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Teachers versus Students: What It Takes to Be a Learning Teacher

Teachers versus Students

“Teachers versus Students” is an article designed to explore the concept of a learning teacher. The article will guide you in determining whether you are a teacher and then delve into the requirements of being a teacher who remains a learner while teaching others. With that introduction, let’s dive in.


Teachers are individuals eager to share their knowledge. They are born with this inclination, much like leaders. While one can learn and improve teaching skills, becoming a teacher is not merely a matter of learning; it’s an inherent trait.

If someone is not naturally inclined to teach, they may enter the profession due to external pressures such as financial incentives, family expectations, or social circles. These factors, combined with the need for survival, can drive individuals to pursue various paths, which is perfectly acceptable.

Consider someone ordained as a pastor, yet it’s not their true calling. As circumstances evolve, they will eventually find their rightful place. Such an individual will likely abandon the pastoral path upon discovering their true passions. Indeed, people can be coerced into roles they do not resonate with. However, there’s always a predominant aspect in one’s life.

For instance, I embody multiple roles, yet teaching consistently emerges as my central pursuit. Despite being a web designer, motivational speaker, writer, international author, and ICT consultant, and even though some may refer to me as a pastor, it is teaching that remains my core focus.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

Some may perceive me as religious, which I accept, but I identify more as a philosopher than a theologian. My fundamental values are Freedom, Awareness, Uniqueness, Learning, and Openness (FAULO).

I appreciate when someone challenges my views, particularly on abstract knowledge, indicating my open-mindedness, unlike many religious instructors. I believe that our understanding of God and the spiritual realm is constrained by our physical existence. Indeed, teachers are born, not merely created.


Being a student is synonymous with being a learner. At the age of 15, I learned that a student is typically someone enrolled in a higher education institution, like a college or university. This illustrates how words can have varying meanings to different individuals. I was informed that a young boy or girl should be referred to as a pupil, not a student.

I held a similar perspective, shaped by my own experiences regarding what defines a student. I believed a student to be exceptionally clever, sharp-minded, or intelligent, influenced by the way teachers presented the term. This perception instilled a sense of pride in me when I became a student later in life.

However, a student is fundamentally a learner or a follower. The disciples of Jesus were his students in that they were his followers and learners, with Jesus as their teacher. In today’s world, there are numerous leaders and teachers. A student, or learner, can study any subject, which implies that learning is limitless. Teachers themselves are perpetual students because without continuous learning, they would have nothing to impart.

If you are currently learning something, then you are a learner, a student. This holds true even for teachers, who must continually pursue knowledge.


As previously stated, we are all learners. Whether mastering reading and writing or cultivating positive thinking, we remain students. We might be acquiring a new language or learning to sing. Regardless of the subject, we are students. To be a learning teacher is to stay informed with the latest essential human knowledge and wisdom. Indeed, human wisdom is imperfect, and human knowledge is riddled with biases and mistakes. Yet, through continuous learning, we stay updated.

Online learning platforms have incorporated four methods into their systems: listening, watching, doing, and reading. While the eye is responsible for both reading and watching, these represent distinct approaches to absorbing information.

A web search on ‘teachers vs students’ might yield surprising results. However, online discourse on this topic appears limited, with only a handful of related videos and games, primarily on Facebook.

Additionally, our minds, these spiritual entities, interpret the information received through our eyes. Our ears are not only for watching but also for listening to audio messages. Our hands, or any other part of the body involved in learning, transmit this information to our brains. Our brains serve merely as receivers for our souls, spirits, minds, and hearts. It’s important to note that spirit, soul, mind, and heart are considered the same non-material aspects of humans and animals alike.

While some religious teachers may contest this view, the certainty of animals lacking spirits, souls, minds, and hearts is not absolute. They possess these qualities. This is why all animals are believed to communicate with God, although that is a topic for another time. If you’re interested in discussing the souls of animals further, we can explore that subject.

The article on teachers versus students is insightful. Would you like to delve deeper into the topic of teachers versus students in future discussions? Your input on these significant questions in the comments section is invaluable.

Teachers are perpetual learners. They are exemplary students, even outside the classroom. Indeed, the concept of learning needs redefining. Learning isn’t confined to school premises; it’s a fundamental aspect of all life. Parasites adapt to combat medications. Microbes, wombs, insects, plants, birds, reptiles, and fish—all are capable of learning. The process of learning is continuous for both animals and humans.


Here is my concluding advice for you, dear reader. Firstly, thank you for engaging with my words to this point. Secondly, balance is essential in all aspects of our earthly existence. We may not know much now, as much as we are known, but perhaps one day, we will understand everything.

This signifies that whether we are teachers continually learning, or students persistently studying, we are all human. What binds us together is our shared humanity. I trust this article has been of personal benefit to you. Please feel free to share your reflections in the comments section below.

Further Reading

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Cain versus Abel

Cain versus Abel

The article “Cain versus Abel” aims to highlight the key differences between these two historical figures and guide you in identifying and aligning with your personal traits in today’s world. It suggests that the archetypes represented by Cain and Abel persist on Earth and will likely continue indefinitely. Now, let’s delve deeper into this subject.

Who Is Cain?

According to the Bible, Cain was the firstborn son of Adam and Eve (refer to Genesis 4), and his name is associated with being a male offspring. He was born after God expelled our earliest ancestors from the Garden of Eden. Professionally, Cain was a farmer, while his younger brother, Abel, tended to livestock. This sets the stage for why it is pertinent to compare Cain with Abel.

Cain was a man known for his own virtues and vices, but in this discussion, we aim to contrast him with his brother, Abel. Cain is often portrayed as the malevolent figure, which is why he is juxtaposed with his brother in this discourse.

His actions, much like any of ours, are telling of his character as depicted in the fourth chapter of the Book of Genesis. Cain harbored intense animosity towards his younger brother, solely because God favored his sibling’s offerings for the first time.

Cain made no effort to understand why his offerings were spurned. He did not attempt to present God with a different version of his harvest, leaving us to draw our own conclusions about his personality and character.

Like many might, Cain refused to admit any wrongdoing towards his younger brother, even after murdering him. God was aware of his actions, but desired a confession from Cain, similar to how He did with Adam and Eve. Cain could have sought God’s mercy, yet he chose not to. Instead, he retorted to God, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” which speaks volumes.

Humans, including figures like Abraham and Isaac, are adept at denying facts for personal reasons, often resorting to falsehoods. Consider Abraham’s actions when he journeyed to Egypt with his wife, Sarai.

Isaac, his son, also committed a similar act. Although their justifications for lying differed from their later confessions when the truth eventually emerged, their underlying motive was fear for their lives.

This suggests that even in those times, many individuals exhibited traits akin to Cain. Such people, particularly rulers, might forcibly take another’s wife if she were deemed beautiful, and might even murder a husband who attempted to defend her. The behavior of men in those days was animalistic, a trait that persists or has worsened in modern times.

Cain-like individuals, regardless of gender, are exceptionally cruel and dangerous. They are capable of any deed and will likely deny all knowledge of it, though they may have their own justifications for such denials. It could be surmised that Adam resembled Abel in nature, while Eve was more akin to Cain. This is perceived as their inherent disposition. For further discussion on this topic, please refer to the comments section below.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

Psychologists assert that two primary factors contribute to our development: nature and nurture. In my book, “Your Self-Discovery Guide,” I discuss how these elements influence both the physical and spiritual aspects of our being. Our innate characteristics shape our physical traits, thoughts, speech, and actions, as does our interaction with the environment.

The environment significantly shapes our identity. It encompasses the people we meet, the places we visit, the weather we experience, the events we witness, and the objects around us. These factors subtly impact us, often beyond the awareness of our conscious mind.

Together, they forge our current selves and will shape the future identities of our children. However, it appears that nature has a precedence over nurture. It seems to govern our thoughts, expressions, and behaviors, even influencing what we accept into our hearts and minds.

To me, the terms heart, mind, and spirit are synonymous. They all denote the non-material, ethereal aspects of our being. Similarly, the soul is just another term for the heart, spirit, and mind. These are not tangible entities; they are of a spiritual nature.

Thus, Cain was inherently an evil man. He was born with a heart full of malevolent intentions, thoughts, words, and actions. This is evident from his words and deeds as recorded in Genesis chapter 4. It is observable that even in our current generation, there are individuals akin to Cain.

An article titled “Cain versus Abel” would elucidate the distinctions between the two brothers.

Such individuals may be found among our parents, siblings, friends, relatives, neighbors, partners, colleagues, co-workers, and acquaintances. They are prevalent and outnumber those who are like Abel. There are advantages and disadvantages to embodying traits similar to Cain, as outlined below.

Pros of a Cain-like personality

  • Brave and strong
  • Cunning and wise
  • Dominance and leadership
  • Dictatorship and power of force
  • Personal wisdom and denial of hurting facts
  • Shifting of blames on others

Cons of a Cain-like personality

  • Judgement and punishment
  • Foolishness and selfishness
  • Loneliness and despair
  • Lying and being cunning
  • Mistrust and low opinion

Who Is Abel?

According to the Bible, Abel was the second-born son of Adam and Eve. He was a shepherd, tending to goats and sheep. Little is known about him, except for the tragic end he met at the hands of his brother, Cain, which suggests he may have been an introverted individual.

Abel is often thought of as a good and righteous man, yet, as is often the case, the righteous seem to suffer at the hands of the wicked. The wicked are sometimes compared to the Devil in their cunning.

An interesting perspective I came across is from an author who discussed the Hebrew word for God. He mentioned that ‘Elohim’ is actually a plural term that could be translated as ‘Gods.’ Throughout the Bible, ‘Elohim’ is consistently used in the plural.

In contrast, ‘HaElohim’ could also be translated as ‘Gods.’ However, while ‘Elohim’ represents Gods of love and life, ‘HaElohim’ is associated with Gods of law and death.

In my language (Nuer & Dinka), this concept is also used to assess someone’s words and actions. It’s common to hear phrases like “the Gods who made you,” suggesting that each individual has their own deity or deities. This echoes the narrative that Cain and Abel were born of different creators. Cain embodied the Gods of law and death, while Abel was the embodiment of the Gods of love and life.

Yet, it appears that both evil and good are integral parts of the whole. To lack one is to possess only half of everything, life included.

Is it possible for God to embody both good and evil simultaneously or at different times? Indeed, there are scriptures that seem to support this notion, stating that God is the origin of both good and evil.

Years ago, my belief was contrary to this. However, in 2017, while engaged in a bus preaching ministry in Juba, I encountered a young girl whose perspective challenged mine.

She pointed out that God has the power to both heal and destroy as He pleases. At the time, I didn’t understand her viewpoint, believing she lacked knowledge, so I encouraged her to study the Bible more thoroughly. Since then, I have not crossed paths with her again until today (as of writing this on Sunday, 27th September 2020).

According to the biblical account of Abel, he is seen as a righteous man, favored by God. His brother, on the other hand, is often associated with evil. This narrative can influence one’s perspective on the inherent nature of people and challenge the notion of individuals being naturally evil. It suggests that both good and evil originate from the same divine source.

However, our subconscious minds often resist new concepts, particularly those that contradict our established beliefs.

The Bible acknowledges the existence of multiple deities besides the God of creation mentioned in its texts. These gods were revered during biblical times and some continue to be worshipped today.

Whether these deities possess the power of creation is a question that remains unanswered. Yet, I agree with the author’s assertion that there is one God with two distinct aspects.

This singular deity is credited with creating both good and evil for reasons known only to Him. It is posited that without evil, good would not be definable, as it is understood in contrast to evil. Similarly, light is only appreciated in the absence of darkness, and positivity is recognized in relation to negativity.

Pros of an Abel-like personality

  • Truthfulness and openness
  • Patience and long suffering
  • Humility and goodness
  • Recognition and good reputation
  • Legacy and fame

Cons of an Abel-like personality

  • Falling prey to other bad people
  • Failure for self-defence
  • Goodness as an advantage for others to manipulate you
  • Being unable to speak up as soon as needed

Wisdom from John Monyjok Maluth

As observed, the world harbors both virtuous and malevolent individuals, akin to Cain and Abel from ancient times. The presence of good and evil people is a constant. It is wise to embrace oneself as is. Comparing Cain to Abel is not to suggest a change in nature if one finds themselves erring.

It is crucial to recognize that people are inherently diverse. No individual has the power to create, recreate, or alter their innate nature, be it akin to Cain or Abel. Yet, understanding these profound truths can significantly enhance one’s life.

Since altering one’s nature is beyond reach—a common human desire—it becomes essential to discover one’s ultimate purpose in life and strive towards its realization. This is the counsel I extend to you, esteemed reader. This is the wisdom I share. Self-discovery is the first step towards self-improvement.

Further Reading

  • Cain and Abel—Wikipedia. If you have learned one or two things from this article, please share your thoughts about it in the comments section below.
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Leaders vs Followers

Leaders versus Followers is an article meant to help you discover whether you are a leader, a follower, or both. This article will help you discover both the advantages and disadvantages of being a leader or a follower in this modern world. With that said, let us, deep-dive, into it, head-on.

Who Is A Leader?

A leader according to me is someone who has a natural ability to lead the way, and the rest of the crowd follows after. A leader is a natural talent, a natural ability.

A leader leads people from one place to another. He or she does what people want or expect, but he or she may also use some force to make people do certain things for the benefit of the people, or that of his or her own.

Humans have a natural ability to lead, but not all humans are born leaders. Animals have their own leaders, naturally, but not all animals are good leaders. Leaders are leaders, whether are good or bad. There is a need for a leader in every area of life.

In a family, a man and a woman are leaders in different ways. A man is known to the top leader in the house. A woman is the second in command in each family. In my culture, a man is responsible for the things a woman may not be able to do physically. A man has to bring things from far, but a woman has to take care of things at home.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

Some people may still argue that leaders are both born and made, but I don’t think so. Leaders may be improved, but if they are not leaders in the first place, they can’t be made leaders, no matter how they are trained to be. Just as there is no human who can recreate or completely change their lives and nature, there is in the same way, no human that can make him or herself a leader through training.

If one has the ability to lead, that’s natural. I have also seen during my days on earth that people be forced to be what they are not, naturally, I think that’s why self-discovery is very important. Your parents, your friends, your colleagues, your co-workers, and your siblings or even your very own partner may want you to be what you are not.

Even though our culture teaches that men are always heads or leaders of their family, some women born leaders have proved to be leaders, too. This means leadership has no gender issues. Any gender can be a good leader if they are born leaders.

What Are The Advantages Of Being A Leader?

There are many advantages of being a leader. Some advantages are for the leader, and others are for his or her followers. For those who love recognition (and most leaders do!), recognition is one huge advantage of being a leader. People recognize you for your outstanding leadership abilities. People may also have their own expectations of a good leader.

If you don’t meet those expectations, then you may not be a leader according to them. But because you might already be a leader, you might have some kind of influence even among the people, and you will always win them as followers through those influences.

Fame may be one of the advantages. Resources (especially in Africa) are those advantages of being a leader. Wealth and authorities are some of the advantages of being a leader. Honour and social respect are some of those goodies of being a leader in a society.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Being A Leader?

In everything, there are both advantages and disadvantages. When it comes to leadership, there are both advantages and disadvantages too. One disadvantage is that leadership is a huge responsibility for many people to bear. But if one fears responsibility, then he or she may not be a born leader.

Having many enemies is a disadvantage of being a leader because every successful human or animal has his or her own enemies. Also, the followers always blame their leaders for some things, and this can be a disadvantage for a leader or leaders. Sometimes, people blame their leader or leaders for some failures in the leadership system.

For example, if there is no food at home, the children may look for help, or blame their parents for this failure. A husband may blame his wife for some things. A wife may blame a husband for some leadership things at home. A village may blame their leaders. A county may blame its leaders, and the list of blemish may continue from level to the other.

I know the fact that for some people, these disadvantages may be advantages as well, depending on certain circumstances, or mind-sets. But commonly speaking, blaming leaders can be a big difference between leaders and their followers. The pain that comes with blaming depends on whether the blames are based on facts, or on mere personal opinions, fuelled by hate and dislikes.

The rivalry was, is, and will be the most form of leadership disadvantage in human history on earth. When one is a leader, he or she will always have those who want to challenge him or her for the same position. This competition comes with lots of other unwanted actions for most people. Thus, some people may not desire to take the lead.

Who Is A Follower?

Now, a follower is someone who walks after the leader. This happens in the real world where two or more people are walking to a place, and one person may lead the rest. To walk after or behind a person is to follow the person. But this following can also mean when you have someone you listen to in life and follow them by following their advice, or by doing what they command or suggest.

Christians follow Jesus for spiritual walks and guidance. Buddhists follow Buddha for some enlightenment lessons and practices. Muslims follow Mohammed for spiritual teachings, and of course, most Africans follow some deities for spiritual nourishment and life. These are examples of both leaders and followers in spiritual matters.

If you love reading these articles, you may be my follower. People also follow each other on social media these days, or on platforms such as WordPress, and much more. The followers get updates from their leaders or their friends. These updates are the interests of the followers as well as those of the leaders or providers. Each human being has a gift, a passion. Each passion is for a good purpose. So yes, a follower is someone who followers another person, or other people.

In each and every family, there is a leader or several leaders. There are also followers in each family, clan, tribe, and society. In fact, life is all about following and being followed. Men and women lead their families in their own ways. Children may lead other children, too.

The following can be forced or chosen at will. It can be a voluntary action, or a forced or dictated the action. It depends on the leader or the follower to lead or follow the course willingly or grudgingly.

But naturally, there are people who love being followers instead of being leaders, and this is perfectly okay. Not everyone is or should be a born or made leader. I believe that leaders are born, not made.

What Are The Advantages Of Being A Follower?

If you follow a good course or a good leader, chances are that there are so many benefits to doing so. But being good and being bad can sometimes be determined differently by different people, and for many different and even conflicting reasons. So what does the “Good,” mean?

In this article, I explained what I know so well about the definitions of good and evil. Go ahead and read that, and they have a sense of what good or evil means. But in case that will distract you a bit, I believe there are both personal and universal goods and evils. If the majority of people agree that something is evil, that’s universal, or common sense. The same process applies to bad or evil.

If you are not a born leader, you will enjoy the goodies that come with following your leaders. But this depends on who those leaders are to you. If the leaders are good, then following them is a good thing. If the leaders are evil, or hurting you in one way or another, then following them may be hard or difficult.

If you are a follower, you may not fall prey to the blames and insults that others in the group usually direct to your leaders. Your sole responsibility in the group may be to follow the leader and his or her ways of life. However, following others may come with its own pains and disappointments.

What Are The Disadvantages Of Being A Follower?

Yes, there are disadvantages to being a follower, even if one enjoys following others in this world. One of the pains you may experience as a following is a feeling of being spoon-fed or being used for another person’s own gains and joys. This of course depends on who your leader is.

As a follower, you may be forced to do or accept to do things you don’t want to accept or do. You may not be allowed to share your views and express yourself as much as possible, especially if your leader is a dictator. Dictators have their own places in life. There are some conditions where dictatorship works best for the goodness of the followers, especially if the purpose is for the benefits of both leaders and followers.

If you are a born leader, you may always find it harder to be led, or be under someone else’s leadership and guidance. But good leaders are good followers. We learn from each other in life before we even start to teach our very own students. This means we have to be students of other leaders before we lead our own teams or groups. Leadership can be learned, but I still believe we only improve at what we already love doing, not the other way around.

Again, what I termed here as a disadvantage may be termed as an advantage by someone else somewhere on the planet. There is nothing wrong with having different and even conflicting views because this makes us uniquely different from the rest of the world’s people. Even my parents are non me, and I am not them. I am who I am.

Wisdom from John Monyjok Maluth

As usual, I think in everything, there a need for a balance. Leaders are also followers, and followers, and also leaders. Thinking only of one side of the coin can bring you much trouble than peace. It may bring you more harm than good because you will be persistent, and even rigid to let things go freely.

Are you a leader right now? Then be a leader. Are you a follower right now? Then be a follower. Trying to be good or even the best can lead to other unknown stumbling blocks, leading to dissatisfaction, and other life issues. But having a balance will not only keep you upright, but it will also keep you fit.

Further Readings

I hope this article has been helpful to you, personally. Would you like to leave a comment below?

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Good versus Evil: Pros and Cons for Modern Humans

Good versus Evil

“Good versus Evil” is an article designed to assist you in enhancing your self-awareness. It aims to clarify the concepts of good and evil in a contemporary world where truth often appears relative. Despite varying definitions, there seems to be a universal human instinct for discerning right from wrong. With this in mind, let us delve further into the subject.

First, What Is Good, And Why Is It Important?

The notion that what is “good” for one person may be “bad” or even “evil” for another has its limitations. Firstly, there is a universal human understanding of right and wrong. For instance, it is universally unacceptable for one person to urinate on another. While this example may seem simplistic, it serves to illustrate the point. The concept of good versus evil is essentially a comparison of life’s dualities.

Secondly, if you express your dislike for something and I proceed to do it anyway, it implies that I am acting intentionally. Such behavior is deemed wrong because it disregards your expressed preferences.

For instance, if you dislike cigarette smoking for personal reasons and have informed me of this, yet I persist in smoking around you, then my actions are intentional. Conversely, if you haven’t communicated your aversion to it, I might assume it’s acceptable to smoke in your presence. This scenario illustrates a basic concept of right and wrong.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

From the simple examples provided, it is evident that humans inherently understand the concepts of good and evil, right and wrong. Regardless of tribal or cultural background, there is no excuse for ignorance of these moral distinctions.

Nevertheless, it is also true that individuals may engage in actions that others might view as negative, or even evil, within their cultural context. For instance, the method I use to prepare my food could eventually lead you to dislike it. While the ingredients remain the same, the preparation techniques can vary significantly.

In Uganda or Equatoria, the preparation of okras differs from our methods in the Upper Nile or the northern parts of South Sudan. We crush them into a paste, which they do not. Our foods may seem odd or unrecognizable as food to Ugandans or Equatorians. You probably had many thoughts about good versus evil, right?

The way we eat also varies greatly, influenced by the upbringing in our respective communities and cultures. Our speech, gait, and even our posture may differ. While others might view our actions negatively, we pride ourselves on being the best. We might judge others’ actions as wrong or evil, even when they are not, but this does not negate the existence of good and evil.

Despite the varied definitions of good and evil, there are universal aspects to each. Universal rights and wrongs exist, as do good and bad things that affect every human being. This means that people worldwide can recognize something as bad, good, evil, wrong, or right, even if they don’t share common beliefs or traditions.

Humans possess this understanding simply because they are human. They have an innate sense of what is wrong, correct, right, evil, and good. They don’t need to be religious or hold any particular beliefs to discern right from wrong. They inherently know because they are human. Despite minor differences, there is common ground where humans universally concur on many aspects.

Pros of the good

  • Most if not all people prefer good over evil
  • It’s the most wanted commodity in the world
  • It’s the positive side of things
  • It gives us hope and purpose in life

Cons of the good

  • Different people see it differently
  • Not what should always is
  • Positive may be the unwanted in some situations
  • Hope and purpose may just be mere wishes

Second, What Is Evil, And Why Is It Important?

On the contrary, evil, as previously described, is that which causes harm or pain to any human or animal. If my actions cause you pain, then they are evil, harmful, or wrong. Evil stands in direct opposition to good. As mentioned before, ignorance of what constitutes evil versus good is inexcusable, given that humans naturally possess the ability to discern between the two.

While personal preferences do exist, there are overt and undeniable offenses that must be eschewed to ensure peaceful and harmonious coexistence among humans. However, it is important to remember that not all humans are, or are expected to be, equally virtuous.

Some believe that certain individuals are inherently evil and take pleasure in this nature. They argue that human nature is fundamental and precedes our thoughts, words, actions, and character traits. Nonetheless, this inherent nature is not a justification for perpetually committing evil acts. Those who do evil face repercussions, not only potentially in the afterlife but also in the present world.

To demonstrate that humans can discern good from evil, one might consider the consequences of committing an evil act. The existence of laws and regulations is a testament to society’s recognition of evil. The prevalence of wrongdoing has led to the establishment of stringent laws, although those in positions of power may manipulate these laws for personal gain.

Evil inflicts harm not only physically but also mentally and spiritually. The mind, spirit, soul, and heart, in my belief, all refer to the same immaterial essence of every human or animal. Indeed, I believe animals possess souls or spirits, as my Bible does not state otherwise.

It has been repeatedly stated that every human is aware of what causes pain. They understand the concepts of good and evil, right and wrong. They are familiar with the pain associated with harm, yet they continue to hurt others or are hurt by others, both intentionally and unintentionally.

Good and evil are two facets of the same entity, life. Life cannot exist without these dualities: good and evil, negative and positive, right and wrong. In this world, opposites coexist, seemingly opposing yet contributing to the betterment of each other or the collective. Consider this: how can we gauge the virtue of something without evil to contrast it? How can we assess the luminosity of light without the presence of darkness?

Evil exists, whether we accept it or not. It has always been, is now, and will persist. Regardless of our beliefs, sacred or secular, we are bound to encounter both good and evil in the present. As long as we are alive, we must navigate life as it presents itself, embracing both its benevolent and malevolent aspects. Life is not singular in nature; it is indeed a coin with two distinct sides.

Indeed, this may not sit well with the devout, but it is a reality, not a tale. It’s not merely my belief or fantasy; it’s the truth we face. Hearing bad news is never pleasant, but it’s an inevitable part of life. You might have recently learned of something shocking happening to someone close to you, and that’s exactly what I’m addressing.

What occurs to them today will occur to us tomorrow. Such is the nature of life, and we must come to terms with it. Life is beyond our control, despite our attempts to influence it. Even with our advanced scientific understanding, we still fall short in many respects. The essence of life eludes us. No amount of knowledge allows us to preserve or prevent life from fading away.

Could we possibly revive life with our scientific advancements in the distant future? That would be a remarkable achievement. I hope that someone might revive me a million years from now, so I can revisit these words and chuckle with delight. Whether this will happen remains to be seen.

Pros of the evil

  • It happens regardless of people’s views
  • It’s just part of God’s plan
  • It was, it is, and it will be here
  • We hate it but we find ourselves doing it all the time

Cons of the evil

  • It’s always not preferable
  • Most people don’t go for it
  • It sees hope as a mere wish
  • It’s the negative side of things

Third, You Have a Personal Choice

As you may have realized, there is always a place for you in my writings. This place belongs to you. It’s where you have the power to decide. You select what to embrace and what to reject. You choose what to carry with you and what to leave behind on these pages, be they digital or printed.

Indeed, good and evil exist, and all humans are aware of both aspects of life. People become angry because they sense an injustice. No one feels annoyance without cause, right? Of course, unless one is unwell, famished, or suffering mentally, which are valid reasons for anger, wouldn’t you say?

Do you believe that evil is both a universal and a personal concept? Do you think the same applies to good? Would you concur that what may be beneficial for one person could be harmful to another? Are you aware that we can reach a consensus on whether something is good or evil based on certain standards?

Finally, My Advice

Balance is always necessary, wouldn’t you agree? For instance, if someone thinks my diet is unhealthy, there’s no need for debate, as they are entitled to their opinion. What’s suitable for me may not be for you or others.

Both personal and universal concepts of good and evil exist. However, if you disagree, I won’t judge you based on my views. You are a complete individual with your own rights, just as I am an individual with my own beliefs and mistakes.

The best way to handle conflict, in my opinion, is to prevent it. Indeed, prevention is better than cure, which is true for conflicts as well. To prevent disputes, we must find balance and middle ground, making compromises for the collective good.

This doesn’t imply that everyone should think alike. I understand that humans are not and will never be identical in their thinking. Not everyone is prepared to abandon what they consider the only correct path for unity and peace. Some may continue to fight for their own realms. However, I believe balance is always necessary. After all, excess in anything can be detrimental, right? That’s my belief.

Good and evil exist in our world, whether we accept it or not. Finding a balance between them is a form of wisdom. It leads to righteous living among others. It fosters peace and harmony. It brings joy and happiness. It results in a life well-lived.

I hope this discourse on good versus evil has been enlightening for you. If it has, please share your thoughts below. If not, I welcome your feedback. For further inquiries, feel free to reach out at


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Bible versus Science

Bible versus Science

“Bible versus Science” is an article designed to explore your perceptions of belief and its significance in human existence. It aims to enhance your understanding of these two profound sources of knowledge: the Bible and Science. Now, let us delve further into this subject.

What Is the Bible, and Why Is It Important?

Christians regard the Bible as the written Word of God, making it one of the world’s most ancient texts. Commonly recognized as a sacred scripture, it is often read with religious reverence. Yet, the term “Bible” (from Greek: biblíon) simply translates to “book.”

Approaching it purely as a book is crucial, for its lessons are applicable to both the devout and the secular. The perception of the Bible as a sanctified text leads many to seek its religious significance, potentially overlooking its broader message. Thus, the Bible serves as a tome for atheists and theists alike.

The Bible stands as a unique book among global literature. Approaching it as such can render its message clear and valuable to each reader, emphasizing the significance of understanding it in this light.

This text encompasses all one might seek regarding life and its purpose. Firstly, it distinguishes between the Creator and the creation. Secondly, it acknowledges the existence of a God, other deities, spirits, and demons. Lastly, it asserts that life is meaningful.

This book lays out all understanding, knowledge, and wisdom for every human to read, comprehend, believe, and apply for their benefit. While people attend schools in search of knowledge, the entirety of wisdom is contained within this book.

The Bible instructs us about our identity, God, others, and the rest of creation. With a correct understanding of God, ourselves, others, and all creatures, we can lead a meaningful life despite the world’s challenges. However, without the biblical understanding of the world, life can seem truly devoid of meaning.

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The Bible encompasses teachings on both the natural and supernatural realms. It provides guidance on the realities of our world and insights into what lies ahead. It offers lessons on nature, the physical world, as well as the spiritual and supernatural realms.

Bible pros

  • Confirmed true historical records
  • Literacy lessons
  • Having a sense of identity, who you are
  • Having a sense of belonging and possession
  • Having a sense of ability to do all things

Bible cons

  • Mythological stories like any other
  • Boring book to read
  • Doesn’t follow any teaching without contradictions
  • It’s hard to understand or interpret, therefore, it can be misused

What Is Science, and Why Is It Important?

The term “Science” signifies knowledge, specifically the pursuit of discovery. Here, we refer to the natural sciences, which encompass the understanding of the natural world. Scientific knowledge is crucial; without it, many diseases and ailments would remain incurable.

Without scientific advancements, contemporary treatments for today’s incurable diseases would not exist. With ongoing scientific research, what seems impossible now can become achievable. Without it, our only mode of transportation would be walking, as there would be no development of cars, planes, buses, boats, or bicycles.

This straightforward definition of science clarifies that there is no conflict between the Bible and science. Science is the study of the physical world and does not address the spiritual or supernatural realm.

The Bible, however, discusses matters that are beyond scientific comprehension. Meanwhile, the natural sciences focus on aspects of the physical world, encompassing even those elements that are not visible to the naked eye. Thus, science and the Bible represent distinct types of knowledge.

The Bible offers insights into supernatural realms, while science provides a deeper understanding of the natural world. Since science emerged long after the Bible, it does not validate or invalidate the Bible; however, scientific discoveries can affirm or refute biblical claims.

Both science and the Bible have undergone, are undergoing, and will continue to undergo improvements as new and more profound truths emerge for both the physical and spiritual realms. While some may debate this point, it becomes moot when we consider the facts as they stand.

In essence, the natural sciences concentrate on the physical and natural realms, whereas the Bible is concerned with the spiritual and supernatural realms.

Science pros

  • Technology as its product
  • Innovation as its result
  • Curiosity satisfied
  • Increased human knowledge of things
  • Problem solving
  • Increased human creativity
  • Providing solutions to human problems

Science cons

  • It’s costly
  • It creates destructive weapons
  • Too much information
  • Destroys human morals
  • It can be chaotic
  • It reduces belief and trust in God

You Have a Choice

Having observed the distinctions between natural science and the Bible, the choice is now yours to make. You’ve been presented with the advantages and disadvantages of both the Bible and Science, as well as their respective flaws. What remains is a personal decision regarding what to believe in and why. It is a choice that is uniquely yours, one that no one else can make on your behalf.

My Final Words

In conclusion, balance is essential in our world. Extremism is inherently foolish. We do not possess complete knowledge of the natural or supernatural realms, and thus, we cannot debate what we do not fully comprehend.

I believe that life is an opportunity, and we should strive to live harmoniously. Contentious debates are neither healthy nor peaceful; they are, in fact, detrimental to our tranquility and happiness. We must lead lives brimming with joy and satisfaction. Therefore, let us live as though we have no significant knowledge from either natural sciences or the Scriptures.

Thank you for reading this far. I invite you to share your thoughts below. Your candid feedback on this article would be greatly valued if you could leave a comment.

Further Readings