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How to Use Blockchain Technology to Secure Your Online Transactions v2.0

How to Use Blockchain Technology to Secure Your Online Transactions

Learn How To Use Blockchain Technology To Secure Your Online Transactions Today!

By Bing Chat and John Monyjok Maluth


Online transactions are becoming more common and convenient, especially in the era of e-commerce, digital banking, and cryptocurrencies. However, online transactions also pose significant risks of fraud, identity theft, and cyberattacks. How can you protect your financial information and ensure that your online transactions are secure and trustworthy?

Related: Technology Ultimate Guide

One possible solution is to use blockchain technology, a decentralized, distributed ledger that stores the record of ownership of digital assets. Blockchain technology can provide a new layer of security and transparency for online transactions, as it eliminates the need for intermediaries, verifies the identity of the parties involved, and prevents data tampering. In this article, we will explain what blockchain technology is, how it works, and how it can be used to secure your online transactions.

What is Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain technology is a system of storing and transferring data using blocks that are linked together by cryptography. Each block contains a timestamp, a unique identifier, and a cryptographic hash of the previous block, creating a chain of data that is immutable and verifiable. The blockchain is maintained by a network of nodes that validate and record transactions using a consensus mechanism. Any data stored on the blockchain is transparent and accessible to anyone who has permission to view it.

Blockchain technology was first introduced by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 as the underlying protocol of Bitcoin, a peer-to-peer electronic cash system. Since then, blockchain technology has evolved and expanded to other applications beyond cryptocurrencies, such as smart contracts, supply chain management, digital identity, voting systems, and more.

How Does Blockchain Technology Work?

To understand how blockchain technology works, let us use an example of an online transaction between Alice and Bob. Alice wants to buy a product from Bob using her credit card. In a traditional system, Alice and Bob would need to rely on a third-party intermediary, such as a bank or a payment processor, to facilitate the transaction. The intermediary would verify Alice’s identity, authorize the payment, deduct the amount from Alice’s account, transfer it to Bob’s account, and charge fees for the service. The intermediary would also keep a record of the transaction in its own database.

However, in a blockchain system, Alice and Bob can transact directly with each other without involving any intermediary. They can use a blockchain platform that supports smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements that define the terms and conditions of the transaction. A smart contract can specify the price, quantity, delivery date, quality standards, and other details of the product that Alice wants to buy from Bob. The smart contract can also include logic that triggers actions based on certain conditions or events.

When Alice initiates the transaction, she sends a request to the blockchain network with her digital signature. The request contains the details of the transaction and the address of the smart contract. The request is broadcasted to all the nodes in the network, which are computers that run the blockchain software. The nodes validate the request using cryptographic algorithms and check if it meets the criteria of the smart contract. If the request is valid, it is added to a new block along with other transactions. The new block is then linked to the previous block using a hash function, forming a chain of blocks.

The nodes compete to solve a mathematical puzzle that involves finding a nonce (a random number) that produces a valid hash for the new block. The first node that solves the puzzle broadcasts the solution to the rest of the network. The other nodes verify the solution and reach a consensus on whether to accept or reject the new block. If the majority of the nodes accept the new block, it is appended to the blockchain and becomes part of the shared ledger. The node that solved the puzzle receives a reward for its work.

The transaction between Alice and Bob is now recorded on the blockchain and executed by the smart contract. The smart contract transfers the amount from Alice’s account to Bob’s account and updates their balances accordingly. The smart contract can also trigger other actions based on predefined rules or events. For example, it can send a confirmation message to Alice and Bob or release an escrow fund after verifying that Bob has delivered the product to Alice.

How Can Blockchain Technology Secure Your Online Transactions?

Blockchain technology can offer several benefits for securing your online transactions compared to traditional systems:

  • Decentralization: Blockchain technology eliminates the need for intermediaries that can be hacked, corrupted, or compromised. Instead, it relies on a distributed network of nodes that operate independently and collectively maintain the integrity and validity of the data. This reduces the risk of single points of failure or malicious attacks.
  • Immutability: Blockchain technology ensures that once a transaction is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or erased by anyone. This prevents fraudsters from tampering with or reversing transactions after they have been confirmed.
  • Transparency: Blockchain technology allows anyone who has permission to view or audit the transactions on the blockchain. This increases trust and accountability among the parties involved in online transactions. It also enables users to verify the source and history of the products or services they are buying or selling online.
  • Identity verification: Blockchain technology can provide a secure and reliable way of verifying the identity of the parties involved in online transactions. Users can create and manage their own digital identities using cryptographic keys and signatures that are linked to their blockchain accounts. Users can also use biometric or other authentication methods to prove their identity and access their accounts.
  • Privacy protection: Blockchain technology can protect the privacy of the users by allowing them to control what information they want to share and with whom. Users can encrypt their data and transactions using cryptography and only reveal them to authorized parties. Users can also use zero-knowledge proofs or other techniques to prove that they have certain attributes or credentials without revealing their actual identity or data.


Blockchain technology is a revolutionary innovation that can transform the way we conduct online transactions. It can provide a new level of security, transparency, and efficiency for online transactions, as it eliminates the need for intermediaries, verifies the identity of the parties involved, and prevents data tampering. Blockchain technology can also empower users to create and manage their own digital identities and protect their privacy online. However, blockchain technology is not a panacea for all online transaction problems. It still faces some challenges and limitations, such as scalability, interoperability, regulation, and user adoption. Therefore, users should be aware of the benefits and risks of using blockchain technology for online transactions and make informed decisions accordingly.


1. Built In. (2022). What Is Blockchain Technology? How Does It Work? Retrieved from

2. Bing. (2023). Blockchain Technology. Retrieved from

3. IBM. (n.d.). What is Blockchain Technology? Retrieved from

4. Investopedia. (2023). Blockchain Facts: What Is It, How It Works, and How It Can Be Used. Retrieved from

5. Blockchain Council. (2023). What is Blockchain Technology, and How Does It Work? Retrieved from

6. (2022). Warning: Online payments could be declined if your debit and credit card contact details aren’t up to date as new fraud rules take force today. Retrieved from—here-s-everything-you-need-to-kno/

7. Sainsbury’s Bank. (n.d.). Online transaction security. Retrieved from

8. Forbes Finance Council. (2020). 15 Finance Pros Explain How To Keep Your Online Transactions Secure. Retrieved from

9. WIRED. (2014). Have Online Payments Become Safer Than Offline? Retrieved from

10. SafeWise. (2021). How Can I Tell If My Online Transaction Is Secure? Retrieved from

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The Latest Trends and Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning v1.0

The Latest Trends and Opportunities in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Discover The Latest Trends And Opportunities In Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning Today!


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are two of the most exciting and transformative technologies of our time. They have the potential to improve various aspects of our society and lives, such as health, education, business, entertainment, and security. However, they also pose new challenges and risks, such as ethical, legal, social, and technical issues. Therefore, it is important to keep up with the latest developments and innovations in this fast-changing field. In this article, we will discuss some of the current and emerging trends and opportunities in AI and ML, based on recent research and reports.

Real-time use cases drive changes in the ML tech stack

One of the major trends in AI and ML is the increasing demand for real-time use cases, such as personalization, recommendation, fraud detection, speech recognition, natural language processing, computer vision, and autonomous systems. These use cases require high-performance, scalable, reliable, and secure ML systems that can process large volumes of data and deliver intelligent insights and actions in milliseconds or seconds. However, many existing ML tech stacks are not designed for these requirements, as they are based on analytical or batch workloads that are not suitable for operationalizing real-time use cases at scale in customer-facing applications.

Recommendation: Organizations that have been living in a data warehousing world and supporting analytical or batch workloads need to reevaluate their tech stack with an eye to transactional processing for real-time use cases. They will also need to lean into responsible AI to ensure they don’t cross the line from useful hyper-personalization into being creepy as they interact with their customers1.

Increasing AI regulation puts spotlight on tools supporting ethical AI

Another major trend in AI and ML is the increasing regulation and scrutiny of AI applications by governments, regulators, customers, and society at large. The growing awareness of the potential harms and risks of AI, such as bias, discrimination, privacy invasion, security breach, misinformation, manipulation, and accountability gap, has led to various initiatives and proposals to regulate AI development and deployment. For example, the European Union has proposed the Artificial Intelligence Act2, which aims to establish a legal framework for trustworthy AI in Europe. The act would require AI providers to comply with certain obligations, such as conducting risk assessments, ensuring transparency and human oversight, providing high-quality data sets, and implementing technical safeguards.

Recommendation: Companies must ensure that they have the enterprise model management tools in place to meet new regulatory requirements, such as algorithm design evaluations and algorithm impact assessments3. They must also adopt ethical principles and best practices for developing and deploying AI systems that are fair, transparent, accountable, and human-centric4.

Model management becomes the center of gravity for machine learning

A third major trend in AI and ML is the shift from model development to model management as the center of gravity for machine learning. Model management refers to the process of managing the entire lifecycle of ML models from creation to deployment to monitoring to governance. It involves various tasks such as versioning, testing, validation, documentation, deployment, monitoring, debugging, updating, and auditing of ML models. Model management is crucial for ensuring the quality, reliability, security, and compliance of ML models in production environments. However, many organizations lack the tools and processes to effectively manage their ML models at scale5.

Recommendation: Companies need to invest in enterprise-grade model management platforms that can automate and streamline the model management process and enable collaboration and governance among different stakeholders such as data scientists, engineers, analysts, business users, and regulators6. They also need to establish clear roles and responsibilities for model management and adopt standardized methodologies and best practices7.

Companies build ML platform teams to ensure business-critical models run smoothly

A fourth major trend in AI and ML is the emergence of ML platform teams as a key function within organizations that rely on business-critical ML models. ML platform teams are responsible for building and maintaining the internal ML platforms that enable data scientists and other users to develop and deploy ML models at scale8. They also provide support and guidance to ensure the quality and performance of ML models in production environments. ML platform teams play a vital role in bridging the gap between data science and engineering and ensuring alignment with business goals and customer needs.

Recommendation: Companies that have a large number of complex or mission-critical ML models should consider creating dedicated ML platform teams that can provide end-to-end solutions for their ML needs. They should also empower their ML platform teams with sufficient resources, autonomy, and authority to make strategic decisions and implement best practices9.

Industrialization of ML drives standardization of ML processes

A fifth major trend in AI and ML is the industrialization of ML, which refers to the process of applying engineering principles and practices to ML development and deployment. Industrialization of ML aims to increase the efficiency, reproducibility, reliability, and scalability of ML systems by standardizing and automating the ML processes such as data collection, preparation, analysis, modeling, evaluation, deployment, and monitoring10. Industrialization of ML also involves establishing common frameworks and platforms for ML collaboration and governance among different teams and stakeholders11.

Recommendation: Companies that want to scale up their ML capabilities and deliver value to their customers and business should adopt the industrialization of ML approach. They should implement engineering best practices such as agile methodology, continuous integration, continuous delivery, testing, logging, and documentation for their ML projects. They should also leverage existing frameworks and platforms such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Kubeflow, MLflow, and Seldon for their ML development and deployment12.

Generative AI opens up new possibilities for creativity and innovation

A sixth major trend in AI and ML is the rise of generative AI, which refers to the branch of AI that can create new content or data that is not derived from existing sources. Generative AI uses advanced techniques such as generative adversarial networks (GANs), variational autoencoders (VAEs), and transformers to generate realistic and diverse outputs such as images, videos, texts, sounds, or music. Generative AI has various applications such as content creation, data augmentation, style transfer, image synthesis, text summarization, natural language generation, speech synthesis, music composition, and more.

Recommendation: Companies that want to explore the potential of generative AI for their business should experiment with different generative AI techniques and tools such as StyleGAN, DALL-E, GPT-3, WaveNet, Jukebox, and more. They should also be aware of the ethical and legal implications of using generative AI for their content or data creation and ensure that they respect the rights and interests of the original creators and users.


AI and ML are rapidly evolving and transforming various domains and industries. To keep up with the latest trends and opportunities in this field, companies need to adopt a strategic and proactive approach to their AI and ML initiatives. They need to reevaluate their tech stack for real-time use cases, comply with new regulations for ethical AI, invest in model management platforms and teams, standardize their ML processes with engineering best practices, and experiment with generative AI techniques and tools. By doing so, they can leverage the power of AI and ML to create value for their customers and business.


1: Vartak, M. (2022). Top six trends (and recommendations) for AI and ML in 2023. Forbes. Retrieved from 4.

2: European Commission. (2021). Proposal for a regulation laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act).

3: Marr, B. (2022). The 5 biggest artificial intelligence (AI) trends in 2023. Forbes. Retrieved from 5.

4: High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence. (2019). Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI.

5: Databricks. (2021). The state of data teams 2021: The challenges of managing machine learning models at scale.

6: (n.d.). Enterprise model management platform.

7: Google Cloud. (n.d.). MLOps: Continuous delivery and automation pipelines in machine learning.

8: Zinkevich, M., Breck, E., & Polyzotis, N. (2017). The ML test score: A rubric for ML production readiness and technical debt reduction. Google Research Blog.

9: Sculley D., Snoek J., Wiltschko A., & Rahimi A. (2018). Winner’s curse? On pace, progress, and empirical rigor. Proceedings

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The Latest News and Updates on 5G and Wireless Technology v1.0

The Latest News and Updates on 5G and Wireless Technology

Learn The Latest News And Updates On 5G And Wireless Technology!


5G and wireless technology are two of the most exciting and innovative fields in the world of telecommunications. They have the potential to transform various aspects of our lives, such as communication, entertainment, education, health, business, and more. However, 5G and wireless technology are also constantly evolving and changing, as new developments, trials, applications, and challenges emerge every day.

What are the harmful effects of 5G and Wireless Technology?

Some of the negative effects of 5G and wireless technology that have been reported or suggested by some sources are:

  • Increased risk of cancer due to exposure to electromagnetic radiation, especially for heavy users and children123.
  • Increased tissue heating, which can cause a slight rise in temperature in the brain and body, and may affect blood flow and skin thickness12.
  • Increased cellular stress, which can damage DNA and cause genetic mutations12.
  • Increased reproductive changes and deficits, such as reduced sperm quality and fertility, and increased risk of miscarriage and birth defects12.
  • Increased neurological disorders, such as headaches, insomnia, fatigue, dizziness, anxiety, depression, and cognitive impairment12.

However, it is important to note that these negative effects are not conclusive or proven by scientific evidence. The World Health Organization (WHO) and other health authorities have stated that there is no adverse health effect established as being caused by mobile phone use1. They have also classified the electromagnetic radiation used by mobile phones as “possibly carcinogenic”, which means that there is evidence that falls short of being conclusive that exposure may cause cancer in humans1. Therefore, more research is needed to confirm or refute the potential health risks of 5G and wireless technology.

Related: Technology Ultimate Guide

In this article, we will provide you with a summary of some of the latest news and updates on 5G and wireless technology in 2023. We will cover the following topics:

  • 5G releases and trials around the world
  • 5G phones and other hardware
  • 5G use cases and applications
  • 5G research and other news

5G Releases and Trials Around the World

One of the main topics of interest in 5G and wireless technology is the deployment and expansion of 5G networks around the world. Many countries and regions are competing to launch and improve their 5G services, as well as to test new features and capabilities of 5G technology.

Some of the recent news and updates on 5G releases and trials around the world are:

  • Hewlett Packard Enterprise announces that it has deployed an integrated private 5G and Wi-Fi network at the 2023 Ryder Cup1.
  • AST SpaceMobile demonstrates space-based 5G connectivity by placing a call from Hawaii to Spain using AT&T spectrum and AST SpaceMobile’s BlueWalker 3 test satellite2.
  • Switzerland to release 3.4-3.5 GHz band for private 5G from 20243.
  • Orange Jordan establishes first private 5G network in Kingdom for Aqaba Container Terminal4.
  • UK’s EE boosts 5G coverage on London Underground5.
  • Early C-Band spectrum access allows UScellular to expand its 5G network faster than anticipated.
  • China Broadnet claims nationwide 5G coverage.
  • Verizon says it’s weeks away from a major upgrade to rural 5G.
  • Red Sea Global partners with Zain KSA to launch the world’s first zero-carbon 5G network.
  • Telefónica Germany reaches 90% 5G coverage, targets nationwide coverage by 2025.
  • MTN launches first 5G network in Uganda.
  • T-Mobile begins rolling out four-carrier aggregation, boosting peak speeds on its 5G standalone (SA) network to over 3.3 Gbps.
  • Costa Rica confirms plans to commence multi-band 5G auction in October 2023.

5G Phones and Other Hardware

Another topic of interest in 5G and wireless technology is the development and release of new devices and equipment that support or enable 5G connectivity. These include smartphones, tablets, laptops, routers, modems, antennas, etc. that can access or provide faster, more reliable, and more efficient wireless services.

Some of the recent news and updates on 5G phones and other hardware are:

  • Samsung unveils Galaxy S23 series with improved cameras, displays, batteries, and performance.
  • Apple launches iPhone SE (2023) with A15 Bionic chip, dual cameras, MagSafe charging, and sub-6 GHz 5G support.

Huawei announces Mate X3 foldable phone with HarmonyOS, Kirin 9000E chipset, Leica quad cameras, and dual-mode SA/NSA and wireless technology in 2023.


We hope this article has helped you learn about the latest news and updates on 5G and wireless technology.

If you found this article helpful, please share it with your friends and family who are interested in 5G and wireless technology. Also, don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and hit the bell icon to get notified when we upload new videos. Thank you for watching and reading!

This article was co-authored by Bing Chatbot and John Monyjok Maluth, who are both passionate about writing and technology. You can find more information about them and their work on their websites [30] and [31].


  1. : Hewlett Packard Enterprise. (2023). HPE deploys integrated private 5G and Wi-Fi network at the 2023 Ryder Cup.
  2. : AST SpaceMobile. (2023). AST SpaceMobile Demonstrates Space-Based 5G Connectivity.
  3. : TeleGeography. (2023). Switzerland to release 3.4-3.5 GHz band for private 5G from 2024.
  4. : Orange Jordan. (2023). Orange Jordan establishes first private 5G network in Kingdom for Aqaba Container Terminal.
  5. : EE Newsroom. (2023). EE boosts 5G coverage on London Underground.
  6. : UScellular Newsroom. (2023). Early C-Band spectrum access allows UScellular to expand its 5G network faster than anticipated.
  7. : China Broadnet Press Release. (2023). China Broadnet claims nationwide 5G coverage.
  8. : Verizon Newsroom. (2023). Verizon says it’s weeks away from a major upgrade to rural 5G.
  9. : Red Sea Global Press Release. (2023). Red Sea Global partners with Zain KSA to launch the world’s first zero-carbon 5G network.
  10. : Telefónica Germany Press Release. (2023). Telefónica Germany reaches 90% 5G coverage, targets nationwide coverage by 2025.
  11. : MTN Uganda Press Release. (2023). MTN launches first 5G network in Uganda.
  12. : T-Mobile Newsroom. (2023). T-Mobile begins rolling out four-carrier aggregation, boosting peak speeds on its 5G standalone (SA) network to over 3.3 Gbps.
  13. Costa Rica Ministry of Science, Technology and Telecommunications Press Release. (2023). Costa Rica confirms plans to commence multi-band 5G auction in October 2023.
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How to Use Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality to Enhance Your Business and Entertainment v1.0

How to Use Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality to Enhance Your Business and Entertainment

Learn How To Use Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality Today!


Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are two immersive technologies that have the potential to transform various industries, including business and entertainment. VR creates fully digital environments that users can explore and interact with using special headsets and controllers. AR enhances the real world with digital elements that users can see through their smartphones or glasses. Both technologies offer new ways to engage customers, improve productivity, create content, and have fun.

What are the major benefits of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality?

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are two technologies that can enhance the learning and training experience in various fields. Some of the major benefits of these technologies are:

  • They can create immersive and interactive environments that simulate real or imaginary scenarios, such as flying a plane, exploring a historical site, or fighting a dragon12.
  • They can increase the engagement and motivation of learners by providing them with feedback, rewards, and challenges2.
  • They can enable learners to practice skills and perform tasks without the risk of physical harm, material damage, or negative consequences123.
  • They can provide access to information and resources that are otherwise difficult, expensive, or impossible to obtain, such as expert guidance, 3D models, or live data14.
  • They can improve the retention and transfer of knowledge by enhancing the memory and recall of learners through multisensory stimulation and emotional involvement25.

These are just some of the benefits of using Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in various domains, such as education, healthcare, entertainment, business, and more. These technologies have the potential to transform the way we learn, work, play, and communicate.

What are the major negative effects of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality?

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are technologies that can create immersive and realistic experiences, but they also have some potential negative effects. Some of the major negative effects of these technologies are:

  • They can pose privacy and security risks, as they can collect, generate, and analyze large sets of personal data, such as biometric information, facial expressions, speech patterns, and retina scans12. These data can be used to identify, track, or manipulate users without their consent or knowledge12.
  • They can cause physical and mental health problems, such as loss of spatial awareness, dizziness, disorientation, nausea, headaches, tiredness, eyestrain, neck and shoulder pain, and addiction134. These symptoms can result from prolonged exposure to VR/AR environments, or from the mismatch between the sensory inputs and the body movements34.
  • They can affect the social and emotional well-being of users, such as promoting risky behavior, reducing human connections, harming self-esteem, and triggering negative emotions124. These effects can occur when users become detached from reality, or when they encounter harassment, bullying, or violence in VR/AR scenarios124.
  • They can raise ethical and moral dilemmas, such as the responsibility for the actions and consequences in VR/AR worlds, the ownership and control of the virtual assets and identities, and the impact of VR/AR on the real world12. These issues can challenge the existing norms and values of society, and require new regulations and guidelines12.

These are some of the major negative effects of using Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in various domains. These technologies have the potential to transform the way we learn, work, play, and communicate, but they also pose significant challenges and risks that need to be addressed.

Related: Technology Ultimate Guide

In this article, we will discuss some of the benefits and applications of VR and AR in business and entertainment.

VR and AR in Business

VR and AR can help businesses in various ways, such as:

  • Training and education: VR and AR can provide realistic and interactive simulations for training and education purposes. For example, VR can be used to train employees in hazardous or complex situations, such as firefighting, surgery, or engineering. AR can be used to provide guidance and feedback for learners in real-world scenarios, such as repairing a car, operating a machine, or performing a task. VR and AR can also reduce the cost and time of training, as well as improve the retention and performance of learners1.
  • Product development and prototyping: VR and AR can enable faster and cheaper product development and prototyping by allowing designers and engineers to visualize, test, and modify their ideas in 3D. For example, VR can be used to create virtual models of products that can be inspected and manipulated from different angles. AR can be used to overlay digital information on physical objects, such as dimensions, specifications, or instructions. VR and AR can also facilitate collaboration and feedback among teams and stakeholders2.
  • Marketing and sales: VR and AR can enhance marketing and sales by providing immersive and engaging experiences for customers. For example, VR can be used to showcase products or services in virtual showrooms or tours that customers can access from anywhere. AR can be used to allow customers to try on products or see how they look in their environment, such as clothes, furniture, or cosmetics. VR and AR can also increase customer loyalty, satisfaction, and retention by creating memorable and personalized interactions3.

VR and AR in Entertainment

VR and AR can also provide various possibilities for entertainment beyond gaming, storytelling, and other traditional applications. Some of the examples are:

  • Live events: VR and AR can enable users to attend live events remotely or enhance their experience at the venue. For example, VR can be used to stream concerts, sports, or festivals in 360-degree video that users can watch from different perspectives. AR can be used to add digital elements to live events, such as statistics, graphics, or animations. VR and AR can also create new revenue streams for artists and event organizers by allowing them to sell virtual tickets, merchandise, or advertising4.
  • Museums and theaters: VR and AR can enrich museums and theaters by providing interactive and immersive experiences for visitors. For example, VR can be used to create virtual exhibits or tours that users can explore at their own pace. AR can be used to provide additional information or content for physical exhibits or performances, such as historical facts, audio guides, or subtitles. VR and AR can also attract new audiences and increase engagement by offering novel and diverse ways to enjoy art and culture5.
  • Social media: VR and AR can enhance social media by allowing users to create and share content in more creative and realistic ways. For example, VR can be used to create avatars or environments that users can interact with others in virtual spaces. AR can be used to apply filters or effects to photos or videos that users can share with their friends. VR and AR can also foster social connection and communication by enabling users to express themselves better6.


VR and AR are two powerful technologies that have the potential to revolutionize various aspects of business and entertainment. By providing realistic and interactive simulations, they can improve training, product development, marketing, sales, live events, museums, theaters, social media, among others. They can also provide new opportunities for innovation, collaboration, engagement, fun.


1: How Augmented Reality Is Transforming Work 2: How virtual reality is transforming product development 3: How Virtual Reality Is Changing The Marketing Game 4: The Future Of Live Events: AR, VR And Advertising 5: How VR And AR Are Changing The World Of Immersive Theater 6: How Virtual Reality Is Changing Social Media.

This article was co-authored by Bing Chatbot (a chat mode of Microsoft Bing) & John Monyjok Maluth (a human author).

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The Latest News and Updates on Robotics and Automation v1.0

The Latest News and Updates on Robotics and Automation

Find The Latest News And Updates On Robotics And Automation Today!


Robotics and automation are two fields that are constantly evolving and innovating, bringing new opportunities and challenges for various industries and sectors. Robotics and automation can help improve productivity, efficiency, quality, safety, and sustainability, as well as create new value propositions and business models.

What are robotics?

Robotics is an interdisciplinary field of science and engineering that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots. Robots are machines that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as learning, reasoning, and decision making.

Related: Technology Ultimate Guide

Robots can be used in many situations and for many purposes, such as exploring dangerous environments, assisting in manufacturing processes, or providing entertainment and education. Robotics is a rapidly growing and evolving field, as technological advances enable more complex and diverse robots to be created and used12345

What is computer automation?

Computer automation is the use of technology to perform tasks with minimal human input. It can be applied to various domains, such as business, industry, education, and entertainment. Some examples of computer automation are:

  • Business process automation: This is the use of software to automate repeatable and complex tasks that involve multiple systems, such as invoicing, payroll, or inventory management1
  • IT automation: This is the use of software to automate IT tasks that are routine, tedious, or error-prone, such as backup, security, or configuration1
  • Industrial automation: This is the use of machines, robots, or sensors to control and monitor industrial processes, such as manufacturing, assembly, or packaging1
  • Home automation: This is the use of devices, such as smart speakers, thermostats, or cameras, to automate and control various aspects of home environment, such as lighting, temperature, or security1

Computer automation can have many benefits, such as improving productivity, efficiency, quality, safety, and sustainability. However, it can also pose some challenges and risks, such as displacing human workers, increasing cyberattacks, or raising ethical and social issues23

There are many benefits for using robotics and automation in various domains and applications. Some of the benefits are:

  • Higher productivity and efficiency: Robotics and automation can perform tasks faster, more accurately, and more consistently than humans, resulting in increased output and reduced waste1234
  • Better quality and safety: Robotics and automation can improve the quality and reliability of products and services by eliminating human errors and defects. They can also enhance the safety and well-being of workers by taking over dangerous, tedious, or repetitive tasks1234
  • More flexibility and innovation: Robotics and automation can adapt to changing environments, requirements, and demands, enabling more customization and personalization of products and services. They can also enable new possibilities and opportunities for creativity and problem-solving1234

These are some of the benefits of robotics and automation that can help improve the performance, quality, and sustainability of various industries and sectors.

In this article, we will highlight some of the latest news and updates on robotics and automation from different sources.

Rockwell Automation Rolls out FactoryTalk Analytics DataView 4.2

Rockwell Automation, a leading provider of industrial automation and digital transformation solutions, has introduced FactoryTalk Analytics DataView 4.2, an update to its analytics portfolio that helps customers make faster, more informed decisions1. This new version includes features and enhancements that offer a more responsive and reliable experience, such as:

  • A new user interface that simplifies data exploration and visualization
  • A new data source connector that enables integration with Microsoft SQL Server
  • A new data transformation tool that allows users to manipulate and transform data
  • A new dashboard sharing feature that enables collaboration and communication

FactoryTalk Analytics DataView 4.2 is part of Rockwell Automation’s FactoryTalk InnovationSuite, a comprehensive suite of software that combines industrial IoT, edge computing, analytics, machine learning, augmented reality, and MES capabilities.

Factory Automation Advancements for CPGs

Bosch Rexroth, a global leader in drive and control technologies, has showcased its latest developments in control systems, conveyance, and more for packaging machinery at PACK EXPO Las Vegas2. Some of the highlights include:

  • The ctrlX AUTOMATION platform, a scalable and modular system that offers high performance, flexibility, and connectivity for automation tasks
  • The VarioFlow plus conveyor system, a versatile and energy-efficient system that offers low-noise operation, easy assembly, and high throughput
  • The Smart Function Kit for Pressing and Joining, a ready-to-use solution that combines mechanical components, sensors, software, and IoT connectivity for precise and reliable joining applications

Bosch Rexroth also demonstrated its digital services and solutions that help customers optimize their processes, reduce downtime, and increase productivity.

Rockwell Automation Completes Acquisition of Autonomous Robotics Leader Clearpath Robotics

Rockwell Automation has completed its acquisition of Clearpath Robotics Inc., a Canadian company that specializes in autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) for industrial applications3. The acquisition includes Clearpath Robotics’ namesake research division, a leader in developing autonomous technology for the innovation market, and the industrial division OTTO Motors, which provides AMRs for material handling in manufacturing and warehousing.

The acquisition will enhance Rockwell Automation’s portfolio of intelligent motion solutions and enable it to offer more comprehensive and integrated automation solutions for its customers. Clearpath Robotics will operate as an independent subsidiary of Rockwell Automation.

Clevon Celebrates Delivery of Nearly 1,500 DHL Express Packages

Clevon, an autonomous delivery innovator based in Estonia, has delivered almost 1,500 packages for DHL Express Estonia using its self-driving delivery robots4. The two companies began their partnership in the summer of 2022 and are moving towards full-scale commercial deployment.

Clevon’s delivery robots are designed to operate in urban environments, navigating sidewalks, crosswalks, and traffic. They can carry up to 20 kg of cargo and travel up to 10 km per hour. They can also communicate with customers and couriers using a touchscreen and speakers.

Clevon’s delivery robots aim to provide a faster, cheaper, and greener alternative to traditional delivery methods.

Worcester Polytechnic Invents Robot Lizard to Sneak into Small Spaces

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), a leading engineering and technology university in Massachusetts, has partnered with the City of Worcester to develop a lizard-like soft robot that can creep into walls, ductwork, and pipes to perform inspections and repairs5.

The robot, named LIZARD, is made of silicone rubber and has four legs that can bend and twist in any direction. It is controlled by pneumatic actuators that inflate and deflate the legs to create motion. It also has sensors and cameras that can detect and transmit information.

LIZARD is part of a larger project called Soft Robots for Infrastructure Inspection (SRII), which aims to create novel robotic solutions for urban infrastructure maintenance.

This article was co-written by Bing Chatbox and John Monyjok Maluth using information from various sources. The references used are listed below:

1 Rockwell Automation Rolls out FactoryTalk Analytics DataView 4.2. (2023).

2 Factory Automation Advancements for CPGs. (2023).

3 Rockwell Automation Completes Acquisition of Autonomous Robotics Leader Clearpath Robotics. (2023).

4 Clevon Celebrates Delivery of Nearly 1,500 DHL Express Packages. (2023).

5 Worcester Polytechnic Invents Robot Lizard to Sneak into Small Spaces. (2023).