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Thanksgiving for Revelation: Without It, We Can’t Know Ourselves

Thanksgiving for Revelation

Thanksgiving for Revelation Is Your #3 Thanksgiving Reason

Thanksgiving for Revelation is an article designed to teach us the meaning of gratitude for revelation knowledge, the methods of expressing thankfulness, the reasons behind our gratitude, and the significance of acknowledging God’s revelation knowledge.


Giving thanks to God for revealed knowledge signifies gratitude for enlightenment that is not self-discovered but divinely imparted directly from the Creator to us, His creatures. There are two principal types of revelation: general and special.

General revelation is knowledge gleaned from creation itself, while special revelation is knowledge granted through specific disclosures to those who came before us, sharing their encounters with the Creator. Such revelations have occurred across various locations on Earth in numerous forms. This indicates that the concept of God was not foreign to us here in Africa; our ancestors had their unique understanding of God long before.

In expressing gratitude for God’s revelatory acts, we recognize that our knowledge of Him comes not from our own exploratory efforts but through His self-revelation. Although God’s existence is evident within His creation, it is only through His self-disclosure that we come to truly know Him.

Without revelation knowledge, we cannot truly understand God or ourselves. Life without this knowledge seems random. However, with it, we possess the power to comprehend not just the creation of the world, but also its purpose: to know the Creator and to deepen that acquaintance (Acts 17:24-28). A closer relationship with God enhances our self-awareness and our understanding of others.

Life’s complexity suggests it didn’t arise by chance. The intricacies of DNA, the human brain, and the eye point to a Designer, God.

We are grateful for this revelation knowledge. Jesus Christ acknowledged it when He praised God for concealing such knowledge from the wise and revealing it to the innocent, like children (Matthew 11:25). This is because our human discoveries in natural sciences often resemble educated guesses. Gratitude to God is an acknowledgment of His revelatory works.


We express our gratitude in various ways unique to our personalities. I am thankful to God for imparting such knowledge, using words to express gratitude for the insight that life is purposefully designed, not left to chance, allowing us to act responsibly rather than whimsically. Indeed, those well-versed in natural sciences or engaged in scientific research cannot deny the existence of God.

We also offer thanks to God through singing songs and hymns that celebrate His revelatory work to us, humans. Our gratitude is further demonstrated through actions that reflect our appreciation for His revelations.

Our thoughts, words, and actions reveal our joy and gratitude for the knowledge God has revealed to us. We give thanks because many do not view the world through this lens. It also reminds us not to disdain those without this knowledge, as it is not born of our intellect or wisdom. Thus, we have no grounds for pride in our awareness, comprehension, or intelligence.

If God has revealed to us His nature, our own essence, the identity of others, and the character of His creation, it necessitates an acknowledgment of Him. He unveiled these truths so we might return to Him with gratitude. We did not solicit God’s self-revelation; it was His voluntary act. Thus, our interactions with God, ourselves, other humans, and the entirety of His creation represent the most fitting expression of gratitude. He created us to offer thanks and praise.

As previously mentioned, our gratitude can manifest in various forms, unique to each individual. We may express it through words of praise and thanksgiving, through song, or through deeds that demonstrate our appreciation for His revelatory works. Without this revelation, we would lack a true understanding of our identity. Knowledge of ourselves and others is crucial for living a purposeful life.

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As previously stated, we express gratitude to God for His revelatory work, for without it, we would not comprehend God, ourselves, other humans, or creatures as intended. By ‘as intended,’ I mean that we are created beings, not products of evolution as hypothesized by science.

Our radioactive measurements are creations of humanity; thus, they are akin to educated guesses. Since our human knowledge is essentially our best estimate, the knowledge revealed by God represents the most accurate reality we can attain about our world and ourselves. This is the foremost reason we continue to thank God for His revelation.

There are numerous discoveries beyond our reach, and likely always will be, leading us to depend on revelation over our understanding. This does not imply that scientific methods are incapable of discovery; rather, they are inherently limited to natural and physical processes, excluding the spiritual realm. The spiritual domain appears too elusive for us to detect, measure, or analyze. Hence, we are grateful for God’s revelatory work.

While religion may seem a construct of our own devising, God Himself is not merely a concept or human invention. God is the Creator, the Architect of the universe and all within it. My belief in the Bible is grounded in more than ten reasons detailed in this article. Among these is the fact that the Bible foretold diseases like the coronavirus millennia before their emergence. If the book were purely a human creation, how could its prophecies and predictions manifest so accurately in our world?


Being grateful for God’s revelation is crucial because discovering Him independently is beyond our reach. Our understanding of ourselves and the universe is inherently limited to what we can observe and study. The world encompasses more than just the physical; it includes aspects that only spiritual revelation can affirm. Such a notion remains speculative to our human intellect. We must depend on the revelatory knowledge from the entity who claims to have created the world, rather than our own conjectures.

The Bible’s historical and prophetic accuracy lends credibility to it as a source of revealed knowledge, distinct from the discovered knowledge of natural sciences. Evidence of a global flood, as described in Noah’s time, is found worldwide. Fossils and geological strata indicate that the flood was not merely local or regional, but global, aligning with scientific findings. This underscores the significance of believing in the divine creation of the world.

Macroevolution is considered a theory because it cannot be directly observed in the real world, whereas microevolution is a documented reality. For instance, humans exhibit a variety of colors, shapes, and features, yet all are recognized as human. Geographical and climatic variations contribute to the diversity within the human species. However, a direct transition from one species to another has not been observed.

In the villages of South Sudan, the concept of macroevolution remains theoretical. Local beliefs, such as weaverbirds transforming into rats, or frogs evolving into mudfish, are part of folklore rather than scientific fact. These narratives persist, though they are not supported by empirical evidence. Further discussion on this topic will be reserved for a future article.


We are grateful to God for His revelatory knowledge, a supernatural awareness. We do not discover God; rather, He has revealed Himself to us in various ways and continues to do so for future generations uniquely. We must acknowledge that our human understanding of the world, God, and ourselves is merely speculative.

How can we discover ourselves if our knowledge is speculative? We do so by examining who we are already—our past thoughts, words, and actions—to gain insight into our true selves, not who we aspire to be.

This article focuses on understanding ourselves as God knows us. His knowledge is superior because He created each of us with a purpose. Through revelatory knowledge, we understand God as He truly is, ourselves as God knows us, others and creatures as God perceives them, and the universe as God understands it. This knowledge transcends physical or scientific understanding; it is spiritual, not religious.

I hope the article Thanksgiving for Revelation has been beneficial to you. I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Your supportive words, even if they include disagreement with my views, are greatly appreciated and will assist me in improving my writing. Additionally, I pray for your well-being during and beyond the global pandemic. Peace be with you.


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Thanksgiving for Provision: Without It, We Can’t Be Thankful

Thanksgiving for Provision

Thanksgiving for Provision Is Your #2 Thanksgiving Reason

Thanksgiving for Provision is an article designed to enlighten us on the significance of gratitude for provision, the methods of expressing thankfulness, the reasons behind our gratitude, and the importance of acknowledging God’s provision in life and all it encompasses. It delves into the second most significant rationale for giving thanks.


Being thankful to God encompasses gratitude for all that we possess in this earthly life: our existence and everything within it. It’s fair to say that all we have is a gift from God, and often, we may not even merit it. Life is the primary gift, for without it, our presence here would not be possible, would it? None of us petitioned God for life; we were simply born into it. Even our parents could not foresee what kind of individuals we would become.

Provisions can be classified as people, places, objects, and events. The past brims with elements for which to be grateful. The individuals we’ve encountered, the sights we’ve beheld, the events we’ve experienced, and the locales we’ve explored all serve as reasons for gratitude, for they enrich our understanding. Our past teaches us about ourselves. I am, and will always be, thankful to God for my past, both the joys and the sorrows, for they have imparted valuable lessons.

Life, with all its facets, is a blessing from God, hence the title of this article. Within the grand blessing of life lie numerous other blessings. This is the essence of gratitude for God’s provisions. We show our thanks to God, and to His creations, for they possess an innate sense to recognize our gratitude. In turn, creation rewards us for our thankfulness.

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We can express gratitude to God for the gift of life and all it encompasses in many distinct ways. My method of giving thanks may not suit everyone. You are unique and special, which means you have your own ways of expressing gratitude to God and appreciating His creation. Commonly, gratitude is shown through words and actions. We can vocalize our thanks or demonstrate it through our deeds.

Singing praises for the life and blessings provided by God is a wonderful way to express gratitude. We can also verbally give thanks to God and acknowledge our appreciation for the blessings in our lives. Writing down our gratitude on paper or in a journal is another option. With today’s technology, it’s easier to use our fingers to type words of thanks and share them with others.

Expressing gratitude to God for the gift of life and all it encompasses is a profound way to demonstrate our thankfulness. Throughout history, humans across various cultures have attempted to do so by creating images and objects for worship. Paul observed this as humanity’s effort to seek God and express gratitude, albeit misdirected. This is because God is not a tangible object; He is a spirit, the Father of all spirits, and thus, we must worship Him in truth and spirit.

While we may appreciate creation, we do not worship the created beings but the Creator Himself, who fashioned them as well as us. Our thanks to God for His provisions should be directed not at the gifts, but at the Giver. Although we can be grateful for people, places, events, or things, our gratitude ultimately points to God, who reigns supreme. It is not others who orchestrate the events in our lives, but God; therefore, our thanks are always to God, the orchestrator of all events. He is the perpetual focus of our gratitude.


Expressing gratitude for life and its many gifts is a reflection of our relationship with God. We express this gratitude to acknowledge His blessings and to demonstrate our recognition of His role in all things. Our unworthiness of these gifts only deepens our appreciation. In giving thanks, we not only honor God but also experience a profound connection that benefits us.

Yet, our thankfulness is not an attempt to curry favor with God; it is an innate part of who we are. This is why instructing others in gratitude is not our place; ultimately, each person must come to their own understanding. We are imbued with this disposition from birth, not something learned through education or imitation. While our innate qualities can be refined, it underscores that gratitude is inherent within us.

Attempting to appease or please God with our thanksgiving is not the essence of true religion. This is what I refer to as religiosity, which stands in contrast to spirituality. Although God certainly appreciates our gratitude for His blessings, that is not the primary reason for our thankfulness. We are grateful because of His actions towards us and on our behalf. Without life and all it encompasses, we would not be here to express our gratitude.

We give thanks because it is inherent in our nature, yet we can also enhance this trait by engaging with readings such as this. My hope and prayer are that this article will awaken the spirit of gratitude within you, leading you to smile and feel joy when you think of your parents, guardians, siblings, relatives, friends, and colleagues. There are countless reasons to be grateful. While I cannot list them all in this brief article, I trust it has inspired you to contemplate more deeply on the subject.


If thankfulness soothes and refreshes our souls, it becomes one of life’s most important aspects. Being thankful has a profoundly positive effect on us as individuals. It provides hope and faith, even in harsh and difficult times, making it crucial to practice gratitude whenever possible.

However, life’s realities can make constant thankfulness challenging. Events that cause sadness or depression, such as the loss of loved ones to illness, disaster, or other tragedies, can dampen the spirit of gratitude. In such moments, one may question the presence or benevolence of a higher power.

Human logic might argue that if a divine being exists, such suffering indicates either indifference or impotence. Having endured much, I understand this perspective. While the West may be facing significant hardship for the first time in the 21st century, Africa has long been acquainted with severe trials.

Yet, if I can find reasons to be grateful amidst suffering, then pain should not extinguish gratitude. It’s a natural response to be thankful or not. Many, even in my region, harbor bitterness and resentment due to past afflictions. Instead of gratitude for surviving the ordeals, they succumb to depression and worry. But worry offers no solace; it signifies utter defeat and despair. True strength is born from hope, which depends on its focus. That’s why choosing thankfulness is essential.


You’ve now read my thoughts on giving thanks for life’s provisions. Life itself is a provision that encompasses many others. Without life, we wouldn’t be here, nor could we express gratitude. We give thanks for the people, events, places, and objects that have shaped our past. Our gratitude extends to God and the elements He has introduced into our lives. This sense of thankfulness is innate, yet it can also be cultivated.

I trust that the article ‘Thanksgiving for Provision’ has been beneficial to you. I invite you to share your thoughts about it in the comments section below; your feedback is greatly valued. My prayers are with you and your loved ones for protection and safety during and beyond the global pandemic. These are my heartfelt wishes for you and everyone in your life. Peace be with you.


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Thanksgiving for Creation: Without It, We Can’t Be Here

Thanksgiving for Creation

Thanksgiving for Creation Is Your #1 Thanksgiving Reason

1st November 2021

Thanksgiving for Creation is an article designed to educate on the significance of gratitude for creation. It delves into the meaning of giving thanks, the methods of expressing gratitude, the reasons behind it, and its importance. The piece also examines the fundamental reason for thankfulness, emphasizing the value of doing so on a personal and individual level.


Expressing gratitude to God for the act of creation encompasses both the spiritual and physical realms. Creation is at once visible and invisible, knowable and unknowable, depending on our perspective. To be thankful for God’s creative work also means to cherish the creation itself.

We hold in high regard what God has crafted. Our love and appreciation extend to the natural world that surrounds us. This passion for plants, insects, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, animals, and humans is often innate, a supernatural form of love that transcends human or natural affection. Human love tends to be conditional, based on reasons that are often self-serving or reciprocal.

In contrast, God’s love is unconditional—agape. It is this divine love that enables us to care for animals and objects, not because of any benefit they provide, but because they hold intrinsic value to us. We love them with the love of God within us, recognizing them as fellow creations, and through our love for the Creator, we extend our love and appreciation to them.

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We express gratitude for the world around us in various ways, such as through song. We can sing silently within ourselves or aloud. We may sing solo or together as a choir. Speaking words of love and praise for God’s creations is another form of thanksgiving, demonstrating our appreciation to the world.

Composing these words and melodies is yet another beautiful method to convey our gratitude and affection for creation. The way we treat other forms of life also reflects our care and love for them.

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It’s concerning that many people throw stones at dogs and cats they find resting, which certainly isn’t an act of care or love. This behavior suggests a lack of divine love in some individuals. Those who display animosity towards animals may also harbor ill will towards their fellow humans, revealing a malevolent nature.

Our appreciation for creation can be demonstrated through our care for plants and other living beings. The sense of peace and harmony we experience while walking in forests or bushlands reflects our love for nature. Enjoying and sharing the beauty of the natural world is an expression of this love.


We express gratitude to God for His act of creation and show appreciation for it. Our love for creation stems from being a part of it; without it, we wouldn’t exist. Creation serves as the initial means to understand God, a process known as general revelation. Through it, God may choose to reveal Himself to humanity, as He did to me around 1987/88.

We thank creation as a demonstration of our care, reflecting a virtuous character trait. While not everyone shares or acts on this sentiment, those who are compassionate will resonate with these words. This innate quality is present in us from birth, regardless of religious beliefs. Just as God delights in observing His creations, so do we find joy.

I hold the belief that God manifests Himself to every living being in unique ways. He has revealed Himself across all human cultures, each experiencing a different aspect of His revelation. Even the most marginalized African religions contain elements of God’s revelation, extending beyond the confines of organized religion. My Christian perspective is merely one facet, for God is omnipresent and universal. However, this notion is often considered heretical by humans, as many are taught that their religion is the sole truth and the only path to knowing God.

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Expressing gratitude to God and His creations indicates that we are His affectionate beings, embodying His essence of unconditional love. This trait is not learned; it is innate, bestowed by God Himself.

For those who possess this quality, it is crucial, for it means we will always be grateful to all creatures: humans, animals, birds, fish, insects, plants, and everything that exists.

Every entity, living or inanimate, comprehends this universal language of love, which is divine. When you gaze into a cat’s eyes, it attempts to decipher your language of love, not the confines of human speech.

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The language of love is the love of God. This is why when a man loves a woman, it doesn’t matter if they speak the same language; they will express their love regardless. Being grateful for creation benefits us, as it fosters love that helps reduce or prevent stress and depression, enhancing our well-being.

However, I acknowledge that when we are in physical pain or hunger, we cannot fully appreciate nature. Yet, in admiring creation, we find energy that instills hope and faith for better times ahead.

I believe God delights in our gratitude for His creations, as it is akin to us proclaiming, “You have done it!” and appreciation is universally cherished. God blesses those who are thankful for His creative works. Indeed, creation is magnificent and glorious, and our perception shapes our appreciation. Even scorpions have their beauty, and mosquitoes, despite their reputation, are but tiny, innocent beings.


In conclusion, the article has explored the meaning of gratitude for creation, ways to express it, reasons for its importance, and its significance. While it’s impossible to cover every aspect of gratitude in a brief article, one key takeaway is our unique nature. Some of us are innately attuned to nature, suggesting that self-discovery is crucial before attempting to adopt an unnatural persona. This article is not meant to be judgmental; it simply acknowledges that many of us have an inherent love for the natural world.

For those who share this love of nature, this article likely resonated with you. If not, I’m eager to understand your perspective. What are your reasons for not feeling a need to be thankful for creation? Is it due to life’s challenges, unfriendly creatures, or the notion that caring for non-human entities is foolish?

Your feedback on this article is invaluable. By sharing your thoughts in the comments section, you assist in enhancing future articles. Your insights are greatly appreciated. With heartfelt affection, I hope for our safety during the ongoing global pandemic and the challenging times that may follow, as these are believed to be signs of the end times according to the Bible. Blessings and peace to you!


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Helping Others Discover Who They Are

Helping Others Discover Who They Are

Helping Others Discover Who They Are Is Showing Love in a Bleeding World

Helping Others Discover Who They Are is an article designed to guide you in understanding the significance of assisting others, methods to offer help, reasons why it’s necessary to help, and the vital role it plays in aiding individuals to find their own identity. Such assistance is a timeless contribution to humanity.


Assisting others in discovering who they are and guiding them towards their careers involves dedicating our time and ourselves to those eager to learn from us, just as we learn from them. This creates a mutually beneficial situation where both parties gain from shared experiences. In teaching, we also gain substantial knowledge.

Life may seem futile and devoid of meaning to those who have not yet realized their true selves. However, life becomes valuable and significant once we understand and accept ourselves as we are. Those who have read my other article on sharing life’s definite purpose will understand why I firmly know—not just believe—that life is meaningful. I live this meaningful life daily since my journey of self-discovery began.

Understanding the importance of helping others identify their true selves and career paths is crucial. It’s beneficial to know how to assist others in this discovery and to comprehend why it’s essential to do so. Indeed, as we will explore, investing your time in helping others, particularly those open to learning, is far from being a waste.

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How can you assist others in understanding their identity and guide them towards career discovery? There are countless methods to achieve this, as I firmly believe that everyone is a teacher in their own right.

As I’ve discussed in my previous articles, our lives are powerful teaching tools that enable us to impart our knowledge to others simply by the way we live and act naturally. This implies that formal training as a teacher is not a prerequisite for sharing your life’s purpose with others.

I would like to quote this saying again:

You don’t have to tell me what you believe in. Let’s stay together for three months, and I will tell you.


Here’s an insightful quote on beliefs and personalities: “You don’t need to tell me what you believe in. Spend three months with me, and I will tell you.” I concur that a person can discern everything about you if you spend such an extended period with them. This suggests that our lives reflect our souls, minds, spirits, and hearts. One only needs to observe us, and over time, they will understand our beliefs.

We might profess our belief in something, but if our lives don’t reflect that belief, then we truly don’t hold it. This aligns with what James meant when he discussed faith and deeds. However, James isn’t suggesting that deeds come before faith. Instead, he’s stating that deeds are the manifestations and evidence of faith.

Deeds are the blossoms or fruits of faith, visible, tangible, aromatic, audible, and palatable to the world. Our actions will reveal our character to others. Here, ‘the world’ refers to the external environment, not our internal realm. It pertains to the people around us. I’ve authored a series of poems called ‘The World Within,’ which delves into our inner perceptions of the world we inhabit and offers insights into our own lives. You’re invited to explore it.

Our thoughts transfer from our minds to others’, serving as a medium to share our ideas. This form of connection, termed ‘the mastermind,’ facilitates mutual learning as the universe binds us in enigmatic ways. However, this mystery unravels for me through the Bible’s explanation that Christ sustains the universe, not merely the ether.

Our words carry weight, offering a means to impart self-awareness to others. When we speak, others should sense love and tranquility, for our words are intended to disseminate these virtues. The significance of our words lies in their power to either harm or heal.

Words are our most effective tool in aiding others to discover their identities and careers, thereby enhancing their lives and instilling a purpose. As previously mentioned, our actions ultimately define the means by which we assist others in understanding their true selves. This concept needs no repetition, as it has been thoroughly explored earlier.


We show love to the world by dedicating our time and selves to sharing knowledge and experiences, aiding others in understanding themselves better. This is our timeless gift to humanity and the very purpose of our existence. We live to learn, teach, and serve. Even if you don’t formally educate in classrooms, places of worship, or online, your life is a reflection observed by others, offering lessons through your actions.

Indeed, your life is significant. This underscores the importance of self-discovery, to understand who we are beyond life’s challenges and societal perceptions. Society often judges based on outward appearances, leading to a superficial and incomplete understanding of our true selves. We are more than what we appear to be; we are ever-evolving beings. Ultimately, no one can understand us better than we understand ourselves.

There are various methods to assist others in discovering their identity. By reflecting on this, you may devise highly individualized strategies that are personally effective. My approach might seem too broad and ineffective for you, as it depends on your circumstances. That’s why I concentrate on thoughts, words, and deeds; these are broad categories that can be subdivided into smaller, more manageable segments tailored to individual needs.

In South Sudan, our diverse tribes have distinct worldviews. Our perspectives are shaped by both nature and nurture. Our upbringing plays a significant role in how we perceive the world and its inhabitants. However, nature often takes precedence over nurture. Environmental influences are temporary, but our innate characteristics can emerge at any moment. In essence, there are countless ways to aid individuals in finding their true selves and careers, which in turn enables them to lead fulfilling lives amidst the challenges of this imperfect world.


Personal preferences are irrelevant when considering the importance of helping others understand themselves. We assist others constantly, knowingly or not, as it’s inherent to our existence since we are meant to coexist. The universe is interconnected, and our thoughts are often influenced by others, regardless of distance. Nature suggests we can tap into the consciousness of the earliest humans, a connection that persists through the ages.

Thoughts traverse time and space within our physical realm. Words and actions linger indefinitely, accessible through our minds. This profound realization has been the subject of numerous books throughout human history. Understanding the reasons behind aiding others in self-discovery is crucial, and it is far more impactful than doing so inadvertently. After all, we are bound to help each other regardless. This is the essence of the argument presented.

While we continue to assist others with our thoughts, words, and actions, it’s now essential to do so with intention. Personally, I find it rewarding to help you realize your true self. I take no credit for this assistance; my role is merely to remind you of who you inherently are. I don’t have the power to create or redefine you, nor can I do so for myself. My sole purpose is to aid you in focusing on your natural identity. The majority of the effort is yours.

Similarly, when you decide to assist others, remember that the onus is on them. They must take action and embark on the journey of self-discovery, as it is a deeply personal endeavor. Witnessing your students uncover their natural selves is far more gratifying than hoping they become something they’re not destined to be. This realization is profoundly fulfilling and significant. It’s a vocation that imbues my life with purpose. My aspiration is for you to uncover your true self and your vocation, so that your life may radiate with brilliance and glory.


Now, you understand what it means to assist others in self-discovery. We must first understand ourselves before we can guide others. In Christianity, one must embrace the faith before evangelizing. You’ve also learned the methods and reasons for aiding others, as well as the significance of such help. Remember, humans are not meant to be identical; some may misinterpret or undervalue your efforts. Offer help only to those who are receptive to it.

For instance, you continue to read this article because you find the information crucial. Yet, another person might perceive it differently, highlighting individual uniqueness. If someone is not prepared for the journey of self-discovery, don’t be disheartened. Instead, focus on assisting those who are open to it at this moment. This is my parting advice to you. Let us be a source of help to others!

I trust that the article, Helping Others Discover Who They Are, has been beneficial to you. Feel free to share your reflections in the comments section; your support is greatly valued. I pray for your and your loved ones’ health during and beyond this devastating pandemic, by God’s grace. Although I may not know you personally, be assured that God is aware and caring. Thank you for reading. You can also find my videos on YouTube by searching for my channel. Peace be with you!


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Sharing Your Definite Purpose

Sharing Your Definite Purpose

Sharing Your Definite Purpose Is Spreading Your Reason for Living

18th October 2021

This article explores the concept of sharing your life purpose. It dives into the “what,” “how,” “why,” and the importance of communicating your purpose to the world. You’ll also discover one of the best ways to effectively share your life’s definitive purpose with others.

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Having discovered and nurtured your life’s purpose, sharing it becomes a natural extension. This article is one way I share my experiences, encouraging you to see your own guiding light.

Sharing your purpose isn’t about preaching, but about open communication. It’s woven into your actions, your very being. Even those unaware of their purpose inherently express it through their lives. We communicate purpose by how we live, a silent yet powerful language.

Schools often focus on external knowledge, leaving this crucial self-discovery unexplored. Fortunately, discovering one’s purpose leads to a natural outward expression, explored in more detail below.


So, how do we share our life purpose? It permeates everything we do – our thoughts, words, and actions. As mentioned earlier, our lives speak volumes. Remember, your inherent nature precedes your conscious choices. This is why self-discovery is crucial. Without understanding yourself, improvement and sharing your purpose become difficult.

You’ve already been sharing your purpose, even unknowingly. The way you live your life reflects your values and aspirations. This section dives deeper into the ways we communicate our purpose.

Our words offer a window into our purpose. What we say shapes how others perceive us and our life’s direction. However, human language has limitations. Words can hold multiple meanings, leading to misinterpretations.

Actions speak even louder. People categorize us based on our deeds. While occasional mistakes happen (we’re all human after all!), they shouldn’t define us. Sometimes, situations force us into unplanned actions. However, our deeds, alongside our words, are powerful expressions of our purpose.

Living by your words is a powerful way to share your purpose. Imagine someone who consistently volunteers at an animal shelter, expressing their passion for animal welfare. Their actions align with their stated values, demonstrating a clear purpose.

However, unexpected situations do arise. Perhaps a volunteer encounters a personal emergency, forcing them to miss a shift. The key here is communication. A quick message explaining the change shows respect for others’ time and reinforces the genuine care behind the volunteer’s actions.

Living your purpose isn’t about perfection; it’s about authenticity. When your actions align with your words, you create a powerful resonance. This authenticity becomes even more important when time is limited. Focusing on activities that truly align with your purpose allows you to share your passion and make a meaningful impact.

This doesn’t mean neglecting all communication. Sharing your expertise and experiences through writing, like this article, can also be a valuable way to inspire others and connect with like-minded individuals.


Sharing your life purpose isn’t about bragging or seeking fame. It’s about igniting a spark in others. Just as you have a unique path to walk, so does everyone else. Sharing your purpose can be a powerful reminder for others to discover their own.

There’s a sense of fulfillment that comes with living authentically and pursuing what truly matters to you. When you share your passion and goals, it can inspire others to do the same. It’s a ripple effect, with each person’s purpose contributing to a more meaningful world.

Take this article, for example. By sharing my perspective on life’s meaning, I hope to encourage you to explore your own purpose. Perhaps you’ll write a song, volunteer for a cause you care about, or simply have a conversation with someone close. Every action fueled by purpose adds to the collective good.

Sharing is indeed caring. When you share your purpose, you’re not just expressing yourself; you’re reaching out and impacting others on their journeys. And that’s a truly fulfilling way to live.


Here’s a rewrite that avoids religious references and focuses on the empowering aspects of sharing your purpose:

Sharing your life purpose is about celebrating your existence, your unique contribution to the world. It’s a way to declare, “I am here, I have a reason for being, and this is what matters to me!”

This doesn’t mean everyone starts with a clear purpose. Life can be messy, and information overload can make it hard to focus. But even amidst the noise, you have value.

Imagine a world where everyone actively pursues their passions and goals. It would be a vibrant tapestry of purpose-driven individuals, each contributing their unique talents and perspectives. Sharing your purpose becomes a thread in that tapestry, inspiring others to do the same.

Finding your purpose is a journey, not a destination. Even the struggle to discover it can be empowering. The introspection and growth required to identify your guiding light are valuable in themselves.

Sharing your purpose, no matter what stage you’re at, is a powerful act of self-validation. It shows the world, and maybe even yourself, that you’re not just existing, you’re thriving. It’s a declaration that your life has meaning, and that’s something to celebrate.

Here’s a rewrite that avoids negativity and focuses on the positive impact of sharing purpose:

Sharing My Purpose: Inspiring Meaningful Lives

My passion lies in helping others discover the meaning they hold within themselves. Sharing this message with you is a core part of my life purpose.

The world can be a confusing place, with messages about life’s value often conflicting. But here’s the truth: you have a reason to be here. Maybe you haven’t discovered it yet, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Living a meaningful life isn’t about grand gestures. Even the simple act of existing and experiencing the world can be a purpose in itself. But there’s often more to it. We all have unique talents, passions, and experiences that can contribute something special.

By sharing my purpose, I hope to inspire you to explore your own. Perhaps you’ll find meaning in helping others, creating art, or simply living life to the fullest. The possibilities are endless, and the most important thing is to find what resonates with you.

Remember, a meaningful life isn’t about external validation. It’s about living authentically and pursuing what truly matters to you. And that’s a journey worth sharing.


Sharing My Purpose: Leaving a Legacy

Sharing your life purpose isn’t just about the here and now; it’s about leaving a legacy. The ideas and passions you share can inspire others long after you’re gone. Think of the artists, writers, and inventors whose work continues to resonate generations later.

That’s why I use technology to share my thoughts and experiences. It’s a way to connect with a wider audience and contribute to a larger conversation. Perhaps my words will spark a new idea in someone, or help them discover their own purpose.

The Power of Your Voice

This article, “Sharing Your Definite Purpose,” is intended to be a starting point for your own exploration. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Your feedback helps me create more impactful content in the future.

Remember, you have a unique voice that deserves to be heard. Sharing your purpose is a powerful way to leave your mark on the world.