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National and International Conflicts: What They Are and Why They Matter

National and International Conflicts

Understanding National and International Conflicts Is Key to Resolving Them

National and international conflicts represent various kinds and levels of discord, manifesting in different forms and types. Although they may appear distinct, they often share similar root causes. National conflict occurs within a single nation or country, whereas international conflict involves two or more countries, which may be neighboring or distant.

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What Is a National Conflict?

Conflicts at the national level can transcend tribal lines, as seen in South Sudan since 2013 and Rwanda in 1994. While inter-tribal conflicts may escalate to national or even international levels, a national conflict, also known as an intra-national conflict, occurs within a country.

A nation at war with itself, a scenario common in many countries, is experiencing a national conflict. Such conflicts may arise from political disputes, competition over resources, religious differences, or ideological divisions among the populace. Regardless of the cause or extent, if the conflict operates at the national level, it becomes a national issue.

Moreover, national conflicts have the potential to affect neighboring countries, influenced by various real-world factors. For instance, if a government faces an insurmountable rebellion, it might call upon its allies for support. This occurred in 1941 when the US aided South Korea against North Korea, leading to China’s involvement to support the North Korean regime, pushing back UN forces.

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What Is an International Conflict?

An international conflict differs from a national one, although it may sometimes stem from a national dispute. Such a conflict occurs between two sovereign states or nations. I have previously provided an example of an international conflict.

As we will explore, conflicts have various causes. Occasionally, international conflicts may even involve tribes and ethnic groups from neighboring countries. I recall an incident where a Kenyan police officer demanded 10,000 Kenyan shillings from me due to tensions at the Kenya-South Sudan border.

It’s a lengthy tale worthy of its own article. I doubted his legitimacy as a police officer and questioned whether a bribe would grant me entry against the country’s laws. He offered no reply. Expressing concern over his and his colleagues’ conduct, I warned that such actions could escalate into serious issues between the neighboring nations. He dismissed me, claiming I knew too much.

This incident illustrates how minor issues can escalate into significant international disputes. I ponder whether Kenyan citizens face similar treatment in South Sudan and other East African nations, or if it’s an isolated occurrence. The officer accused us of being inherently violent. In response, I reminded him of the 2007 unrest in Kenya, questioning whether the combatants were South Sudanese mercenaries or Kenyans. I cautioned him that war might seem distant in discussion, but its reality is dreadful.

What Causes Both National and International Conflicts?

Numerous well-known factors contribute to national and international conflicts. Although conflicts involve many individuals, each person is a part of the larger societal structure. A country comprises individuals, families, clans, and tribes, all of which can play roles in either conflict or peace. Common causes of conflicts at both levels include competition for resources and political power. Ideologies can also lead to wars and conflicts between nations. However, fundamentally, human nature is often at the root of conflicts, whether personal, familial, clan-based, tribal, national, or international.

This stems from the fact that human desires permeate every level of society, particularly within government or positions of political power. For instance, in South Sudan, disputes over grazing lands and water have led to conflicts between tribes, both within and beyond national borders. The border issues between Kenya and South Sudan are primarily tribal, not political. These tribes have coexisted for many years, alternating between conflict and peace. While these disputes are not inherently international, they can escalate to that level if politicians choose to exploit them. Personal interests continue to be a source of discord at all societal levels, as evidenced by the relationship between the USA and South Sudan.

During South Sudan’s initial conflict with the North, now Sudan, the USA provided substantial support. However, following South Sudan’s independence in July 2011, the dynamics changed. The US had expectations of benefiting from South Sudan’s resources, which did not materialize, leading to a shift in the US’s stance and subsequent regret for its initial support. This shift is reflected in the devaluation of the South Sudanese Pound since 2014, indicating that currency strength is largely, if not entirely, influenced by political factors.

How Do We Resolve Both National and International Conflicts?

Numerous approaches exist for resolving conflicts at any scale. I have authored a comprehensive book on this subject, available on Amazon. Despite the variety of conflict resolution strategies, many repeatedly fail, as evidenced by the United Nations’ peacekeeping efforts. Identifying the underlying causes of conflict is a prerequisite for resolution, akin to a doctor diagnosing an illness before prescribing treatment. Similarly, understanding the origins of a conflict is essential before proposing solutions to halt or prevent future occurrences.

Secondly, negotiating a lasting solution to conflict at any level is crucial. This involves finding ways to end or prevent conflict altogether. It requires both parties to acknowledge their wrongdoings to each other before any true reconciliation can occur. This process is applicable at all levels of conflict, whether at home, within clans, tribes, or nations, and even between countries.

Thirdly, achieving a level of compromise or reconciliation is necessary. Once it is acknowledged that both sides have committed wrongs or caused harm during the conflict, a compromise must be reached. This compromise should stem from a mutual desire to resolve the conflict, necessitating forgiveness and acceptance from both parties.

Fourthly, there must be a development of passion and love between former enemies. While this may result from peace and reconciliation, it is also an integral part of conflict resolution. Such mutual affection can help prevent the re-escalation of conflict. Finally, unity between former adversaries, now friends and collaborators, is essential. This unity is not just an outcome of peace but a means to maintain harmony in the future. The question remains, how do we achieve these five levels of conflict management?

These goals can be pursued either forcefully, which often fails, or voluntarily, which can yield remarkable results if the conflicting parties are willing. Forcing peace or war is ineffective if the parties involved are not convinced of its necessity. Hence, peace is never imposed by force; it must be founded on valid reasons, of which there are many. Let us explore some of these reasons.

Why Do We Resolve Both National and International Conflicts?

Indeed, there are compelling reasons for reconciliation and the pursuit of peace and harmony, which can occur at any societal level. This includes families, clans, tribes, nations, and even internationally. Despite our fondness for discussing peace, it seems conflict often prevails over peace and harmony.

In every society, there are individuals akin to both Cain and Abel, and this dichotomy is not exclusive to humans; it extends to the animal kingdom, where both peaceful and aggressive behaviors are observed within families, clans, tribes, and nations. Conflicts are even present among insects.

On a personal note, I advocate for the resolution of conflicts at all levels, as they are costly and detrimental. Conflict is an integral part of life, so pervasive that it is thought to exist even in heaven, highlighting the gravity of the issue. It suggests that complete eradication of conflict may be unattainable.

Nevertheless, I hope for effective methods to manage conflicts, even if they cannot be entirely prevented. The imperative to resolve conflicts stems from their destructive nature, which is undesirable in any society. My perspective on the severity of conflict is shaped by personal experience, having been born and raised in the war-torn country of Sudan, which plunged into civil war shortly after South Sudan gained independence.

What Is the Importance of Conflict Resolution?

If peace is crucial, then so is conflict resolution. As previously stated, peace is beneficial, yet many of us favor conflict over peace, which is the root of discord. Imagine if the majority of people on Earth cherished and strived for peace; conflicts would be less frequent.

However, the reality is often the opposite. People tend to favor war and conflict over peace and harmony, a sad truth throughout human history. History’s tendency to repeat itself is proof of our affinity for war. Despite the prevalence of conflict, a minority remains dedicated to peace and prosperity, and I count myself among these advocates of peace.

The significance of conflict resolution lies in peace itself. Resolving conflicts at any societal level fosters peace, whether it be personal, familial, tribal, national, or international. Peace is paramount, regardless of the level or the reasons behind it.

Understanding the importance of resolving conflicts within oneself, and with others, including God and fellow humans, is crucial. Peace is also necessary between humans and the other creatures that share our environment. Conflicts arise not only among humans but also between us and other species.

Consequently, animals and birds can sense when we are at peace or in conflict with them. They may choose to defend themselves or flee depending on their perception of our intentions. I believe wild animals are not inherently wild but are perceived as such because humans can act more wildly than the wildest creatures on Earth. If we are capable of harming each other, what then of the creatures we consider insignificant?

My Final Words

As we reach the conclusion of this article, I extend my congratulations to you, particularly if you’ve journeyed from the start to this point. Before you depart, here’s my two cents. Peace is crucial, yet not everyone cherishes and strives for it. Nevertheless, this doesn’t exempt us from doing our part.

A balance is necessary. For instance, if you’re a proponent of peace, it’s natural to feel frustrated with those who aren’t cooperative. It’s important to stay true to ourselves. Conversely, if you’re indifferent to peace—as many are—embrace that truth as well. Honesty with oneself is often the first step to self-improvement.

I trust this article has been beneficial to you on a personal level. Feel free to share your reflections in the comments section below; I’m eager to read them. Moreover, I pray for the safety and well-being of you and your loved ones during and beyond the global pandemic.

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Learning: What It Is and Why It Matters


Understanding Learning Is Key to Personal Development Skills

This article will examine the concept of human learning. It will investigate the definition of learning and the methods by which we, as humans, gain knowledge. Furthermore, the article will address the motivations for our learning and the importance of the learning process. The goal is to offer a comprehensive understanding of learning’s role in human advancement and development.

What Is Learning?

Learning is the process of acquiring valuable knowledge, which is likely why you’re here—to understand more about learning itself. Nowadays, a multitude of learning methods are accessible. Learning extends beyond the classroom; you can continuously learn new things on your mobile device.

This implies that learning isn’t confined to obtaining papers or certificates in specific subjects. While certificates are important, they aren’t everything. One can obtain a certificate by passing exams in a classroom setting, but the true test is applying that knowledge in the real world.

That’s why I advocate for self-education. Specialized and practical knowledge is what truly matters. In primary and secondary education, all subjects are taught to assist you in identifying your interests. For instance, if you’re passionate about science, mastering mathematics is crucial because it underpins subjects like biology, chemistry, and physics.

Similarly, if you’re inclined towards the arts, then mastering a language is essential. This language could be English or any other language used for instruction in your school, as it will be necessary for writing essays and other extensive papers. As a self-learner and a proponent of self-directed activities, I find satisfaction in self-command rather than being directed by others. This approach has enabled me to learn how to write, self-edit, self-publish, self-market, and even pay myself—all online, utilizing technology. You can achieve the same by enrolling in my free personal and career development courses available on my website.

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How Do We Humans Learn?

Indeed, we employ various methods to learn. Our bodies possess five senses that we utilize to absorb information, whether beneficial or detrimental. These I refer to as the five ways of nourishing our inner selves. We acquire knowledge by reading, listening, and observing. Additionally, we learn through hands-on experience. There are also four recognized learning styles, as discussed in literature.

Humans have numerous learning avenues. We gain knowledge from our parents, friends, and educators. We each have our unique learning preferences. Some of us assimilate information more effectively through reading, while others excel when they watch videos. Then there are those who learn best through tactile experiences, engaging directly with the task at hand.

This diversity in learning preferences is why many online platforms incorporate all four primary learning methods, aiming to engage a broader audience. They offer videos for visual learning, texts for reading, and interactive activities for hands-on experience, catering to various subjects.

Learning also occurs at home and extends beyond formal educational courses. Long before the advent of literacy, we mastered numerous skills, including the acquisition of multiple languages. For instance, I spoke Nuer fluently well before I learned to write it.

Why Do We Humans Learn?

Learning is an integral part of our existence. From the womb, we embark on a journey of discovery, learning vital skills like breastfeeding immediately after birth. As infants, we quickly learn to recognize voices and faces, identifying our mothers within days.

Learning is essential. Without it, we couldn’t eat, sit, walk, or communicate. It’s clear why learning is necessary—it’s inherently good and occurs naturally.

Animals, like dogs, have their own learning methods, and humans have diverse ways of learning too. Typically, human learning begins at home, taught by parents. This familial structure has traditionally involved both a mother and a father to raise children.

However, societal norms have evolved. Nowadays, women may opt to remain unmarried for various reasons. Marriage, once seen as owning or being owned, isn’t always the preferred option, especially for those concerned with human rights. Consequently, some women choose to parent alone, without a male partner.

Single motherhood doesn’t necessarily mean widowhood; it can be a deliberate choice. In contemporary society, this raises questions about the roles of both parents. The absence of one parent could potentially impact future generations adversely.

What Is the Importance of Learning?

To me, learning is crucial, regardless of the place or method. It’s personal growth through continuous learning that enables me to accomplish my current endeavors. Despite not having access to formal education from nursery through secondary school for various reasons, I have thrived.

Being born in a remote village without schools, my education came from the church and my parents. Life’s challenges, including famines, inter-communal, and domestic violence, have shaped me into who I am today.

From this, I infer that character is innate and not solely shaped by experiences. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be the person I am now. Our differences, even when raised in similar environments, are rooted in our unique genes and intrinsic natures.

Indeed, learning is vital. I urge you to persist in learning through reading, observing, and listening to appropriate content. When choosing a path in life, focus on specific knowledge areas to enhance performance and achieve success. While general knowledge is beneficial, it’s impossible to apply everything learned; specialization is key.

My Final Words

As we reach the conclusion of this article, I’d like to leave you with some final thoughts. Learning is beneficial yet challenging. Despite its difficulties, we continue to learn, consciously or unconsciously, which underscores the importance of a learning mindset. My emphasis is on self-learning and self-education.

Consider this: if you have access to the internet, would you use it for learning? Whether it’s through data bundles or Wi-Fi, the method of access is irrelevant. The key is to utilize available resources like the internet and electricity to their fullest. I certainly make the most of them whenever possible.

I trust that you have found this article valuable. I invite you to take a moment to share your reflections in the comment section below. Your insights would be greatly appreciated by myself and other readers. Moreover, I pray for the safety and well-being of you and your loved ones during and beyond the current global pandemic.

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Islamic Religion: What It Is and Why It Matters

Islamic Religion

Understanding Islamic Religion Is Key to Resolving Religious Conflicts

Islam is one of the world’s three major monotheistic religions, with its origins in the Middle East. It is considered an Abrahamic faith, akin to Christianity, with both tracing their lineage back to Abraham. Islam is thus one of the three Abrahamic religions, following Judaism and Christianity. This article examines the global significance of Islam and its impact across the world.

What is Islamic Religion?

As mentioned in the introduction, this religion is currently the second-largest in the world. Its followers number approximately 1.9 billion, compared to Christianity’s 2.4 billion as of 2020. It is one of the three Abrahamic faiths originating from the Middle East and has now spread worldwide, aiming to grow its global following.

This religion teaches the existence of heaven and hell, with good deeds being the potential path to heaven. In contrast, an excess of bad deeds may lead to damnation in hell. This differs from some Christian teachings where salvation is not solely based on deeds, as all humans are inherently sinners.

Paul in the Bible suggests that to avoid breaking laws, one must have no laws to break. To him, salvation comes through God’s grace, coupled with faith, which is an individual act. Is faith a form of work? It could be considered so.

The Islamic faith has two primary sects, differing mainly in their views on leadership succession after the Prophet Mohammed’s (peace be upon Him) passing. The Shi’a sect believes authority was left to the Prophet’s family, while the Sunni sect believes it passed to a non-relative. These differences persist to this day.

In summary, the Islamic faith shares roots with Christianity and Judaism, drawing from similar scriptures. However, it diverges from African traditional religions, which, despite some connections to Judaism, are distinct. For instance, Islam acknowledges the existence of Satan, whereas African traditional religions do not, viewing God as the source of both good and evil, without the personification of Satan.

Islam is divided into two primary sects: Sunnis and Shi’as. Despite these distinctions, Islam is recognized as a singular religion, akin to Christianity and Judaism. Conversely, African spiritual practices were collectively labeled as African Traditional Religions (ATR), a term that is considered pejorative by some.

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How Did the Islamic Religion Come to Us?

History shows that Islam began with a man named Mohammed from Saudi Arabia. There is much to learn from the history of Islam, despite the existence of various versions. Indeed, Islam as a religion has its own distinct history, which includes both factual and altered narratives.

In Africa, the Islamic Religion was introduced with the arrival of Arabs, whether through conquest or peaceful settlement. Historical records indicate that Islam reached Africa in the early 7th century CE. Prior to this, Christianity had already made its way to the continent, yet indigenous African religions predated any foreign religious influences.

Thus, both Islam and Christianity were introduced to Africa from abroad. To many Africans, especially those from traditional African families and communities, these religions were foreign and often not fully comprehensible. This could be why polygamy persists among some Africans, regardless of their conversion to Christianity.

Africans’ pre-existing beliefs in supernatural forces, not necessarily identified as Satan, made them receptive to both Islam and Christianity. These new religions were perceived as offering protection against malevolent spirits believed to harm people’s lives, which also led to the emergence of various forms of Christianity across the continent.

How Do Muslims Use Islamic Religion?

Islam, like any religion, serves to interpret the unknown future and the destiny of humanity. Religion offers hope for the uncertain future, including the state beyond death. We hope for a better existence beyond death, but can we be certain? Religion provides explanations for the supernatural that lie beyond our human comprehension.

While natural sciences elucidate the observable natural world, religion addresses the unobservable, the immeasurable, and the unstudyable through scientific methods and human-crafted tools. This gap often makes it challenging to believe in what we cannot empirically verify.

As human understanding evolves, so does religion, appearing more modern and almost rational in its ideologies. Yet, historically, such rationality could have led to persecution, as was the case with Jesus Christ.

Muslims, in particular, use their faith to make sense of the world, shaping their identity, purpose, and dignity. It offers them a place in this life and possibly in an afterlife. The uncertainty of what occurs post-mortem leads us to depend on religious teachings.

The question of an afterlife, of eternal rest post our final breath, remains answered solely within the realm of religion. Even pre-Islamic Africans held beliefs in life after death. Whether these are mere human hopes or reality is unknown to our physical consciousness.

Why Do Muslims Use Their Islamic Religion?

Religion serves many purposes, including providing hope. Hope is crucial, even if it’s based on uncertain beliefs, as it helps us cope with life’s challenges and offers a sense of immunity to illness and other natural events.

Islam, for instance, offers hope and guidance through life’s hardships, promising a better existence. It shapes our identity and gives us a reason to live according to certain principles. Religious doctrines guide us to live as humans, not animals, contrasting with what some perceive as the flawed concept of human rights.

Paul the Apostle noted that humans often fail to uphold laws, yet laws are necessary to distinguish us from animals. Without them, we might behave indiscriminately, as animals do. Islam strictly regulates attire, influencing behavior and interactions. For example, men’s reactions to seeing a scantily clad woman are well-known, suggesting a need for a dress code to prevent inappropriate conduct, sometimes referred to as rape. The Bible also historically mandates gender-specific clothing, indicating a long-standing practice of clothing exchange.

Beyond religion, societal laws deter actions like theft. In East Africa, theft can lead to severe punishment, yet understanding the reasons behind theft, such as hunger, could lead to more compassionate solutions, like providing food to those in need.

What Is the Importance of Using the Islamic Religion?

The Islamic faith, alongside Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, and African traditional religions, holds significance in our human existence and purpose. As previously mentioned, living as Muslims, if that is our belief, provides us with reasons for our existence. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize Islam as one of the most followed religions in history.

For instance, if Islam, or any religion, provides hope, then its importance is undeniable. Earlier, we discussed the value of hope, even if it may be unfounded, because it encourages us to persevere rather than surrender. In such scenarios, relying solely on human effort can lead to depression and resignation.

If Islam encourages us to be self-reliant rather than engaging in theft or harm to obtain what others have earned, then it is vital to incorporate its teachings into our daily lives. If it offers us a purpose for living, then indeed, Islam and other religions play a crucial role in our lives.

Research has shown that individuals who believe in a higher power tend to have more hope and resilience than those who do not. This is a scientific observation, suggesting that faith in God is significant, even if we struggle to articulate its meaning in our limited human language.

My Final Words

Finally, we have explored the Islamic Religion, its origins, applications, reasons for use, and its significance, even here in Africa. Here are my concluding thoughts. Religion is a framework of beliefs, doctrines, teachings, and traditions. These beliefs may or may not reflect reality.

Despite its peculiarities, religion is an integral part of human existence. We cannot simply dismiss it because it provides answers to questions that natural sciences have yet to address. Therefore, we must exercise discernment in distinguishing between confirmed religious ideas and mere beliefs.

This necessitates greater wisdom as you engage with religion. Flexibility and balance are essential as we navigate these perspectives on life. As mentioned before, no human knows what occurs after death. However, this does not prevent us from anticipating or contemplating the afterlife.

I trust this article has been beneficial to you. I invite you to share your views in the comments section below. Your feedback is highly valued and will contribute to the improvement of future articles. I also hope that God (Allah? Nhialic? Kuoth? Jwok? Nguun?) will bless you and protect you during and beyond the pandemic. Shalom!

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Family and Inter-Family Conflicts: What They Are and Why They Matter

Family and Inter-Family Conflicts

Understanding Family and Inter-Family Conflicts Is Key to Resolving It

7th February 2022

Family and Inter-Family Conflicts represent two types of disputes that occur within and between families in any society. A family, being a fundamental unit of society, may experience internal strife, known as intra-family conflict. Conversely, when disputes arise between two or more families, it is referred to as inter-family conflict. This article will explore both types of conflicts and suggest ways to resolve them.

What Is Family Conflict?

Conflict within a family, also known as intra-family conflict, involves members such as a husband, wife, children, and other relatives. This type of conflict is distinct from inter-family conflict and occurs within this fundamental societal unit.

A family, as a societal unit, consists of individuals and varies in size based on various factors. In South Sudan and across Africa, families can be extensive, often including a husband, wife, biological children, and relatives like parents, brothers, and cousins of the husband.

Family structures can vary significantly from one region to another. In Africa, the trend in urban areas is towards smaller family units due to economic considerations and other factors. However, in many African villages, traditional family life remains largely unchanged.

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What Is an Inter-Family Conflict?

The term ‘inter-family conflict’ refers to disputes between two distinct families, which is different from the family conflict previously mentioned. It is synonymous with clan conflict, as families constitute clans, especially in Africa and specifically in South Sudan. Such conflicts may arise between families from the same clan or different clans.

As urbanization progresses in Africa, families from various tribes or even different nations may reside in close proximity within towns and cities. Consequently, inter-family conflicts can transcend clans and tribal boundaries. However, when the dispute involves two or more separate families, it qualifies as an inter-family conflict.

What Causes Both Family and Inter-Family Conflicts?

The roots of human conflict at any societal level are multifaceted. Nonetheless, this does not imply that the causes are entirely unknown. The primary cause of human conflict at any societal level is inherent in human nature. In today’s world, we still find individuals who embody both Abel and Cain archetypes coexisting.

This suggests that a single individual may instigate both familial and inter-familial conflicts simultaneously or at separate times. Moreover, a collective of individuals can incite conflicts within and beyond the family unit. While events and personal errors may also lead to conflicts, they are ultimately human mistakes stemming from our nature.

Personal traits and ambitions contribute to these conflicts. Issues of leadership extend beyond the national sphere to the familial one. Conflicts may arise from individuals within families or between entire family units. Regardless of the specifics, human fallibility and our propensity for error are invariably at the core.

How Do We Resolve Both Family and Inter-Family Conflicts?

Humans have various methods for both causing and resolving conflicts at all societal levels, including law enforcement and peace processes. Historically, Africa had its own conflict resolution methods, often involving the spiritual respect of those in conflict.

Today, Africa employs new and external methods for conflict management. These include the aforementioned law enforcement, as well as negotiation strategies to find resolutions within and between families. However, despite these modern approaches, conflicts within and among families persist.

Ideally, preventing conflicts from escalating would be the best solution, but this isn’t always feasible. As previously mentioned, humans and animals inherently tend to create conflicts. It’s acknowledged that where there are two individuals, some form of conflict is likely present.

Why Do We Need to Resolve Both Family and Inter-Family Conflicts?

The necessity to resolve human conflicts stems from the desire to sustain peace and harmony within a family and among related families. While humans cherish peace and harmony, we also have a natural propensity for causing trouble. Our affinity for peace compels us to seek resolutions when conflicts arise.

Resolving conflicts is inherent to our nature as humans; the instinct to find solutions to familial disputes both internal and external is innate. Despite knowing that resolved conflicts may re-emerge, we are driven to address them as thoroughly and swiftly as possible.

On a personal note, I prioritize resolving conflicts promptly. It’s important to acknowledge that I experience conflicts more often than one might assume, including both internal and external struggles. However, as a proponent of peace, I inherently despise conflict and favor peaceful coexistence among individuals.

If you are reading this, it’s likely that you too are an advocate for peace. You may detest all forms of conflict, yet find yourself repeatedly entangled in them. If so, then you possess a clear motive for consistently seeking peace and harmony. Undoubtedly, you have your own reasons for promoting peace within and beyond your family circle.

What Is the Importance of Resolving Family and Inter-Family Conflicts?

The significance of resolving family conflicts lies in the fact that not all humans enjoy conflict. Perhaps those akin to Cain relish hate speech, insults, deceit, and frequently causing harm to others. However, disliking these actions does not make us saints by our own merit.

This implies that we may err unintentionally. There’s a vast difference between taking pleasure in harming others and doing so inadvertently. When I cause you pain unintentionally, I readily acknowledge my fault, leaving you the choice to forgive or not. But intentional harm is an entirely different matter, marking the distinction between Abel-like and Cain-like individuals. It appears certain natures or spirits compel people to inflict pain on other beings, including humans.

Understanding the value of living in peace and harmony with oneself and others underscores the importance of resolving conflicts within and beyond one’s biological family. Whether you were born into or adopted by your family is irrelevant; what matters is how you treat others to foster peace and harmony. As mentioned before, for me, peace is innate. It’s not an aspiration but the essence of my existence, flowing through my veins and present in every aspect of my being. My nature is to love and pursue personal peace, which sometimes means steering clear of troublesome humans and animals.

This disposition prompts me to smile at the sight of innocent children, humans, or animals. It leads me to appreciate nature—the plants, birds, fish, animals, insects, reptiles, and even worms. While some creatures may frighten me, I recognize them as fellow beings. This awareness is not derived from any religious doctrine but is an intrinsic part of my humanity, shared by many others who think and act as I do.

My Final Words

As we reach the conclusion of this article, I’d like to offer some final words of wisdom and advice. You’re likely familiar with conflicts at various levels within human societies. The focus here has been on conflicts both within and external to the family. My guidance is that no universal rules guarantee success; we create laws and sometimes break them. Live life on your terms, and you’ll be alright. Avoid conflict if it displeases you, and if you cherish peace, strive for it and pursue inner peace always.

We humans are diverse; some of us may gravitate towards violence, and for them, that’s acceptable. Concentrate on what brings joy to your heart and engage in activities that make life enjoyable. Life is short and can be meaningful, depending on our perspective. Religious beliefs are not a prerequisite for such a realization. The afterlife remains a mystery, but the present is ours to live. So, let’s live for today and let tomorrow take care of itself.

I trust this article has been beneficial to you. Feel free to share your reflections. Your thoughts are welcome in the comment section below. I pray and trust that God will safeguard you during and beyond the global pandemic, according to His plan for you. Shalom!

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Cultural and Inter-Cultural Conflicts: What They Are and Why They Matter

Cultural and Inter-Cultural Conflicts

Understanding Cultural and Inter-Cultural Conflicts Is Key to Resolving Them

31st January 2022

Cultural and intercultural conflicts represent two distinct types of disputes occurring at different societal levels. Cultural conflict, also referred to as intracultural conflict, occurs within a group of people who share the same culture. Conversely, intercultural conflict arises between two or more groups of people from different cultures. This article explores both types of conflicts to enhance our understanding of them.

What Is a Cultural Conflict?

This conflict arises within a group of people who share the same cultural heritage and ancestry. Known as intra-cultural conflict, it stems from within a tribe or group that speaks the same language and resides on ancestral land, synonymous with tribal conflict.

Cultural conflicts can arise for various reasons, varying by time and place, but often, human nature is the common denominator driving conflict and unrest. The presence of aggressive individuals and troublemakers tends to escalate conflicts.

Conflicts may originate within an individual before becoming interpersonal. Such personal conflicts can escalate to societal levels, affecting families, clans, tribes, and potentially leading to national or international disputes. However, the focus here is on conflicts within a tribe sharing the same culture.

Cultures may be religious or secular, indigenous or imported. In today’s technologically advanced world, the West is not confined to its geographical boundaries but is part of a global village. Consequently, Western ideologies and cultures can permeate the East, while Eastern philosophies and cultures can influence the West.

Although Africa is now a blend of various influences, it retains distinct African ideologies and worldviews, which now coexist with Western and Eastern perspectives. Similarly, African and Eastern ideologies have become integrated into Western daily life, contributing to the concept of a global village.

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What Is an Inter-Cultural Conflict?

Inter-cultural conflict arises between groups of people from different cultures and beliefs, also known as inter-communal violence or inter-tribal conflicts. These conflicting groups may reside within the same region or country, or across neighboring countries.

When tribes from adjacent nations are involved, their disputes can escalate into international tensions or conflicts. This stems from the human propensity for discord and strife, reflecting the inherent flaws in human nature that many believe necessitate a savior. Consequently, history has a tendency to recur perpetually.

What Causes a Cultural Conflict?

The root of human conflict is often attributed to our nature. We tend to mask our flaws with justifications like religion, natural resources, and political power. Greed, ambition, and desire are inherent in our nature, suggesting that our issues are deeply ingrained within us.

Many religions acknowledge human frailties and the tendency to stray from what is considered right. Humans often commit acts that are wrong, sinful, and evil by nature. It is understood that making mistakes is part of being human.

It is believed that God is aware of our nature and is kind and forgiving to an extent. However, when sin persists, it is said that He may send plagues or disasters, whether natural or man-made. Whether cultural conflicts are a form of divine retribution for sin is uncertain, but it appears to be a consideration.

What Causes an Inter-Cultural Conflict?

There are numerous causes of human conflict at any level within a society. For instance, personal conflicts can escalate to affect families, clans, tribes, and even nations, potentially becoming international issues. This indicates that a single individual can spark inter-cultural or inter-tribal conflicts.

I firmly believe that human ego and sinfulness are at the root of all conflicts, including inter-cultural ones. This stems from our incorrect perceptions of other tribes and their cultures. Therefore, I propose that we view people as God views them, regardless of whether they are individuals or groups.

Our self-perception is not always accurate, nor is our perception of others. However, seeing ourselves and others through God’s perspective gives us a broader understanding of their importance and the significance of living in peace and harmony with every human being. This divine viewpoint is untainted by religious misinterpretations of God’s true nature, as God transcends religion.

While we may attribute intercultural conflicts to factors like natural resources, political power, or malevolent ambitions, these negative traits are inherent to our human nature. We are not all created alike, nor should we be. While many humans are prone to violence and aggression, there are those among us who cherish peace and harmony.

How Do People Handle Both Cultural and Inter-Cultural Conflicts?

There are multiple approaches to addressing and resolving disharmony and conflict among groups from diverse cultures, traditions, and worldviews. Conflict often stems from an individual’s errors and way of life, just as peaceful coexistence can result from an individual’s peaceful actions and language.

This underscores the significance of the individual in peacemaking and conflict resolution. My personal contribution is to write about the nature of conflicts, their causes, and the various methods of resolution. While my roles may not be apparent at present, I am confident that they will be appreciated by others in time.

As various articles on peace and harmony suggest, peace can indeed be fostered by peaceful individuals. Additionally, laws exist to ensure peaceful coexistence among tribes and cultural groups within a nation. These are some of the prevalent strategies for restoring peace in a country through conflict resolution among different cultures.

If one person can influence either peace or conflict, it implies that both you and I have roles to play. We can either contribute to conflict or to fostering peace and unity among our communities, even through small individual actions.

It is said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and this is particularly true for peacebuilding and reconciliation. You have a part in fostering peace. As mentioned, my aim is to highlight the perils of conflict and the benefits of peace and reconciliation, encouraging you to think critically and make informed choices.

What Is the Importance of Handling Both Cultural and Inter-Cultural Conflicts?

The resolution of conflicts at any societal level is crucial for maintaining peace and harmony. As discussed in my book, “The Principles of Conflict Management,” conflict is invariably costly. This underscores the adage that if education seems expensive, one should consider the cost of ignorance.

Conflicts often arise from ignorance, which has two facets. The first is being unaware yet innocent. The second is knowingly engaging in wrongdoing. The former is preferable to the latter.

Peace is more desirable than conflict, yet those who are ignorant tend to favor conflict over peace. This is because they often react vehemently over trivial matters. For instance, in areas where ignorance prevails, infidelity can lead to severe consequences, even death. In contrast, in societies with a strong legal awareness, people are less likely to take the law into their own hands. It’s important to clarify that I refer not to cases of assault but to consensual relationships.

In our country, fatalities still occur due to conflicts arising from relationships between boys and girls. The same boy who might have been infatuated with a girl could end up harming another over her. Such trivial disputes lead to senseless loss of life. It’s not commendable for a man to engage in an affair with another man’s wife, yet it happens. The lack of proper law enforcement often results in people taking justice into their own hands, which is a form of ignorance.

Elsewhere, including in neighboring countries, people no longer resort to violence over romantic disputes because there are laws that govern behavior. If someone is caught in adultery, both the man and the woman are held accountable under the law. The law also dictates the course of action if a woman chooses to leave with another man.

Forcing someone into a relationship is a serious offense and should be dealt with according to the law. However, if there is mutual consent, then the law should decide their fate. In South Sudan, traditionally, a man would pay a fine and the woman would be returned to her husband. Marriages are sealed with dowries, signifying that a wife belongs to her husband once the dowry is paid, and she cannot be claimed by another.

Resolving conflicts within a tribal group that shares the same beliefs, doctrines, teachings, norms, laws, and traditions is crucial. It is equally important to address disputes between tribes with differing cultures, worldviews, and traditions. Achieving peace and harmony among these tribes is essential to prevent conflict.

My Final Words

In concluding this article, it must be acknowledged that not all people are alike. Many individuals can be cruel and difficult to coexist with, often being troublesome and aggressive by nature, favoring conflict over peace, and disputes over harmony.

However, some among us (including you and me) cherish peace and harmony. We are considered the light of the world, the salt of the earth, tasked with neutralizing those inclined towards violence and war. We aim to soothe them in our unique ways. We live in peace with God, ourselves, and others, and this tranquility extends to all of God’s creation surrounding us, as it is inherent to us.

My peaceful disposition did not emerge post-birth; I was born into this world in peace, as were you. Our innate nature is what drives our aversion to conflict and violence, not teachings from religious or secular institutions. Our learning comes directly from the Creator, embodying true knowledge and wisdom from within.

I trust this article has been beneficial to you on a personal level. I invite you to share your thoughts on it in the comments section below. Your insights are eagerly anticipated by myself and other readers. May God bless you and your loved ones abundantly during and beyond this global pandemic. Peace be with you!

Further Readings