suited for masculine natures.

Humanitarian jobs are suited for feminine characters because they have a sense of care and humanity in them, naturally. They love other people as they love themselves. They care about the weak and the marginalized people. They weep and cry whenever there is war and destruction of lives and properties.

Let me tell you the secret: I am a male feminist. I love peace more than conflict, though I can’t prevent or stop conflict no matter how I try. The very reason why I write is for me to weep alone. I shy away from community gatherings because most of the talk is heartless and scary. It’s always heartbreaking!

Again, your personality matters, and you can’t change it. It’s your nature. Your nature determines your personality. Nature and nurture compliments each other. This means what you have inherited from your biological parts and what the environment has forced into you, all things work together for your good of you.


In summary, we have seen a lot about feminism and how important it is. The question is whether you are able to identify yourself as a feminist or as masculine. We have also seen that feminism can be found in both men and women, even though it is mostly meant for men and other males.

This article is very important because it can help you a lot when it comes to personal and professional development. If you know your personality type, then you have discovered who you are. If you have discovered yourself, you are likely to discover your best career, which is in line with your personality type. Thank you for reading! Please share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.


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Masculinity: What It Is and Its Importance for Your Personal and Professional Development


Learn More About Masculinity Today!

This article delves into the concept of masculinity, examining its meaning and whether it is a trait present in both men and women. Furthermore, it discusses the significance of having a masculine nature and how recognizing this trait in oneself can contribute to personal and professional development. Continue reading to learn more.

What Is Masculinity?

Masculinity refers to the qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men. It is a trait found in both humans and animals, where male individuals exhibit characteristics associated with maleness. While males and females share many similarities, certain attributes distinguish them, and masculinity is one such attribute.

Masculinity (also called manhood or manliness) is a set of attributes, behaviors, and roles associated with men and boys.

While human males generally exhibit masculine traits, it’s not accurate to say they all share the same characteristics. “Maleness” refers to the attributes typically associated with men and male animals. For example, a common male trait is a strong sexual drive.

In many species, it’s usual for males to initiate sexual activities, while females less commonly do so, due to inherent behavioral differences. Moreover, males often show more aggressive behavior than females. It has also been noted that men may experience greater hunger than women, attributed to differences in metabolic processes.

Nature has equipped males, including humans, to dominate and control their territories, similar to territorial birds. This biological imperative contributes to males being generally more aggressive and assertive than females, driven by hormonal differences that define their masculinity.

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Are You Masculine?

Understanding that masculinity is not solely a male attribute is crucial. Both men and women can display masculine characteristics, which may lead to tension in relationships, especially if a woman exhibits stronger masculine traits than her partner, regardless of their own masculine or feminine tendencies.

But how can one determine if they are more masculine or feminine? Various indicators and behaviors can provide insight. For instance, aggressiveness is often associated with masculinity. Individuals with masculine energy tend to confront their adversaries, whether through words, actions, or both.

Many men have a strong desire for respect, particularly from women and children, due to their dominant nature. It’s an instinctive behavior that doesn’t require conscious thought. It’s important to note that the observations shared here are not common knowledge nor are they based on mere speculation. They are verifiable traits observed universally. It’s not a matter of wishing men and some masculine women to act this way; it’s simply how they are. They naturally seek control in professional and domestic spheres, often making decisions for themselves and those they are responsible for.

Is Masculinity for Men Only?

We have addressed this question previously, but let’s delve deeper here. We noted earlier that some women possess masculine traits, which imbue them with a sense of responsibility towards their children and even their husbands, particularly if the husband exhibits feminine traits. This dynamic is a fundamental cause of family issues in contemporary homes. In traditional African societies, roles were assigned based on gender. Gender-based violence was unheard of in the olden days in Africa, including South Sudan, because it was not identified as such. Moreover, every family member, be it a husband, a wife, or a child, was aware of their limits.

In contrast, in today’s world, influenced by Western civilization, the distinctions between male and female roles are increasingly blurred. When discussing gender issues, the focus often seems to be on women or females, overlooking that gender encompasses both males and females. Nevertheless, even in ancient South Sudan, there were women with inherent masculine qualities who thought, spoke, and acted accordingly. Had there been a system of kings and queens (which the Dinka and Nuer societies did not have), these women would have been regarded as queens of their time, with elders and chiefs governing instead.

In the contemporary era, some men also exhibit feminine characteristics, a phenomenon that has existed since the dawn of humanity. Men with feminine qualities tend to think, speak, and act in ways traditionally associated with women, prioritizing care and peace over conflict and violence. They are considerate and deliberate, especially when aware that their actions could lead to confrontation. However, this does not imply they lack physical strength or courage. They may be capable of defending themselves and possess physical prowess akin to other men, but they prefer resolving issues through dialogue and negotiation.

Bad Joke: feminine men can’t slaughter a chicken!

The Importance of Masculinity

Masculinity holds a significant place in both human life and wildlife, as it is a natural law. For instance, lionesses allow the male lions to eat first, not out of mistreatment or unfairness, but because they recognize the male’s unique strengths. The male must stay robust to protect the females and their offspring (cubs) and to hunt the largest prey, tasks that the females acknowledge they cannot undertake.

The natural world operates on a set order, and masculinity is part of this hierarchy. This structure is evident in human families, societies, and the animal kingdom. While it’s unclear if plants follow this same order, it’s certain that opposing it is futile. To attempt to change this order would mean altering the very fabric of life. Such is the significance of masculinity; it has a distinct and necessary role that we must understand.

There are five kingdoms: (1) Inorganic, (2) Organic, (3) Animal, (4) Man, and (5) God’s Kingdom. The kingdom above another is the improved version of the one below it. They need each other. Knowing this truth however is from a certain kind of light known as revelation knowledge, not scientific or discovery knowledge.

John Monyjok Maluth

We must safeguard this characteristic in both humans and animals. However, it is immutable unless we resort to drastic measures such as castration to change males into females. The distinction lies in the male hormone. Considering this, what about males who exhibit femininity?

A man who is feminine may have lower levels of male hormones. He remains male and is capable of naturally fathering children. Nevertheless, he has lower levels of the hormone that often contributes to the wild and aggressive traits associated with male masculinity.


In summary, both males and females can exhibit feminine or masculine traits, which is a natural aspect of human diversity. It’s important to understand whether you lean towards femininity or masculinity, recognizing that these traits exist on a spectrum. Some individuals may exhibit strong masculine traits, while others may have them to a lesser degree. Similarly, the expression of femininity can vary in intensity.

Understanding where you fall on this spectrum can enhance your self-awareness, influencing your thoughts, speech, and actions. This isn’t about changing your inherent nature, which is not necessary or even possible. Rather, it’s about embracing who you are. If you’re a male with feminine traits, cherish that nurturing quality. If you’re a male with masculine traits, embrace that protective strength.

I hope you find this article beneficial. If so, feel free to share your reflections in the comments section. Your insights are valuable, and I’m sure other readers would appreciate your perspective on the topic. Peace be with you!

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