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Personalities: What They Are and Their Importance for Your Personal Development


Individuals exhibit a wide array of personalities, and there are compelling reasons for this diversity. Psychology suggests that personalities arise from a combination of innate traits and environmental influences. This article will explore the concept of personality, its origins, the significance of individuality, and the impact of personality on personal and professional growth. So, what exactly is a personality? Read on to find out.

What Is a Personality?

Personality encompasses a blend of thoughts, expressions, actions, and behaviors, forming what the Oxford English Dictionary describes as “the combination of characteristics or qualities that create an individual’s distinctive character.”

These traits are referred to as a person’s personality or character. There’s a debate whether nature precedes nurture, or vice versa. I subscribe to the former because if nurture were predominant, then individuals raised in the same family and environment would share identical personalities.

It appears that personality is shaped by what might be considered the software aspect of human nature, often referred to as the spirit, soul, heart, or mind. This facet distinguishes me, rendering me unique among my siblings, despite us sharing the same womb and upbringing in the same household by the same parents.

A person’s personality shapes how they interact with others. Their thoughts, words, and actions are directly influenced by their personality type. This distinguishes them from others, including siblings from the same parents.

I hold the view that the Creator influences Creation, which in turn shapes the Creature (us), which then defines Nature (human nature), which then informs the Mind (human mind), and this governs our feelings, thoughts, words, and actions—our personalities.

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How Do People Get Their Personalities?

It is commonly held that personalities are shaped by both nature and nurture. This suggests that individuals inherit traits from their biological parents, grandparents, and relatives. Conversely, nurture refers to the influence of the environment on behavior and development, also known as upbringing.

Both nature and nurture significantly impact personality and character. The debate over whether nature or nurture has greater influence is ongoing. In my view, they operate in tandem, though nature may have the initial influence.

Despite our inherited differences, the role of nurture cannot be overlooked. My thought processes are influenced by those I grew up with. Legally identified as Dinka but biologically Nuer, I was born and raised in Nuer lands, moving to Dinka territory at 18. Consequently, I think, speak, and act in ways characteristic of the Nuer, reflecting not tribal identity but the power of social influence and shared thought patterns among those who live in close proximity.

Similarly, if a black African child is raised by a white American family, they will likely adopt American ways of thinking, speaking, and acting. This is attributed to the significant role nurture plays in shaping an individual’s personality, a fact that cannot be ignored.

Many South Sudanese children born and raised in the US speak with an American accent. The same is true for those born in the UK; they may have a British accent, though they are biologically Dinka or Nuer. Their accents and thought processes are influenced by their upbringing rather than their biological heritage.

Nevertheless, personality traits can transcend culture. Individuals often share perspectives regardless of their birthplace or upbringing, suggesting that nature has a precedence over nurture. Certain aspects, such as physical appearance and voice quality, are biologically inherited and remain unaffected by nurture.

However, the accent of one’s language is shaped by nurture and upbringing, while the tone of voice is innate. It may even resemble that of distant ancestors, indicating a genetic, natural origin, rather than one shaped by nurture.

The Importance of Personalities

Personalities are crucial because they prevent the world from descending into chaos. It’s personalities, rather than appearances, that distinguish people, making them unique and special. Without individual personalities, all humans would think, speak, and act identically, leading to immense conflict.

This implies that no two individuals are exactly alike in character, affirming the importance of each person. Even those who seem to thrive on causing trouble have their place in our lives, and we may find ourselves needing them at times. Some of my relatives may not appreciate my personality, but that is their prerogative. I cannot transform into someone I am not, nor can I recreate or redesign myself. I am who I am, capable of doing what I can and having what I may. Similarly, you are already who you are; your task is to discover yourself.

In the realm of personal development, your personality is significant. It distinguishes you from others and is vitally important to those around you. Your uniqueness stems from your soul/spirit, not your physical form. In my experience, because I speak the truth from my heart, many relatives deem me foolish. Their opinions do not trouble me, as I understand myself better than they presume. Some label me as crazy, which I accept, for I differ from them due to various factors, including education and nature.

Your Personal and Professional Development

Personal development involves self-discovery and self-improvement, while professional development pertains to advancing one’s career. Personality significantly influences both personal and professional growth. Initially, one must identify their true self. Subsequently, they should enhance this self-awareness through various methods.

Additionally, it is essential to determine one’s life career and diligently work towards its enhancement, known as career discovery and improvement. I have authored and released four concise booklets on Personal and Professional Development, available on Amazon.

With divine guidance, I have realized my identity and found serenity. Likewise, I have pinpointed my vocation: teaching. To teach effectively, I must learn; to learn authentically, I must lead a fulfilling life. Through living, learning, and teaching, I serve others, embodying both personal and professional development. What about you? Are you aware of your fundamental values? They define your identity and personality type.


By now, we’ve explored personalities, their origins, their significance in our lives, and the ways to foster personal and professional growth. The question remains: what do we do with this knowledge? Action is necessary. For instance, understanding your personality type is a key aspect of self-discovery and personal development. It’s presumed that you’ve learned to analyze your personality and comprehend its importance.

Recognizing your identity is the first step towards discovering your purpose, which aligns with your career. It’s my belief that everyone has a unique reason for being here. Finding and living according to that purpose is a personal journey. I trust this article has been beneficial to you. I encourage you to share your insights in the comments section below. Your contributions are valuable to me and other readers. May you and your loved ones be blessed and remain safe during and beyond the global pandemic. Shalom!

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Human Psychology: What It Is and Its Importance for Your Personal Development

Human Psychology

Human Psychology – Learn How to Work with Your Own Mind

Human Psychology aims to elucidate the principles of human psychology, prevalent personality traits, the importance of human psychology, and its impact on personal development. This article will provide insights into the strategic application of human psychology in harmony with personality traits to foster personal advancement. However, to begin, we must explore the fundamentals: what exactly is human psychology?

What Is Human Psychology?

This article explores the human mind and its capabilities. Although every person is unique, there are common behavioral patterns and psychological traits shared among humans.

Many theories and studies have investigated the complexities of the human mind. This article focuses on the basic classifications of the mind. Psychologists agree that the human mind is composed of three separate parts that operate independently: the unconscious, the subconscious, and the conscious mind, each with self-explanatory functions.

Each part of the mind seems capable of interacting with the others, ultimately connecting to what many refer to as the essence of life and energy, or God. The process of accessing my unconscious mind is still a mystery. I may try to engage with my subconscious mind. However, my conscious mind is always accessible, even now as I type these words into a word processor.

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The conscious mind has access to the subconscious, which in turn can tap into the unconscious, and so forth. In this view, the mind acts as a receiver and repository, which is why it is often deemed a spiritual entity. It is distinct from the brain, yet the two are interconnected and work in tandem.

Without the brain, the mind cannot function, and vice versa. The mind is sometimes equated with the soul, spirit, or even the human heart. Despite our human tendency to ‘think with our hearts,’ in reality, the heart is merely an organ that pumps blood, not thoughts.

If we accept this premise, then our minds are akin to our hearts, as we think with our minds in conjunction with our brains. While we can physically examine the brain, the mind eludes such direct observation, being more akin to software.

Nevertheless, the mind is not beyond study; this field is known as human psychology, which explores the workings of the human mind. Our minds operate like computer memory, storing and recalling information and experiences. Indeed, the mind is a collection of accumulated impressions and data. After all, one cannot dream of the unknown.

Personality Traits

While psychologists often categorize individuals as introverts or extroverts, personality is multifaceted, and each person exhibits a mix of traits. For instance, an introverted individual may display extroverted behaviors when possible, and vice versa.

The acronym OCEAN encapsulates these traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. These are the primary personality dimensions, encompassing numerous sub-traits. Thus, a person can exhibit multiple dimensions simultaneously.

I identify as an introverted empath, or IE. Typically, I have a reserved nature and experience emotions more readily than many other men in my society. Some may also perceive me as exhibiting feminine traits.

Understanding your personality type, including the specific traits you possess, is a valuable aspect of human psychology. This is because your thought processes are influenced by various factors, including your personality. Your inherent nature governs your mind, which in turn directs your thoughts, speech, and actions.

However, as humans embody a multitude of traits, comprehending any individual is complex. We are intricate beings, capable of changing from one moment to the next, influenced by diverse circumstances and challenges.

Why Is Human Psychology Important?

Understanding human psychology is vital for both personal and professional growth. Personal development involves self-discovery and self-improvement, while professional development is about advancing one’s career. Given this, the study of the human mind and its functions is crucial.

The mind is the core of our humanity, life, and the driving force behind all physical and mental activities. It, in conjunction with the brain, governs our thoughts, speech, movements, and overall existence. Thus, comprehending its workings and your individual role is of great significance.

Hence, exploring the human mind and its mechanisms is key to your existence, thoughts, speech, and actions. It also aids in pinpointing areas needing significant enhancement in both personal and professional spheres. Understanding the workings of your mind can guide you in utilizing it effectively, or perhaps, this is merely optimistic thinking.

No matter how much knowledge we acquire, it seems that our human nature and the emotions it entails still propel us forward, rather than logic or reasoning. Although we often favor reason and logic over emotions, recognizing our flaws is a step towards potential behavioral changes, even if we cannot alter our inherent nature or life.

This underscores the significance of human psychology. It enables us to understand ourselves as human beings and to comprehend others, simply because they are human, just like us. All birds share a common avian nature, despite the diversity of species and types; they are all birds.

Similarly, I am human simply because I exist. My thoughts are shaped by my humanity, and I must think in this way, whether I prefer it or not. My belief in God’s existence is influenced by various factors, be it nature or nurture. Consider the impact of social conditioning. If I were taught from childhood that everything evolved, would I still hold a belief in a God who created all things?

Human Psychology and Personal Development

At this juncture, it’s crucial to delve a bit deeper into the article’s topic. What role does human psychology play in personal and professional growth? We’ve touched on this before, but it bears repeating: understanding the workings of our minds impacts us both individually and as a group. It influences our personal and professional lives in various ways.

Recognizing my thought patterns, whether benevolent or malevolent, affords me a certain liberty. This is the reason I think, communicate, and behave differently from many around me. I feel like an outsider among my own people, my relatives, and my fellow citizens. My openness to discuss any topic freely, a stark contrast to my reticence two decades ago, is the cause.

Hence, self-discovery, which entails comprehending the mechanics of your own mind, is paramount. Convinced that I am unique in this world, I also feel a profound sense of freedom. This freedom is significant; it empowers me to express disagreement with your views rather than concealing my true feelings, as I might have done in the past.

Many people live lives dictated by societal expectations, which is not true freedom. We have the right to question traditions, beliefs, doctrines, and teachings that may be outdated. We should embrace what is still relevant today and let go of what is no longer applicable.

This freedom, stemming from an understanding of our own minds, leads to recognizing our uniqueness. As we continue to learn about ourselves, God, humanity, and creation with an open mind, we experience genuine personal development. This means being authentic to oneself and others. Can you see the connection between human psychology and personal development?

Indeed, there is a connection. Human psychology also impacts professional development in various ways. Professional development should focus on our innate abilities rather than mere desires. While I may wish to be a pilot or a medical doctor, it doesn’t mean I cannot pursue and achieve these professions. The answer is emphatically NO.

I am young enough to study and become anything, but it’s crucial to distinguish between wishes and realities, especially regarding careers. A career is an expression of one’s abilities. I have the capacity to live, learn, teach, and serve. Yet, what life should I lead? What should I learn and teach? Whom should I serve, and in what capacity?

These questions are vital for career and personal development, each demanding commitment. I must discern the life I’m meant to lead; for me, it’s a life of peace with myself, God, fellow humans, and all creation. This peace can be categorized as internal—between myself and God—and external—towards others and the environment, both equally significant.

My teaching focuses on life, guiding others to uncover their fundamental identities and, consequently, their true vocations. Your core identity, often termed your purpose, distinguishes you as unique. Your actions should align with your personality to avoid pressure-induced tasks.

Learning about life precedes teaching it. My innate ability to learn languages leads me to study them. I also learn to utilize technology, enabling me to educate and serve others through tools like computers, which I used to type these thoughts. Does this not illustrate the connection between human psychology and one’s career or profession?


To summarize, this article has provided us with an understanding of human psychology, its connection to personality traits, and the significance of comprehending our mental processes. This knowledge is crucial for our growth, both personally and professionally. I trust this article has been enlightening for you.

Napoleon Hill once said that knowledge is only potential power. It implies that to harness this power, one must reflect on the insights gained, envision them, and take action. By doing so, you can cultivate your personality. Enhance it by engaging with thought-provoking books and resources.

Should you wish to express your thoughts on this article, please feel free to do so in the comment section below. Your insights are valuable to me and other readers. Regardless of your current circumstances, I wish you peace and happiness. Shalom!

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Career vs. Job: Their Differences and Similarities

Career vs. Job

Understanding the differences and similarities between a career and a job is crucial for making informed choices when opting for one over the other. The article “Career vs. Job” aims to clarify these points. What commonalities do they share? The article intends to remove any confusion and highlight the subtle distinctions that separate a job from a career.

What Is a Career?

A career should be pursued with passion and ease, not out of pressure or obligation. It’s an endeavor you cherish, often seen as a natural talent or gift. It’s what you commit to wholeheartedly, deriving fulfillment and a sense of accomplishment upon its completion. It’s defined by the happiness and contentment it provides. Among the various definitions of a career in English, I focus on the simplest and most comprehensive one to make my point clear.

Consider my career, for example: teaching. All my other activities are connected to teaching in some way. For example, I help others create websites to share information worldwide, which is related to teaching. I facilitate understanding between people through translation and interpretation, which also links back to teaching.

Furthermore, I assist people in publishing their books, thus enabling them to reach a wider audience, which is akin to teaching. I can help you grow your social media presence, especially on Facebook through advertising, which is a form of teaching or spreading information. I can also help you troubleshoot issues with Windows, applications, and antivirus programs, allowing you to use your computer without problems.

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Internet Residual Income

A computer is a multifunctional tool that facilitates the sharing of information. I used a computer to enter these words into a word processor and then distributed the document through another platform. This process is also connected to teaching.

Fundamentally, a career is an endeavor one undertakes willingly, without any external pressure. Although certain situations may force us to perform various tasks, this usually pertains to those who have not yet discovered their dual natures, identities, and personality types. I, for one, engage in activities that resonate with my personality type: teaching. My purpose is to learn, educate, and serve.

I am convinced that true life begins with the realization of one’s personality type and vocational purpose. Hence, I commit myself to assist others in discovering and enhancing their personal development, and in seeking and honing their professional trajectories.

What Is a Job?

Often, a job is something done under pressure rather than desire. The need for money is a primary motivator for employment. To survive, people may accept almost any work, making a job any task done to ensure survival. Sometimes, forces beyond monetary needs compel one to act against their will, devoid of fulfillment.

However, not all jobs are the same. Some become careers when they align with one’s passions and bring satisfaction. A job that brings joy is a career; if it feels like coercion, it’s just a job. Many jobs are undertaken unwillingly due to external pressures, not for pleasure or comfort. Especially in rural areas like Juba, Khartoum, or Nairobi, life often requires doing whatever is necessary to survive.

Engaging in activities for survival isn’t wrong unless it causes trouble. Yet, one should consider whether this is the life they want. Is it better to live at the mercy of circumstances or to do fulfilling work? If survival dictates your actions, accept it, but don’t settle permanently. Seek a career that resonates with you and pursue it passionately. A life spent doing what you love is truly a life well-lived.

The Differences Between a Job and a Career

As previously mentioned, there are clear differences between a career and a job. A career is pursued out of passion or enjoyment, while a job may be undertaken for any reason, enjoyment aside. This distinction is fundamental. If it feels like a compulsion, it’s a job. If it brings joy, it’s a career.

It’s not inherently negative to do something for any reason, such as survival, but it is an important distinction between a career and a job. The difference is evident. However, it’s possible to find jobs that are enjoyable, which remain jobs, not careers, and careers that are not enjoyable, yet they are still careers, not jobs.

The Similarities Between a Job and a Career

There are many similarities between a career and a job. For instance, both involve activities that one engages in. Regardless of whether we call them jobs or careers, we pursue them for various reasons. For example, the motivation for pursuing a job or a career, such as financial gain, can be the same, which highlights a common goal and similarity between the two.

Both a job and a career can be sources of enjoyment, which is another similarity. The satisfaction gained from a job or career might depend on the nature of the work. Both can provide financial stability and help one make ends meet, suggesting that each can sustain a person’s livelihood.

For me, as a self-published author, writing functions as both a career and a job. It is a job in that I depend on it for income occasionally. It is a career because I am devoted to the entire process: writing, self-editing, self-publishing, self-marketing, and earning compensation for my work. These elements highlight the similarities between a career and a job.


We have now grasped the concepts of a career and a job, including their differences and similarities. It’s clear that a career is pursued with enthusiasm and passion, while a job may be any task done for monetary gain. A career may include a job, and a job may develop into a career, depending on its nature.

After reading this brief article, what insights have you gathered? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Also, reflect on whether your current occupation is a job, a career, or both. This contemplation could help you make well-informed choices for your future.

While having a job is advantageous, having a career is even more fulfilling. As you set out to find a satisfying career, I wish you serenity and joy. May your life be filled with calm, health, and wealth in the years to come. What are your reflections after learning about Career vs. Job? Peace be upon you!

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Men vs. Women: The Differences and Similarities Between Human Genders

Men vs. Women

The article “Men vs. Women” seeks to shed light on the fundamental distinctions between the genders. It questions common stereotypes: Are all men naturally masculine? Are all women naturally feminine? This succinct yet thorough article offers answers grounded in real-world experiences, distinguishing fact from fiction. Interested in uncovering more?

Men vs. Women: Masculine Men

Typically, men are perceived as masculine, which is often associated with a certain way of thinking, speaking, and acting that reflects their masculinity. These males tend to hold dominant positions in society and within their families. They frequently seek to control conversations and events, believing in their inherent right to lead. This perspective underpins the rationale for discussions on gender dynamics, such as those in ‘Men vs. Women’ articles.

Such males are characterized by their assertiveness. They prefer to lead rather than follow, expecting their siblings and others to heed their direction consistently. This assertion of authority is seen as a hallmark of manhood.

In numerous societies, these traits are considered the standard. Men who do not conform to this archetype are often viewed as less masculine, and may struggle to command respect from their peers and even their spouses. There is a risk that more assertive males could overshadow them, as assertiveness is often linked with masculinity, security, and recognition. However, this raises the question: Is it necessary for all men to embody traditional masculine traits? What about those who exhibit qualities traditionally considered feminine?

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Men vs. Women: Feminine Men

While most human males exhibit traditionally masculine traits, there are some who are recognized for their feminine qualities across all human societies. These individuals are empathetic, compassionate, and forgiving, often perceived as vulnerable in both human and animal societies.

Nevertheless, such males exist and serve as the pillars of peace, unity, and harmony within any community. Abel from the Bible could be considered one of these individuals due to his nature. Conversely, Cain might represent the masculine archetype, as suggested by his actions towards God and his brother, Abel.

It is an oversimplification to categorize all men as strictly masculine or feminine. Masculine men can possess a range of personality traits and types. Not all masculine men are inherently bad, nor are all feminine men inherently saintly or virtuous.


Every human exhibits distinct behaviors, irrespective of being male or female, masculine or feminine. However, it is crucial to comprehend human behavior in relation to individual personalities. As previously mentioned, males with feminine traits often endure significant hardships due to societal perceptions of their nature, being deemed unfit in certain contexts.

Furthermore, it is observed that masculine women may mistreat their feminine partners, a phenomenon that is not confined to any single region but is prevalent globally. Acknowledging this is vital when discussing human rights, as it highlights the multifaceted nature of the issue. It is a common misconception that only women face challenges, whereas men can also experience suffering at the hands of their masculine female relatives, be they sisters, mothers, aunts, wives, friends, colleagues, coworkers, or other kin.

Men vs. Women: Masculine Women

Society often associates certain behaviors and clothing styles with femininity. However, some women naturally gravitate towards what might be considered traditionally masculine traits. They might dress in suits, enjoy physically demanding careers, or possess a strong desire to lead. This expression can be unfamiliar or challenging for those around them, including family and partners, who may be used to different norms.

These women who break the mold can be incredibly capable and decisive. They often have a strong sense of independence and may take charge in various situations, from family outings to professional settings. Their adventurous spirit and outgoing nature might lead them to unconventional hobbies or leadership roles. It’s important to remember that these qualities aren’t inherently masculine; they simply represent a different facet of feminine strength.

There’s no single way to be a woman. While their bodies may be female, their personalities and preferences can exist on a broad spectrum. Their desire to lead doesn’t stem from a need to dominate, but rather from a confidence in their abilities and a drive to achieve. Embracing this diversity allows us to celebrate the richness women bring to the world.

Men vs. Women: Feminine Women

Most women are feminine in nature, and these are women who are led, and they don’t fight to lead others by force. They are considerate and compassionate. They are not aggressive. They are mostly introverted. These are women who listen to their masculine, as well as their feminine husbands, simply because they are feminine in nature. They are soft and kind. They are peaceful and agreeable in their decision-making process.

Unlike masculine women, these women also suffer a lot from masculine men. Even though they are always peaceful, they are always victims because of their feminine and peaceful natures. They may not be able to fight their way through life. They may not survive since they don’t argue too much for their own good.

These women are the sources of peace in their families, societies, and countries. They are the sources of peace in their groups. They are peacemakers in their political parties. But because they are always suppressed by men and women who are masculine in nature as discussed above, their voices are not heard in most cases.

Indeed, Men vs. Women as an article is a good place to start learning. It balances the two genders based on reality, not on personal opinion.

John Monyjok Maluth

These are good and submissive women of all times due to their natures. Even when they know they are right, they don’t argue to the point of igniting conflicts between them and others. Rather, they allow others to suppress them to the point of suffering. Their best way to deal with conflict is to prevent or avoid conflicts of all kinds.


It can be acknowledged that some women have masculine traits and some men have feminine traits. This may sound offensive, but only to those who are reluctant to confront the truth directly. I am a man with feminine qualities, and this is not by my choice. This is the primary reason why my wives have disregarded me. It’s inherent to my being, and I cannot alter it; I am who I am.

No matter our level of knowledge, we will always be true to our nature. That’s why it’s essential to discover and then enhance our innate selves and careers. We cannot transform into something we are not. If we are masculine, that is our essence. If we are feminine, that is our essence. What insights did you gain from reading Men vs. Women?

Note: Many introverted empaths exhibit feminine characteristics, regardless of their gender. They might be male, female, or transgender; educated or not; urban or rural dwellers. However, they share one common trait: they are feminine. They are empathetic. They show concern for others, particularly the weak, the vulnerable, and the disadvantaged in society.

Thinking Bigger and Wiser

The notion that women cry due to their femininity is a stereotype. The term ‘kill you alive,’ as used by Nigerian actors, is often attributed to masculine women, suggesting they are tough. However, this is a generalization and does not reflect the complexity of human emotions and behaviors. Women soldiers, like any other individuals, have diverse personal lives. It’s not accurate to say most cannot marry or that they seek certain types of partners based on perceived masculinity or femininity.

Relationships, whether they involve same-sex or different-sex couples, cannot be reduced to gender stereotypes. It’s important to recognize that individuals are more than their gender; personality, nature, and nurture play significant roles in defining a person. The article aims to challenge the binary view of men versus women, suggesting that goodness or evil is not tied to gender but to individual character. Your thoughts on this topic are welcome in the comments section, as they can provide valuable insights for other readers. Best wishes during and beyond the global pandemic. Peace!

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Between Birthdays and Deathdays: How to Live a Peaceful Life In-between

Between Birthdays and Deathdays

Learn How to Live in Peace Every Day: Birthdays and Deathdays

25th July 2022

“Between Birthdays and Deathdays” may seem like an unusual article to many readers as it aims to explore our journey from birth to death. Contrary to some beliefs, the term ‘deathday’ is not incorrect in English; it signifies the day of a person’s death or its anniversary. This article delves into the relationship between birthdays and deathdays, the significance of the days that lie between them, the concept of living with personal inner peace, and ultimately, the core message of the article. So, what exactly are deathdays? They are the anniversaries of a person’s death, marking the date on which someone has passed away.

What Are Birthdays?

Celebrating birthdays is a concept that feels foreign to me. In our culture, such celebrations were unheard of because people traditionally did not keep track of their birth dates. Like many of my peers, I am unaware of my exact birthday. We often choose our own dates of birth simply to complete various forms, both online and offline.

In contrast, in Europe and other parts of the world, it might seem odd for someone to not know their birthday. It’s possible that there are individuals in America who are also unaware of their birth dates. Not everyone in the West may prioritize literacy.

Nowadays, birthdays have become significant occasions. Our children are encouraged to celebrate them, adopting a modern culture that has spread worldwide, much like wedding gowns. Often, the origins of these customs are unknown to many before they are adopted in Africa.

Nonetheless, these practices from the West are worth embracing, similar to how I am utilizing this computer system to type. Computers, developed in the West, have become beneficial tools here in Africa. Similarly, wedding rings hold significance as symbols of love and commitment.

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It is often said that an inner ring is more significant than the outer one, which can be easily left behind in a bathroom. The true wedding ring comes from within; the external ring merely symbolizes the internal commitment. Remembering birthdays is important; being born is a wonderful event. However, some believe that dying holds even greater significance than being born.

What Are Deathdays?

When I typed the word “deathdays,” my computer highlighted it with zigzag red lines, indicating that the word is unrecognized in its English dictionary. However, a “deathday” refers to the day someone dies. It should be celebrated even more than a birthday, if we are to embrace this concept.

Humans often fear death because we understand so little about life, associating it with loss. But is death truly synonymous with loss? Do we really lose those who die? What does the Bible teach us? Should Christians, in particular, mourn the dead as if we are ignorant about death? These questions trouble me whenever someone passes away.

The circumstances of our demise—how, when, where, or why we die—are less significant than the fact that we do die. We are unaware of what follows death or where we go after our final breath. Some may say that death is akin to a profound sleep. This view might be controversial among the religious, but who truly knows what occurs post-mortem? “We don’t know” is perhaps the most honest answer; anything else is speculative or potentially deceitful.

Religion, however, was established for a noble purpose: to provide solace. We yearn for a world superior to ours, yet we are uncertain of its location or the path to it. In response, religious beliefs, doctrines, and teachings offer solace to our yearning hearts.

If death is akin to a deep sleep, then it could be considered the ultimate rest, couldn’t it? If life on earth entails suffering for many underprivileged individuals, then death might be seen as an escape from that anguish. Could this be a valid reason to celebrate one’s deathday?

I believe my siblings, mother, and father have all found rest in death. This is my assumption. The true nature of death will remain unknown to me until I experience it myself. Perhaps I will not even realize that I have died if it is like a deep sleep, devoid of dreams and consciousness.

However, if death is a passage to another form of existence, then it could be considered blissful! Why then do we mourn those who are transitioning into what could be the greatest joy? Do we not trust the scriptures that say the dead will rise first at the world’s end? Whether this is true or not, our mourning seems to contradict these beliefs.

What Are the Days Between Birthdays and Deathdays?

As I pen this article, I find myself navigating the journey between birth and death. From my first breath to this very moment, I am traversing this finite existence. The pressing question is: How am I utilizing this limited time? Am I channeling my energy effectively? This inquiry fuels my writing career. My ethos is to live, learn, teach, and serve.

I’ve come to understand who I am and what I’m meant to do. I am actively living out my purpose in this life, all through the grace and intent of God. I didn’t conjure or wish myself into existence; I simply uncovered who I was meant to be, recognized my calling, and now I strive to fulfill it for the duration of my time on earth.

Peace is the cornerstone of my existence. I embody peace and abhor any form of conflict. Yet, I find myself generating conflicts in the pursuit of my own tranquility, as the world is not always a peaceful place. This struggle is a form of enmity, a conflict in itself. To me, the essence of life is to exist in peace, free from disturbances, embodying calmness, quietude, and a profound personal serenity.

What Is Peace?

Peace signifies calmness and joy, representing the absence of conflict or violence. Conflict does not always result in violence but can manifest as any form of disturbance. With peace comes tranquility, calmness, and joy. Peace begins within an individual, often stemming from the realization that life is fleeting; we are here today and gone tomorrow.

Yet, the awareness that life is brief can bring either peace or pain, influenced by the individual’s personality. To me, life is good and should be lived simply as it is. Life need not be complicated, for it is not inherently so. When I attain inner peace, I do not harm dogs, cats, lizards, or other creatures, including snakes, understanding that they are generally benign. A snake often bites not out of malice but fear, triggered by our actions.

Peace involves living harmoniously with oneself, God, humans, and other creatures. But how can I be at peace with myself when I persist in actions I later regret? How can I be at peace with God when I feel burdened by sin? How can I be at peace with others when they often bring me pain and trouble? And how can I be at peace with creatures when they flee or attack without apparent reason? Continual engagement with positive nonfiction material will, over time, lead to the discovery of personal inner peace, which in turn fosters external peace with God, humanity, and all creation.

Summary of Birthdays and Deathdays

Ultimately, we have gained insights into the significance of birthdays, deathdays, the days that fall between, and what it means to find peace in a world filled with turmoil. I hope you’ve gleaned some understanding about yourself, God, fellow humans, and other beings. Yet, this knowledge is not sufficient on its own. We must continually nourish ourselves with this wisdom throughout our lives.

Discovering your personality type and identity is crucial. What distinguishes you from others? Subsequently, determine which career aligns with your identity and personality type. By doing so, you are on the verge of embracing the life you were meant to lead.

For me, it’s about cultivating an inner peace that is unassailable. This peace cannot be stripped from me; it is mine alone. This same peace is what I embody, learn, impart, and offer as a service to you and to others in my sphere.

Who are you?
What is your pursuit?

Further Readings