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Smashwords: How to Publish Your Books in Multiple eBook Formats Online


Learn How to Publish Your eBooks Today on Smashwords

This article serves as a guide to understanding Smashwords, its features that enable authors to connect with readers globally, and the detailed process for publishing a book on the platform. By the conclusion of this article, you will have learned the most efficient methods to publish your books in multiple formats and reach a broader online audience. Let’s begin with the fundamentals: what is Smashwords?

What is Smashwords?

Smashwords is among the top online publishing tools and platforms, offering writers global access. It enables you to distribute your book in various formats, including PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, MOBI, ePub, and HTML for online reading. Additionally, Smashwords allows you to make your book accessible across numerous online retail sites.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

Publishing a book on the Smashwords catalog can be challenging due to the numerous technical requirements that the book files must meet before they are made live. However, Smashwords provides a free Style Guide to help you format your book correctly, as well as a variety of online articles available at no cost on their website.

I almost gave up on publishing my book on Smashwords in 2013 because it failed to convert to various eBook formats several times. However, I will never regret my persistence, as once my book was successfully published, it reached more readers online, and I have been earning online every month since then, regardless of the amount.

Before settling on Smashwords and Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, I explored other options like Lulu, Lambert, and many more. After extensive trials, I chose these two platforms for my personal reasons. I found publishing with Lulu to be more challenging than with any other platform, although that may just be my personal experience.

What are the Smashwords features?

Similar to KDP, Smashwords (SW) boasts numerous impressive features. One such feature is the ‘meat grinder,’ which processes your book and delivers it to your readers in their preferred formats. Once you upload your book in the .doc format, the system begins converting it into various other formats, while preserving the original file for you, the publisher.

The platform’s capability to retain your original file is highly advantageous, as it allows you to access your original work whenever necessary. For instance, if you were to lose all your files on your computer, visiting the Smashwords website could alleviate that stress by enabling you to download the original file directly from the system. This particular feature is unique to Smashwords and is not available on KDP, Lulu, or Lambert Academic Publishing.

Another significant feature is the tool’s ability to distribute your books to various global book retail sites, including Amazon, Kobo, Apple iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, among others. It also caters to those who wish to download and print your book in PDF format for personal use. Additionally, while SW does not currently support publishing print versions of books, it offers the option to link your eBook to video trailers and other print formats. This means you can connect your eBook to its print edition on platforms like Amazon, Lulu, or LAP.

Smashwords also provides a suite of tools to manage your published book, such as the Channels Manager, ISBN Manager, Reports and Payment Manager, and more. These tools are designed to help you expand your online readership and facilitate payments. Although PayPal is the sole payment method, which may pose challenges if PayPal is not operational in your country, alternative payment requests via check or money transfer are available.

How Do I Publish My Books on Smashwords?

To successfully publish your book on Smashwords, begin by ensuring your manuscript is ready for publication, which involves writing and thorough editing. You can edit the manuscript yourself or hire professional editors. Depending on your book’s complexity, multiple editors may be necessary.

Next, design an engaging book cover and format the interior files correctly. Your book must include accurate metadata; otherwise, it will be flagged by the system. Note that Smashwords does not offer an online cover design tool like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. The cover image must be at least 1600 x 2400 pixels. Additionally, your manuscript should be in a 2003 Microsoft Word (.doc) format. If your document is in a newer version of Word, you’ll need to convert it to the (.doc) format.

After these steps, visit to create a free account. Once your account is set up, log in and complete your publisher/author profile. You have the option to create additional ghost author profiles if needed, but a single publisher/author account suffices if you’re not publishing for others or using different pen names.

Proceed by clicking the ‘Publish’ button to initiate the book upload and publishing process. Enter your book’s title, subtitle (if applicable), publication date, keywords, and select appropriate categories. Upload your book’s interior file and cover image. The platform allows you to manage all these steps on one page, differing from the KDP process. Assign the book to your publisher or a ghost author account, and decide if the book will be free or if you’ll allow customers to set the price.

You can set a price on Smashwords and immediately see your earnings after a purchase is made. Remember, each retailer, like Kobo, reports sales to Smashwords, and you’ll receive payment monthly, regardless of the amount accumulated.

Once you’ve adjusted all settings, hit the publish button to proceed. Your book will be live on Smashwords within an hour, but appearing on other retailers may take a day or more due to manual checks of technical requirements, known as the Premium Catalog. Your book must fulfill these requirements to be listed.

Should your book encounter any format conversion issues, you’ll be notified via email with instructions on how to proceed. Smashwords support is always available to assist you. Once you complete these steps, your book will be available for purchase. Congratulations!


We’ve now explored what Smashwords is, its features, and the step-by-step process of publishing a book on Smashwords. Remember, knowledge is only potential power; it becomes powerful when acted upon. Therefore, you must apply the information from this article to see a positive impact in your life. Did you gain new insights from this article? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. Shalom!

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Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing: How to Publish Your Book in Kindle, Hardcover, and Paperback Editions

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Learn Self-Publishing for Free Today on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is a service designed to educate users about KDP’s purpose, how to publish books in three different formats, and the features available to expand global readership. Are you familiar with the Kindle Direct Publishing platform?

What is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing?

Amazon KDP is a self-publishing service provided by Amazon, enabling writers worldwide to become published authors. Individuals can either utilize the service themselves or seek assistance from someone like me to upload their book. At the time of writing, KDP offers publishing in three formats: Paperback, Hardcover, and Kindle.

Additionally, with services like Audible, authors have the option to publish their books in audio format through KDP. Although I have not personally published an audiobook at the time of writing this article, offering a book in various formats can increase the likelihood that customers will purchase it in their preferred format.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

In today’s world, the abundance of choices can be overwhelming. For introverted empaths seeking tea in Nairobi, the experience can be daunting due to the barrage of questions from service staff. For instance, requesting milk tea might lead to inquiries about the type of milk you prefer, followed by a series of additional questions. Similarly, when it comes to reading, people choose formats that suit their preferences, from Kindle eBooks to paperbacks and hardbacks.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing allows for rapid book publication, often within hours. This platform is ideal for those who prefer a hands-on approach to publishing.

Self-publishing doesn’t necessitate going it alone; one can enlist the assistance of cover artists, blurb writers, keyword researchers, interior designers, illustrators, and others to help upload the book files to the platform.

What Is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing features?

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) provides a suite of features, including the ability to enter book details, upload content, and set pricing. It also offers marketing tools to assist authors in selling more books, which may be free or paid, with ongoing updates to introduce new features.

Previously, until 2016, Amazon’s KDP was solely for Kindle book publishing, while paperback publishing was handled by CreateSpace Publishing (CSP). Since then, KDP has grown to encompass paperback publishing and, starting in 2021, has also begun supporting hardcover publishing directly, suggesting the possibility of future expansions.

In addition to uploading book details and content, KDP offers promotional tools to enhance a book’s visibility to readers. Authors have the choice of a countdown deal, a five-day free book promotion within a 90-day window, or paid advertising campaigns for increased visibility on Amazon.

Furthermore, KDP maintains a community forum for queries, providing a platform for authors to seek support. Another significant feature is the account management area, where authors can manage payment options for their book sales in any format.

Some of the features are:

  • Kindle Countdown Deals
  • Amazon Marketing Services
  • Kindle Matchbook
  • KDP Select
  • Kindle Legend Library

Like me, you might be subject to a 30% tax withholding law if you’re a non-US resident. This means the US government retains 30% of your earnings whenever you make a sale. The IRS, or Internal Revenue Service, asserts that it will return your money if you choose to relocate to the USA in the future. However, the decision to move to the US for the sake of the withheld funds remains uncertain.

How Do I Publish My Books on the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing platform?

This section is crucial to the article. How exactly does one publish a book on KDP? What are the initial steps? I’ve authored a comprehensive guide on this subject, accessible on the Amazon book page. However, before you head there, this article will provide you with some insights and strategies for publishing a book on the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing platform.

First step

To begin, create your Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing account. If you have an existing Amazon customer account, you can use it to log in to the Kindle platform. Once you’re logged into your account, we can proceed with additional tips.

Second step

To set up your Amazon publisher/author account, you must input your personal information, such as your residential address and bank account details. This step is required before you can proceed to enter your book details into the system, as will be explained subsequently.

Third step

After completing your account information settings, proceed to the dashboard to enter your book details. Here, you must decide on the format of the book you wish to publish: Kindle eBook, hardcover, or paperback. Select the appropriate option and click the corresponding button to begin the publishing process.

Next, provide the book’s title and, if applicable, a subtitle. Not all books require a subtitle; for instance, “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins stands alone without one, as the title sufficiently conveys the book’s content.

Further details such as categories, keywords, book description or blurb, age range, publication date (if not today), and other relevant information will also be required. It is crucial to ensure accuracy in these details, particularly for hardcover or paperback editions, as certain elements like the author’s name cannot be altered post-publication.

Once all book details are entered, navigate to the next tab by clicking the ‘Save and Continue’ link at the bottom-right corner of the screen. In the second tab, you will upload the content details of your book.

Fourth step

You can now upload your book file in supported formats like Microsoft Word or PDF. You have the option to create your cover using the Online Cover Creator Tool or upload a pre-designed cover from your computer. Additionally, you can preview your uploaded files, which is applicable for both eBooks and print books.

On this page, you can opt for a free ISBN number provided by Amazon or input your own if you’ve previously purchased one. Here, you can also select your book’s trim size, paper type, and cover finish options, though these choices are only relevant for print books. This indicates that Kindle and print editions of your book have distinct options available.

After completing all the steps in this second tab, proceed to the final tab on the right by clicking ‘Save and Continue.’ This button becomes active only after you’ve previewed (for print books) and approved your book.

Fifth step

In this final tab, you can select your royalty options and then set your book’s retail price in relation to the printing costs. Ensure that the royalty isn’t set too high, as it will increase the retail price, potentially affecting sales. Researching book pricing strategies can aid in making an informed decision.

Once everything is finalized, press the Publish button. Your book should go live within a few hours or a couple of days, allowing people to purchase copies. This process can be repeated for different formats of your book, such as hardcover, paperback, and Kindle, each requiring a separate publication and possibly different interior files, even for the same title.

For eBooks, converting to a filtered HTML file is preferable. If your book includes images, save the folder and the HTML file in a zipped folder, then upload it to the KDP website. It’s also advisable to save your paperback and hardcover files separately due to the distinct ISBN numbers and other specific details. Ensure your book is fully edited before publishing in any format to maintain consistent content.


Finally, we’ve explored the meaning of Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, its features, and the detailed process of publishing a book on this platform. I encourage you to read the recommended book to gain a deeper understanding of book publishing, complete with illustrative images.

Additionally, below is a list of other suggested readings for your benefit. I hope you find this article personally valuable. I would love to hear your thoughts on it, so please leave your feedback in the comments section below. If there’s anything I’ve missed, do let me know. Wishing you a very successful journey in self-publishing. Shalom!

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Fiction Writing: How to Write and Publish Fiction Stories

fiction writing

Learn How to Write Fictional Stories Today – Fiction Writing

18th July 2022

Fiction writing aims to illuminate the core aspects of creating fictional narratives. It delves into the reasons behind writing fiction, the processes it entails, and provides actionable guidance for producing captivating stories or articles. By the end of this article, you should be able to evaluate your potential for fiction writing. Initially, however, what exactly is fiction writing?

What Is Fiction Writing?

Fiction writing involves crafting stories from the imagination rather than recounting real events. The purpose of fictional stories is to entertain the reader or evoke emotions such as anger, happiness, regret, or others, depending on the writer’s intent. Thus, fiction writing stands in contrast to nonfiction writing.

While all writing should engage the reader, fiction writing demands it, which can make it challenging. Crafting fiction is difficult because it requires precise vocabulary and the ability to convey much with few words, necessitating a strong command of language.

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Fictional stories can be inspired by real-life events, yet they retain a fictional format. Even when characters are based on real individuals, the narrative or events may be embellished for dramatic effect.

I gravitate more towards nonfiction both in writing and reading. My preference is intentional, as I subscribe to the idea that we are shaped by what we read, much like how our diet shapes our physical form.

For those who write fiction, I urge caution. Without it, there’s a risk of misleading rather than inspiring readers to think creatively. Of course, who am I to dictate one’s fate? It’s said that all is predetermined, and we merely live out these preordained paths. Nevertheless, my advice stands: approach fiction writing with awareness.

Why Do We Write Fiction?

Fiction is primarily written to entertain readers, but the definition of entertainment varies. Different groups are entertained in different ways. For instance, women and children may enjoy different forms of entertainment, even within the realm of writing.

I grew up in a society where women and children are often seen as similar in their mental and physical strength. In my community, a woman’s tears might signify joy or sorrow; her mood can shift rapidly without apparent reason. Consequently, there could be many things that entertain both women and children.

However, this perspective is not universally accepted. Culture is a formidable force. In my region, at the time of writing, there are things women are believed to be incapable of doing, possibly because they are conditioned to think so. Similarly, women may seek different forms of attention.

Conversely, men may not find humor in certain writings or performances, as they often prefer facts over fiction. This tendency could also be culturally influenced, and the significance of culture in human society cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, we must tailor our stories to our audience. Are we writing for women, children, or men? What are their ages?

Age is a crucial consideration in writing both fiction and nonfiction, as comprehension varies with age. Exposure to literature at a young age can also impact a reader’s future life. Personally, I wasn’t introduced to fiction, football, or contemporary plays as a child in the 1980s.

In summary, our audience dictates the purpose of our fiction writing. Identifying the audience can be challenging, particularly with adult readers, as some men display traditionally feminine traits, and vice versa.

How Do We Write Fiction?

As previously stated in this article, personality is significant in any writing form, be it fiction or nonfiction. Some writers meticulously plan their work in advance, while others, like myself, do not. So, how does one write fiction articles or books?

The method of writing fiction varies in structure from nonfiction. However, certain elements are common to both. For instance, fiction typically requires a storyline, characters, and plots, all of which are influenced by various factors.

My debut fiction novel, “Life Cure,” drew inspiration from Leila Aboulela’s “The Kindness of the Enemies.” I don’t outline my writing, so I composed this book within a week, drawing on experiences from my autobiographical work, “Sudan Civil Wars.” I mentally crafted headings that represented the key scenes or plot points throughout the narrative. The book presents an autobiographical tale woven into a fictional framework.

When crafting a fiction story, start by outlining the plot. Create compelling characters with memorable names. Next, envision the sequence of events and their triggers.

You might opt to employ various literary techniques, but initially, try focusing on just one or two, such as dialogue. There’s a plethora of literary devices, each serving a unique purpose.

In contrast to nonfiction, fiction doesn’t require a structured introduction, body, and conclusion. Nonetheless, your narrative should have a clear progression from the beginning to the end, which will become apparent to your readers as they delve into the story.

Final Fiction Writing Tips and Tricks

We’ve discussed some fiction writing tips previously, but here are additional ones. Before you begin writing, set a goal. Consider what you want your readers to feel after finishing your story. Do you want them to be happy, or perhaps relate to a character?

Contemplating your audience is vital as it guides your choice of topic and title. Understanding your audience’s demographics, such as gender and age, is crucial.

Knowing where to find your readers is also important. Are they predominantly online or offline? Their location will influence your distribution methods. I posted this on my website, assuming you’d read it there. However, if you’re reading this in print, that’s fine too, although my intended platform was my blog.

Reading more fiction can enhance your writing skills. My limited fiction reading means I’m less skilled at writing fiction. In contrast, my extensive reading of nonfiction, particularly motivational material, has honed my ability to write in that genre to assist people like you. Indeed, you are shaped by what you read, and frequent fiction reading will significantly improve your fiction writing skills.


Finally, we have explored the essence of fiction writing, its purpose, the process, and how to enhance our skills. I trust this information has been beneficial to you. Below, you will find additional tips and tricks that I believe will further your understanding of the subject. Before you leave, I want to express my gratitude for your dedication to reading this far.

Have you decided whether you are a nonfiction or fiction writer? This decision is crucial, as the intent of this article is to assist you in making that choice and in improving your writing. My goal is for you to craft better fictional narratives, although this article has not delved deeply into practical examples.

I hope this article has achieved its goal: to enlighten you about the nature of fiction writing and what it entails. If you have gleaned a thing or two from this piece, please take a moment to share your thoughts with me and other readers in the comments section below. Your feedback is valuable to me and my team, as it will guide us in creating more insightful articles in the future.

I wish you good health and peace.


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Nonfiction Writing: How to Write and Publish Nonfiction

Nonfiction Writing

Learn How to Write Nonfiction Stories Quickly – Nonfiction Writing

11th July 2022

“Nonfiction Writing” is an article designed to elucidate the nature of nonfiction writing, its necessity, the process of crafting nonfiction, and to provide practical tips and tricks for nonfiction writing. It aims to assist you in determining if nonfiction writing aligns with your skills and interests.

What Is Nonfiction?

Nonfiction writing is a genre of literature that focuses on factual stories rather than imagination. This is the broadest definition of the term, although various other definitions exist online and in English dictionaries. This definition centers on the possibilities within nonfiction writing.

For instance, an autobiography, which is your real-life story, is typically written as nonfiction. Nonetheless, some biographies and autobiographies are presented in fictional styles, tailored to the author’s intent and the audience’s expectations.

Educational materials are predominantly nonfiction. All research work conducted in schools is documented as nonfiction. Consequently, academic papers are composed and published as nonfiction, grounded in verified facts rather than fiction.

At the time of this writing, most of my published books were nonfiction. These include guides on computer basics, self-publishing, self-help, nationalism, theology, as well as autobiographies, and personal and professional development guidebooks.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

Why Do We Write Nonfiction?

The purpose of writing nonfiction is its popularity among readers, and it has historically been the predominant form of writing before the emergence of fiction and poetry. Nonfiction conveys messages more directly than fiction, which often circumvents the main point. We write nonfiction to impart valuable information to our readers.

Nonfiction is written with the intent to communicate. As previously stated, many textbooks are nonfiction, underscoring its efficacy in communication and information dissemination.

While there are numerous other reasons to write nonfiction that may not be covered in this article, another notable reason is its relative ease of comprehension compared to other literary forms. Nonetheless, fiction has seen a rise in popularity in recent years as it offers more entertainment than nonfiction. With the growth of human populations, there is a noticeable shift towards imagination over facts and realities, making reality increasingly subjective.

How Do We Write Nonfiction?

Writing fiction differs significantly from writing nonfiction. But how does one craft nonfiction content? This post aims to guide you through the basics of nonfiction writing. Indeed, this article itself is an example of nonfiction. It begins with an introduction, proceeds with the main points, and concludes with a summary or conclusion. Personality also plays a role. Some writers meticulously plan their content, while others do not.

To write nonfiction, start with a clear topic in mind, considering your audience and their needs. For instance, when composing this piece, I envisioned someone eager for this knowledge, perhaps struggling to pen their first nonfiction work. Here lies both the challenge (writing nonfiction) and the target reader (you), with the solution presented within.

With your topic, problem, and audience in mind, break down the topic into digestible sections to clarify your message. Take ‘Tree’ as a topic; I would begin by defining a tree, then discuss various types, their uses, and the benefits of planting trees in one’s backyard. These points follow the introduction, without presuming the reader’s prior knowledge of trees.

Once the main points are detailed in the article’s body, I recap them in the conclusion, adding recommendations or insights not previously mentioned. This forms the summary or conclusion. That is the essence of writing a nonfiction article or book.

Below are all the elements:

  • Topic – the main idea in which you are going to write about.
  • Introduction – mentions what will be discussed in the article/book/post.
  • Body – contains the main points of the topic.
  • Conclusion – summarizes the main points and suggests more study on the topic.

As an additional note, if you are preparing an academic paper, you will need to create a cover page (which varies from one school to another), a table of contents, and a list of references/bibliography/works consulted/works cited, regardless of what it is called.

For further information, consider enrolling in my complimentary self-publishing courses. Visit: [website link] and scroll down until the form appears. Complete the form and verify your subscription by clicking on the link sent to your email. The courses are delivered in a drip format, so your inbox won’t be overwhelmed. You’ll receive the next lesson only after you’ve completed the previous one.

Final Nonfiction Writing Tips and Tricks

Beyond selecting a topic, creating an engaging introduction, discussing key points, and concluding your discussion, there are additional considerations before beginning to write your article or book. The necessity of addressing a problem that your article will solve has been highlighted. It’s also crucial to understand who your readers are and their reasons for reading.

These final tips aim to emphasize the importance of having a clear topic and understanding your audience. In today’s digital age, there is a plethora of online articles on virtually any subject, including guides on writing nonfiction. Technical aspects come into play when choosing a topic because technology permeates all facets of life.

Conducting keyword research before writing your article is advisable. Nevertheless, it should not become the cornerstone of your writing career. It is merely a tool. Overreliance on it may lead you to neglect writing about matters that are personally significant to you, thereby failing to connect with your intended audience and their concerns.

If you’re writing and posting articles, or planning to start soon, consider using simple tools like the Yoast SEO Plugin. It’s a free tool I use when posting. Many other tools can be overwhelming and may not deliver on their promises, and some can be quite expensive. So, be cautious!

I believe you should have a solid reason for becoming a writer. Many writers are motivated by the wrong reasons. While it’s not wrong to earn a living from writing, it’s crucial to consider whether your work benefits or harms your readers. These statements aren’t rooted in any religious belief, but as a writer myself, I feel we have a responsibility. Our words have the power to either destroy or heal humanity.

Writing nonfiction can be a way to uplift others. You can choose to write about negative experiences if that’s what you’re feeling, or wait to write when you’re in a more positive mindset. We all experience ups and downs in life. Being negative doesn’t make you a bad person, but it’s important to be mindful of what you write during those times.


In summary, this article has explored the nature of nonfiction, its importance, the process of crafting it, and offered some final advice for enhancing our writing skills. Writing serves humanity profoundly; executed skillfully, it can aid others, while done poorly, it may cause harm. Its impact can be beneficial or detrimental to humans and, potentially, to the other creatures around us.

I urge you to contemplate writing, then give it a try. If after a year it doesn’t resonate with you, it’s okay to stop. Writing might not be your calling. Perhaps your strengths lie elsewhere. You could be a pilot, a chef, a tailor, a farmer, a shopkeeper, or something else entirely. Discovering your passion often requires trial and error. I trust this article has been of personal benefit to you. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below; your support is greatly valued. Peace!

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Writing Ideas: How to Think Like a Writer

Writing Ideas

Explore These Writing Ideas Below

4th July 2022

Writing ideas, often referred to as writing prompts, serve as a catalyst for beginning the writing process. It doesn’t matter where you live or what you know; what’s important is writing what you desire. There’s an abundance of topics to explore. You could even delve into why you don’t simply sit down to write. What are the obstacles that make it difficult or impossible for you to write?

Indeed, that’s an idea in itself. It could be the starting point for explaining to your readers why you don’t consider yourself a writer, which ironically might turn into the best book ever written on the subject. Remember, nothing begins on its own. Writing, like any hobby, career, or job, can become a habit. Just start by writing about anything that interests you.

Numerous free books on Amazon offer guidance on how to begin writing. While they may not be universally beneficial, you might find them personally useful. Many of these books provide writing prompts, encouraging you to contemplate various topics such as nature, weather, events, and more. They pose practical questions about writing that could spark your motivation to write or even contemplate authoring your own book.

However, it’s advisable not to focus on the concept of a book initially, but rather on the act of writing itself. Not all writers are book authors. You might write for others as a freelance writer or work as a journalist. Regardless of the form, if you write, you are a writer. Freelance writers don’t rely on sales; they are compensated upon the successful completion of their writing tasks or projects. But our discussion centers on writing ideas, doesn’t it? Indeed, it does.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

1. Writing Ideas: The Supernatural World

Indeed, one can explore endless concepts within the supernatural and abstract realms. Writing about aliens, deities, spirits, or the concepts of heaven and hell is possible. It’s about delving into the unseen, and such creative endeavors do not require religious beliefs.

2. Writing Ideas: The Natural World

Once more, you may write about the world we experience through our senses—what we feel, see, taste, smell, and hear. Feel free to express anything that springs to mind concerning the tangible world, anything that you know and find intriguing. Discuss insects, animals, plants, fish, worms, and humans. Delve into the realm of both the living and the inanimate.

3. Writing Ideas: Yourself

The freedom of writing is boundless. It’s a canvas for your past, present, and future. Explore memories, paint scenes from your daily life, or sketch out current events. Dream up futures, both personal and global.

Let your imagination flow freely. Prompts can jumpstart your creativity, but reading about the craft can also be a helpful guide.

There are no limitations on style. Write directly, or craft narratives with vibrant characters. Start with what’s familiar and enjoyable.

Your reading preferences can be a compass. If you gravitate towards nonfiction, consider writing factual pieces. Love fiction? Weave a captivating story. But remember, the world of writing extends beyond categories – explore anything, even the things you dislike.

You are the author of your world. Describe yourself, the people around you, the events that unfold. Delve into objects, creatures, even the microscopic world. From the tiniest worm to the vastness of space, anything imaginable is yours to write about. The written world is yours to explore, or even create entirely new ones.

4. Writing Ideas: What You Read

It’s advisable to write about subjects you’re passionate about. This is a suggestion, not a requirement, but it’s beneficial because you’re likely already knowledgeable about the topic. You may be familiar with how such books are structured or formatted, which gives you a foundational understanding for your own writing.

Indeed, you can write with the intention to publish. However, if you prefer not to publish under your own name, adopting a pen name is a common practice. Alternatively, if publishing a book isn’t your goal, consider writing for newspapers, media outlets, or online publications. If your work is of high quality, it can be a source of income.

5. Your Feelings

Writing about your emotions, including your sentiments about writing itself, can be a compelling subject. You might explore why you’ve contemplated writing for years yet never felt prepared to begin, or why you’ve considered marriage without finding a partner.

Emotions serve as cues to craft our realities, offering powerful means to reshape our perception of the world. They are more tangible than abstract thoughts and are as closely aligned with reality as thoughts can be.

Beyond writing about your feelings on writing, consider expressing how you feel about yourself, others, the environment, animals, plants, insects, worms, and microbes. Have you ever felt fear upon encountering certain individuals, scenarios, or creatures? Try articulating that fear through writing.


In conclusion, if you’ve contemplated writing for over a year and haven’t started, it’s likely you never will. You may not be a writer. It’s better to find another passion that you truly enjoy. Procrastination in writing is common, but it doesn’t make you a writer unless you begin the process now.

No one can assist you in improving your writing unless you start writing yourself. While reading books about writing is beneficial, you must actually write to be a writer. This information is intended to provide you with some general ideas before you embark on writing. Ultimately, the decision to write is yours. There are countless reasons for procrastination, yet there are even more reasons to write. There is an abundance of ideas and topics to explore. Wishing you the best on your writing journey!

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