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Sharing Your Definite Purpose

Sharing Your Definite Purpose

Sharing Your Definite Purpose Is Spreading Your Reason for Living

18th October 2021

This article explores the concept of sharing your life purpose. It dives into the “what,” “how,” “why,” and the importance of communicating your purpose to the world. You’ll also discover one of the best ways to effectively share your life’s definitive purpose with others.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide


Having discovered and nurtured your life’s purpose, sharing it becomes a natural extension. This article is one way I share my experiences, encouraging you to see your own guiding light.

Sharing your purpose isn’t about preaching, but about open communication. It’s woven into your actions, your very being. Even those unaware of their purpose inherently express it through their lives. We communicate purpose by how we live, a silent yet powerful language.

Schools often focus on external knowledge, leaving this crucial self-discovery unexplored. Fortunately, discovering one’s purpose leads to a natural outward expression, explored in more detail below.


So, how do we share our life purpose? It permeates everything we do – our thoughts, words, and actions. As mentioned earlier, our lives speak volumes. Remember, your inherent nature precedes your conscious choices. This is why self-discovery is crucial. Without understanding yourself, improvement and sharing your purpose become difficult.

You’ve already been sharing your purpose, even unknowingly. The way you live your life reflects your values and aspirations. This section dives deeper into the ways we communicate our purpose.

Our words offer a window into our purpose. What we say shapes how others perceive us and our life’s direction. However, human language has limitations. Words can hold multiple meanings, leading to misinterpretations.

Actions speak even louder. People categorize us based on our deeds. While occasional mistakes happen (we’re all human after all!), they shouldn’t define us. Sometimes, situations force us into unplanned actions. However, our deeds, alongside our words, are powerful expressions of our purpose.

Living by your words is a powerful way to share your purpose. Imagine someone who consistently volunteers at an animal shelter, expressing their passion for animal welfare. Their actions align with their stated values, demonstrating a clear purpose.

However, unexpected situations do arise. Perhaps a volunteer encounters a personal emergency, forcing them to miss a shift. The key here is communication. A quick message explaining the change shows respect for others’ time and reinforces the genuine care behind the volunteer’s actions.

Living your purpose isn’t about perfection; it’s about authenticity. When your actions align with your words, you create a powerful resonance. This authenticity becomes even more important when time is limited. Focusing on activities that truly align with your purpose allows you to share your passion and make a meaningful impact.

This doesn’t mean neglecting all communication. Sharing your expertise and experiences through writing, like this article, can also be a valuable way to inspire others and connect with like-minded individuals.


Sharing your life purpose isn’t about bragging or seeking fame. It’s about igniting a spark in others. Just as you have a unique path to walk, so does everyone else. Sharing your purpose can be a powerful reminder for others to discover their own.

There’s a sense of fulfillment that comes with living authentically and pursuing what truly matters to you. When you share your passion and goals, it can inspire others to do the same. It’s a ripple effect, with each person’s purpose contributing to a more meaningful world.

Take this article, for example. By sharing my perspective on life’s meaning, I hope to encourage you to explore your own purpose. Perhaps you’ll write a song, volunteer for a cause you care about, or simply have a conversation with someone close. Every action fueled by purpose adds to the collective good.

Sharing is indeed caring. When you share your purpose, you’re not just expressing yourself; you’re reaching out and impacting others on their journeys. And that’s a truly fulfilling way to live.


Here’s a rewrite that avoids religious references and focuses on the empowering aspects of sharing your purpose:

Sharing your life purpose is about celebrating your existence, your unique contribution to the world. It’s a way to declare, “I am here, I have a reason for being, and this is what matters to me!”

This doesn’t mean everyone starts with a clear purpose. Life can be messy, and information overload can make it hard to focus. But even amidst the noise, you have value.

Imagine a world where everyone actively pursues their passions and goals. It would be a vibrant tapestry of purpose-driven individuals, each contributing their unique talents and perspectives. Sharing your purpose becomes a thread in that tapestry, inspiring others to do the same.

Finding your purpose is a journey, not a destination. Even the struggle to discover it can be empowering. The introspection and growth required to identify your guiding light are valuable in themselves.

Sharing your purpose, no matter what stage you’re at, is a powerful act of self-validation. It shows the world, and maybe even yourself, that you’re not just existing, you’re thriving. It’s a declaration that your life has meaning, and that’s something to celebrate.

Here’s a rewrite that avoids negativity and focuses on the positive impact of sharing purpose:

Sharing My Purpose: Inspiring Meaningful Lives

My passion lies in helping others discover the meaning they hold within themselves. Sharing this message with you is a core part of my life purpose.

The world can be a confusing place, with messages about life’s value often conflicting. But here’s the truth: you have a reason to be here. Maybe you haven’t discovered it yet, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Living a meaningful life isn’t about grand gestures. Even the simple act of existing and experiencing the world can be a purpose in itself. But there’s often more to it. We all have unique talents, passions, and experiences that can contribute something special.

By sharing my purpose, I hope to inspire you to explore your own. Perhaps you’ll find meaning in helping others, creating art, or simply living life to the fullest. The possibilities are endless, and the most important thing is to find what resonates with you.

Remember, a meaningful life isn’t about external validation. It’s about living authentically and pursuing what truly matters to you. And that’s a journey worth sharing.


Sharing My Purpose: Leaving a Legacy

Sharing your life purpose isn’t just about the here and now; it’s about leaving a legacy. The ideas and passions you share can inspire others long after you’re gone. Think of the artists, writers, and inventors whose work continues to resonate generations later.

That’s why I use technology to share my thoughts and experiences. It’s a way to connect with a wider audience and contribute to a larger conversation. Perhaps my words will spark a new idea in someone, or help them discover their own purpose.

The Power of Your Voice

This article, “Sharing Your Definite Purpose,” is intended to be a starting point for your own exploration. I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Your feedback helps me create more impactful content in the future.

Remember, you have a unique voice that deserves to be heard. Sharing your purpose is a powerful way to leave your mark on the world.


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Nurturing Your Definite Purpose

Nurturing Your Definite Purpose

Nurturing Your Definite Purpose Is Developing Your Reason for Living

11th October 2021

Nurturing Your Definite Purpose is an article designed to teach you the meaning of nurturing your purpose, how to do it, its uses, and its significance. It offers one of life’s most crucial lessons. With this in mind, let’s delve in.


Nurturing your purpose involves mental nourishment, often referred to as spiritual feeding. I’ve written an article on this topic, which is accessible here. However, what I mean by nurturing your definite purpose is feeding your inner self. For those unfamiliar, I’ve also discussed recognizing your definite purpose in another piece available here. Similarly to how our physical bodies require proper nutrition to grow and stay healthy, our spiritual and mental selves need sustenance. Our minds and souls, the intangible parts of our being, require special nourishment to maintain spiritual and mental health.

To me, the terms “mind,” “soul,” “heart,” and “spirit” are interchangeable, all referring to the non-material aspects of our existence. There are numerous methods to feed our minds, souls, hearts, and spirits, which we will explore in greater detail. For now, it’s important to understand that nurturing our life purposes is essential. Your life purpose, the ultimate objective you strive for, needs care and attention.

It is the aspiration of your heart to achieve before you rest eternally in the grave. It is the essence of your existence. It is how people will remember you. In the Bible, Moses is commemorated for leading the exodus from Egypt to the Promised Land, despite his transgressions preventing him from entering it. His life’s mission was to liberate the Israelites from Egypt, a land representing oppression and struggle. His name, meaning ‘to draw out,’ reflects his own rescue from the Nile and foreshadows his role in God’s plan to free His people from Egyptian servitude.

Abraham’s clear purpose was to be the progenitor of many, particularly those who share his faith in God, regardless of direct lineage. Each of us has a divine purpose, and it is God’s will that we fulfill it, knowingly or not. Discovering our life’s purpose allows us to live with intention. Engaging in activities aligned with our purpose nourishes it, a process I refer to as nurturing. Our world is rife with distractions. You may be reading this when a striking individual walks by, diverting your attention with just a glance.

Whether it’s a woman observing a man who returns her gaze, or vice versa, the distraction can be potent, pulling you away from this text. Such is the nature of our world. We require guidance to sustain our true callings with appropriate nourishment, despite life’s unexpected diversions.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide


As previously stated, there are numerous unique methods to cultivate or sustain our life’s purposes. Reading is one of the finest methods, and by doing so, as you are now, you’re already nurturing your life’s purpose. However, reading isn’t for everyone. Not everyone needs to know how to read, as reading is an academic activity, and not everyone is or needs to be academically inclined. Moreover, not all that we read is good for our souls, minds, hearts, and spirits.

It’s also important to remember that we become what we read. In essence, we nourish ourselves with the information we absorb through reading. Just as we become what we eat in a physical sense, we also become what we read in a mental sense. If one only reads or listens to discussions about government politics, it’s inevitable that they will talk about that subject. Similarly, if we read our bibles daily, we can become living testaments of its teachings.


Sight is one of the five senses we use to perceive our surroundings. It serves as a channel for delivering information to our minds. The data gathered by our eyes is processed and interpreted in our brains, allowing us to comprehend its meaning.

We cultivate our life’s purposes through our vision. Our life’s purpose is the ultimate objective guiding our daily actions. However, to foster our life’s goals, we must sift through the information we receive to determine if it aligns with our objectives.


Smell is one of the five senses we use to gather information for our minds to process. Once processed, we can understand its purpose. Similarly, we must filter what enters our systems according to our mindsets. A mindset is a powerful tool that aids us in distinguishing what to retain and what to discard.


Tasting as we know is one of the ways in which we feed ourselves. We get into our systems the information when we taste things with our tongues. This information is used to determine if the taste is bad or good. In the same way, we can feed or nurture our souls through taste.


The feeling is one way to feed or nurture our minds. The feeling can be both physical and mental. The mental feeling can be as good as the physical feeling. It can also be as bad as physical feelings, depending on the kind of feelings we are experiencing.

In the same way, we nurture our minds by taking the information through our feelings into our minds. This calls for many other factors to be in place. Our feelings matter when it comes to nurturing our life purposes. This means if what you are feeling hurts your life purpose, you can get away from it or just learn from it because painful things are meant to make us stronger.


Hearing is one way in which we take the information into our heads and hearts. The word head or mind refers to our brains, but the mind is not the brain. The mind is more of the workings of the brain, but the mind is a spiritual entity, not physical. The brain is physical. The brain receives signals from the immaterial us, and this part of us is soul, spirit, or even heart. What we hear matters.

In all these ways, we can say that we nurture our life purposes whenever we take in any kind of information through our five senses as discussed above. This means our past experiences have a lot to say and contribute to what makes us who we are today. This is why it is important to make friends that matter to you according to your life purpose. Friends can either build or destroy you. Beware!


The reason why we nurture our life purposes is that this is the only way for us to live a meaningful life even right here on the planet earth. Just as we nurture our physical bodies to live, we also nurture our spiritual bodies so that we live and be healthy, spiritually.

We nurture our life purposes so that we stay focused and live for the reason we ought to live for. Nurturing our life purposes is the best way to live in this world because it makes us know that our lives are not by chance.

If we hear, see, feel, and do anything, we will end up anywhere, and at the end of the day, we will end up nowhere. If we go anywhere, we will end up everywhere. This means doing or saying anything shows the fact that we have no plans or life purpose.

When you have a life purpose, you will like to nurture that idea so that you stay focused on that goal. Even though life happens, it is highly recommended to have hopes to achieve something at the end of your life. Napoleon Hill in his book, Think and Grow Rich said that definite purpose is what drives a desire forward, and this is true only when you have a life goal.

My life goal is to complete a meaningful life. But for me to reach that goal, I have to live a meaningful life, each and every day. This means I have to live up for my goal, my ultimate life goal. This meaningful life is a life of peace and fulfillment. It means having my own space in the world where I live my life in.

For me to nurture this purpose, I have to read what I know will help me learn more about my life purpose. I used to read almost anything, just for learning purposes, but today, I am so selective because I have discovered the fact that we become what we read.

I also watch things that will help me achieve a meaningful life. I also want to listen to those who will help me live a life of peace and meaning. This means I don’t have to hate anyone, but at the same time, I don’t have time with those who have nothing to add to my life in a meaningful way.

But as I said earlier, our world is like that world of Samson, son of Manua. We get distracted unexpectedly. As a human male, I find it harder to resist looking at that woman or girl. This is something I believe most men, if not all, are struggling with.

We see things that we may not want to see. We hear things that we don’t want to hear. We taste, feel, and smell things that may distract our attention from time to time. But with a life purpose, we always get back on track.

Sex is one of the distracting things in life, but Napoleon says that it is one of the mysterious forces of our universe, especially if we divert its power for creative ventures. Yes, even safe sex can be a tool to nurture your life’s purpose.


If nurturing our purpose in life keeps us focused in this distracting world, then it is the best thing to crave. This means nurturing or feeding our life purposes is very important indeed. When we go to school, it is very important that we have a basic understanding of all subjects because this will be a great tool later on when we major or focus on one most important things for our higher learning purposes. In the same way, we generalize things when starting out. But when we are maturing, we focus on our callings.

It is important to find out what to read, watch, or listen to, and this must serve your life purpose. You don’t need to believe that you literally become whatever you read, watch, or listen to because whether you believe it or not, you are. This is enough to make you see the importance of focusing much on the things that are beneficial to your calling or life purpose.

Whatever you absolved from this world through your five senses is soon becoming part of you. For this reason, you need to learn how to trash that which is against your life purpose, and only keep that which is beneficial. The apostle Paul said that we may be free to do all things, but all things are not beneficial. This means that you are free to listen, read, watch, or experience something, but it is up to you to get your mind and thoughts away from it if at all it doesn’t serve your purpose.

Someone also said that “You can’t stop birds from flying overhead, but to allow them to build their nests on you, that’s your responsibility,” and this is absolutely true. You can’t stop yourself from experiencing things that you don’t like, but to keep thinking about them for long is your full responsibility.

Look, you might never forget an event in your life, but better learn from it. There is a big difference between living with it and using it as a stepping stone to your destination, which in this article is your life’s definite purpose, your life’s ultimate goal. This means it is very important to nurture and feed our life purposes with the right things, even if the world is as corrupt as it is.


Finally, learn how to discard that which is helpless, and keep that which is helpful to you, personally. The world may wish you think, speak, and act in a certain way, but that alone won’t make you that, or this, until you give in and do that which you are never meant for.

The world here can mean your family, your clan, your tribe, and even your country. The world can be anyone or anything in your life. First, find your life’s definite purpose, and then nurture that purpose using some information in this article. There is much to say about nurturing your life’s definite purpose, but I think this information is more than enough for now. If you need more coaching and guidance, please let’s talk.

I hope Nurturing Your Definite Purpose as an article has been helpful to you, personally. Would you like to share your views about it below in the comment section? I will deeply appreciate your thoughts about this article. I also wish you life, health, wealth, and peace during and after the global pandemic. Shalom!


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Knowing Your Definite Purpose

Knowing Your Definite Purpose Is Finding Your Reason for Living

Knowing Your Definite Purpose is an article designed to assist you in understanding your purpose, discovering it, utilizing it, and comprehending the significance of having a clear purpose in life to lead a fulfilling existence in a perplexing world. The article invites you to view yourself from a new angle. With this in mind, let’s delve further by reading on.


Answering the question of life’s purpose can seem daunting, but it need not be for several reasons. Understanding your life’s purpose isn’t a lifelong journey of trial and error. While self-improvement is a lengthy process, perhaps even lifelong, recognizing what you want from life lies within you. The issue is that few of us take the time to contemplate our life’s purpose, instead of dwelling on past regrets. Indeed, it is possible to discover your life purpose definitively. In South Sudan, societal norms often dictate our lives, leading us to spend much of our time discussing group interests.

These groups may include family, friends, neighbors, clans, tribes, or political parties. Consequently, we seldom find time for personal introspection. We end up conforming to others’ expectations, adopting their thoughts, words, and actions, rather than pursuing our own desires. Consider what you want your legacy to be. You are aware that your time on earth is finite and that your heart yearns for something, even if others fail to recognize its significance.

That yearning might be for peace and harmony within families, clans, and tribes, or it could involve aiding those suffering physically or mentally. To discover your life’s purpose is to recognize what your heart consistently desires. Your life’s purpose isn’t about what you aspire to become; it’s about embracing who you are naturally. Hence, there’s no need for formal education to understand what you seek from life. All that’s required is to spend time in self-reflection, contemplating the true desires of your heart.

For me, peace is paramount. It’s what I continually seek, as peace equates to a fulfilling and meaningful existence. In solitude, I find freedom, awareness, uniqueness, learning opportunities, and an open mind. These have been my core values and qualities since before I learned to read and write. My life’s purpose is to lead a peaceful life and to guide others towards achieving the same. This motivation underpins my writing career, my sermons, and my teachings.

I share knowledge because I trust it will aid others in their quest for a peaceful existence on earth. Similarly, you have a unique reason for being here. You may currently be the sole surviving child of your parents. I believe you are here for a purpose.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide


Contemplating the reason for existence is the initial step towards discerning our life’s purposes. This process should aid in uncovering these purposes, for as mentioned before, we do not become; we already are. Reflecting on our past, including our thoughts, words, and actions, may offer insights into our deepest desires. I hold that self-discovery precedes self-improvement.

Another method to uncover your life’s purpose is to consult those who know you intimately. This could be your parents, if they are alive, or perhaps your older siblings. Relatives and long-standing friends can also contribute, but it’s wise to remember that no one is infallible. They may perceive you through their own lens.

Humans observe from the exterior, yet they cannot see the true essence within, akin to software. A profound way to ascertain your life’s purpose, beyond introspection and seeking others’ perspectives, is to seek divine guidance. God comprehends your innermost self. He understands your life’s purpose far better than any human, yourself included. He created you with intent. Seeking His guidance is the ultimate step in discovering your life’s purpose. However, since God does not communicate as humans do, discerning His response remains a profound personal journey.

Indeed, God communicates in various ways. He reaches out through your heart, particularly when you are open to listening. The moments of silence are often when you can hear God most clearly. What may seem like contemplation about your life’s purpose could be God providing answers. He might also speak through others to guide you, or through dreams and visions. His written Word can offer insights into the meaning of life within its text.

You don’t have to be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs; you don’t need to be them because you are unique. It’s important to recognize that you are not insignificant; you are already someone of value. By uncovering your life’s purpose, you’ll find your true self and the reason you’re here. This discovery requires effort. You must engage in your life’s work and lead a life of significance.


Discovering your life purpose is a transformative moment. You realize that your existence is meaningful and that you are here for a reason. With this knowledge, you pursue careers that resonate with your purpose, engaging in them with enthusiasm and satisfaction. You cease to be swayed by every direction the wind blows. As it is said, “Only a dead fish goes with the flow,” and you will not be passive again.

This realization may lead to conflicts with those who presume to know your values, particularly when they are proven incorrect. They may desire you to conform to roles unsuited for you. Once you live authentically, disagreements arise because you choose to live for yourself, not for others.

Having your own life to live doesn’t mean you ignore sound advice or detach from society. After all, no one is an island. But living authentically may attract adversaries as you pursue a life of peace and joy.

In a society like South Sudan, where conformity is expected, living out your life purpose can be challenging. It may cause friction with those who expect uniformity. Yet, your purpose guides your thoughts, words, and actions. Despite the difficulties, embracing your purpose allows you to lead a life of significance.


Your life’s purpose holds as much significance as life itself, signifying that you are living as you ought to. You understand your true self, not as the world perceives you. You define yourself by the facts that truly represent you, not by mere thoughts and imaginations that may be unreal or incorrect. You recognize that you have at least one purpose to fulfill in life. This purpose could be peacemaking, love for fellow humans and creatures, or anything else your heart desires. My life’s purpose is to live in peace with myself, God, other humans, and all creatures, both living and non-living, always seeking peace of mind.

I am quick to acknowledge any words or actions of mine that may cause harm to others, all in the pursuit of peace. I am the first to apologize to resolve a conflict, if it means bringing peace to someone else’s mind. In a community like ours in South Sudan, this way of life may not be ideal, but it is what I have identified as my heart’s true calling. This realization was not a result of education; it has been a part of me since birth. As a child in the 1980s, I would cry at the sight of my parents arguing over trivial matters. I have detested conflict since I was a mere child. This is the evidence that my life is dedicated to peace and harmony.

I cherish all forms of life and inanimate objects, even harmful insects, believing they often act in self-defense rather than with intent to harm. Understanding one’s life purpose can sharpen focus on that purpose, leading to greater achievements than if one were unaware. Such clarity aids in organizing and planning one’s life. For instance, since identifying my life purpose, I’ve become more organized than ever. My message to people of all ages is peace, which I convey through blogging, this powerful communication medium.

Recognizing your life purpose lends meaning to your existence, so it’s worthwhile to discover it if you haven’t already. This doesn’t imply we control everything in our lives, but it enables us to act where we can and accept what we cannot change. Personally, there are many things I don’t associate with. I refrain from speaking ill of others, as it’s against my nature. Consequently, I cannot engage in government politics, which I perceive as being rooted in deceit to achieve one’s goals.


Finally, I have a message for you: You possess a life that is uniquely yours. It is not without meaning; it has a purpose, and it is your task to discover what that purpose is. Once you find it, embrace it. Act upon it. Simply identifying your life’s purpose is not enough; you must work towards it. If your life is dedicated to peace, you must embody peace before you can advocate for it. However, embodying peace also means you may encounter opposition from those who thrive on conflict. This can be challenging.

Nonetheless, it is crucial to remain focused on your life’s purpose, for it is the very reason you exist. If your purpose is to educate others on subjects that are important to you, then pursue that path! Teach in every way you can, and you will be valued for it. I hope this discussion on Knowing Your Definite Purpose has been beneficial to you. Would you care to share your thoughts on it in the comments below? Your feedback is greatly valued, whether it aligns with my views or not. I pray and hope for your safety during and beyond the global pandemic. Peace be with you!


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Mindset: What It Is and Its Importance for Self-Discovery


Your Mindset Is Your Most Important Asset

Mindset is an article designed to educate you about what a mindset is, the methods to uncover it, the ways we utilize our mindset, and the significance of understanding mindset in our increasingly perplexing and illusory world. In this article, you will delve into and comprehend the most crucial yet often undervalued asset on earth—your mind. With that introduction, let’s proceed with the content below.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide


In this article, I use ‘mindset’ to denote the programming of the human or animal mind. The mind, often considered the center of humanity, synonymous with the soul or heart, refers to the ‘software’ aspect of a human or animal. While some argue that animals possess souls but lack spirits, I view this as mere human conjecture. Even a Biblical author pondered this notion in his time.

Everyone possesses a mindset, serving a specific purpose. A mindset comprises a set of rules and principles guiding one’s actions. For instance, one may choose to sleep early and rise early, while another may prefer to sleep late and wake up later in the day. Beliefs about the existence of God or gods also reflect individual mindsets.

The mind is both an asset and a tool, capable of using us or being used by us. Our mindsets are innate survival and intelligence mechanisms, embodying both positive and negative aspects. They are an integral part of our being. The mind is a spiritual entity, whereas the brain is a physical organ that collaborates with the mind. While we cannot observe or analyze the mind’s non-physical attributes, we can study the brain’s physical properties.


In essence, how do our minds become what they are today? Knowledge suggests that our existence in this world stems from birth or from external influences that have profoundly shaped our lives. Thus, we recognize that our mindsets are shaped by nature or nurture.

We often discover that our thinking mirrors that of our parents, a biological inheritance. However, nurture can also mold our mindsets to various extents, influenced by our individual personalities. Our reactions to the world’s challenges are uniquely ours, as are our responses to mindsets and peer pressure.

Despite the world’s challenges, we eventually emerge based on our inherent nature. For instance, some individuals abstain from milk or meat, not due to upbringing but because their innate disposition guides them otherwise. This is what I term a ‘born-mindset,’ distinct from a ‘made-mindset.’

In the realm of born-mindsets, actions are instinctive, not instructed. Some infants naturally refuse their mother’s milk. This exemplifies a born-mindset.

Observably, some people are naturally introverted, others extroverted. This is another manifestation of a born-mindset. People consume food in amounts that are right for them, which is a testament to our unique wiring as humans, highlighting our individuality and special nature.

Related: Feeding Your Mind


We utilize our minds for thinking, speaking, and performing various actions, whether benevolent or malevolent. However, the question at hand delves deeper than mere usage of our minds. It probes into how we employ our conditioned minds, those that have been configured in a specific manner. If you now grasp the question more clearly, let’s confront it directly, shall we? Indeed, we deploy our mindsets based on the configurations instilled within them.

As previously discussed, these settings may stem from nature or nurture, yet I believe nature takes precedence. Numerous examples provided earlier illustrate the preprogramming of our minds. The initial step is to recognize our mindsets before attempting to enhance them. At times improvement is possible, at other times it is not. Undoubtedly, our mindset is an element of our human nature, which is immutable in any form. We may recalibrate our human minds, but a complete overhaul is unfeasible unless it is mere pretense.

“But the Bible suggests that we can transform our minds. What do you mean by claiming that we cannot change our minds?” one might inquire. I have pondered this question thoroughly, having asked it myself on multiple occasions. However, I have realized, rather than merely believed, that altering our inherent nature or mindset is impossible. This implies that even our faith is inherently predisposed. We are born with the propensity to believe, to embody goodness or wickedness. The concept of recreation is nonexistent in reality. It may exist in the belief systems of those who have been convinced of its reality, yet it has never manifested in my experience.

Our mindsets guide our decision-making, for better or worse. They help us plan our subsequent actions and pass judgments, whether just or unjust. My mindset is certainly a facet of my personality. Given that thoughts, words, and deeds are manifestations of the mind, the significance of your mindset is paramount, and we shall elaborate further on this topic. Indeed, our mindsets define our identity. Our lifestyle and behaviors are shaped by the programming of our minds.


The significance of our mindset is paramount. If the mind governs the body, then its use is as crucial as life itself. Can we direct our minds towards what matters most? Possibly, but only if we’re inherently inclined to do so. This implies that we are not the embodiment of our aspirations or desires. We are, in essence, who we already are. Consider the adage, “what should be isn’t always what is.” This is derived from one of the 50 profound sayings born from life’s experiences, suggesting that reality often extends beyond what we’re taught.

Understanding that we don’t command our mindset—it commands us—is vital. The desire to master our thoughts is common; we lament past errors and yearn to have acted differently. We hope for a better tomorrow. These aspirations, while not inherently negative, remain just that—hopes. Desiring intelligence doesn’t make it so; we cannot become clever simply by wishing it. The essence of the message is clear, isn’t it?

Understanding the underlying factors of our mindsets is crucial. Regardless of our education on the subject, we inherently remain who we are. Thus, the most effective way to manage our minds is to first comprehend our inherent and cultural predispositions. With this understanding, we can properly value and utilize our attributes. Our mindsets are pivotal as they shape our identity. Delving into and examining our mindsets is essential for their enhancement.

Reflecting on our history and current state is vital to identify our genuine mindsets, distinguishing them from our desires. Our mindsets influence our responses to circumstances and events. However, it’s important to remember that situations can alter our emotions and impact our thoughts and actions. For instance, we cannot expect a person who is hungry to exhibit politeness.

Yet, once we emerge from such circumstances, we typically return to our authentic selves. This suggests that the effects of nurture or experience are transient. They are not everlasting; they merely occur. It is equally important to understand how we think and behave, both in times of scarcity and abundance.


Having delved into the concept of mindset, its acquisition, application, and significance, it’s crucial to bear in mind several key points. These are my parting words of counsel for you, the reader, offering insight and direction. My writings anticipate diverse and sometimes opposing perspectives from others, highlighting our distinct and varied human nature, including our mindsets.

The central point I wish to underscore is the importance of mindset. Yet, it’s essential to acknowledge that our identity is shaped by both nature and nurture. While we may aspire to be someone else, we must embrace our natural selves. Resist letting society impose a negative identity on you. Whenever possible, explore your mindset and diligently work towards enhancing it for the better.

I trust that the article ‘Mindset’ has been beneficial to you on a personal level. If so, I invite you to share your reflections in the comments section below. Your feedback is greatly valued. Blessings to you!


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Having Faith Won’t Make You Religious

Faith is an article designed to elucidate the concept of faith, the methods to acquire it, its applications, and its significance in believing in oneself, others, or something beyond oneself. This article delves into what is arguably the most misconstrued word in the English language. With this introduction, let us delve into the insights this article offers by reading further.


Faith is a state of trust and reliance on someone or something that is considered trustworthy. It is a confidence in the truth of something, not merely a wish or hope for the future. Faith often relates to what is known to the believer. For instance, in religion, faith is not founded on abstract concepts, as God is not an abstraction but a real entity that has been encountered by people historically.

From personal experience, I can assert that the supernatural realm is more tangible than the physical world we perceive with our senses. I have experienced it and am certain of God’s existence; thus, my faith in Him is concrete. When I proclaim, “God is good,” it is not a hope for the future but a recognition of His present goodness, which I know to be true. My trust in God assures me that He will not fail me. In Him, I live, move, and exist (Romans 17:28).

God grants me life and sustenance daily, monthly, and yearly. Everything I possess is from Him, as He governs all worldly events, including those of COVID-19. God is sovereign. However, this might seem purely religious. The perspective changes when considering that religion and God are distinct; religion is a belief system that can be true or false, whereas God’s existence is independent of human belief.

Faith can be placed in ourselves, in God, in others, and in various beings or objects. Just as a man trusts his chair enough to sit and lean on it with ease, I trust that someone will read this article and find their life improved as a result. My faith extends to God, to myself, to certain humans, and to certain things. I have faith in my wife’s ability to care for our children when I’m absent. Similarly, she trusts that I will remain faithful to her until I come home.

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It can be confidently stated that some individuals are inherently endowed with faith from birth, particularly manifesting as resilience and hope in the face of adversity. Faith, as described in the Bible, is the hope for things not yet seen. Often, those who perish in times of drought and famine are lacking in faith and hope. This suggests that our mindset is a crucial determinant in the struggle between life and death. When the mind surrenders, the body follows, leading to demise. In contemporary times, it is observed that people fall ill without any medical ailments. Researching this phenomenon will validate its truth.

Observing someone faint due to distressing news can be startling. I am grateful that I am not prone to such reactions, as I believe death is merely a passage to another existence—a realm that remains indescribable, despite the numerous descriptions in holy texts. When my mother passed away in April 1996, I was either thirteen or fourteen—I’m uncertain of my birth year, whether it was 1983 or 1984, but it is marked by the events surrounding my birth.

As a child, I did not cry at her passing. This was because I had already seen many succumb to illness and starvation. From a young age, I understood that death is an integral part of life; we are born to eventually die. I am grateful for my mother’s role in giving birth to me and raising me. Some might view my lack of tears as callous, but I see it as early maturity. However, this does not mean I wasn’t deeply grieving. Concern arose when I spent days without food, drink, or conversation, save for my own thoughts.

Eighteen years later, in 2014, my father passed away in my absence—an event you can read about at the end of my first novel, “Life Cure.” I never cried again. When my wife heard the news of his death over the phone, she fainted. Her elder brother buried my father in our absence. Her mother had passed away about three months before my father, marking a deeply sorrowful time for our family.

Yet, faith, to me, is innate. It wasn’t acquired when I embraced Christianity; I was born with it. I converted to Christianity a year after my mother’s death in 1997. I remember actions from as far back as six years old, around 1988/89—a lengthy tale detailed in my book, “Journeying with God Part I.”

We gain or develop faith naturally, as well as through others, suggesting that faith can stem from nature or nurture. Innate faith feels more authentic than that acquired from others because it’s an integral part of our being. It’s not shaped by religious influence but by an internal epiphany that enlightens us about the world and its contents. This intrinsic knowledge drives scientists to investigate and unveil new realms and entities within the physical universe. You might ponder:

Is there such a phenomenon as innate faith? Do we recognize God by nature, or is it a societal fabrication? It appears that all our knowledge stems from experience, which, in turn, is influenced by our surroundings. However, revelatory knowledge isn’t found; it’s imparted to us. It’s of a supernatural essence, and this is the concept I’m addressing.


In this context, faith pertains to what is personally known to us. As mentioned before, faith, as I understand it, is not rooted in mere imagination or wishful thinking. Instead, faith is grounded in knowledge. We demonstrate trust and confidence in what we believe and trust through faith.

This could refer to a person or an object. The object of our faith might be visible to our naked eyes or not yet seen in the physical world. We employ faith to signify trust. Just as I previously used a chair as an example, we exercise faith by depending on what we know to be dependable.

However, there are times when we may regard something as dependable when it is not. This also pertains to our judgment and perception. We place our trust in God, who created us and orchestrated all that will ever occur in our lives. This does not imply that we should not make and execute plans because God has preordained our life events. In fact, the contrary is true.


Faith is indeed significant; our trust in what we believe is crucial. However, misplaced faith can lead to regret. This experience is also valuable as it teaches us to place our trust and faith wisely in the future. Persisting in the same errors while expecting different outcomes is irrational.

We learn from past mistakes, a process known as learning from history. Our past experiences enhance our present, and our present actions shape our future. Trusting in a being that is more powerful, knowledgeable, and reliable than any other is paramount. This entity is the Creator of all, encompassing both good and evil.

Trusting and relying on God is essential. We must have reasons for our faith in God, and indeed, there are many. Just as we understand the purpose and composition of robots we create, God knows us intimately. While the world may judge us by our exterior, God evaluates us from within.

My faith and trust in God ensure that I am confident He will fulfill His promises, not just hoping, praying, and wishing for a positive outcome someday. My life gains meaning from the certainty that I exist for a purpose: to lead a meaningful life. Even if this is considered another form of religion, or simply hope, whether true or not, it impacts me positively, and that is the significance of faith. As mentioned before, those who perish in times of adversity are often those who lack faith in anything.

Faith in God instills hope, aiding individuals in dealing with challenging circumstances, including serious illnesses like the coronavirus disease. Many who have recovered from COVID-19 are those who held onto their belief in something. If not in God, they were convinced or believed that it was not yet their time to depart, and indeed, they survived. I believe there are many more who could share their experiences with us on this platform soon. Hence, having faith in something is crucial; it stands in stark contrast to fear and despair.


Here are my concluding thoughts and insights for you, dear reader. As discussed in this article, faith is the trust and reliance on someone or something. Faith can be acquired in various ways, often at birth or through others. Regardless of how faith reaches us, it’s crucial to preserve it, particularly our faith and trust in God.

Currently, we all place our faith in something or someone. This could be in the realm of scientific knowledge and its application. It might reside within ourselves, in God, in other people, or in anything else we trust and depend upon. It’s not true that faith is solely tied to religion.

I hope this article has imparted a thing or two to you. Would you be willing to take a moment to share your views on faith in the comments below? Your feedback is greatly valued and will contribute to the enhancement of my future writings. I pray for God’s blessings upon you and for your protection from the pandemic. Peace be with you!