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How to Boost Your Confidence and Self-esteem as a Creative Entrepreneur v2.0

How to Boost Your Confidence and Self-esteem as a Creative Entrepreneur

Learn How To Boost Your Confidence And Self-Esteem Today!

By Bing Chat and John Monyjok Maluth


Creative entrepreneurs are people who use their imagination, talent, and passion to create something new and valuable in the world. They can be artists, writers, designers, inventors, innovators, or any other type of creative professional who pursues their own vision and goals.

However, being a creative entrepreneur also comes with many challenges and uncertainties. You may face self-doubt, fear of failure, rejection, criticism, competition, or lack of support. You may also struggle with balancing your creative work and your business responsibilities. All these factors can affect your confidence and self-esteem, which are essential for your success and happiness.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

Confidence and self-esteem are the beliefs and feelings you have about yourself and your abilities. They influence how you think, act, and communicate with others. They also affect how you cope with challenges, overcome obstacles, and achieve your goals.

If you want to boost your confidence and self-esteem as a creative entrepreneur, you need to work on your mindset, skills, and habits. You need to develop a positive and realistic self-image, a growth mindset, a resilient attitude, and a supportive network. You also need to practice self-care, self-compassion, and self-improvement.

In this article, we will share some tips and resources to help you boost your confidence and self-esteem as a creative entrepreneur. We will also recommend some of the best books on confidence and self-esteem that you can read to learn more.

Tips to Boost Your Confidence and Self-esteem as a Creative Entrepreneur

Here are some tips to help you boost your confidence and self-esteem as a creative entrepreneur:

  • Celebrate your achievements: One of the best ways to boost your confidence and self-esteem is to acknowledge and appreciate your achievements, big and small. Make a list of the things that you are proud of and keep it visible. Review it regularly and add new items as you accomplish them. Celebrate your wins with gratitude and joy. Share them with others who support you and celebrate with you.
  • Learn from your failures: Another way to boost your confidence and self-esteem is to learn from your failures, mistakes, and setbacks. Instead of seeing them as evidence of your inadequacy or incompetence, see them as opportunities for growth and improvement. Analyze what went wrong, what you can do better next time, and what you can learn from the experience. Use failure as feedback, not as judgment.
  • Seek feedback from others: A third way to boost your confidence and self-esteem is to seek feedback from others who can help you improve your creative work and your business skills. Ask for constructive criticism from mentors, peers, clients, or customers who have relevant expertise or experience. Listen to their suggestions with an open mind and a positive attitude. Implement the feedback that resonates with you and that aligns with your vision and goals.
  • Challenge yourself: A fourth way to boost your confidence and self-esteem is to challenge yourself with new and exciting projects or tasks that stretch your abilities and push you out of your comfort zone. By doing so, you will discover new aspects of yourself, develop new skills, expand your horizons, and increase your self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is the belief that you can accomplish what you set out to do. It is a key factor in building confidence and self-esteem.
  • Surround yourself with positive people: A fifth way to boost your confidence and self-esteem is to surround yourself with positive people who inspire you, encourage you, support you, and collaborate with you. These can be friends, family members, colleagues, mentors, coaches, or other creative entrepreneurs who share your values, vision, or interests. Avoid negative people who drain your energy, undermine your confidence, or discourage your dreams.
  • Practice self-care: A sixth way to boost your confidence and self-esteem is to practice self-care on a regular basis. Self-care is the act of taking care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It includes activities such as eating well, sleeping well, exercising regularly, meditating daily, relaxing often, and having fun occasionally. Self-care helps you reduce stress, improve mood, enhance creativity, and boost productivity. It also shows that you value yourself and respect your needs.
  • Practice self-compassion: A seventh way to boost your confidence and self-esteem is to practice self-compassion on a daily basis. Self-compassion is the act of treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness when you face difficulties, failures, or shortcomings. It includes acknowledging your feelings, accepting your imperfections, and being gentle with yourself. Self-compassion helps you cope with challenges, overcome obstacles, and achieve goals. It also shows that you love yourself and respect your humanity.
  • Practice self-improvement: An eighth way to boost your confidence and self-esteem is to practice self-improvement on a continuous basis. Self-improvement is the act of seeking to learn, grow, and improve yourself in various aspects of your life. It includes reading books, taking courses, attending workshops, watching videos, listening to podcasts, or any other means of acquiring new knowledge or skills. Self-improvement helps you increase your competence, expand your potential, and enhance your performance. It also shows that you trust yourself and respect your aspirations.

Books to Boost Your Confidence and Self-esteem as a Creative Entrepreneur

If you want to learn more about how to boost your confidence and self-esteem as a creative entrepreneur, you can read some of the best books on the topic. Here are some of the books we recommend:

  • Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway: Dynamic techniques for turning Fear, Indecision and Anger into Power, Action and Love by Susan Jeffers: This is a classic book by the late Dr. Susan Jeffers that offers practical and effective advice for overcoming fear and building confidence. The book teaches you how to face your fears, change your mindset, take action, and live fully. It also provides exercises and examples to help you apply the techniques in your life. 1
  • Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts. by Brené Brown: This is a bestselling book by Dr. Brené Brown, a renowned researcher and speaker on courage, vulnerability, shame, and empathy. The book shows you how to lead with courage, compassion, and authenticity in your creative work and your business. It also provides tools and strategies to cultivate a culture of trust, feedback, and innovation in your team or organization. 2
  • The Imposter Cure: Escape the mind-trap of imposter syndrome by Dr. Jessamy Hibberd: This is a helpful book by Dr. Jessamy Hibberd, a clinical psychologist and author. The book helps you understand and overcome imposter syndrome, which is the feeling that you are not good enough or that you don’t deserve your success. The book explains the causes and effects of imposter syndrome, and provides exercises and tips to boost your confidence and self-esteem. 3
  • Step Up: Confidence, Success and Your Stellar Career in 10 Minutes a Day by Phanella Mayall Fine and Alice Olins: This is an inspiring book by Phanella Mayall Fine, an executive coach and lawyer, and Alice Olins, a journalist and entrepreneur. The book guides you through a 10-minute daily program to boost your confidence, career, and personal brand. The book covers topics such as goal setting, networking, communication, presentation, negotiation, leadership, and more. 4
  • The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are by Brené Brown: This is another popular book by Dr. Brené Brown that teaches you how to embrace your imperfections and live wholeheartedly. The book explores the concepts of courage, compassion, and connection, and how they can help you overcome shame, fear, and self-criticism. The book also provides 10 guideposts for cultivating a more authentic and fulfilling life. 5

Thank you for reading our article. We hope you found it useful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you.

If you want to learn more about how to boost your confidence and self-esteem as a creative entrepreneur, you can also check out some of the online courses and podcasts that we recommend:

  • Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All by IDEO U: This is an online course by IDEO U, a learning platform that teaches design thinking and innovation skills. The course helps you develop your creative confidence and unleash your creative potential. You will learn how to overcome fear, embrace failure, generate ideas, prototype solutions, and collaborate with others. [6]
  • The Creative Penn Podcast by Joanna Penn: This is a podcast by Joanna Penn, a bestselling author, speaker, and entrepreneur. The podcast covers topics such as writing, publishing, marketing, and creativity. You will learn how to write, publish, and market your books, as well as how to grow your creative business and mindset. [7]
  • The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes: This is a podcast by Lewis Howes, a former professional athlete, bestselling author, and entrepreneur. The podcast features interviews with some of the most successful and influential people in the world, such as Tony Robbins, Arianna Huffington, Tim Ferriss, and more. You will learn how to achieve greatness in your personal and professional life, as well as how to overcome challenges, build confidence, and live your dreams. [8]
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How to Achieve Work-Life Balance and Happiness v1.0

How to Achieve Work-Life Balance and Happiness

Learn How To Achieve Work-Life Balance And Happiness Today!

By Bing Chat and John Monyjok Maluth


Work-life balance is the state of equilibrium between the demands and responsibilities of one’s personal and professional life. It is often associated with positive outcomes such as well-being, satisfaction, productivity, and performance. However, achieving work-life balance can be challenging, especially in today’s fast-paced and competitive world. Therefore, it is important to adopt some strategies and practices that can help us find the right balance between our work and life goals and needs.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

In this article, we will discuss some of the ways to achieve work-life balance and happiness, based on recent research and reports.

Define your priorities and boundaries

One of the first steps to achieving work-life balance is to define your priorities and boundaries. You need to identify what is important and meaningful to you in both your personal and professional life, such as your values, goals, passions, relationships, health, and hobbies. You also need to set clear and realistic boundaries for yourself and others, such as your working hours, availability, communication preferences, and expectations. By doing so, you can allocate your time and energy more effectively and efficiently, and avoid overcommitting or underdelivering on your tasks and responsibilities.

Recommendation: To define your priorities and boundaries, you can use tools such as lists, calendars, planners, or apps to organize your tasks and activities according to their urgency and importance. You can also use tools such as timers, alarms, or notifications to remind yourself of your boundaries and limits. You can also communicate your priorities and boundaries to your manager, colleagues, family, and friends, so that they can respect and support them.

Make time for self-care and well-being

Another key step to achieving work-life balance is to make time for self-care and well-being. Self-care refers to the actions and activities that you do to take care of your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Well-being refers to the state of being happy, healthy, and fulfilled. Both self-care and well-being are essential for maintaining your energy, motivation, resilience, and happiness in the long run. Therefore, you need to make time for yourself regularly to do things that nourish your body, mind, soul, and heart.

Recommendation: To make time for self-care and well-being, you can use tools such as schedules, routines, habits, or rituals to incorporate them into your daily or weekly life. You can also use tools such as trackers, journals, or apps to monitor your progress and achievements. Some examples of self-care and well-being activities are:

  • Eating a balanced diet
  • Drinking enough water
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Exercising regularly
  • Meditating or practicing mindfulness
  • Reading or learning something new
  • Listening to music or podcasts
  • Watching a movie or show
  • Playing a game or sport
  • Spending time with nature or animals
  • Expressing gratitude or kindness
  • Seeking help or support when needed

Embrace flexibility and adaptability

A third step to achieving work-life balance is to embrace flexibility and adaptability. Flexibility refers to the ability to adjust or modify your plans, actions, or expectations according to changing situations or circumstances. Adaptability refers to the ability to cope with or respond to changes or challenges in a positive and constructive way. Both flexibility and adaptability are crucial for managing uncertainty, complexity, and diversity in today’s world. Therefore, you need to embrace them as opportunities for growth, learning, and innovation, rather than threats or obstacles.

Recommendation: To embrace flexibility and adaptability, you can use tools such as scenarios, contingencies, or alternatives to prepare for different possibilities or outcomes. You can also use tools such as feedback, evaluation, or reflection to learn from your experiences and improve your performance. Some examples of flexibility and adaptability practices are:

  • Trying new methods or approaches
  • Experimenting with different solutions or options
  • Seeking different perspectives or opinions
  • Collaborating with different people or teams
  • Exploring new opportunities or challenges
  • Taking calculated risks or leaps of faith
  • Celebrating successes or failures

Find meaning and purpose in your work

A fourth step to achieving work-life balance is to find meaning and purpose in your work. Meaning refers to the sense of significance or value that you derive from your work. Purpose refers to the sense of direction or contribution that you make through your work. Both meaning and purpose are important for enhancing your engagement, motivation, satisfaction, and happiness at work. Therefore, you need to find them in what you do, how you do it, and why you do it.

Recommendation: To find meaning and purpose in your work, you can use tools such as vision, mission, or values statements to articulate your goals, aspirations, or principles. You can also use tools such as stories, testimonials, or feedback to showcase your impact, results, or achievements. Some examples of finding meaning and purpose in your work are:

  • Aligning your work with your personal or professional interests
  • Developing your skills or competencies
  • Pursuing your passions or dreams
  • Solving problems or creating value
  • Helping others or making a difference
  • Contributing to a cause or a mission

Balance your work and life relationships

A fifth step to achieving work-life balance is to balance your work and life relationships. Relationships refer to the connections or interactions that you have with other people, such as your manager, colleagues, customers, family, friends, or community. Relationships are vital for providing you with support, feedback, guidance, inspiration, and joy. However, relationships can also be demanding, stressful, conflicting, or draining. Therefore, you need to balance your work and life relationships by nurturing the positive ones and managing the negative ones.

Recommendation: To balance your work and life relationships, you can use tools such as communication, negotiation, or collaboration to establish and maintain mutual understanding, respect, and trust. You can also use tools such as appreciation, recognition, or celebration to express and acknowledge gratitude, kindness, or achievements. Some examples of balancing your work and life relationships are:

  • Communicating clearly and effectively
  • Listening actively and empathetically
  • Resolving conflicts or disagreements
  • Giving or receiving feedback or advice
  • Sharing or delegating tasks or responsibilities
  • Supporting or mentoring others
  • Appreciating or recognizing others


Work-life balance is not a fixed or universal concept, but a dynamic and personal one. It depends on your individual preferences, circumstances, and goals. It also changes over time as your needs and priorities evolve. Therefore, achieving work-life balance requires constant awareness, adjustment, and improvement. By following the steps and tips discussed in this article, you can achieve a better work-life balance and happiness in both your personal and professional life.


1: Clark, S. C. (2000). Work/family border theory: A new theory of work/family balance. Human Relations, 53(6), 747–770.

2: Greenhaus, J. H., & Allen, T. D. (2011). Work-family balance: A review and extension of the literature. In J. C. Quick & L. E. Tetrick (Eds.), Handbook of occupational health psychology (2nd ed., pp. 165–183). American Psychological Association.

3: Virtanen M., Stansfeld S.A., Fuhrer R., Ferrie J.E., Kivimäki M. (2012). Overtime work as a predictor of major depressive episode: A 5-year follow-up of the Whitehall II Study. PLoS ONE 7(1): e30719.

4: Achor S., & Gielan M. (2016). Resilience is about how you recharge not how you endure. Harvard Business Review.

5: Grant A.M., & Schwartz B. (2011). Too much of a good thing: The challenge and opportunity of the inverted U. Perspectives on Psychological Science 6(1): 61–76.

6: Wrzesniewski A., LoBuglio N., Dutton J.E., Berg J.M. (2013). Job crafting and cultivating positive meaning and identity in work. In A.B Bakker (Ed.), Advances in Positive Organizational Psychology (pp. 281–302). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

7: Kahn W.A. (1990). Psychological conditions of personal engagement and disengagement at work. Academy of Management Journal 33(4): 692–724.

8: Ryff C.D., & Singer B.H. (2008). Know thyself and become what you are: A eudaimonic approach to psychological well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies 9(1): 13–39.

9: Fredrickson B.L., & Losada M.F. (2005). Positive affect and the complex dynamics of human flourishing. American Psychologist 60(7): 678–686.

10: Seligman M.E.P., Steen T.A., Park N., Peterson C. (2005). Positive psychology progress: Empirical validation of interventions. American Psychologist 60(5): 410–421.

11: Lyubomirsky S., King L.A., Diener E. (2005). The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success? Psychological Bulletin 131(6): 803–855.

12: Bakker A.B., Demerouti E. (2008). Towards a model of work engagement. Career Development International 13(3): 209–322

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How to Develop Your Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills v1.0

How to Develop Your Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills

Learn How To Develop Your Critical Thinking And Problem-Solving Skills Today!


Critical thinking and problem-solving are two essential skills that can help you succeed in any field or situation. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze information objectively and logically, without letting personal biases or emotions interfere. Problem-solving is the ability to find effective solutions to challenges or issues, using critical thinking and creativity.

What is critical thinking and problem-solving?

Critical thinking and problem-solving are two important skills that can help you deal with various challenges and situations. Here is a brief explanation of what they are and how they differ:

Critical thinking is the ability to question, analyze, and evaluate information and arguments in a logical and objective way. It involves using reasoning, evidence, and criteria to form judgments and make decisions. Critical thinking can help you improve your thinking process, learn new skills, and understand different perspectives.

Problem-solving is the ability to find effective solutions to problems or challenges. It involves using various techniques, such as brainstorming, research, experimentation, and analysis, to identify the causes and effects of a problem and devise a plan of action. Problem-solving can help you overcome obstacles, achieve goals, and create innovative outcomes.

Critical thinking and problem-solving are related but distinct skills. Critical thinking is a mode of thinking that can be applied to any situation or problem, while problem-solving is a set of strategies that are specifically used to find solutions. Critical thinking can help you improve your problem-solving skills by enhancing your reasoning and evaluation abilities. Problem-solving can help you apply your critical thinking skills to specific situations or challenges.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

Developing these skills can benefit you in many ways, such as:

  • Improving your decision-making and judgment
  • Enhancing your communication and collaboration
  • Boosting your creativity and innovation
  • Increasing your confidence and self-reliance
  • Advancing your career and personal growth

In this article, we will show you how to develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills in 2023. We will cover the following steps:

  • Expand your knowledge and skills
  • Practice critical thinking and problem-solving exercises
  • Seek feedback and advice from others
  • Use tools and resources to support your learning

Expand Your Knowledge and Skills

The first step to developing your critical thinking and problem-solving skills is to expand your knowledge and skills in your field or area of interest. The more you know, the more you can think critically and solve problems effectively.

To expand your knowledge and skills, you can take the following actions:

  • Take advanced courses in your field that require critical thinking and analysis, such as industry-specific or technical Masters programs1.
  • Read books, articles, blogs, podcasts, videos, etc. that provide relevant information, insights, perspectives, or arguments on topics that interest you2.
  • Attend workshops, seminars, webinars, conferences, etc. that offer opportunities to learn new skills, techniques, methods, or tools for critical thinking and problem-solving3.
  • Join online or offline communities, groups, forums, etc. that share your interests, passions, goals, or challenges, and engage in discussions, debates, or collaborations with other members4.

Practice Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Exercises

The second step to developing your critical thinking and problem-solving skills is to practice critical thinking and problem-solving exercises regularly. The more you practice, the more you can improve your skills and abilities.

To practice critical thinking and problem-solving exercises, you can take the following actions:

Play games that require critical thinking skills, such as analysis, inference, deduction, evaluation, etc., such as chess, sudoku, crosswords, riddles, etc.

  • Solve problems that require problem-solving skills, such as creativity, logic, strategy, etc., such as puzzles, brainteasers, case studies, scenarios, etc.
  • Challenge yourself to think critically and solve problems in different situations, such as work, school, home, etc., by asking questions, analyzing data, evaluating options, making decisions, etc.

Seek Feedback and Advice from Others

The third step to developing your critical thinking and problem-solving skills is to seek feedback and advice from others who have more experience or expertise in your field or area of interest. The more you learn from others, the more you can improve your skills and abilities.

To seek feedback and advice from others, you can take the following actions:

  • Find a mentor or coach who can guide you, support you, and challenge you to develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Join a peer group or network that can provide you with constructive feedback, suggestions, or recommendations on your critical thinking and problem-solving exercises.
  • Seek expert opinions or consultations from professionals or specialists who can offer you valuable insights, perspectives, or solutions on your critical thinking and problem-solving challenges.

Use Tools and Resources to Support Your Learning

The fourth step to developing your critical thinking and problem-solving skills is to use tools and resources that can support your learning and practice. The more you use tools and resources, the more you can enhance your skills and abilities.

To use tools and resources to support your learning, you can take the following actions:

  • Use online platforms or apps that can help you learn and practice critical thinking and problem-solving skills, such as [Coursera], [edX], [Udemy], [Khan Academy], [Lumosity], [Elevate], etc.
  • Use books or guides that can teach you the principles and techniques of critical thinking and problem-solving skills, such as [Critical Thinking: A Beginner’s Guide], [Think Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills], [The Art of Problem Solving], [How to Solve It: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method], etc.
  • Use tools or software that can help you organize, visualize, or communicate your critical thinking and problem-solving processes, such as [MindMeister], [Lucidchart], [Evernote], [Microsoft Office], etc.


Critical thinking and problem-solving are two essential skills that can help you succeed in any field or situation. By following the steps and tips discussed in this article, you can develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills in 2023.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to develop your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and family who are interested in developing their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the bell icon to get notified when we upload new videos. Thank you for watching and reading!

This article was co-authored by Bing Chatbot and John Monyjok Maluth, who are both passionate about writing and learning. You can find more information about them and their work on their websites [30] and [31].
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How to Overcome Procrastination and Boost Your Productivity v1.0

How to Overcome Procrastination and Boost Your Productivity

Learn How To Overcome Procrastination And Boost Your Productivity Today!


Procrastination is a common problem that affects many people, especially in the modern world where there are so many distractions and temptations. Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks that require immediate attention, often for no good reason. Procrastination can have negative consequences on both personal and professional fronts, such as missing deadlines, wasting time, losing opportunities, feeling guilty, and lowering self-esteem.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

However, procrastination is not a permanent condition. It is possible to overcome procrastination and boost your productivity by applying some effective strategies and techniques. In this article, we will share with you six strategies to beat procrastination and increase your productivity in 2023. These strategies are:

  • Break down big tasks into smaller ones
  • Take advantage of activation energy
  • Set cues and reminders
  • Reward yourself
  • Enlist others
  • Honor your mood and energy levels

Break Down Big Tasks into Smaller Ones

One of the main causes of procrastination is feeling overwhelmed by the complexity or difficulty of a task. When you face a big or challenging task, you may feel intimidated, anxious, or bored, and avoid starting or completing it. To overcome this obstacle, you need to break down the big task into smaller and more manageable ones.

Breaking down big tasks into smaller ones will help you:

  • Reduce the mental load and stress associated with the task
  • Increase your confidence and motivation to tackle the task
  • Focus on one step at a time and avoid distractions
  • Track your progress and celebrate your achievements

To break down big tasks into smaller ones, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Identify the main goal or outcome of the task. What do you want to achieve or accomplish by completing the task?
  2. Divide the task into subtasks or milestones. What are the main components or stages of the task? How can you split them into smaller and simpler parts?
  3. Assign a deadline and priority to each subtask or milestone. When do you need to finish each part? How important or urgent is each part?
  4. Start with the easiest or most enjoyable subtask or milestone. Which part of the task do you feel most comfortable or excited about? How can you use it as a momentum to continue with the rest of the task?

Take Advantage of Activation Energy

Another cause of procrastination is lack of motivation or interest in a task. When you don’t feel like doing something, you may find excuses to postpone it or do something else instead. To overcome this hurdle, you need to take advantage of activation energy.

Activation energy is the amount of energy or effort required to initiate a task. It is usually higher at the beginning of a task than at any other point. Once you start a task, it becomes easier to continue with it, as you get into a flow state and experience positive feedback.

Taking advantage of activation energy will help you:

  • Overcome inertia and resistance to start a task
  • Build momentum and enthusiasm to continue with a task
  • Achieve a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment from completing a task

To take advantage of activation energy, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Set a specific time and place to start the task. When and where will you begin the task? How can you make it convenient and accessible for yourself?
  2. Eliminate any distractions or obstacles that may prevent you from starting the task. What are the things that may distract you or tempt you to do something else? How can you remove them from your environment or avoid them altogether?
  3. Commit to doing the task for a short period of time. How long will you work on the task before taking a break? How can you make it realistic and achievable for yourself?
  4. Just do it. Don’t think too much about the task or its outcome. Just focus on taking action and getting started.

Set Cues and Reminders

Another cause of procrastination is forgetting or ignoring a task. When you have too many things on your mind or plate, you may lose track of what you need to do or when you need to do it. To overcome this problem, you need to set cues and reminders for yourself.

Cues and reminders are signals or prompts that remind you of a task or trigger an action. They can be visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or gustatory. They can help you remember your goals, priorities, deadlines, etc.

Setting cues and reminders will help you:

  • Stay focused and organized on your tasks
  • Avoid missing or overlooking important details or information
  • Create habits and routines that support your productivity

To set cues and reminders for yourself, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose a cue or reminder that is relevant and meaningful for your task. What is something that is related to your task or its purpose? How can it catch your attention or stimulate your senses?
  2. Place the cue or reminder in a strategic location or time. Where or when will you see, hear, feel, smell, or taste the cue or reminder? How can it be noticeable and accessible for you?
  3. Associate the cue or reminder with a specific action or behavior. What do you want to do or avoid doing when you encounter the cue or reminder? How can it motivate you or discourage you from procrastinating?

Reward Yourself

Another cause of procrastination is lack of reward or recognition for a task. When you don’t see the value or benefit of doing something, you may not feel motivated or inspired to do it. To overcome this barrier, you need to reward yourself for your efforts and achievements.

Rewards are incentives or reinforcements that increase the likelihood of repeating a behavior. They can be intrinsic or extrinsic, tangible or intangible, immediate or delayed. They can help you appreciate your work, boost your morale, and enhance your performance.

Rewarding yourself will help you:

  • Reinforce positive behaviors and outcomes
  • Increase your self-esteem and confidence
  • Maintain your interest and engagement in your tasks

To reward yourself, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose a reward that is appropriate and proportional for your task. What is something that you enjoy or value that can serve as a reward for your task? How can it match the difficulty or duration of your task?
  2. Set a criterion or condition for earning the reward. What do you need to do or achieve to deserve the reward? How can it be specific and measurable for yourself?
  3. Give yourself the reward as soon as possible after completing the task. When will you receive or enjoy the reward? How can it be timely and consistent for yourself?

Enlist Others

Another cause of procrastination is lack of support or accountability for a task. When you work alone or in isolation, you may feel lonely, bored, or discouraged, and avoid doing your work. To overcome this challenge, you need to enlist others to help you with your tasks.

Enlisting others is the act of involving other people in your tasks, either as collaborators, mentors, coaches, partners, friends, family, etc. They can provide you with guidance, feedback, encouragement, assistance, etc.

Enlisting others will help you:

  • Share your goals and plans with others
  • Seek advice and suggestions from others
  • Receive praise and recognition from others
  • Learn from the experiences and perspectives of others
  • Collaborate and cooperate with others

To enlist others, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose someone who is trustworthy and supportive for your task. Who is someone who can help you with your task or who has done something similar before? How can they be reliable and helpful for you?
  2. Communicate your expectations and needs to them clearly and respectfully. What do you want them to do or not do for you? How can they be honest and constructive for you?
  3. Appreciate their contribution and reciprocate their kindness. How will you thank them or reward them for their help? How can you also help them with their tasks?

Honor Your Mood and Energy Levels

Another cause of procrastination is mismatching your mood and energy levels with your tasks. When you don’t feel like doing something that requires a lot of mental or physical effort, you may delay it or avoid it altogether. To overcome this obstacle, you need to honor your mood and energy levels.

Honoring your mood and energy levels is the act of acknowledging and respecting how you feel and what you can do at any given moment. It involves being aware of your emotions and physical state, and adjusting your tasks accordingly.

Honoring your mood and energy levels will help you:

  • Align your tasks with your optimal times and conditions
  • Avoid burnout and fatigue from overworking
  • Balance work and rest in a healthy way

To honor your mood and energy levels, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Monitor your mood and energy levels throughout the day. How do you feel emotionally and physically at different times of the day? How does it affect your productivity and performance?
  2. Schedule your tasks according to your mood and energy levels. What are the tasks that require more or less mental or physical effort? When are the best times to do them based on your mood and energy levels?
  3. Take breaks and recharge yourself when needed. What are the signs that indicate that you need a break or a change of pace? What are the activities that can help you relax or energize yourself?


Procrastination is a common but solvable problem that can affect anyone at any time. By applying the six strategies discussed in this article, you can overcome procrastination and boost your productivity in 2023.

We hope this article has helped you learn how to overcome procrastination and boost your productivity.

If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and family who are interested in overcoming procrastination and boosting their productivity. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the bell icon to get notified when we upload new videos. Thank you for watching and reading!

This article was co-authored by Bing Chatbox and John Monyjok Maluth, who are both passionate about writing and productivity. You can find more information about them and their work on their websites [30] and [31].


  1. Procrastination. (2023). In dictionary.
  2. Bailey, B. (2014). The procrastination equation: How to stop putting things off and start getting stuff done. HarperCollins Publishers.
  3. Sirois, F., & Pychyl, T. (2013). Procrastination and the priority of short-term mood regulation: Consequences for future self. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 7(2), 115-127.
  4. Steel, P. (2007). The nature of procrastination: A meta-analytic and theoretical review of quintessential self-regulatory failure. Psychological Bulletin, 133(1), 65-94.
  5. Tuckman, B. W., & Sexton, T. L. (1989). The relation between self-beliefs and self-regulated performance. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 4(4), 327-337.
  6. Vohs, K. D., Baumeister, R. F., Schmeichel, B. J., Twenge, J. M., Nelson, N. M., & Tice, D. M. (2008). Making choices impairs subsequent self-control: A limited-resource account of decision making, self-regulation, and active initiative. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 94(5), 883-898.
  7. Ziesat, H. A., Rosenthal, T. L., & White, G. M. (1978). Behavioral self-control in eliminating chronic procrastination in studying behavior. Behavior Therapy, 9(5), 656-664.
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How to Achieve Your Personal and Professional Goals v1.0

How to Achieve Your Personal and Professional Goals

Learn How To Achieve Your Personal And Professional Goals Today!


Personal and professional goals are the objectives that you set for yourself in different areas of your life, such as career, education, health, relationships, etc. Achieving your goals can help you improve your performance, satisfaction, and well-being. However, setting and pursuing goals can also be challenging and require a lot of effort and commitment. In this article, we will share some tips and techniques on how to achieve your personal and professional goals.

Define Your Goals

The first step to achieving your goals is to define them clearly and specifically. You need to know what you want to accomplish and why it is important to you. You also need to make sure that your goals are realistic, attainable, and relevant to your situation and aspirations.

One way to define your goals is to use the SMART framework, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. SMART goals are clear, concrete, and trackable objectives that help you focus on what you want to achieve and how you will achieve it. For example, instead of saying “I want to lose weight”, you can say “I want to lose 10 pounds in 3 months by following a healthy diet and exercising 3 times a week”.

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Another way to define your goals is to use the WOOP framework, which stands for Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, and Plan. WOOP goals are motivational, emotional, and action-oriented objectives that help you overcome challenges and obstacles that may prevent you from achieving your goals. For example, instead of saying “I want to get a promotion”, you can say “I wish to get a promotion because it will make me feel more confident and respected. The best outcome would be that I get a raise and more responsibilities. The main obstacle is that I lack some skills and experience that are required for the position. My plan is to take an online course and ask for feedback from my manager”.

By defining your goals using SMART or WOOP frameworks, you can create a clear and compelling vision for what you want to achieve.

Break Down Your Goals

The second step to achieving your goals is to break them down into smaller and more manageable steps. You need to divide your big and long-term goals into sub-goals or milestones that are easier to accomplish and track. You also need to prioritize your steps according to their importance, urgency, and difficulty.

One way to break down your goals is to use the backward design method, which involves starting from the end result and working backward to identify the steps that lead to it. For example, if your goal is to write a children’s book, you can start from the final step of publishing your book and work backward to the first step of choosing your audience and genre.

Another way to break down your goals is to use the action plan method, which involves starting from the current situation and working forward to identify the steps that move you closer to your goal. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, you can start from the first step of assessing your fitness level and work forward to the final step of completing the race.

By breaking down your goals using backward design or action plan methods, you can create a realistic and achievable roadmap for how you will achieve them.

Track Your Progress

The third step to achieving your goals is to track your progress regularly and consistently. You need to measure how well you are doing in relation to your goals and evaluate if you are on track or need to make adjustments. You also need to celebrate your achievements and reward yourself for your efforts.

One way to track your progress is to use a goal tracker tool, such as an app, a spreadsheet, or a journal. A goal tracker tool can help you record, monitor, and visualize your progress towards your goals. It can also help you set reminders, notifications, or alerts to keep you motivated and focused. Some examples of goal tracker tools are Goal Tracker & Habit List1, Strides2, or Habitica3.

Another way to track your progress is to use a feedback system, such as a mentor, a coach, or a peer group. A feedback system can help you get constructive criticism, advice, or support from others who have experience or interest in your goals. It can also help you learn from their successes or failures, as well as share your own. Some examples of feedback systems are BetterUp,, or Mastermind.

By tracking your progress using a goal tracker tool or a feedback system, you can create a positive and productive feedback loop that helps you achieve your goals.

Review Your Goals

The fourth and final step to achieving your goals is to review them periodically and reflectively. You need to assess if your goals are still relevant, meaningful, and aligned with your values and vision. You also need to recognize your challenges, opportunities, and learnings along the way.

One way to review your goals is to use the SWOT analysis method, which involves identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to your goals. A SWOT analysis can help you understand your internal and external factors that affect your goal achievement. It can also help you identify areas of improvement, potential solutions, or new directions. Some examples of SWOT analysis tools are MindTools, Canva, or SWOT Analysis Generator.

Another way to review your goals is to use the journaling method, which involves writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to your goals. Journaling can help you express yourself, clarify your thinking, and gain insights into your goal achievement. It can also help you cope with stress, embrace gratitude, and cultivate mindfulness. Some examples of journaling tools are Penzu, Day One, or Reflectly.

By reviewing your goals using SWOT analysis or journaling methods, you can create a reflective and adaptive mindset that helps you achieve your goals.


Achieving your personal and professional goals can help you improve your performance, satisfaction, and well-being. By following these four steps,

  • Define your goals
  • Break down your goals
  • Track your progress
  • Review your goals

You can achieve your goals with more clarity, confidence, and consistency.

This article was co-written by Bing Chatbox and John Monyjok Maluth using information from various sources. The references used are listed below:

[1] Goal Tracker & Habit List

[2] Strides

[3] Habitica

[4] BetterUp


[6] Mastermind

[7] MindTools

[8] Canva

[9] SWOT Analysis Generator

[10] Penzu

[11] Day One

[12] Reflectly