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Inter-Clan Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Clan Development

Inter-Clan Peace

Learning About Inter-Clan Peace Will Help You Value Peace in This Societal Level

17th May 2021

The article “Inter-Clan Peace” is designed to educate on the significance of peace between clans and the methods to achieve and sustain it for societal progress. It is not a directive or a collection of enigmatic rules to follow. Rather, it serves as guidance. With this in mind, let us consider the key points that follow.


Inter-Clan Peace refers to the harmony established between two or more clans. These clans might be part of the same sub-tribe, share common ancestry, or belong to different tribes altogether. Often, these clans coexist in the same settlement area, particularly in urban settings of the modern world.

Inter-Clan Peace is sometimes termed tribal peace, as clans constitute a tribe or a sub-tribe in certain countries and regions. Therefore, peace between two clans can signify peace among multiple clans within a community or tribe. Tribal peace within a tribe can potentially lead to broader inter-tribal or even national peace.

Peace transcends the mere absence of violence, conflict, or warfare. It encompasses harmony, tranquility, and prosperity, akin to the comprehensive well-being denoted by ‘shalom’ in Hebrew. Peace within a clan fosters calmness and harmony, paving the way for further benefits like clan development.

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Peace, a positive and desirable state, can be elusive within a clan. While conflicts arise with ease, fostering peace is a more complex task. Our brains often overlook the commonplace, such as peace, focusing instead on the extraordinary. This may explain why discussing peace is simpler than actualizing it.

It’s not impossible to cultivate peace within a clan, although it’s certainly more challenging than sparking conflicts and disagreements. Proverbs 18:8 from the Bible suggests that gossip, a common element of our conversations, tends to fuel conflict rather than peace. Nevertheless, there are established methods to foster peace among clans.

Historically, in Africa, when two clans were in conflict, their battles did not engulf the entire tribe or sub-tribe. They engaged in combat that avoided fatal outcomes, using weapons like sticks. After a defeat, clans would reflect on the conflict, which often led to prolonged periods of peace and harmony.

As I have mentioned in other articles, Africa once had its unique forms of everything, including leadership. This leadership differed from the current nation-state or Western government models, as it resonated more with African ways of life. It was intertwined with the spiritual realm, commanding such fear and reverence that people would not dare to violate its laws and regulations as they might with today’s foreign systems.

This traditional African system was effective in maintaining peace and harmony, as individuals causing trouble would be disciplined by the spirits in a manner they would never forget. While these may be considered beliefs, they were effective because people in those times actively practiced them.


  • Live in peace yourself in your clan.
  • Encourage others near you to live in peace.
  • Spread that peace to the other clans in many possible ways.


After establishing peace between two clans, the challenge lies in ensuring its permanence. This is a complex issue, as maintaining everlasting peace in any human society is difficult. Conflicts arise even on an individual level, let alone among clans or groups.

Every clan has its troublemakers, but similarly, there are peacemakers at every societal level. These peacemakers have the ability to forge and sustain peace between clans. According to Christian belief, these peacemakers are promised rewards in the heavenly kingdom by Jesus Christ, revered as the Lord of lords and King of kings.

To secure a place in the forthcoming world, one should strive to be a peacemaker rather than a troublemaker. Individual efforts towards peace contribute to communal harmony. Since societies consist of individuals, families, clans, and tribes, personal peace is a stepping stone to inter-clan peace and harmony.

It’s a common belief that employing all the youth in a country will eradicate street robberies. While this is a commendable idea, it doesn’t address the complexities of human nature and behavior. Even with employment, some individuals may still engage in self-destructive behaviors, such as excessive drinking, which can also harm those around them. The issue is not with wine itself, but with the individuals.

Troublemakers exist globally, and not everyone can be transformed by the Gospel. It requires a person’s willingness to embrace it for any significant, positive change to occur in their life. Otherwise, preaching the Gospel would be pointless if personal commitment wasn’t essential for transformation.


Peace is essential at every level of society and is a cornerstone for any form of social development. Without peace, progress in personal, career, or societal development is hindered. Peace is necessary for us to utilize our full potential, and this underscores its significance among clans and tribes.

Since the onset of the war in South Sudan on December 15, 2013, the nation’s growth has been stunted, demonstrating the importance of peace for individuals, families, clans, and tribes to foster positive advancements.

However, the reality of human existence often renders peace a mere aspiration. This is attributed to the fact that many prioritize their own prosperity over the peace and harmony of others.


My parting wisdom and counsel is that each of us has a role, whether individually or collectively. Peace starts within the individual before it can spread globally. This is my conviction, my faith, and my doctrine. Personal peace is crucial to achieving peace within and between clans. It is the key to unlocking national and international boundaries.

I am aware that I control only myself, not you or anyone else. This means I cannot speak for you or others. Nor can you speak for me or others regarding living peacefully with everyone in our world. It implies that we are responsible solely for our own thoughts, words, and actions. Thus, we should regard peace as a personal attribute first and foremost.

I trust this Inter-Clan Peace article has been beneficial to you. If so, I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Your feedback on this article would be greatly valued. I pray for God’s blessings and protection over you and your loved ones during and beyond the pandemic. Shalom!


2 thoughts on “Inter-Clan Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Clan Development

  1. Thanks a lot, sir. I will do much better if I get such suggestions. It’s very rare to get honest feedback these days for many reasons. God bless you!

  2. Thanks John for the article. I read through it and it is a very good advise. My only comment is that as a scholarship, you may want to add opinion of other scholars who have written in the same area by quoting their work.
    Otherwise this is piece of advise.

    Every blessing

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