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4 Keys To the True Wisdom: Steps to Finding the True Wisdom

4 Keys To the True Wisdom

“4 Keys to True Wisdom” is an article designed to guide you through the hidden keys to genuine wisdom. The term ‘true wisdom’ implies the existence of a false or counterfeit wisdom, which stands in contrast to true wisdom. If you are thinking along these lines, you are close to the truth. In reality, wisdom comes in three forms: worldly wisdom, human wisdom, and divine wisdom.

True wisdom, akin to true knowledge, is divine wisdom, which is the focus of this article. It is wisdom that stems from genuine knowledge. With this in mind, let us delve into what these 4 KEYS TO TRUE WISDOM are. Is it possible for everyone to access or possess these four keys? We will explore these vital questions in the following discussion.

Key #1: The Attentive Listening

As you read this, it’s crucial to pay close attention to every word, sentence, and paragraph. Otherwise, you might misunderstand the intended message, which is precisely why attentive listening is essential.

Whether you’re listening to someone speak in front of you, tuning into a recorded audio, watching a live video, or reading a text like this, undivided attention is necessary for comprehension.

If you fail to understand what you’re reading at this moment, simply because your attention is elsewhere, you will miss out on the essential knowledge I’m attempting to impart. While there could be other valid reasons for misunderstanding, a lack of focus is a common culprit.

Language may be one reason, but I think my writings are all in basic English, I think so. I mostly write to be understood instead of showing you how many English words I know. Paying attention to whatever is being said is the first key to true wisdom. This is because understanding leads to true knowledge, and true knowledge leads to true wisdom.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

Key #2: The True Understanding

Understanding is the antithesis of misunderstanding, and there are clear dictionary definitions for these terms. The issue with misunderstanding is that it represents a form of understanding, albeit a flawed one. When I misunderstand something, I am often unaware of my lack of understanding; otherwise, I would have sought further clarification. This is where the problem arises for many of us.

True understanding is based on the knowledge and reverence of God (Proverbs 1:7). God gives us His understanding of who He is, who we are (individually), who other people are (humans), and what the rest of His creation is (nature). This true understanding makes us realize that indeed life has a beginning and a meaning.

Key #3: The True Knowledge

A profound comprehension of God (the Creator), ourselves (as individuals), others (as fellow humans), and the entirety of creation (encompassing animals, plants, objects, fish, insects, etc.) is inherently non-human. This all-encompassing insight is crucial for thoroughly understanding virtually any subject of discussion.

Such deep understanding paves the way to genuine wisdom, examples of which I will present at the conclusion of this post. True knowledge is, by its nature, revelatory.

How then do I truly know myself? It is essential to understand oneself not through the perceptions, expressions, and actions of others (external knowledge), but through the internal voice of God that reveals our identity as He sees us.

Indeed, God’s knowledge of us surpasses what we or others comprehend. External perceptions do not equate to genuine self-knowledge. For further insight, consider exploring “4 KEYS TO A MEANINGFUL LIFE.” According to God, we are His children (John 1:12-13), we own the whole world (1 Corinthians 3:21), and we can do all things with His ability (Philippians 4:13).

Key #4: The True Wisdom

As previously mentioned, if true wisdom exists, then so does false wisdom. This false wisdom is worldly, merely human, and at best, devilish. From God’s perspective, what is often deemed wisdom is, in fact, foolishness.

But what is true wisdom?

True wisdom is founded on the knowledge previously mentioned, though not fully discussed. It is the understanding that God created the world and that every occurrence in our lives serves a specific purpose, whether that purpose is known to us or remains concealed for a good reason.

Can you see the difference? False wisdom deceives; true wisdom does not because it is rooted in truth, not falsehoods. But if every person lies, what does that imply? Yes, every Christian has lied. I recognize the origin of this argument, but it is not the focus of this discussion.

Even Abraham, the patriarch of faith, lied, as did his son Isaac. However, they both confessed their falsehoods when challenged, distinguishing them from those who lie merely for the sake of deceit. Here is an illustration of the two kinds of wisdom: true/divine wisdom versus false/malignant wisdom.

One day while traveling by bus, I handed the conductor 500SSP for the fare, expecting change from the supposed 400SSP fare. However, he did not return any balance. Mid-journey, upon reminding him, he insisted the fare was 500SSP.

Upon reaching my destination and sharing the day’s travel expenses, a relative informed me that I had been overcharged; the fare should have been 400SSP. Realizing I had been deceived, I acknowledged there was little I could do to retrieve my money from the conductor.

Reflecting on the incident, two possibilities emerged: either the conductor was unaware of the recent fare reduction or he knowingly took advantage because I was unfamiliar with the local fares. If his actions were deliberate, they were cunning and deceitful. If not, he was simply uninformed, and not at fault in the eyes of God.

True wisdom acknowledges that even if one deceives another due to their ignorance, there is an omnipresent observer who sees all actions and tallies them. This wisdom stems from knowledge, not the fear of the unknown. Those who embrace this wisdom understand that earthly existence is not the final chapter and that we will each answer for our actions in the afterlife.

It is said that there are forces at work, striving to convince humanity that there is no existence beyond death, suggesting that we can act without consequence, whether our choices are right or wrong. This belief negates the need for responsible living or reverence for a divine entity.

However, for those seeking genuine wisdom, consider this counsel: comprehend and believe in it, and you shall grow wiser with each passing day. Be aware that a divine presence exists, one that will ultimately judge all, living or deceased, based on their earthly actions. Your deeds are your own, and it is for those that you shall be held accountable.

Further Reading

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4 Basic Spiritual Development Factors

4 Basic Spiritual Development Factors

Learn About the 4 Basic Spiritual Development Factors Today!

In life’s journey, recognizing that spiritual growth is an ongoing process demanding effort, commitment, and a readiness to learn is crucial. A key instrument for spiritual advancement is the Word of God. Merely reading the Bible marks the beginning; it’s vital to study, reflect upon, and articulate its principles to fully assimilate its lessons. This practice fosters a profound comprehension of our beliefs and fortifies our bond with God. Hence, for those seeking spiritual enrichment, embedding these four practices into your daily life can significantly enhance your connection with the Divine.

1. Reading God’s Word for spiritual development

The foundational element of spiritual growth is dedicating time to God’s Word, the Bible. While numerous spiritual texts exist, the Bible remains the one I am familiar with and utilize. Comprehension is key when reading; thus, it’s essential to read the Bible in one’s native language or in a version that is most understandable. The Bible is not merely a book but a compilation of writings by various authors across different eras, enduring through time as a beacon of hope, solace, and direction for countless individuals globally.

Beyond reading, studying the Bible is crucial, delving into the text to grasp its underlying messages. A wealth of aids, such as commentaries, study guides, and digital resources, are accessible for this purpose. Participating in a Bible study group or attending teachings at a church can be beneficial. Prayer, another vital aspect of spiritual development, serves as a conduit for dialogue with God, allowing us to convey our innermost thoughts, emotions, and petitions. Allocating daily time for prayer is imperative.

Prayer manifests in various forms, from silent contemplation to vocal expression, or even penning our reflections. Ultimately, the integration of our learnings into daily life is paramount. As we engage with the Bible and prayer, we ought to seek opportunities to enact our learnings, be it through acts of kindness towards others, community service, or lending an ear to a friend in need. By actualizing our beliefs, we contribute positively to our surroundings.

2. Studying God’s Word for spiritual development

Studying the Word of God requires an open mind and heart, a readiness to question one’s own beliefs, and the pursuit of guidance from reliable sources as necessary. Allocating specific times for study, such as daily devotionals or weekly Bible study groups, is also crucial.

In note-taking, various methods are available: some may choose to highlight key verses or ideas, while others may elaborate on their reflections. Select a technique that facilitates a deeper engagement with the text.

Remember, studying the Word of God is an ongoing endeavor. There is always more to learn and understand, so approach your study with humility and a readiness to evolve. Continue to read, inquire, and seek fresh insights and knowledge, as your spiritual growth relies on this continuous journey.

3. Meditating on God’s Word

After engaging with the Word of God by taking notes and jotting down challenging questions, it’s beneficial to meditate on it. This involves deeply contemplating the Word and reasoning with God. Human reasoning isn’t sinful; it’s actually advantageous. Our belief in God is not blind but reasoned. Employ logical thinking and reflect on those thoughts.

Meditating on the Word lets it resonate within our hearts and minds. It has the power to transform us, altering our thoughts and actions. Reflecting on what we’ve learned and its application in our lives is crucial.

To meditate on the Word, seek a tranquil place free from interruptions. Breathe deeply to center yourself. Read the passage or verse you’re studying. Question the meaning of the text. What message is God conveying? How does it relate to my life? What does it reveal about God’s nature?

In your meditation, openly seek God’s guidance and comprehension. He is eager to unveil His truth and foster your faith. Listen attentively to His voice and let it touch your heart.

Remember, meditating on the Word is an ongoing journey, not a one-time event. Incorporate it into your daily routine to witness the transformative influence of God’s Word in your life.

4. Speaking God’s Word

In the journey of spiritual growth, various elements play a role. Among these, one stands out as particularly crucial: speaking the Word of God after engaging with it through reading, study, and meditation.

Meditation often occurs in silence, yet speaking the Word is a vocal act. Articulating the inspiring and potent messages from the Word of God allows us to connect with the divine and access a greater power that offers guidance amidst life’s challenges.

No matter our circumstances, vocalizing the Word of God can bring peace, clarity, and direction. It equips us with the necessary wisdom and strength to face personal, relational, or societal issues.

To enhance your spiritual journey and forge a deeper connection with the divine, regularly practice speaking the Word of God. Whether alone or in company, the transformative power of the spoken word can significantly contribute to your spiritual development and satisfaction.

Speaking words of faith involves more than reciting scripture; it’s about embracing and vocalizing those beliefs as your own. For instance, if grappling with guilt, merely repeating “I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus” isn’t enough. You must internalize and declare these words with conviction. By doing so, you harness the power of God’s word to surmount any challenge. Remember, whenever you feel disheartened, proclaim the truth of God’s word, and let it reshape your existence.


Spiritual development involves various factors, with one of the most significant being the belief in God and the influence of His teachings. This belief is crucial for a deep connection with the spiritual realm and to reap its associated benefits. However, even those who are not particularly religious can still access the divine power.

For instance, studying the Bible offers insights into spirituality, regardless of whether one views it as the literal Word of God or not. The essential aspect is to maintain an open mind and be receptive to the experiences beyond our physical existence. By adopting the correct mindset and methods, you can explore the full potential of your spirituality and lead a richer life.

To learn more about spiritual development and how to unlock your own potential, be sure to check out our Life Coaching Ultimate Guide.

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How to Gain Knowledge in Four Ways

How to Gain Knowledge in Four Ways

Learn About How to Gain Knowledge in Four Ways Today!

Learning and gaining knowledge is an integral part of human life. It is a never-ending process that helps us grow and improve. Education is the most common way to acquire knowledge, and it is divided into two sections: formal and informal. Formal education includes attending schools, colleges, and universities to gain knowledge. Informal education, on the other hand, involves learning from daily life experiences and interactions.

However, writing and reading are not the only ways to acquire knowledge. We observe, read, listen and do; these are the main ways to acquire knowledge. Observing things around us, reading books, listening to lectures and podcasts, and doing hands-on activities are all excellent ways to learn and gain knowledge. Each of these methods has its unique advantages and disadvantages, and we should try to use them all to gain a well-rounded understanding of the world.

Observation is a powerful tool for gaining knowledge. By observing the world around us, we can learn how things work and understand the patterns and relationships between different phenomena. Reading books is another great way to acquire knowledge. Books provide us with a wealth of information on various topics, and we can learn from the experiences of others.

Listening to lectures and podcasts is an excellent way to gain knowledge, especially in specific areas of interest. We can learn from experts in different fields and gain new insights into various topics. Doing hands-on activities is also an effective way to learn and gain knowledge. By doing things ourselves, we can understand the practical aspects of various concepts and theories.

In conclusion, there are many ways to acquire knowledge, and we should try to use them all to become well-rounded learners. By observing, reading, listening, and doing, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us and improve our lives.


Observation is a powerful tool for learning, especially when it comes to humans. From a young age, we learn by watching those around us, whether it’s our parents, siblings, or peers. As we grow older, we continue to learn from observation, whether it’s watching someone skilled at their craft or simply observing everyday interactions. This can happen in a variety of settings – from the natural world to the digital realm.

We can watch people as they talk, walk, speak, or do something else, whether it’s in person or through a video. By taking in these observations, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us, and even pick up new skills and behaviors ourselves. So if you’re looking to learn something new, take a step back and observe – you might be surprised by what you can learn.


Reading is a fundamental skill that allows us to explore new worlds, gain knowledge, and understand different perspectives. Apart from helping us learn and expand our horizons, reading also stimulates our imagination and improves our cognitive abilities. Whether we are reading a gripping novel, a fascinating article, or a thought-provoking essay, we are constantly engaging our minds and expanding our understanding of the world around us.

With our eyes as our tools, we are able to decipher complex texts, interpret hidden meanings, and derive insights from the written word. In fact, reading is so powerful that it can even help us understand body language and facial expressions, allowing us to better communicate with others and build stronger relationships. In summary, reading is an essential skill that enriches our lives in countless ways and should be nurtured and developed throughout our lifetime.


In today’s world, listening to others is an essential skill that we must all possess. Whether we are communicating with someone in person or through a device, listening is a critical component of effective communication. We listen to audio messages, either pre-recorded or natural, and the speaker can be addressing us as individuals or a group of people.

It’s important to note that listening is not the same as observation. While observation involves watching the speaker, listening involves actively processing the information being shared and understanding its meaning. By listening carefully, we can gain valuable insights and perspectives from others, which can help us to broaden our own understanding and knowledge.

Moreover, listening is not just about hearing words – it’s also about paying attention to the tone, inflexion, and nonverbal cues of the speaker. By doing so, we can better understand their emotions and intentions, which can help us to respond in an appropriate and empathetic manner.

In conclusion, listening is a vital skill that we must all develop to become effective communicators. By actively listening to others, we can gain valuable insights and perspectives, enhance our understanding, and foster stronger connections with those around us.


Practical learning is indeed one of the most effective methods to gain knowledge, and it has been proven time and time again. When we learn by doing, we engage all five senses, which helps us to retain the information better. It’s one thing to watch someone else do something, but it’s another thing altogether to actually do it yourself.

By practising what we have seen or heard practically, we reinforce the learning and make it more permanent. Even after reading or listening to a message, we may still want to practice what we have learned, especially if it’s a skill that we want to master. In fact, practice is often the key to mastering any skill. So, if you want to learn something new, don’t just read or watch videos about it – go out there and do it yourself!

Thank you for taking the time to read this far. We appreciate your interest in learning methods, and we would love to hear more about what has worked for you. Perhaps you have found a certain study technique particularly effective, or maybe you have discovered a new way to stay motivated and focused while learning. Whatever your experience may be, we encourage you to share it with us below. Your insights could be incredibly valuable to our community, and we are grateful for your contribution. Thank you again for your time and your willingness to help others learn and grow.

There are many different ways in which people learn and process information, and understanding these different learning styles can be incredibly helpful when it comes to teaching and learning. The seven major learning styles are a great place to start. These styles include visual, aural, verbal, physical, logical, social, and solitary.

Each of these styles involves different ways of learning and processing information, such as through observations, reading, listening, and doing by hand or learning by doing. By understanding these different learning styles, you can tailor your teaching approach to better suit the needs of your students, and help them to achieve their full potential. So whether you’re a teacher, a student, or just someone who is interested in learning more about how we learn, the 7 major learning styles are definitely worth exploring.

Read our Life Coaching Ultimate Guide for more information.

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How to Use Online Courses and Webinars to Educate and Monetize Your Audience v1.2

How to Use Online Courses and Webinars to Educate and Monetize Your Audience

Learn How To Use Online Courses And Webinars To Educate And Monetize Your Audience Today!

By Bing Chat and John Monyjok Maluth


Online courses and webinars are two of the most popular and effective ways to share your knowledge, skills, and expertise with your audience. Online courses are self-paced or instructor-led learning programs that deliver structured and comprehensive content on a specific topic or skill. Webinars are live or recorded online events that provide valuable information, insights, or tips on a specific topic or problem.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide

Both online courses and webinars can help you achieve various goals, such as:

  • Educating your audience: You can provide useful and relevant content that can help your audience learn something new, improve their skills, or solve their problems.
  • Monetizing your audience: You can generate income by charging your audience for accessing your online courses or webinars, or by promoting your products or services through them.
  • Building your authority and credibility: You can showcase your expertise and experience on your topic or niche, and establish yourself as a trusted and reliable source of information or guidance.
  • Growing your audience and engagement: You can attract new followers, subscribers, or customers by offering valuable content that they are interested in, and interact with them through comments, questions, or feedback.

However, creating and delivering online courses and webinars is not as easy as it may seem. You need to follow some best practices and use some tools to make your online courses and webinars more effective and appealing.

In this article, we will share some tips and strategies on how to use online courses and webinars to educate and monetize your audience, based on our own experience and research.

How to Create Online Courses

Online courses are a great way to share your knowledge and skills with your audience in a structured and comprehensive way. Online courses can also be a great source of passive income, as you can create them once and sell them multiple times. However, creating online courses requires a lot of planning, preparation, and production. Here are some steps that you can follow to create online courses:

1. Choose a topic for your online course

The first step to create an online course is to choose a topic that you are passionate about, knowledgeable about, and skilled at. You should also choose a topic that is in high demand, relevant, and profitable. You can use various sources to find a topic for your online course, such as:

  • Your own experience or expertise: You can use your own personal or professional experience or expertise as a source of inspiration for your online course topic. You can think about what you have learned, achieved, or overcome in your life or career, and how you can share it with others.
  • Your audience’s needs or interests: You can use your audience’s needs or interests as a source of inspiration for your online course topic. You can survey your audience, ask them questions, listen to their feedback, or observe their behavior to find out what they want to learn from you.
  • Your market research: You can use market research as a source of inspiration for your online course topic. You can use various tools or platforms to analyze the trends, demands, gaps, or opportunities in your niche or industry. Some of these tools or platforms are Google Trends1, Statista2, Amazon3, etc.

2. Validate your online course idea

The second step to create an online course is to validate your online course idea. This means testing whether there is enough demand and interest for your online course topic among your target audience. Validating your online course idea can help you avoid wasting time, money, or energy on creating something that no one wants to buy. Here are some ways to validate your online course idea:

  • Pre-sell your online course: Pre-selling your online course means offering it for sale before you actually create it. This way, you can gauge the level of interest and willingness to pay for your online course among your potential customers. You can use various tools or platforms to pre-sell your online course, such as Podia, Teachable, Thinkific, etc.
  • Create a landing page for your online course: Creating a landing page for your online course means creating a web page that describes the benefits, features, and outcomes of your online course, and invites visitors to sign up for it. This way, you can measure the level of traffic and conversion for your online course among.
  • Create a minimum viable product for your online course: Creating a minimum viable product (MVP) for your online course means creating a simplified version of your online course that contains the essential content and features that can deliver value to your customers. This way, you can test and validate your online course idea with real customers and get feedback and data that can help you improve your online course.

3. Prepare a detailed outline for your online course

The third step to create an online course is to prepare a detailed outline that covers the structure and content of your online course. Your outline should include the following elements:

  • Learning objectives: The learning objectives are the specific and measurable outcomes that you want your customers to achieve after completing your online course. They should answer the question: What will your customers be able to do, know, or feel after taking your online course?
  • Curriculum: The curriculum is the sequence and organization of the topics and lessons that you will teach in your online course. It should follow a logical and progressive order that guides your customers from the beginning to the end of your online course.
  • Content: The content is the information, insights, or tips that you will provide in each topic or lesson of your online course. It should be clear, concise, and relevant to your learning objectives and curriculum. You should also consider the format, style, and tone of your content, such as text, audio, video, images, etc.
  • Activities: The activities are the tasks or exercises that you will assign to your customers in each topic or lesson of your online course. They should be engaging, interactive, and practical. They should also reinforce your learning objectives and content.
  • Assessments: The assessments are the tools or methods that you will use to measure and evaluate the progress and performance of your customers in your online course. They should be aligned with your learning objectives and content. They can include quizzes, tests, assignments, projects, etc.

4. Produce and publish your online course

The fourth step to create an online course is to produce and publish your online course using various tools or platforms. You should consider the following factors when choosing the tools or platforms for your online course:

  • Features: The features are the functions or capabilities that the tools or platforms offer for creating and delivering your online course. They can include editing, hosting, streaming, recording, etc.
  • Cost: The cost is the amount of money that you need to pay for using the tools or platforms for your online course. It can include subscription fees, transaction fees, etc.
  • Ease of use: The ease of use is the level of difficulty or complexity that you encounter when using the tools or platforms for your online course. It can include user interface, user experience, customer support, etc.

Some examples of tools or platforms that you can use to produce and publish your online course are:

  • Camtasia: Camtasia is a software that allows you to record and edit videos for your online course. It has various features such as screen capture, audio editing, transitions, annotations, etc.
  • Podia: Podia is a platform that allows you to host and sell your online courses. It has various features such as landing pages, payment processing, email marketing, etc.
  • Teachable: Teachable is another platform that allows you to host and sell your online courses. It has various features such as quizzes, course summaries, and much more.

How to Use Online Courses and Webinars to Educate and Monetize Your Audience (Part 2)

In the previous article, we discussed some of the benefits and challenges of creating and selling online courses and webinars. We also shared some tips on how to choose a topic, create and launch a course, and build a community around it. In this article, we will explore some more strategies on how to promote and monetize your online courses and webinars effectively.

Promoting Your Online Courses and Webinars

One of the most important aspects of running a successful online course or webinar business is marketing. You need to reach out to your target audience, generate interest and awareness, and persuade them to sign up for your offer. Here are some of the best ways to promote your online courses and webinars:

  • Use social media. Social media is a powerful tool for reaching and engaging with your potential customers. You can use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest to share valuable content, showcase your expertise, build trust, and drive traffic to your landing page or website. You can also use social media ads to target specific audiences based on their demographics, interests, behaviors, and preferences.
  • Create a blog or podcast. A blog or podcast is a great way to showcase your knowledge, provide value, and establish yourself as an authority in your niche. You can use your blog or podcast to share useful tips, insights, stories, case studies, interviews, and more related to your course or webinar topic. You can also use your blog or podcast to promote your offer by adding a call-to-action at the end of each episode or post.
  • Build an email list. An email list is one of the most valuable assets you can have as an online course or webinar creator. An email list allows you to communicate directly with your subscribers, nurture them with relevant content, and persuade them to buy from you. You can build an email list by offering a lead magnet, such as a free ebook, report, checklist, video series, or mini-course that is related to your course or webinar topic. You can then use email marketing tools like Mailchimp or ConvertKit to send automated emails that educate, entertain, and sell.
  • Leverage SEO. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your website’s visibility and ranking on search engines like Google or Bing. SEO can help you attract organic traffic from people who are searching for information related to your course or webinar topic. You can optimize your website for SEO by using relevant keywords, creating high-quality content, improving your site speed and performance, getting backlinks from other reputable sites, and more.
  • Partner with influencers or affiliates. Influencers or affiliates are people who have a large and loyal following in your niche or industry. They can help you reach a wider audience, increase your credibility, and generate more sales for your online course or webinar. You can partner with influencers or affiliates by offering them a commission for every sale they make through their referral link or code. You can also provide them with free access to your course or webinar, exclusive bonuses, or other incentives.

Monetizing Your Online Courses and Webinars

Once you have created and promoted your online course or webinar, you need to monetize it effectively. There are different ways you can make money from your online course or webinar depending on your goals, audience, and offer. Here are some of the most common ways to monetize your online course or webinar:

  • Charge a one-time fee. This is the simplest way to monetize your online course or webinar. You simply set a price for your offer and collect payment from your customers once they sign up. This method works well for courses or webinars that provide a clear outcome or solution for a specific problem or need.
  • Charge a recurring fee. This is a more advanced way to monetize your online course or webinar. You charge a monthly or yearly fee for access to your offer and provide ongoing value through updates, support, community, etc. This method works well for courses or webinars that provide continuous learning or improvement for a broad topic or skill.
  • Offer multiple tiers or packages. This is a way to monetize your online course or webinar by offering different options for different customers based on their needs, preferences, and budgets. You can create different tiers or packages that include different features, benefits, bonuses, etc., such as basic, premium, VIP, etc., and charge accordingly.
  • Sell add-ons or upsells. This is a way to monetize your online course or webinar by offering additional products or services that complement or enhance your main offer. For example, you can sell ebooks, workbooks, coaching sessions, consulting services, software tools etc., that help your customers get more value from your course or webinar.
  • Sell sponsorships or advertisements. This is a way to monetize your online course or webinar by partnering with other brands or businesses that want to reach your audience. You can sell sponsorships or advertisements that appear on your website, landing page, email, social media, etc., and earn a fee for every impression or click.


Online courses and webinars are a great way to educate and monetize your audience. They allow you to share your knowledge, skills, and expertise with people who are interested in learning from you. They also allow you to generate passive income and grow your business. However, creating and selling online courses and webinars is not easy. You need to follow a proven process that involves choosing a topic, creating and launching a course or webinar, building a community, promoting and monetizing your offer, and more. By following the tips and strategies we shared in this article, you can create and sell online courses and webinars that educate and monetize your audience effectively.


  • [1] How to Create an Online Course in 2021 – LearnWorlds. (2021, February 18). LearnWorlds Blog.
  • [2] How to Create a Webinar in 2021: A Step-by-Step Guide. (2021, January 4). BigMarker Blog.
  • [3] How to Choose a Profitable Online Course Topic in 2021. (2020, December 22). Thinkific.
  • [4] How to Launch an Online Course Successfully in 2021: The Ultimate Guide. (2020, December 22). Thinkific.
  • [5] How to Build a Community Around Your Online Course. (2020, November 9). Podia.
  • [6] 10 Ways to Promote Your Online Course & Increase Sales in 2021. (2020, December 22). Thinkific.
  • [7] How to Monetize Your Online Course: 7 Proven Ways to Make Money from Your Course in 2021. (2020, December 22). Thinkific.
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How to Use LinkedIn and Medium to Showcase Your Expertise and Content v1.0

How to Use LinkedIn and Medium to Showcase Your Expertise and Content

Learn How To Use LinkedIn And Medium To Showcase Your Expertise And Content Today!

By Bing Chat and John Monyjok Maluth


LinkedIn and Medium are two of the most popular and powerful platforms for professionals, entrepreneurs, and creatives who want to share their expertise and content with the world. LinkedIn is a social network that connects you with other professionals, potential employers, clients, and partners. Medium is a publishing platform that allows you to write and distribute articles, stories, essays, and more. Both platforms can help you build your personal brand, grow your audience, and establish your authority in your field.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide

However, to use them effectively, you need to follow some best practices and strategies. In this article, we will discuss some of the ways to use LinkedIn and Medium to showcase your expertise and content, based on recent research and reports.

What are LinkedIn Benefits?

LinkedIn benefits are the advantages and perks that LinkedIn offers to its users, such as:

  • Access to a powerful job board that allows you to search and apply for jobs, set job alerts, and see how you compare to other applicants1
  • Ability to build your personal brand and showcase your skills, achievements, personality, and goals through your profile2
  • Opportunity to rank your name on Google and increase your online visibility and reputation3
  • Chance to publish relevant content that demonstrates your knowledge, insights, opinions, and stories to your audience4
  • Possibility to engage with your community by interacting with other users, joining groups or publications, and participating in discussions or events5
  • Access to comprehensive health insurance, wellness program, paid time off, life insurance, donation matching, education reimbursement, and other benefits and perks if you work for LinkedIn6

What are Challenges of Using LinkedIn?

Some of the challenges of using LinkedIn are:

  • It can be time-consuming to create and maintain a professional profile, network with other users, and participate in groups or discussions12.
  • It can be expensive to access premium features or services, such as advanced search, analytics, learning courses, or career coaching12.
  • It can expose you to potential spam, scams, or privacy breaches from malicious or fraudulent users or messages132.
  • It can be difficult to get your message noticed or stand out from the crowd of other users or content on the platform14.
  • It can have a slow or unresponsive customer support or technical service when you encounter problems or issues on the platform14.
  • It can limit your control over your personal data and information, as LinkedIn owns and uses them for its own purposes or interests15.
  • It can require a learning curve or a skill set to become a power-user or an influencer on the platform6.

What are the benefits of using Medium?

Some of the benefits of using Medium are:

  • You can access unlimited articles from a variety of topics, genres, and perspectives, written by both established and emerging writers1.
  • You can support the writers you read and appreciate by directly contributing to their earnings through your membership fee1.
  • You can publish your own content on the platform and reach a large and engaged audience, as well as earn money from your writing2.
  • You can learn from other writers, get feedback, and improve your craft by reading and interacting with their content3.
  • You can enjoy an ad-free and clutter-free reading experience, as Medium only makes money from its subscription service4.

What are the challenges of using Medium?

Some of the challenges of using Medium are:

  • It can be difficult to monetize your content, as Medium pays writers based on the reading time and engagement of Medium members, which can be unpredictable and inconsistent1.
  • It can be hard to build your own brand and audience, as Medium owns and controls your content, distribution, and design2.
  • It can expose you to potential plagiarism, piracy, or censorship, as Medium does not guarantee the protection or preservation of your content3.
  • It can limit your creative freedom and expression, as Medium has strict editorial guidelines and rules that you have to follow4.

Create a compelling profile

The first step to using LinkedIn and Medium is to create a compelling profile that showcases your skills, achievements, personality, and goals. Your profile is your online resume, portfolio, and introduction. It is what people see when they search for you or visit your page. Therefore, you need to make sure it is accurate, complete, relevant, and professional.

Some tips for creating a compelling profile are:

  • Use a clear and friendly photo that reflects your personal or professional image
  • Write a catchy and informative headline that summarizes your value proposition or unique selling point
  • Write a concise and engaging summary that highlights your background, experience, interests, and aspirations
  • List your education, work history, certifications, awards, publications, projects, and other relevant achievements
  • Add relevant skills and endorsements that demonstrate your expertise and credibility
  • Include links to your website, portfolio, social media accounts, or other online presence
  • Ask for recommendations from your colleagues, clients, mentors, or peers who can vouch for your work quality and character

Publish relevant content

The second step to using LinkedIn and Medium is to publish relevant content that showcases your knowledge, insights, opinions, and stories. Content is the currency of the online world. It is how you communicate your value, attract attention, engage your audience, and establish your authority. Therefore, you need to publish content that is useful, informative, entertaining, or inspiring for your target audience.

Some tips for publishing relevant content are:

  • Choose topics that are related to your field, niche, or industry
  • Use keywords that are relevant to your topic, audience, or goal
  • Use catchy titles that capture attention and curiosity
  • Use clear and concise language that is easy to read and understand
  • Use headings, subheadings, bullet points, or lists to organize and structure your content
  • Use images, videos, charts, or graphs to illustrate or support your content
  • Use links, citations, or references to provide evidence, examples, or sources for your content
  • Use a call-to-action at the end of your content to invite feedback, comments, shares, or actions from your audience

Engage with your community

The third step to using LinkedIn and Medium is to engage with your community. Engagement is the key to building relationships, trust, and loyalty with your audience. It is also how you grow your network, reach, and influence in the online world. Therefore, you need to engage with your community by interacting with other users, joining groups or publications, and participating in discussions or events.

Some tips for engaging with your community are:

  • Follow or connect with other users who share your interests, goals, or values
  • Comment on or like other users’ content that you find valuable, interesting, or helpful
  • Share or re-post other users’ content that you think your audience would appreciate or benefit from
  • Join or create groups or publications that are relevant to your field, niche, or industry
  • Participate in or host discussions or events that are related to your topic, audience, or goal
  • Ask or answer questions or polls that are relevant to your topic, audience, or goal


LinkedIn and Medium are two of the best platforms for showcasing your expertise and content online. By creating a compelling profile, publishing relevant content, and engaging with your community, you can use them effectively to build your personal brand, grow your audience, and establish your authority in your field.


1: How to Demonstrate Your Expertise and Build Your Brand on LinkedIn | Official LinkedIn Blog

2: 8 Ways to Effectively Display Your Skills on LinkedIn – MUO

3: Does Your LinkedIn Profile Prove Your Credibility? – Forbes

4: How To Post From Medium To LinkedIn In 10 Minutes

5: How I Used LinkedIn to Showcase My Projects & Knowledge – Medium