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Teaching: What It Is and Why It Matters


Understanding Teaching Is Key to Teaching Ourselves and Others Better

4th April 2022

Teaching is a domain dedicated to the education of individuals, scrutinizing its aims, techniques, importance, and target audience. This article aims to clarify fundamental teaching principles and emphasize the critical role of disseminating knowledge to others and oneself. It will also offer a synopsis of the vital components that should be incorporated into teaching.

Unfortunately, the value of teaching is frequently undervalued, notably in Africa, and particularly in South Sudan, where cultivating a culture of learning is crucial. Therefore, this article will explore the reasons behind the low prioritization of teaching and education in certain areas and the potential consequences of overlooking this esteemed vocation.

What Is Teaching?

Pedagogy involves the distribution of both written and tacit knowledge, which can take various forms. At this moment, I am engaging in pedagogy by sharing my understanding of it. It is commonly held that life itself is the ultimate teacher, and as the saying goes, experience is the best educator.

Education is an organized method of transferring knowledge from one person to another. Pedagogical strategies are employed to effectively communicate knowledge, typically through spoken words or inventive actions. Spoken language articulates our thought processes and conveys ideas to others. Yet, effective knowledge transfer is not assured by speech alone, as the context and personal interpretations can influence the success of communication.

In a distinctive way, ingrained habits and behavioral patterns are indicative of an individual, influencing their personality and life decisions. Thus, it is crucial to ensure that actions and words are in harmony to deliver messages with the greatest clarity and accuracy.

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How Do We Teach?

As previously mentioned, our teaching methods include both verbal and hands-on approaches. Our actions and words are deeply integrated into our behavior. Information is shared on a personal level through direct interaction. Furthermore, didactic presentations are utilized in various public settings, such as religious institutions, educational environments, or even memorial services.

The human mind is intricate, constantly producing a stream of internal thoughts. These thoughts can be shared with the outside world through different forms of communication, including verbal and nonverbal means. The goal of such communication is to impart knowledge to those in proximity. Therefore, information can be disseminated through both speech and behavior.

Communication in humans is a sophisticated process that involves both words and deeds. Often without realizing it, people can convey knowledge through their verbal and nonverbal actions. This happens as the recipients of the information selectively interpret and mentally process the communicated message.

In this way, individuals play important, albeit indirect, roles in educating society through their communication, whether they intend to teach or not. Words do more than relay facts; they also express emotions and ideas, influencing how the message is received by others. Consequently, it is crucial for individuals to be aware of their verbal and nonverbal actions, as they can impart lessons that others may learn and emulate.

Recognizing the role of communication as a teaching tool is crucial in educational settings and interpersonal communication training. Emotional responses in humans are potent, often triggering behaviors before the engagement of conscious thought. Although it is advantageous to engage in critical thinking before reacting, it is not always practical. The neurological underpinnings of emotions are intricate, involving various brain areas and bodily responses.

Comprehending these processes and their influence on behavior not only illuminates the reasons behind impulsive actions but also aids in identifying the most effective methods for altering behaviors in response to emotional stimuli. Consequently, it is imperative for researchers and practitioners to delve into the complex interplay between emotions and behavior to enhance overall well-being and functionality.

It is believed that human emotions and feelings stem from the unconscious and subconscious mind, leading to a perceived lack of control over one’s feelings and actions. Recent research indicates that the cerebral cortex plays a significant role in regulating emotions, yet impulsive reactions may still occur in certain scenarios, potentially resulting in regrettable behaviors or statements. Therefore, grasping the intricate relationship between thoughts, emotions, and actions is crucial for better response regulation. Ongoing research in this domain promises to enhance our ability to manage emotions and actions more effectively.

A variety of methods are available for teaching others, with our everyday actions providing substantial lessons to those around us. Recognizing the influence of our behavior on ourselves and others is vital, as our actions are integral to knowledge transmission. Even individuals exhibiting negative behavior patterns serve as inadvertent teachers, since exchanging information is a natural aspect of human interaction. Consequently, regardless of the nature of the information shared, we all play a part in spreading knowledge through our daily interactions.

Who Do We Teach?

It is a well-acknowledged fact that humans have the ability to share knowledge through various methods, whether verbal or nonverbal. The role of imparting education and insight is not solely the domain of professional educators but also includes the daily interactions we engage in with others, be it through phone conversations or in-person meetings.

This suggests that teaching involves a broad spectrum of social interactions, and as individuals, we possess the capacity to contribute to each other’s growth and development through such interactions. At this moment, I am exercising this capacity by sharing knowledge with you, regardless of your prior understanding of the topic. Furthermore, if you could share your perspective on this discussion in a comment below, it would provide me with the chance to learn from you as well.

As Homo sapiens, our innate desire to disseminate knowledge and information reaches out not only to our immediate family but also to our broader social network, including those we do not know. As social creatures, we partake in educational activities to foster learning and comprehension within our communities.

Our daily interactions and exchanges of information present numerous opportunities to serve as catalysts for educational experiences, benefiting our social networks and fostering intellectual development. Recognizing ourselves as educators, even beyond formal teaching roles, underscores the importance of lifelong learning and the diverse avenues through which knowledge can be acquired. Thus, embracing our natural tendency to teach and its capacity to enhance our social fabric can become a fundamental aspect of our existence.

It is a well-established fact that all living creatures inherently possess the ability to teach and learn. Although we may not hold formal credentials from accredited institutions, it is important to recognize that both humans and animals are instinctive educators. It is with certainty that we can say every individual is endowed with the ability to share knowledge with others, including those in positions of authority.

A key element of teaching is engaging in discussions on pertinent subjects. Thus, anyone can essentially become a teacher, leveraging their distinct experiences and insights to enlighten others. The role of a teacher extends beyond professionally licensed individuals and is intrinsic to the human condition.

Through deliberate reflection and analysis, we can choose to self-educate and share our knowledge with others. It is crucial for educators to carefully plan and determine whom to teach, what to teach, and the timing and method of delivering the information. Holding this principle, I have chosen to use this platform to impart vital knowledge to a broad audience.

Our method of knowledge transfer includes offering educational opportunities to those interested in our services. We employ a variety of tools and methods to distribute our information and teaching materials. It is my earnest hope that you are gaining valuable knowledge from the content provided here.

Why Do We Teach?

The instructional process serves multiple purposes, one of which is to educate individuals about topics they have not previously encountered. Teaching subjects that students have already mastered would be redundant. Educators depend on understanding a student’s existing knowledge to achieve this goal, which helps avoid repeating known concepts. As an educator, I find it crucial to evaluate my students’ knowledge before starting any lesson, allowing me to provide them with meaningful insights.

I wish to clarify three key concepts: informing, instructing, and educating. Informing is about raising awareness on a specific topic, instructing is guiding individuals to perform a certain task or action, and educating is the process through which individuals assimilate the instructions given, practicing and gaining a deeper understanding of the subject, with the aim of eventually mastering it.

It’s essential to recognize that each concept is fundamental in its own way, and while they share similarities, their scope and objectives are distinct. Understanding these differences enables us to create more effective teaching and knowledge-sharing strategies, with the ultimate goal of enhancing our learning and development.

Education plays a crucial role in imparting practical knowledge. Simply gathering information does not equate to being educated. Rather, it is the development of the ability to organize and utilize this information that is essential. Knowing the names of world leaders is useless without the capacity for constructive application. Education, therefore, should aim to teach the effective use of knowledge, with a focus on practical application. My main goal is to share knowledge that fosters personal and professional development. I believe that self-understanding is critical for achieving peace both within and externally. Not knowing oneself can result in disharmony with oneself, others, the divine, and all living beings.

Self-discovery is essential in the career exploration process. Scientific evidence suggests that knowing oneself lays the groundwork for success in various life aspects. A deeper understanding of one’s inner self leads to a more meaningful and intentional life, encouraging individuals to follow their true passions and interests. Identifying personal traits and values helps align one’s aspirations with a rewarding career. Self-discovery is a vital part of human growth, contributing to both personal and professional fulfillment.

As a seasoned educator, I am deeply committed to transferring valuable knowledge and aiding in the growth of others. The rewards of this profession may not always be financial, but the alignment with my empathetic nature makes it intrinsically rewarding. My dedication to steering people towards responsible and satisfying lives remains steadfast, and given the chance, I aim to use my abilities to make a positive impact on society.

What Is the Importance of Teaching?

Education holds paramount importance as it significantly shapes individuals. Educators act as beacons of knowledge, guiding students on their journey to enlightenment. It is crucial to uphold a high standard of excellence to reflect education’s beneficial impact on society. However, it is important to acknowledge that not every teacher is committed to imparting constructive knowledge; some may have malicious intentions towards innocent lives.

Teaching entails conveying knowledge and understanding of relevant academic subjects to students. This role is particularly significant for those with a predisposition towards education. Such individuals often exhibit a personality inclined towards teaching. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize that not everyone places the same value on teaching or has the same motivations for entering the profession.

For those of us passionate about spreading knowledge, teaching is a priceless means to fulfill our life’s purpose. By sharing relevant information, we underscore the importance of engaging in teaching. Comprehending the reasons for choosing or avoiding a teaching career is crucial. Our goal is to show that participating in education is a complex journey that brings personal satisfaction through the sharing of knowledge. Therefore, we must acknowledge the significance of education and encourage others to pursue it for noble reasons.

Upon reviewing this article, it becomes clear that each person naturally shares knowledge in their unique manner. However, it’s crucial to understand that when we disseminate knowledge, we must assess whether we have an inherent affinity for it. This assessment is vital because lacking a natural inclination towards teaching suggests that one should reconsider such career paths. Learning and teaching are integral to human life, with many assuming the role of a teacher at some point. Yet, not everyone is passionate about teaching, and acknowledging this is important.

Education is profoundly meaningful as it brings fulfillment. In my view, it is the cornerstone of our very being. My role is not just to impart knowledge but to share information backed by scientific proof or personal experience. Having been a student before becoming an educator, I acquired a deep comprehension of the learning process, which informs my sensitivity to my students’ needs. As I persist in learning and staying open to new ideas, I cultivate greater self-awareness, enhancing my distinct viewpoint.

My Final Words

In conclusion, the thorough investigation presented in this article has produced enlightening outcomes. The research has revealed a deep comprehension of the core of teaching, the array of methodologies applied, the various stakeholders involved, and the importance of these educational practices.

Considering these conclusions, it is advised that scholars delve deeper into the topic to uncover further understanding. Therefore, it is wise to encourage readers to explore additional literature on the subject. Such endeavors will augment one’s expertise and skill in both teaching and learning.

Please share any insights you have gained from this article on teaching by leaving a comment below. Additionally, you are welcome to connect with me through chat when available or by leaving a message in the chat form on this page. Thank you for your engagement.

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Serving: What It Is and Why It Matters


Understanding Serving Is Key to Serve Both God and Others Better

28th March 2022

“Serving” is an article designed to enhance your comprehension of what it entails to serve God and others. The article explores the various ways we can serve, the reasons behind our service, and the impact of serving others. Service manifests in diverse forms, including commercial, mandatory, or voluntary work. It can be directed towards God, our fellow humans, or other living beings. As you read through this article, you will gain a deeper insight into the significance of serving others.

What Is Serving?

To serve is to perform an act of service for others or for a cause. For instance, teaching serves both the students and the institution where one teaches. Writing serves those who enjoy reading and are eager to discover new knowledge, ideas, and methods.

I engage in a serving ministry. Creating websites, translating from English to Dinka, Juba Arabic, and Nuer is a form of service. Similarly, interpreting from English into these languages serves the community. Publishing books for other authors on Amazon and in print is another way I serve.

Service can take various forms and sizes, and it aligns with one’s identity and passions. As mentioned, my natural inclination towards linguistics leads me to translate and interpret between languages. An unexpected task once had me translating from classical Arabic to Dinka, which was well-received by Arabic speakers. Consider for a moment what your service to the world is. Discover it.

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How Do We Serve God and People?

Service to God and others can take many forms. Sharing God’s message is one way to serve both divine and human interests. I find joy in teaching what I know, like God’s word and computer skills, which is why I author and publish computer guidebooks.

Your unique abilities allow you to serve humanity and God in your own capacity. This service can extend to other living beings and the environment, impacting creatures like animals, birds, insects, and worms. Humans have a responsibility towards these creatures, serving them in various ways. Yet, not everyone harbors affection for other beings or their fellow humans, often due to inherent traits or upbringing.

Nonetheless, we are summoned to serve both our fellow humans and God, as well as all of creation. My service is tailored to my personality and capabilities. As a freelancer, I pursue work that aligns with my passions, recognizing that sometimes survival necessitates taking any available work.

Why Serving?

The fundamental reason for serving ourselves, God, other humans, and the rest of creation lies in our inherent ability to do so. We act because we possess the individual capacity for action. Recognizing that each of us is called to serve in our own distinct ways is beneficial. I write and disseminate these thoughts across various platforms because I am capable and feel a sense of duty to share knowledge. This doesn’t imply my writings are unknown, but rather that I can express them in my unique style.

You, too, can serve God and His creation, including humanity, in your own special ways and for your personal reasons. For me, there’s a sense of fulfillment in serving God and others with my talents and resources. Pursuing my passion is my primary motivation for helping others.

Do you believe my writing and sharing of these articles constitutes good service? If so, please share your views with me and others in the comments section below. Otherwise, feel free to express your opinions. I might be available for discussion on my website. You’re welcome to send me a message through the chatbot, email me, or call me using the contact details provided on my website’s contact page.

What Is the Importance of Serving?

For me, serving God, fellow humans, and all creatures while doing what I love is paramount. It signifies life, fulfillment, and living rightly through sharing. Being a teacher doesn’t mean I have all the knowledge; there’s always more to learn.

Finding fulfillment in my passions surpasses the desire for money, fame, or other worldly pursuits. It’s crucial for me to serve in my unique way, which ties into discovering one’s career and self. Understanding our actions is essential for meaningful service to God and humanity. As a writer, you possess a unique voice; no one can replicate your style, even on identical topics, highlighting the value of your contributions.

As an example, I wear many hats: freelance teacher, translator, interpreter, web designer, motivational speaker, and book publisher. My activities largely revolve around educating and sharing knowledge. Interpreting aims to foster better mutual understanding, while translating facilitates communication—both forms of teaching.

Web design and development serve as additional channels for exchanging ideas, linking back to education. Speaking about life and our capabilities is an extension of teaching, encompassing personal and professional growth. Thus, I am fundamentally a teacher. Similarly, you can uncover your identity and talents to serve others, embodying the essence of service: leading a fulfilling life on Earth.

My Final Words

We have covered all that is necessary regarding service to God and others in our world. We’ve explored the definition of service, the methods of serving, the reasons behind it, and its significance. Now, ask yourself if you are prepared to serve in your distinctive way—yourself, God, other people, and all of creation.

Have you found your true self? Have you found your vocation? Are you dedicating yourself daily to acts of service? These are crucial questions to consider at this moment, as you reach the conclusion of this article. If you find this article beneficial, please feel free to share it with those in your circle. Wishing you a joyous new month of April 2022. Peace be with you!

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Religious and Interreligious Conflicts: What They Are and Why They Matter

Religious and Interreligious Conflicts

Understanding Religious and Interreligious Conflicts Is Key to Resolving Them

21st March 2022

“Religious and Interreligious Conflicts” is an article designed to educate us about the nature of these conflicts, their causes, and the methods of resolution. It also explores the reasons for resolving such conflicts and their significance. A persistent question is whether human conflicts can ever be completely resolved. Read on to learn more.

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What Is a Religious Conflict?

Conflict within or between religious organizations or groups is termed religious conflict. For instance, conflict within Christianity, or between Christians and other religious groups, is referred to as religious conflict.

Religious conflict includes intolerance of other religions and discrimination against members of other religions, religious war, intellectual conflict and conflict between church and state. Such conflict is harmful to the overall credibility of religion and may cause religious apathy or disintegration. It may arise in the attempt to religiously convert tribal society and may result in ethnic disintegration and loss of cultural heritage. Religious conflict can ensue from political conflict.

Religious conflict | World Problems & Global Issues | The Encyclopedia of World Problems (

The initial Sudanese civil wars were predominantly rooted in racial and religious differences. The conflicts arose from tensions between Arabs and indigenous Africans, both racially and religiously. The existence of distinct entities such as ‘Arab’ and ‘African’ is a complex issue that this article will not address. However, we are exploring the nature of religious conflict, which can intersect with racial identities, supporting our earlier point. Additionally, inter-religious conflicts exist alongside the type of religious conflict currently under discussion.

What Is an Interreligious Conflict?

Conflicts between two or more different religions are referred to as interreligious conflicts. For instance, disputes between Muslims and Christians fall under this category because they involve two distinct faiths. However, conflicts within the same religion, such as between different sects of Islam or Christianity, are classified as religious conflicts rather than interreligious ones.

Similarly, conflicts between African Religion and Christianity or Islam are considered interreligious. I choose not to call African Religion ‘Traditional African Religions’ as many scholars do, because it implies a collection of separate religions rather than a single religion with various sects. Moreover, all religions have traditions; thus, they are all traditional in some sense.

Describing African Religion as ‘traditional’ can be misleading, as it may suggest it is outdated or irrelevant, which I do not believe. Not all aspects of African Religion are demonic, satanic, or evil. They could represent unique ways in which God has revealed Himself to Africans. This is my perspective.

God was present in Africa long before the arrival of Westerners. Africans have known and related to God in their own ways, making African Religion one of the earliest means for people to understand and connect with the divine as they perceive it.

What Causes Religious and Interreligious Conflicts?

Just as there are numerous causes for various types of conflicts, the same is true for religious and interreligious conflicts. These can stem from personal, familial, clan, tribal, national, or international issues, reflecting the complex nature of human societies comprised of individuals.

Our objective is to discern the root causes of conflicts within and between religions. In Christianity, issues of leadership and resources are prominent. Individuals seek to have their voices heard. When leaders recognize that someone wishes to express a perspective that deviates slightly from the orthodox view, conflicts may arise.

Similarly, when a church leader secedes from the main body to establish a new church, they become the principal leader of that congregation, gaining access to power and wealth. This dynamic of resources and power also contributes to conflicts among different religious groups in Africa and globally.

How Do We Resolve Religious and Interreligious Conflicts?

Numerous methods exist for resolving conflicts, regardless of their nature or type. These methods include prevention, as well as win-win and win-lose strategies.

Preventing conflict before it escalates is always preferable. However, this approach may not always be practical for various reasons. Nevertheless, there are always methods available to resolve conflicts. People have the ability to resolve conflicts just as readily as they can create them, employing a multitude of strategies.

The initial step in resolving any conflict is to identify its root causes. Understanding the cause is crucial as it guides individuals towards sustainable solutions. Uncovering the root causes facilitates dialogue between the conflicting parties, leading to the admission of wrongdoing, forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing.

This principle likely informed the South Sudan government’s decision to initiate a National Dialogue following its war. The conflict in South Sudan was both tribal and political. Initially political, it quickly devolved into tribal conflict within a short span of time. For more detailed insights, my book, “The Conflict Management Principles,” provides further information.

Why Do We Resolve Religious and Interreligious Conflicts?

Resolving religious and interreligious conflicts is crucial for achieving and sustaining peace in society. When conflicts arise between or within religions in a country, it signifies a broader national conflict.

Each conflict leads to property destruction and loss of life. It breeds violence, which in turn spawns numerous problems too extensive to list here. Therefore, resolving any religious conflicts, whether internal or external, is imperative.

Similarly, we must address conflicts between and within tribes in our country. While several methods have been previously discussed, another effective strategy is to engage people in activities. If everyone is as occupied as I am, there will be little room for initiating and perpetuating unproductive conflicts.

What Is the Importance of Conflict Resolution?

The resolution of conflicts within and outside religious organizations is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, conflict generates discord both internally and externally, which can spread throughout the country. Given the destructive nature of conflicts, it is imperative to seek resolution wherever possible. Doing so fosters peace and harmony not only within the religious organization but also across societies and nations.

I hold the view that religions are human interpretations of God’s identity, preferences, and abode, and fundamentally, they are unified. However, conflicts arise within and between religions due to the human element. For instance, reading both the Bible and the Quran reveals no inherent conflict; rather, the strife exists between Christians and Muslims, often taking on racial overtones.

My Final Words

It is commendable to aim for the prevention of all forms of conflict, yet such an aspiration often remains idealistic. Conflicts have existed throughout history, are present today, and will likely continue into the future. Nevertheless, this does not imply that we should not attempt to resolve them.

So, how can we address conflicts? The approach varies depending on the type of conflict in question. This article has focused on religious and interreligious conflicts and their resolution. In conclusion, it appears that neither prevention nor complete resolution of all conflicts is feasible as long as humanity endures on Earth, given that human nature itself is often cited as the source of many evils.

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Political and Inter-Political Conflicts: What They Are and Why They Matter

Political and Inter-Political Conflicts

Understanding Political and Inter-Political Conflicts Is Key to Resolving Them

14th March 2022

The article “Political and Inter-Political Conflicts” aims to elucidate the nature of these human conflicts, their origins, resolution strategies, reasons for resolution, and their significance in our societies. It guides you through these topics with the intent of providing education that extends beyond the traditional classroom setting.

What Is a Political Conflict?

Political conflict can arise within a single political party or as a result of governmental or other political disagreements. Politics, being a broad term, encompasses various forms, including personal, interpersonal, familial, inter-familial, clan, inter-clan, tribal, and inter-tribal politics.

The term implies the use of astuteness to achieve personal gain or benefit. It involves persuading someone to act against their own will. If we accept this broad definition of politics, then it is omnipresent, manifesting in all the forms mentioned. In essence, politics is employed to secure an advantage or win over a partner for personal benefit.

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What Is an Inter-Political Conflict?

Inter-political conflict refers to disputes between different political parties or those involving government politics or other political arenas. There are various types and levels of politics that can contribute to such conflicts.

The conflict in Sudan was both political and inter-political, similar to the conflict in South Sudan. These conflicts were characterized by political, racial, ideological, and religious dimensions. The South Sudanese conflict also had tribal elements, making it both a political and inter-political issue simultaneously.

What Causes Political and Inter-Political Conflicts?

The world is rife with various causes of conflict, ranging from personal disputes to international disagreements. Personal conflicts, in particular, seem to be proliferating across all levels and types of discord. Conversely, other forms of conflict can also escalate into personal grievances, as all conflicts are interconnected in some manner.

Take, for instance, an individual who is at peace internally. Should they encounter a person prone to conflict, their tranquility is likely to be disrupted. This is why the Apostle Paul advised, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all,” acknowledging that constant peace may not always be attainable.

Often, the nature of a conflict is defined by its cause. For instance, a conflict arising primarily from political disagreements is deemed political. If the conflict has both political and tribal roots, as seen in South Sudan and Rwanda, it is classified as inter-political.

Some of the causes of political and inter-political conflicts are:

  • Natural resources (oil, gas, land, etc.)
  • Partner (male versus female conflict)
  • Ideological
  • Racial
  • Religious
  • Identity

How Do We Resolve Political and Inter-Political Conflicts?

Numerous conflict resolution methods have been attempted, yet most have not been successful to date. Even the United Nations Organization (UNO), commonly known as the UN, has not achieved its primary goal of world peace. The complexity of human nature is a significant factor in the UN’s challenges.

Understanding the cause and type of conflict is crucial for resolution. Whether it’s personal, interpersonal, or familial, identifying the root cause is the first step. For personal conflicts, engaging in personal and professional development through reading and courses is advisable.

For interpersonal conflicts, including those of a political nature, it’s beneficial to educate oneself about the causes and types of conflicts. However, knowledge alone may not always suffice in resolving conflicts.

Methods such as win-win and win-lose are common in conflict resolution, along with prevention and withdrawal strategies. Personally, I endeavor to avoid conflicts with myself, God, others, and the rest of creation. When avoidance is not possible, finding a resolution or confronting the conflict is necessary. Thus, there are various methods people employ to resolve conflicts, including those of a political and inter-political nature.

Why Do We Resolve Political and Inter-Political Conflicts?

Conflicts, in all their forms, are detrimental to human life, yet they persist. While we may wish for all conflicts to be resolved, this remains a mere aspiration. It is said that even in heaven, there was a conflict between God and Satan, along with their angels. Most people dislike conflicts because they bring additional problems. Conversely, some individuals may find conflicts advantageous. As many strive to prevent or resolve conflicts, there are those who profit from them.

This is exemplified by the historical actions of Britain, France, and other Western powers, who instigated conflicts among tribes and nations in Africa, only to pose as peacemakers while actually being the provocateurs. Our goal, however, is to resolve conflicts to sustain peace and harmony among all parties involved. I seek peace within myself, with God (psychologically), with fellow humans, and with other beings, including animals like cats and dogs.

Peace, unlike conflict, brings a multitude of benefits, including prosperity. No nation or household can thrive without peace. As Jesus stated, “No kingdom divided against itself will ever stand,” underscoring the imperative to resolve conflicts of every nature.

What Is the Importance of Conflict Resolution?

The reasons stated are compelling. Conflict is lethal and ruins lives, both human and animal. Due to the conflict in Sudan, our wildlife has fled to neighboring countries like Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Central Africa, and Chad. Peace in our homeland would encourage their return.

This indicates that conflict is detrimental, and even animals recognize the perils of residing in war-torn nations like Sudan and South Sudan. Living in peace is crucial. However, if global powers like the United States of America profit from our conflicts in South Sudan, achieving peace and harmony at home becomes a daunting task.

Let me share a thought with you, the reader. There is no entity such as the ‘International Community.’ The UK and the US alone do not constitute the International Community as they do not represent the entire global population. Moreover, the concept of democracy is not singular, as there are various forms.

These factors complicate the pursuit of peace. When we gained independence, the US anticipated controlling our resources, which, at the time of writing, has not occurred. Subsequently, they instigated conflict and then offered aid under the guise of assisting the people of South Sudan oppressed by their government. Nevertheless, despite these challenges, it is incumbent upon us, the South Sudanese, to strive for peace independently. We do not require external forces, including the US, to impose peace or conflict upon us. We seek peace, starting with inner personal tranquility, progressing to interpersonal harmony.

My Final Words

We have covered much ground, yet as Napoleon Hill stated, “knowledge alone is only potential power.” It’s not just about learning; it’s about applying that knowledge, otherwise, it remains theoretical. Reflect on what you’ve absorbed from this article and consider how you will apply it. We must each confront these questions. Personally, I’ve chosen to live in harmony with myself, God, others, and all of creation. How will you address your own conflicts with these entities? May God’s blessings and protection be upon you during and beyond the pandemic. That is my hope and prayer for you. Peace!

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Personal and Interpersonal Conflicts: What They Are and Why They Matter

Personal and Interpersonal Conflicts

Understanding Personal and Interpersonal Conflicts Is Key to Resolving Them

7th March 2022

The article “Personal and Interpersonal Conflicts” aims to elucidate the nature of these conflicts, their origins, reasons for their occurrence, the necessity of resolving them, and the significance of addressing such conflicts at different levels. It examines both personal and interpersonal conflicts from various perspectives.

What Is a Personal Conflict?

Just as personal peace exists, so does personal conflict. This type of conflict occurs within an individual, a battle between oneself. It’s not a conflict between you and another, but within you alone. Although I wish for us to avoid conflict, it remains an inevitable part of life. You may struggle to embrace some of the concepts presented here, potentially leading to disagreement and conflict.

Nonetheless, it’s presumed you now comprehend the nature of personal conflict. You may have been aware of this before reading this text, and that is acknowledged. However, personal conflict is as intricate as any conflict at any societal level. It is the foundation of personal peace and reconciliation. Without conflict, there would be no need for resolution.

Further in this post, we will explore the various causes of personal conflict. But for now, our focus is to understand what this level of conflict means in our society. It’s common knowledge that society consists of individuals who form families, clans, tribes, and broader societies.

Therefore, it’s crucial to thoroughly examine personal conflict to grasp its significance, as it can escalate to higher levels of conflict if not addressed. Also known as intrapersonal conflict, this is what I refer to as personal inner conflict, which stands in contrast to interpersonal conflict, which will be discussed subsequently.

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What Is an Interpersonal Conflict?

Just as there is interpersonal peace, there is also interpersonal conflict. This type of conflict occurs between two individuals, whether it’s between you and me, you and God, or you and other beings, and is known as external conflict. It represents a broader level of conflict throughout human and animal history.

Indeed, animals experience conflicts among themselves, just as humans do. When we encounter conflicts with God, other people, or other creatures, it is referred to as interpersonal conflict. This can occur within a family, between families, clans, and tribes, or even escalate to national or international levels.

Therefore, any conflict that exists outside of oneself is considered interpersonal or external, distinguishing it from internal or personal conflict. As mentioned earlier, such conflicts are prevalent in every human community or society and have various causes and potential solutions.

What Causes Personal and Interpersonal Conflicts?

Numerous factors contribute to human conflict, but one element often overlooked is our inherent nature. It’s our humanity that frequently leads to discord among us. Human nature plays a significant role in instigating conflicts, suggesting that some individuals may favor conflict over peace and harmony.

Indeed, in every generation and nation, there are those akin to the biblical Cain, who derive pleasure from conflict for their own reasons. They find joy in causing harm, whether to an individual or a group, and unlike most who hurt others unintentionally, these individuals do so with intent.

Commonly recognized causes of interpersonal or external conflict include personal greed and desires, leading to the misconception that resource competition is the primary source of societal conflicts. This notion arises from our propensity to contest ownership of anything, including relationships.

Consider that young men might fight to the death over a romantic partner, a phenomenon not exclusive to humans but observed in the animal kingdom as well. This type of rivalry is indeed a cause of interpersonal conflict and likely will continue to be so.

While some may argue that cultural differences, varied experiences, and knowledge are the main instigators of interpersonal conflict, it is, in fact, our human nature that lies at the heart of discord at any societal level. The tendency to belittle or disdain others stems from this nature. Some may deny this reality by claiming that born-again Christians have transcended their human nature, but is this assertion valid?

How Do We Resolve Personal and Interpersonal Conflicts?

Humans have various methods for resolving conflicts. As many individuals can instigate conflicts, there are equally as many who can reduce them to nothing. These individuals in our societies are the catalysts for peace and conflict resolution, known as peacemakers, and are revered for their role in fostering harmony.

Well before the advent of Christianity and Islam in Africa, indigenous methods were in place to address conflicts. These methods ranged from supernatural interventions to the exertion of force by elders or community leaders, including kings and chiefs. African societies were organized into chiefdoms and kingdoms long before foreign powers arrived.

In those times, if two individuals were inclined to fight, they were permitted to do so with less dangerous implements. This approach allowed conflicts to be resolved through combat rather than suppression, leading to a deeper understanding between the adversaries post-conflict.

Combatants might use sticks or their bare hands, with onlookers present to prevent any serious harm. Supernaturally, serious conflicts were addressed by cursing the instigators, a feared practice due to the believed severe and lasting repercussions. The fear of demons and evil spirits was more prevalent before the spread of Christianity and Islam than it is today.

Why Do We Resolve Personal and Interpersonal Conflicts?

Peace and harmony stand as the primary reasons for resolving conflicts at any level within human society, signifying that we have one or multiple compelling reasons to end disputes. However, we have yet to achieve success in ending conflicts globally, with even the United Nations continuing to grapple with wars on Earth.

I hold the view that peace should be prioritized in conflict resolution efforts because it is the fundamental goal of such endeavors. If peace is paramount to us all, which it undoubtedly is or ought to be, then resolving conflicts is equally critical.

My affinity for peace is why I’ve adopted the name Shalom, symbolizing peace coupled with prosperity, for true peace invariably leads to prosperity, just as conflict inversely results in decline. Here, prosperity implies the ability to yield results in our endeavors.

In the absence of peace, our efforts are jeopardized, highlighting that conflict bears severe real-life repercussions, including the loss of lives and property. The devastation wrought upon some of our larger cities during the brief conflict in South Sudan serves as a testament, where we saw years of development obliterated in mere months, illustrating the severe and perilous nature of war.

Owing to the costly and destructive nature of conflict, there is an ever-present need to seek resolutions. This underscores the significance of conflict resolution, which we will explore further. Indeed, there are numerous reasons to pursue both personal and interpersonal solutions to conflicts.

What Is the Importance of Conflict Resolution?

Indeed, if peace is crucial at any level of human society, so is conflict resolution. This is why I always concentrate on the individual level for resolving conflicts. You can only control your own thoughts and actions, not those of others. By managing your thoughts, words, and actions, you can achieve peace.

You can find peace within yourself, with God, with other humans, and even with other creatures. Peace is my emblem; it’s part of my nature, and both humans and animals recognize it. However, those who favor violence may see this as cowardice. I strive to avoid such individuals and animals, which sometimes may lead to conflict rather than peace.

Sharing these personal traits, I aim to highlight the significance of personal peace and harmony. Maintaining peace at any level is costly, but personal peace is crucial. It’s vital to find and sustain interpersonal peace, starting from within. Discovering our inner peace can inspire us to assist others in finding and maintaining their peace.

Do you see now the importance of having your own personal peace? It’s essential because it leads to family peace, which is interpersonal peace. I believe this is one of the primary reasons to pursue peace and harmony at the family level. Hence, conflict resolution is vital for both personal and interpersonal conflicts.

My Final Words

Thank you for reading this article to the end. I trust you’ve absorbed every word. It’s gratifying when my work is read thoroughly. However, before you depart, I’d like to leave you with some parting wisdom and advice. In all our discussions, the necessity for balance stands out. If you cherish peace, remember not everyone shares your disposition.

Some individuals may harbor a nature akin to Cain, capable of inflicting harm if you don’t conform to their ways. They may desire you to embrace violence and inflict pain on others to gain their favor. But that’s not who you are, is it? Stand firm against the tide of violence and suffering. Cultivate and preserve your personal peace; that is within your power.

Moreover, you play a vital role in fostering peace at every societal level, be it within your family, clan, or tribe. Begin by securing and sustaining your own inner peace. This tranquility is what you’ll extend to those around you, and ultimately, to the world at large.

I hope you’ve found value in this article. Feel free to share your reflections in the comments section below; your feedback is highly valued and will inform my future work. I also extend my best wishes to you and your loved ones, now and in the post-pandemic world.

Further Readings