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Social Distancing and Distance Learning: How to Learn and Live in Peace During COVID-19 and Beyond

Social Distancing and Distance Learning

The global impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been catastrophic, sparing no sector, including education. Originating in Wuhan, China, around late December 2019, COVID-19 has necessitated distance learning as a solution.

At the time of writing, the pandemic has led to severe global repercussions, including lockdowns, travel restrictions at all levels, and the requirement of face masks, among others.

This post explores potential methods for continuing education during and beyond the crisis. Are you prepared to embrace distance learning in the COVID-19 era and beyond?

As previously mentioned in my newsletters, I had intentions to enhance my educational pursuits in 2020.

If you have read my other post about how to study online in 2019, then you might already know what we are talking about. Well, this post’s purpose is to help you continue to learn using distance learning methods such as

I’m so excited to be an online student for years because I now know what to do, and I am willing to help others who need a hand. In fact,, one of the best online FREE learning platforms that I ever been studying with since early 2016 has just published my interview with them regarding my personal journey with them.

You might want to consider the student feedback/interview with mentioned above to assist you in making an informed decision about where and why to study online.

Indeed, there are numerous online study platforms, including Google Digital Skills for Africa, GCF Learn Free, among others. However, this post focuses primarily on, although you can find more information about other platforms in my other blog posts.

With that said, what are the benefits distance learning online?

There are many benefits. Look, you study at will, at home, and at your own pace and time. Due to COVID-19, it’s a must to study at home using your phone or computer or you’ll keep waiting until things get back to normal. But who knows when that time is coming back?

It’s good to study online these days because this protects you from possibly contracting the deadly virus along the way to school or back home.

But this mode of study is not good for everyone. Let’s say kids won’t love it at all. Also, in case you are illiterate and you just want to start learning how to read and write in any human language, then this is not for you.

So, who is distance learning for?

This distance learning program is best for people like you, because if you can read this right now, then you are more than qualified to study online. All you need is a smartphone or a computer with an internet connection. I used data bundles in 2016 with Zain Connect, when I started to study online and earned a Diploma and a certificate in IT.

Remember, it’s 100% free because you only pay when you have completed a course, and if you use my affiliate link, you are likely to get a good 20% discount or more when ordering your diploma or certificate.

How about accreditation?

Good question, but I wish you find that out on the website as listed above. What I know is that is a tool for many other course publishers. All the courses on their site are accredited by their creators.

But what I personally look for is self-improvement, not what others think. If you prove to the world that you know how to type faster for example, then accreditation becomes second. You will still get employed or you will employ yourself.

I suggest you get the skills you need and get them now! Our world is changing each day, and after the COVID-19 pandemic, the world will never be the same again. New solutions will be found, but you have to be competitive or else, you will remain behind. Upgrade yourself with free online courses today!

I’m so excited because, with courses, I am now able to do more with computers. Earlier on, I studied for a Diploma in human psychology, a Diploma in ICT, a certificate in the English language, and more.

This time, I really want to focus on computer coding, especially for the Web. I have been building websites (like using the already made templates. But I want to create my own theme templates from scratch, and with’s online free courses, I will be able to do this perfectly, believe me.

Next, it’s now up to you!

What are you waiting for? As I said earlier in this post, if you can read this, then you already have the required internet access, internet speed, and tools. If you need help, kindly contact me or simply write me a comment below.

Take action by signing up for free on now (using my affiliate link). You can also rate this post and give it some stars below. Thanks for reading, see you next time. Please share your thoughts below ?.

Further Reading

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Who Are You? A Thoughtful Short Story

Who Are You? A Thoughtful Short Story

This article explores the essence of self-identity and its profound connection to spirituality and the world around us. As we journeyed toward 2020, I found myself contemplating a pivotal question: “Who are you?” This introspection was driven by a desire to deepen my understanding of myself, which I believed was intrinsically linked to my comprehension of the divine. It is my conviction that by gaining insight into the nature of God, one can, in turn, achieve greater self-awareness. This post aims to serve as a catalyst for your own self-discovery.

The quest for self-knowledge is a path to broader wisdom. By understanding ourselves, we open the door to understanding others and the wider universe, paving the way for a life filled with meaning, tranquility, and fulfillment.

However, the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, caused by SARS-CoV-2, has cast a shadow over the world. This global crisis has claimed the lives of countless individuals and led to widespread lockdowns and travel restrictions.

Amidst these tumultuous times, the question persists: “But, who are you?”

The narrative that follows is a reflective tale intended to provoke thought about your role in life. I invite you to delve deeper into this exploration by accessing “Your Self-Discovery Guide” available for download at

Continue reading for a glimpse into a personal account:

For as long as I can remember, punctuality has been my guiding principle. I have always favored arriving early rather than late, a preference that seems at odds with the habits of many in my community.

Despite the tendency of others to arrive late or not at all, the church service commenced after a customary period of waiting. The conductor, standing at a modestly adorned pulpit, signaled the start of the Sunday service to those who had made the effort to arrive on time, whether by foot or by paying the rising costs of transportation.

The service began at 9:10 a.m., a mere ten minutes behind schedule, marking the earliest start in the church’s history.

The conductor diligently adhered to a program reminiscent of Presbyterian traditions, a common origin for many South Sudanese churches.

When the time came for the sermon, the preacher greeted the congregation and unexpectedly steered the discourse toward the realm of government politics, a trend that has become commonplace among preachers, regardless of their training.

A new acquaintance seated beside me offered insight into this phenomenon, explaining that political commentary has become an expected element of sermons, particularly in a congregation where many are government officials or politically informed.

Despite the preacher’s focus on politics, a sentiment shared by the majority, a few of us felt a dissonance between the spiritual teachings expected in church and the political narratives presented.

The church, for some, has become a platform for both spiritual guidance and community updates, including political discourse. Understanding oneself is crucial in any context, and the church is no exception.

Observing the societal landscape, it became evident that political and tribal divisions run deep, infiltrating every aspect of communal life, from religious gatherings to family conversations.

Amidst this division, neutral individuals—those who choose not to align with any side—are often caught in the crossfire, labeled as traitors or dismissed as irrational.

The prevailing belief is that neutrality is not an option; one must choose a side.

As I journeyed home, the city braced for unrest following a contentious government decision to alter the number of states. Yet, for some of us, the focus remains not on political boundaries but on fostering peace and coexistence within our ancestral lands.

The debate rages on, with some willing to fight for their perceived tribal territories, while others threaten resignation over changes to state configurations.

Amidst these tensions, I witnessed military movements, a potential harbinger of conflict, prompting questions about the future of our nation.

In this climate of uncertainty, my message is clear: I yearn for preachers to embody their spiritual calling, for politicians to engage in politics within educational settings, for teachers to impart knowledge in their areas of expertise, for students to immerse themselves in their chosen fields, and for journalists to report objectively.

Peace and harmony begin with a commitment to one’s vocation, for not all are destined for political life.

I am a writer, an independent author, not a politician.

Now, I pose the question to you: Who are you?

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10 Best Life Coaching Tips

10 Best Life Coaching Tips

The article “The 10 Best Life Coaching Tips for 2020” is designed to guide you through the top advice for the year 2020 and beyond. As we all know, 2019 is drawing to a close, making way for the new year. In our distraction-filled world, it’s crucial to focus on what truly matters. Hence, I am eager to present these 10 paramount life coaching tips for the upcoming year, 2020.

Life coaching serves as an indispensable resource for those seeking to enhance their existence, accomplish their objectives, and lead a more satisfying life. The dawn of a new year presents an ideal opportunity to evaluate your current position and your aspirations for the future. Adhering to these top 10 life coaching tips for 2020 will set you on a path toward realizing your ambitions and actualizing the life you envision.

Tip #1: Set Clear Goals – The first step to achieving your goals is to set clear and specific goals. This will help you stay focused and motivated, and make it easier to measure your progress along the way.

Tip #2: Create a Plan – Once you have your goals in place, it’s important to create a plan of action to achieve them. This will help you stay organized and on track, and make it easier to overcome any obstacles that may come your way.Tip #3: Stay Positive – Maintaining a positive attitude is key to achieving your goals. Believe in yourself and your abilities, and don’t let negative thoughts or self-doubt hold you back.

Tip #4: Take Action – You can’t achieve your goals by simply wishing for them to come true. You need to take action and make things happen. Start small and take baby steps towards your goals, and before you know it, you’ll be making great progress.

Tip #5: Stay Accountable – One of the best ways to stay motivated is to stay accountable. Find a friend or family member who can hold you accountable to your goals, and check in with them regularly to stay on track.

Tip #6: Celebrate Your Successes – Celebrating your successes, no matter how small, is an important part of staying motivated and on track. Take time to acknowledge your progress and give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.

Tip #7: Stay Committed – Achieving your goals takes time and effort, and it’s important to stay committed to the process. Don’t give up when things get tough, and keep pushing forward even when you feel like giving up.

Tip #8: Learn From Your Mistakes – Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s important to learn from them and move forward. Don’t beat yourself up over your mistakes, but instead use them as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Tip #9: Stay Flexible – Life is unpredictable, and sometimes things don’t go according to plan. It’s important to stay flexible and adapt to changing circumstances, while still staying true to your goals.

Tip #10: Take Care of Yourself – Finally, it’s important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Make time for self-care and prioritize your health and well-being, so that you can stay motivated and focused on achieving your goals.

By following these 10 best life coaching tips for 2020, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your goals and living the life of your dreams. Remember to stay positive, stay committed, and never give up on your dreams. With hard work and dedication, anything is possible.


Tip #1: Have a Personal Vision

It’s commonly understood that organizations, governments, and institutions have vision, mission, and motto statements. However, the concept of a vision isn’t exclusive to these entities. I once believed it was, but I’ve learned that’s not the case. Having a personal vision is equally important. It’s vital to have a clear understanding of your direction, aspirations, and the type of individual you wish to become.

Lacking a personal vision can lead to a life lacking direction. Your vision ought to inspire and provide purpose. It should be an attainable goal, regardless of its scale. Therefore, reflect on your personal vision. Consider your life’s ambitions and the person you aspire to be. With a defined vision, you can begin to pursue it and bring it to fruition. Your vision will steer your life’s journey and assist in achieving your objectives.

When considering my vision, I aim to align it with my long-term objectives. Although my annual vision is crucial for reaching short to medium-term goals, I hold the conviction that my life’s ultimate purpose is to lead a life rich in meaning and satisfaction. Whether through my profession, relationships, or self-improvement, I endeavor to approach each day with deliberation and resolve, aware that each step I take propels me closer to my overarching vision. Despite potential hurdles, my commitment to my principles assures me that I can fulfill my ambitions.

A life vision serves as the overarching guide for all other visions, providing direction for every goal and dream. I establish yearly visions that act as milestones on the path to my life’s ultimate aim. These annual visions are instrumental in advancing me towards my life’s purpose. A clear life vision and mission statement grant me unparalleled organization in life, enabling me to concentrate on what’s most important and to bypass distractions and obstacles.

Creating a life vision is a timeless endeavor; it’s neither too late nor too early to begin. You can embark on this journey at any stage of your life, whether you are taking your first steps or have already traveled far. The key is to possess a clear understanding of your aspirations and the impact you wish to have on the world.

With a defined life vision, you can proceed to establish yearly visions that contribute to your overarching aim. These annual milestones ought to be precise and quantifiable, enabling you to monitor your advancement and adapt as necessary. They should also harmonize with your life vision, ensuring that every step taken is in the direction of your grand ambition. A life vision, complemented by yearly visions, can serve as a powerful catalyst for sustained motivation and concentration.

Getting caught up in the daily hustle can make us lose track of what’s truly important. However, having a clear vision of your life goals makes it easier to remain focused and driven. Reflect on your life, and craft a vision that resonates with your passions, values, and dreams. This vision will act as a beacon on your path to a more meaningful and satisfying life. Keep in mind that life is a journey, not a destination. By taking incremental steps daily towards your vision, you’ll be amazed at the distance you can cover. Maintain a positive outlook, stay focused, and persistently advance.

Read Life Coaching Ultimate Guide for more information.

Tip #2: Have a Personal Mission

A mission statement is a potent instrument that can keep you centered on your life’s ultimate goal. It articulates your current actions towards achieving your objectives and leading a life of significance. Developing a mission statement involves introspection and contemplation, as it ought to be deeply personal and in harmony with your principles and future ambitions.

For me, my mission statement is an organic extension of my life’s aim and steers my daily choices. I am committed to leading a purposeful life through service to others, engaging in my passions, and constant personal growth and education. Living out my mission statement enables me to forge a life that is rewarding and in sync with my core values and highest goals. Therefore, consider investing time to ponder your mission statement and its role in shaping the life you aspire to lead.

Tip #3: Choose Friends Wisely

This is the third of the top ten life coaching tips. Good friends can significantly impact our lives. They are the ones we rely on for support, whether we need to talk or a shoulder to lean on. They join in our celebrations and stand by us during tough times. However, not everyone is suited to be a good friend. It’s less about their character and more about their presence in our times of need. It’s crucial to be surrounded by people who encourage and foster our growth, rather than those who negatively affect us or impede our progress. Therefore, being discerning in our choice of friends and nurturing those meaningful relationships is vital.

Ultimately, the decisions we make are guided by our personal vision and objectives. Understanding our desired direction and goals is essential for making decisions that are in line with our aspirations. It’s not necessary to dislike anyone, but neither is it required to befriend those who do not share our values or interests. By choosing to be around people who share our mindset, we can build a network that is both supportive and motivating, aiding us in achieving our goals and living our best life. Reflect on your personal vision and ensure your choices are steering you towards your ultimate aim.

Tip #4: Be Willing to Learn

In the modern, fast-paced world, learning has become more adaptable and accessible than ever. Thanks to technological advancements, you can learn at a pace and schedule that suits you. However, self-learning isn’t suitable for everyone; it demands a specific mindset for success. Success in self-learning requires discipline, focus, and an eagerness to learn and evolve. You must be driven and dedicated to your personal development, ready to invest the necessary time and effort to reach your objectives. With the correct mindset and strategy, self-learning can be incredibly rewarding and enriching. If you’re prepared to elevate your learning, begin cultivating a self-learner mentality today and discover where it leads you.

In our rapidly evolving world, staying current with the latest trends and technologies is vital. Self-learning is a modern approach to enhance learning, yet it’s often underestimated. Learning is an ongoing journey, and as the world changes, so do the methods of learning. To remain competitive, you must be open to acquiring new knowledge in 2020 and beyond. Keeping up-to-date with the latest skills and information is essential for success in both your personal and professional life. Whether it’s picking up a new language, starting a new hobby, or becoming proficient in a new tool, self-learning can unlock numerous possibilities. Therefore, don’t hesitate to invest in yourself and embark on your learning journey today.

“Not knowing enough is not a problem, refusing to know is.”

John Monyjok Maluth.

Tip #5: Focus on What You Learn

This is the fifth of the top ten life coaching tips. In the modern fast-paced world, specializing in a specific area of study or profession is becoming crucial. While acquiring a range of skills is possible, honing expertise in a particular field is preferable. This is especially true for medical professionals encouraged to specialize in areas like cardiology or neurology.

Specialization allows individuals to deeply understand their field and acquire the skills and knowledge to thrive professionally. It keeps them abreast of the latest trends and developments, giving them a competitive advantage in the job market.

Moreover, specializing can lead to increased job satisfaction and a rewarding career. By concentrating on an area that matches their interests and passions, individuals can find meaningful work and contribute significantly to their field through research and innovation.

In essence, while being a generalist is possible, specialization is increasingly vital. Whether one is a medical professional or a software developer, focusing on a specific area can lead to professional success and personal fulfillment.

To excel in your career, it’s essential to specialize in your expertise area. Commit time and effort to learn about your field and keep up with new developments and trends. This will prepare you to tackle complex challenges and have a substantial impact on your work. Investing in yourself and your education is a worthwhile endeavor that promises long-term benefits.

Tip 6: Focus on What You Do

Indeed, life and education often diverge, particularly in specialized skills such as writing and research. Success in these fields requires concentrated energy and attention. Whether tackling a complex research paper or formulating a persuasive argument, a strong focus is crucial for achieving objectives. To enhance your writing and research abilities, prioritizing focus and concentration is key to personal success.

In the current era, where distractions abound, maintaining focus can be difficult. Yet, with the correct mindset and a robust plan, it’s possible to stay on course and realize your ambitions. Setting precise, explicit goals can help minimize distractions. Breaking these goals into smaller, achievable tasks can sustain motivation and facilitate gradual progress.

Moreover, crafting a conducive work environment by minimizing distractions is vital. This may involve switching off your phone or seeking a tranquil workspace. Focus is a skill honed through consistent practice and commitment. Therefore, aim for your goals, devise a strategy, and concentrate on what’s most significant in 2020.

Tip #7: Have a Mentor

This is the seventh of the top ten life coaching tips, not necessarily in order of importance. Throughout life’s journey, we’re always learning and finding new paths for growth. Having a guide, be it a coach or mentor, is crucial. Someone who shares your personal vision and life’s purpose can be of immense value.

I’ve personally experienced the significant role coaches and mentors play in growth and development. They’ve enabled me to overcome my limitations and explore possibilities I might not have realized on my own.

Should you seek guidance or support in your journey, consider finding a mentor who can provide valuable insights and feedback. Whether it’s for enhancing your career, enriching your relationships, or boosting your personal well-being, the right guidance and support can be transformative.

In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to become engrossed in the hustle and bustle and overlook the importance of humility. However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that we don’t know everything and that there is always room for growth and improvement. Approaching life with humility opens us up to learning from others and acquiring knowledge and wisdom. As we begin a new year, let’s consciously strive to foster humility in our lives. In doing so, we can enjoy the fruits of our labor, not just in 2020, but for many years ahead.

Tip #8: Find Your Best Way to Learn

One method to extend your text is by expanding on your key points. Take cultivating humility, for instance: considering our own limitations and recognizing that we don’t hold all the answers can be beneficial. This reflection may lead to a deeper appreciation for others’ viewpoints and knowledge, which can, in turn, foster our growth and self-improvement.

Furthermore, embracing humility can strengthen our connections with others, making us more responsive to their needs and more collaborative in achieving shared objectives. The advantages of developing humility are extensive and impactful, contributing to a more satisfying and purposeful life. Therefore, as we approach the new year, it’s essential to prioritize humility and explore its profound impact.

Tip #9: Make Use of Technology

This is the ninth out of the top ten life coaching tips of all time. Cultivating humility can lead to a profound transformation. It not only helps us become more compassionate and empathetic but also strengthens our relationships with others. A humble approach to life makes us more responsive to the needs of others and more collaborative in pursuing shared objectives, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect that is invaluable.

One of the key advantages of embracing humility is the enhanced self-awareness it brings. Acknowledging our limitations and fallibility makes us less prone to judgment and more receptive to new perspectives. We become more open to feedback and criticism and more inclined to learn from our errors. This growth not only improves us as individuals but also enhances our ability to be effective team members, partners, and friends.

Another advantage of humility is that it can enhance our resilience during tough times. Approaching challenges with humility often leads us to see them as chances for growth and learning, rather than as setbacks. This mindset reduces the likelihood of feeling discouraged or quitting and increases our determination to persist through difficulties. Such resilience is invaluable in both personal and professional spheres.

In summary, the advantages of developing humility are extensive and impactful. By adopting a humble approach, we can improve ourselves, forge stronger connections, and attain greater accomplishments in every aspect of life. Why not try it? The positive effects it may have on your life and on those around you could be remarkable.

Approaching life with humility enhances our sensitivity to others’ needs and fosters a willingness to collaborate on shared objectives. This mindset can cultivate a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect that is invaluable. Humility is often regarded as a crucial component in forging strong, enduring relationships, both personally and professionally.

Recognizing our own limitations and weaknesses allows room for others to contribute their unique strengths and insights. Such a collaborative approach can yield remarkable achievements and a profound sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. Therefore, whether the goal is to enrich relationships, progress professionally, or lead a more satisfying life, embracing humility is certainly a worthwhile pursuit.

Tip #10: Execute Plans

Here is the tenth of the top 10 life coaching tips. In forging enduring relationships, both personal and professional, it’s crucial to understand that everyone has limitations and weaknesses. Recognizing and accepting these limitations not only aids in self-improvement but also allows others to contribute their unique strengths and viewpoints. This cooperative approach to relationship building fosters greater understanding, empathy, and ultimately, success. Therefore, let’s welcome our imperfections and collaborate to reach our objectives and establish significant bonds that endure a lifetime.

Collaboration is a potent tool that can unleash immense potential for growth and achievement. When individuals unite to combine their distinct strengths and insights, they can craft something extraordinary that wouldn’t be feasible alone. This is particularly true in a workplace setting, where diverse individuals with varying abilities must collaborate to fulfill a shared objective.

Cultivating a collaborative culture enables organizations to forge stronger teams, enhance productivity, and spur innovation. This method fosters deeper understanding and empathy among team members as they recognize and value each other’s contributions and viewpoints. Therefore, if you aspire to have a prosperous and rewarding career, reflect on the strength of collaboration and its potential to help you realize your ambitions.

Collaboration is indeed extraordinary. It empowers individuals to combine their strengths, expertise, and resources to accomplish what would be unattainable alone. This is particularly pertinent in a workplace setting, where diverse individuals with varying skills must unite to pursue a shared objective.

Collaboration allows employees to learn from one another, share ideas, and combine their skills to achieve results that exceed what they could do individually. Furthermore, it fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among colleagues, leading to a more positive and satisfying work environment. Therefore, when faced with a challenging task at work, consider collaborating with your peers. The results may surprise you!

I hope the “10 Best Life Coaching Tips for 2020” has been beneficial for you.

If it has, please feel free to comment, like, and share this post with your family and friends.

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How to Study for Free Online: Distance Learning and Its Benefits

How to Study for Free Online

Are you looking to enhance your knowledge and skills in your field of interest at no cost? Discover how to study online for free! You’re in luck because this post will guide you on how to access free online studies as of 2019. Many websites provide free courses from certificate to diploma levels, which are an excellent means to strengthen your expertise and enhance your appeal in the job market.

Category: Technology Archives » John Monyjok Maluth (

One outstanding website providing free digital skills training is Google Digital Skills for Africa. This platform offers complimentary online courses covering digital marketing, coding, and other essential digital skills. The courses cater to both beginners and intermediate learners, with a certificate awarded upon completion.

Alison is another site offering a wide range of free online courses. With over 1,000 courses in areas such as IT, business, marketing, and languages, Alison’s self-paced learning approach also culminates in a certificate upon completion.

Additionally, GCF Learn Free presents a variety of free online courses in technology, business, and personal development. The courses are user-friendly and also provide a certificate upon completion.

To sum up, the opportunity to study online for free has never been more accessible. The wealth of available free courses allows you to enhance your knowledge and skills in your chosen field at no cost. Embrace these resources and invest in your personal growth today!

First, the benefits of online free courses

Gaining practical knowledge holds more value than theoretical knowledge. Although a certificate does not define my identity, it signifies the knowledge I have gained and acts as a proof of ownership. Nevertheless, the knowledge itself remains the most vital element. Free online courses are perfect for me because they broaden my understanding. I believe they will also prove advantageous for you.

Online free courses are free as long as you can pay for Internet access.


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Here are numerous testimonies from students all over the world who have benefited from the courses and programs offered by The sheer volume of these stories is a testament to the quality of education that is available through this platform. As someone who has personally taken advantage of the many courses and programs available on, I can attest to the fact that it is a real and reliable resource for learning and professional development.

In fact, I have acquired several certificates and diplomas in my field of study – interest. By studying what I am already doing, I have been able to improve my skills and knowledge in a way that has been truly transformative for my career. As a writer, it is essential that I continue to learn and grow in order to produce high-quality content that resonates with my audience. Additionally, as an international speaker, I must be able to communicate effectively in a variety of different contexts.

The courses and programs on have helped me to achieve both of these goals and more. From grammar and syntax to public speaking and persuasion, the resources available on this platform are truly comprehensive and valuable. I am confident that anyone who is looking to improve their skills and advance their career can benefit from the many offerings on So why not join the countless others who have already discovered the power of this amazing platform?

Alison’s Links is a great website to explore if you’re looking to expand your knowledge and skill set. Their website is user-friendly and provides a wide range of resources that can help you learn about various topics. If you want to know more about, you can use the links available on their website. These links will guide you to different categories, such as ABOUT ALISON, LEARNING, MORE, and CONNECT.

Under the ABOUT ALISON category, you can read their story and learn about their mission and values. You can also see open positions if you’re interested in working with them. Additionally, you can browse through their various Alison programs and learn about the courses they offer. You can even get involved with their Empower Us program, which is a unique initiative that empowers people to make a positive impact in their communities.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Alison works, you can find that information under this category as well. You can even head over to their blog for additional resources and insights. Overall, is a fantastic resource for anyone looking to expand their knowledge and gain new skills. So, go ahead and check it out today!

Under the LEARNING section on the Alison website, you’ll find a wealth of information to help you get the most out of your learning experience. From Alison courses and testimonials to accreditation and premium learning opportunities, there’s something for everyone. Additionally, you can take advantage of the Refer a Friend program and check out pricing options to help you make the most of your time on the site.

In the MORE section, you’ll find additional resources to help you navigate the site and find what you need. Here, you can shop for courses, publish your own content on Alison, explore resources for businesses, and keep up to date with the latest news and press releases. Additionally, there’s a helpful FAQ section and contact information for the Alison team if you need further assistance.

Finally, under CONNECT, you’ll find links to Alison’s social media accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Connect with the team and other learners to stay up to date on the latest news and events, and share your own experiences and feedback. With so many resources available, there’s never been a better time to explore the world of online learning with Alison.

Alison’s Dashboard

On the Alison Dashboard, you will find a wealth of information about your courses. After logging in, you will be greeted with a user-friendly layout that displays your Enrolled Courses, Completed Courses, and Favourite Courses. This makes it easy for you to keep track of your progress and stay on top of your educational goals. Whether you’re looking to upskill for your current job or explore new career opportunities, the Alison Dashboard is an essential tool for success. So, take a moment to explore all the features it has to offer and make the most of your learning experience!

My Statistics

As you can see above, you can find a section titled My Courses, Study Hours, and Orders History, which provides a comprehensive overview of your learning journey. This section displays your previous data, including the courses you have taken, the number of study hours you have completed, and your order history. I am pleased to inform you that based on your hard work and dedication, you have earned three certificates so far.

Congratulations! Your first certificate is a diploma in Social Media Marketing, which shows that you have gained expertise in creating and executing effective social media campaigns. Your second and third certificates are for ICT skills courses, which demonstrate your proficiency in using technology to solve problems and improve productivity. I am impressed by your commitment to continuous learning and development, and I am confident that these certificates will open up new opportunities for you in your personal and professional life.

In addition to your certificates, you have also placed orders for all the courses you have taken, which is a testament to your eagerness to learn and grow. Your order history provides a detailed record of your purchases, including the course name, date of purchase, and payment information. This information can be useful in case you need to refer back to it in the future.

Overall, I am proud of your achievements and excited to see what the future holds for you. Keep up the good work, and do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need any assistance or guidance along the way.

Lists of discounts and offline payments

In addition to My Discounts and Offline Payments, there are many other features you can access from your dashboard. For example, you can view your account activity, update your personal information, and manage your subscriptions. If you are a Premium member, you will also have access to exclusive content and discounts. However, even if you are not a Premium member, you can still enjoy many of the benefits of our platform, such as our user-friendly interface and helpful customer support. So whether you are a new user or a long-time member, we are here to help you get the most out of your experience with us.

My Alison Links

Just under your profile picture on Alison, you will notice a few links that are important for you to take note of. These links include Resume Study, Learner Record, and Learner Report. Each link serves a specific purpose that is geared towards making your learning experience on Alison as smooth and efficient as possible.

If you want to pick up where you left off in a certain course, you can use the Resume Study link to do just that. This will take you directly to the last part of the course you were on, allowing you to continue your learning journey with ease.

The Learner Record link is where you can find a comprehensive summary of your progress on Alison. This includes the courses you have completed, your grades, and other important details that can help you keep track of your learning journey on the platform.

Finally, the Learner Report link is where you can generate a detailed report of your learning progress on Alison. This report will show you your strengths and weaknesses, areas where you need improvement, and other useful insights that can help you become a better learner.

So, if you’re looking to get the most out of your learning experience on Alison, be sure to make use of these links. They are designed to make your learning journey smoother, more efficient, and ultimately more enjoyable.


Goodwill Community Foundation (GCF) is an excellent resource for those seeking to upgrade their skills and knowledge. With their online learning platform,, you have access to a wide range of courses and tutorials that cover various topics. From computer skills to job search strategies, GCF offers something for everyone.

The platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate, making it a great option for beginners and advanced learners alike. The courses are divided into main categories, which include topics such as technology, reading, math, career, and everyday life. Each category has an extensive selection of lessons, and the topics are presented in a clear and concise manner.

What’s great about GCF is that it’s entirely free, which makes it accessible to anyone who wants to learn. You don’t need to worry about registration fees or hidden costs – all you need is an internet connection and a desire to learn. Plus, the courses are available 24/7, so you can study whenever it’s convenient for you.GCF is an international service, which means that you can access the courses from anywhere in the world. This is especially helpful for individuals who live in areas with limited access to educational resources. With GCF, you have the opportunity to learn at your own pace and on your schedule.

In summary, GCF is an incredible resource for anyone looking to upgrade their skills and knowledge. With a vast selection of courses, a user-friendly platform, and free access, GCF is an excellent choice for online learning.

GCF Main Courses

As you can see above, you can choose what to study for free, and when done, you get your certificates. Unlike Alison, a certificate is free. You can download it as soon as possible after successful completion. You will see this list and categories after clicking the “TOPICS,” link on the top-right corner of the screen next to the “Language,” tab as sown below.

Furthermore, the platform offers a wide range of courses in various fields such as business, technology, health, and many more. You can choose any topic that interests you and start learning at your own pace. The courses are designed to be easy to follow, and the materials provided are comprehensive and engaging.

Moreover, the platform has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate. You can easily find the courses you are interested in, track your progress, and interact with other learners. The platform also has a support team that is always ready to assist you with any issues you may encounter while using the platform.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a free and reliable platform to learn new skills and improve your knowledge, this platform is the right place for you. With its vast library of courses, user-friendly interface, and helpful support team, you can achieve your learning goals in no time. So why wait? Start learning today!

GCF Menus

Thank you for your request. Let’s dive a bit deeper into the topic of the GCF menu. As mentioned earlier, the main GCF menu can be accessed by clicking on the two logos on the far top-left corner. The first logo, GCFGlobal, will take you to a page where you can access various resources such as tutorials, courses, and articles on different topics such as technology, career development, and life skills. The second logo,, will take you to a page where you can access free online courses on various subjects such as Microsoft Office, Google Drive, and math skills.

Moving on to the top-right corner of the menu, you will notice several useful links. The search bar is a great tool to quickly find what you are looking for in the GCF website. Simply type in your search query and hit enter to get your results. The topics tab is another useful feature that allows you to browse through the different topics available on the website. Clicking on a specific topic will take you to a page where you can access relevant tutorials and courses.

Finally, the language tab is a great feature for those who prefer to access the website in a language other than English. Simply click on the language tab and select your preferred language from the dropdown menu. The website will then be translated into your chosen language, making it easier for you to navigate and access the resources you need.

I hope this information was helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask.

GCF Course Categories

If you’re looking for a platform where you can learn about different topics, then you’ve come to the right place. We have a wide range of categories that you can choose from, including Technology, Work, CORE Skills, Reading & Math, and All Topics. Each category has its own set of courses that you can access by simply clicking on it. Our platform is designed to provide you with the best learning experience possible.

Whether you’re interested in developing your technical skills, enhancing your knowledge in your field of work, or improving your reading and math skills, we have everything you need. Our courses are created by experts in their respective fields, ensuring that you’re getting the most accurate and up-to-date information. You can learn at your own pace and in your own time, making it easier for you to fit learning into your busy schedule.

So why not start your learning journey today? Explore our categories and find the courses that interest you the most. With our user-friendly platform and comprehensive course material, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your learning goals in no time.

GCF Links

As you can see above, these are the main slideshows on the main home page for GCF website. You can make use of them to navigate the website easily. There are links to videos and other tutorials that can help you learn new skills or improve your existing ones. Additionally, you can access a wide range of resources on the website, including articles, blog posts, and interactive quizzes. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or just someone looking to expand your knowledge, GCF has something for everyone.

To get started, simply click on one of the slideshows and explore the different sections of the website. You’ll find information on topics such as computer basics, internet safety, and digital photography. Each section is designed to be easy to follow and understand, so you can learn at your own pace. If you have any questions or need help with anything, you can always reach out to the GCF team for support.

In addition to the main slideshows, you’ll also find a variety of other features on the GCF website. These include a search bar, which you can use to find specific topics or articles, and a newsletter signup form, which you can use to stay up-to-date on the latest news and resources from GCF. You can also connect with GCF on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Overall, the GCF website is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their skills and knowledge. With its user-friendly design and wide range of content, it’s a great place to start your learning journey. So why not check it out today and see what you can discover?

GCF Testimonials

The GCF testimonials section on the main home page is a great way to get a sense of what other students have experienced while studying with this organization. If you have studied with GCF before, you can even use this section to share your own story and help others who may be considering taking courses with them. Personally, I have studied with GCF in the past and can attest to the quality of their computer courses. The certificates that I obtained through their program have been incredibly helpful in advancing my career and giving me the skills I need to succeed in today’s digital age. Overall, I would highly recommend GCF to anyone who is looking to improve their computer literacy and gain valuable certifications that can help them in their personal and professional lives.

GCF Links

Above are GCF links, which are extremely helpful for anyone looking to learn more about the organization or access its resources. These links can provide you with valuable information on GCF and its mission, as well as offer you support and assistance if needed. Additionally, there are various links that can connect you to online communities and forums where you can interact with others and learn more about GCF and its initiatives. If you’re looking for help or support, you can easily log in and access these resources under the help and support category, which is conveniently located on the GCF website. With so many resources and tools at your disposal, there’s no better time to explore GCF and discover all that it has to offer!

Click Here to Register and Start Learning for FREE Now!


Learn about Google products and upgrade your soft skills with Google Digital Skills for Africa. Explore the main features to get started.

GDA Menus

Welcome to Google Digital Skills for Africa (GDA)! This platform offers a wide range of resources and tools to help you improve your digital skills and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the digital world. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, there’s something here for everyone.

To get started, take a look at the top menu. You’ll see four options: Online Courses, Certification, Partners, and More. Each of these sections contains valuable information and resources that you can use to enhance your skills and knowledge.

If you’re new to GDA, you’ll need to either Register or Sign in to access the content. You can do this by clicking on the top-left corner of the screen. If you already have a Gmail or Google account, you can use that information to sign in. This means that you don’t need to create a new account if you already have one with Google or Gmail.

Once you’re signed in, you’ll have access to a wide range of courses, resources, and tools that can help you improve your digital skills. You can choose from a variety of courses, ranging from basic digital literacy to more advanced topics like online marketing and web development. You can also work towards earning certification in various areas of expertise.

In addition to courses and certification, GDA also offers a range of tools and resources that you can use to improve your skills. These include webinars, tutorials, and case studies that can help you learn new skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the digital world.

Overall, Google Digital Skills for Africa is an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their digital skills and stay ahead in the ever-changing world of technology. So why wait? Sign up today and start learning!

GDA Steps

As you can see above, the GDA online platform offers a wide variety of courses and skills that are designed to help you take your business to the next level. Whether you’re looking to learn how to build a website, create a marketing campaign, or improve your sales skills, GDA has you covered. With the ability to learn at your own pace and get certified at the end, you can be sure that you’re getting the best education possible.

One of the main benefits of studying with GDA online is that it’s completely free. You don’t have to worry about paying for expensive classes or textbooks. Instead, you’ll have access to a wealth of information and resources that will help you grow your business and achieve your goals. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned entrepreneur, GDA online has something for everyone.

So why wait? Sign up for GDA online today and take the first step towards achieving your business goals. With our helpful, fair, and safe AI-powered assistant, you can be sure that you’re getting the support you need to succeed. Whether you have questions about the course material or you need help navigating the platform, our assistant is always here to help. So don’t wait any longer – join the GDA online community today and start learning!

GDA Main Courses

Sure thing! If you’re looking for some courses to get started with, you’ve come to the right place. We have a wide variety of options for you to choose from, so you can find something that suits your needs and interests. To get started, simply click on the “Get Started” link under each category that you’re interested in.

From there, you’ll be able to explore the courses available and choose the ones that are right for you. Whether you’re looking to learn a new skill, improve your knowledge in a particular area, or just explore something new, we’ve got you covered. So why wait? Start exploring our courses today and take the first step towards achieving your goals!

GDA Testimonials

As you can see from the testimonials above, many people have found great success in learning from these free online courses. The videos are easily accessible and can be watched online for free, making it an excellent opportunity for anyone who is interested in expanding their knowledge and skills. If you’re looking to get started with Google Digital Skills for Africa, simply visit the link provided and sign in or register. From there, you’ll have access to a wealth of resources that can help you become an online marketer or even create your own e-commerce site, just like the one I have. With dedication and hard work, there’s no limit to what you can achieve through these courses! Are you ready to learn How to Study Online for free?


Learning is a never-ending process, and I am glad that you have taken the initiative to upgrade your skills or start learning something new. As an AI-powered assistant, I am programmed to share information, instruct and educate, and I am always here to help you out. In this post, I have discussed “How to Study For Free Online In 2019,” and I hope that you have found it informative and helpful.

I understand that learning can be a costly affair, but with the advent of the internet, there are several free online courses available that you can take advantage of. From coding to photography, cooking to language learning, you name it, and you can find a course online. The best part is that you can learn at your own pace, from the comfort of your home.

I encourage you to continue learning and expanding your horizons, and I am always here to help you out. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to let me know. Also, don’t forget to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Finally, if you are interested in creating your own internet residual income, you may want to join my free writing courses, which you can do by downloading a free eBook. I hope you have enjoyed reading my post, and God bless you on your learning journey!

Posted on 60 Comments

Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

Life Coaching Ultimate Guide: Learn Life Coaching Today!


Life coaching is a process of helping people achieve their personal and professional goals by providing guidance, support, and accountability. Life coaches can help clients with various aspects of their lives, such as career, health, relationships, spirituality, and more. In this article, we will explore what life coaching is, what types of life coaches exist, how to find a good life coach, and what benefits you can expect from working with a life coach.

What is the difference between life coaching and therapy?

Life coaching and therapy are both forms of helping people improve their lives, but they have different goals, methods, and qualifications. Here are some of the main differences between them:

  • Life coaching focuses on helping clients achieve their personal and professional goals, such as finding a new career, starting a business, or improving their relationships. Therapy focuses on treating mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, or trauma, and helping clients cope with their emotions and behaviors.
  • Life coaching is based on a collaborative partnership between the coach and the client, where the coach asks powerful questions, provides feedback, and offers tools and resources to help the client take action. Therapy is based on a therapeutic relationship between the therapist and the client, where the therapist diagnoses the client’s problems, provides psychoeducation, and uses evidence-based techniques to help the client heal and change.
  • Life coaching is not a regulated profession and does not require any specific education or certification. However, some life coaches may have completed a training program or obtained a certification from an organization such as the International Coach Federation 1. Therapy is a regulated profession and requires a master’s or doctoral degree in psychology, counseling, social work, or a related field, as well as a license to practice in their state or country.
  • Life coaching is usually short-term and goal-oriented, lasting from a few weeks to a few months. Therapy is usually long-term and process-oriented, lasting from several months to several years.
  • Life coaching is suitable for people who are self-aware, motivated, and ready to make positive changes in their lives. Therapy is suitable for people who are struggling with mental health issues, emotional distress, or unresolved trauma.

Life coaching and therapy can both be beneficial for different reasons and situations. Some people may choose to work with both a life coach and a therapist at the same time or at different stages of their lives. The most important thing is to find the right support that meets your needs and preferences.

How do I know if I need a therapist or a life coach?

There is no definitive answer to whether you need a therapist or a life coach, as it depends on your individual situation and goals. However, here are some general guidelines that may help you decide:

  • You may need a therapist if you are experiencing mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, trauma, or addiction, that interfere with your daily functioning and well-being. A therapist can help you diagnose and treat your condition, as well as provide you with coping skills and emotional support. A therapist can also help you heal from past wounds and resolve underlying conflicts that may affect your present behavior and relationships.
  • You may need a life coach if you are looking for guidance and support to achieve your personal and professional goals, such as finding a new career, starting a business, or improving your relationships. A life coach can help you clarify your vision, identify your strengths and weaknesses, overcome obstacles, and take action to reach your desired outcomes. A life coach can also help you develop new skills, perspectives, and habits that can enhance your growth and happiness.

Of course, these are not mutually exclusive categories. Some people may benefit from working with both a therapist and a life coach at the same time or at different stages of their lives. For example, you may work with a therapist to address your mental health challenges and then work with a life coach to pursue your goals. Or you may work with a life coach to improve your skills and then work with a therapist to explore your deeper issues.

Ultimately, the choice is yours. You know yourself best and what kind of support you need. The most important thing is to find someone who is qualified, experienced, compatible, and trustworthy. You can do some research online 12345 or ask for referrals from friends or family to find the right fit for you. You can also request a free consultation or sample session to see if you feel comfortable and connected with the potential coach or therapist.

Related: Life Coaching Category

What is life coaching?

According to the International Coach Federation (ICF), the leading global organization for coaches, life coaching is defined as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential” 1. Life coaching is not therapy, counseling, mentoring, or consulting. It is a collaborative relationship between the coach and the client, where the coach helps the client identify their goals, overcome obstacles, and take action to achieve their desired outcomes.

Life coaching is based on the premise that everyone has the potential to grow and improve their lives, and that the client is the expert on their own life. The coach’s role is to ask powerful questions, listen actively, provide feedback, challenge assumptions, and offer tools and resources to help the client move forward. The coach does not give advice, tell the client what to do, or solve their problems for them. Instead, the coach empowers the client to find their own solutions and make their own decisions.

What types of life coaches are there?

Life coaching is a broad field that encompasses many different areas of specialization. Some of the most common types of life coaches include:

  • Career coaches: help clients with career-related issues, such as finding a new job, changing careers, advancing in their current field, or starting a business.
  • Health and wellness coaches: help clients improve their physical and mental well-being, such as losing weight, quitting smoking, managing stress, or coping with chronic illness.
  • Relationship coaches: help clients enhance their interpersonal relationships, such as dating, marriage, parenting, or friendship.
  • Spiritual coaches: help clients explore their spirituality and connect with their higher purpose.
  • Life skills coaches: help clients develop essential skills for living a fulfilling life, such as time management, communication, self-confidence, or emotional intelligence.

There are also many other types of life coaches that focus on specific niches or populations, such as financial coaches, executive coaches, sports coaches, or youth coaches. Some life coaches may combine several areas of expertise or offer general coaching for any aspect of life.

How to find a good life coach?

Finding a good life coach can be challenging, as there are no universal standards or regulations for the profession. However, there are some criteria that you can use to evaluate potential coaches and find the best match for your needs:

  • Credentials: look for a coach who has completed a reputable training program and has obtained a certification from a recognized organization such as the ICF 2. A certified coach has demonstrated their competence and adherence to ethical standards.
  • Experience: look for a coach who has relevant experience in the area that you want to work on. Ask them about their background, qualifications, and success stories. You can also check their testimonials or reviews from previous clients.
  • Style: look for a coach who has a compatible style with your personality and preferences. You can get a sense of their style by reading their website or blog 3, watching their videos 4, or listening to their podcasts 5. You can also request a free consultation or sample session to see if you feel comfortable and connected with them.
  • Fees: look for a coach who offers reasonable fees that fit your budget. Ask them about their pricing structure 6, payment options 7, and refund policy 8. You can also compare different coaches’ fees and packages to find the best value for your money.

What are the benefits of life coaching?

Life coaching can offer many benefits for clients who are willing to invest in themselves and commit to the process. Some of the benefits include:

  • Clarity: gain clarity on what you want from your life , why you want it , and how you can achieve it .
  • Motivation: increase your motivation
  • Action: increase your motivation to pursue your goals and overcome procrastination, fear, or self-doubt.
  • Results: achieve better results in your personal and professional endeavors, such as improving your performance, productivity, income, or satisfaction.
  • Growth: learn new skills, knowledge, or perspectives that can help you grow as a person and expand your potential.
  • Happiness: enhance your happiness and well-being by living a more authentic, meaningful, and fulfilling life.


Life coaching can be a powerful and transformative experience for anyone who wants to improve their life and reach their goals. However, it is not a magic bullet or a quick fix. It requires commitment, effort, and openness from both the coach and the client. It also depends on the quality of the coaching relationship and the compatibility between the coach and the client. Therefore, it is important to do your research, ask questions, and trust your intuition when choosing a life coach.


1: What is Professional Coaching? | ICF – International Coach Federation

2: Credentialing | ICF – International Coach Federation

3: Life Coach Blog | Tony Robbins

4: Marie Forleo – YouTube

5: The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo

6: How Much Does Life Coaching Cost? | Noomii

7: How to Pay for Life Coaching Services |

8: Refund Policy – The Coaching Institute


Here are some recommended resources for you to learn more about lifestyle and why it is very important for you as an individual. It is crucial to understand that the way we live our lives greatly impacts our overall well-being and happiness. By making positive lifestyle choices, we can improve our physical and mental health, enhance our relationships, and achieve our personal and professional goals.

To help you on your journey towards a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle, we have compiled a list of resources that you can use to learn more about this topic. Some of these resources are located within this website, while others are external sources that we highly recommend.

If you’re looking for information on nutrition and exercise, we suggest checking out our articles on healthy eating habits and workout routines. These resources will provide you with practical tips and advice on how to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

For those interested in mental health and well-being, we recommend exploring our resources on stress management, mindfulness, and self-care. These articles will teach you valuable techniques for managing your emotions, reducing stress levels, and improving your overall mental health.

In addition to our in-house resources, we also recommend checking out external sources like the American Heart Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the World Health Organization. These organizations provide reliable and up-to-date information on a variety of health and lifestyle topics.

Remember, adopting a healthy and positive lifestyle is a journey that requires effort and commitment. By using these resources, you can take the first step towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Internal Links

External Links

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