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Organic Kingdom: The Second Kingdom of Life

Organic Kingdom

Learn About the Organic Kingdom of Nature Today!

In this scientific article, our objective is to delve into the organic kingdom, outlining its key characteristics and elucidating its significance. As researchers, grasping the complex dynamics of the natural world is crucial, and the organic kingdom is a vital component of terrestrial life. Distinguished from other life classifications by distinct, scientifically validated traits, the organic kingdom is one of the five recognized kingdoms of life. Our investigation into the organic kingdom aims to enhance our grasp of its biological importance and further the scientific community’s collective understanding. Through an analysis of its distinctive features, we endeavor to furnish a thorough comprehension of this pivotal kingdom.

What Is Organic Kingdom?

Recent studies indicate that the Organic Kingdom, characterized by its carbon-based properties, corresponds to the second kingdom. This classification is a pivotal advancement in our comprehension of life’s evolutionary process. Carbon-based life forms range from simple organisms to complex multicellular entities.

It’s crucial to recognize that the Organic Kingdom is the second tier in the six-kingdom hierarchy, which excludes the Inorganic Kingdom and the nonliving Mineral Kingdom. The expansion of this kingdom to include a fourth category has widened the research spectrum in this area. Therefore, exploring the Organic Kingdom could greatly aid in deciphering the enigmas of life on our planet.

Organisms are placed into these categories based on similarities or common characteristics. Some of the characteristics that are used to determine placement are cell type, nutrient acquisition, and reproduction. The two main cell types are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

The Six Biological Kingdoms (

The second kingdom here is an essential foundation for the two higher kingdoms, just as it relies on the lower kingdom that precedes it. Notably, the third kingdom in the hierarchy is the renowned Animal Kingdom, which represents an evolution from the second kingdom. It is astounding to recognize that the five kingdoms identified hitherto are interdependent, and any alterations to one inevitably impact the others. This intricate network of dependence is a significant testimony to the remarkable interconnectivity that pervades the natural world. The realization of this symbiosis is indeed a remarkable revelation that underscores the need for holistic consideration of life systems.

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The Organic Kingdom is one of the five kingdoms that exist in the natural world. It ranges from the unicellular to the multicellular, encompassing all living organisms, from the smallest microbe to the largest mammal. The Organic Kingdom is reliant on the Inorganic Kingdom, and both kingdoms depend on each other.

In this article, we will explore the visible and invisible aspects of the Organic Kingdom. The Organic Kingdom discussed here mainly refers to the plant kingdom. The Animal Kingdom is considered to be above the Organic Kingdom despite being a part of it.

Humans, as a kingdom, also fall under the Organic Kingdom, but rank above plants and animals. Although there are similarities between species, humans remain unique among animal life.

The presence of the Organic Kingdom is essential for human survival in the physical realm, which exists in the spiritual world. According to spiritual principles, humans are physical beings in the spiritual world.

How Do We Know There Is An Organic Kingdom?

As previously mentioned, the first to fourth kingdoms can predominantly be perceived through the senses. However, epignosis can also aid in our understanding of these realms by providing revelation knowledge. Gnosis, as a form of scientific knowledge, enables us to uncover knowledge about these physical kingdoms.

It is noteworthy that we can utilize our five senses to perceive the second kingdom, as we do with the first, third, and fourth kingdom. These are all physical and natural domains. However, the fifth kingdom is spiritual and thus cannot be apprehended through our regular five senses or perceptions. It is evident that the spiritual domain delineates what is physical (and not the other way around) since physicality is rooted in spirituality.

The study of the physical world can be achieved through physical and spiritual means, as the physical world encompasses both tangible and intangible features. Conversely, the spiritual world cannot be studied or understood through physical means, as the properties and measurements of spirituality transcend the limitations of physical existence. This is due to the fact that life is generated from higher forms of life, implying that every living entity bears the potential to create beings of its own kind. For instance, a plant propagates other plants, while an animal produces offspring of its own species. In the same vein, humans reproduce humans, whereas God produces gods. This phenomenon is fascinating, especially as humans are presently undergoing an evolutionary transformation, which has been referenced in diverse human belief systems.

Is It Important To Know About The Organic Kingdom?

The fundamental interdependence of the living world is evident in the vital role played by the second kingdom, situated directly above the inorganic realm. As part of this kingdom, we are deeply connected to it, and it, in turn, is intricately intertwined with us. Our organic existence, part of the second kingdom, is fused with the inorganic world through the fundamental building blocks of matter – atoms.

Recognising this connection is critical as it inspires a deeper appreciation for the third kingdom, the animal kingdom. For a comprehensive understanding of the animal kingdom, which we as humans evolved from, it is fundamental we also value and comprehend the first and second kingdoms. The relationships between these kingdoms are symbiotic and affect each other immensely. Understanding the connectedness between the second and third kingdoms is paramount as it unlocks awareness of the Kingdom of God, already underway and situated above the human realm.

The comprehension of the first inorganic kingdom lays the foundation for the comprehension of the second organic kingdom. Subsequently, an in-depth understanding of the third kingdom above the second kingdom yields further insights into the fourth kingdom, i.e., the human kingdom. The elucidation of the human kingdom is crucial in facilitating the understanding of the fifth kingdom. It is duly noted that each kingdom holds paramount significance in the comprehension of the succeeding kingdom, thereby aiding in the holistic comprehension of the natural world.

What Do You Think About The Organic Kingdom?

Based on your inquiry, I will offer a scientific perspective on the subject at hand. The second kingdom, also referred to as the Plant Kingdom, is a primary division of living organisms. It includes multicellular eukaryotes that primarily produce their food through photosynthesis, using energy from the sun and carbon dioxide in the air.

As for your personal journey of discovery, it aligns with scientific research that has long established the interconnection between the physical and spiritual worlds. From a biological perspective, the principles of Natural Law in the Spiritual World governing the spiritual world are indeed reflected in the natural world.

The study of life on Earth is a continuous process, and scientific research contributes to the increasing understanding of our world. While acknowledging the significance of the spiritual aspect of life, it is essential to recognize the empirical evidence collected over centuries of scientific inquiry in conjunction with personal experiences and beliefs.

As a conscious and inquisitive observer, I have found that there are multiple realms of existence that coexist with our observable physical reality. Through personal exploration and empirical evidence, I have come to recognize the profound reality of these spiritual kingdoms. It is fascinating to witness and analyze the interplay between the spiritual and physical realms, which often sheds light on the meaning and purpose of life.

I acknowledge that not everyone may have experienced such phenomena, and that is entirely understandable. However, for those who have had experiences that they cannot explain using their conventional senses, it is essential to understand and embrace the science behind it. By sharing knowledge and understanding, we can elucidate the nature of these hidden senses in a way that is backed by empirical evidence. We should not rush to accept without questioning or burden ourselves with doubt. Rather, we should investigate and develop a deep understanding of these real and compelling phenomena.


In essence, the present discourse highlights the developments in the field of the organic kingdom, including its description, discovery, importance, and the readers’ pre-existing knowledge. Prior to this exposition, what was your understanding of the theme under discussion? What aspects were you already familiar with? Equally important, which aspects of the subject were you not previously aware of?

We invite your feedback on this article. Our research indicates that readers will benefit from your positive and negative comments, which will aptly assist in refining the contents of future articles. Your insightful critiques will contribute significantly to improving the quality of our work, and we appreciate your participation. As lifelong scholars, we recognize the inherent value of continuous learning and strive to incorporate feedback from our readers as we continue to grow. You can also leave me a message here or start a chat with me right here. Thank you very much for reading this article!

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8 thoughts on “Organic Kingdom: The Second Kingdom of Life

  1. […] for the human experience. While previous discussions have explored kingdoms such as the Inorganic, Organic, Animal, and Human, understanding the essence of the God Kingdom requires further […]

  2. […] determined by our previous scientific articles. This kingdom stands higher than the Inorganic and Organic kingdoms, but remains lower than the kingdoms that surpass it in the hierarchy. As such, it […]

  3. […] books that delve into the five kingdoms of life. These five kingdoms comprise the inorganic, organic, animal, human, and Godly realms, with each kingdom arranged in order from the known lowest to the […]

  4. […] organic kingdom begins with plant life, followed by various animals, ranging from tiny microbes to massive […]

  5. […] for the human experience. While previous discussions have explored kingdoms such as the Inorganic, Organic, Animal, and Human, understanding the essence of the God Kingdom requires further investigation. […]

  6. […] definition and classification. Previous articles have extensively discussed the Inorganic, Organic, and Animal Kingdom, the earliest known classifications in human history. However, given that […]

  7. […] determined by our previous scientific articles. This kingdom stands higher than the Inorganic and Organic kingdoms, but remains lower than the kingdoms that surpass it in the hierarchy. As such, it holds the […]

  8. […] five known kingdoms of life are the Inorganic Kingdom, Organic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Human Kingdom, and God Kingdom. The focus of inquiry is not on the conventional […]

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