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Inter-Family Peace: What It Is and Its Importance For Social Life Improvement

Inter-Family Peace

When You Explore These Inter-Family Peace Facts You Will Love Peace between Families

10th May 2021

The article “Inter-Family Peace” is designed to guide you in understanding the concept of peace among families, the methods to achieve and sustain it, and its significance in enhancing the social fabric of a community. Let’s delve deeper into this topic.


Inter-Family Peace refers to harmony between two or more families, whereas Family Peace, or intra-family peace, pertains to harmony within a single family. Currently, our focus is on peace among families, which entails the absence of violence or disputes between them.

Such peace can cascade to higher societal levels. Envision peace among all families within a clan; this would result in peace throughout the clan. Extending this further, if every clan were at peace, it would translate to tranquility within the sub-tribe or even the entire tribe.

However, humans often grapple with internal conflicts, leading to personal, interpersonal, and familial strife, which can escalate to discord between families. This brings us to a crucial inquiry: how can we cultivate peace among multiple families?

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In any society, the quest for peace among families is a noble endeavor. Just as peaceful individuals within a family can foster harmony, so too can they promote peace among multiple families. Conversely, just as there are aggressive individuals in every family, conflict can arise at any societal level, including within families.

In the past, our villages had numerous methods to cultivate peace among families. One such method was through traditional leadership; people held their elders in high esteem and adhered to their counsel. However, times have changed.

Another method was the fear of spiritual repercussions, such as curses and witchcraft, which compelled people to follow the elders’ guidance or risk the wrath of malevolent spirits that brought misfortune. With the advent of Islam and Christianity, these old beliefs have become history.

Does this mean modern methods of maintaining peace within and outside families are nonexistent? The answer is complex. While there are contemporary approaches to fostering peace among families, they often struggle to make a significant impact in communities because they are perceived as foreign.


Maintaining peace between families is a crucial issue, and there are various legitimate methods that can be employed to achieve this. These methods span both modern and ancient practices.

The ancient approach was both spiritual and secular, with the latter being less distinct in those times in Africa. Life was perceived as inherently spiritual, which led to the widespread acceptance of Islam and Christianity, along with their beliefs, doctrines, teachings, and the continuation of traditional practices.

Finding peace within our families mirrors the process of maintaining it. Historically, leadership was instrumental in both establishing and preserving peace. It was customary for individuals from different families to resolve conflicts on their own, without interference, even if it resulted in defeat for one party. This practice helped to avert broader family feuds.

Today, we rely on religious scriptures and foreign education to sustain peace. However, these may not align with the traditional African context. The reverence once held for spiritual entities has waned, leading to moral lapses that can incite conflicts among individuals or families.

Excessive freedom can ultimately lead to a form of bondage. The question remains: should we revert to the old ways of life, and would such a return be universally accepted within our communities?


There are numerous reasons why peace between two families is essential. Peace is beneficial because its absence leads to conflict, which results in the loss of lives and property. Conversely, peace fosters harmony and prosperity. An Arabic proverb states, “The fearful mother raises her children,” reflecting a positive outlook.

Fear of destruction and harm has often been an effective means to prevent and resolve family conflicts. Shared interests can sometimes bring about global peace. For instance, consider the possibility of trading oil with Americans; this could incentivize them to assist in maintaining peace within a country to access its resources.

Peace is inherently positive, while conflict is negative. However, both are inevitable aspects of human existence. We may not be able to completely avoid them, but we can strive to uphold peace and harmony as they represent core values in every society, achievable through countless methods.


We have now reached the conclusion of this article on Inter-Family Peace, which also encompasses clan peace if families constitute a clan in your society. Families, whether related by blood or not, are still families and should coexist in peace, love, and harmony.

In closing, I offer you this wisdom: you possess the keys to your own peace. This personal peace may or may not extend to family and inter-family relations. Your responsibility is to be a beacon of peace and leave the outcome to unfold. If others choose violence, it does not compel you to mirror their actions. You are unique. Strive to live peacefully with everyone to the best of your ability.

I trust that this article on Inter-Family Peace has been beneficial to you. I invite you to share your reflections in the comments section below. Your feedback is invaluable for enhancing this post and future ones. May God bless you and ensure your safety during and beyond the pandemic. Peace be with you!


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Inter-Personal Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Social Development

Inter-Personal Peace

If You Master The Inter-Personal Peace Concepts You Will Try to Live In Peace with Everyone

3rd May 2021

The “Inter-Personal Peace” is an article designed to guide you in understanding the significance of peace among individuals, the methods to achieve and sustain it, and its importance for personal growth and social interaction. The article approaches this subject in a unique way. For additional insights, please read the entire article.


Interpersonal peace refers to harmony between individuals. For instance, peace within a family is interpersonal because it involves multiple people. Similarly, peace between an individual and God is interpersonal. Peace within a clan, tribe, or nation also falls under this category as it encompasses more than one person.

Personal peace, or intrapersonal peace, is the tranquility found within an individual. Likewise, inner conflict is known as intrapersonal conflict. Conflicts between two people are termed interpersonal conflicts. This extends to conflicts within families, between tribes, and so on.

When there is harmony between myself and God, between myself and others, and between myself and other creatures, I experience interpersonal peace. Conversely, any conflict between an individual and another entity is an interpersonal conflict, as previously described. Having outlined peace at the interpersonal level using simple terms, let us explore how to achieve peace at this level.

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Just as every level of society has both peaceful and violent individuals, there are also good and peaceful people within each stratum. These individuals can be the best proponents of peace, as they have been in previous eras of societal harmony.

Historically, Africans had unique methods of maintaining peace among people. This involved allowing fights between individuals, as it was seen as a way to prevent future conflicts. Boys or girls could fight until one party was defeated. The loser would then concede and avoid fighting the same opponent again.

In the modern world, perspectives have shifted. The traditional means of resolving conflicts through physical confrontation is often misunderstood or unappreciated from a Western viewpoint. In the past, even men and women were permitted to engage in combat in a controlled manner, using their hands or non-lethal means, ensuring no fatal harm could occur.

In this manner, people became so well-acquainted with each other that they chose to offer support and encouragement rather than engage in conflict. For instance, if you are stronger than I am, there is no reason for you to initiate a fight with me. Likewise, I wouldn’t consider it, knowing full well your strengths, and of course, your bull’s strengths.

This liberty to engage in conflict without causing harm or death to opponents was considered the optimal way to foster peace, love, and harmony in the era of our ancestors. What methods can we employ today to achieve the same outcome?

As responsible adults, we utilize words and positive actions to cultivate peace and harmony among individuals. We have places like churches and mosques where we educate people about the significance of both personal and communal peace. Nevertheless, individuals still possess the freedom to make their own choices, selecting what they deem best for themselves.


Individuals hold the keys to their own lives, so how can we strive to maintain interpersonal peace? There are numerous techniques for living peacefully with oneself and within a family.

Some people are challenging to live with, leading some individuals to choose to remain unmarried. However, married or not, one may still face regrets. If one is prone to regret, it may color their entire life experience.

The best approach might be to first find peace within oneself before attempting to live peacefully with others. This is often a matter of personality; some are naturally peaceful, while others are naturally inclined to violence.

As Paul suggested, it’s our duty to live in peace with everyone, if possible. While this isn’t always feasible, we are encouraged to pursue it. We are children of light, not darkness or chaos, called to live in peace with others as much as possible. This is how we maintain peace with God, with others, and with all creation.

As I write this, I have just returned to my hotel room in Nairobi, Kenya, where I have been residing to write articles from December 2020 to January 2021. Earlier, I encountered three dogs outside. It wasn’t our first meeting; we’ve seen each other for several weeks now.

The dogs recognize me, and I recognize them—not by name, but by appearance and, of course, personality. Did you know that dogs can discern the kind of person you are, similar to another human? Indeed, they can sense whether you are peaceful or aggressive simply by observing your face for a moment.

Try calling a dog that has never seen you before and observe the reaction. Their response is nearly identical to how we react to strangers. However, if you spend time getting to know them, they will recognize you, and they will approach when called.

They respond in a manner that reflects your personality. This suggests that we can either live in harmony or conflict with the rest of creation and the natural world. This might seem overwhelming, but it is quite tangible. Every entity possesses its form of intelligence. Even inanimate objects have their own brand of intelligence. Well, that’s all for now!


My parting message is that inner peace leads to peace among individuals. When I am at peace, I can share it with you and others in many expected and unexpected ways. Even animals can sense whether a person is peaceful. They gauge the kind of person you are by your thoughts, words, and actions.

The key point here is that it remains our personal duty to live peacefully with ourselves and others. Both personal and interpersonal peace are entirely our responsibility because we can only change ourselves, not others or the animals around us. We can advocate for peace, but the ultimate decision rests with them.

I trust you’ve found the article on Inter-Personal Peace useful. Feel free to share your views in the comments section below. Your support and feedback are greatly valued. May God bless you and protect you during and beyond the pandemic. Shalom!


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Tribal Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Tribal Improvement

Tribal Peace

Learning These Tribal Peace Facts Will Make You Value Peace within a Tribe

26th April 2021

“Tribal Peace” is an article designed to educate on the concept of peace within a tribe. It outlines methods for achieving and sustaining peace at this societal level and delves into the significance of tribal peace. With this introduction, let us delve further into the article.


Tribal Peace refers to harmony within a tribe, whereas Inter-tribal Peace denotes peace between different tribes, contributing to national peace. Also known as Intra-tribal Peace, Tribal Peace exists when there is tranquility and unity within a tribal society. This level of peace is significant because a tribe comprises various clans and sub-tribes, particularly in South Sudan and across Africa.

Typically, a clan originates from a single biological ancestor, often male. However, individuals from diverse clans with distinct biological grandparents and forebears can also establish or become part of a new clan. As these clans grow in number and size, they may evolve into a tribe. It’s common for tribes to include members from other tribes, not just biological kin from common ancestors.

Human societies, regardless of size, encounter conflicts and disputes due to the inherent mix of good and bad individuals (as exemplified by Cain and Abel). Yet, when such conflicts are reduced, tribal peace prevails, characterized by a peaceful coexistence within the tribe. There are numerous methods to achieve and sustain peace within a tribe, which we will explore in the following sections.

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Since humans do not always coexist peacefully, the question arises: how can we maintain peace within a tribe? The presence of both peaceful and violent individuals in every tribe or group is a reality. It is the peaceful individuals who consistently serve as agents of peace, always thinking, speaking, and acting in ways that foster harmony.

When a tribe has a substantial number of peaceful members, tranquility prevails. Conversely, when there are few peace advocates, conflict and violence often ensue. Therefore, one method to sustain peace in a tribe is to ensure a significant presence of those who cherish peace.

Furthermore, traditional methods of maintaining peace within tribes have existed. However, in contemporary times, these practices are frequently dismissed as outdated or irrelevant, sometimes even considered malevolent or heretical, reflecting the transformation of Africa from what it once was. It leaves one to ponder what the continent might look like a millennium from now.

Historically, Africa possessed its own methods of governance, which were inherently understood by its people and fostered peace and harmony among tribes. This is not to say that conflicts were absent; rather, they were more manageable than those of today.

Spirituality was intertwined with communal living, contributing to peace and harmony within tribes. However, such spiritual practices no longer instill the same fear, allowing individuals to act freely. Fear, when used constructively, could ensure peace and harmony within a tribe.

It is my firm belief that our African forebears were wiser than we are today. They had a profound understanding of human psychology and knew how to influence human behavior to maintain peace and harmony. In the past, each clan and family within a tribe played specific roles for the benefit of the entire tribe. Each individual contributed to their family’s role. Unfortunately, these structures have since deteriorated.


How do we maintain tribal peace? In the same manner we preserve peace in a family or clan, we can uphold peace within a tribe or among multiple tribes. It has been noted that peaceful individuals within a tribe are pivotal for both establishing and sustaining peace.

Modern peacekeeping methods may seem foreign to Africans, as they often lead to more conflicts and violence within tribes and communities. Such methods include living as a nuclear family, which can foster selfishness. This selfishness can spread from an individual to a family, then to a clan, and eventually to a tribe.

What type of society are we shaping today? Are we more educated than our ancestors? What is the nature of this education? We may pose many questions, but who will provide the answers? We must use these questions to reflect on ourselves and our cultures.

We should examine both modern and traditional lifestyles to determine which practices best maintain peace and harmony within a tribe, rather than perpetuating conflicts and violence. However, we must remember that it is the duty of peace advocates to nurture peace in individuals, families, clans, and tribes. Those inherently opposed to peace will invariably cause discord.


The significance of peace within a tribe is paramount. It mirrors the peace found within a clan or family. With harmony reigning in our tribe, we can coexist and accomplish many beneficial and positive deeds.

However, life is not monolithic. It resembles a coin with two faces: one representing good and the other evil. Good is affirmative, while evil is detrimental. Every element contains aspects of good, evil, and neutrality. Life, it appears, encompasses a spectrum. As previously mentioned, both the negative and positive serve as fundamental components of life and the cosmos. It has been suggested that God embodies both good and evil; hence, neither can be entirely eliminated.


Here are my final words of advice and wisdom to you, my dear friend. I trust you have read from the beginning to the end of this article. Congratulations if you have done so. If not, I suggest and recommend that you go back and scan or skim through the text again. This will enhance your understanding of my concluding thoughts below.

Having read the article, you’re likely seeking takeaways, right? The most significant one is that life unfolds in its own way. Despite our desires for peaceful coexistence within our families, clans, and tribes, some individuals do not share this perspective. There are those who derive pleasure from another’s tears, a trait ingrained in their nature, impervious to the effects of education.

So, what should we do? We must pursue peace. We can maintain our tranquility even amidst war, conflict, and violence, even within our own tribes. We are inherently peaceful. This is the peace that Jesus Christ referred to when speaking to His disciples. Strive to live peacefully with everyone within your sphere, but avoid imposing it on others, as this may provoke further animosity.

I hope the article ‘Tribal Peace’ has been beneficial to you on a personal level. Would you like to share your thoughts about it in the comments section below? Your feedback would be greatly valued. You might also consider sending me a WhatsApp message regarding this post. May God bless you and ensure your safety during and beyond the pandemic. Shalom!


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Clan Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Clan Development

Clan Peace

Learning About Clan Peace Will Help You Value Peace in This Societal Level

19th April 2021

“Clan Peace” is an article designed to help you understand the concept of living peacefully within a clan. It elucidates the significance and value of peace within this social structure. As it is commonly understood, in Africa, a clan is considered the next step from a family because it comprises multiple families that are biologically related. With this in mind, let’s delve further into the topic.


Clan Peace refers to harmony within a clan, also known as intra-clan peace. It is a precursor to Inter-Clan Peace, which is the peace between different clans. Achieving peace at every level of society is crucial, although history shows it’s not always attainable. In the South Sudanese context, Family Peace can foster Clan Peace, as a clan is essentially an extension of a family.

A clan consists of multiple families connected by biological ancestry. However, individuals may choose to leave their biological clans and join others that are not related by blood, often attracted by the peace and harmony found there.

Clans that have experienced internal conflicts may see members disperse to other clans or sub-tribes. Hence, peace is vital, and while we can promote it, it must begin with us. Just as families have peaceful individuals, so do clans.

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This isn’t a universal rule, but rather my personal viewpoint. Peace is undeniably crucial, yet the real challenge lies in how to achieve it. The difficulty arises because not all humans are inherently peaceful, despite our social nature.

This fact complicates the establishment of a single method or rule to foster peace within a clan, given the diversity and uniqueness of individuals. However, there are methods to cultivate and sustain peace within a group.

As mentioned before, every clan has its peacemakers. These individuals are the pillars of tranquility and strive to instill peace within the clan. Yet, peace is often fleeting, as violence is an intrinsic part of human nature. It seems we are designed in a way that often leaves us grappling with understanding.


Leadership can be a powerful tool for fostering peace within a clan. It involves clan leadership that holds authority over all its members. The leaders should be both loved and respected by the majority of the clan members.

Historically in Africa, clan leaders often wielded spiritual powers to guide their clans. They employed these powers for the clan’s benefit. Moreover, these leaders were attuned to the needs of their people and endeavored to unite the clan for the common good.


As previously mentioned, the spiritual realm plays a crucial role in fostering and sustaining peace within a clan. This role may be indigenous or adopted; if it succeeds in uniting people peacefully, it is beneficial. Here, I am delving into my authentic self, so let’s set aside foreign religious concepts for a moment.

We humans do not fully comprehend the spiritual realm. Yet, many claim to understand it completely, which is why we often appear foolish and archaic. Our belief systems, which are mere human constructs, frequently make us seem absurd.

Nonetheless, the reality of the spiritual realm cannot be denied, even though individuals perceive it in their own distinct ways, shaped by experiences and cultural backgrounds. This is the reason Africa had its unique religious systems, now largely forgotten, having been condemned as evil and satanic.

But who has made such claims? What defines the satanic? Do we know what Satan looks like? Is it justifiable to label one human perspective as evil and another as sacred? Who granted us the authority to scorn anyone made in God’s image? The questions are endless. In truth, no religious tradition, including Islam and Christianity, has all the answers to life’s profound questions.


Peace is crucial at every level of human society, from clans to families and tribes. It is vital because it fosters unity within a clan, often linked through a biological patriarch, promoting harmony among its members.

However, life is complex, and the presence of violent individuals can lead to conflict within a clan. Such violence and conflict are detrimental to both the clan and broader human societies, highlighting the constant need to advocate for peace. While peace is a positive force, violence and conflict are negative.

Yet, it’s interesting to note that positive and negative elements are fundamental to life and the entire physical universe. For instance, in atomic particles, there are protons and electrons, which are positive and negative, respectively, with neutrons existing as a neutral entity between them.


At last, the article is complete. If you’ve read from start to finish, well done! If not, I urge you to read it in its entirety and then revisit this section for my concluding thoughts. My parting advice is to recognize that within every clan, there are both peaceful and violent individuals.

This implies that living in peace with every clan isn’t always possible. There’s a season for everything under the sun. In times of peace, we should strive to coexist harmoniously with everyone within our sphere. When others choose violence, that is their prerogative.

We should focus on our role and allow others to handle what they are responsible for. This is counsel worth considering; despising those who are violent doesn’t remedy their aggression. They are as they are, just as we are as we are.

If you’re inclined to discuss your thoughts on this article, please use the comments section below. Alternatively, you can click the WhatsApp button to chat with me about it. Many thanks for your time reading this piece. May God bless you and ensure your safety during and beyond the pandemic. Shalom!


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Family Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Family Development

Family Peace

Knowing About Family Peace Will Help You Value Peace in This Societal Level

12th April 2021

The article “Family Peace” is designed to teach the significance of familial harmony and its role in societal advancement. It provides guidance and strategies for achieving and preserving peace within the family. In Africa, the family is a crucial societal component. With this in mind, let’s delve deeper into the subject.

What is Family Peace?

Family peace refers to harmony within a family unit, also known as intra-family peace. In South Sudan, a family might consist of a husband, wife, children, and the husband’s relatives, varying by region.

Children in a family may not always be the biological offspring of the parents. They could be siblings or children from other relatives or neighbors, highlighting the family’s significance in the community.

Traditionally, a family could include one man as the father/husband, multiple wives, and all their children. This structure existed before the rise of individual ego and selfishness. Marriage’s primary purpose was to bear children who would continue the lineage, reflecting the natural order where species reproduce their own kind.

However, the arrival of Arabs and Westerners in Africa marked a shift. Individualism, or capitalism, became prevalent, while collectivism, or socialism, faded into the past. The concept of family has since narrowed to a man, his wife, and their biological children.

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Nowadays, it’s uncommon for men to embrace children they haven’t fathered as their own. Films and TV shows are replete with creative depictions of human jealousy. People of any age can expose themselves to such content, potentially causing issues in their current and future lives.

Women are increasingly reluctant to take responsibility for their husband’s children from previous relationships. This breeds animosity. While family peace is a desirable goal for all, achieving and sustaining harmony within a family can be challenging today. There’s a saying that too much of anything is bad, suggesting that excessive freedom may have contributed to the challenges faced by modern families.

How to get peace in a family?

Living in peace within a family can be challenging, so it’s important to understand how to find peace before trying to maintain it. There are individuals who are inherently peaceful, whether by nature or nurture. I firmly believe that nature often takes precedence over nurture. Peaceful individuals are present in every family, clan, tribe, and nation, serving as the foundation of tranquility in their families.

Reflecting on my childhood in the 1980s, I recall being the mediator between my mother and father. I was sensitive to my father’s moods and sought to understand his frustrations. My instinct was to intervene and prevent arguments, always cautious to avoid getting caught in the middle.

My role was to foster peace within our family, which is why I now identify with the term ‘shalom.’ It’s not an aspiration for the future; it’s a reflection of my inherent nature. I despise quarrels and conflicts.

Peace-loving individuals avoid harmful actions, people, and items. Despite their youth, they are sometimes labeled as cowards because they are conscientious about not causing harm to themselves or others. They are empathetic. It is through such individuals that peace can be established in every family.

Observationally, in most families, if one spouse is aggressive, the other is not. Similarly, in a family with two children, it’s common for one to be peaceful and the other more confrontational. This balance is part of nature’s design. There is a divine reason why both aggressive and peaceful individuals are placed within a family.

How to maintain peace in a family?

Before concluding our discussion, let’s consider how to sustain the peace already present within a family. It’s evident that families contain both peaceful and aggressive individuals; however, peace is preserved when the peaceful members are heard and have influence.

Aggressive individuals often attempt to ignore, silence, and dominate the peaceful ones. So, how can the quiet and peaceful maintain harmony? They can employ various strategies, thinking, speaking, and acting in ways that foster familial peace. Their thoughts, words, and actions are crucial.

Peaceful individuals can deter conflicts, whether involving themselves or others. While it’s impossible to eliminate all conflict, recognizing that every family has both peaceful and aggressive members is part of life’s reality. Even insects engage in combat for their own reasons.

The divine has mysterious methods. I sometimes ponder, if everyone in a family acted exactly as I do, what chaos would ensue? If all family members thought and acted identically, it could lead to monotony and strife rather than peace and unity.

My final words

In conclusion, this article has highlighted the essence of family peace, which is harmony among family members. It has been established that in South Sudan, the concept of family extends beyond the immediate household, serving as a vital component of the community.

Furthermore, it has been acknowledged that individuals who value peace play a significant role within their families. It is important to remember that our knowledge is limited, and thus, we should avoid passing judgment on others.

If we are advocates of peace, we should strive to coexist peacefully with all family members. While we cannot force others to adopt our ways, we can lead by example. I trust that this article on Family Peace has been informative for you. Your feedback is welcome in the comment section below. May God bless you and protect you during and beyond the global pandemic. Shalom!