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Payoneer: The Best Payment Option


Online Business Made Simple with Payoneer

This article will explore Payoneer, its functionality, and the process of registering for their exceptional MasterCard cards. We will also discuss the significance of these cards, their connection to personality types, and perspectives on this business model. For authors in Africa who publish on Amazon, Payoneer represents the sole payment option. Additionally, there is an opportunity to earn up to $25.00 for each referral made. Let’s begin.

What Is Payoneer?

Payoneer is currently the sole payment option for African authors on Amazon due to the lack of alternative payment methods. Amazon does not support PayPal or direct payments to African banks. However, Payoneer allows the creation of virtual US bank accounts, which can then be used for Amazon transactions.

“Payoneer is an innovative cross-border payment platform that connects businesses and professionals across countries and currencies. Payoneer enables millions of businesses and professionals from more than 200 countries to reach new audiences by facilitating seamless, cross-border payments.”

What is Payoneer?

“Payoneer is a payment platform that allows merchants to send and receive payments without requiring a merchant account. Payoneer does not let merchants directly bill customers. Instead, businesses request payment through the platform and wait for customers to remit funds.” ~

Amazon utilizes your bank account details to disburse your author royalties monthly. Since I began using this service in November 2012, I have encountered no issues, aside from some initial residential address concerns which were promptly resolved. Consequently, I continue to recommend this service to all African authors on Amazon.

Initially, you must sign up for a free account and then request a free MasterCard, which will be mailed to you at no cost. The only charge is an annual maintenance fee, which is minimal compared to other banking fees. Additionally, there are various card options available for selection.

Personally, I am very satisfied with the MasterCard. It functions flawlessly and fulfills my needs. I primarily use it to collect author royalties from the Amazon US store. Proceeds from sales on other Amazon platforms are credited to my USD account. This also means I maintain accounts in various currencies, corresponding to the regions where my books are sold on Amazon. The card is also usable for online transactions, but more details on this will be provided later in the article.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide

How Does Payoneer Work?

Payoneer operates like a bank, serving as a virtual banking solution for those of us in Africa. The account is genuine and functional, complete with all the necessary online banking features, including a credit card. You will need the account number and other details to receive payments. The card is also operational independently of the bank account, allowing you to make online purchases, including online courses, digital services, and products like antivirus software, among others.

The setup process is straightforward. You simply apply or register for a free account on their website, and they should approve your account shortly (hopefully), followed by shipping your card at no cost. Nowadays, they also require a bank account in addition to your legal information to open an account.

This facilitates the transfer of funds from your virtual Payoneer account to your local bank within approximately three business days, provided you have linked your banks. Consequently, you can withdraw cash from your bank when necessary. Additionally, you can use your card to withdraw money from any ATM that accepts it. In Kenya, Ecobank Kenya is the only bank that accepts their MasterCard. Ecobank South Sudan may offer the same service, so it’s worth trying.

How Do I Register With Payoneer?

Registering for an account is simpler than you might expect, and this article section will guide you through the process in easy steps. As previously stated, the procedure is consistently straightforward.

Firstly, prepare your personal information. This includes your full name as it appears on your legal documents, such as your national ID, driver’s license, passport, etc. Your account name must match your actual name, not a fictitious one created just to sign up.

This also enables you to link your local bank account with your Payoneer account, provided the legal names match. Whether you’re applying for a business or personal account, use the exact name of the business or your own name, respectively.

Secondly, enter your personal data. Visit the Payoneer website by clicking here and input your details online. If you have your information ready, this should take less than a minute. The fields provided help prevent errors. Once completed, proceed to the next step.

Thirdly, confirm your account. You’ll receive a link in your email; simply check and click it to verify your humanity. After this, the account confirmation process starts. A person will review your application, which typically takes about three business days, and you’ll be updated mostly via email about the progress.

Fourth: Await Your Card. Once your account is approved, the subsequent step is to request a card and then await its arrival. You can request the card through the website in your account section, where you’ll also find your card and bank account details. The card will be mailed to the address you have on file, which underscores the importance of providing accurate details, including your address.

Fifth: Activate Your Card. Upon receiving your card from Payoneer, activation is required for it to function. Visit their website and select the link designated for card activation. They anticipate the card’s arrival at your location, so they’re aware of the need for its activation. By following the on-screen prompts, your card will be activated shortly.

Subsequently, the card can be utilized as previously described. This enables you to use it for payments or purchases online, as well as in stores and restaurants that accept it. It can also serve as a payment method, allowing others to pay you through it. Personally, I use it to receive my author royalties from Amazon.

Disclaimer: If you receive your first $100 payment through the card, we will both earn a commission of $25 each. However, my primary reason for sharing this opportunity is its proven effectiveness for me and numerous other Amazon authors from Africa.

The Importance of Payoneer

For me, there’s no doubt about it. Payoneer stands out as the optimal choice in Africa, at least until I relocate to the Western world, where I anticipate a broader range of options. Currently, Payoneer fulfills my needs perfectly, providing essential account and routing numbers, along with functional cards.

For authors who publish on Amazon or are considering it, Payoneer emerges as the top choice, regardless of whether you reside in Africa or elsewhere. But what if you’re not an Amazon author? The necessity of a Payoneer MasterCard hinges on your specific intentions for its use.

As previously stated, the card’s utility extends beyond Amazon; it’s accepted on numerous websites for both online and offline shopping, as well as for receiving payments. Your personal requirements dictate its usefulness. Conducting research may reveal additional ways the Payoneer MasterCard can serve your business needs, given its wide acceptance as a payment method. Its efficacy is undeniable.

Payoneer and Personality Types

How does this relate to your personality type? Remember, personality defines a person, setting them apart as unique among family members. Consequently, a personality type influences the likelihood of using certain tools.

What is your personality type? Perhaps it’s time to explore and incrementally enhance both your personal and professional life. I cannot universally recommend the tools I prefer because they may not resonate with everyone.

Not every individual in the developed world will appreciate all available tools, as this preference is shaped by personality, not just choice, and there’s no judgment in that. I’m not suggesting there’s an issue if you dislike something.

I advise conducting a self-assessment test, which is straightforward. No complex tools are required; you understand the essence of who you are. You don’t become; you exist. Yet, you can certainly uncover and progressively refine your personality over time.


In summary, we’ve covered a lot about Payoneer, including its functions, how to sign up for their card, the uses of the card, how it relates to your personality type in business, and the importance of utilizing these tools.

Were you aware of Payoneer before reading the article? Did it teach you something new? What did you already know, and what have you learned since reading? Would you recommend this article to others? Your feedback in the comments would be greatly appreciated, and other readers would benefit from your insights as well. Thank you very much for your time!

Hastags: #digitalmarketing #lifecoaching #selfpublishing #technology

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Online Shopping Today: The Best Modern Shopping Tips

Online Shopping Today

Learn How to Do Online Shopping Today Securely from South Sudan Today!

This article will explore the meaning of online shopping in the modern era, its various forms, the necessary steps involved, its connection to personality types, and personal perspectives on the subject. Most importantly, it will highlight the significance of mastering online purchasing, particularly for residents of developing nations like South Sudan. Let’s begin.

What Is Online Shopping Today?

A common yet perplexing question I often encounter when discussing online business is: “How do you purchase items online?” I understand the confusion; many people are unfamiliar with the concept because they have never been exposed to it. They lack the knowledge of how to make online purchases, associating the online world with intangibility.

“Online shopping or e-shopping is searching for and purchasing goods and services over the Internet through the use of a web browser. The main allure of online shopping is that consumers can find and purchase items they need (which are then shipped to their front door) without ever leaving the house.”


Online shopping today is essentially shopping via the Internet. There are websites that display product or service details, allowing you to make a purchase. A payment method, such as a credit card, is required. Upon payment, the seller charges your bank or e-Wallet, and then dispatches the product or service to you.

I may have described the process rather than providing a definition. However, this process encapsulates what we mean by online shopping or online business, also known as e-commerce or electronic commerce.

Despite being third-world countries, many African nations have been embracing technology in various forms. Writing from Juba, South Sudan, I’ve been engaging in e-commerce since 2015. If it’s possible here in Juba, it’s possible anywhere.

Nevertheless, staying informed is crucial, which is the purpose of this article. Awareness is key to avoiding online scams and hacking. Knowing the websites you visit and having online protection is essential. While antivirus software can do much of the work, vigilance is still necessary.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide

Types of Online Shopping Today

Shopping can be for services or products, the two main types I’m aware of. Products may be physical or digital, like my eBook, which is a digital product. Services can be remote or in-person, meaning you can interact with the service provider via a screen or face-to-face. Online courses, for instance, fall under digital services but are specifically categorized as courses.

Physical products require shipping after purchase and usually cost more than digital ones. Take antivirus software: it’s bought online and delivered via email, eliminating shipping needs. You simply download, install, and activate it. Online courses work similarly; you pay for the course and gain access to its content, which may include text, videos, audio, or interactive elements akin to a physical classroom experience.

Online learning and shopping align with certain personality types, which we’ll explore later in this article. Some people easily adapt to online purchases, while others do not, regardless of age. Indeed, technology resonates more with younger generations, like Millennials, to which I belong, born in the early 1980s—though I can’t pinpoint the exact year.

In summary, you can shop for digital services and products online, as well as physical items that require packaging.

Online Shopping Today Steps

Here are the steps once more, with greater detail than previously provided. These simple processes are necessary for making any online purchase. However, as previously cautioned, ensure you are familiar with the shopping site. Some individuals create fraudulent websites that mimic legitimate ones to deceive you.

First step: Identify the Shopper’s Website. Confirm the website’s authenticity and the business or individual it represents. For instance, my name is John Monyjok Maluth, and my website is A scammer could easily create a misleading site like, tricking you into believing it’s mine. So, stay alert!

Recognizing the correct website address, as mentioned, will protect you from scammers aiming to defraud online shoppers like yourself. It’s important to remember that the online world, much like the offline world, has its share of malicious individuals. The online realm is a virtual space.

The same real individuals, including you and me, are present online, utilizing computers and other communication tools to exchange information. This clarification should simplify your understanding of what ‘online’ entails. It is not an alternate reality.

Second step: Understand the product(s). A crucial aspect of online shopping is knowing exactly what you’re looking for. Being familiar with the product or service you want can prepare you in advance. Determine whether it’s a digital product or a virtual service.

If it’s a tangible product, consider how you will receive it. Does it deliver to Juba? What are the shipping costs? These details are often available on the product page or can be obtained by contacting the seller or vendor. If it’s a digital product, decide which email address to use, as it will be sent there automatically.

Ensure you have access to that email address. If you’re buying a physical item, like a printed book, ensure you can access the necessary postal service. For instance, Amazon prints and ships my books to readers in two formats: Hardcover and Paperback.

Third step: Choose a payment method. Payment can be made using Visa, MasterCard, or any other credit card accepted by your online store. My digital bookstore accepts various credit cards, allowing you to purchase books and other services. Sometimes, you may need your bank account details.

Your name should match your legal name exactly as it appears on official documents like your passport, national ID, or driver’s license, for legal purposes. Additionally, you should know your card number, its expiration date, and the 3-digit security code.

Recommended bank: Equity Bank South Sudan

Inquire with the branch manager about opening an account in USD instead of SSP, as online banking systems may not accept the South Sudanese Pound. Ensure your Visa card is enabled for online transactions—this is crucial.

When shopping online, confirm the website address before beginning the purchase process. Typically, you’ll add items to your cart and then proceed to checkout.

At checkout, provide all necessary information, including your name, physical address, phone number, and email. Choose a payment method offered by the site. On my website, PayPal is currently the only option.

Be aware that if you don’t have a PayPal account, you’ll need to use a credit card. Unfortunately, PayPal may not be reliable, particularly in East Africa, where accounts with substantial funds have been suspended without clear reasons.

After entering payment details, place your order. Your card, PayPal wallet, or bank account will be charged, and you’ll receive a confirmation message. Depending on the purchase, you’ll either download it or await shipment.

For those in regions like South Sudan, I recommend purchasing digital products to avoid high costs, delays, or non-delivery of physical items. Visit the provided link to explore recommended digital products and services; I receive a small commission for purchases made.

Online Shopping Today and Personality Types

As previously stated, some of us are adaptable in many aspects, including online shopping. However, this does not apply to everyone. There are individuals who exercise extreme caution when purchasing items online, which is a stark reality, not a judgment.

Intuitiveness is crucial for navigating the online realm, where security and safety are paramount. Security is both an external and internal matter. Feeling secure internally is essential for peace of mind when shopping online, regardless of a website’s safety credentials.

Personal experience plays a significant role as well. I have been purchasing books from Amazon, both physical and digital, which boosts my confidence. Even my first purchase in 2012 felt secure due to my intuitive nature.

We, the intuitive introverted empaths, often have an innate understanding of things, as if we possess unspoken knowledge. It’s as though we’re unsent prophets. I’m attempting humor here—hopefully, it’s well-received.

If you ever feel insecure, do not compel yourself to make online purchases. Trust your instincts. Yet, it’s also vital to research thoroughly. There’s always a preferable approach, often found through the experiences of others. That’s why I’m sharing insights on online shopping, including purchasing e-courses from But if insecurity persists after reading this, don’t pressure yourself. You can always seek assistance.

Online Shopping Today and You

Understanding your personality type is crucial, as previously discussed, but the final decision is yours. This is the crux of the matter, and it’s not mere repetition. I’m emphasizing the key point. For instance, do you still feel insecure about making online purchases even after reading this article?

If your answer is an emphatic yes, then there’s no need to continue reading. You can either stop here or seek advice from me or a trusted individual on how to proceed. Assuming you do need to make an online purchase, rest assured that it is secure and safe. I am here to assist you with that, though a commission will be involved.

At times, you may want to enhance your Facebook page, boost likes, or generate leads. My Facebook Marketing Services are available to help you achieve these goals. Choose the service that fits your needs and budget, and I’ll handle the online aspects for you, with payment in cash. Nevertheless, I believe you’re capable of managing this on your own with some guidance from me. In that case, you might just owe me a cup of coffee! I trust the message is clear: if it doesn’t resonate with you, there’s no need to push it, alright?

The Importance of Online Shopping Today

Shopping online is a personal choice that depends on individual preferences. For instance, purchasing the best antivirus software online could be crucial for your business or personal computer. Deciding whether to learn to do it yourself or to pay someone else to handle it is a matter of personal importance.

Your decision may reflect your personality type. Some individuals take pride in accomplishing tasks independently, while others prefer to delegate. Consider whether it’s important for you to purchase certificates and diplomas from that you’ve earned. You have the freedom to make that choice, whether you do it yourself or seek assistance.

Personally, I find online shopping essential and have been doing so for over a decade. I’ve purchased books from Amazon, enrolled in online affiliate programs, and consistently bought security software.

Buying online isn’t just for personal use; it can also be a lucrative business opportunity if you enjoy the process. If you don’t, then it may not be worth pursuing. Passion for the process is indicative of a potential career path.


To summarize, this article has provided you with everything about online shopping, including its definition, various types, and the steps involved. It also explores how online shopping relates to different personality types, including your own, and your personal views on the matter. Additionally, the significance of learning to purchase products and services online has been highlighted.

I welcome your thoughts on this article. While it was written with readers from developing countries in mind, it may also be beneficial to individuals in developed nations. There may be biases present, so please share your opinions in the comments below. I look forward to responding to your perspectives as promptly as possible. Thank you for reading!

Hastags: #digitalmarketing #lifecoaching #selfpublishing #technology

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MailerLite: The Best Email Marketing Software


Learn Email Marketing the Right Way with MailerLite Today!

This article will explore MailerLite and its impressive email marketing features, the process of signing up, the significance of utilizing this tool, the connection between your personality and email marketing, and ultimately, your perspective on this email marketing service. For indie authors, a mailing list is essential, as advised by Mark Dawson, an Amazon #1 bestselling author, among others, as a key component of your author platform. Let’s dive in!

What Is MailerLite?

This tool stands out as one of the finest for email marketing in today’s world. While their website contains all the information you could need, it seems abrupt to send you there without first assuring you of their credibility. However, the truth is, their value is evident regardless of any persuasion on my part.

“In 2005, we started as a web design agency, but soon discovered email marketing and fell in love with it. MailerLite was born in 2010 to give businesses a simple yet powerful email solution to help them grow.”

About Us – We Are MailerLite – MailerLite

This tool allows you to acquire up to 1,000 subscribers for free and enables you to send out thousands of email blasts. Additionally, it offers complimentary features like email automation, which is typically a premium feature in most email marketing tools. Oh, and we’ve dived into the features already!

Remember, MailerLite is an email marketing tool designed for writers, authors, e-commerce owners, bloggers, and anyone looking to send emails in bulk. You may be aware that Gmail and other webmail services restrict you from sending more than 100 emails at once. That’s where tools like MailerLite become valuable.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide

MailerLite Features

We’ve previously discussed some features, including the number of subscribers allowed for a free account and automation capabilities. However, that’s not the extent of it. There are numerous additional features such as websites, landing pages, signup forms, and other essential email marketing tools and services vital for your online business.

Is there a need to detail each feature? For the moment, I will not. Yet, it’s important to emphasize that these features are either absent or come at a high cost in other email marketing tools, which sets MailerLite apart. Effective landing pages are crucial for prompting action from your website visitors.

Signup forms are indispensable. If you prefer not to host or register a domain name just for email purposes, then having websites as a feature is beneficial. The necessity for other email marketing tools like transactional emails goes without saying. These features are well-categorized, allowing you to find what you need swiftly. For instance, the Send Emails category includes email automation, email marketing, newsletter editors, and transaction emails. The Build Websites category offers tools like a website builder and blog creation.

In the Collect Leads category, you’ll find landing pages, signup forms, and email verifiers. Moreover, the Sell Products feature category includes digital products, E-commerce, and paid newsletter subscriptions. Additionally, this website and its tools undergo regular updates. By the time I publish this article on my [] website, new features may have been added, modified, rebranded, improved, or removed. It’s advisable to check the website frequently (my affiliate link is included).

How to Sign Up For MailerLite

I’ve already provided a signup link above, but let’s embark on your journey. First, consider your goals with this email marketing tool. Are you an author looking to connect with your readers, or do you intend to sell digital products and services online?

Next, decide on the tools and features you need. Note that I don’t utilize all the tools and features mentioned previously. As of writing this article, I haven’t generated any revenue for my sponsor, which means I’m still on the free account with fewer than 1,000 readers.

I’d love to include you in my reader list, particularly if you enjoy this content. You can sign up for my newsletter on my homepage and download a free PDF book as a welcome gift. To begin, register for MailerLite by clicking here, then verify your humanity by clicking a link in your email. Ensure you complete your profile, which may require a working website. After these steps, you’ll be ready to create and send email campaigns to your audience.

Remember to familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions for creating and sending email campaigns. Also, watch for annual sales like Black Friday to purchase tools at significantly reduced prices. I’m committed to doing this!

The Importance of MaiLerLite

Is it necessary to opt for a paid version, or is a free account sufficient? The answer is both yes and no; it ultimately depends on your intended use. I often find myself basing decisions on various factors, which to me, represents true freedom for both myself and my readers.

The decision is personal, whether it be mine, yours, hers, his, or theirs. Life is essentially about making choices, nothing more, nothing less. It may seem harsh, but that’s the reality, contingent on one or many factors.

In my experience, MailerLite stands out as the optimal choice for my business needs. Despite using the service for over six years, I’ve never earned money by referring others. Yet, I am a testament to the product’s value, as I actively use and endorse it, just as I do with other tools. You can sign up for a free account now! (affiliate link included).

MailerLite is ideal if your goal is to market digital products and services, automate email correspondence with your audience, establish a straightforward and professional online presence, track email engagement and link activity, among other features. Revisit the features mentioned in this article to understand their importance. For additional reasons why MailerLite is essential, visit their website.

MailerLite and Personality Types

Personality types can significantly influence how we interact with email marketing tools. Your personality, which forms your identity, shapes your thoughts, actions, and language. Whether you prefer reading emails, electronic texts, printed materials, or e-books on Kindle or PDF, these preferences are integral to who you are.

Some individuals naturally gravitate away from digital texts, which is perfectly acceptable. Others find as much pleasure in reading from screens as they do from paper. This inclination also impacts how one engages with digital content. Enjoying articles like this one may indicate a preference for reading emails, which is beneficial. It enables you to craft messages that resonate with others who share your reading habits.

If you regularly engage with the content you create, it’s unlikely that you’ll disappoint your audience. Personally, I find myself reading emails more frequently than newspapers, despite writing for both formats. Indeed, I author articles for major newspapers in South Sudan, yet I receive roughly 100 emails weekly. Unsubscribing from unneeded newsletters or newspapers is a common practice. You have the freedom to subscribe or unsubscribe from my email list as well. For further insights into personality traits, consider exploring my Self-Help Series.

MailerLite and You

When it comes to email marketing tools, you have a voice and a decision to make—make it now, not tomorrow morning. No, this isn’t a military command; rather, it’s sound advice. If you’re not fond of them, don’t force the decision; it will come back to haunt you. I encourage you not to start something today that you’ll regret tomorrow. It could happen at any time, but don’t let it happen now.

After reading this article, ensure you make an informed decision. That’s the point I’m making. If you appreciate the tools, that’s great. Obtain them now for free and make an impact with your unique messages, products, and services, be they digital or physical. It’s your world, your business. Use the tools or lose them. I’ve shared them with you and explained how to get them. The decision is yours. You know what you want and need better than anyone else. But you sought advice, and that’s why you’re here, having read this far. And my advice? You need an email marketing tool.


To conclude, dear reader, this article has provided a comprehensive overview of MailerLite and its impressive features, detailed the process of signing up for a free account, emphasized the significance of utilizing these tools, explored the connection between your personality type and email marketing tools and services, and sought your perspective on the subject. What insights have you gained from this article? Which information was novel to you? What knowledge did you possess about email marketing prior to reading this article? Your thoughts are valuable. Please share your opinions in the comment section below. Thank you for your time and attention.

Hashtags: #digitalmarketing #lifecoaching #selfpublishing #technology

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Author Platform: The Must-Have Tools

Author Platform

Exploring Your Author Platform and Branding Options

This article delves into the concept of an author platform, detailing its different forms and its importance for you as an independent author. Even if you have not yet written or published a book, acquiring this knowledge is crucial because it holds potential power. Please share this with anyone who might find it useful. Let’s begin!

What Is Author Platform?

An author platform showcases the author and their works, whether it’s online, offline, or both. For instance, a website is merely one component of an author platform. Tools for email lists, like MailerLite or MailChimp, also form part of this ecosystem. Likewise, social media networks are included.

“Author platform is a combination of who you are, what you do, and who you know.”

The Ultimate Guide to Building A Solid Author Platform — Alliance of Independent Authors (

This tool is something authors should utilize before it’s no longer available. Regardless of whether you are traditionally or self-published, a platform is essential. It’s your business branding and must represent you or your author. This holds true whether you’re reading this as an author or a publisher.

If you assist authors in achieving success, you need a system. Similarly, as an indie author, a platform is necessary. It could be a digital or physical platform, like a billboard or a website. If it fulfills your needs, then it’s the perfect platform for you.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

Types of Author Platforms

The introduction indicates that an author’s platform can encompass various types and options. For instance, serves as an excellent representation of my platform, which remains active even when I am engaged in writing or resting.

Social media presence constitutes another type of platform. Among all social media, I predominantly use Facebook, which has grown significantly in importance. It encompasses a network of platforms including WhatsApp, Messenger, Facebook, and Instagram, collectively known as Meta Technologies.

While numerous platforms exist, a website stands out as the premier choice for authors due to its versatility, allowing for the inclusion of features like blogging. This article contributes to my platform by raising awareness about me and my publications, serving as a continual marketing tool. It’s advisable to consider incorporating this into your menu.

Many authors began their journey as bloggers. Blogging provides an opportunity to express your passions, document your writing journey, or even delve into the reasons behind prolonged contemplation on a writing project without initiating it. Procrastination, often seen as an impediment, can also be a gateway to ensuring quality.

Author Platform and You

What are your thoughts on author platforms? What’s your stance? Do you have one? If so, what does it entail? If not, would this article inspire you to create one? Consider if you’ve encountered such discussions on author platforms before. These questions are meant for self-reflection. You don’t have to answer them for me, unless you choose to share in the comments. Instead, answer them for yourself, in your heart and soul, because your beliefs are significant. Your essence is the sum of your thoughts; nothing less, nothing more.

For instance, if you firmly believe a platform is unnecessary, then it’s unlikely anyone could persuade you otherwise. Similar to self-publishing, many authors feel overwhelmed by managing their media. Yet, I want to remind you that writing is a business and should be viewed as such.

Am I trying to command you? Certainly not. My goal is simply to awaken the desire for independence within you. Independence means owning your space, not just renting. It’s about purchasing land and building upon it. Your website may feel like a lease, but it’s still your own space.

The Importance of Author Platform

If this were a question, the answer would resoundingly be YES! Having a chosen platform is crucial—it cannot be overstated. You need one, and it’s affordable. You can even begin with a free one if you lack capital. I began with a free blog, which remains free to this day, even though I no longer update it. So, do you need a website? A blog? What if you don’t have either? Would you lack a platform of your own? The answer to this hinges on your approach to establishing yourself as an independent author.

While a freelance writer might not require a blog or website immediately, an author should possess a platform of her choosing. This implies that a website or blog is just one component of a larger ecosystem. Some authors may not have websites but still control their platforms. Beyond websites, there are tools designed specifically for authors. For instance, the Amazon Kindle site is one such tool. You can utilize their Author Central feature, which acts as your website if you publish your books through the KDP platform. However, this alone may not suffice for your audience.

Services like MailerLite necessitate owning a custom domain website, which must be technically verified before you can dispatch email campaigns to your audience. This requirement may seem daunting, as not every writer or author is technologically adept. However, don’t let this deter you; much depends on your personality type. Indeed, it’s a tough truth that managing this aspect of the business requires a particular mindset, one that is not easily altered.

Should you doubt your ability to handle it independently, consider hiring someone to oversee your channels. This approach is about being true to yourself, to me, and to the world around you. Honesty yields rewards. Yet, if you feel capable, take the initiative and give it a try. Owning a platform for your work is crucial, whether you are a traditionally published or self-published author. All authors require a medium to showcase themselves and their work to prospective customers.


Congratulations on completing the article! What insights have you gained? Was there anything in the article that surprised you, or was it all familiar information? Take a moment to reflect on what you’ve read. Your thoughts are valuable for a deeper understanding of the material. I look forward to your comments below this article; simply scroll down to find the comment box. Feel free to share the article or a link with your family and friends if it could be of significant benefit to them.

Thank you for dedicating your time to read my article. We explored the concept of an author platform, its various types, its personal relevance, and the crucial importance of having one as an author. Whether traditionally published or self-published, having your own platform is essential. Now is the time to create or enhance your platform. Take action today.

Hashtags: #digitalmarketing #lifecoaching #selfpublishing #technology

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Book Marketing: The Best Tips and Tricks

Book Marketing

Exploring Book Marketing Strategies

This article explores the concept of book marketing and its various forms, delves into personal reflections on the subject, examines its relevance to different personality types, and underscores the significance of understanding at least a few aspects of it. For those seeking an overview rather than an in-depth analysis, this brief guide serves as a roadmap to the world of book marketing. Proceed to the article below for more insights.

What Is Book Marketing?

Once your book is published, the next step is to promote it to boost sales. Book marketing involves making your book known to a wide audience through various promotional activities and increasing its visibility. Utilizing all available media tools, including digital marketing, is key to this process. Some individuals specialize in book marketing as their primary career, even without writing or publishing their own book.

Book Marketing is the marketing and selling of books.


Indeed, authors require book marketers. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship and a profitable venture for those who excel at it. As for defining the role, there are numerous interpretations available. Utilizing email, social media, blog posts, and other forms of digital media are common methods to promote book sales. However, earning a living from book sales involves a variety of factors.

In today’s market, specificity is key. The color tone of a book cover, for instance, can deter or attract readers based on their preferences. While some may judge a book by its cover, this isn’t always an accurate prediction of the content. Ultimately, reader perception is a variable in the equation of book marketing success.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

Types of Book Marketing

Whether you opt for self-publishing, traditional publishing, or a combination of both, one thing remains constant: marketing. Publicity is a subset of marketing, not the entirety of it. It’s a form of marketing that complements other types. This opens up the possibility of utilizing both digital and print media.

Word of mouth is also a significant marketing strategy as it aids in promoting your book. Whether your readers love or despise your book, they will discuss it, at least for a while after they’ve read it. Sometimes, even negative reviews can pique the curiosity of potential readers, depending on their disposition. So, what are some of these marketing strategies?

Some have been discussed in previous sections, like digital marketing and word of mouth. Social media is an effective digital marketing channel, but it’s crucial to select a platform that resonates with you because you need to be active and engaged on it. Email marketing has also been mentioned, but its execution requires specific tools, which you might learn about from an article on email marketing tools I previously reviewed, helping you make choices based on factors like your budget.

Bookshops, bookstores, and book clubs are excellent for publicity, but they come with their own costs. If you can afford them and they offer a return on investment with profit, then it’s worth pursuing. Market your book and yourself to these print media outlets—they’re among the best.

Book Marketing and You

Reflect on this marketing topic: Can you market your own books? What about those by other authors? Should only your publisher be responsible for selling your books? Where do you stand in this debate? These questions are crucial for writers, authors, readers, and even those outside the literary world, as knowledge is a potential power for all. It’s likely you have some understanding of this subject already.

Writers and authors, in particular, will find this article beneficial. Your beliefs shape your actions, as they stem from conscious thought. Regardless of your publisher’s size and fame, it’s beneficial to market your book independently. This perspective may seem ignorant, but it’s worth considering that publishers market books primarily for their own benefit, not yours. This might sound like jealousy or ignorance, but there’s a valid point here. By marketing your book yourself, you gain the same freedoms as indie authors. Start learning how to do it today!

Book Marketing and Personality Types

Personality is indeed synonymous with identity. It’s hard to find a more fitting statement. Your unique personality type distinguishes you as the only one of your kind on Earth, making you distinct and special, despite the belief of some that it can be altered. In the realm of self-publishing, personality type influences marketing strategies and choices, as many self-publishers value freedom—publishing their work at their own discretion regarding pace, time, and location, with options to go exclusive on platforms like Amazon or to distribute widely.

The liberty to choose where to market your books is inherently yours, dictated by your personality type. You are who you are; this is an unchangeable truth about your nature. There’s no sense in battling against oneself. I am confident that one day, my marketing, promotion, and sales efforts will result in millions of book copies sold, enabling me to earn a living through writing. This aspiration could be a simple wish or a fervent desire, which indeed makes all the difference. A fervent desire acts as a catalyst for success throughout history, and I possess this passion.

Yet, what is it that I currently lack to fulfill this ambition? Is it financial resources for marketing, or perhaps digital tools and the expertise to utilize them? It’s crucial to remember that digital tools require knowledgeable individuals to operate effectively. Whether it’s oneself or another, the significant factor is the application of these tools.

The Importance of Book Marketing

If no one is aware of a new product, it’s unlikely to be purchased. This concept applies broadly in life. For instance, if a beautiful young lady’s existence is unknown, she won’t be approached for dates. This is a natural phenomenon.

Males pursue their desired females, taking pride in their success. Both parties know they’ve achieved something significant. She admires such a male, one who persists. This underscores the significance of marketing. Marketers incessantly vie for our attention.

They employ every tool and method to announce that a new iteration of an old product is available, often at a higher price. This explains the annual release of new smartphone models. It’s not necessarily that they’re superior to last year’s, but rather that the allure of novelty is compelling.

While not everyone is inclined to spend on the latest items, the principle stands clear. Publishing and promoting one’s books is crucial. That’s the essence of my message. However, this task is easier said than done, depending on various factors.


Having read extensively on this topic, consider your thoughts about it. Have you gained new insights? Reflect on what you’ve learned and what you already knew prior to reading this article. Think about whether this knowledge is something you can share with family and friends. The questions posed are designed to prompt reflection on the article in its entirety. Your additional knowledge is valuable, and I encourage you to share it. Other readers would also benefit from your insights if you could take a moment to summarize your thoughts in the comments section below.

This article has explored the concept of book marketing in today’s world, the various types and choices available, your personal views on the subject, how your personality type may influence your approach to marketing, and the significance of learning about book marketing. Unless you believe something was overlooked, this concludes our discussion for now. Please feel free to leave your comments below; I look forward to reading and responding to them. Thank you for dedicating time to read the entire article, which spans 1.6k words—a considerable amount, indeed.

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