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10 Best Self-Discovery Tips

10 Best Self-Discovery Tips

“10 Best Self-Discovery Tips” is an article designed to elevate your journey of self-discovery. These tips are not mandates to follow but are established methods to aid in uncovering your natural self. In line with my usual writings on self-discovery, it is crucial to acknowledge that humans cannot recreate or alter their inherent nature, regardless of their desires or efforts.

Therefore, the most effective approach to enhance your life, as supported by recent studies, is to understand who you are before attempting self-improvement. So, what are these top ten self-discovery tips applicable to everyone? Why are they universal? And why are they considered the best? Let’s delve in!

Tip #1: What Is God’s View of You?

Our self-perception is often clouded by our own errors and the incorrect judgments of others, leading us to overlook our inherent goodness.

The initial step in the top ten self-discovery strategies is to discern what God perceives in you, or your identity in His eyes. This inquiry does not necessitate religious belief, as religion and God are distinct concepts. God remains constant, while religion represents our individual interpretations of Him.

Understanding God’s perspective of you is crucial for self-realization and embracing your true nature, including your preferences and aversions. But how can one ascertain God’s thoughts?

Begin by reading the Bible or any book you hold in high regard, and attempt to relate its teachings to your life. This exercise can offer a broad understanding of your divine identity. Embark on this journey to uncover your essence in the eyes of God.

In my view, I am a child of God (John 1:12-13), the world is mine to inherit (1 Corinthians 3:21), and I have the strength to do all things as per His divine plan for my life on earth (Philippians 4:13). Consider if this resonates with you. It’s important to note that this isn’t about religious indoctrination; it’s an acknowledgment that every person is a child of God, whom He loves and nurtures.

For some, this perspective might suggest that I am not genuinely a born-again Christian, especially if I believe God loves everyone. However, I am at peace with this because I am confident in my faith as a born-again Christian. This belief doesn’t confine God to Christianity or any religion.

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I believe that every human, animal, and creature is loved and cared for by God. Often, we don’t perceive this love due to various reasons. We are shaped by what we read, watch, and experience. The world is replete with suffering, including natural disasters, which, according to my Bible, stem from sin. These experiences are part of our journey of self-discovery. But what does God say about you?

Tip #2: What Do You Think of You?

Beyond God’s perfect perception of you, your own view of yourself holds significant importance. You might hear an inner voice shaping your self-concept, which could be accurate or not. Consider this: you are indeed a complex assembly of chemicals, but is that the entirety of your essence?

Psychologically, humans are categorized as introverts or extroverts, yet nearly everyone exhibits traits of both at various times. Thus, being labeled as one or the other doesn’t encapsulate your entire identity. Reflect on your preferences and aversions for a moment. Indeed, these inclinations reveal something meaningful and potentially profound about you.

Tip #3: What Are Other People’s Views of You?

Understanding how others perceive you is as important as your self-perception. The opinions of others may not always be accurate, but since they observe you from an external viewpoint, their perspectives can offer insights into aspects of yourself that you may not have considered.

Often, people close to you, like your parents and siblings, might envision you in a profession they admire, such as a medical doctor, even if it doesn’t align with your true calling.

Your personality type is intricately connected to your roles or careers in various ways, and it’s not uncommon for people to conflate the two. However, your identity encompasses your careers. While you might excel in multiple careers throughout your life, your personality type remains a distinct and crucial element of who you are.

People know me as Pastor John, and they associate me with peace, love, and kindness. They see in me courage and hope, and they perceive life radiating from me at all times. But do I view myself in the same light? One’s thoughts are often reflected in their words and actions, allowing those close to them to discern or get an inkling of their true nature.

Nevertheless, it’s not always wise to depend entirely on the perceptions of others, because, as I’ve mentioned before, they can be mistaken. The ‘Others’ I refer to include your family, friends, colleagues, and even neighbors—those who have known you beyond the realms of Facebook or Twitter.

Tip #4: What Are Your Personality Traits?

Understanding your personality traits is vital as they are closely linked to your career and identity. Reflect on whether you feel more energized in a small or large group, or if group settings leave you drained and less enthusiastic. Consider your feelings about introducing yourself in a meeting.

As previously stated, we display characteristics of both introversion and extroversion, yet we are often labeled by our more dominant trait. For example, if crowds deplete your energy, you might be more introverted. This is a fundamental part of our nature, something to accept and comprehend, not to change.

I lean more towards introversion, though I possess qualities of both. I enjoy discussing topics that interest me, such as Digital Marketing, Self-Publishing, Life Coaching, and Technology. I’m eager to comment, clarify, or contribute to these subjects when prompted.

However, I sometimes experience shyness, particularly when the conversation revolves around topics that I find uninteresting or unimportant, like government politics, tribal discussions, or matters lacking value or human benefit.

Tip #5: What Are Your Previous Careers?

Reflecting on your past, have you ever engaged in any career such as business, preaching, teaching, etc.? How did you initiate that career path? Was it a personal choice, or were you compelled by external forces or circumstances?

Being honest with yourself while answering these questions can lead to greater self-discovery. Sometimes, we are driven to undertake tasks that we may not enjoy, but they can inadvertently shape our careers. Take hunting, for instance; it wasn’t considered a career, yet I excelled at it, even outperforming others my age.

Money serves as a powerful motivator, prompting us to undertake tasks we might not enjoy, simply to earn a living. However, these endeavors can lead to wonderful experiences and potentially rewarding careers. If you’ve willingly left a career, it could imply a lack of enjoyment. Conversely, being dismissed presents a different scenario; one might still harbor affection for the job or career.

The terms ‘careers’ and ‘jobs’ are often used interchangeably, though they have distinct meanings. On a personal note, I have worked both as a teacher and a health worker. My passion for teaching endures, which fuels my continued writing, despite the abundance of books and articles already available.

Currently, I have left my job in healthcare, which was my preferred career after roles in preaching and motivational speaking. I once constructed grass-thatched houses to earn a living, but I no longer pursue this, although the skill remains with me. Fishing was a pastime I enjoyed, but now, living about three miles from the river, I no longer consider it. Instead, my time is spent extensively using a computer or phone.

Tip #6: What Are Your Current Careers?

Asking what someone does for a living may seem unusual in South Sudan, as well as in many African countries, because of the collectivist philosophy that “I am because you are, and you are because I am,” as Prof. John Mbiti articulated. This perspective emphasizes living for one another, diminishing the need for individual striving. However, this post will explore ten essential self-discovery tips and tricks to master.

Yet, the pace of change is swift. If one is not vigilant, they might awaken to a society where communal bonds have weakened, overtaken by the ideologies, doctrines, beliefs, teachings, and practices of individualism.

I am a teacher who imparts knowledge through content writing and sharing. I engage in one-on-one teaching, particularly with young individuals interested in subjects like technology, self-discovery, self-improvement, and writing.

Additionally, I am a preacher known to be an excellent speaker. This is the feedback I’ve received since I began preaching in Mayom Village in 1998.

My teaching areas include theology (Biblical & Theological Courses), technology (computer and internet usage), career exploration and development (self-discovery and self-improvement), and languages (English, Nuer, and Dinka), among others.

I teach almost everything I know and am passionate about. However, there are topics I know but am less interested in, such as government politics and other leadership courses and practices.

My primary income comes from IT consultancy, including website design and maintenance. I also work as a coordinator for community development and social services in South Sudan with the Faith Evangelical Baptist Church.

From 2010 to 2016, I taught theological and IT students at Emanuel Christian College (ECC) in Yei, South Sudan. I have also conducted academic orientation courses for students eager to learn how to write academic papers, ranging from assignments to dissertation papers.

Tip #7: What Do You Want to Do In The Future?

Discussing future career plans may seem unusual in South Sudan, where the future often unfolds on its own. However, I believe planning is crucial.

Adopting planning, a concept from the West, is beneficial. Admittedly, it’s challenging for me to manage time or remember my children’s birthdays, as these concepts are relatively new to us. My birth date is unknown, so asking my father his age would be futile—he wouldn’t understand the question.

For me, the future is the present. I aim to enhance my teaching skills and become a better educator. I aspire to elevate my writing career to the level of an internationally acclaimed author and become a motivational authority in my region.

I aim to assist individuals in recognizing their true selves, rather than longing to be someone they are not and will never be. I desire for my students to experience joy and happiness in their lives, despite the world’s troubles, because I believe we are meant to live fully, even amidst challenges.

As for the future, it’s not about me. While I enjoy sharing my aspirations, the focus is on you.

Considering a career is among the top ten self-discovery tips for everyone, as I am convinced that each person has a unique career path. If you’re interested in learning more about self-discovery, feel free to check out my complimentary book on the homepage: Your Self-Discovery Guide.

Tip #8: Why Did You Quit Your Previous Career(s)?

Indeed, what transpired? Why did you cease teaching at Sunday schools? Why did you stop driving those trucks? Why did you resign from being a national soldier? These are questions you can ponder in your heart. Sometimes, I’m not even sure why I resigned.

I left my position with MSF-Holland in Lankien, Jonglei area in 2003/4 due to the insecurity there. Identifying as both Nuer and Dinka, it was perilous for me to stay in that region at the time. Indeed, certain circumstances compel us to leave our current job or career and embark on a new one.

However, I never tire of teaching, nor do I ever abandon it, as it accompanies me wherever life takes me. Once more, why did you resign? Contemplate this before responding, even if you understand the reasons. This message is intended to encourage deeper self-reflection before self-improvement.

Bear in mind, it’s quite normal for humans to engage in multiple careers throughout their lifetime. Now, let’s consider the primary motivation behind every career, the authentic you.

Tip #9: What Is Your Life’s Ultimate Goal or Purpose?

For me, teaching is often seen as the ultimate goal and purpose. However, my reason for teaching is more profound; it’s to impart knowledge and experiences before my time is up. Knowing your life’s definite purpose allows you to utilize the self-discovery tips and tricks shared in this post. I teach to assist others in understanding who they are and how they can improve, all in pursuit of a peaceful and meaningful life.

What about you?

Your smaller daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals should all align with your life’s main goal—your ultimate purpose. Indeed, no one possesses all the best self-discovery tips because what’s effective varies from person to person.

This is about embracing your natural self, not what you aspire to become. While wishes are not inherently negative, they remain just that—wishes.

It may seem disheartening to hear that you cannot be something you’re not by nature, but that is the reality. Our nature isn’t altered by our knowledge, which is why education merely enhances us rather than transforming us. What are your thoughts on these self-discovery tips?

Tip #10: What Are Your Wildest Dreams?

Before confusion sets in, understand that your wildest dreams may not materialize unless they are in harmony with your life’s ultimate goal or purpose, as mentioned earlier. However, this doesn’t imply that you should not have dreams beyond your life’s objective. Remember, these are my top tips for self-discovery. The optimal approach is to employ any self-discovery tips and techniques you can find, including those available online and on this site.

Now, regarding those wildest dreams—if you lack one, make it a point to envision one immediately. As previously stated, planning is beneficial, even though the future is uncertain. We can’t predict what the next second, minute, or hour holds, can we?

Who could have anticipated what 2020 had in store for us? I doubt any of us expected to lose our loved ones to COVID-19 or to witness its widespread adverse effects. Nevertheless, I maintain that these self-discovery tips are the way forward.

I harbor the grand ambition of being remembered as one of the greatest motivational authors to have ever lived, crafting content grounded in facts and practical lessons rather than mere wishes. My goal is not just to persuade you to be your best but to inspire you to take actions that truly lead you to become your best. Can you perceive the distinction?

I’ve embarked on a journey of self-discovery and improvement, and I’m eager to share some proven tips with you. While these tips may not work for everyone as they did for me, they could provide you with some insight. Thank you for reading the ’10 Best Self-Discovery Tips for All Human Beings.’ I hope you found the article beneficial. If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the self-discovery tips discussed. If not, please feel free to leave a comment below. Feel free to like, share, or rate this post as well.

In my view, theology, language, computers, and career development are vital tools at our disposal, which we should utilize before it’s too late. My teaching aims to inform, instruct, and educate. Can you see it? My primary goal is to impart true knowledge to you, including self-discovery and improvement tips, how to use tools like language and computers, among others.

7 thoughts on “10 Best Self-Discovery Tips

  1. […] else’s view, too. We are different, and that happens naturally. This is why I encourage you to discover and then improve your discovered self by reading these articles again and again. We always have time […]

  2. […] how do we discover ourselves then? Well, there are many techniques when it comes to self-discovery. Some of these techniques might or might not work for everyone, including you and me. This is why I […]

  3. […] Anger is an article meant to help you improve your discovered self in an easy-to-follow manner. In this article, you will learn what to do in order to overcome your […]

  4. […] Your Mind is an article meant to help you improve your discovered self. It will help you learn the five basic yet very common feeding methods for your mind, heart, soul, […]

  5. […] you have to discover yourself in order to improve […]

  6. Wow, thanks for this comment, Kimathi Makini, God bless you.

  7. Quite insightful Mr John.
    Finding one’s identity and path is a journey and these are helpful pointers.

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