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Book Design: What It Is and Its Importance

Book Design

Learning How to Design Your Own Books

6th March 2023

This article delves into the realm of book design, exploring its various types and formatting, the role of indie authors within it, its connection to personality types, and its significance in today’s book industry. If you’re curious about the essence of book design, consider this article your comprehensive guide. Let’s begin!

What Is Book Design?

Book design, as I understand it, encompasses both interior and cover design. Once you have professionally edited your book or manuscript yourself (or hired someone to do so), the next step is to design it from the inside out. Interior book design, also known as book layout, involves formatting. This process includes choosing font faces, font sizes, text alignment, and text formatting, all of which collaborate to define the book’s final appearance.

Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, formatdesign, and sequence of the various components and elements of a book into a coherent unit. In the words of renowned typographer Jan Tschichold (1902–1974), book design, “though largely forgotten today, [relies upon] methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, [and which] have been developed over centuries. To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied”.[1] Richard Hendel describes book design as “an arcane subject”, and refers to the need for a context to understand what that means.[2]

Book design. (2023, February 27). In Wikipedia.

For me, the design of a book unfolds as I write. It’s integral to my planning and editing process. From the moment of conception, I have a vision for the book’s appearance, including its size, fonts, formatting, and more.

The cover design is also part of this creative process, envisioned from the beginning. A book is a product; it needs an identity. The genre plays a role in shaping the look of both the interior and the cover. Yet, despite these considerations, the book must retain a unique character.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

Book Design Types

Indeed, the genre greatly influences a book’s internal and external appearance, guiding the selection of design types. Consider poetry: its design must reflect its essence. Design types encompass layout, themes, colors, and other critical elements. Each genre or type of writing is associated with specific colors and themes that complement nonfiction or fiction works.

Moreover, within the broad categories of fiction and nonfiction, each genre carries its own design expectations, which contribute to the distinctiveness of design types. These elements ensure that books are differentiated by genre and individuality. A poetry book, for instance, must stand out with its unique design, just as each human is uniquely individual.

Book Interior Design

Interior design in books encompasses elements such as font types, sizes, text alignment, colors, and paragraph styles, all tailored to the book’s genre. These elements are interconnected; for instance, the genre of a book influences its interior design because text alignment varies significantly across genres. Text may be aligned left, right, center, or justified, each of which is crucial.

Take poetry as an example: most poems are centered on the page, signaling to the reader that the lines should be read with a specific intonation. This is similar to the prophetic oracles in the Bible, where the formatting of these messages stands out from that of standard narratives.

Not every Bible version adheres to this rule, though. The New International Version is notable for its consistent application of these interior design and formatting principles, which likely contributes to its popularity among contemporary readers. Further details on Essential Book Interior Design Elements can be found in the referenced article.

Book Cover Design

People often judge a book by its cover. Despite our efforts to resist, there will always be someone assessing a book by its external appearance. This holds true for any product, and books are no exception; they are frequently judged by their covers. Only God judges from the inside out.

For this reason, a book cover acts as a sales agent. The genre of the book is also crucial. Book lovers will share their thoughts on cover designs if you ask them. I mention this because books were unfamiliar tools to our ancestors in Africa. It may also reflect my personal beliefs. I tend not to concern myself with the external appearance of a book. After all, a cover is just that—a cover. It conceals the true essence, the content, which is akin to our skin; there’s much more beneath it. Therefore, I prefer to open the book to determine its value.

However, this is not the perspective of most readers; in fact, the opposite is often true. This is why many do not enjoy reading PDF or Kindle books; they lack the tactile experience of printed materials. People have their own unique ways of experiencing things. For those of us who look beyond face value, the appearance or feel of a book is not a concern. What matters is the content written within.

To succeed in the book market, one must adapt. As I write, I am considering reverting to an old cover because sales have plummeted since its replacement. There were no page reading reports in the subsequent months, indicating that the original cover was more appealing. Conversely, my Self-Help Series covers were completely redesigned, attracting many new readers. This underscores the importance of a professional book cover designer. If you cannot afford one, it’s crucial to learn what makes a cover stand out, as I am doing. Designing an effective cover is not a simple task.

Book Formatting

Book formatting is an integral part of a book’s interior design and varies according to the genre. Choices regarding font, alignment, and other formatting aspects are crucial and should align with the genre’s conventions. Does this restrict you from choosing a design that appeals to you personally?

If your preferred design and formatting do not align with the genre’s traditional design, it’s safer not to deviate. But how does one learn about these traditional designs? That’s the purpose of this article and possibly others you’ll read. You’re seeking knowledge about book formatting, aiming to excel at it so your book’s sales can support you financially.

I approach book interior formatting by setting it up as I write, determining book trim sizes, font types, and sizes, among other elements, before starting the writing process. This applies to both nonfiction and literary nonfiction genres that I write in. It’s beneficial to learn more about book formatting to ensure the best presentation for your book.

Book Design and You

When it comes to book design artwork, the decision to undertake it yourself or to outsource it is entirely yours. You possess the freedom to choose, as it is your book and your product. Your beliefs play a crucial role in any project you undertake.

If you lack confidence in your ability to design the best book cover, there’s no need to force it. Forcing anything can be detrimental. It’s important to recognize that many authors are unsure about how they want their books to look, both the cover and the interior.

You’re not alone in this predicament. There’s no need to be hard on yourself if you’re not a designer. Yet, some believe firmly that if it can be done by someone else, they can do it too. I hold that there is no perfect book designer, just as there is no perfect book writer.

Book Design and Personality Types

Personality type plays a role even in book design. Knowledge of book design, both interior and exterior, is essential, but ultimately, decisions reflect who we are. This implies that some individuals will endeavor to design their books thoroughly. I count myself among them. It boils down to personality type. It’s less about knowledge and more about our natural inclinations.

We don’t just become; we exist as we are. Yet, personality exists on a spectrum, like all things. No one is entirely introverted or extroverted, completely empathetic, or wholly psychopathic. It varies with the context. Even those of us who are innately reserved will speak up when necessary. Nonetheless, personality type is pivotal in deciding whether to design your book yourself or delegate it to another.

As is well-known, hiring a professional cover designer is beneficial. However, there’s a risk of being exploited, particularly when outsourcing online, as some exploit technology to deceive those in urgent need.

The Importance of Book Design

Book design’s importance cannot be overstated, a topic we’ve revisited multiple times in this article. Yet, delving deeper reveals its critical role. Since the cover is often the first impression, professional attention to it is crucial. Just as others invest in their presentation, so should we for our book covers—it’s a business necessity. After all, the common belief is that appearance reflects content, but is that always true?

Similarly, the book’s interior holds equal weight to its cover. As you read this, the significance of font choices and sizes is apparent, even in digital formats. Effective interior design enhances the reading experience, while lengthy, irrelevant paragraphs deter dedicated readers. Proper interior design is paramount; if beyond personal skill, one should either seek a professional or learn the craft.


This article has provided a comprehensive overview of book design, covering both the interior and exterior. Did any of the content present new information to you? Were you aware that designing your own book covers was possible prior to reading this? I would appreciate your general thoughts on the article. Your feedback is invaluable as it informs me of the effectiveness of my attempt to assist you and other readers. It also gauges the usefulness of writing such articles.

Before you share your feedback, take a moment to reflect on the content or quickly review it again. This will help refresh your memory and bring to mind any details you may have forgotten. If you choose not to share your thoughts, I thank you for your time spent reading. Feel free to pass the article along to family and friends who are, or aspire to be, writers and authors. Encourage them to further share it within their circles. Let’s spread the knowledge!

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Smashwords: How to Publish Your Books in Multiple eBook Formats Online


Learn How to Publish Your eBooks Today on Smashwords

This article serves as a guide to understanding Smashwords, its features that enable authors to connect with readers globally, and the detailed process for publishing a book on the platform. By the conclusion of this article, you will have learned the most efficient methods to publish your books in multiple formats and reach a broader online audience. Let’s begin with the fundamentals: what is Smashwords?

What is Smashwords?

Smashwords is among the top online publishing tools and platforms, offering writers global access. It enables you to distribute your book in various formats, including PDF, DOC, DOCX, RTF, MOBI, ePub, and HTML for online reading. Additionally, Smashwords allows you to make your book accessible across numerous online retail sites.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

Publishing a book on the Smashwords catalog can be challenging due to the numerous technical requirements that the book files must meet before they are made live. However, Smashwords provides a free Style Guide to help you format your book correctly, as well as a variety of online articles available at no cost on their website.

I almost gave up on publishing my book on Smashwords in 2013 because it failed to convert to various eBook formats several times. However, I will never regret my persistence, as once my book was successfully published, it reached more readers online, and I have been earning online every month since then, regardless of the amount.

Before settling on Smashwords and Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, I explored other options like Lulu, Lambert, and many more. After extensive trials, I chose these two platforms for my personal reasons. I found publishing with Lulu to be more challenging than with any other platform, although that may just be my personal experience.

What are the Smashwords features?

Similar to KDP, Smashwords (SW) boasts numerous impressive features. One such feature is the ‘meat grinder,’ which processes your book and delivers it to your readers in their preferred formats. Once you upload your book in the .doc format, the system begins converting it into various other formats, while preserving the original file for you, the publisher.

The platform’s capability to retain your original file is highly advantageous, as it allows you to access your original work whenever necessary. For instance, if you were to lose all your files on your computer, visiting the Smashwords website could alleviate that stress by enabling you to download the original file directly from the system. This particular feature is unique to Smashwords and is not available on KDP, Lulu, or Lambert Academic Publishing.

Another significant feature is the tool’s ability to distribute your books to various global book retail sites, including Amazon, Kobo, Apple iBookstore, Barnes & Noble, among others. It also caters to those who wish to download and print your book in PDF format for personal use. Additionally, while SW does not currently support publishing print versions of books, it offers the option to link your eBook to video trailers and other print formats. This means you can connect your eBook to its print edition on platforms like Amazon, Lulu, or LAP.

Smashwords also provides a suite of tools to manage your published book, such as the Channels Manager, ISBN Manager, Reports and Payment Manager, and more. These tools are designed to help you expand your online readership and facilitate payments. Although PayPal is the sole payment method, which may pose challenges if PayPal is not operational in your country, alternative payment requests via check or money transfer are available.

How Do I Publish My Books on Smashwords?

To successfully publish your book on Smashwords, begin by ensuring your manuscript is ready for publication, which involves writing and thorough editing. You can edit the manuscript yourself or hire professional editors. Depending on your book’s complexity, multiple editors may be necessary.

Next, design an engaging book cover and format the interior files correctly. Your book must include accurate metadata; otherwise, it will be flagged by the system. Note that Smashwords does not offer an online cover design tool like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. The cover image must be at least 1600 x 2400 pixels. Additionally, your manuscript should be in a 2003 Microsoft Word (.doc) format. If your document is in a newer version of Word, you’ll need to convert it to the (.doc) format.

After these steps, visit to create a free account. Once your account is set up, log in and complete your publisher/author profile. You have the option to create additional ghost author profiles if needed, but a single publisher/author account suffices if you’re not publishing for others or using different pen names.

Proceed by clicking the ‘Publish’ button to initiate the book upload and publishing process. Enter your book’s title, subtitle (if applicable), publication date, keywords, and select appropriate categories. Upload your book’s interior file and cover image. The platform allows you to manage all these steps on one page, differing from the KDP process. Assign the book to your publisher or a ghost author account, and decide if the book will be free or if you’ll allow customers to set the price.

You can set a price on Smashwords and immediately see your earnings after a purchase is made. Remember, each retailer, like Kobo, reports sales to Smashwords, and you’ll receive payment monthly, regardless of the amount accumulated.

Once you’ve adjusted all settings, hit the publish button to proceed. Your book will be live on Smashwords within an hour, but appearing on other retailers may take a day or more due to manual checks of technical requirements, known as the Premium Catalog. Your book must fulfill these requirements to be listed.

Should your book encounter any format conversion issues, you’ll be notified via email with instructions on how to proceed. Smashwords support is always available to assist you. Once you complete these steps, your book will be available for purchase. Congratulations!


We’ve now explored what Smashwords is, its features, and the step-by-step process of publishing a book on Smashwords. Remember, knowledge is only potential power; it becomes powerful when acted upon. Therefore, you must apply the information from this article to see a positive impact in your life. Did you gain new insights from this article? Share your thoughts in the comments section below. Shalom!

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Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing: How to Publish Your Book in Kindle, Hardcover, and Paperback Editions

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Learn Self-Publishing for Free Today on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is a service designed to educate users about KDP’s purpose, how to publish books in three different formats, and the features available to expand global readership. Are you familiar with the Kindle Direct Publishing platform?

What is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing?

Amazon KDP is a self-publishing service provided by Amazon, enabling writers worldwide to become published authors. Individuals can either utilize the service themselves or seek assistance from someone like me to upload their book. At the time of writing, KDP offers publishing in three formats: Paperback, Hardcover, and Kindle.

Additionally, with services like Audible, authors have the option to publish their books in audio format through KDP. Although I have not personally published an audiobook at the time of writing this article, offering a book in various formats can increase the likelihood that customers will purchase it in their preferred format.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

In today’s world, the abundance of choices can be overwhelming. For introverted empaths seeking tea in Nairobi, the experience can be daunting due to the barrage of questions from service staff. For instance, requesting milk tea might lead to inquiries about the type of milk you prefer, followed by a series of additional questions. Similarly, when it comes to reading, people choose formats that suit their preferences, from Kindle eBooks to paperbacks and hardbacks.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing allows for rapid book publication, often within hours. This platform is ideal for those who prefer a hands-on approach to publishing.

Self-publishing doesn’t necessitate going it alone; one can enlist the assistance of cover artists, blurb writers, keyword researchers, interior designers, illustrators, and others to help upload the book files to the platform.

What Is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing features?

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) provides a suite of features, including the ability to enter book details, upload content, and set pricing. It also offers marketing tools to assist authors in selling more books, which may be free or paid, with ongoing updates to introduce new features.

Previously, until 2016, Amazon’s KDP was solely for Kindle book publishing, while paperback publishing was handled by CreateSpace Publishing (CSP). Since then, KDP has grown to encompass paperback publishing and, starting in 2021, has also begun supporting hardcover publishing directly, suggesting the possibility of future expansions.

In addition to uploading book details and content, KDP offers promotional tools to enhance a book’s visibility to readers. Authors have the choice of a countdown deal, a five-day free book promotion within a 90-day window, or paid advertising campaigns for increased visibility on Amazon.

Furthermore, KDP maintains a community forum for queries, providing a platform for authors to seek support. Another significant feature is the account management area, where authors can manage payment options for their book sales in any format.

Some of the features are:

  • Kindle Countdown Deals
  • Amazon Marketing Services
  • Kindle Matchbook
  • KDP Select
  • Kindle Legend Library

Like me, you might be subject to a 30% tax withholding law if you’re a non-US resident. This means the US government retains 30% of your earnings whenever you make a sale. The IRS, or Internal Revenue Service, asserts that it will return your money if you choose to relocate to the USA in the future. However, the decision to move to the US for the sake of the withheld funds remains uncertain.

How Do I Publish My Books on the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing platform?

This section is crucial to the article. How exactly does one publish a book on KDP? What are the initial steps? I’ve authored a comprehensive guide on this subject, accessible on the Amazon book page. However, before you head there, this article will provide you with some insights and strategies for publishing a book on the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing platform.

First step

To begin, create your Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing account. If you have an existing Amazon customer account, you can use it to log in to the Kindle platform. Once you’re logged into your account, we can proceed with additional tips.

Second step

To set up your Amazon publisher/author account, you must input your personal information, such as your residential address and bank account details. This step is required before you can proceed to enter your book details into the system, as will be explained subsequently.

Third step

After completing your account information settings, proceed to the dashboard to enter your book details. Here, you must decide on the format of the book you wish to publish: Kindle eBook, hardcover, or paperback. Select the appropriate option and click the corresponding button to begin the publishing process.

Next, provide the book’s title and, if applicable, a subtitle. Not all books require a subtitle; for instance, “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins stands alone without one, as the title sufficiently conveys the book’s content.

Further details such as categories, keywords, book description or blurb, age range, publication date (if not today), and other relevant information will also be required. It is crucial to ensure accuracy in these details, particularly for hardcover or paperback editions, as certain elements like the author’s name cannot be altered post-publication.

Once all book details are entered, navigate to the next tab by clicking the ‘Save and Continue’ link at the bottom-right corner of the screen. In the second tab, you will upload the content details of your book.

Fourth step

You can now upload your book file in supported formats like Microsoft Word or PDF. You have the option to create your cover using the Online Cover Creator Tool or upload a pre-designed cover from your computer. Additionally, you can preview your uploaded files, which is applicable for both eBooks and print books.

On this page, you can opt for a free ISBN number provided by Amazon or input your own if you’ve previously purchased one. Here, you can also select your book’s trim size, paper type, and cover finish options, though these choices are only relevant for print books. This indicates that Kindle and print editions of your book have distinct options available.

After completing all the steps in this second tab, proceed to the final tab on the right by clicking ‘Save and Continue.’ This button becomes active only after you’ve previewed (for print books) and approved your book.

Fifth step

In this final tab, you can select your royalty options and then set your book’s retail price in relation to the printing costs. Ensure that the royalty isn’t set too high, as it will increase the retail price, potentially affecting sales. Researching book pricing strategies can aid in making an informed decision.

Once everything is finalized, press the Publish button. Your book should go live within a few hours or a couple of days, allowing people to purchase copies. This process can be repeated for different formats of your book, such as hardcover, paperback, and Kindle, each requiring a separate publication and possibly different interior files, even for the same title.

For eBooks, converting to a filtered HTML file is preferable. If your book includes images, save the folder and the HTML file in a zipped folder, then upload it to the KDP website. It’s also advisable to save your paperback and hardcover files separately due to the distinct ISBN numbers and other specific details. Ensure your book is fully edited before publishing in any format to maintain consistent content.


Finally, we’ve explored the meaning of Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, its features, and the detailed process of publishing a book on this platform. I encourage you to read the recommended book to gain a deeper understanding of book publishing, complete with illustrative images.

Additionally, below is a list of other suggested readings for your benefit. I hope you find this article personally valuable. I would love to hear your thoughts on it, so please leave your feedback in the comments section below. If there’s anything I’ve missed, do let me know. Wishing you a very successful journey in self-publishing. Shalom!

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How to Translate Texts with John Monyjok Maluth

How to Translate Texts

Learn How to Translate Texts with John Monyjok Maluth in Minutes

This article will guide you through the process of text translation, elucidate the significance of translating English into South Sudan’s Dinka and Nuer languages, explain why translating your documents into these national languages may be necessary, outline the advantages of translation, and provide practical steps for engaging the services of John Monyjok Maluth, a professional translator.

What Does It Mean to Translate Text?

Translation involves conveying the same meaning from the source language to the target language, rather than merely transcribing words. It’s not just about word transfer; it’s about translating the context-specific meanings of those words. Take the word “run,” for instance; its meaning varies with context. Here’s an example of incorrect direct translation: The phrase “We are running short of food” was translated into Dinka as “Wok kɔt ke wo cek ne biääk de këcam,” which conveys a different meaning in Dinka than intended in English. This highlights the importance of learning to translate English into South Sudanese languages like Dinka and Nuer, which are Nilotic languages. The issue arises because “running” in this context does not refer to the act of physically running, yet it was translated as such. Re-translated into English, it would erroneously read: “We are running away short because of food,” illustrating the translation error.

Direct translation isn’t always detrimental; in fact, it’s sometimes necessary. However, caution is essential when employing direct translation, particularly if it risks altering the original text’s meaning, as previously demonstrated. This is a limitation of machine translation, which lacks the ability to comprehend the context of words within the source language. When tasked with translating work into Dinka or Nuer, I must thoroughly read the document to grasp its content before translating a single word, allowing for proper contextualization. Only after understanding the context does the translation process commence.

The Dinka and Nuer languages, not being international and unrecognized in modern systems, present challenges. I often transliterate technical terms that lack direct equivalents in the Dinka or Nuer languages of South Sudan. For those unable to translate from English into Dinka, seeking assistance from seasoned professionals is advisable.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

Why Translate English Into Dinka and Nuer Languages?

If you’re aiming for your message to be more accessible and comprehensible in the language most familiar to your target audience, then you’ve come to the right place. This is particularly true if your original text is in English and you wish to translate it into the languages of the Dinka and Nuer peoples.

As of this writing, it is estimated that there are approximately 3 million Dinka and 2.8 million Nuer people, both within and outside South Sudan. We’re considering a significant population, despite the fact that not all are literate in their native languages.

Roughly 20% of both the Dinka and Nuer populations are literate. Consequently, your message can reach them, no matter their location. The Dinka and Nuer communities reside in South Sudan, various neighboring countries, and some have been living abroad since the escalation of the war in Sudan during the 1990s.

With the translations provided here, readers can engage with your text in the language they understand best, regardless of the medium. Location is irrelevant; technology has made it possible to connect with us from anywhere, at any time. Translating your text into the Dinka and Nuer languages offers numerous advantages, and learning how to translate from any language into another is straightforward.

How to Translate with John Monyjok Maluth

Firstly, it’s important to note our charges. We offer translation services at $0.25 per word. For smaller documents, our minimum rate is $0.12 per word. This includes not only the translation but also editing and proofreading before we deliver the final files. We strive to provide the highest quality, ensuring that the translation reflects the original context.

In addition to translation, I offer reviewing, editing, and proofreading services for Dinka and Nuer texts at $0.10 per word. My experience in this field dates back to 2002. For more details about my past translation work, please refer to my profile. Besides, I provide interpretation services, both in-person and online, which began with facilitating meetings between the Dinka and Nuer communities in August 2002.

Beyond live translation and interpretation, I also specialize in transcribing English, Dinka, and Nuer texts. My proficiency in reading and writing Nuer and Dinka was developed between 1991 and 2000. My extensive reading of Dinka and Nuer literature has honed my skills in translation, interpretation, and transcription, which I have mastered through consistent practice.


  • Know the number of words in your document(s)
  • Make sure the document is in English
  • Send me the document(s) to be translated through
  • I’ll then confirm receipt and if we are working on it or not
  • I will send back the document after the translation, editing, and proofreading
  • You can then pay me through any accepted payment methods (m-Pesa, m-Gurush, Wire transfer, and WorldRemit.)
  • We close the project
  • You send for corrections in case of any (same payment)

Final Words and Conclusion

Finally, we’re set to begin. Before you submit your documents, please understand that I am committed to delivering the highest quality work. Translation is not just my job; it’s my passion and livelihood—it’s what I excel at and how I pay my bills.

Therefore, I offer you the finest service at the most competitive rates. Your message matters. It needs to be conveyed correctly and resonate with your audience. For your words to reach people, they must be expressed in a language that resonates with them.

Don’t hesitate any longer. Let’s join forces and tackle this project today! Just follow the outlined procedures, and rest assured that your document will be handled with the utmost care. We’ll begin as promptly as possible. Make your message accessible today in both Dinka and Nuer languages.

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The Present: How to Be In the Here and Now

What Are You Doing in The Present That You Will Regret Tomorrow?

“The Present” is an article designed to guide us in examining our current lives, understanding the significance of living in the moment, and learning how to fully engage with it. It explains why it’s crucial to be present and offers a method to help overcome profound fears and significantly lower stress.


The present signifies the here and now. It’s about living in the moment, not dwelling on the past or anticipating the future. It involves concentrating on current events, people, places, and objects. For instance, consider what you are doing at this moment and give it your full attention. It’s not concerned with past actions or future plans, but with your immediate actions.

The present encompasses not just actions but also thoughts and words. What are you contemplating right now? What are you communicating to yourself or others at this moment? That is the essence of the present. It’s about embracing the now, rather than the past or the future. This doesn’t imply that the past is irrelevant; rather, it suggests that your current focus should be on the present.

It’s widely acknowledged that thoughts, words, and deeds are integral parts of our being, each with a past, present, and future. However, this discussion is centered on the present—our current thoughts, words, and actions. Initially, remaining present-minded may be challenging, but with practice, it becomes more manageable, and with each attempt, it gets easier.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide


The tendency to dwell on the past or anticipate the future, rather than concentrating on the present, is a common challenge. However, there are various methods and techniques to help us focus on the here and now. These methods vary from person to person. I will share my approach with you and am eager to hear your thoughts at the end of this article.

Choosing to be in the here and now is an intentional act, as we often naturally reflect on our past. It’s infrequent that we ponder the uncertain future. Many people live in the past every single day. The stories we recount are all set in the past. Even today will soon become yesterday, right? The present remains unseen until it has passed, which I believe is a reason for our regrets.

By dedicating sufficient time to the present, we can make better decisions in the moment, leading to fewer regrets in the future. This underscores the importance of increasingly focusing on the here and now to prevent regrets.

While this focus may sometimes occur spontaneously, I consciously choose to think about the present. I believe this is the first step in any technique. I achieve this by seeking solitude in a quiet place, like a nearby bush or forest. As I wander, I concentrate on what I observe in the current moment.

Occasionally, while in Nairobi, I retreat to my room to contemplate the present moment. This may involve observing my reflection in a mirror or gazing out at the cityscape, taking in the sights of houses, birds, people, and animals. By doing so, I anchor myself in the present, aligning my thoughts, words, and actions with the immediate reality.

Yet, this does not prevent the mind from drifting across time, revisiting the past, pondering the present, and projecting into the future. Looking at Nairobi’s skyline often prompts me to wonder, “How long until Juba resembles this?” At that moment, my thoughts are no longer anchored in the present but have traveled back to my home capital.

Even as I pen these words, my mind is not consistently fixed on the now. The human mind is a complex, almost spiritual entity, capable of existing in several temporal dimensions simultaneously. So, is it truly impossible to remain in the present? The answer is both yes and no. It is feasible to live in the moment, but it requires deliberate effort. Despite our intentions, we may find ourselves oscillating between past, future, and present. We can achieve momentary presence by concentrating on ourselves, others, objects, events, and the specific locations we inhabit.


The purpose of existing in the here and now is to move beyond a troubled past. It involves focusing on the present, a time not yet marred by negative memories, and taking action to avoid future regrets.

Yet, merely concentrating on the present is futile without faith in a being who governs the past, present, and future—God. Regardless of belief, God’s sovereignty is a stark reality. Our gaze should not be inward but upward, trusting in God’s guidance of our current existence.

Living in the moment and seeking divine assistance to excel are the optimal ways to remain purposeful in the present. This purpose stems from the belief that life has meaning. Abandoning the present renders the future bleak, placing our hope and trust in divine providence.

Our reliance on God is not merely to gain favor or protection; it is intrinsic to our nature. We acknowledge that God crafted our lives and comprehends us more profoundly than we or others could. Thus, even our immediate existence is under divine care, with the future remaining uncertain.


Contemplating the ‘here and now’ is indeed significant. Focusing on the present aids in prioritizing current matters. Multitasking is generally unhealthy and not advisable, despite our minds wandering. Concentrating on the present is crucial.

Being present enhances self-understanding. It allows introspection from a current standpoint rather than past experiences or an uncertain future. Thus, the importance of the ‘here and now’ extends beyond what can be expressed here. Your thoughts on this are welcome in the comments below.

Concentrating on the present reveals our progress and the journey ahead, despite being unaware of future events. This practice instills confidence in our existence and readiness to enhance our lives, minimizing future regrets.

Focusing on the present fosters self-appreciation, gratitude for others, and contentment with our abilities, identities, and possessions. It enables us to value our current location and accessible resources.


Consider what is before you at this moment. It may be what your eyes physically see, or it could be a vision in your mind. What is within your reach right now? It might be an object, a location, a notion, or something tangible. Who is in your presence? Perhaps it’s a stranger, a friend, a coworker, or a family member.

As you observe your current surroundings, pause to reflect on the present. In this moment of mindfulness, express gratitude to God for everything around you, whether beneficial or challenging. If you find yourself in peril, seek God’s deliverance. Should you be entangled in a harmful relationship, it’s imperative to extricate yourself immediately. I have faith that God will heed your prayers if they align with His divine plan, as He did for me when I faced perilous situations.

God’s intervention was a miraculous escape for me. He is capable of doing the same for you if you ask Him, believing in His power to act. I hope this article, “The Present,” has been of personal benefit to you. If so, I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments below. Your feedback is greatly valued and will help enhance this and future articles. Wishing you and your loved ones safety and peace during and beyond the global pandemic. Shalom!