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Religion versus God

Religion versus God

“Religion versus God” is an article designed to deepen your understanding of your beliefs and the significance of belief in human life on Earth. It aims to elucidate the key distinctions between religion and God. You might be questioning if there are any substantial differences between the two, and this article is set to explore that very question. So, let’s delve into the subject matter further.

What Is Religion, And Why Is It Important?

Religion is essentially a belief system centered around a God or multiple gods, encompassing diverse and sometimes conflicting traditions, teachings, doctrines, and practices. It represents a way of life, shaped by how each religious community perceives the divine. It prescribes moral directives on what is considered right or wrong by the tenets of a God or gods.

From this fundamental description, it’s apparent that religion serves as a means for humans to seek understanding of God, or to make sense of complex natural and supernatural phenomena.

Given the multitude of perspectives on the divine, the world hosts a vast array of religions. However, the presence of numerous differing beliefs does not negate the existence of the subject in question.

Every religion claims its teachings, doctrines, and traditions as the sole truth, leading to widespread confusion about accepting any religion. This has driven many to the conclusion that there is neither God nor gods.

Consequently, numerous individuals have adopted the belief that neither truth nor moral absolutes exist. Some have even determined that there is neither an afterlife nor life beyond death, with a few extending this belief to the point of deeming life entirely devoid of meaning.

Throughout history, religious disparities have sparked numerous wars, predominantly fueled by conflicting religious beliefs and teachings, although human nature itself often underlies these conflicts. Atrocities have been committed in the past, continue in the present, and are likely to persist in the future.

Nonetheless, it’s argued that religion is merely a convenient excuse; the core issue lies with humanity itself, irrespective of religious affiliation. Religion is a framework, and its practitioners are its stewards. Similarly, while money is inherently neutral, its ethical impact depends on the intentions of those who wield it.

Pros of a religion

  • Having a sense of community and identity
  • Organized teachings and doctrines
  • Well defined cultures and practices
  • Living a life of hope and faith in the afterlife
  • Trust and reliance on a divine power

Cons of a religion

  • Getting stuck in the crowd
  • Holding on to old teachings and doctrines
  • Old cultures and practices that don’t work in the modern world
  • Belief in fictional stories as truths
  • Being totally dependent on a God or gods

Next, let’s see who God really is.

Who Is God, And Why Is That Important?

On one hand, God is not merely a religious figure but the Creator of all, both seen and unseen. This concept may seem like another religious doctrine, but to me, it is not. God and religion are distinct entities. God is not confined to Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism. Instead, God exists in everything, works through everything, and is for everyone (Ephesians 4:5-6).

This perspective is known as the universality of religion, and when I refer to it, I do so without any specific religion in mind. However, many people associate anything spiritual with religion, which is not necessarily accurate according to the simplest definition of religion mentioned earlier.

Understanding the key differences between religion and God is crucial for modern individuals. This knowledge can resolve the tension between religious and secular societies, bringing numerous benefits. It fosters a peaceful coexistence with others by dissolving conflicts among people.

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Consider this perspective: if individuals do not believe in God because they were created that way, embracing this understanding can foster love for them as fellow humans. However, holding the belief that faith in God elevates one above non-believers is not inherently divine.

In this context, God transcends all religions. He exists independently, not confined to any religious denomination. Understanding this concept might be easier after reading the story in my book, “Beyond Religion,” which features a fictional South Sudanese character named Kiden.

Understanding God beyond any religious doctrines is the only way to truly live on Earth. It provides a broader perspective on life. Religious views are often narrow and merely human interpretations of God.

The story of the five blind men who went to ‘see’ an elephant illustrates this well. Each man touched a different part of the elephant and concluded that the elephant was just like the part they experienced.

Consider someone who touched an elephant’s tail; he might say that an elephant resembles a large stick. Another who touched the ear would have a different description, and others will undoubtedly report their varied and often conflicting observations.

This analogy applies when discussing God. Each religion may hold a fragment of information about the same deity, but none possess the complete picture. Despite this, many religious teachings, which may seem foolish or absurd, are fervently believed by people as if they are incapable of independent thought.

Often, believers are instructed or even commanded not to think for themselves about what is right or wrong in the world, deemed as evil by their religious guides. You may have been led to believe that you are no longer merely flesh and bones. If that’s the case, reconsider. You are still a human being, just like everyone else.

Pros of God

  • Separating God from gods and from religious views distorted by human cultures
  • Having a comprehensive understanding of God
  • Love for all humans and other God’s creatures

Cons of God

  • Controversial topics about God and gods
  • Different understandings of the same God and gods
  • Conflict between theists and atheists

You Have a Personal Choice

Having seen my perspective on God and religion, you’re faced with a choice. You may agree or disagree with me. Perhaps you believe that God and religion are inseparable. The decision is yours, and I appreciate that. It’s enriching when readers hold views different from mine, especially when they can articulate or justify their stance with logical or thoughtful reasoning.

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For instance, if one believes that God and religion are synonymous, could they explain their reasoning? If they concur with this perspective (perhaps already holding this belief), what is their rationale? It’s not necessary to be religious to hold a personal opinion, nor is it required to study religion to express thoughts on the subject.

Finally, My Advice

Here’s my counsel for you, dear reader. I believe that balance is necessary in all aspects of life, including our understanding of religion. We don’t possess complete knowledge about everything, and this includes the concept of God or gods. I’m not certain of God’s existence; my belief is based on certain reasons that suggest there is a God, amidst many false ones.

It’s perfectly acceptable if someone disagrees with me. We can remain friends regardless. Neither of us has all the answers, right? This is the essence of maturity. It means not clinging to beliefs and doctrines we don’t fully grasp. It acknowledges our humanity.

Maturity allows us to overlook minor issues and focus on the larger picture. We perceive life in its simplicity. We strive for peaceful coexistence with people, birds, animals, fish, plants, and all of God’s creatures. Thinking broadly leads to fewer relationship conflicts.

Thank you for reading. I’m eager to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Share your perspectives with me and other readers. May God bless you abundantly and keep you safe during these challenging times.

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Bible versus Science

Bible versus Science

“Bible versus Science” is an article designed to explore your perceptions of belief and its significance in human existence. It aims to enhance your understanding of these two profound sources of knowledge: the Bible and Science. Now, let us delve further into this subject.

What Is the Bible, and Why Is It Important?

Christians regard the Bible as the written Word of God, making it one of the world’s most ancient texts. Commonly recognized as a sacred scripture, it is often read with religious reverence. Yet, the term “Bible” (from Greek: biblíon) simply translates to “book.”

Approaching it purely as a book is crucial, for its lessons are applicable to both the devout and the secular. The perception of the Bible as a sanctified text leads many to seek its religious significance, potentially overlooking its broader message. Thus, the Bible serves as a tome for atheists and theists alike.

The Bible stands as a unique book among global literature. Approaching it as such can render its message clear and valuable to each reader, emphasizing the significance of understanding it in this light.

This text encompasses all one might seek regarding life and its purpose. Firstly, it distinguishes between the Creator and the creation. Secondly, it acknowledges the existence of a God, other deities, spirits, and demons. Lastly, it asserts that life is meaningful.

This book lays out all understanding, knowledge, and wisdom for every human to read, comprehend, believe, and apply for their benefit. While people attend schools in search of knowledge, the entirety of wisdom is contained within this book.

The Bible instructs us about our identity, God, others, and the rest of creation. With a correct understanding of God, ourselves, others, and all creatures, we can lead a meaningful life despite the world’s challenges. However, without the biblical understanding of the world, life can seem truly devoid of meaning.

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The Bible encompasses teachings on both the natural and supernatural realms. It provides guidance on the realities of our world and insights into what lies ahead. It offers lessons on nature, the physical world, as well as the spiritual and supernatural realms.

Bible pros

  • Confirmed true historical records
  • Literacy lessons
  • Having a sense of identity, who you are
  • Having a sense of belonging and possession
  • Having a sense of ability to do all things

Bible cons

  • Mythological stories like any other
  • Boring book to read
  • Doesn’t follow any teaching without contradictions
  • It’s hard to understand or interpret, therefore, it can be misused

What Is Science, and Why Is It Important?

The term “Science” signifies knowledge, specifically the pursuit of discovery. Here, we refer to the natural sciences, which encompass the understanding of the natural world. Scientific knowledge is crucial; without it, many diseases and ailments would remain incurable.

Without scientific advancements, contemporary treatments for today’s incurable diseases would not exist. With ongoing scientific research, what seems impossible now can become achievable. Without it, our only mode of transportation would be walking, as there would be no development of cars, planes, buses, boats, or bicycles.

This straightforward definition of science clarifies that there is no conflict between the Bible and science. Science is the study of the physical world and does not address the spiritual or supernatural realm.

The Bible, however, discusses matters that are beyond scientific comprehension. Meanwhile, the natural sciences focus on aspects of the physical world, encompassing even those elements that are not visible to the naked eye. Thus, science and the Bible represent distinct types of knowledge.

The Bible offers insights into supernatural realms, while science provides a deeper understanding of the natural world. Since science emerged long after the Bible, it does not validate or invalidate the Bible; however, scientific discoveries can affirm or refute biblical claims.

Both science and the Bible have undergone, are undergoing, and will continue to undergo improvements as new and more profound truths emerge for both the physical and spiritual realms. While some may debate this point, it becomes moot when we consider the facts as they stand.

In essence, the natural sciences concentrate on the physical and natural realms, whereas the Bible is concerned with the spiritual and supernatural realms.

Science pros

  • Technology as its product
  • Innovation as its result
  • Curiosity satisfied
  • Increased human knowledge of things
  • Problem solving
  • Increased human creativity
  • Providing solutions to human problems

Science cons

  • It’s costly
  • It creates destructive weapons
  • Too much information
  • Destroys human morals
  • It can be chaotic
  • It reduces belief and trust in God

You Have a Choice

Having observed the distinctions between natural science and the Bible, the choice is now yours to make. You’ve been presented with the advantages and disadvantages of both the Bible and Science, as well as their respective flaws. What remains is a personal decision regarding what to believe in and why. It is a choice that is uniquely yours, one that no one else can make on your behalf.

My Final Words

In conclusion, balance is essential in our world. Extremism is inherently foolish. We do not possess complete knowledge of the natural or supernatural realms, and thus, we cannot debate what we do not fully comprehend.

I believe that life is an opportunity, and we should strive to live harmoniously. Contentious debates are neither healthy nor peaceful; they are, in fact, detrimental to our tranquility and happiness. We must lead lives brimming with joy and satisfaction. Therefore, let us live as though we have no significant knowledge from either natural sciences or the Scriptures.

Thank you for reading this far. I invite you to share your thoughts below. Your candid feedback on this article would be greatly valued if you could leave a comment.

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Theism versus Atheism

Theism versus Atheism

“Theism versus Atheism” is an article designed to assist you in exploring your true self in terms of beliefs, preferences, and aversions. It is intended for both theists and atheists to understand where their perspectives converge and diverge. With this in mind, let us examine these two contrasting viewpoints in greater detail below.

Theism: What It Is, And Why It Is Important

A theist is an individual who believes in the existence of a God or gods, whereas an atheist does not hold a belief in a God or gods. Therefore, theism refers to the belief or doctrine that a God or gods exist. For theists, the belief in God is as crucial as life itself, signifying that life has a purpose that transcends human existence, with God as the creator of life. They believe that God governs everything in this world, encompassing both good and evil.

For a theist, there are:

  • God and Satan
  • Angels and demons
  • Good and evil
  • Life and death
  • Heaven and hell
  • Eternal life and eternal death
  • Truth and lies
  • Right and wrong
  • Spirits and souls

A believer understands that life has a purpose, which calls for living responsibly even during our earthly existence. They hold the view that our deeds are noted and that we will ultimately be held accountable for our thoughts, words, and actions.

Furthermore, a believer perceives God as benevolent and compassionate, acknowledging that God offers forgiveness when we repent or acknowledge our wrongdoings.

In essence, a believer maintains hope in God, convinced that life is not random but preconceived by a higher intelligence. According to this belief, God was aware of our destined birth and death, including the reasons, long before our existence.

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No human knows the time of their birth or the moment of their death. A believer accepts that they don’t, and can’t, know all the answers to life’s questions, yet they trust in a God who is all-knowing.

For a theist, consciousness is considered supernatural. Life extends beyond the physical realm. The mind transcends brain activity and is seen as a spiritual entity. The brain is merely a physical receiver, a piece of hardware, which interprets signals and instructions from the mind, akin to software. A believer understands that to know everything in this world, one would have to be God, or a god.

This does not imply that a believer should abandon all efforts in their pursuit of knowledge. Instead, it means recognizing the existence of the Creator, who understands all things beyond human comprehension. For believers, God is the cornerstone of life and all its aspects. The hierarchy places God first as the Creator, followed by His creation.

Believers perceive creation in two realms: the physical and the spiritual. The spiritual realm is perceptible only to the inner vision, which includes the mind, soul, and spirit. The physical realm, on the other hand, is observable to our human eyes, though some aspects remain unseen.


  • Having a sense of personal purpose
  • Hope for a better future
  • A reason for life
  • Love for God and oneself
  • Love for other people
  • Love for the rest of God’s creatures


  • Illogical in human thinking
  • Abstract knowledge
  • Foolishness to others
  • Vanity and baseless hopes

Atheism: What It Is, And Why It Is Important

On the other hand, atheism is defined as a belief, or rather a lack of belief, in the existence of God or gods. However, the concept of “lack of belief” in something one does not believe in is not applicable. Belief is binary; one either believes or does not. Not all atheists share the same beliefs. Some are unsure, indifferent, or find it impossible to know whether a God or gods exist.

Others are convinced that there is no God, which is a fundamental aspect of atheism: the absence of belief in any deity. The prefix “a-” in “atheist” signifies “without,” thus, an atheist is someone without a belief in God or gods. Therefore, atheism is a complete belief system, in contrast to theism, which is the belief in the existence of God or gods.

A friend of mine recently remarked, “If there is no Satan and no demons, then there is no God and no angels,” and I believe he had a point. For an atheist, life may seem to be nothing more than chance. Without a creator or evolution, life lacks inherent meaning or purpose. My explanations, particularly regarding atheism, might be biased, but if you’re an atheist, perhaps you could offer a better explanation in the comments section below.

For an atheist, life carries no responsibility if there’s no afterlife, as it implies no accountability. In the absence of a deity or deities, concepts of heaven or hell are irrelevant. Consequently, there is neither the prospect of eternal life nor eternal damnation.

Life, seen as a product of chance, leaves no standard for discerning right from wrong, or good from evil. To an unbeliever, life may seem utterly devoid of meaning. An atheist might argue that the brain and mind are one and the same; without a functioning brain, there is no mind, and thus no existence beyond the physical realm.

Upon death, one is simply dead. For an atheist, there is no enduring soul or spirit. The concept of an afterlife does not exist. If this belief holds true, it suggests life has no purpose, rendering existence meaningless and futile if there is no continuation beyond death. But the question remains, is this indeed the case?

Related: Fact and Faith Publications, South Africa

For an atheist, there are no:

  • God and Satan
  • Angels and demons
  • Good and evil
  • Life and death
  • Heaven and hell
  • Eternal life and eternal death
  • Truth and lies
  • Right and wrong
  • Spirits and souls

An atheist may believe that life inherently lacks meaning, echoing the sentiments of the author of Ecclesiastes. This book questions whether the soul of an animal ascends to heaven or descends to hell, challenging common religious beliefs about animal souls. Many faiths teach that animals, unlike humans, do not possess spirits that would allow them to enter heaven.

For atheists, unanswered questions may suggest that earthly life lacks inherent meaning or purpose. Without meaning or purpose, the concept of God or gods might be seen as human constructs, products of imagination, or wishful thinking. In this view, religious texts like the Bible and the Quran are considered by some to be among the greatest works of fiction, written to convince people of the reality of their narratives, which are seen as purely imaginative.

Atheism Pros

  • Use of Personal freedom
  • Use of logic
  • No indoctrination
  • Use of personal time


  • Self-defined morality
  • Lack of personal destiny
  • Lack of motivation and resilience
  • Lack of belonging and traditions
  • Being condemned by religious groups
  • Lack of correct judgment

You Have Personal Choice

After considering the two contrasting perspectives, it’s time to decide which one resonates more and why. I hold the belief in the existence of a God and gods, identifying as a theist rather than an atheist. Thus, my viewpoint aligns with theism, not atheism. The vastness of the physical world itself serves as evidence for the existence of a divine cause, God.

For an atheist, however, the existence of evil on earth may suggest that life is devoid of meaning, or that there is no God, or if there is, then He is either impotent or indifferent to the suffering of His creations. This is a form of human reasoning that seems logical to us, but its accuracy is debatable.

Believers argue that evil entered this world due to human sin, beginning when Satan tempted our ancestors in the Garden of Eden. Yet, if the narratives found in the Bible, the Quran, and other religious texts are mere fiction, then our belief in their reality would be misguided. What is your stance?

See also: Theism—Wikipedia

My Advice

My suggestion is to delve deeply into your own heart and determine where you feel you belong. While I can’t compel you to think as I do, you have the capacity to think in your own way. Discover the reasons behind your belief or disbelief in a deity. Feel free to share your reasons for believing in the existence of a God or gods, or for your conviction that there are no such beings, in the comments section below. Thank you for reading.

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4 Keys to the True Knowledge

Four Keys to true knowledge is an article based on my self-improvement advice. The phrase ‘ actual knowledge’ signifies a false or counterfeit kind of knowledge, and you are just about to find out right now. There are three different kinds of knowledge: the world’s ability, the knowledge of men, and finally, the knowledge of God. Let’s look into the four keys to true knowledge below, which may transform your life from glory to glory if read, understood, and acted upon.

Key #1: The Fear of the Lord

I got this idea from Proverbs 1:7, and I am happy I found this out early enough. But what’s it all about? First, the word “fear” here in this passage doesn’t mean to be scared, afraid of, or terrified in this sense of the term; instead, it is reverential fear, the fear of respect and love for the one being feared.

Love and revering to the Lord is the beginning of humility, leading to authentic learning and true knowledge. But, look, anyone who thinks they know it all can’t be taught, and this is what happens when we think we know or can prove there is no God. Either extreme ends are pure ignorance.

Yeah, we can’t fully comprehend God. So therefore, we can’t claim we know Him better than others, and because we can’t know Him humanly, we can’t claim He doesn’t exist. So if you think there is no God, you may be right in some sense, but not purely exemplary, just because there is a lot that you don’t know yet and may not even know in this current life.

It’s encouraging and fantastic to listen to those who say they have encountered God, and this witness, for me, is mainly in the Bible. I have seen things I could only describe as supernatural interventions in my own life, but this doesn’t mean I am more important or knowledgeable than you or anyone else.

With all these arguments above, I know that the Lord is good and that I have to love and respect Him naturally, and this leads to the first step into true knowledge: humility. God teaches us more when we are humbled and ready to learn.

Key #2: Loving and Caring for Yourself

Now, this sounds very obvious because who doesn’t love and care for themself? All humans love themselves more than they love their parents, partners, siblings, friends, colleagues, and co-workers. But, in this article, in this context, loving and caring for yourself is a step toward true knowledge. This step, the second key, hangs on the first one, the fear (respect) of the Lord.

This self-love and self-care don’t mean to hate and not care about others; instead, it means the attention is on the self, (me) and (you). Therefore, we have to love and care for ourselves, eliminating destructive and even deadly thoughts, such as suicide, etc.

Sure, I may be blind or unaware of other real-life circumstances that may call for suicidal thoughts and even actions. However, life is what we are to live and leave it as it is, and I am also aware that we are not wired the same.

Related: 10 Best Self-Improvement Tips

Do you know some people may have good reasons to hate themselves? Yeah, and that may go beyond our ordinary human imagination. They may have bodies they don’t want to have. This is a natural problem since we have never been involved in our creation.

But can this mentality change the way we look? For example, if I don’t like my height, size, and look, can I change it to hate? Yeah, some have tried to have modern medical solutions to their physical appearance issues, but I don’t think I hate myself that much. Maybe I’m lucky. I love myself the way I am because I believe I was born this way for a unique reason, and I am the only one on the face of the whole world, right?

People may resemble each other, but that doesn’t make them alike in many ways, including how they think, what they like and dislike, etc. Each human being is unique from the rest of the crowd, which is for a good reason.

Since God created, or made every human differently, it’s something to celebrate. But, there are some people with natural issues with their bodies, and they don’t enjoy life at all, can they still love and care for themselves?

Think about people with no limbs, ears, or other essential parts; can they be happy with the way their bodies are? What about people who got burned or sick? Can they be satisfied with the way they are?

I don’t know the answer to these tough questions just because I don’t know. Does this truth mean I must shut up and say nothing about this topic? The answer, of course, depends on other factors. Maybe I should silence these f*ck tips altogether, but perhaps I shouldn’t.

Key #3: Loving and Caring for Other Humans

The third key, the second last key, is about loving and caring for other human beings. These humans may relate or not relate to us in any possible human way. They may or may not be our next-door neighbours, but they are human beings, no matter where they live, what they do for a living, etc.

Love is only a thought, wishful thinking, if our hearts are full of the opposite force, hate. Love is God, and God is love; that’s what it is. We can’t love God, ourselves (individuals), other humans, and other creatures in God’s way unless we have the life of God in us.

To have the life of God in us is to know God as He is. This leads to the knowledge of who we are (individuals) according to God and also leads us to know that other people are God’s creatures, just as we are.

When we know that other people are God’s creatures, just as you and I are, it won’t be hard to love and care about or for them. But really, how do we love and care for other humans? What does it mean? Does it mean we have to cook, wash their clothes, and bathe them when they need us?

Sometimes, caring is not always in action. But, it may mean we think about other humans as we think about ourselves. We may wish them well, but if possible, if given any chance, we have to truly love and care in action for those in our reach, in our world.

We mostly care for our biological relatives, family, and friends, but not for strangers, and there may be good reasons for not doing so. Yet, whenever possible, let’s care for all humans. Let’s love them deep inside our hearts because of who they are; humans.

Key #4: Loving and Caring for the Creation

Finally, this is the last of the 4 keys to true knowledge, loving and caring for the creation. You might have noticed the thread already: LOVE. Love is a powerful force in the entire universe that keeps everything connected and works with the rest of God’s creation.

Humans don’t love or care for other creatures, and there may be good reasons for not doing so. Unfortunately, some reasons may be the society we were born into.

If you may like, let’s say we are who we are because of many different factors: nature & nurture. Yeah, we were born the way we are. However, our physical appearances, likes, and dislikes are not a result of upbringing or training; instead, they may indeed be natural.

But think about the foods we eat. One man’s food is another man’s poison, right? The environment has a lot to change our outlook, worldviews, beliefs, and practices. We can’t deny that even peer pressure affects us directly or indirectly, whether we know it yet or not.

I naturally love all kinds of insects, worms, plants, birds, animals, and fish. I used to play with these little black and red ants, but they didn’t understand how much I loved and cared about them. So instead, they bite me in self-defence. They thought I would harm them because of the communication barriers between us.

I love dogs, cats, chickens, cows, goats, sheep, etc. I could play with them, and they could love me back. But, the love I am talking about must be in-built. I wish every human would think like me, but that’s impossible or logical. However, I still suggest, let’s love and care for the creation around us: animals, birds, fish, insects, worms, and even microbes.

Further Reading

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4 Keys to the True Inner Personal Peace

4 Keys to the True Inner Personal Peace

“4 Keys to True Inner Personal Peace” is an article drawing on my personal self-improvement insights that could assist you in enhancing your self-perception. We inhabit a world where the predominant news is negative—deadly, bloody, and frightening, akin to the realms of movies and fantasy. Indeed, the world has become as the Bible prophesied. Genuine peace is scarce worldwide.

The literature we consume is replete with themes of violence, assault, crime, horror, and mortality. As we are shaped by what we read, nourishing our spiritual and mental selves in this manner.

With this in mind, let’s explore these 4 Keys to True Inner Personal Peace, which might enable you to cultivate a personal haven of tranquility amidst global turmoil and strife.

Key #1: Understand the Root Causes of Conflict

Peace is often defined as the absence of violence, conflict, and disturbances that threaten our well-being. It can also signify prosperity, success, and stability.

Yet, the inner peace we refer to is not merely the lack of trouble or conflict. It is the capacity to avoid conflict or maintain a sense of serenity amidst life’s turmoil and chaos.

To achieve such authentic inner peace, one must comprehend certain truths. It is essential to recognize the fundamental cause of all conflicts in the world: SIN.

Read: The Principles of Conflict Management: In South Sudanese Perspective

We might believe that others are the root cause of conflicts, but a deeper reflection is necessary. Consider this: all humans are inherently flawed, which the Bible refers to as sin (Romans 3:21).

Comprehending human nature helps us grasp the reasons behind their initiation of conflicts, whether conscious or not.

This understanding doesn’t require us to condone every word or deed directed at us. Instead, it allows us to discern the motives behind others’ thoughts, words, and actions. They are, after all, only human, flawed at their core.

Yet, humans are more than their flaws; they are cherished by their Creator. God cares for every individual, fully aware of each one’s purpose in life.

What is the purpose for those who are born and then pass away within hours, days, weeks, or years? It’s hard to discern if there’s a divine intention for their brief presence in this world. However, it’s possible that their parents might gain valuable insights from the heartbreaking experience of losing a child.

Understanding humans as they truly are can place us in a stronger position to either forgive them following a conflict or to prevent conflicts altogether in various ways.

Preventing conflict is the most effective method of managing it, even though some individuals seem naturally inclined towards causing trouble. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure, and this is particularly true for conflict prevention.

Key #2: Avoid Conflict Whenever Possible

Understanding humans as flawed yet cherished by God, we should strive to avoid conflicts with anyone, related or not.

The Apostle Paul advised that we do our utmost to live peacefully with all, acknowledging the challenge this presents when others may not share the same desire for peace.

For instance, if you dislike noise and your neighbor revels in it, finding harmony can be difficult. Extroverts and talkative individuals often find joy in noise, which may disrupt your tranquility.

To prevent conflict, you might tolerate the noise, seek a resolution, consider relocating, request a volume reduction from your neighbor, or suggest they play music when you’re not home. The goal is to find the best way to minimize conflict wherever feasible.

Key #3: Negotiate For a Solution

The third key to achieving true inner peace is to seek a resolution through negotiation when conflict cannot be avoided for the various important reasons previously mentioned.

We are focusing on personal peace, which entails person-to-person negotiation as a means to resolve internal conflicts.

Revisiting the earlier noise example, one proposed solution was to engage in peaceful negotiation with your noise-making neighbor to achieve conflict resolution.

Remember, negotiation is distinct from argumentation. Arguing may incite further external conflict rather than resolving the internal one. This occurs because each party believes their perspective is valid, yet it’s impossible for all to be correct when opinions on the issue diverge.

Aim to negotiate a resolution to the conflict, rather than to prove who is right. The goal is not to win, but to find a way to prevent future conflicts or to resolve existing ones.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

Negotiation comes next after finding the possible root causes of any kind of conflict.

Key #4: Forgive the Wrongdoer

Ultimately, consider forgiving the wrongdoer and forgetting the incident for good. This becomes feasible if you find a compelling reason to forgive and forget, such as the understanding that no one is perfect. You, too, might make similar mistakes in the future.

You may have caused someone more pain than you believe they caused you, and that’s part of being human. Forgiving others is essential, and it starts with you because it’s within your power. Whether others choose to forgive you is up to them. You are in charge of your own thoughts, words, and deeds, just as they are of theirs. It’s acknowledged that forgiving can be difficult or seem impossible, but letting go is often the healthier choice.

Holding onto the painful words and actions of others can bind us. However, choosing to let go sets us free, demonstrating the power of forgiveness. Indeed, it’s easier said than done, but it is achievable. I forgive others because I understand that to err is human. They may not acknowledge their wrongdoings, but I have the power to declare it over.

Remember, love is the key to genuine inner peace. It enables us to comprehend the underlying causes of conflicts, to prevent them, to seek lasting resolutions, and to learn to forgive and forget the wrongs others have inflicted upon us. This newfound forgiveness fosters love and unity among former adversaries. I hope you find this perspective beneficial. If so, please share your thoughts by commenting below. If not, I would appreciate your feedback on your views.

Further Reading