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Individualism vs. Collectivism: Pros and Cons for Modern Humans

Individualism vs. Collectivism

Individualism vs Collectivism Views is an article meant to help us choose a balance between the two current world views with their pros and cons. Look, individualism is no longer a Western worldview. Just as the world is now viewed as a global village, every concept is also global.

What is individualism?

Individualism is “the habit or principle of being independent and self-reliant.” ~ Oxford Languages(1). Individualism is a belief system that focuses on the person’s development and well-being rather than the community or collaborative development. Well, we can ask a lot of questions.

This YouTube video explains these two views much better. Please watch and then read below.

For example, is Brazil collectivist or individualist? What are those collectivist vs individualistic countries? Can we find information related to collectivism vs individualism by country? What’s the difference between collectivist vs individualistic cultures?

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We can go on and on. But let’s talk about development again. This development may be in materials or immaterial things, such as personal spiritual growth, mental, or any other abstract development.

Individualism has its history, traditions, doctrines, teachings, and practices. It’s an international idea now, not a localised thing as it was. So, naturally, individualism existed in more diminutive amounts all over the world for many centuries past.

The West (Europe & America) has been known to be the home of the individualistic culture, though this was never the case in the past. Humans used to live as communities with community priorities until sometimes later in human history, when individual interests preceded that of the community.

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Capitalism is still part of the individualism or individualistic worldview and culture. The idea of individual and intellectual property rights is a branch of individualism worldview and thoughts and ideologies. For example, self-discovery is an individualist idea, and so does self-improvement. Self-esteem, self-education, and self-development are all individualistic ideas.

Things like working hard for oneself, planning, goal setting, and execution of personal plans are all part of the individualism worldview and its practices. For example, in the West, it has been and is still a culture for each individual to have both short-term and long-term goals, but this is not the case in Africa.

Individualism Pros

Here are a few pros of having an individualistic view of life.

  • Personal freedom
  • Personal achievements
  • Personal awards for certain accomplishments
  • Learning new things
  • Life enjoyment
  • Personal focus
  • Influencing others

Individualism is also known as biocentrism. People with many of these personal ideologies are mostly vulnerable to negative emotions, social issues, hopelessness, depression, and even thinking of committing suicide.

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Individualism Cons

Here are a few cons of having an individualistic view of life.

  • Little to no social support networks
  • Issues with emotional compliance/resilience
  • Lower option to seek advice or help from other sources or people
  • Weak or poor mental health
  • No sacrificing or group work supported
  • Meaningless life
  • Time misused or wasted
  • Too much freedom
  • Selfishness/self-centredness

In Africa, individualism is seen as selfishness at best. This might be the same in Asian countries even at the time of this writing. But the West is different. For example, in a US-based university, each student may be required to do her academic work without assistance from her friend, who might know better than she does.

In the West, helping a friend succeed academically would possibly violate academic rules and regulations. But, in Africa, that would be seen as selfish if one can’t help a friend, even academically. In Africa, it isn’t cheating to leak an answer to a student friend, but the opposite is true in the West. Do you see the differences?

Now let’s move on.

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What is collectivism?

Collectivism is “the practice or principle of prioritising a group over each individual in it.” ~ Oxford Languages (2). Collectivism is a belief system that focuses on collective views, traditions, doctrines, teachings, and practices. It is the opposite of the individualism system discussed above.

Having a collectivistic view of life means one doesn’t measure the personal side of things, such as personal identity, success, fame, etc. Rather, they focus much on improving a group, mainly a community’s success.

As we have said earlier, collectivism is seen as selflessness in Africa. At the same time, individualism is considered selfishness in Africa and Asia until recently when individualism ideologies spread, spilling over to Africa and other parts of the world, mostly silently and unknowingly.

Today, individualism ideologies are mixed with collectivist ideologies everywhere in the world. Even in Africa, especially within the developed(ing) countries, individualism is the culture of the day, and those who practice much are African youngsters.

This means even those who believe in individualism may not know they believe in it simply because they think this is life. They don’t know anything about the collectivist views, or they may see those views as primitive or evil at worst.

Collectivism pros

We may just say that the collectivism pros are the individualism cons, but let’s see a few of these pros below.

  • Selflessness and willingness to help others in a group
  • The accomplishment of collective goals
  • Supporting other members of a group
  • Peacefulness in a group
  • Stability of a whole group
  • Love and unity in a group

These are just a few pros and I believe there are more.

Collectivism cons

  • Lack of personal pursuits and goals
  • No personal ideologies
  • Everyone faces the same troubles
  • Fear of new changes
  • Encourages laziness

Others may still argue that these cons may also be influenced by individualism or individualistic ideologies and culture. Each group views each set of cons in these opposite worldviews differently. For those who live collective lives, everything in this world looks perfect, and so do those who live in the individualistic world.

Now, where are you?

Where are you leaning?

I want to let you know where I belong by nature. It’s both nature and nurture for us to be either individualistic or collectivistic, and we can’t deny these facts. But, look, we are who we are because of what we inherited from our biological parents or relatives (nature/physical) and how we were raised (nurture/environmental). So the environment is a massive factor in making us who we are, individually and collectively.

I even think, speak, write and act the way I do here because of nature and nurture. And because I was born here in Africa, I can’t be that individualistic 100%. But, as I have mentioned above, I am both an individualistic and a collectivistic person simultaneously. Still, I lean more toward being collectivistic, just because of nature’s and nurture’s effects on my personal life.

Oh, listen, reading and speaking in English only brings individualistic views into one’s life. For us who have been reading and speaking in English for years, there is no doubt we are somehow individualistic in some measure. Even the books in this article are meant to help you personally and professionally; that’s individualism in action.

Look, I admire self-discovery and self-improvement, which is why in the first place, I wrote these posts and articles for people like you to read. I am a mixture of both individualism and collectivist ideologies, so I advise you to be in the middle, not excessively leaning to the other end, just because of the pros and cons of each of these worldviews.

Now, what does the Bible teach? The Bible is more collectivistic than you might think. The Bible encourages polygamy more than you think. The Bible encourages teamwork, group success, and fame more than individual praise and selfishness.

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But selflessness is a task that is difficult for everyone to achieve. Why? This is because it requires work, hard work. So I think we all need a balance.

A balance is needed

At the end of this article, Individualism vs Collectivism, we must conclude that we need some balance between the two world views. But this also might have been an individualism concept as well. Humans are naturally selfish, but we humans have also learned that there is what is called good and evil. We also can do or not do certain things if we only decide to or not to. We can’t change our natures, but we can discover and improve them.

Look, we need to love teamwork and then work together whenever needed, and we can successfully do this without denying or neglecting our visions and pursuits. We have to work for personal goals without ignoring group goals as well.

Too much individualism leads to depression and even suicide at the end of it all. Then too much collectivism leads to the death of individual identity and self-worth. Of course, we all deserve to be acknowledged for our outstanding achievements, but that doesn’t mean we have to be selfish, even to live alone and die alone.

I have heard that in the West, children have to leave their parents as soon as they are 18. In Africa in general, and in South Sudan in particular, that’s lawlessness and selfishness at best. But I have to understand that living in urban cities is not so easy.

So this condition leads people to marry just one wife in a lifetime. This is why I may not understand youngsters who studied somewhere in East Africa or the Western world, simply because they fully appreciate the individualistic side of thinking and living best. Still, I have something little from both worlds. Indeed, there is a gap regarding individualism vs collectivism worldviews.

I hope Individualism vs Collectivism as an article has been helpful to you, personally. If so, please leave a comment below. God bless you!

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10 Best Self-Discovery Tips

10 Best Self-Discovery Tips

“10 Best Self-Discovery Tips” is an article designed to elevate your journey of self-discovery. These tips are not mandates to follow but are established methods to aid in uncovering your natural self. In line with my usual writings on self-discovery, it is crucial to acknowledge that humans cannot recreate or alter their inherent nature, regardless of their desires or efforts.

Therefore, the most effective approach to enhance your life, as supported by recent studies, is to understand who you are before attempting self-improvement. So, what are these top ten self-discovery tips applicable to everyone? Why are they universal? And why are they considered the best? Let’s delve in!

Tip #1: What Is God’s View of You?

Our self-perception is often clouded by our own errors and the incorrect judgments of others, leading us to overlook our inherent goodness.

The initial step in the top ten self-discovery strategies is to discern what God perceives in you, or your identity in His eyes. This inquiry does not necessitate religious belief, as religion and God are distinct concepts. God remains constant, while religion represents our individual interpretations of Him.

Understanding God’s perspective of you is crucial for self-realization and embracing your true nature, including your preferences and aversions. But how can one ascertain God’s thoughts?

Begin by reading the Bible or any book you hold in high regard, and attempt to relate its teachings to your life. This exercise can offer a broad understanding of your divine identity. Embark on this journey to uncover your essence in the eyes of God.

In my view, I am a child of God (John 1:12-13), the world is mine to inherit (1 Corinthians 3:21), and I have the strength to do all things as per His divine plan for my life on earth (Philippians 4:13). Consider if this resonates with you. It’s important to note that this isn’t about religious indoctrination; it’s an acknowledgment that every person is a child of God, whom He loves and nurtures.

For some, this perspective might suggest that I am not genuinely a born-again Christian, especially if I believe God loves everyone. However, I am at peace with this because I am confident in my faith as a born-again Christian. This belief doesn’t confine God to Christianity or any religion.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

I believe that every human, animal, and creature is loved and cared for by God. Often, we don’t perceive this love due to various reasons. We are shaped by what we read, watch, and experience. The world is replete with suffering, including natural disasters, which, according to my Bible, stem from sin. These experiences are part of our journey of self-discovery. But what does God say about you?

Tip #2: What Do You Think of You?

Beyond God’s perfect perception of you, your own view of yourself holds significant importance. You might hear an inner voice shaping your self-concept, which could be accurate or not. Consider this: you are indeed a complex assembly of chemicals, but is that the entirety of your essence?

Psychologically, humans are categorized as introverts or extroverts, yet nearly everyone exhibits traits of both at various times. Thus, being labeled as one or the other doesn’t encapsulate your entire identity. Reflect on your preferences and aversions for a moment. Indeed, these inclinations reveal something meaningful and potentially profound about you.

Tip #3: What Are Other People’s Views of You?

Understanding how others perceive you is as important as your self-perception. The opinions of others may not always be accurate, but since they observe you from an external viewpoint, their perspectives can offer insights into aspects of yourself that you may not have considered.

Often, people close to you, like your parents and siblings, might envision you in a profession they admire, such as a medical doctor, even if it doesn’t align with your true calling.

Your personality type is intricately connected to your roles or careers in various ways, and it’s not uncommon for people to conflate the two. However, your identity encompasses your careers. While you might excel in multiple careers throughout your life, your personality type remains a distinct and crucial element of who you are.

People know me as Pastor John, and they associate me with peace, love, and kindness. They see in me courage and hope, and they perceive life radiating from me at all times. But do I view myself in the same light? One’s thoughts are often reflected in their words and actions, allowing those close to them to discern or get an inkling of their true nature.

Nevertheless, it’s not always wise to depend entirely on the perceptions of others, because, as I’ve mentioned before, they can be mistaken. The ‘Others’ I refer to include your family, friends, colleagues, and even neighbors—those who have known you beyond the realms of Facebook or Twitter.

Tip #4: What Are Your Personality Traits?

Understanding your personality traits is vital as they are closely linked to your career and identity. Reflect on whether you feel more energized in a small or large group, or if group settings leave you drained and less enthusiastic. Consider your feelings about introducing yourself in a meeting.

As previously stated, we display characteristics of both introversion and extroversion, yet we are often labeled by our more dominant trait. For example, if crowds deplete your energy, you might be more introverted. This is a fundamental part of our nature, something to accept and comprehend, not to change.

I lean more towards introversion, though I possess qualities of both. I enjoy discussing topics that interest me, such as Digital Marketing, Self-Publishing, Life Coaching, and Technology. I’m eager to comment, clarify, or contribute to these subjects when prompted.

However, I sometimes experience shyness, particularly when the conversation revolves around topics that I find uninteresting or unimportant, like government politics, tribal discussions, or matters lacking value or human benefit.

Tip #5: What Are Your Previous Careers?

Reflecting on your past, have you ever engaged in any career such as business, preaching, teaching, etc.? How did you initiate that career path? Was it a personal choice, or were you compelled by external forces or circumstances?

Being honest with yourself while answering these questions can lead to greater self-discovery. Sometimes, we are driven to undertake tasks that we may not enjoy, but they can inadvertently shape our careers. Take hunting, for instance; it wasn’t considered a career, yet I excelled at it, even outperforming others my age.

Money serves as a powerful motivator, prompting us to undertake tasks we might not enjoy, simply to earn a living. However, these endeavors can lead to wonderful experiences and potentially rewarding careers. If you’ve willingly left a career, it could imply a lack of enjoyment. Conversely, being dismissed presents a different scenario; one might still harbor affection for the job or career.

The terms ‘careers’ and ‘jobs’ are often used interchangeably, though they have distinct meanings. On a personal note, I have worked both as a teacher and a health worker. My passion for teaching endures, which fuels my continued writing, despite the abundance of books and articles already available.

Currently, I have left my job in healthcare, which was my preferred career after roles in preaching and motivational speaking. I once constructed grass-thatched houses to earn a living, but I no longer pursue this, although the skill remains with me. Fishing was a pastime I enjoyed, but now, living about three miles from the river, I no longer consider it. Instead, my time is spent extensively using a computer or phone.

Tip #6: What Are Your Current Careers?

Asking what someone does for a living may seem unusual in South Sudan, as well as in many African countries, because of the collectivist philosophy that “I am because you are, and you are because I am,” as Prof. John Mbiti articulated. This perspective emphasizes living for one another, diminishing the need for individual striving. However, this post will explore ten essential self-discovery tips and tricks to master.

Yet, the pace of change is swift. If one is not vigilant, they might awaken to a society where communal bonds have weakened, overtaken by the ideologies, doctrines, beliefs, teachings, and practices of individualism.

I am a teacher who imparts knowledge through content writing and sharing. I engage in one-on-one teaching, particularly with young individuals interested in subjects like technology, self-discovery, self-improvement, and writing.

Additionally, I am a preacher known to be an excellent speaker. This is the feedback I’ve received since I began preaching in Mayom Village in 1998.

My teaching areas include theology (Biblical & Theological Courses), technology (computer and internet usage), career exploration and development (self-discovery and self-improvement), and languages (English, Nuer, and Dinka), among others.

I teach almost everything I know and am passionate about. However, there are topics I know but am less interested in, such as government politics and other leadership courses and practices.

My primary income comes from IT consultancy, including website design and maintenance. I also work as a coordinator for community development and social services in South Sudan with the Faith Evangelical Baptist Church.

From 2010 to 2016, I taught theological and IT students at Emanuel Christian College (ECC) in Yei, South Sudan. I have also conducted academic orientation courses for students eager to learn how to write academic papers, ranging from assignments to dissertation papers.

Tip #7: What Do You Want to Do In The Future?

Discussing future career plans may seem unusual in South Sudan, where the future often unfolds on its own. However, I believe planning is crucial.

Adopting planning, a concept from the West, is beneficial. Admittedly, it’s challenging for me to manage time or remember my children’s birthdays, as these concepts are relatively new to us. My birth date is unknown, so asking my father his age would be futile—he wouldn’t understand the question.

For me, the future is the present. I aim to enhance my teaching skills and become a better educator. I aspire to elevate my writing career to the level of an internationally acclaimed author and become a motivational authority in my region.

I aim to assist individuals in recognizing their true selves, rather than longing to be someone they are not and will never be. I desire for my students to experience joy and happiness in their lives, despite the world’s troubles, because I believe we are meant to live fully, even amidst challenges.

As for the future, it’s not about me. While I enjoy sharing my aspirations, the focus is on you.

Considering a career is among the top ten self-discovery tips for everyone, as I am convinced that each person has a unique career path. If you’re interested in learning more about self-discovery, feel free to check out my complimentary book on the homepage: Your Self-Discovery Guide.

Tip #8: Why Did You Quit Your Previous Career(s)?

Indeed, what transpired? Why did you cease teaching at Sunday schools? Why did you stop driving those trucks? Why did you resign from being a national soldier? These are questions you can ponder in your heart. Sometimes, I’m not even sure why I resigned.

I left my position with MSF-Holland in Lankien, Jonglei area in 2003/4 due to the insecurity there. Identifying as both Nuer and Dinka, it was perilous for me to stay in that region at the time. Indeed, certain circumstances compel us to leave our current job or career and embark on a new one.

However, I never tire of teaching, nor do I ever abandon it, as it accompanies me wherever life takes me. Once more, why did you resign? Contemplate this before responding, even if you understand the reasons. This message is intended to encourage deeper self-reflection before self-improvement.

Bear in mind, it’s quite normal for humans to engage in multiple careers throughout their lifetime. Now, let’s consider the primary motivation behind every career, the authentic you.

Tip #9: What Is Your Life’s Ultimate Goal or Purpose?

For me, teaching is often seen as the ultimate goal and purpose. However, my reason for teaching is more profound; it’s to impart knowledge and experiences before my time is up. Knowing your life’s definite purpose allows you to utilize the self-discovery tips and tricks shared in this post. I teach to assist others in understanding who they are and how they can improve, all in pursuit of a peaceful and meaningful life.

What about you?

Your smaller daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals should all align with your life’s main goal—your ultimate purpose. Indeed, no one possesses all the best self-discovery tips because what’s effective varies from person to person.

This is about embracing your natural self, not what you aspire to become. While wishes are not inherently negative, they remain just that—wishes.

It may seem disheartening to hear that you cannot be something you’re not by nature, but that is the reality. Our nature isn’t altered by our knowledge, which is why education merely enhances us rather than transforming us. What are your thoughts on these self-discovery tips?

Tip #10: What Are Your Wildest Dreams?

Before confusion sets in, understand that your wildest dreams may not materialize unless they are in harmony with your life’s ultimate goal or purpose, as mentioned earlier. However, this doesn’t imply that you should not have dreams beyond your life’s objective. Remember, these are my top tips for self-discovery. The optimal approach is to employ any self-discovery tips and techniques you can find, including those available online and on this site.

Now, regarding those wildest dreams—if you lack one, make it a point to envision one immediately. As previously stated, planning is beneficial, even though the future is uncertain. We can’t predict what the next second, minute, or hour holds, can we?

Who could have anticipated what 2020 had in store for us? I doubt any of us expected to lose our loved ones to COVID-19 or to witness its widespread adverse effects. Nevertheless, I maintain that these self-discovery tips are the way forward.

I harbor the grand ambition of being remembered as one of the greatest motivational authors to have ever lived, crafting content grounded in facts and practical lessons rather than mere wishes. My goal is not just to persuade you to be your best but to inspire you to take actions that truly lead you to become your best. Can you perceive the distinction?

I’ve embarked on a journey of self-discovery and improvement, and I’m eager to share some proven tips with you. While these tips may not work for everyone as they did for me, they could provide you with some insight. Thank you for reading the ’10 Best Self-Discovery Tips for All Human Beings.’ I hope you found the article beneficial. If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the self-discovery tips discussed. If not, please feel free to leave a comment below. Feel free to like, share, or rate this post as well.

In my view, theology, language, computers, and career development are vital tools at our disposal, which we should utilize before it’s too late. My teaching aims to inform, instruct, and educate. Can you see it? My primary goal is to impart true knowledge to you, including self-discovery and improvement tips, how to use tools like language and computers, among others.

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10 Best Self-Improvement Tips

10 Best Self-Improvement Tips

“10 Best Self-Improvement Tips” is an article that outlines the top practices for self-enhancement. It is important to remember that self-improvement follows self-discovery. Self-discovery is not about attempting or desiring to be someone you are not; rather, it is an exploration into your authentic self, which is innate. Consider these 10 top self-improvement tips that could assist in enhancing your inherent qualities.

Tip #1: Improve Your Identity

Accepting your true identity, the real you, begins with self-discovery. Recognizing who you are is distinct from longing to be someone you’re not. We may not be able to change our nature, but we can certainly improve ourselves. This is the first of many self-improvement tips and tricks shared in this article.

Self-improvement commences when you embrace yourself as you are and strive for betterment. This article aims to assist you in accepting yourself as a precursor to further self-improvement.

Accepting ourselves as we are can be challenging, yet it is a crucial step towards self-improvement. If we don’t accept our bodies, thoughts, words, and actions, how can we expect others to? Consider whether you’re content with your physical appearance; if not, explore why and what steps you could take to enhance it. How can you apply the advice from these self-improvement tips and tricks?

It is highly recommended that you accept and love yourself as you are, for that is your essence—the very reason these self-improvement tips were written is to help you enhance your discovered self.

Tip #2: Improve Your Physical Body

Investing in your physical body means taking action to improve your health, appearance, and well-being. You don’t necessarily need to purchase expensive clothing to look good; caring for the clothes you have can still make you look fantastic.

Tend to your hair, shoes, and attire. It doesn’t have to break the bank, especially if funds are limited, but even a small investment in your physical self is beneficial, right? Eating well, exercising, working, and playing games are all activities that benefit your mind. Sometimes, it’s also necessary to sit and converse with others, which is excellent for managing stress and similar concerns.

I believe that in the West, people may not socialize as much nowadays for various valid reasons. However, I consider social life to be invaluable, irreplaceable even. We are social beings by nature, regardless of whether we (you and I) might be introverts.

Engage in daily activities that promote health, generate income, and foster friendships. It’s achievable. Invest in your physical needs, and by extension, other aspects of yourself, because you encompass more than just a physical entity.

Tip #3: Improve Your Self-Education

Self-education is a component of both self-improvement and self-discovery. It can aid in uncovering your true self, purpose, and identity. Reflecting on my own experience, life before learning to read and write was vastly different from life after gaining those skills.

Indeed, reading is a proven pathway to modern education and the contemporary world. If you’re reading this, you understand the significance. Those who cannot read or write are unable to access this information, whereas you can because you possess these skills in English.

Commit to your self-education. Your phone alone offers numerous avenues for learning new skills. Discover the methods that work best for you. Self-learning comes in various formats and techniques, including videos and texts, as well as interactive content available both online and offline.

Leverage the learning tools and methods available to you to enhance yourself. Education isn’t confined to the classroom; it can occur anywhere and at any time. With the advent of technology and the availability of internet access, the world now revels in this empowerment.

Tip #4: Improve Your Finances

Learning how to budget and save money in a way that makes it less accessible for impulsive use is crucial. Numerous online platforms offer valuable tips on money-making and investment strategies. Remember, saving is just the start of accumulating wealth; investing wisely in avenues that yield future returns is key. However, be cautious of scammers.

The amount you earn, whether it’s monthly, weekly, or daily, is less important than how you manage it. Many expenses demand our money, but not all are necessary. This is the fourth tip in a series of self-improvement strategies.

Numerous entities claim expertise in investment as a path to riches. Yet, navigating the business world is challenging, and there’s a risk of financial loss. Persistence is essential; if one opportunity doesn’t pan out, continue searching for the right investment that aligns with your goals.

Tip #5: Improve Your Family

Investing in your family can create immense enjoyment and excitement for oneself. However, this may not hold true for everyone, as we all have different dispositions. Nevertheless, family remains a substantial investment. Spend time with your spouse, children, or relatives and friends.

Balancing individualistic and collectivist perspectives and practices is essential. In Western societies, there is a tendency to perceive everyone as possessing an individualistic personality and views. It’s important to remember that this is the fifth point in the series of self-improvement tips and tricks.

While individualism can lead to positive outcomes like hard work and personal achievements, it also has dangerous aspects such as depression and bitterness, which can result in suicide and other personal crimes driven by loneliness. Research into countries with the highest rates of suicide and mental health issues often reveals that Western nations are significantly affected, a situation linked to the culture of individualism, its beliefs, and practices. Similarly, collectivism comes with its own set of problems, including a lack of personal ambition and direction, leading to aimlessness and a lack of future planning. Therefore, a balance between these two extremes is necessary.

Tip #6: Improve Your Retirement Plans

Indeed, youth is not eternal; I wish it were. Aging is an inevitable process for all humans and other animal species; we age daily. This is the sixth installment in the series of self-improvement tips and tricks. I hope you find it beneficial. What’s your retirement plan? In some places, like South Sudan, there was no retirement plan for government workers at the time of writing, but that doesn’t prevent you from having one.

Even as a self-employed individual, a retirement plan is essential. Despite the uncertainty of the future, it’s crucial to prepare in advance. I had to plan to write this article and schedule its publication for a specific date and time. The concept of planning may be unfamiliar to many in South Sudan, yet it’s a valuable skill to learn and implement.

In Arabic, the language spoken in Sudan and South Sudan, we refer to retirement as ‘Maaj.’ However, at the time of writing, there was no established plan for retiring army generals. The generals who should be retired are still active on the front lines. Many entrepreneurs aim to retire early, before age catches up with them, striving for financial independence as soon as possible. What steps are you taking or planning for your retirement?

Tip #7: Improve Your Self-Esteem

Self-improvement encompasses both the physical and spiritual aspects, impacting your entire being in various ways. Both low and high self-esteem, whether negative or positive, are crucial. To better yourself, it’s essential to boost your self-esteem and perception of yourself. Revisit the first tip in this post and consider if you can embrace any aspect of yourself that you find challenging to accept. Reflect on this.

Consider individuals who lack limbs yet might be the happiest people you’ll ever meet. Are you acquainted with someone like this? Or what about those who have been blind since birth? To elevate your self-esteem, focus on recognizing and appreciating your positives, your talents, or areas where you excel beyond others. Whatever activity brings you joy could be your source of strength, empowerment, and happiness.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

Reflect on the positive events in your life and allow yourself to feel joy and happiness. Keep in mind that happiness doesn’t just occur; it’s a conscious decision. You have the power to choose joy, even in the most challenging circumstances. This is tip number seven in the series of self-improvement tips and tricks.

Tip #8: Improve Your Spiritual Body

Now is the time to invest in your spiritual self. Your spiritual self encompasses your inner being, mind, thoughts, and dreams. It’s everything within you—referred to as the heart, soul, or spirit—that constitutes the spiritual you, the true you, to be frank.

Indeed, even atheists acknowledge the existence of a spiritual aspect. However, they might opt for different terminology since ‘spiritual’ or ‘the spiritual world’ has been associated with religion or philosophy for an extended period. Most people have their own philosophies, which they hold in higher regard than the thoughts and judgments of others. This is tip #8 in the self-improvement tips and tricks series in this post.

Investing in your spiritual self can be achieved by engaging with spiritual texts, such as the Bible or the Quran, and by praying or conversing with God or oneself. It’s beneficial to spend time in self-reflection and to ponder profound questions like “What is my purpose?” This introspection can lead to a positive outlook, focusing on the good rather than the bad. It’s about entering a state of bliss and joy that is accessible only internally, through your spiritual self or your ‘third eye,’ if you will.

The ‘third eye’ is a metaphorical concept that can be ‘opened’ through dedicated meditation. Meditation transcends religion; it’s about connecting with your inner self, your essence, or with a higher power. Consider what steps you are taking to nurture your spiritual self.

Exploring this subject could enhance your comprehension of your software, spiritual being, mind, soul, and spirit. There is much to discuss regarding our spiritual selves, perhaps in a future article. For the moment, consider reflecting on and actively pursuing ways to develop or enhance your spiritual self. Activities like singing, meditating, spending time alone, among others, might assist in finding what resonates with you.

Tip #9: Improve Your Abilities

Indeed, acknowledging your capabilities is a form of strength. It’s clear that humans often overlook the joy in everyday things, which drives our desire for new experiences, such as watching new movies instead of the same old ones repeatedly.

We are drawn to ponder the improbable, the contrary, the negative, and our past failures rather than recognizing our achievements and abilities. Yet, I urge you to embrace your capabilities. Accept that you have the potential to accomplish whatever you believe you can, without any excuses.

This doesn’t negate the existence of past, present, or potential near-future failures; rather, it suggests shifting focus from the path of failure to the positives, if only momentarily.

Consider this: I can craft compelling content. I can handle the uploading process myself; there’s no need to seek assistance from others. I can manage the expenses for my files and documents. I can cover the costs for my domain name, among other things.

Observe, I am capable. I can accomplish all these tasks independently. I can embrace joy and happiness even amidst South Sudan’s challenges. I can inspire others to live their best lives here and now, for this may be our only opportunity. The future is uncertain, but we are aware of the present, so let’s savor what we possess. Let’s find delight in our abilities.

I am aware of who I am: a child of God, cherished and nurtured (John 1:12-13; 2 Corinthians 5:17). I also understand that everything on earth and in heaven is mine (1 Corinthians 3:21). Most importantly, I am confident that I can accomplish all things through God’s strength within me (Philippians 4:13).

These are my affirmations, and I hope you recognize your own identity, capabilities, and possessions. Such awareness is crucial for self-improvement because it helps us understand our current position and our next direction. Embrace your talents, but don’t stop there; enhance them. Acquire new skills and practice consistently. After all, practice leads to perfection.

Tip #10: Improve Your Possessions

Finally, this concludes the list of the top ten self-improvement tips and tricks for you. These are the ten most valuable self-improvement suggestions for every individual, including you! Improving your lot means embracing what you already possess before longing for what you don’t have yet.

Remember, these are merely tips, not laws or commandments to follow or obey, though they may prove beneficial for anyone willing to apply them. I adhere to these principles, and if you’re curious why my life is filled with bliss, embrace this guidance and you too can experience the same sense of joy and peace, even amidst the challenges of our times and the world.

Embrace your possessions, cherish what you have, and don’t dismiss your belongings, for someone out there may long for them. You might not realize how wealthy and fortunate you are in comparison to others around you.

This doesn’t imply you shouldn’t seek to increase your resources, like money, but rather to find contentment in what you possess. Fretting over insufficient resources and wealth is as detrimental as coveting what isn’t yours, fostering envy and jealousy. As it’s often said, “It’s better to be happy that your cup is half full than to worry that it’s half empty,” which is a sentiment I share.

Do not settle for less; avoid yearning for what belongs to another. Strive for what you desire, and once you attain it, be content and joyful. These are not mandates, but rather personal guidance for you and, of course, for myself as well.

If you find these self-improvement suggestions valuable, feel free to share your views. Your thoughts on the self-improvement tips and strategies discussed in this post would be greatly appreciated.

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4 Keys to a Meaningful Life: How to Live a Meaningful Life

4 Keys to a Meaningful Life

“4 Keys to a Meaningful Life” is an article that explores the concept of self-enhancement following a successful journey of self-discovery. This excerpt is from a book currently in progress. I invite you to share your thoughts on the idea after reading the article. Now, let’s begin.

To fully comprehend who I am, it’s crucial to understand myself from the perspective of my Creator, His viewpoint. But how do I initially learn about God’s perspective? How can I grasp His nature, thoughts, words, and actions in the context of my self-discovery and self-improvement? Below, we will explore some answers to these pivotal questions.

Key #1: Understanding God His Way for a Meaningful Life.

The initial step in the quest for a meaningful life is to comprehend God as He has made Himself known to us. God has revealed Himself in the scriptures as the sole Creator of all that exists. He is a spiritual entity who fashioned both the unseen spiritual realm and the tangible world, along with all creatures within them, including us.

To truly grasp God, one must understand His essence, His thoughts, His words, and His actions. However, is a specific religion necessary to understand God? The answer is no; it is not required. This is because religion is simply our human approach to God, our conceptualization of Him. Hence, we should not discard the essence while dismissing the superfluous aspects of religion, for God and religion are distinct.

God has made Himself known through various means, such as the holy texts of all religions, dreams, the narratives and experiences of others, and the inner voice present in every human and animal. Indeed, my awareness of God predates my Christian faith; thus, God is neither exclusively Christian, Muslim, nor confined to any regional depiction. God is the deity of everyone, omnipresent and operative in all (Ephesians 4:6).

Key #2: Understanding Me God’s Way for a Meaningful Life

I hold certain beliefs about myself based on my experiences, though many of these beliefs may not reflect the truth. Similarly, you might view yourself as merely a combination of chemicals, but this perspective overlooks the fact that there is more to existence than what we can see with our eyes.

Consider the smaller entities like bacteria and viruses; they are invisible to the naked eye, yet they exist and thrive. Extending this thought, I believe in a spiritual dimension. I see myself as both a physical and a spiritual being, which aligns with God’s perspective, the one I consider to be the absolute truth.

Beyond being a mere creature, according to my faith and the teachings of my Creator, I am His child (John 1:12-13). He loves and cares for me. He has declared that everything in this world is His, and as His child, I share in that inheritance (1 Corinthians 3:21). Empowered by God, I share the conviction of the Apostle Paul that through Him, I have the strength to accomplish all that I am tasked with (Philippians 4:13).

To understand myself in the way God sees me means to think, speak, and act in accordance with my identity as God’s child. This belief profoundly influences my life in many positive ways. In my view, there is no other explanation for my existence that is separate from this divine perspective.

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To understand myself in God’s way is to comprehend my nature (identity), my possessions (what I have and own), and my abilities (what I am capable of doing) according to His perspective.

Key #3: Understanding Other Humans God’s Way

The third out of four keys to a meaningful life is to comprehend others through God’s perspective. Just as we must grasp God’s nature before understanding ourselves in His light, we also need to perceive other humans through His lens. This implies that His perspective is the sole flawless way to view things, as He crafted everything in His manner.

To understand other humans in God’s way means recognizing that they were created and are cherished by God, just as He created and cherishes me. Therefore, every person deserves honor and value. Every individual, akin to every creature, exists for a purpose, even if that purpose is not yet known to us.

Indeed, seeing others through God’s eyes instills peace and joy in my heart, even amidst earthly struggles. You, too, can embrace such serenity and significance in life starting today.

I recognize and understand that humans were created in God’s image, which defines their essence. They are God’s creation, as am I, and I comprehend their thoughts, words, and actions, despite their imperfections as noted in Romans 3:23.

Hearing other humans express complaints or disputes about life does not surprise me, as I realize this is a common human behavior. I have no desire to alter any individual, as doing so would be akin to assuming God’s role, or suggesting that God did not create them according to my preferences. We are all distinct from one another, and this diversity serves a purpose. For further insight, one might explore the 10 Best Self-Discovery Tips for Every Human Being.

Key #4: Understanding the Creation God’s Way

God is believed to be the Creator of both the spiritual (invisible) and the physical realms (visible and invisible). The physical realm encompasses both seen and unseen elements, while the spiritual realm is perceptible only to our inner being—our spiritual selves, which we refer to as the mind or psyche by various names. This domain of human science, distinct from natural science, falls under the social sciences. It offers significant insights into human relationships and behavior, underpinned by the belief in the intrinsic value of all creatures. Indeed, all animals hold importance. While they may pose dangers to humans, they are integral to the fabric of creation. Our affection for them persists despite their indifference or hostility towards us, and it is posited that the wildness observed in most animals today mirrors the greater wildness within humans.

All plants hold importance, even those that are poisonous to us. It’s believed that they became toxic as a result of our ancestors’ rebellion against God, introducing a curse into the world through sin. While we may cherish all plants, some are wild, unfriendly, or outright deadly to humans and other animal species.

Similarly, all insects, worms, fish, and microbes serve a beneficial purpose. They form an integral part of God’s creation. I personally find great refreshment in the natural world, though not all humans share this sentiment, which is understandable given our unique natures.

Thank you for considering my perspective on the four keys to a meaningful life. I hope you find it beneficial. If so, I would love to hear from you. Your differing views are also welcome in the comments section below. Feel free to like, comment, share, or rate this post using the available features.

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4 Keys To the True Wisdom: Steps to Finding the True Wisdom

4 Keys To the True Wisdom

“4 Keys to True Wisdom” is an article designed to guide you through the hidden keys to genuine wisdom. The term ‘true wisdom’ implies the existence of a false or counterfeit wisdom, which stands in contrast to true wisdom. If you are thinking along these lines, you are close to the truth. In reality, wisdom comes in three forms: worldly wisdom, human wisdom, and divine wisdom.

True wisdom, akin to true knowledge, is divine wisdom, which is the focus of this article. It is wisdom that stems from genuine knowledge. With this in mind, let us delve into what these 4 KEYS TO TRUE WISDOM are. Is it possible for everyone to access or possess these four keys? We will explore these vital questions in the following discussion.

Key #1: The Attentive Listening

As you read this, it’s crucial to pay close attention to every word, sentence, and paragraph. Otherwise, you might misunderstand the intended message, which is precisely why attentive listening is essential.

Whether you’re listening to someone speak in front of you, tuning into a recorded audio, watching a live video, or reading a text like this, undivided attention is necessary for comprehension.

If you fail to understand what you’re reading at this moment, simply because your attention is elsewhere, you will miss out on the essential knowledge I’m attempting to impart. While there could be other valid reasons for misunderstanding, a lack of focus is a common culprit.

Language may be one reason, but I think my writings are all in basic English, I think so. I mostly write to be understood instead of showing you how many English words I know. Paying attention to whatever is being said is the first key to true wisdom. This is because understanding leads to true knowledge, and true knowledge leads to true wisdom.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

Key #2: The True Understanding

Understanding is the antithesis of misunderstanding, and there are clear dictionary definitions for these terms. The issue with misunderstanding is that it represents a form of understanding, albeit a flawed one. When I misunderstand something, I am often unaware of my lack of understanding; otherwise, I would have sought further clarification. This is where the problem arises for many of us.

True understanding is based on the knowledge and reverence of God (Proverbs 1:7). God gives us His understanding of who He is, who we are (individually), who other people are (humans), and what the rest of His creation is (nature). This true understanding makes us realize that indeed life has a beginning and a meaning.

Key #3: The True Knowledge

A profound comprehension of God (the Creator), ourselves (as individuals), others (as fellow humans), and the entirety of creation (encompassing animals, plants, objects, fish, insects, etc.) is inherently non-human. This all-encompassing insight is crucial for thoroughly understanding virtually any subject of discussion.

Such deep understanding paves the way to genuine wisdom, examples of which I will present at the conclusion of this post. True knowledge is, by its nature, revelatory.

How then do I truly know myself? It is essential to understand oneself not through the perceptions, expressions, and actions of others (external knowledge), but through the internal voice of God that reveals our identity as He sees us.

Indeed, God’s knowledge of us surpasses what we or others comprehend. External perceptions do not equate to genuine self-knowledge. For further insight, consider exploring “4 KEYS TO A MEANINGFUL LIFE.” According to God, we are His children (John 1:12-13), we own the whole world (1 Corinthians 3:21), and we can do all things with His ability (Philippians 4:13).

Key #4: The True Wisdom

As previously mentioned, if true wisdom exists, then so does false wisdom. This false wisdom is worldly, merely human, and at best, devilish. From God’s perspective, what is often deemed wisdom is, in fact, foolishness.

But what is true wisdom?

True wisdom is founded on the knowledge previously mentioned, though not fully discussed. It is the understanding that God created the world and that every occurrence in our lives serves a specific purpose, whether that purpose is known to us or remains concealed for a good reason.

Can you see the difference? False wisdom deceives; true wisdom does not because it is rooted in truth, not falsehoods. But if every person lies, what does that imply? Yes, every Christian has lied. I recognize the origin of this argument, but it is not the focus of this discussion.

Even Abraham, the patriarch of faith, lied, as did his son Isaac. However, they both confessed their falsehoods when challenged, distinguishing them from those who lie merely for the sake of deceit. Here is an illustration of the two kinds of wisdom: true/divine wisdom versus false/malignant wisdom.

One day while traveling by bus, I handed the conductor 500SSP for the fare, expecting change from the supposed 400SSP fare. However, he did not return any balance. Mid-journey, upon reminding him, he insisted the fare was 500SSP.

Upon reaching my destination and sharing the day’s travel expenses, a relative informed me that I had been overcharged; the fare should have been 400SSP. Realizing I had been deceived, I acknowledged there was little I could do to retrieve my money from the conductor.

Reflecting on the incident, two possibilities emerged: either the conductor was unaware of the recent fare reduction or he knowingly took advantage because I was unfamiliar with the local fares. If his actions were deliberate, they were cunning and deceitful. If not, he was simply uninformed, and not at fault in the eyes of God.

True wisdom acknowledges that even if one deceives another due to their ignorance, there is an omnipresent observer who sees all actions and tallies them. This wisdom stems from knowledge, not the fear of the unknown. Those who embrace this wisdom understand that earthly existence is not the final chapter and that we will each answer for our actions in the afterlife.

It is said that there are forces at work, striving to convince humanity that there is no existence beyond death, suggesting that we can act without consequence, whether our choices are right or wrong. This belief negates the need for responsible living or reverence for a divine entity.

However, for those seeking genuine wisdom, consider this counsel: comprehend and believe in it, and you shall grow wiser with each passing day. Be aware that a divine presence exists, one that will ultimately judge all, living or deceased, based on their earthly actions. Your deeds are your own, and it is for those that you shall be held accountable.

Further Reading