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The Creator: Who He Is and How to Know Him for Your Self-Discovery Reasons

The Creator

Knowing the Creator Won’t Make You Religious…

12th July 2021

The “Creator” is an article designed to guide you in understanding who the Creator is, how to recognize Him, and what actions to take with this knowledge. It also explains why it’s crucial to have a personal understanding of Him. While the article is not religious, it certainly has a spiritual essence. Now, let’s delve into the details.


The Creator, also known as God, is the originator of all entities, whether they are visible or invisible, spiritual or physical, known or unknown, benevolent or malevolent, large or small. Despite the multitude of gods present in human history, there exists only one Creator who transcends all, permeates all, and exists for all. This is the deity under discussion in this article.

If indeed there is one true God, why then do different cultures have varied names and perceptions of Him? This question is as significant as it is reflective. It is impossible for every individual to perceive or understand God identically; these are human limitations, not divine ones. Our perception of God is shaped by numerous factors.

These factors encompass our experiences, cultural backgrounds, environments, and the religious teachings we encounter. No person is born with an innate understanding of God; rather, we are nurtured into such awareness by our culture. The perspectives of our predecessors on the Creator have been passed down to us and have shaped our own.

However, this does not preclude us from critically evaluating and questioning these inherited views. Influenced by the aforementioned factors, we are still capable of developing our own theories, beliefs, and doctrines about God, informed by the societal exposure we have inherited.

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The Creator has revealed Himself to humanity in various ways. Beyond the accounts we find in the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, and numerous other texts, God communicates with us daily in diverse manners. He speaks through creation itself, which the psalmist suggests is the best way to understand the Creator.

The stars above speak of the Creator’s power, wisdom, and knowledge. And what of the other humans we observe? Or ourselves as individuals? Can we not see God in each one of us? And what about the other creatures around us? Indeed, God also communicates with us in our hearts and through visions. I distinguish visions from dreams, as dreams are merely the actions and replays of our brain’s activities, whereas visions are imparted to us by the Creator, even in our sleep.

While many of us may never experience a vision while awake, some have had one or more. Having had a vision at least twice in my life, I am certain of the spiritual realm’s reality. Those deemed mad claim to see and hear things beyond our perception.

We may think they are insane, yet they are not deceitful about their experiences; they are witnesses to them. Similarly, visions can occur both in sleep and wakefulness, though they often visit us in our slumber. How can we differentiate between a dream and a vision? One way to discern is when a vision, unlike a common dream, materializes, or when it encompasses thoughts we have never consciously considered while awake.


Upon discovering the Creator, individuals react differently based on their inherent nature. Some of us develop such a profound love that we spend our lives in worship and gratitude. Others prefer to distance themselves, blaming Him for their hardships. Personally, I yearn to understand Him more deeply.

I believe God’s goodness is so overwhelming that once we truly know Him, adoration comes naturally. Perhaps it’s my nature to see Him in this light. To me, He is more than a deity; He is a father and a friend, distinct from the image portrayed by organized religion. The personal experience of knowing Him is unique, as He reveals His nature to each individual in a different way.

God is not merely a judge awaiting our next mistake. Rather, He guides our lives, aware of our desires and needs, having designed us with these inclinations. The longing for a beautiful human being, for instance, does not surprise Him; He understands its origin. However, religious institutions often project human interpretations, citing scriptures to validate their beliefs, doctrines, and rituals, which may not necessarily reflect God’s perspective.

Consider this: I believe that certain connections between people are preordained by a higher power, existing long before we entered this world. However, this perspective is purely my own. Others may see things differently, and that’s perfectly acceptable to me. Personally, I cannot engage in casual sexual relationships unless I believe it aligns with God’s intention. Even if I were to accept such an arrangement, I trust that if it isn’t meant to be, circumstances would prevent it from happening as planned. This unwavering faith in the Creator guides my choices, recognizing that His wisdom surpasses our understanding.

Now, let’s explore the concept of ownership. What if you were someone else’s exclusive partner? What if you were married? In that context, I endorse intimacy between married couples. It’s a source of joy and fulfillment, free from the stress of secrecy. After all, those who know you recognize your commitment to each other. This perspective aligns with scriptural teachings. However, as humans, we don’t always adhere to moral guidelines. Whether I encourage people to engage in intimate relationships with their loved ones or not, they will follow their desires. Why? Because we’re inherently human.

Yet, there’s a crucial distinction: coercion. Forcing someone into a sexual encounter is entirely different. Such actions cause harm, affecting both individuals and, in some way, displeasing God. He doesn’t want us to carry guilt from such experiences. But when two consenting adults willingly agree, it’s a different matter. Still, religious communities may condemn such choices even before God does.


For me, understanding the Creator is intertwined with understanding myself. I define my identity through His perspective, for who has greater knowledge of me than He? This underscores the significance of knowing the Creator to me. He is the source of life and all that exists within it. He is the Creator of everything but Himself. He guides my life, as Paul said, “In Him, we live, move, and have our being.”

Recognizing the Creator also means recognizing that other people are His craftsmanship. He created them and loves them just as He created and loves me. This highlights the importance of knowing God as He truly is. If He indeed created everyone, then I have no right to hate or mistreat His creations, akin to myself. What would the Creator do to those who harm His work?

I hope you now understand the importance of knowing the Creator as He truly is. It is irrelevant to me what others believe or think about the Creator; their beliefs do not need to align with mine for them to be considered good or to qualify as God’s creations. They are already His creations, just as they are. Knowing Him implies that I should also inherently know and love His work, which includes people. I should also cherish His other creations, such as microbes, worms, insects, reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds, and animals.

Understanding the Creator as He truly is leads us to relate to His creation in a way that was not innate to us before. It means we now perceive things as He does. He is the Creator, and all things, visible and invisible, spiritual and physical, are His work, His creation. The Creator is not a created entity; thus, we cannot see, touch, smell, taste, or hear Him with our physical senses. We come to know Him internally.


My final piece of advice is that the Creator is not as our cultures and religious traditions have depicted Him. He is God. He knows you thoroughly, more than anyone else ever could. This means He is not merely a judge waiting to punish you for your mistakes with His hammer of justice.

Rather, He is a caring father. He created you with everything that you are, be it female, male, or transgender. He loves you just as you are. However, this does not grant the liberty to act carelessly with your mind or body, particularly when your conscience cautions you. This is one of the ways God communicates, beyond His written and Living Word.

If your conscience advises against an action, heed its warning. If it tells you that an outfit is inappropriate because it reveals too much, choose not to wear it. Wearing such clothes might lead to constant self-consciousness in public, causing others to question your self-confidence. I hope this article about the Creator has been enlightening for you. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. I pray for God’s blessings and protection over you during and after the global pandemic. Shalom!


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Beliefs: What They Are and Their Importance for Personal Development


You Don’t Need to Be Religious in Order to Have Beliefs in Anything!

5th July 2021

“Beliefs” is an article designed to guide you through understanding the nature of beliefs, their origins, their applications, and their significance in personal growth. This article will navigate you through various types of beliefs, aiding you in identifying your own. With this introduction, let us delve into the discussion that follows.


In this article, beliefs are defined as convictions we hold to be true. If we accept stories as true, then they become our beliefs. Similarly, if we accept doctrines, teachings, and certain traditional practices as truthful, they too form part of our beliefs. Sometimes, our belief may be blind, or it may be based on some facts that lend it credibility.

Blind faith is the negative aspect of belief, characterized by accepting stories and teachings as true without any verification of their reality or fiction. In contrast, positive faith is grounded in facts about the subject of belief. Often, we believe in something because trusted individuals like parents, guardians, and relatives do, even before we have personal knowledge of it.

Therefore, faith and belief are intertwined. We often believe blindly in things that may not be real or true. For instance, we believe in life after death, but can we truly know? From a human perspective, it’s impossible to know what we will look like after death. While there are narratives of an afterlife, they blur the distinction between fiction and faith.

However, there are beliefs we hold because we can substantiate them, which represents the positive side of belief. When we understand what we believe in, we possess true faith, not mere blind faith. For instance, we can believe in ourselves, in others, and in things we know to be real. This does not mean we should disregard the testimonies of others regarding things we cannot verify ourselves.

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How do we form our beliefs and belief systems, such as religion and others? Our beliefs often originate from those who preceded us, like parents, guardians, relatives, neighbors, friends, colleagues, and coworkers. They are passed down from our ancestors through generations.

We can also acquire new beliefs through various means, including the internet, world travel, meeting people with different beliefs and faiths, and by observing or listening to others. As mentioned earlier, some beliefs may not be based on reality but rather on fiction. Nonetheless, I believe every belief holds a unique place in our lives, both individually and collectively.

Beliefs are also imparted in schools and through books. We can craft our own personal beliefs from past experiences and observations of nature. This allows us to interpret things through our own perspective, irrespective of societal beliefs, particularly in an era that values personal freedom of thought and exploration. These instances represent just a fraction of the myriad ways beliefs can be integrated into our systems, and this article cannot possibly cover the topic exhaustively.


Understanding the common origins of our beliefs leads to the question of their application. The use of beliefs varies depending on their nature. For instance, religious beliefs often serve to sustain hope and adherence to the teachings and promises of the religious system.

For example, adherents may maintain hope for a pain-free paradise or the end of death, reflecting a desire for a world free from such fears. These beliefs hold a unique place in human societies, offering hope for the future.

When it comes to self-belief or trust in others, this too fuels our hope and trust that assistance will arrive when needed. Faith in something or someone is a fundamental aspect of human nature. It’s believed that even animals exhibit a form of hope and trust.

For instance, a baby monkey naturally trusts its mother more than anyone else, mirroring the way human mothers are often perceived as more nurturing and caring than fathers. This instinctive behavior suggests that emotional responses are inherent, particularly in women, linking womanhood intrinsically with motherhood. This natural aspect of being a woman is not something to be ashamed of.

I hold personal beliefs distinct from societal norms. I am convinced that if something is meant to happen to me, it is predestined, and no action of mine can prevent its occurrence. To me, this signifies the essence of humanity, allowing God to reign supreme. Indeed, God plays a role in shaping my nature, mindset, thoughts, words, and deeds. As I am not a robot, I make choices and carry out my plans. However, this does not imply that I have complete control over life’s events.

Consider our breathing: is it within our control? Individuals can pass away without being ill. People have been known to suddenly collapse and die, even before the advent of the coronavirus, without any physical ailments. This suggests that life and death are beyond our control; otherwise, with all the technology and knowledge available, no one would die in the Western world today.

Yet, the reality remains unchanged even in 2021. People continue to die when their time arrives. I firmly believe that life is not ours to command, indicating that the events within it are also beyond our grasp. We must place our trust and dependence on the one who grants, sustains, and reclaims life at will, who can take it in any manner, without illness or pain.

In the past, in our villages, elders would age gracefully, and when their time came, they seemed to know. They would gather their offspring, impart their wisdom, and then peacefully pass away. It appeared as though they had some control over their demise. This is what we refer to as a true natural death, devoid of pain or illness. My hope and prayer is to age similarly and experience such a tranquil end.

I hold the belief that my lifespan is neither longer than intended nor shorter than what is predetermined by a higher power. This belief may be true or not, but it serves a purpose for me. It shapes my identity in some manner. My belief is not rooted in any particular religion but is a reflection of my personality. In my village, beliefs vary widely.

Many villagers hold the view that we can assist the divine by doing our part to avert or halt harm or death. But is this notion valid? I have yet to see someone avert harm or death solely through their efforts. It appears we tend to fault the victims when their best efforts fail to protect them. Ultimately, it seems that no one can prevent death or harm.


Beliefs are so integral to our existence that the thought of them vanishing into the ether is unfathomable. As previously mentioned, beliefs instill hope, be it illusory or genuine. They provide the strength and resilience needed to withstand life’s current hardships in anticipation of a brighter future. Owing to these affirmative aspects, it’s preferable for beliefs to remain with us for the foreseeable future.

Without beliefs, the motivation to study diligently for exams to achieve desired grades would falter. Without beliefs, triumphing over life’s battles, whether personal or shared, would be unattainable. In the absence of beliefs, life would indeed be devoid of meaning, akin to a futile pursuit of victory. Hence, beliefs are crucial to us in countless ways that extend beyond the scope of this brief discourse.


Now that you understand what beliefs are, how they are formed, why we adopt them, and their significance in our human communities and societies, what comes next? Action. Reflect on what you have gleaned from this article and consider how you will apply it in your life. Remember, practice leads to perfection.

The purpose of writing this article was to illustrate that beliefs are integral to our makeup as humans and animals alike; they are inextricable from us. While the term ‘belief’ is often associated with religion, it actually pertains more to spirituality and reality. We place our belief in ourselves or in something or someone else.

It is my hope that this article on Beliefs has been beneficial to you on a personal level. I would be grateful if you would share your thoughts in the comments section below. Your time and support are highly valued. May God bless you and protect you during and beyond this global pandemic. Shalom!


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International Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for International Relations

International Peace

Understanding International Peace Will Help You Become a Better Diplomat for Your Country

7th June 2021

The “International Peace” is an article designed to inform readers about the significance of peace among nations, the methods to achieve and sustain it, and its importance for diplomatic relations, regardless of geographical proximity. This article stands out as it approaches the subject in a distinctive manner. Now, let’s delve into the details below.


International peace refers to the tranquility existing between two or more nations, which may or may not share borders. Such peace often stems from maintaining positive internal and international relations.

Peace and harmony among nations, regardless of proximity, is termed international peace. Conversely, disputes between two or more nations are known as international conflicts.

Throughout human history, peace and conflict have coexisted, seemingly intertwined. Conflict often precipitates the pursuit of peace, suggesting that good is recognized in contrast to evil. Despite this, peace remains a vital pursuit. Let’s explore how individuals seek and sustain international peace.

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Personal, family, clan, tribal, and national interests often take precedence in matters of peace, whether locally or internationally. As numerous factors can incite war and conflict, there are equally diverse methods to foster peace and harmony between nations. Given human nature’s inherent self-interest, personal gain typically outweighs the pursuit of peace. The primary question is, what are the interests at stake? Why should we seek peace with neighboring countries if there is no benefit to be gained?

Indeed, peace is advantageous on its own, but most individuals, particularly leaders, tend to prioritize their personal benefits. This is a common human behavior. I would likely do the same if I were in such a position. If peace with a neighboring country allows for the utilization of their resources for my nation’s development, then that serves as a strong incentive for peace. If mutual benefits can be derived from peace, then it is worth pursuing. However, if the benefits are one-sided, it is not uncommon for neighboring countries to maintain strained relations.

For peace to prevail between nations, it is essential to have peace-loving individuals at the borders. The nature of the people residing at these borders can either foster peace or incite conflict. If the border communities are violent and aggressive, it will be challenging for a country to maintain peaceful relations with its neighbors. Similarly, if the border inhabitants on the opposing side are also hostile, achieving peace becomes a difficult, if not impossible, task. Therefore, it is crucial to have peaceful communities along all borders, both within a country and in neighboring states, to ensure a harmonious existence. Additionally, there must be law and order in every bordering nation to address violations in a fair and just manner.


Just as having peaceful citizens and effective laws is crucial within a country, the same applies to maintaining peace between nations. Firstly, there must be peace-loving individuals, particularly at the borders, and secondly, justice and law enforcement must be proactive. This is why I reminisce about the past in Africa when law and order prevailed.

In those times, peace was upheld due to respect for the law and the spiritual realm. However, Africa has changed; it will never be as it once was. The imported systems of religion and law no longer command fear. Law and order are absent because, although Africans retain their intrinsic nature, their world has transformed.

Does this imply that modern methods to sustain international peace are nonexistent? Not at all. There are methods, some of which I’ve already outlined. The key strategies for preserving peace between nations involve fostering peaceful communities and upholding the law. Those inclined towards violence should be held accountable by the law.

However, this approach does not always succeed. One reason is that individuals, being human, can be tempted to manipulate the law for personal gain. This often occurs because there is a lack of fear or respect for the foreign legal systems now implemented in Africa, regardless of our acceptance.

Monarchy, rather than democracy, is argued to be the superior system for governing Africa, as history seems to support. This is attributed to a shared identity among Africans; despite each person’s uniqueness, there is a commonality that binds them and defines their African identity.

Diving briefly into the realm of politics, it’s important to note that the concept of democracy is not even fully realized in the USA. The term ‘democracy’ is political in nature. The Nuer people have an insightful perspective on politics and governance, referring to it as “Politdekac,” which translates to the ‘politeness of lies.’


Peace between nations is crucial for a multitude of reasons. You might wonder about the significance of international peace, a question I often encounter from my readers. To satisfy this curiosity, I’ve decided to pen this article and address the inquiry.

So, what makes peace between two or more countries so vital? One reason is the mutual benefits in trade, resources, and even cultural exchanges like intermarriages, fostering unity as though the nations were one. This exemplifies the value of peace. Additionally, peaceful nations may form alliances to confront common threats or adversaries.

Even distant countries can maintain amicable relations, with peace serving as the bond regardless of proximity. Beyond commerce, such nations can enjoy shared benefits like educational exchanges. For instance, peace between Rwanda and South Sudan could enable students to pursue studies in Rwanda. Similarly, peaceful relations with Egypt, England, the USA, and other nations can open doors for South Sudanese to study abroad.


Here are my final thoughts and advice for you: the necessity of balance. You’ve read my perspectives on what it means to have peace among nations, how to achieve and sustain that peace, and most importantly, why peace is essential. Peace is beneficial, yet it’s often undervalued by us humans. As a result, conflict arises unexpectedly, even within our families.

Conflict is also a reality in our personal lives. It appears that conflict and peace coexist in a mysterious symbiosis. This suggests that humans cannot completely eradicate either. Without conflict, peace would not be recognized. Therefore, balance is essential, and that is my point.

Peace will come when it comes, as will conflict. We need not overburden ourselves in any circumstance. Nevertheless, we should strive to seek and uphold peace at our own level. But we shouldn’t exhaust ourselves if success seems distant. Personal peace is paramount. Be peaceful, but only if it’s true to who you are.

Some individuals are inherently violent and take pleasure in it. They find joy in the suffering of others and in inflicting pain and harm. However, that may not describe you. Be authentic. Be true to yourself. I hope the concept of International Peace has been meaningful to you. Would you care to share your thoughts on it in the comments section below?

Your input is greatly valued, and I look forward to your help and support. Your opinions are important to me, as I wish to understand your perspective. I pray for God’s blessings upon you and your loved ones, for safety during and beyond the global pandemic. Shalom!


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National Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for National Development

How And Why To Find And Maintain National Peace In A Country

31st May 2021

“National Peace” is an article designed to guide you through understanding the concept of peace within a nation. It delves into the significance of peace and the methods to achieve and sustain it. While peace is crucial, it is not always present due to various reasons. Now, let’s examine this aspect of societal peace more closely.


National peace refers to the state of tranquility within a nation or country. While some may define a nation as a major tribe with various dialects, like the Dinka, Nuer, and Bari, many recognize South Sudan simultaneously as a nation and a country. Here, a nation equates to a country, making South Sudan our nation. National peace exists when harmony prevails among the tribes and people groups within this nation.

Furthermore, peace within the national army contributes to the nation’s peace. National peace transcends the mere absence of war; it encompasses peace and harmony throughout the country, from region to region, state to state, county to county, Payam to Payam, and boma to boma. Such peaceful existence fosters positive living and promotes development in all sectors of the country.

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Understanding the essence of peace, we must explore how to achieve it. Peace can be found at personal, familial, clan, tribal, and national levels. The question remains: how do we attain peace? Various methods have been discussed in previous articles on the subject.

One approach is to cultivate peaceful individuals within every societal stratum. Naturally, such individuals exist and are instrumental in fostering peace within families, clans, tribes, and nations like South Sudan.

However, these peace advocates are often in the minority and tend not to impose their beliefs aggressively. Their influence is crucial for instilling peace in a country. The greater their numbers, the better the prospects for peace. Conversely, fewer peace-oriented individuals mean slimmer chances for national tranquility.

Peaceful individuals’ thoughts, words, and actions contribute to a peaceful society to varying extents. Indeed, they play a significant role in a country’s quest for lasting peace. Leadership is equally critical in this endeavor.

Leaders must ensure security and the government should enact laws that administer justice fairly. This will deter the inherently wicked and violent, as everyone must face legal consequences for their actions. Thus, law and order are vital for achieving and sustaining peace in a nation.


Now that we have achieved peace through law and order, and thanks to our peaceful and faithful populace, the question arises: how do we maintain it? This challenge extends to every family, clan, tribe, and nation. Peace is highly valued, as we have previously discussed, and is sought after by nearly all humans. However, people have not always lived in peace, a fact that dates back to the conflict between Cain and Abel.

The origin of conflict, according to scripture, began with God and humanity when the first man and woman acted against divine command, leading to their curse and expulsion from Eden. This narrative is present not only in the Bible but also in various African languages, albeit with different interpretations.

Humans act according to their inherent nature, which is why understanding humanity might help us accept our natural state. People’s actions are a reflection of their human nature, and factors such as religion, education, and experience do not significantly alter this.

Peaceful individuals also have a significant role to play. There are those who are inherently good, independent of any religious or moral teachings they may later adopt. Similarly, there are those who are naturally inclined towards evil and violence. This duality is seen as part of divine design, exemplified by the story of Cain and Abel, the first siblings to engage in lethal conflict.

The government possesses the authority to compel those who commit evil to confront their actions here on earth, rather than in an undefined future realm of suffering and despair. Wrongdoers should face immediate consequences, serving as a deterrent to others who might consider similar actions. This also implies the existence of various categories of people.

For instance, accidental homicide is treated differently under the law, and those educated in the nation’s laws should execute their duties competently. The wealthy should not influence justice with bribes, a practice that has persisted throughout history. Justice within a nation fosters peace and harmony. Peace prevails when there is a fear of government or respect for traditional leadership.

Historically in Africa, village elders had their own governance systems that were more effective for Africans than today’s religious and secular systems. Back then, religious institutions and governmental structures operated in unison. If one does not respect the government, they should at least be mindful of the spiritual realm that judges individuals by their deeds.


Indeed, peace is crucial at every societal level. But why is peace so vital? This question has many answers. Peace and harmony within a country foster development, evident in both physical infrastructure and the self-improvement of individuals through education. Personal development is the cornerstone of national progress.

Consider this: if most people in a country have the time to reflect on themselves and their capabilities, would they engage in negative actions like tribal conflicts? National development starts with personal growth.

Since I personally lack the time for idle conversation, I harbor little to no tribal animosity. When individuals are preoccupied with their pursuits, they tend to live in peace and harmony, potentially influencing the entire nation, especially if this lifestyle is widely adopted. However, without peace, positive actions are unlikely.

Peace also brings employment opportunities, engaging the youth in productive activities that benefit themselves, their families, clans, tribes, and the nation. Peace indeed brings benefits, while conflict only brings detriment.


As we conclude this National Peace article, let’s reflect on the key points. For peace to thrive in a nation like South Sudan, several measures are necessary. Firstly, the populace committed to peace must grow. Secondly, effective law and order are essential. Thirdly, providing employment for the youth is crucial to engage them in constructive activities for their benefit and that of their families, clans, tribes, and ultimately, the nation.

However, humans are complex beings, often considered the most challenging to manage on this planet. Conflicts arise because many are inherently wicked, violent, and malevolent. This is not within their control; it’s an intrinsic force within them.

Even stringent law and order cannot subdue such violent tendencies. It might be thought that they are possessed by evil, but is that the case? Why would the majority be so afflicted? Such notions are absurd. They are as they are, perhaps as intended by divine design, a topic that is beyond the purview of this article.

I trust that the National Peace article has been enlightening for you. I invite you to share your perspectives in the comment section below; your feedback is highly valued. May God bless and protect you and your loved ones during the ongoing global pandemic and beyond. Peace be with you.


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Inter-Tribal Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Social Development

Inter-Tribal Peace

Mastering These Inter-Tribal Peace Lessons Will Pay Dividends

24th May 2021

The “Inter-Tribal Peace” is an article designed to guide you through understanding its essence, the methods to achieve and sustain it, and the significance of maintaining peace among tribes. In Africa, a tribe represents a fundamental component of society. Multiple tribes constitute a country or a nation. With this in mind, the article delves into these topics.


Inter-Tribal Peace refers to the tranquility established between two or more tribes. It can be termed national peace when it encompasses all tribes within a nation. Such tribal peace and harmony can foster broader peace across regions, states, counties, or entire countries, often due to historical or political reasons unique to each country’s administrative divisions.

This peaceful coexistence is centered on calmness and harmony, potentially yielding numerous benefits for nations and communities alike. It may arise from peace at personal, family, clan, and tribal levels, progressing through interpersonal, inter-family, inter-clan, to inter-tribal peace. These forms and layers of peace within a society are often known by various names.

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Understanding the significance of peace among tribes, we ponder how to initiate or establish such harmony. Does peace among tribes emerge naturally? What steps are necessary to foster and sustain peace at the tribal level? These questions are crucial for grasping the process of peacebuilding in society.

Reflecting on African history provides insight into our progress in the pursuit of peace and harmony. Historically, numerous methods existed to cultivate peace among tribes within kingdoms, long before Arab and English influences. These methods were well-suited to African communities and societies.

Comparing historical practices with contemporary methods of peacekeeping between tribes and nations reveals differences. In my previous articles, I noted that traditional African practices were intertwined with religion and spirituality, implying that leadership was considered as sacred as the gods. Consequently, people adhered to state laws out of reverence for the spiritual realm, believed to coexist with the physical world.

Such beliefs enabled peaceful coexistence among tribes within a society. However, when foreign ideologies deemed these values malevolent, they were discarded, complicating adherence to any laws and elevating personal freedom over societal structure.


Maintaining peace between two tribes, once achieved, can be approached in various unique ways tailored to the specific situation and needs. Just as individuals can foster peace or conflict between tribes and nations, they also possess the means to preserve peace within their communities.

What, then, are some common strategies for sustaining peace among tribes in a country like South Sudan? Initiatives such as job creation for the youth can be particularly effective, especially if conflicts stem from their idleness. Engaging young people in constructive activities can divert their attention from tribal conflicts.

Peace is fundamentally a personal endeavor. Every member of society has a crucial role in cultivating peace and harmony. Leadership, whether traditional or contemporary, plays a significant role in upholding peace among tribes or groups. However, this does not diminish the responsibilities of individuals, families, clans, and tribes. Authorities must guide the nation towards peace.

A government has numerous responsibilities to ensure peace among its tribes. Ensuring security is paramount, as is the establishment and enforcement of laws that protect the rights of all citizens, not just the leaders.

The law and justice system should address those who wrong others or incite tribal conflicts. When laws are impartial and people are judged by their actions, peace is likely to endure, as individuals will not seek personal vengeance. Effective laws are necessary to maintain order. This respect for a well-implemented legal system is why I hold the old African systems in high regard.


Peace is crucial at all levels of society. Tribes form the foundation of regions, states, counties, payams, and even bomas, which have been the governmental divisions in South Sudan since 2005. The smallest administrative unit is the boma. However, each governance level is equally important. Thus, peace among two or more tribes leads to national tranquility.

Take, for instance, harmony between the Nuer and the Dinka tribes in the Upper Nile Region; it results in numerous developmental advantages for that area. Such progress can be individual or communal, contributing to national or regional growth.

Peaceful regions enable inhabitants to engage in trade, fostering economic stability. Individuals can cultivate land and rear cattle without fear for their safety or that of their livestock.

There are countless reasons why intertribal peace is vital. The few mentioned here merely scratch the surface. Peace among tribes often translates to national peace, which can extend to harmonious relations with neighboring nations.


As we conclude this article on Inter-Tribal Peace, your key takeaways are prepared. You’ve explored the concept of Inter-Tribal Peace, strategies to foster and sustain it, and its significance within a nation. However, it’s common knowledge that not all humans desire peace by nature.

So, if some are inclined towards creating chaos and conflict, what should our approach to peace be? Our path forward is to coexist peacefully with others to the best of our ability. This reminds us that while we cannot compel others to adopt our ways, we should not conform to theirs if it contradicts our values. Here, it’s crucial to assert personal freedom confidently and decisively.

The essence of this article is to encourage living in peace with everyone as far as possible. It’s my duty to remain peaceful with myself, even against the world’s tide, and it’s your responsibility to seek peace with others, regardless of their stance.

I hope you found value in the insights on Inter-Tribal Peace. I invite you to share your reflections in the comments section. Your feedback is greatly valued and will aid in enhancing my efforts towards advocating peace and harmony, both within and with others. May God bless and protect you and your loved ones during the global pandemic and beyond. Peace be with you!