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Book Editing: What It Is and Its Importance

Book Editing

Explore Book Editing Tricks

This article will delve into book editing, examining its different types, importance, relationship with personality types, and the value of professional editing. In the modern age of technology, paired with a creative personality, you possess the ability to write and edit your books professionally. Although this article will not detail the specific steps of editing, it will offer a broad overview. Let’s get started!

What Is Book Editing?

What does it entail to edit our own books? After completing a book or manuscript, the next step is self-editing, followed by engaging a professional book editor if one is accessible and affordable. Editing involves various tasks aimed at refining the manuscript to a readable and publishable standard, including developmental, copy, and line editing. Developmental editing specifically focuses on examining the overarching concepts and their interconnections throughout the book.

My friend Dave Chesson has a better summary:

Editing is an essential part of crafting any story, whether you like it or not. However, there are countless ways to go about it, and you will need to find what works for you.”

Source: How to Edit a Book: The Ultimate 3-step Process to Perfect Your Novel (

When you focus on grammar, spelling, and typographical errors, you are engaging in line editing, also referred to as copy editing. Proofreading encompasses line editing, copy editing, and developmental editing because it involves making final corrections to any oversights from earlier editing stages.

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Logical flow of ideas enhances readability. Large paragraphs and lengthy sentences hinder readability across all languages, not just English. Aim for brevity and precision in sentences, and coherence in paragraphs. This can be achieved through editing.

Technological tools, like Microsoft Word which I use to write this article, can detect most errors during typing. Modern word processors come equipped with proofreading and editing features, and they can be set up to check grammar and writing style simultaneously.

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Even as an indie author, you might find the need for a professional editor’s assistance. However, it’s also wise to refine your work as much as possible before seeking professional help. Doing so can save you money if your manuscript is nearly perfect. Finding an affordable professional editor remains a challenge for me to this day.

Is this an excuse? I don’t believe so. It’s a challenge, indeed, but not one that I’ll let immobilize me. Rather than lamenting over what’s beyond my control, I focus on what I can do—and that’s exactly what I’m undertaking today.

Types of Book Editing

Just as book publishing is divided into two main types, book editing also falls into two categories: traditional and self-editing. Even when working with a renowned book publisher, self-editing to the best of one’s knowledge and abilities is necessary. Conversely, self-publishing requires mastering the art of book editing.

Book editing is a skill that can be honed over time. I have been practicing it for the last ten years and continue to do so. While I haven’t perfected it, I believe that even professional editors are prone to human errors.

In nearly every well-written book I’ve encountered, including my Bible, I’ve found at least one error, sometimes as minor as a typo. However, any error, no matter how small, is still an error. This realization encourages me to take initiative with my book rather than waiting for guidance from others. The more I engage in editing, the better I become at it.

Both traditional and self-editing employ similar techniques, such as developmental and line editing. Professionalism is essential in book production, and editing is a critical component of publication.

Publishing a book encompasses more than just printing and distribution; it begins with the writing process. Without a well-crafted manuscript, effective editing is impossible. Editing, along with design, formatting, and outlining, is part of the preparatory work. Publishing a book means preparing it for public consumption in various formats, such as audio, digital, or print. Editing transforms a manuscript into a publishable book, ensuring it is ready to be shared across the aforementioned mediums.

Book Editing and You

We’ve made significant progress. What are your thoughts on book editing? Do you think you could try it? There are numerous resources available, both free and paid. This article provides a broad overview, guiding you through the process without specific editing instructions. It’s up to you to decide whether you believe you can do it or not. All perspectives are valid and acceptable. Always trust your instincts; it’s beneficial in both editing and life.

You shouldn’t force yourself into anything. This is the essence of personal freedom. Choose what works for you and discard what doesn’t. However, this is best done with some experience. Life involves trial and error, which aligns with your personality type. That’s why it’s important to listen to your feelings.

If you’re willing to try, you’re set to begin. But remember, you can’t edit what you haven’t written. Start by writing something, whether it’s an article or a book chapter. Personally, I jot down the main points first to streamline my workflow. You might work differently. I don’t plan my stories in detail, but I do type out the headings on my computer. Writing on paper and then typing is challenging for me, as I’m not accustomed to that method.

Book Editing and Personality Types

Indeed, we’ve arrived! Your personality type is significant; it defines your uniqueness and distinction from others in your family, clan, tribe, society, and country. But what’s the connection to editing? It’s deeply intertwined. Without a personality, action is impossible. Thus, embarking on a journey of self-discovery and self-improvement is vital for personal growth. Completing this process helps you understand your persona.

The belief here is not about becoming something else, because you already are. While this may seem novel, it’s an age-old concept. Today, however, we’re bombarded with messages advocating self-change. Yet, your personality type shapes your approach to editing even before you begin. This underscores the importance of philosophy in life. For instance, if you firmly believe you’re inadequate for editing, that belief itself forms a negative concept, regardless of its perceived truth.

Not all writers or published authors venture to edit their manuscripts. This varies based on several factors. Some writers diligently self-edit, knowing it’s not the final step and that a professional editor’s touch is necessary. Occasionally, editors may not enhance the work as expected.

If editing isn’t within your comfort zone, it’s best not to pursue it. Editing your own manuscript requires a certain personality and resilience. If you feel capable, then take the plunge. I have been self-editing and continue to do so, with the hope of eventually collaborating with a trustworthy professional editor. At present, I remain the sole editor of my articles and books, a choice influenced by my personality type, which is best described as

The Importance of Book Editing

No one intends to sell counterfeit products, and your book or content is a product with its own rights and forms. Editing renders your work professional and enhances its value. Regardless of the quality of your writing, it requires a second look from a reader’s perspective. This underscores the significance of book editing.

Even if your intent isn’t to publish, it’s beneficial to write, then set aside your work for some time. Later, read it as if you are the reader, not the writer. You’re likely to spot errors. This is a technique I employ. In fact, I often make final edits even after publishing an article or book.

The ability to edit after publishing represents the power and liberty of self-publishing, a feat not easily achieved with traditional publishers. Professional editing stands as one of the ten essentials for marketing a professional book on Amazon or any other retail platform.


To sum up, if you’ve been reading from the start, you’ve certainly encountered a wealth of words. Reflecting on the article, what insights have you gained? Did you discover anything novel? Your thoughts are valuable, and I invite you to share them in the comments below. Your feedback is not only beneficial to me but also to other readers. Feel free to spread the word about this article through social media, email, or even a link on your blog if you have one. Thank you for your time!

Further Readings

2 thoughts on “Book Editing: What It Is and Its Importance

  1. […] you have written, edited, and designed your manuscript to the best it could be, it’s time to share it with the world […]

  2. […] design in my understanding refers to interior design and cover design artworks. After you have professionally self-edit your book/manuscript (or you paid someone to do it), it’s time to design it from the inside out. Some people refer […]

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