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Digital Marketing: What It Is and Its Importance for Career Development

Digital Marketing

Understanding digital marketing and how it works will save you time and resources

14th June 2021

Digital Marketing is an article designed to help you comprehend the nature of this marketing form, its functioning, its application, and its significance in professional life. It delves into and elucidates the current digital marketing trends, assisting you in selecting the most suitable ones for your business. With that introduction, let’s dive in.


Digital marketing involves promoting products or services using digital tools and platforms. These tools can range from mobile phones and websites to email accounts and social media applications. Essentially, digital marketing refers to the practice of marketing carried out through digital means.

This field encompasses a variety of strategies, including social media engagement, email campaigns, content creation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), display advertising, and Pay Per Click (PPC) or Pay Per Impression (PPI) advertising. All these strategies form integral components of the broader digital landscape and, more specifically, digital marketing.

Marketing itself is the act of raising awareness about an individual, product, or service. It’s about informing people of something that could be beneficial to them. For instance, promoting a new application is a form of marketing aimed at highlighting the app and the team responsible for its development and functionality. Digital marketing, as previously mentioned, is the execution of these promotional activities through digital channels and tools.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide


Digital marketing operates in various ways, catering to different individuals based on specific factors and requirements. For instance, an email list can be an effective digital marketing strategy for some when executed properly. Conversely, others may find platforms like Facebook more suitable for promoting their services and products.

Personally, I utilize Amazon for the digital marketing of my books, which has proven to be highly effective. As potential customers search for books or related items, they can discover my book, add it to their cart, or make an instant purchase with a single click, even while I’m asleep.

This exemplifies the essence of digital marketing: set up a system that continues to function independently, whether you’re engaged in other activities or asleep. At this very moment, someone might be perusing my previous article or buying one of my books, and I’m not required to partake in the transaction process, as the digital system manages customer interactions. This underscores the necessity of having a robust digital marketing system.


If this is the mechanism of the marketing world, it indeed sounds promising. But the question remains, how can one harness it effectively? It’s advisable to utilize digital marketing tools and systems tailored to your unique personality, profession, or business. This varies widely among individuals and is also contingent on one’s activities. For instance, if you’re an author involved in writing and publishing books, platforms like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Smashwords, among others, would serve as your marketing tools and services.

Suppose you’re a freelance photographer; in that case, you could leverage platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and similar sites to market yourself and your offerings. Essentially, there are digital avenues for presenting your value to the world and prospective clients, which is the essence of employing digital marketing in your sphere of life.

You should capitalize on what’s accessible to you, such as email marketing, content marketing, social media platforms, etc. It’s important to note that not every channel and tool is universally effective at all times. Certain digital marketing systems are more conducive for different individuals engaged in various activities. By utilizing what works best for you, you can effectively employ the digital realm to achieve your objectives.


Numerous marketing trends emerge each year, driven by people’s needs and the evolving landscape of technology. However, certain strategies like email marketing and content marketing consistently prove effective.

It’s evident that online sellers recognize the influence of content marketing, leading them to recruit professionals to generate and disseminate content. This trend is fueled by the fact that most consumers conduct research prior to making purchases.

More than just descriptions, product and service pages require additional content. This supplementary information is a component of the digital marketing strategy, facilitating informed decision-making for consumers. They seek comprehensive knowledge about their potential purchases, and content marketing serves to fulfill this requirement.


If you’ve observed the application of digital marketing mentioned earlier, you’re on the right track in understanding why it’s crucial to market ourselves, our brands, products, businesses, and services. Currently, over 3.6 billion people are online, which is a significant number. By employing effective digital marketing strategies, we can reach a substantial portion of this audience and potentially sell valuable offerings to them.

Marketing plays a vital role in both raising awareness and driving conversions. You can focus on building either or both simultaneously. Creating awareness about yourself, your services, and your company is equally crucial. If a large number of people are aware of you and what you offer, they might eventually seek more information, and as they learn more, they could become your customers or clients.

However, marketing is also a skill that requires passion and practice to master. Although I have completed a diploma in digital marketing online, I must apply what I’ve learned to truly understand it. Simply reading this article isn’t sufficient unless you complement it with practical experience.

This means you should apply your knowledge by undertaking activities related to this article. Perhaps you’ll start a blog or begin to build your first email list. Whatever your plan, commit to it and continue until you achieve tangible results in your business and career. NOTE: Affiliate links have been included above. Using them earns me a small commission.


Here are the key points to take away from this article. While the article covers many topics, the essence is that digital marketing can be fruitful when executed properly. You might not be able to apply all the knowledge immediately, but if there’s something that resonates with you, feel free to use it.

Keep in mind that mere knowledge is not yet powerful until it is applied. As you begin to utilize this knowledge in real life, you’ll find that you learn even more than what the article has offered. Here, indeed, actions speak louder than the words on this page.

I trust this article has been beneficial to you. Would you like to share your thoughts on it in the comments below? Your feedback would be greatly valued. May God bless and protect you and your loved ones during and beyond the global pandemic. Peace be with you!


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The 10 Best Affiliate Marketing Programs

The 10 Best Affiliate Marketing Programs

Understanding these 10 best affiliate marketing programs will help you sell more online

16th March 2021

Here are the top 10 affiliate marketing programs for 2021, which I hope you’ll find beneficial for earning real money online by promoting their products and services. Please note that I am an affiliate partner for these programs, and promoting them here means that I may earn a commission if you make a purchase using the links provided, depending on the programs you choose to use.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the products and services recommended in this post, nor will I be liable for any damage or data loss that may result from the use of these products or services. For guidance on using any software or service, please consult the respective vendor.

#1. IObit Software (70% commission)

This has been one of my preferred affiliate programs since 2010, and it remains at the top of the list of the best affiliate marketing programs in 2021. I have been using their system care tools from version 1.0 to the present. They excel in computer care and security. Their antivirus tools serve multiple purposes, and they offer solutions for Mac, Windows, and now smartphones as well.

If you would like to try their tools click here now. You can even become an affiliate partner like me and promote the same tools and earn 70% commission per sale. You can learn more below.

#2. Kaspersky Africa (50% commission)

Kaspersky, a Russian firm, excels in computer security. Their tools are top-notch because they cater to both online and offline requirements. The antivirus solutions they offer operate around the clock, providing approximately 98% protection. The sole drawback of this tool is that it may slow down computers.

But if your computer has a better memory, you don’t have to worry about this. If you would like to check their tools out, please click here now. This link takes you to their website so that you read more about them and their products.

#3. Cool Software (50% commission)

Cool Software excels in creating photo directories for families, church congregations, and more, also recognized as ABC Fast Directories.

Strategy Guide – How to Increase your chances of Winning More Sweepstakes, More Often!

They offer directories with both text and images, boasting remarkable features. To learn more, click here. This link will direct you to their website, where you can explore their products and services further. You may then choose to make a purchase or simply continue reading.

#4. Streamaxia (25% commission)

This company is a premier provider of live video streaming and mobile broadcast technologies in today’s market for iOS and Android app developers. If you belong to this group, you can experiment with their tools immediately.

OpenSDK iOS & Android Source Code Bundle

If you would like to promote them, then you can learn more about how to become their partner in the links below. For now, you can click here for more information about them and their products.

#5. Contour Components (25% commission)

Contour Components excels in delivering solutions for statistics, banking, government, and enterprise sectors. Their technological offerings are precisely what is needed in today’s tech-driven world. They rightfully earn the #5 spot on my list of the top 10 affiliate programs for 2021.

Contour Reporter

I don’t use them myself, but my referrals have testimonies about how cool they are. You can try them by clicking here right now. You can take a look at their tools and decide by yourself if they fit your needs as I think they do.

#6. RAQSOFT Inc. (50% commission)

RAQSOFT Inc. excels in the data industry, renowned for its innovation, intelligent data modeling, and desktop analytics. Affiliates promoting their products and services can earn up to a 50% commission. For more information, you can visit their website.

esProc Developer

RAQSOFT Inc. is featured under the recommended tools at the end of this post, providing a pathway to learn about becoming an affiliate, selling their products, and earning money. The IRI book lists several reputable affiliate marketing networks; however, in this post, I am utilizing just one: Avangate, now known as 2Checkout.

#7. Genie9 (75% commission)

Genie9 is among the top cloud backup solutions available. It’s perfect for small to medium-sized businesses, and even large organizations and institutions find it suitable. Their backup tools are user-friendly while maintaining a high level of professionalism.

If you need to secure large amounts of data, Genie9 is an excellent choice. Although the link is not provided, you can visit their product catalog by searching for Zoolz, their actual site name. They offer a variety of impressive backup tools for purchase.

#8. Aiseesoft Studio (85% commission)

Aiseesoft Studio offers a suite of professional, modern tools, making it an excellent choice for various needs. Their offerings include utilities, multimedia, data recovery, and video conversion tools. Additionally, they provide free online tools available for use at your convenience.

Regarded as one of the top companies, Aiseesoft Studio ranks as my eighth choice in the top ten affiliate marketing programs for 2021. For more information about their tools and services, visit their website.

#9. Movavi (40% commission)

Movavi stands out as one of the premier movie software options available. Its tools are highly regarded for both video and audio editing. It ranks as my number 9 in the top 10 affiliate marketing programs for 2021.

Are you looking to edit videos and audios like a professional, even without prior experience? Explore their tools by following this link. With a variety of tools and services, you’re sure to discover something to enhance your business.

#10. Amigabit (86% commission)

Amigabit ranks #10 on my 2021 list of the top 10 affiliate marketing programs. They specialize in repairing, optimizing, and protecting data. Renowned for their data recovery capabilities, I highly recommend them among the various tools and services available.

Understanding the implications of permanently losing substantial data, if you handle large volumes of data like I do, these tools are essential. Visit their website now to explore their products and services.

Other recommended tools

The book “Internet Residual Income” provides insights into becoming an affiliate marketer, detailing various affiliate marketing networks such as SFI, Avangate/2Checkout, Amazon, among others. It is a resource for those interested in exploring this field.

Here are some tools that I don’t personally use but recommend. You can click on the links provided to learn more about each program or company. Please note, I may receive a commission for any purchases you make.

Dear reader, I trust this article has been of personal benefit to you. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below; both I and other readers would appreciate your input. May God bless you and ensure the safety of you and your loved ones throughout and beyond this pandemic. Shalom!

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Top 10 Digital Marketing Skills

Top 10 Digital Marketing Skills

Mastering These Top 10 Digital Marketing Skills Will Drive Success Your Way

8th March 2021

“The Top 10 Digital Marketing Skills” is an article designed to guide you through the exploration of these skills and their application for success in digital marketing. Businesses and entrepreneurs have been leveraging digital marketing tools well before the advent of COVID-19. The article delves into what has happened during the pandemic and what may continue to unfold in its aftermath.

#1: Customer Journey Skills

The customer journey from initial website visit to final purchase can be tracked in various ways. There are tools available that let you monitor when someone visits your site and when they depart. Google Analytics is one such free tool you can utilize.

Possessing these skills will enhance your performance in digital marketing. Consider that I don’t possess complete knowledge, and I never will, but my primary role as a teacher is to disseminate as much precise information as I can. This is mentioned because there’s a belief that only experts can impart knowledge. While there’s merit to this belief, it’s not always the case that experts are effective teachers.

I will provide links to additional online resources at the end of this post for further exploration of this subject. However, it’s essential for me to share my personal knowledge first.

Therefore, it’s crucial to dedicate time to learning about this key skill. My approach is to learn more through trial and error. I apply new knowledge immediately, which may differ from your or others’ learning methods.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide

#2: Digital Marketing Strategy Skills

The second most important skill among the top ten digital marketing skills is planning. Not everyone is naturally inclined to plan ahead, and that’s okay. However, planning serves as the foundation for every project. Take this post, for example: it required research, drafting, editing, and scheduling before publication, a process that started three months prior to its release.

Similarly, a digital marketing strategy requires forethought. Although I initially disliked planning, I’ve grown to appreciate its value. As a novelist who tends to improvise, I still engage in mental planning well before writing.

Consider my first novel, “Life Cure.” Despite being based on real events, I had to determine the sequence of stories. Effective digital marketing also necessitates planning. It’s often said, “Failing to plan is planning to fail,” and there’s truth in that statement. While life is unpredictable, having a plan gives us direction and goals for the future.

#3: Channels Planning Skills

Just as it holds true for digital marketing strategies, it’s equally important to possess planning skills regarding the choice of channels. The options range from social media channels to book publishing and marketing channels, and even offline channels that leverage digital marketing. Digital marketing benefits not just digital products and services but also physical ones.

Identify which channels are most effective for your digital marketing and utilize them accordingly. Facebook is a massive platform, but is it the one your potential customers frequent? Discover this and then take action based on your findings.

Personally, I use Facebook to raise awareness, yet the majority of my customers and readers originate from my Twitter account (@JMaluth). I also engage with Pinterest, although I’m uncertain of its impact on generating readers and customers.

#4: Data Literacy Skills

Determining the right channel for you requires the ability to interpret the data from your research. This necessitates having data literacy skills, which are not overly difficult to acquire. Learning how to collect and analyze data is crucial. Such data can be sourced from platforms like Facebook or from tracking your own website’s visitors. You can discover patterns in how visitors engage with your site and their behavior upon leaving.

Tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics can provide deeper insights into your visitors, including their geography, age, gender, and the duration of their visits to your website. They can also reveal visitor activities on your site. Another useful tool,, offers more than just chat capabilities; it can inform you about the number of live visitors on your site and the specific pages they are viewing in real-time.

#5: Social Media Marketing Skills

Indeed, the fifth skill in the top ten digital marketing skills list is social media mastery. Facebook remains the leading social media platform today, boasting over 2 billion monthly users, making it an excellent venue for promoting oneself and one’s business.

However, there are alternative platforms as well. It’s important to note that not all Facebook users are there for shopping; many simply want to connect with friends, so your advertisements may not directly convert to sales and wealth. It’s crucial to learn how to leverage Facebook and other social media platforms in a manner that cultivates trust and confidence in your prospective customers.

Keep in mind, while I tailor these posts for writers, they are applicable to anyone in business. As a writer who employs technology to advertise and market my books and content, I understand the importance of cautious and strategic use of social media in marketing.

#6: Content Marketing Skills

Content marketing is a significant industry on its own, and this post is a part of that larger picture. It’s content by itself, but the question remains: how do I market this content? There are numerous approaches to this challenge. One could utilize SEO to help people find my post when they search online.

How did you come across this post? Perhaps it was through a social media share or a web search? I’m curious to know how you stumbled upon this post, and I invite you to share your experience in the comments section at the end. However, before we get to that, it’s essential to have certain skills to reap the benefits of digital marketing.

Later in this post, specifically in section #8, we’ll delve into SEO. For those seeking more comprehensive information, the Yoast SEO website is a valuable resource worth exploring after you’ve finished reading this post.

Email marketing is actually a subset of content marketing. Here, I’m referring to how you market content using web tools like Google Search and other search engines. The first piece of advice I can offer is that the best way to rank online is by creating your own unique content. It’s hard work, but it’s rewarding. Regular writing and posting is the optimal approach, though many SEO experts might not disclose this. Why? Because they prefer you to depend on them for guidance.

Over the last decade online, I’ve come to realize that I know nearly everything that SEO experts do about content marketing. However, this doesn’t mean we should stop learning. My point is that some may deceive you into underestimating yourself so that you constantly seek their help.

Many SEO tools are too basic to be truly effective, to be honest. You certainly don’t need them, especially if there’s a cost involved. You can do just fine by writing and sharing content that comes from the heart. Even keyword research often provides misleading information to beginners. Experience has taught me this. Indeed, experience is the best teacher.

#7: Voice Search Skills

Voice search is now a feature on some devices, and many people enjoy using their voices to search the web daily. You may wonder if this is something within your control or why it’s considered a digital marketing skill.

Such inquiries are excellent for learning. When writing articles, I often ask questions too. The effectiveness of voice search depends on both the content marketer and the consumer.

To optimize content for voice search, one must employ specific techniques and understand the long-tail keywords commonly used in voice queries, which differ from those used in text searches on Google.

For instance, “what is digital marketing?” suits a text search, while “What is digital marketing for writers in South Sudan?” aligns with voice search. Google’s search engine prioritizes the queries over punctuation, seeking the most relevant content.

Keyword research is valuable, but it shouldn’t overshadow the importance of adding value to your content, which is crucial for online digital marketing success. This advice stems from years of research and experience. Although my traffic isn’t high yet, I’m confident it will grow by consistently writing and sharing original content.

#8: SEO Skills

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a method used to enhance the visibility of content for search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. When your website appears in search results for a keyword and a user clicks on it, this is known as organic ranking.

How is this achieved? There are several strategies to make websites more visible to search engines. One approach is On-Page SEO, which focuses on ensuring that post titles, headlines, and body text are crafted in a way that both search engines and human readers can easily understand.

Yoast SEO offers two tools: the readability test tool and the SEO test tool. These can help determine if your post is visible to search engines. They have specific rules to follow, but it’s important not to lose sight of the actual content in favor of these tools.

Another strategy is Off-Page SEO, which involves sharing your website’s link with others. When they click on it, it can boost your SEO as the traffic sources are tracked. Visitors may come from social media or directly by typing your URL into their browser.

Email, social media, and other websites that feature your link contribute to Off-Page SEO when people use those links to visit your site, which can improve your SEO standing. However, optimizing your pages for SEO is crucial to signal to search engines that your content is original and aligns with what users are searching for.

#9: Video Content Skills

Creating professional videos and sharing them on platforms like YouTube is a valuable digital marketing skill to develop. While I have been producing and uploading videos to YouTube, they haven’t reached the level of professionalism I aim for. This year, I see it as a challenge to start creating and uploading videos that meet professional standards.

Most people prefer learning visually rather than through text. For instance, when explaining how to set up an online account, a video demonstration is often more effective than a written description.

However, videos are most effective when supplemented with text and images. That’s why I accompany each article with a picture to enhance understanding and visualization of the content. Integrating video into my posts is something I haven’t done yet, but it’s a significant oversight I plan to correct soon.

#10: Web Design and Development Skills

This post marks the tenth of the top 10 digital marketing skills. As an individual or organization, utilizing a website is a key tool for success. Owning a domain is vital for professional digital marketing.

Is a website necessary for digital marketing? That depends on your goals. If your aim is to connect with a global audience digitally, then it’s essential. However, it’s possible for someone else to create the website for you. Why consider doing it yourself?

We’re focusing on careers and skills, so there’s an imperative to learn these tasks personally. This post is dedicated to your career exploration and growth, not about delegating tasks to others. It’s about empowering you to take action.

Previously, I’ve written about starting a free or paid blog. If you’re not ready to launch a self-hosted website or blog, you can refer to that post. There, you might opt for a paid service. I advocate for a paid website for its flexibility and personalization. Additionally, YouTube offers numerous tutorials on creating a professional website.


We’ve now reached the conclusion of the top 10 digital marketing skills for 2021 and beyond. I want to emphasize that there are countless digital marketing skills out there, far more than this post can cover. However, I believe these ten points will be beneficial to you personally.

Remember, knowledge is only potential power until you apply it and specialize. This concept is directly from Napoleon Hill’s book, “Think and Grow Rich,” which I also recommend you read. Without application, the insights from this post will simply become history.

Take action with whatever you find most relevant from this post. Whether it’s social media marketing or SEO, get started on it now!

If you wish to connect, click the WhatsApp button below. Just send your name and what you’d like to discuss today. May God bless you abundantly and keep you safe during and after COVID-19. Shalom!


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Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide

Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide: Learn Digital Marketing Today!


Digital marketing is the act of promoting and selling products or services by leveraging online marketing tactics such as social media marketing, search marketing, and email marketing. It is one of the most effective and affordable ways to reach and engage your target audience, generate leads, and grow your business.

Related: Digital Marketing Category

However, digital marketing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It requires a clear understanding of your goals, your audience, your competitors, and your resources. It also requires a strategic plan that outlines how you will use different digital channels and tools to achieve your desired outcomes.

In this article, we will guide you through the steps of creating and executing a successful digital marketing strategy for your business. We will also provide you with some tips and examples to help you along the way.

Tell me more about Digital Marketing…

Digital marketing is a broad and dynamic field that uses various online channels and technologies to promote products and services to potential customers. Digital marketing can help businesses reach a large and diverse audience, increase brand awareness, generate leads, and boost sales. Digital marketing can also help businesses measure and optimize their performance, as well as personalize their communication with customers.

Some of the most common types of digital marketing are:

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): This is the process of improving the visibility and relevance of online content on search engines, such as Google or Bing. SEO involves creating quality content that matches the intent and needs of the users, using keywords and phrases that users are likely to search for, and optimizing the technical aspects of the website, such as speed, structure, and links. SEO can help businesses attract organic traffic, which is free and often more qualified than paid traffic 1.
  • Search engine marketing (SEM): This is the process of using paid advertising to appear on the search engine results pages (SERPs) for specific keywords or phrases. SEM involves bidding on keywords, creating compelling ads, and setting a budget and goals for each campaign. SEM can help businesses increase their visibility, reach new customers, and drive immediate results 2.
  • Social media marketing (SMM): This is the process of using social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn, to connect with customers and prospects. SMM involves creating and sharing engaging content, such as posts, stories, videos, or live streams, that showcases the brand’s personality, values, and offers. SMM can also involve using paid ads or influencers to reach a larger or more targeted audience. SMM can help businesses build trust, loyalty, and advocacy among their followers 3.
  • Email marketing: This is the process of using email to communicate with customers and prospects. Email marketing involves creating and sending personalized messages that provide value, such as newsletters, promotions, tips, or invitations. Email marketing can help businesses nurture relationships, increase retention, and drive conversions 4.
  • Content marketing: This is the process of creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content that educates, entertains, or inspires the audience. Content marketing can include blogs, ebooks, podcasts, webinars, infographics, or case studies. Content marketing can help businesses establish authority, credibility, and thought leadership in their industry 5.

These are just some examples of digital marketing methods that businesses can use to achieve their goals. However, digital marketing is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Businesses need to understand their target market, their competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and their objectives before choosing the best digital marketing strategy for them. They also need to monitor and analyze their results regularly and adjust their tactics accordingly.

If you are interested in learning more about digital marketing or pursuing a career in this field, you can explore various online courses that cover the fundamentals and best practices of digital marketing. You can also check out some blogs , podcasts , or videos that offer insights and tips from experts and practitioners in the field.

Step 1: Define your digital marketing goals

The first step of creating a digital marketing strategy is to define your digital marketing goals. Your goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). They should also align with your overall business objectives and vision.

Some examples of digital marketing goals are:

  • Increase website traffic by 50% in the next six months
  • Generate 100 new leads per month from email marketing campaigns
  • Boost brand awareness by 20% on social media platforms
  • Increase online sales by 10% in the next quarter

To define your digital marketing goals, you can use tools such as:

  • Google Analytics: A tool that tracks and reports website traffic, conversions, and other metrics.
  • HubSpot CRM: A tool that manages and tracks customer relationships, interactions, and activities.
  • Facebook Insights: A tool that measures and analyzes the performance of your Facebook page and posts.
  • Google Ads: A tool that creates and runs online advertising campaigns on Google and its network.

Step 2: Understand your target audience

The second step of creating a digital marketing strategy is to understand your target audience. Your target audience is the group of people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services, and who you want to reach and influence with your digital marketing efforts.

To understand your target audience, you need to create buyer personas. Buyer personas are semi-fictional representations of your ideal customers based on data and research. They include demographic, psychographic, behavioral, and motivational characteristics that help you understand their needs, preferences, challenges, and goals.

Some examples of buyer persona elements are:

  • Name: A fictional name that helps you humanize your persona.
  • Age: The age range of your persona.
  • Gender: The gender identity of your persona.
  • Location: The geographic location of your persona.
  • Education: The level of education of your persona.
  • Income: The income range of your persona.
  • Occupation: The job title or role of your persona.
  • Industry: The industry or sector of your persona’s organization.
  • Interests: The hobbies or passions of your persona.
  • Challenges: The pain points or problems that your persona faces.
  • Goals: The desired outcomes or solutions that your persona seeks.
  • Motivations: The reasons or drivers that influence your persona’s decisions.
  • Behaviors: The actions or habits that your persona exhibits.
  • Sources: The channels or platforms that your persona uses to find information or entertainment.

To create buyer personas, you can use tools such as:

  • HubSpot Make My Persona: A tool that guides you through the process of creating buyer personas using templates and questions.
  • Xtensio User Persona Creator: A tool that helps you create user personas using customizable modules and drag-and-drop features.
  • SurveyMonkey Audience: A tool that helps you conduct market research surveys to collect data and insights from your target audience.

Step 3: Conduct a digital marketing audit

The third step of creating a digital marketing strategy is to conduct a digital marketing audit. A digital marketing audit is a comprehensive analysis of your current digital marketing activities, performance, and results. It helps you identify what is working well, what is not working well, and what can be improved or optimized.

To conduct a digital marketing audit, you need to evaluate your existing digital assets and channels. Digital assets are any online resources that you own or control, such as:

  • Website
  • Blog
  • Landing pages
  • Email list
  • Social media profiles
  • Online reviews
  • E-books
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts
  • Videos

Digital channels are any online platforms or networks that you use or participate in, such as:

  • Search engines
  • Social media platforms
  • Email platforms
  • Online directories
  • Online communities
  • Online forums
  • Online influencers
  • Online media outlets

To evaluate your digital assets and channels, you need to measure their effectiveness and efficiency using key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs are quantifiable metrics that help you track and assess the progress and success of your digital marketing efforts. They vary depending on your goals, but some common KPIs are:

  • Traffic: The number of visitors or users that access your digital assets or channels.
  • Engagement: The number or percentage of visitors or users that interact with your digital assets or channels, such as likes, comments, shares, clicks, downloads, or subscriptions.
  • Conversion: The number or percentage of visitors or users that complete a desired action or outcome on your digital assets or channels, such as leads, sales, sign-ups, or registrations.
  • Retention: The number or percentage of visitors or users that return to your digital assets or channels, or remain loyal to your brand, product, or service.
  • Revenue: The amount of money that you generate from your digital assets or channels, or the return on investment (ROI) that you achieve from your digital marketing efforts.

To measure your KPIs, you can use tools such as:

  • Google Analytics: A tool that tracks and reports website traffic, conversions, and other metrics.
  • HubSpot Marketing Hub: A tool that manages and optimizes your digital marketing campaigns, landing pages, email marketing, social media marketing, and content marketing.
  • Facebook Insights: A tool that measures and analyzes the performance of your Facebook page and posts.
  • Google Ads: A tool that creates and runs online advertising campaigns on Google and its network.

Step 4: Develop a digital marketing plan

The fourth step of creating a digital marketing strategy is to develop a digital marketing plan. A digital marketing plan is a document that outlines how you will use different digital marketing tactics and tools to achieve your digital marketing goals. It includes the following elements:

  • Strategy: The high-level plan that guides your direction and long-term goals and how you plan on accomplishing them.
  • Tactics: The specific actions and methods that you will use to implement your strategy and achieve short-term objectives.
  • Budget: The amount of money that you will allocate and spend on your digital marketing activities.
  • Timeline: The schedule and milestones that you will follow and meet for your digital marketing activities.
  • Roles: The responsibilities and tasks that you will assign and delegate to your team members or external partners for your digital marketing activities.

To develop a digital marketing plan, you can use tools such as:

  • Wrike: A tool that helps you create, manage, and collaborate on your digital marketing projects, tasks, and workflows.
  • CoSchedule Marketing Calendar: A tool that helps you plan, organize, and schedule your digital marketing campaigns, content, and events.
  • HubSpot Marketing Plan Generator: A tool that helps you create a customized digital marketing plan based on your goals, budget, and industry.

Step 5: Execute and monitor your digital marketing plan

The fifth step of creating a digital marketing strategy is to execute and monitor your digital marketing plan. This is the stage where you put your plan into action and track its performance and results.

To execute your digital marketing plan, you need to use different digital marketing tactics and tools according to your plan. Some of the most common and effective digital marketing tactics are:

  • Content marketing: The creation and distribution of valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and drive profitable customer action.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO): The process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic from search engines by increasing the visibility and relevance of web pages for search queries.
  • Social media marketing (SMM): The use of social media platforms and networks to promote a brand, product, service, or message to a target audience and generate engagement, awareness, leads, or sales.
  • Email marketing: The use of email to send personalized messages to a list of subscribers or customers to build relationships, loyalty, trust, or conversions.
  • Online advertising: The use of online platforms or networks to display paid ads to a target audience based on their demographics, interests, behaviors, or keywords.

To monitor your digital marketing plan, you need to use different tools to measure your KPIs and analyze your data. Some of the tools that we mentioned before are:

  • Google Analytics
  • HubSpot Marketing Hub
  • Facebook Insights
  • Google Ads


Digital marketing is a powerful way to grow your business online. However, it requires a strategic approach that involves setting goals, understanding your audience, auditing your current situation, planning your actions, executing your plan, and monitoring your results.

By following these steps, you can create a successful digital marketing strategy for your business. You can also use various tips and tools to help you along the way.


De Cremer D., Morini Bianzino N., & Falk B., (2023). How Generative AI Could Disrupt Creative Work 1

Davenport T.H., & Mittal N., (2022). How Generative AI Is Changing Creative Work 2

Kostopoulos G., (2023). AI can catalyze and inhibit your creativity 3

Liu J., (2021). AI Creativity [^4


When it comes to digital marketing, there are a plethora of resources available to help you succeed. Whether you’re looking to increase sales or raise awareness for your company, there are various internal and external services that can assist you in achieving your goals. Some examples of these resources include social media management tools, search engine optimization services, content creation platforms, and email marketing software.

By taking advantage of these resources, you can gain valuable insights and strategies that can help you succeed in your online marketing efforts. So don’t hesitate to explore these options and see how they can benefit your business today!

When it comes to digital marketing, it’s important to be aware that external resources have their own privacy policies that are not covered under the website you are currently on. This means that if you plan on using any external resources, you should take the time to review their privacy policies before doing so.

However, don’t let this deter you from using external resources to help fix any digital marketing issues you may be facing with your products or services. In fact, using both internal and external links can be a great way to expand your knowledge and ultimately improve your digital marketing strategies. Learning is a crucial part of the process, and we encourage you to take advantage of all the tools and resources available to you.

Whether you prefer to learn online or offline, there are plenty of options out there to help you achieve your goals. So don’t be afraid to explore and experiment with different techniques and strategies until you find what works best for you and your business.

Internal Recommended Resources

External Recommended Resources

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I sincerely hope that you found it to be informative and useful. If you have any additional thoughts or insights that you would like to share, please feel free to leave a comment below. Your feedback is always appreciated, as it helps me to better understand your needs and how I can continue to assist you in the future. Thank you again for your support and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

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4 Ways to Earn Real Money with Strong Future International—SFI

4 Ways to Earn Real Money with Strong Future International—SFI

Welcome to “4 Ways to Earn Real Money Online”! In our series of digital marketing posts, we’re excited to share some of the top legitimate strategies for an affiliate business. We recognize the challenges of making real money online, and we’re here to guide you. Out of the numerous methods available, we’ve selected four that we find most effective. While these methods aren’t secretive, they may be new to many. Our goal is to equip you with this knowledge so you can begin to earn real money online as well.

The first method is affiliate marketing, an excellent way to generate income by promoting products or services of others. This approach is particularly beneficial for those who own a website or blog. Success in affiliate marketing hinges on selecting products or services that resonate with your niche.

The second method involves offering your services online through platforms like Fiverr or Upwork. Whether it’s writing, graphic design, or marketing, showcasing a portfolio of your work is crucial.

The third method is creating and selling your own products online. If you’re skilled at crafting and designing, platforms like Etsy or Amazon are ideal for selling your creations. Alternatively, you can set up a website for your products.

The fourth method is participating in online surveys. Companies compensate participants for taking surveys, providing a way to earn extra money by simply sharing your opinions. While it won’t make you wealthy, it’s a viable option for additional income.

To sum up, these four methods are what we consider the most effective for earning real money online. We hope they will assist you in starting your online earning journey. Always remember to select the method that best aligns with your skills and preferences.

1. Sponsoring Other Affiliates

When it comes to making money with SFI, there are several ways to go about it. However, the most effective and profitable approach is through sponsoring other SFI affiliates. While generating perks is great, it doesn’t compare to the earning potential of having a strong team of PSAs under your wing. But don’t get me wrong, perks are still valuable and can contribute to your overall success within SFI. Just remember, there’s a difference between perks and money. That being said, if you’re interested in joining SFI and becoming my PSA, feel free to use the affiliate link provided above. I’m more than happy to help guide you on your journey towards financial freedom and success.

When it comes to growing your business, there are various methods you can use to attract new customers and generate referrals. One of the most important things you need to do is advertise your company and its services. There are many ways to do this, but the most effective methods include utilizing mailing list tools, creating a blog, and utilizing social media platforms.

When using a mailing list tool, you can send out regular newsletters and updates to your subscribers, informing them about new products or services, promotions, and other important news. This can help keep your company top-of-mind and encourage your subscribers to refer their friends and family to your business.

Creating a blog is also a great way to attract new customers and generate referrals. By regularly posting high-quality content that is relevant to your customers, you can build trust and establish your expertise in your industry. This can help attract new customers who are searching for information and solutions related to your products or services.

Finally, utilizing social media platforms can also be a highly effective way to advertise your business and generate referrals. However, it’s important to use these platforms with care and avoid spamming others. Instead, focus on creating engaging content that provides value to your followers, and encourages them to share your posts with their own networks. By utilizing these methods, you can effectively advertise your business and attract new customers, while also building a loyal base of satisfied customers who are eager to refer their friends and family to your business.

If you’re looking to expand your knowledge and skillset when it comes to sponsoring affiliates, SFI has got you covered. They offer a comprehensive training program that will provide you with all the tools and resources you need to become a successful affiliate marketer. The first step is to become an affiliate yourself and join my team by clicking the link above. As your team leader, I will be there to guide you every step of the way and lead by example. But even if you don’t want to sponsor others, there’s still plenty of valuable information to be gained from the training program. So why not take the first step and see what SFI can offer you?

2. Generating Direct TripleClicks Sales

When it comes to earning cash online with SFI, there are a variety of different methods you can explore. One such method is generating sales, which involves convincing someone to purchase a product or service using your affiliate link. By doing so, you can earn sales commissions and start building a reliable stream of passive income. Of course, this process can take some time and effort, as you will need to find ways to effectively market the product or service you are promoting. However, with the right strategies in place and a willingness to put in the work, generating sales with SFI can be a great way to earn extra cash from the comfort of your own home. So why not give it a try and see how it can work for you? With a little bit of effort and some smart planning, you may just find that SFI is the perfect way to achieve your financial goals and start living the life you’ve always wanted.

When you become a member of the Zing Network, you have the opportunity to refer others to purchase their products and services. These individuals become your customers, and you earn commissions for their purchases. One of the online stores available to promote is TripleClicks, which offers a vast array of products, services, games, auctions, and much more. With tens of thousands of options available, there are countless opportunities to earn commissions and grow your business. So why not take advantage of this amazing opportunity and start referring members today? The possibilities are endless, and the rewards are well worth it.

Hello there! Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. I hope you find everything you’re looking for and more. As always, I am here to assist you in any way I can. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask. In regards to the link above, I just wanted to let you know that if you click on it and make any purchases or play games, I will earn a commission. It’s a great way to support my work and keep this website running smoothly. If you’re interested in browsing my TC store, you’ll find a wide variety of products to choose from. From electronics to home goods, there’s something for everyone. And if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, don’t worry. I’m happy to help you find the perfect item. Thank you again for visiting my website. I hope you have a great day and come back soon!

3. Referring Other Sellers

In addition to the functionalities of sponsoring affiliates and generating sales, it is also possible for you to refer others to sell their own products and services. However, it is important to note that TC does not allow new sellers to apply and sell on their system anymore. But don’t worry, you can still sponsor people to sell on another website owned by SFI, just like TripleClicks. So, if you’re looking to expand your network and increase your earning potential, consider referring others to sell on SFI’s platform and watch your income grow!

To refer sellers and earn some extra cash, you can take advantage of the website. This platform offers a great opportunity to make money simply by referring people to purchase products or services through your gateway. Once someone applies using your gateway and sells something, you’ll earn a referral bonus based on the commission volume (CV) of that particular product or service.

By using as your referral platform, you can easily track the progress of your referrals and see how much you’re earning in real time. The platform is user-friendly and offers a variety of features to help you maximize your earnings potential.

So, if you’re looking for a simple and effective way to earn some extra cash, why not give a try? With its easy-to-use interface and generous referral bonuses, it’s a great way to earn some extra income without having to put in too much effort.

If you’re looking to make some extra cash, selling items you no longer need is a great way to do it. And if you want to make the process even easier, you can use the link above to list your items for sale. When someone buys something from your listing, I’ll earn a commission, so it’s a win-win situation. Plus, you’ll be able to declutter your space and make room for new things. So go ahead and start listing those items you’ve been meaning to get rid of. You never know who might be interested!

4. Selling Your Own Things

One of the most important things to consider when looking to earn real money online is finding the right platform to sell your products or services. Luckily, there are many options out there to choose from. One such option is to sell your own products and services on Rewardical or Flexxity.

This is a great way to make money online, especially if you only have digital products and services to sell. By using either of these platforms, you can reach a wider audience and potentially make more sales than you would by selling on your own website. If you’re interested in giving it a try, be sure to use the links provided above. By doing so, you’ll be helping me earn commissions, which is always appreciated. And who knows? Maybe you’ll end up making some real money online as well! So don’t hesitate to give it a shot and see where it takes you.

If you’re looking to make some extra cash online, SFI is a great platform to check out. They offer a range of ways to earn real money, and I’ve found four methods that have worked well for me. First, you can earn by completing surveys and participating in market research. This is a great way to earn a bit of extra cash in your spare time. Second, you can earn by referring others to SFI. Every time someone you refer makes a purchase or earns money on the platform, you earn a commission. Third, you can earn by selling products on SFI’s e-commerce platform. They have a wide range of products to choose from, so you’re sure to find something that suits your interests. Finally, you can earn by participating in SFI’s auctions. This is a fun way to potentially win big prizes while also earning some cash on the side. Overall, SFI is a great platform to explore if you’re looking to earn real money online. Let me know if you have any questions or if there’s anything else you think I should add to this list.

Sure, I can definitely provide you with some more information. In addition to making money by selling your own e-books, there are also other ways to earn cash online. For example, you could try making people play games and offer prizes for the winners. Another option is to hold auctions where people can guess the prices of items and win money if they are correct. There are many creative ways to earn money online, and it’s important to find what works best for you. Remember to always do your research and be cautious when trying new methods. Good luck!

I hope these 4 Ways to Earn Real Money have helped you much.

8 New Ways To Earn Money With the SFI

Eager Zebra is the best place for modern games. Do you like online games? Do you know others who do? Why not promote a variety of fun, challenging (and often free!) games for fun and profit? Click here to start playing.

Rewardicals are the amazing digital tokens you can earn FREE…then redeem them for a variety of cool products and other irresistible goodies–including Bitcoin! Click here to start selling online and get rewarded.

TripleClicks is a growing online shop with 100,000+ products and services. If you are an SFI affiliate, you can refer family and friends to this store and earn commissions, and you can even shop for yourself, and save money! Click here for products, services, games, and auctions.

Flexxity is the best place to sell and order services, and if you are an SFI affiliate, you can refer others, and when they list their services or place orders, you earn commissions and other goodies! Click here to turn your skills into cash.

With Astro Auctions, you can bid online and win prizes, products, services, and other goodies such as Rewardical Tokens, and more. Click here to start bidding.

Ecommergy is the best program and place to go for the best articles, videos, and more to help you increase your e-commerce knowledge as you build your online business, daily! Click here to join the e-commerce community.

The Internet is home for both good and evil folks alike. You need help with online privacy for yourself, your loved ones, and your business! Click here to get 3 years of family protection.

Doing online business since 2012, I’m here to share my experience with my team members. SFI is the real deal: real people, real opportunities. Click here to join my team. I will then teach you how to sponsor others, refer members and vendors, or even sell your own products and services on the Zing Network.

DISCLAIMER: Most links above are my affiliate links and I will earn a small commission if you use them to buy, sign up, or sell things.


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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Young Bucks – How to Raise A Future Millionaire by Troy Dunn — $17.43 (Save 12%!)
Young Bucks: How to Raise a Future Millionaire is on the cusp of an important new way of understanding how we earn, keep, and spend money. It is a straightforward, practical, and entertaining manual that debunks a number of parenting myths that work against financial independence, such as allowances. This book also teaches parents how to…
Young Bucks: How to Raise a Future Millionaire is on the cusp of an important new way of understanding how we earn, keep, and spend money. It is a straightforward, practical, and entertaining manual that debunks a number of parenting myths that work against financial independence, such as allowances. This book also teaches parents how to identify the entrepreneurial skills that, to some degree, every child has and guides them to strengthen those skills. A self-made millionaire and father of seven, Troy Dunn gives you practical templates for easy, kid-friendly businesses that you can introduce to your children so that they can start earning their own money quickly. Young Bucks includes everything Dunn has learned during his very successful business career as an entrepreneur and in his work with thousands of young people seeking business guidance. It features chapters on age-appropriate, step-by-step action plans for you to help your children find and implement great money-making ideas. Additional chapters explain what schemes you should avoid, how to spot business scams, why lotteries are a terrible place to put your money, why it’s good for kids to invest in the stock market, and practical advice on the legal aspects of owning a business. About the Author: Troy Dunn is a self-made millionaire. He is a successful businessman and public speaker, radio host, and writer on the subject of financial success and personal happiness. For his business venture dedicated to reuniting separated friends and family, Troy was considered for more than a decade one of the most frequently seen guest experts on national television. After thirteen years of building and running that company, Troy sold it for undisclosed millions, freeing him to focus on his passion for assisting other organizations. He now consults four corporate clients a year in motivating their own management teams in leadership, overcoming obstacles, team-building, and guerrilla marketing and in major media manipulation, strategy, and results. Troy married his high-school sweetheart, Jennifer, and together they are raising seven beautiful children.
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This condensed book offers a holistic perspective on everything readers need to know–the basic science, how it influences everything from appearance to longevity, and even how diet can help regulate it. Packed with meditation techniques, food recommendations, and lifestyle evaluation tools, this paperback is the essential guide on how to reduce…
This condensed book offers a holistic perspective on everything readers need to know–the basic science, how it influences everything from appearance to longevity, and even how diet can help regulate it. Packed with meditation techniques, food recommendations, and lifestyle evaluation tools, this paperback is the essential guide on how to reduce stress and improve one’s life.
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Samurai Selling is a unique guide for the modern salesperson. The code of the ancient Japanese samurai is grounded in service and personal character. Samurai Selling shows sales professionals how to apply the code of the samurai, so that whether you sell cars, real estate, office products, or personal home products, you have fresh and powerful techniques to win life-long customers. Samurai Selling tells stories of the ancient samurai and relates them to today’s competitive sales climate. Based on a proven seminar which the authors have taught to thousands of managers and sales professionals, the book is filled with practical tips, examples, and exercises that will hone your selling skills and improve your customer service.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs Series Volume 2— $0.00 (Save 99%!)
This December, SFI is moving to a new shipping facility…and we’ve got thousands of extra books to clear out before the move! So, we’re offering SFI Affiliates this special deal: Take as many copies of The Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs, Volume 2 as you want for FREE; pay only for shipping! Use them: 1. To…
This December, SFI is moving to a new shipping facility…and we’ve got thousands of extra books to clear out before the move! So, we’re offering SFI Affiliates this special deal: Take as many copies of The Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs, Volume 2 as you want for FREE; pay only for shipping! Use them: 1. To make some extra money…sell them for any price you want (and potentially turn a nice profit!) 2. As marketing aids! Offer free copies for learning about SFI or joining your SFI team. 3. As rewards or incentives for your team members. We’re also offering this SAME special deal on these two books: * Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs Series Volume 1 * Internet Income Vol 1 About this book: The Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs, details the strategies of individuals with well over 200 years of combined business experience…and collective earnings of over a half-million dollars a month! Volume 1 Volume 2 These master entrepreneurs reveal: How they got started, and how they made it to the top. Their actual marketing techniques and strategies including direct mail, print media advertising, Internet marketing, and more. How to set up your home offices for maximum efficiency, comfort and profits. Their powerful financial and investment advice and best tax strategies. Their keys to success and what they say are the absolute vital things you must do every week to achieve success. How much they recommend you invest in starting a home business …and what to invest it in. What computer software, hardware, and peripherals they use and recommend. What books and magazines they read. Their favorite and most inspirational quotes and much much more! Many of our interviewees are also some of the top network marketers in the world. Therefore, we’ve also included an ample portion of their best network marketing tips, strategies, and philosophies. Apply this incredible information, and your network marketing business will never be the same! Additionally, included with the book is a Directory of proven sources for advertising, mailing lists, copy writers, Internet resources and more! BOTTOM LINE: The most successful entrepreneurs in history have been saying it for years: If you want to be successful, emulate successful people. Through this incredible new book, NOW YOU CAN. The Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs is destined to become one of the most widely read home business books ever published.
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“WORD OF MOUSE” is the first book on the newest and most effective form of marketing from two remarkable visionaries. At the vanguard of the Internet revolution are two computer scientists from Minnesota who are pioneers of Collaborative Filtering (CF). CF is a technology that enables companies to understand their customers and in turn sell…
“WORD OF MOUSE” is the first book on the newest and most effective form of marketing from two remarkable visionaries. At the vanguard of the Internet revolution are two computer scientists from Minnesota who are pioneers of Collaborative Filtering (CF). CF is a technology that enables companies to understand their customers and in turn sell products, goods, and services with remarkable success. To test CF, John Riedl and Joseph Konstan built two Internet sites, MovieLens and GroupLens, that allowed users to customize their preferences for movies and news. The results were astounding. MovieLens demonstrated amazing accuracy, almost ensuring that the recommendation would prove enjoyable. In “WORD OF MOUSE,” the authors analyze dozens of companies from Best Buy to Amazon to TiVo and show what these companies are doing right and what they are doing wrong. Riedl and Konstan map out a broad range of strategies that companies can employ to raise revenue, customer loyalty, and satisfaction.
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Get your hands on the book that has already changed tens of thousands of lives and has been translated into 3 languages! Here’s a list of the contributing authors of what’s been called “the next business classic”: Jim Rohn – Worldwide Success Mentor to Millions of People, Success Principles That Never Fail Mark Victor Hansen -…
Get your hands on the book that has already changed tens of thousands of lives and has been translated into 3 languages! Here’s a list of the contributing authors of what’s been called “the next business classic”: Jim Rohn – Worldwide Success Mentor to Millions of People, Success Principles That Never Fail Mark Victor Hansen – Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul Book Series, Secrets to Unlimited Riches Wally “Famous” Amos – Chocolate Chip Cookie King, Turning Your Passion Into Profit Jack Canfield – Self-Esteem Expert and Co-Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul, Develop Unlimited Self-Esteem and the Riches That Come With It Robert Allen – Best-Selling Author of Many Amazing Books on Making Money, Secrets for Creating Multiple Streams of Income Sharon Lechter – Co-Author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad Book Series, How To Invent Money / How Rich Dad’s Recipe Can Make You Financially Free for Life Michael Gerber – Small Business Expert and Author of The E-myth Systems: The Key to Wealth and Freedom Jim McCann – CEO of, How To Build An Empire Jay Conrad Levinson – Author of the Guerrilla Marketing Book Series, How To Master the Art of Guerrilla Marketing ORDER YOUR OWN COPY TODAY so you too can discover the little known and closely guarded “Secrets Of Millionaires”! LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE!
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We live in a world of dramatic and unpredictable change that is wiping out time-honored businesses and long-standing institutions while ushering in unprecedented opportunities for creative individuals and entrepreneurial organizations. The job is no longer figuring out how to win at the game of work and life; the job is figuring out the new…
We live in a world of dramatic and unpredictable change that is wiping out time-honored businesses and long-standing institutions while ushering in unprecedented opportunities for creative individuals and entrepreneurial organizations. The job is no longer figuring out how to win at the game of work and life; the job is figuring out the new rules of the game. Alan M. Webber’s Rules of Thumb is a guide for individuals in every walk of life who want to make sense out of these confusing, challenging, and compelling times. If you’re looking for practical advice on how to win at work without losing your self, if you want to change your life to meet the challenge of change, or if you want to learn from some of the world’s most interesting and creative people, let Alan M. Webber take you on a remarkable journey toward greater personal understanding and, ultimately, greater personal success. About the Author:Alan M. Webber is the cofounding editor of Fast Company, and was the editorial director and managing editor of the Harvard Business Review. He’s worked in federal, state, and local government, writing speeches and focusing on innovative policy initiatives. He’s married to Frances Diemoz, an architect and furniture maker; his son and daughter, Adam and Amanda, are his two favorite children in the world.
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15.73 USD InStock
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Moving Forward: Taking the Lead in Your Life— $8.37 (Save 44%!)
Dave Pelzer walks readers through the process of learning how to turn the experience gained from past hurts into the power to live a better life and help others do the same with his trademark wisdom, support, and tough love.
Dave Pelzer walks readers through the process of learning how to turn the experience gained from past hurts into the power to live a better life and help others do the same with his trademark wisdom, support, and tough love.
4.29 49
8.37 USD LimitedAvailability
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Baked In–Creating Products and Businesses That Market Themselves, by Alex Bogusky & John Winsor — $17.98 (Save 14%!)
Brands must build a new relationship with their customers and the culture they participate in. The old rule was to create safe, ordinary products and combine them with mass marketing. The new rule: create truly innovative products and build the marketing right into them. Today, it’s within the product itself that a brand has the most leverage…
Brands must build a new relationship with their customers and the culture they participate in. The old rule was to create safe, ordinary products and combine them with mass marketing. The new rule: create truly innovative products and build the marketing right into them. Today, it’s within the product itself that a brand has the most leverage with consumers. So where should companies start? They must take their brands back to their foundations and realize that the message is not the product, but that the product is the message. Authors Alex Bogusky and John Winsor have worked with some of the most important brands in today’s marketplace, including American Express, Best Buy, Burger King, Coca-Cola, Google, Nike, Microsoft, Patagonia, and Toyota, utilizing the tools they discuss in this book. Writing in a swift, irreverent style, Bogusky and Winsor make readers feel like they are getting a front-row seat at a top-level marketing strategy session. About the Author: Alex Bogusky is the chief creative insurgent at MDC Partners, the parent company of Crispin Porter + Bogusky advertising agency. He lives in Miami. John Winsor founded Victors & Spoils, the first ad agency built on crowdsourcing principles. He lives in Boulder, Colorado.
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★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Knockout Entrepreneur, by George Foreman— $15.50 (Save 3%!)
As true for boxing as business: Champions in business are not born. They are made. In an era of bankruptcy and bailouts, two-time Heavyweight Champion of the World and record-busting businessman George Foreman steps into the ring to challenge prevailing conceptions of success and achievement and lays out a new way of doing business—the way…
As true for boxing as business: Champions in business are not born. They are made. In an era of bankruptcy and bailouts, two-time Heavyweight Champion of the World and record-busting businessman George Foreman steps into the ring to challenge prevailing conceptions of success and achievement and lays out a new way of doing business—the way of the Knockout Entrepreneur. The Knockout Entrepreneur: * Is focused on smart growth, fearlessly seizing opportunity, and building an organization of significance. * Is an idea wrangler and visionary who uses God-given imagination; who never gives up, gives in, or backs down from the hard work necessary to make it. * Is an encourager, risk-taker, mentor, and giver in a world that often reflects the opposite. * Is defined by integrity and generosity rather than title and possessions. * Amasses wisdom over wealth and knows that when all is said and done, the greatest ROI is found in faith, family, and community. Foreman equips you with principles and strategies to help you come out swinging and backs them up with personal stories, contemporary accounts of success, timeless wisdom, and leading questions—all of which are geared to help you put your Knockout plan into action and achieve extraordinary levels of success. About the Author: George Foreman, once boxing’s heavyweight champion of the world, is best known today as an entrepreneur and philanthropist. He is a frequent speaker at nationwide events and a New York Times best selling author. George is an ordained minister and preaches twice a week in his church in Houston. He is the father of ten.
4.29 7
15.5 USD LimitedAvailability
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Put More Cash in Your Pocket, by Loral Langemeier— $16.99
Sinking. Slowly. That′s what it feels like. No matter how tight you cinch that belt it never seems like enough. Squeeze another few dollars out of the budget and they′re eaten up by rising prices at the pump or at the checkout. It doesn′t make sense, everyone′s hurting and yet prices keep going up. There is a way out; a way to stop…
Sinking. Slowly. That′s what it feels like. No matter how tight you cinch that belt it never seems like enough. Squeeze another few dollars out of the budget and they′re eaten up by rising prices at the pump or at the checkout. It doesn′t make sense, everyone′s hurting and yet prices keep going up. There is a way out; a way to stop sinking; a way to not just tread water, but to actually start to get ahead. There is a way to get some fast cash that will make a real difference in your life. It′s not a magic investment formula or some money saving gimmick. You just have to keep doing what you′re already doing…but in a smarter way. And the only thing you have to give up is your self-defeating attitude toward money. What′s the answer? Stop worrying about saving money– and start concentrating on making money. In this incredibly timely book for a moment when everyone is looking to make a little extra dough, highly sought-after money management expert and speaker Loral Langemeir empowers readers to stop saving, stop sacrificing, and start making money by charging for what they already do — by turning the skills, hobbies, and chores that are part of their everyday lives into a “21st Century Lemonade Stand”-a money-making business that requires no business plan, no capital, no investment-just your creativity and the willingness to ask for the cash. Loral′s approach is simple, straightforward, and proven and teaches anyone how to easily make $1000 more a month. About the Author: Loral Langemeier has written three previous books that have made the New York Times, Business Week, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal bestseller lists. She has been featured on CNBC, CNN, CBS and FOX, along with many radio stations and stage appearances, and is known for her ability to take readers in any stages of their lives and help them make more money.
4.27 15
16.99 USD LimitedAvailability
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs Series Volume 1— $0.00 (Save 99%!)
This December, SFI is moving to a new shipping facility…and we’ve got thousands of extra books to clear out before the move! So, we’re offering SFI Affiliates this special deal: Take as many copies of The Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs, Volume 1 as you want for FREE; pay only for shipping! Use them: 1. To…
This December, SFI is moving to a new shipping facility…and we’ve got thousands of extra books to clear out before the move! So, we’re offering SFI Affiliates this special deal: Take as many copies of The Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs, Volume 1 as you want for FREE; pay only for shipping! Use them: 1. To make some extra money…sell them for any price you want (and potentially turn a nice profit!) 2. As marketing aids! Offer free copies for learning about SFI or joining your SFI team. 3. As rewards or incentives for your team members. We’re also offering this SAME special deal on these two books: * Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs Series Volume 2 * Internet Income Vol 1 About this book: The Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs, details the strategies of individuals with well over 200 years of combined business experience…and collective earnings of over a half-million dollars a month! These master entrepreneurs reveal: How they got started, and how they made it to the top. Their actual marketing techniques and strategies including direct mail, print media advertising, Internet marketing, and more. How to set up your home offices for maximum efficiency, comfort and profits. Their powerful financial and investment advice and best tax strategies. Their keys to success and what they say are the absolute vital things you must do every week to achieve success. How much they recommend you invest in starting a home business …and what to invest it in. What computer software, hardware, and peripherals they use and recommend. What books and magazines they read. Their favorite and most inspirational quotes and much much more! Many of our interviewees are also some of the top network marketers in the world. Therefore, we’ve also included an ample portion of their best network marketing tips, strategies, and philosophies. Apply this incredible information, and your network marketing business will never be the same! Additionally, included with the book is a Directory of proven sources for advertising, mailing lists, copy writers, Internet resources and more! BOTTOM LINE: The most successful entrepreneurs in history have been saying it for years: If you want to be successful, emulate successful people. Through this incredible new book, NOW YOU CAN. The Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs is destined to become one of the most widely read home business books ever published.
4.23 278
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Happy: Simple Steps to Get the Most Out of Life— $13.62 (Save 43%!)
Become the person you want to be! “In Happy,” Smith reveals the sometimes surprising secrets of enduring happiness: you don’t have to overhaul your life to change its tone. Simple steps you can start today will put you on the path to your own personal high-water mark of positive feelings.
Become the person you want to be! “In Happy,” Smith reveals the sometimes surprising secrets of enduring happiness: you don’t have to overhaul your life to change its tone. Simple steps you can start today will put you on the path to your own personal high-water mark of positive feelings.
4.23 40
13.62 USD LimitedAvailability
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Internet Income Vol 1— $0.00 (Save 99%!)
This December, SFI is moving to a new shipping facility…and we’ve got thousands of extra books to clear out before the move! So, we’re offering SFI Affiliates this special deal: Take as many copies of Internet Income as you want for FREE; pay only for shipping! Use them: 1. To make some extra money…sell them for any price…
This December, SFI is moving to a new shipping facility…and we’ve got thousands of extra books to clear out before the move! So, we’re offering SFI Affiliates this special deal: Take as many copies of Internet Income as you want for FREE; pay only for shipping! Use them: 1. To make some extra money…sell them for any price you want (and potentially turn a nice profit!) 2. As marketing aids! Offer free copies for learning about SFI or joining your SFI team. 3. As rewards or incentives for your team members. We’re also offering this SAME special deal on these two books: * Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs Series Volume 1 * The Home Business Revolution’s Greatest Entrepreneurs, Volume 2 About this book: In writing Internet Income exclusively for SFI, author George Little shares his knowledge of Internet marketing and guides his readers in their quest to become successful entrepreneurs in charge of their own destinies. This book is loaded with how-to’s and strategies that you can put to work immediately. Such strategies as: How to analyze Internet traffic at your own site(s), The ten most common Internet marketing methods used by successful SFI Affiliates, How to submit your Website(s) to the Yahoo Search Engine, Paying for search engine attention and ranking, Free advertising strategies and much much more. Order your copy of “Internet Income” and begin your climb up the SFI leader board! This exclusive, no-nonsense home-business series outlines in plain language how to master the complexities of the Internet, increase your online profits, and become a successful marketing expert. With so much valuable information packed into each lesson, it’s no wonder that Internet Income has been a popular mainstay with the SFI program for some time! COMPLETELY UPDATED & REFRESHED to reflect current issues, Internet Income, Vol. 1, contains a smorgasbord of exclusive tips, advice, and step-by-step instruction that no home-business owner should be without. Whether you’re a beginner to the world of online marketing or have some experience under your belt, Internet Income comes packed with pertinent, timely, and helpful strategies for your home-business…strategies that could have your company humming along like a well-oiled machine in no time! Chapter topics in Internet Income include: The Potential Of Internet Income What Not To Do – Spam Introduction To Internet Traffic Ten Common Online Marketing Methods History Of Affiliate Programs Building Your Team Of Affiliates Doorway Pages Introduction To Search Engines Introduction To Metatags Submitting Your Website With The Yahoo! Search Engine The Google Search Engine The Open Directory Project (DMOZ) Paying For Search Engine Attention And Ranking-An Overview Putting The Principles To Work For You Don’t put off learning how to maximize your online profits and build a successful business any longer. Check out Internet Income, Vol. 1, today…Your home business will be glad you did! ABOUT THE AUTHOR George Little’s interest in computers began at Florida State University in the 1970’s. After obtaining his bachelor’s degree in psychology in 1975, George programmed computers for a large industrial construction company. He returned to school before long, however, and received his Juris Doctorate degree, with honors, from the Florida State University School of Law in 1980. As a trial attorney, George has been a pioneer in the use of computers and the Internet in the practice of law. His other continuing interest, business writing for small-business owners, stems from his ghost writing of trade association newsletter articles while in law school. Since 1994, George has been the CEO of Panhandle On-Line Inc., an ISP in the Florida Panhandle, and has been a freelance writer and consultant on Internet Marketing. His two passions, the Internet and business writing, have coalesced in this Internet Income Course book series. In the Internet Income Course book series, George’s goal is to empower hard-working individual men and women who strive to achieve success and independence with researched information and proven strategies. In writing for the SFI Marketing Group, George freely shares his knowledge of Internet Marketing and guides his readers in their quest to become successful entrepreneurs in charge of their own destinies.
4.19 574
★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Rightsizing Your Life: Simplifying Your Surroundings While Keeping What Matters Most — $8.84 (Save 30%!)
Whether it’s going from the multi-bedroom suburban house to the city condo, or from a country and city house to one cozy cottage, millions of Americans in the coming years will face the task of planning a shift to smaller or more practical quarters, paring down a lifetime of possessions and furnishing their new lives with things that have…
Whether it’s going from the multi-bedroom suburban house to the city condo, or from a country and city house to one cozy cottage, millions of Americans in the coming years will face the task of planning a shift to smaller or more practical quarters, paring down a lifetime of possessions and furnishing their new lives with things that have meaning. This simplification of surroundings and “stuff” will liberate people in mid-life to pursue their passions such as travel or hobbies without the responsibilities of a big house weighing them down. Rightsizing will be more than a handbook about the process of planning a new environment, jettisoning a lifetime’s worth fo surplus household items, and moving painlessly into a more suitable space. It will also be the first comprehensive guide to the emotional passage that this winnowing process entails, providing a prescription for the internal hurdles that can easily sabotage sensible decision making.
4.08 12
8.84 USD InStock
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ Been There, Done That— $11.95
In Dr. Joe Rubino’s book, “Been There Done That” you’ll learn the keys to success in building your network marketing business – from the man success magazine called a “millionaire maker” in their December 95 cover story. With This Book You Will: Get the 6 keys that unlock the door to success in MLM. Learn how to build your business…
In Dr. Joe Rubino’s book, “Been There Done That” you’ll learn the keys to success in building your network marketing business – from the man success magazine called a “millionaire maker” in their December 95 cover story. With This Book You Will: Get the 6 keys that unlock the door to success in MLM. Learn how to build your business free from doubt and fear. Discover how the way you listen has limited your success. Accomplish your goals in record time by shifting your “listening”. Use the Zen of Prospecting to draw people to you like a magnet. Build rapport and find your prospect’s hot buttons instantly. Pick the perfect prospecting approach for you. Turn any prospect’s objection into the very reason they join. Identify your most productive prospecting sources. Win the numbers game of network marketing. Develop a step-by-step business plan that ensures your future. Design a “Single Daily Action” that increases your income 10 times. Rate yourself as a top sponsor and business partner. Create a passionate vision that guarantees your success and more!!! Learn what it takes to be a top money earner in any network marketing company by getting your copy today! *Limited Quantity Available.
3.90 29
11.95 USD InStock
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ To-Do List: From Buying Milk to Finding a Soul Mate, What Our Lists Reveal About Us— $9.50 (Save 40%!)
More and more, we are a nation of list-makers, from grocery lists, New Year’s resolutions, and things to do before we die to DVDs to rent and people we’ve kissed. In To-Do List (based on the popular blog of the same name, Sasha Cagen celebrates the humble to-do list, exploring the ways these scribbled agendas reflect our…
More and more, we are a nation of list-makers, from grocery lists, New Year’s resolutions, and things to do before we die to DVDs to rent and people we’ve kissed. In To-Do List (based on the popular blog of the same name, Sasha Cagen celebrates the humble to-do list, exploring the ways these scribbled agendas reflect our personalities and passions. To-Do List is both a celebration of lists and a peek at the lists that others create. Broken down by subjects like “Daily Lists” to “Sex Lists,” it’s a fascinating collection of lists from everyday people to the well-known: 1. Novelist Nick Hornby’s list of desert island discs. 2. A therapist’s secret fears (“I HATE having to think about clients in relation to my hair or clothes”). 3. A shopping list from chef Alice Waters of Chez Panisse. 4. A woman’s accomplishments before her 30th birthday (“Hot air ballooned over the Serengeti,” “Danced on a table in Vegas”). 5. Qualities one man is looking for in a future wife, including “Chews with her mouth shut” and “Will let me give my first son the middle name of ‘Jacob’.” With each list, Cagen offers the story behind it and a prompt for readers to compare notes and take their own stab at a similar list. Voyeuristic and interactive, To-Do List will show you just how much–and what–your lists say about you.
3.79 29
9.5 USD LimitedAvailability
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ Long Distance Sponsoring— $32.95 (Save 13%!)
Discover The Secrets Of Master Prospectors! Long Distance Sponsoring comes with three full hours of step-by-step audio training from nationally successful network marketers…PLUS a 23-page booklet outlining how YOU can harness the power of long-distance sponsoring for yourself. Normally $39.95, you can get this product through SFI…
Discover The Secrets Of Master Prospectors! Long Distance Sponsoring comes with three full hours of step-by-step audio training from nationally successful network marketers…PLUS a 23-page booklet outlining how YOU can harness the power of long-distance sponsoring for yourself. Normally $39.95, you can get this product through SFI for only $32.95 for a CD Set or $29.95 for a downloadable file! REVEALED: * Duplicate your efforts to build a profitable network marketing business. * What you can realistically expect when your purchase home-business leads. * 3 easy steps you can take to combat your fear of prospecting. * The simple art of successful recruiting – locally & nationwide. * The system you may NOT be following, but should if you want to make a profit. Finally…you’ll get the secrets of the master prospectors, available in a convenient 2-CD training set or downloadable files. An accompanying 23-page booklet covers lead generating tips, prospecting advice, scripts used by the industry pros to generate RESULTS, and more! About Cutting Edge Media (CEM): Serving small- and home-business owners since 1991, CEM has risen through the ranks to become the definitive “total prospecting solution” company for network marketers and direct sales professionals around the world. IMPORTANT! Because of the nature of this product, SFI cannot accept returns or issue refunds for Long Distance Sponsoring.
3.74 42
32.95 USD InStock
★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ Long Distance Sponsoring Download— $29.95 (Save 13%!)
Discover The Secrets Of Master Prospectors! Long Distance Sponsoring comes with three full hours of step-by-step audio training from nationally successful network marketers…PLUS a 23-page booklet outlining how YOU can harness the power of long-distance sponsoring for yourself. Normally $39.95, you can get this product through SFI…
Discover The Secrets Of Master Prospectors! Long Distance Sponsoring comes with three full hours of step-by-step audio training from nationally successful network marketers…PLUS a 23-page booklet outlining how YOU can harness the power of long-distance sponsoring for yourself. Normally $39.95, you can get this product through SFI for only $32.95 for a CD Set or $29.95 for a downloadable file! REVEALED: * Duplicate your efforts to build a profitable network marketing business. * What you can realistically expect when your purchase home-business leads. * 3 easy steps you can take to combat your fear of prospecting. * The simple art of successful recruiting – locally & nationwide. * The system you may NOT be following, but should if you want to make a profit. Finally…you’ll get the secrets of the master prospectors, available in a convenient 2-CD training set or downloadable files. An accompanying 23-page booklet covers lead generating tips, prospecting advice, scripts used by the industry pros to generate RESULTS, and more! About Cutting Edge Media (CEM): Serving small- and home-business owners since 1991, CEM has risen through the ranks to become the definitive “total prospecting solution” company for network marketers and direct sales professionals around the world. IMPORTANT! Because of the nature of this product, SFI cannot accept returns or issue refunds for Long Distance Sponsoring.
3.60 72
29.95 USD InStock
From Intern To President–Make It Happen: The Hip-Hop Generation Guide to Success, by Kevin Liles — $16.11 (Save 5%!)
Kevin Liles’ meteoric climb from street kid to unpaid intern at Def Jam Records to executive vice president of the Warner Music Group is far more than a rags-to-riches story. It is a tribute to Liles’ work ethic, discipline and confidence in doing his thing his way — the hip-hop way. In Make It Happen, Liles — named one of America’s Most…
Kevin Liles’ meteoric climb from street kid to unpaid intern at Def Jam Records to executive vice president of the Warner Music Group is far more than a rags-to-riches story. It is a tribute to Liles’ work ethic, discipline and confidence in doing his thing his way — the hip-hop way. In Make It Happen, Liles — named one of America’s Most Powerful Players Under 40 by Black Enterprise — offers his ten rules of business success, which range from “Find Your Will” to “Don’t Let Cash Rule” and “Play Your Position.” As he outlines these and other strategies for success, Liles shares his own hard-won wisdom about his journey to the top, along with career advice from the various music artists, industry professionals, mentors and friends he has known along the way. No matter what version of the American Dream you choose to explore, this book will help you to empower yourself and Make It Happen. About the author: Kevin Liles is the executive vice president of the Warner Music Group. He works in New York City.
16.11 USD InStock

Shop Education Materials
Community Development Consultation Session— $100.00 (Save 33%!)
The following are consultation options available with this product. Please make your choice from the drop-down menu provided. Option #1 – For those needing assistance in implementing their community development program or considering the best method to use, we provide up to one hour of consultation services. Our consultation services include…
The following are consultation options available with this product. Please make your choice from the drop-down menu provided. Option #1 – For those needing assistance in implementing their community development program or considering the best method to use, we provide up to one hour of consultation services. Our consultation services include recommendations on program set up, key considerations, alternate options, mistakes to avoid, key relationships to focus on, building community awareness, participatory community activities, follow up training needs, overcoming ‘road blocks’, and more. Option #2 – For those registered for our TOT1 training, we provide an orientation email series that prepares those who will be attending. Option #3 – For those community development practitioners who would like to be included in our monthly online video conference call, this option will give them access. We will contact you after you place your order to direct you to the appropriate resource.
100 USD InStock
CHE TOT1 Training— $375.00 (Save 25%!)
Community Health Education Training – TOT1 This is the first of three phases of CHE training that will equip you and your team with the ability to start developing a community development program in a specific geographical area. In order for your training to be scheduled, there needs to be between 10 to 20 of your team or those from other…
Community Health Education Training – TOT1 This is the first of three phases of CHE training that will equip you and your team with the ability to start developing a community development program in a specific geographical area. In order for your training to be scheduled, there needs to be between 10 to 20 of your team or those from other teams who register for the same training and for the same time period and venue. Please contact this email address to discuss the details of your team’s preferences. This training will focus on 3 main categories: 1. The Biblical basis and foundational core values of CHE 2. CHE community development models and program sequence 3. Tools, activities and best practises when initiating a CHE program CHE is an integrated, sustainable, Christian community development program being used in over 120 countries worldwide. This course covers how to help communities: ▪ find solutions to the problems that they identify ▪ discover untapped resources and opportunities in their local area ▪ set up and manage their own community development program ▪ equip community member volunteers as proactive role models ▪ greatly reduce disease through promoting disease prevention & adopting good health habits CHE is based on proven principles applied worldwide.  Although based in common sense, CHE is frequently described as a paradigm shift due to its emphasis on empowering communities to initiate and manage their own development programs (verses outside agency initiated & managed). In this training, you will learn how your team can reach more people in need thru focusing on methods of empowering local communities to multiply what they learn. The underlying core values that are woven throughout the training are as follows . . . ▪ Integration of Spiritual & Physical ▪ Development not Relief ▪ Prevention vs. Cure ▪ Multiplication ▪ Sustainable ▪ Use of Local Resources ▪ Community Ownership ▪ Invitation ▪ Relationship Building ▪ Facilitation ▪ Spirit Led ▪ Mature Servant Leadership The training format is as follows . . . ▪ Highly participatory and interactive ▪ Facilitated lessons ▪ Trainer guided discovery ▪ Role plays and stories beginning each lesson ▪ Lots of small group work ▪ Seating in a semi-circle; no tables; no note taking ▪ Handouts given after most lessons ▪ Small group presenters summaries group work
375 USD InStock
FREE SHIPPING- 8 Holes Descant Soprano Recorder QM8A-2G For Beginner— $34.00 (Save 56%!)
Description: Name: Treble Clarinet Brand: Qimei Model: QM8A-2G Material: ABS Size: 32.5*3.2cm Weight: 81.2g Key of C Package included: 1 x Treble Clarinet
Description: Name: Treble Clarinet Brand: Qimei Model: QM8A-2G Material: ABS Size: 32.5*3.2cm Weight: 81.2g Key of C Package included: 1 x Treble Clarinet
34 USD InStock