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WordPress: What It Is and How to Use It for Your Career Development


Learning WordPress Is a Career That Will Change Your Life Forever!

26th July 2021

This article is designed to educate you about WordPress, a Content Management System (CMS), its functionalities, how to utilize it, and its significance in career development. Through this article, you will be introduced to a new career path that has the potential to transform your life. In today’s technologically driven society, acquiring such skills is highly beneficial for both personal and professional growth. With this in mind, let’s delve directly into the article.


WordPress is renowned for being an open-source software and one of the most user-friendly content management systems globally. It’s excellent for web design and so intuitive that nearly anyone with basic computer skills can utilize it. With WordPress, you can create both free and premium websites and blogs.

The distinction between and is notable; the former offers free tools, while the latter is a paid version of the software. If you’re just starting and lack the budget for annual website expenses, the free blog option provided by is ideal.

However, if you require greater control over your content, the paid version allows you to enhance your website with additional functionalities. Free blogs do not permit the addition of plugins, which are instrumental in incorporating features like shopping carts, mailing lists, and other essential marketing tools and services.

Moreover, a free domain name does not allow for a personalized domain like With a complimentary site or blog, your URL will resemble, indicating that you are operating under WordPress’s domain. In this scenario, WordPress hosts your site and has the authority over its management. Website hosting refers to the storage of your files on a server.


Now that you’re familiar with WP, let’s discuss its applications. As previously mentioned, this software is used to create websites or blogs. You have the option to use either the free or paid versions of the tools. Regardless of your profession, you may find yourself in need of a specific type of website.

As a writer and author, owning my domain was essential, but I began with a free one, which I still utilize for my imprint company, Discipleship Press. Later, I acquired a personal domain for my writing business and career, which is

Indeed, WP can be used to create various types of websites. If you’re a blogger, for instance, you’ll need a platform to write and publish your posts, which could be a free blog at or a paid one at

In essence, this tool is instrumental in establishing an online presence to connect with your audience and potential customers through a website or blog.

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The “how” question differs significantly from the “what” question mentioned earlier. We’re looking to understand the actual process of using WordPress to create a blog or website, be it free or paid. To do this, certain steps must be followed. There are numerous excellent tutorials on YouTube that guide you through starting a blog or website with WordPress in just minutes. I suggest as an excellent starting point.

Before you visit that site, let’s consider what’s needed to start a website or blog. Initially, you should determine the focus of your blog. For instance, if you’re a writer, what topics ignite your passion? There are various types of writers, after all. Personally, I specialize in educational and motivational content, aiming to enlighten my readers on issues that matter to me.

This means I concentrate on topics I’m passionate about, which also lends me a degree of expertise in my writing domain. Similarly, you can carve out your niche in writing and set your own objectives before launching a blog or website. While it’s not necessary to plan out every detail you intend to share on your blog, many advise that having a plan is an effective way to begin.

Once you’ve decided on the main focus of your blog or website, you can opt for either a free or paid domain. Setting up a free domain is straightforward: simply visit, create an account, and confirm your email to activate it. After that, you can publish your first post, select a theme, customize it, and your site will be set.

For a paid website, I recommend visiting (where an affiliate link is provided), and selecting a hosting plan. This will involve paying for server space to store your text, images, and other media. During this process, you’ll choose a custom domain and follow the instructions provided.

Once complete, install WordPress from your Bluehost Dashboard to begin adding posts, pages, themes, plugins, and various tools as needed. I plan to write a detailed post on installing WordPress plugins and themes later. However, if you require immediate assistance with these, please reach out in the comments below or use the chat button at the bottom of the page (Facebook Messenger) to start a conversation.


For bloggers eager to share their work globally, WordPress stands as the premier tool. While other CMS software exists, WordPress excels in various aspects. It’s SEO-friendly, designed to enhance visibility on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Its widespread use and endorsement by leading web hosting services speak to its numerous advantages.

WordPress is not only user-friendly but also maintains a professional standard. It provides all necessary tools, which users can master quickly, underscoring its significance for bloggers and writers. Exploring further may reveal additional reasons why WordPress is an optimal choice for web design projects.

Should you require assistance in creating a personal website, I offer a range of services. For instance, the Basic Pack allows you to establish a professional, secure website starting at $50/year, covering all essentials for a personal site. Other options include the Personal Pack at $100/year and the Premium Pack at $200/year.

For those seeking to sell products and services securely or requiring top-tier security, the Business Pack at $300/year represents the pinnacle of my website creation offerings. More details on each plan are available through the provided link.


Now that you understand what WordPress is, its uses, how to operate it, and its significance, it’s time to decide your next steps. By following the guidance in this article, you can create your website or blog within minutes. For more detailed information, feel free to ask, or use the additional links provided in the article to explore unfamiliar topics.

Therefore, my advice is to act now. As Napoleon Hill said, “Knowledge is only potential power.” It becomes powerful when specialized and applied. You’re now equipped to apply the knowledge gained from this article.

I hope you found the article on WordPress beneficial. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below; your feedback is highly valued and will help me improve. I look forward to hearing from you via chat. May God bless and protect you and your loved ones during this global pandemic. Shalom!


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Discover Yourself: The Journey into Your Inner Self

Discover Yourself

Mastering The Discover Yourself Tips Will Help You Discover Your Identity Super Fast

22nd February 2021

“Discover Yourself” is an article designed to assist you in understanding the concept of self-discovery amidst a multitude of people. In Africa, we reside in a socialist society where the individual identity often remains obscured. However, you possess an identity that extends beyond mere biometric data like fingerprints. Let’s delve deeper into this subject.


Self-Discovery, as I define it in my writings, is akin to what others might call personal development or growth. However, one cannot develop what does not yet exist. That’s why, before we advance personally or professionally, we must first uncover our natural selves.

Self-discovery involves exploring what’s already present within us, which is vastly different from aspiring to be someone we’re not—a goal that’s certainly unattainable. This is a common misunderstanding among parents who often wish their children to mirror themselves.

Yet, a child is not a replica of their parent. They will never become their parent. Each child is distinct and differs from their parents in countless ways. Even if children bear a striking resemblance to their parents, it doesn’t guarantee they will share the same likes, dislikes, or passions.

In light of this, we can assert that self-discovery is the journey of unveiling one’s authentic self, which often contradicts others’ perceptions. Discovering one’s true self in this world requires time, dedication, experimentation, and mistakes, but it is indeed achievable.

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How do we embark on the journey of self-discovery? There are numerous techniques for this personal quest. Not all methods will resonate with everyone, which is why I will share how I uncovered my true self.

Before proceeding, it’s important to clarify that self-discovery is not a repetitive process that persists throughout life. Contrary to the belief that it’s a lifelong journey, self-discovery occurs definitively. What continues for a lifetime is what I refer to as self-improvement.

We consistently enhance our discovered selves until our time on this earth concludes, but the act of discovering who we are happens just once.


One way to discover your true self is to think about yourself. This technique helps you find out what you love the most in this world. Research shows that all sane humans know who they are from the inside out. They know themselves more than anyone else.

This is the reason why we sometimes remind others that if they are not careful with us we will teach them a lesson. We want to tell the world that we are kinds of people they never know yet. This means we know our inner intentions. We know our thoughts, words, and deeds.


Another technique for self-discovery, as suggested by experts, is to seek other people’s opinions about oneself. It’s important to remember that self-discovery can sometimes overlap with career discovery, even though they may seem distinct and unique.

Asking others for their perspective on you might not be effective for everyone in the journey of self-discovery. This is due to the possibility that people, particularly those who have known you for a long time, may hold incorrect assumptions about you.

Understanding my children individually is my responsibility. However, we often miss the mark because humans are intricate beings that are challenging to fully comprehend. It’s possible to understand someone more than they understand themselves.

Given the complexity of human nature, I believe that you are the best person to explore your own identity thoroughly. You know yourself, or at least you should know yourself better than anyone else, God excepted.


I understand you might be curious. I am prepared to share how I uncovered my true self. This revelation should not be confused with religion, as I do not consider myself religious in any conventional sense.

My Past

Reflection serves as a tool for me to discern who I am by considering who I was the day before. It’s a fundamental aspect of my journey to self-discovery. By examining my past, I understand who I am now, rather than who I aspire to be in the future. I delve into my history to review my thoughts, words, and actions.

My previous thoughts, expressions, and actions reveal my current identity. These are my footprints, akin to how modern humans study ancient animal fossils to learn about bygone eras. This method shifts my focus from the realm of desires to the reality of my history.

I recognize that circumstances invariably shape our thoughts, speech, and behavior. However, when I reflect on my past, I uncover the authentic version of myself. Despite the various changes that life events bring about within me, one element remains unchanged: PEACE.

My Present

Now, a simple technique I’ve discovered is to reflect on my present life after considering my past. This advances my self-discovery to encompass the thoughts, words, and actions that define my current state. This process is not about yearning to be a different version of myself. Often, I realize, much like Paul, that my actions diverge from my desires.

This realization is a powerful tool in understanding who I am. Acknowledging my strengths and weaknesses is a true exploration of my current self, not who I was. It reveals that certain aspects of myself remain unchanged, despite my desires to alter them. My religion may deem my preferences as wrong, but my heart disagrees. This is my authentic self, not the identity imposed by societal expectations or desires.

Embracing this openness allows me to delve into my inner self. It’s an honest introspection, untainted by wishful thinking, for I do not aspire to be; I simply am.

My Future

Reflecting on my past and present, I envision my future self. This is not about desiring to be someone else; it’s about recognizing the continuity of my identity over time. I have been, am, and will continue to be the same person.

Consider this: if I have loved people in the past and continue to do so today, it’s likely that I will love them in the future because it’s an intrinsic part of who I am. My love for women, for instance, is a genuine aspect of my being. Denying this would not alter the inherent truth of my affection. Not all men are inclined to love women, and that’s perfectly natural.

This illustrates why judging individuals based on popular opinion can be problematic. Take, for instance, the church’s historical stance on marriage, which may have pressured individuals to live in ways contrary to their nature.

Jesus taught His disciples that the choice to marry or remain single is a natural one. Understanding this can lead to self-discovery. The Creator, knowing the hearts of men and women, did not explicitly endorse or denounce polygamy, recognizing it as a personal decision that does not impact one’s spiritual salvation.

Your Personal Choice

You possess a mind, a wellspring of knowledge and experience. This grants you the power of choice, a freedom no external force, not even a divine one, can take away. You are a unique individual with the capacity for both good and evil. The path you take is yours alone to decide.

Asking God

I believe that God knows each of us thoroughly, and the ultimate way I’ve found to discover my true self is to seek God’s guidance. My belief in God is unwavering, as I am certain of His existence. This conviction is not about religious practice; it’s about spirituality.

God communicates with us constantly. He speaks through our spirits, through others, through the Bible, and also through dreams and visions.

When I inquire of God about my identity, He imparts thoughts that respond to my inquiries. This method can aid you in self-discovery as well. The Bible contains numerous verses that affirm our existence is intentional.

While these verses were not penned directly to me, they serve as a guide in understanding God’s vision for my life. They are particularly resonant when they align with my innate qualities.


In conclusion, here are my thoughts. Balance is necessary in all aspects, and this is where the final value of the five, openness, becomes essential. This content is not a doctrinal manual dictating what you must or must not do. Rather, it’s information for you to consider and make an informed choice about which self-discovery techniques to employ.

If you enjoyed this article (‘Discover Yourself’), please leave a comment below. You can also use the WhatsApp button to connect with me directly and start a conversation. However, to share your insights with others, kindly leave a comment or distribute the article on social media using the share buttons provided. I deeply appreciate your support and thank you for reading my articles. Peace!

Further Readings

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Religion versus God

Religion versus God

“Religion versus God” is an article designed to deepen your understanding of your beliefs and the significance of belief in human life on Earth. It aims to elucidate the key distinctions between religion and God. You might be questioning if there are any substantial differences between the two, and this article is set to explore that very question. So, let’s delve into the subject matter further.

What Is Religion, And Why Is It Important?

Religion is essentially a belief system centered around a God or multiple gods, encompassing diverse and sometimes conflicting traditions, teachings, doctrines, and practices. It represents a way of life, shaped by how each religious community perceives the divine. It prescribes moral directives on what is considered right or wrong by the tenets of a God or gods.

From this fundamental description, it’s apparent that religion serves as a means for humans to seek understanding of God, or to make sense of complex natural and supernatural phenomena.

Given the multitude of perspectives on the divine, the world hosts a vast array of religions. However, the presence of numerous differing beliefs does not negate the existence of the subject in question.

Every religion claims its teachings, doctrines, and traditions as the sole truth, leading to widespread confusion about accepting any religion. This has driven many to the conclusion that there is neither God nor gods.

Consequently, numerous individuals have adopted the belief that neither truth nor moral absolutes exist. Some have even determined that there is neither an afterlife nor life beyond death, with a few extending this belief to the point of deeming life entirely devoid of meaning.

Throughout history, religious disparities have sparked numerous wars, predominantly fueled by conflicting religious beliefs and teachings, although human nature itself often underlies these conflicts. Atrocities have been committed in the past, continue in the present, and are likely to persist in the future.

Nonetheless, it’s argued that religion is merely a convenient excuse; the core issue lies with humanity itself, irrespective of religious affiliation. Religion is a framework, and its practitioners are its stewards. Similarly, while money is inherently neutral, its ethical impact depends on the intentions of those who wield it.

Pros of a religion

  • Having a sense of community and identity
  • Organized teachings and doctrines
  • Well defined cultures and practices
  • Living a life of hope and faith in the afterlife
  • Trust and reliance on a divine power

Cons of a religion

  • Getting stuck in the crowd
  • Holding on to old teachings and doctrines
  • Old cultures and practices that don’t work in the modern world
  • Belief in fictional stories as truths
  • Being totally dependent on a God or gods

Next, let’s see who God really is.

Who Is God, And Why Is That Important?

On one hand, God is not merely a religious figure but the Creator of all, both seen and unseen. This concept may seem like another religious doctrine, but to me, it is not. God and religion are distinct entities. God is not confined to Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism. Instead, God exists in everything, works through everything, and is for everyone (Ephesians 4:5-6).

This perspective is known as the universality of religion, and when I refer to it, I do so without any specific religion in mind. However, many people associate anything spiritual with religion, which is not necessarily accurate according to the simplest definition of religion mentioned earlier.

Understanding the key differences between religion and God is crucial for modern individuals. This knowledge can resolve the tension between religious and secular societies, bringing numerous benefits. It fosters a peaceful coexistence with others by dissolving conflicts among people.

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Consider this perspective: if individuals do not believe in God because they were created that way, embracing this understanding can foster love for them as fellow humans. However, holding the belief that faith in God elevates one above non-believers is not inherently divine.

In this context, God transcends all religions. He exists independently, not confined to any religious denomination. Understanding this concept might be easier after reading the story in my book, “Beyond Religion,” which features a fictional South Sudanese character named Kiden.

Understanding God beyond any religious doctrines is the only way to truly live on Earth. It provides a broader perspective on life. Religious views are often narrow and merely human interpretations of God.

The story of the five blind men who went to ‘see’ an elephant illustrates this well. Each man touched a different part of the elephant and concluded that the elephant was just like the part they experienced.

Consider someone who touched an elephant’s tail; he might say that an elephant resembles a large stick. Another who touched the ear would have a different description, and others will undoubtedly report their varied and often conflicting observations.

This analogy applies when discussing God. Each religion may hold a fragment of information about the same deity, but none possess the complete picture. Despite this, many religious teachings, which may seem foolish or absurd, are fervently believed by people as if they are incapable of independent thought.

Often, believers are instructed or even commanded not to think for themselves about what is right or wrong in the world, deemed as evil by their religious guides. You may have been led to believe that you are no longer merely flesh and bones. If that’s the case, reconsider. You are still a human being, just like everyone else.

Pros of God

  • Separating God from gods and from religious views distorted by human cultures
  • Having a comprehensive understanding of God
  • Love for all humans and other God’s creatures

Cons of God

  • Controversial topics about God and gods
  • Different understandings of the same God and gods
  • Conflict between theists and atheists

You Have a Personal Choice

Having seen my perspective on God and religion, you’re faced with a choice. You may agree or disagree with me. Perhaps you believe that God and religion are inseparable. The decision is yours, and I appreciate that. It’s enriching when readers hold views different from mine, especially when they can articulate or justify their stance with logical or thoughtful reasoning.

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For instance, if one believes that God and religion are synonymous, could they explain their reasoning? If they concur with this perspective (perhaps already holding this belief), what is their rationale? It’s not necessary to be religious to hold a personal opinion, nor is it required to study religion to express thoughts on the subject.

Finally, My Advice

Here’s my counsel for you, dear reader. I believe that balance is necessary in all aspects of life, including our understanding of religion. We don’t possess complete knowledge about everything, and this includes the concept of God or gods. I’m not certain of God’s existence; my belief is based on certain reasons that suggest there is a God, amidst many false ones.

It’s perfectly acceptable if someone disagrees with me. We can remain friends regardless. Neither of us has all the answers, right? This is the essence of maturity. It means not clinging to beliefs and doctrines we don’t fully grasp. It acknowledges our humanity.

Maturity allows us to overlook minor issues and focus on the larger picture. We perceive life in its simplicity. We strive for peaceful coexistence with people, birds, animals, fish, plants, and all of God’s creatures. Thinking broadly leads to fewer relationship conflicts.

Thank you for reading. I’m eager to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Share your perspectives with me and other readers. May God bless you abundantly and keep you safe during these challenging times.

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Self-Publishing versus Traditional Publishing

Self-Publishing versus Traditional Publishing

“Self-Publishing versus Traditional Publishing Methods” is an article designed to enlighten you on the advantages and disadvantages of each book publishing approach in today’s world, aiding you in determining the best fit for you as an author.

You might be an aspiring author, which is perfectly fine. Writing a great book is one thing; publishing it is another entirely. However, before considering publication, it’s crucial to understand the nuances of self-publishing and traditional publishing methods. This is the reason I’ve outlined the pros and cons of each.

Note: In many cases, the modern individualistic mindset tends to sway people towards self-publishing without thorough consideration.

Traditional Publishing Method: What It Is and How It Works

Traditional publishing involves a conventional method where an author writes a manuscript and seeks an agent to pitch the book idea to a renowned publisher. The publisher then decides, based on certain criteria, whether to publish and market the book for the author.

Learning to avoid passive voice in your writing is crucial. For guidance, please refer to the infographic provided below.

The book publishing process has always been daunting, and it likely will continue to be so. Authors must navigate through various obstacles and gatekeepers, as noted by Mark Dawson, to reach their final goal. This rigorous process ensures that only the best, as determined by professional designers, editors, and others, gets published.

After a manuscript is written, it must undergo professional editing, design, polishing, and formatting before it can be published. Editing, interior design/formatting, and cover design all incur significant costs in the traditional publishing method, and these costs persist even in the self-publishing realm.

Historically, numerous barriers and gatekeepers have existed to protect both resources and readers from substandard work. They ensure that only publishable material sees the light of day, reserving the right to reject any work, regardless of its merits.

Their goal is to provide readers with the highest quality product, the book. They aim to allocate money and other resources only for the best. They seek books that will sell well, as they are in the business of making a profit. They need to recoup their upfront investment. Indeed, reputable publishers often pay writers before publication, which serves as an attractive incentive.

They are indifferent to the author’s identity; the quality of the work is their priority. They tend to concentrate on established writers and authors, on those with big names and bigger potential. This is the essence of traditional book publishing.

Traditional Book Publishing Pros

Below are a few pros for publishing your book with a well-known book publishing firm. These are just a few examples, not all the pros. You may also add more in the comment section below if you know some pros.

  • Professional editing
  • Professional covers
  • Professional interior designs
  • Professional marketing
  • Passive income
  • Upfront payments

Traditional Publishing Cons

Below are a few cons for using a traditional book publishing firm. There may be many more disadvantages as well, but you are free to add more cons at the end of this article, just below.

  • Too many barriers and gatekeepers
  • Low author royalties payments
  • Frauds and infringement of intellectual properties
  • Reliance on traditional publishers and professionals
  • Lack of freedom for traditionally published authors
  • Lack of connection between authors and readers
  • Selling your book rights to the traditional publisher(s)

Self-Publishing Method: What It Is and How It Works

Self-publishing is a contemporary method of book publishing where an author independently publishes their own work. The author acts as the sole entrepreneur, taking on the roles of writer, editor, proofreader, designer (both interior and cover), publisher, marketer, and seller of their books. This approach represents a fresh and growing trend in the publishing industry.

As of 2020, self-publishing may not be widely recognized by many. It’s sometimes referred to as independent or indie publishing. However, self-publishing doesn’t mean the author has to manage every aspect of the publishing process alone. They are at liberty to enlist the services of other professional entrepreneurs for assistance.

For instance, authors can hire professional editors, designers, and marketers or promoters. Encouragingly, many seasoned professionals from the traditional publishing realm are swiftly transitioning to the self-publishing sector. This shift allows authors to access top-notch services, paying only for the specific services they need, which is particularly beneficial for those who prefer a do-it-yourself approach.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

In the realm of self-publishing, the only barriers are personal or creative ones. As Mark Dawson highlighted, there are no gatekeepers; what counts is your ability to write, edit, design, format, publish, and market your book. Ultimately, you are the only one who can limit yourself or become your own adversary.

Self-Publishing Pros

Here are some advantages of self-publishing. While there may be many more, the following examples suffice for this article. Feel free to add your own in the comments section below.

  • Freedom and control for indie authors
  • Higher author royalties
  • No gatekeepers or barriers (literary agents)
  • Learning and personal improvements
  • New discoveries and personal growth
  • A direct connection between indie authors and their readers

Self-Publishing Cons

There are several cons or disadvantages to self-publishing. While there may be numerous drawbacks, perception varies among individuals. What some writers consider self-publishing misconceptions could, with effective execution, become advantages rather than disadvantages.

  • Poor writing quality
  • Poor editing and formatting quality
  • Poor cover and interior design quality
  • Poor publishing choices
  • Poor marketing practices
  • No upfront payments

You Have To Make a Personally Well-Informed Choice

Now, it’s certainly your turn to make an informed decision about publishing a book, perhaps your debut. Honestly, self-publishing demands a specific personality; otherwise, one might soon regret embarking on this journey. It requires comfort with dedicating many hours daily to complete various tasks.

Additionally, you’ll need to invest in other creative professionals to assist with tasks that are not your forte, such as interior design/formatting, cover design, and blurb writing. While you might manage most aspects on your own, it’s not feasible to do everything, so seeking help is necessary.

Self-publishing can be the optimal route, particularly in our digital era. It offers the autonomy to publish or withdraw a book at one’s discretion. Moreover, it provides the highest author royalties, which traditional publishing houses cannot match, regardless of your book’s value. Beware of upfront payments; they could mean relinquishing your rights indefinitely.

It’s crucial to make an informed decision when publishing a book you’ll take pride in. Remember, each publishing method aligns with a different personality type. For instance, if you’re a perfectionist, self-publishing may not be advisable. Mistakes are inevitable, and the ability to bounce back swiftly is essential.

My Final Words

I’ve already begun to share my final tips and advice, but here are a few more. Have you decided on a publishing method as previously explained? Or perhaps you’ve selected both? If you’re still uncertain about which path to take, that’s perfectly normal.

Remember, writing and publishing a book requires time and bravery. My last piece of advice is this: if the idea of writing and publishing a book seems too daunting or implausible, don’t pressure yourself. Not everyone is cut out to be a writer or author. There are many other ways to excel and make your mark.

There are exceptional writers who never aspire to be recognized as authors, yet they are indeed writers. Their works are often used by others under different names. This includes ghostwriters and freelance writers, all of whom are distinct types of excellent writers. They possess the ability to write well and create outstanding content. They are, at their core, content creators, but not necessarily authors, nor do they need to be.

Choosing self-publishing as your avenue for book publication in today’s world means accepting that it will take time, experimentation, and mistakes to achieve your objectives. As you ascend the ladder, there is much to learn. Even books about self-publishing cannot guarantee success; hands-on experience and learning through action are essential.

Should you opt for traditional publishing, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with its benefits and drawbacks. Every book publishing approach demands your dedication and effort to bring your aspirations to fruition. Marketing your book(s) remains a necessity, even with traditional publishing.

For further insight, feel free to explore additional information online regarding the various book publishing methods currently available. Consulting friends and family who might have more expertise can also be beneficial before finalizing any significant decisions.


Good luck in your book publishing journey. Goodbye.

Should you find this article beneficial, feel free to share your views below. For a more in-depth discussion, connect with us on Twitter @JMaluth and on Instagram. Let’s stay connected.

About the Author

John Monyjok Maluth (a.k.a John Shalom) is an independent nonfiction author of 50+ books and booklets. His works can be found on Amazon and Smashwords, and also on the major book retail websites across the web. He has written and published his own autobiography how-tos and motivational books. He also writes blog posts under Digital Marketing, Life Coaching, Self-Publishing, and Technology.

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Top 10 Best Tools for All Authors

Top 10 Best Tools for All Authors

Learn About the Top 10 Best Tools for All Authors Today!

Welcome to the ‘Top 10 Best Tools for All Authors.’ Understanding the significance of the right tools is crucial for any author. Whether you’re an independent or traditionally published author, certain tools are essential for publishing your work. Bearing this in mind, I’ve crafted an Author Toolkit aimed at assisting authors globally in getting their work published.

These packages are crafted to equip you with all the essentials for publishing your book on Amazon, encompassing formatting, editing, cover design, and marketing. With prices starting at just $50, they offer an economical solution for emerging authors.

For those interested in self-publishing, our Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide is a must-read. It’s a thorough compendium of useful insights covering every facet of self-publishing, from the writing process to editing, and from marketing to promotion. It’s an invaluable asset for both experienced and novice authors.

If you’re an author aspiring to get published, explore our Author Toolkit and consider the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing Packages. These resources will guide you toward realizing your aspiration of becoming a published author.

For authors, the right tools can significantly enhance the writing process. Hence, I’ve compiled a list of the top 10 tools that I highly recommend for authors. I trust you’ll find this article beneficial and that it will inspire you to take action. Remember, knowledge gains value through application. Without implementation, it’s akin to faith without deeds—ineffective. So, apply what you learn from this article, and your writing endeavors will prosper.

1. Professional Editing

This is 1st of the Top 10 Best Tools. As an author, you always strive to create the best possible work. After all, your book represents you and your ideas to the world. And while writing your book is undoubtedly a crucial step, it’s not the only one. Once you’ve finished writing your book, it’s time to turn your attention to the editing process.

Editing your own work can be challenging, especially if you want to ensure that your book is of the highest quality. But don’t worry, there’s a solution! Professional editing is the best tool to take your book to the next level.

Of course, editing your book professionally can be a difficult task that requires a lot of skill and experience. While it’s possible to edit your own work, it can be challenging to do so effectively. That’s why I recommend getting a professional text editor. Not only will they have the expertise necessary to edit your book to perfection, but they can also provide you with valuable feedback that can help you improve your writing skills.

However, I understand that getting access to a professional text editor can be difficult, especially in certain parts of the world. But don’t worry, there are other tools and tips you can use to improve your editing skills. The key is to find what works best for you and to commit yourself to the process.

Whether you choose to work with a professional editor or to edit your own book, the most important thing is to take the time to make your book the best it can be. Remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression, so make it count!

I tried to get professional editors for years, only to find ones that introduced new grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors to my work. But, there may be a few out there who are real professionals; they may even love their jobs. Passion is important, not cash. But because I couldn’t get or afford one in those days, I took this route, a suicidal route: self-editing.

2. Professional Designing

When it comes to creating a book, having the right tools at your disposal can make a world of difference. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of the top 10 best tools for authors worldwide. This particular tool, which comes in at number two on our list, is crucial for both cover and interior design.

While many graphic designers are out there, not all have experience working specifically with books. That’s why it’s important to find a designer who specializes in book design. With the right expertise, they can help bring your vision to life and create a book that looks as good as it reads.

So, if you’re an author looking to take your book to the next level, consider investing in the best tools and resources available. And remember, finding the right designer for your book can make all the difference in the world.

When it comes to finding the right designer for your needs, it can be a bit overwhelming. However, if you find someone who truly understands your vision and consistently delivers quality work, it’s a good idea to stick with them. For me, I was fortunate enough to find a skilled graphics designer who not only studied design in school but also treated it as her day-to-day job. Her work is exceptional, and I have complete trust in her abilities. By sticking with her, I’ve been able to achieve my desired results and maintain a strong working relationship. So, if you’re looking for a designer, take your time and find someone who you truly connect with and who can help bring your ideas to life.

3. Compelling Blurbs/Descriptions

As an author, it can be challenging to find someone who can help craft a compelling sales copy that accurately represents your work. However, the third tool on the list of the top 10 best tools for authors can provide a solution to this problem. Whether you struggle with the English language or simply need some guidance in creating effective marketing copy, this tool can help. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, it’s no wonder why so many authors rely on it to help them succeed. So why not give it a try and see how it can help take your writing to the next level?

Book descriptions are a vital aspect of marketing your work. They serve as sales copies that can either attract or turn off potential readers. As an author, it is important to invest time and effort in crafting the perfect blurb for your book. However, if you feel that you lack the necessary skills, there’s no need to worry. You can always seek the help of a professional who can do the job better than you. It’s always better to have a well-written book description that can entice readers and boost sales. So, don’t hesitate to invest in this aspect of your book marketing strategy.

4. An Author Website

This is the 4th of the Top 10 Best Tools. Yes, this is one of the best tools for authors, you and me. An author’s website is the main part of one’s online presence, and that’s why I built for personal use. It is my personal author website while Discipleship Press is the imprint for all my books. Creating a website can be quite daunting, especially if you’re not tech-savvy, but with the right tools and resources, it can be a breeze. I’ve always believed that having a website is essential for any author who wants to establish a strong online presence and connect with readers.

On my website, I share updates about my writing projects, upcoming events, and other news related to my work. I also offer resources for aspiring writers, such as tips on writing, publishing, and marketing their books. I believe that sharing knowledge and helping others is an essential part of being an author, and my website is a platform for me to do just that.

Furthermore, having a website also allows me to interact with my readers more effectively. I can easily communicate with them through my website, respond to their comments, and even offer exclusive content such as sneak peeks of upcoming books. It’s a great way to build a community around my work and connect with readers who share my passion for writing.

Overall, I believe that having a website is a crucial aspect of being a successful author in today’s digital age. It’s a way to showcase your work, connect with readers, and establish a strong online presence. Whether you’re a seasoned author or just starting, I encourage you to invest in creating your website and see the benefits for yourself.

In today’s world, having an online presence is integral to success, especially for authors. Having a website or blog can be a great way to showcase your work, build a platform, and connect with readers. However, not everyone has the financial means to pay for website hosting services. That’s where website renting comes in. By purchasing a domain name and hosting services from companies like Bluehost, you can create a professional-looking author website or blog without breaking the bank. And, as an added bonus, by using our 10% discount code, you can even get a free domain with Bluehost! So if you’re an author looking to establish an online presence, consider website renting as a cost-effective solution.

5. Mailing Lists

When it comes to writing and publishing, having a strong toolkit is crucial. One tool that comes highly recommended by successful authors like Mark Dawson is a mailing list. This newsletter tool allows you to promote your website or products by offering discounts and freebies to loyal customers and fans. By keeping your subscribers in the loop, you can build strong relationships and keep them engaged with your work. So if you’re an author looking to expand your reach and build a dedicated following, consider adding a mailing list to your arsenal of tools today.

When it comes to email marketing, choosing the right platform can make all the difference. If you’re just starting out, it’s important to find a service that is affordable, easy to use, and offers the features you need to grow your business. In my opinion, MailerLite and MailChimp are two of the best options available.

One of the great things about MailerLite is that they offer a free plan that includes up to 1,000 subscribers. This is a great option for those who are just starting out and want to test the waters before committing to a paid plan. In addition to the free plan, MailerLite also offers a number of automation features that can help you save time and streamline your email marketing efforts.

On the other hand, MailChimp also offers a free plan, but it comes with some limitations. Specifically, the free plan only allows for up to 2,000 subscribers and doesn’t include access to certain features like automation. While MailChimp can be a great option for those who don’t need all the bells and whistles, I personally prefer MailerLite for its free automation features.

Overall, both MailerLite and MailChimp are great options for those who are just starting out with email marketing. It’s important to evaluate your needs and choose the platform that best fits your business. With the right tools and strategies in place, you can build a successful email marketing campaign that helps you reach your goals.

Machine learning technology is a great tool for me because it enables me to send automated content that is tailored to the reader’s actions. One of the ways I use ML is through my free e-course, which you can sign up for. Once you do, you’ll receive a warm and welcoming message from me. This is just one example of how ML can be utilized to create a more personalized experience for users. By understanding their behaviour and preferences, I can deliver content that is relevant and valuable to them. This not only improves engagement and satisfaction but can also lead to increased conversions and revenue. Overall, ML is an essential tool for any business looking to enhance their digital marketing efforts and provide a better experience for their customers.

I hope this message finds you well! I wanted to remind you that your first lesson will be sent shortly after this email. Don’t worry, if for any reason you’re unable to open it right away, the second lesson will wait until you’re ready. I understand how important it is to keep your inbox organized and clutter-free, so I’ll never send you unnecessary messages. In addition to the upcoming lessons, please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. As your support system, I’m here to help you succeed and make the most of this program. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to learning, I look forward to working with you!

6. Social Media Marketing

As an author, it’s important to have the right tools at your disposal to effectively reach your target audience. One such tool is social media, which offers a plethora of platforms to choose from. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram are just a few examples of social media platforms that can be used to connect with your audience. It’s important to understand the unique features and advantages of each platform, so you can determine which one is best suited for your specific needs. By taking the time to learn about these platforms, you can make informed decisions about how to best use them to promote your work and engage with your readers. So, take the time to do your research and figure out which social media platforms are right for you!

When it comes to building your online author profile, platforms like LinkedIn can be incredibly useful for connecting with other professionals in your field and sharing your expertise. However, when it comes to marketing your books, I’m not convinced that it’s the best approach. While you may be able to gain some visibility and traction through your connections on the platform, it’s unlikely to be the most effective way to reach your target audience and get your work in front of potential readers. Instead, you may want to consider other strategies and channels that are specifically tailored to book marketing, such as social media advertising or targeted email campaigns. Ultimately, the key is to be strategic and intentional about how you promote your work and to focus on the channels and tactics that are most likely to resonate with your audience and help you achieve your goals.

7. Content Marketing

When it comes to building a successful online presence, having quality content on your website is essential. This is why so many websites have a dedicated blog section where they can share valuable information with their readers. Whether you’re promoting products, services or even books, having a blog is a great way to showcase what you have to offer and engage with your audience. By consistently creating informative and engaging blog posts, you can establish yourself as an authority in your industry and build a loyal following of readers who are interested in what you have to say. So if you haven’t already, start building your blog today and see the benefits it can bring to your online business!

As an author, I believe that blogging is an excellent platform for sharing your thoughts and ideas with the world. While you have the freedom to decide what to share, I suggest that you stick to topics that you are passionate about and that relate to your writing. For me, that includes four main areas of interest: Digital Marketing, Life Coaching, Self-Publishing, Technology, and Shalom Support.

These topics are all near and dear to my heart, and I believe that they are all important in their own way. Digital Marketing, for instance, is crucial for anyone who wants to make a name for themselves in the online world. Life Coaching is all about helping people achieve their goals and live their best lives. Self-publishing is a way to take control of your work and get it out into the world without having to go through traditional publishing channels. Technology is constantly evolving and changing the way we work and live, and it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments. Finally, Shalom Support is a cause that I am deeply passionate about, and I believe that it is important to give back to your community whenever possible.

Overall, I believe that blogging is an excellent way to share your passions with the world and connect with like-minded individuals. By focusing on the topics that you are most passionate about, you can create a blog that is both engaging and informative, and that will keep your readers coming back for more. So if you’re an author looking to start a blog, I highly recommend that you choose topics that you are truly passionate about and that relate to your writing.

As a website owner, it’s important to prioritize the needs of your readers and customers. Providing helpful tips and guidance on how to use your website effectively can go a long way in ensuring their satisfaction and loyalty to your brand. While support may not be your primary focus, it’s still important to offer assistance when needed. By taking the time to create a user-friendly experience and providing resources for those who need them, you can create a positive and welcoming environment for your audience. So, don’t be afraid to go the extra mile and offer support to those who may need it along the way.

  • For example, how do you become an affiliate and sell books?
  • How do you apply as a vendor/author and sell your own e-books on my website?
  • How much do you earn as a vendor/author?
  • How much do you earn as an affiliate?

I completely understand your concerns and the need for a separate category to address them. Shalom Support is a great idea and I’m sure it will be very helpful for your readers. As you said, content is king, and providing valuable information and support is a great way to help your audience. Is there anything specific you would like to focus on in this category? Let me know if there’s anything I can do to assist you in creating and developing this new section on your blog.

8. SEO

When it comes to improving your website’s search engine ranking, nothing beats a good old search engine optimization (SEO). And the best thing about it? It’s completely free! However, it’s important to know the ins and outs of on-page optimization and off-page optimization to ensure that your website is fully optimized for search engines. On-page optimization involves optimizing your website’s content, while off-page optimization involves building links and promoting your website on other platforms. By combining both techniques, you can greatly improve your website’s visibility online. So if you want to increase your website’s traffic, start implementing SEO techniques today!

On-page optimization is a crucial aspect of SEO that can greatly impact your website’s visibility on search engines. It involves a variety of techniques and strategies that are implemented directly on the page itself to improve its relevance and authority. One of the most important aspects of on-page optimization is the selection of the main keyword or phrase, which should be strategically placed throughout the content in order to signal to search engines what the page is about. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the content is readable and engaging, with well-structured headings, professional paragraphs, and a clear focus on the user’s intent. By taking the time to optimize your pages effectively, you can improve their chances of ranking higher on search engine results pages, driving more traffic to your site, and ultimately boosting your online visibility and success.

When it comes to optimizing your website, there are two main strategies: on-page optimization and off-page optimization. On-page optimization refers to all the actions you take directly on your website, such as optimizing your content for search engines and ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly. Off-page optimization, on the other hand, refers to anything you do outside the page itself, such as when you share the page address/URL on social media. Off-page optimization can be achieved in many other ways as well. For example, you can promote your website through a newsletter or by guest blogging on other websites. There are also plugins out there, such as Yoast, that can help you optimize your website for search engines. By focusing on both on-page and off-page optimization, you can improve your website’s visibility and attract more traffic to your site.

9. SEM

In addition to Search Engine Optimization, which is an effective way to increase your website’s visibility on search engines, you can take your online marketing efforts to the next level with Search Engine Marketing. This approach involves using both text and display advertisements to attract potential customers to your website. The best part is that you only pay for these ads when someone clicks on them or views them, depending on the type of ad you choose. There are several options available, including pay-per-click (PPC), pay-per-thousand impressions, and many others. By incorporating Search Engine Marketing into your overall online marketing strategy, you can reach a wider audience and drive more targeted traffic to your website.

SEM is good when you have money. It is not free; sometimes it can be costly if you don’t use the right keywords. Take time to learn more about how SEM works. As an author, you are a business owner and I think this is how you should think from now onward.

We are business owners. We are both publishers and authors at the same time.

Writers are entrepreneurs…

10. Branding

When it comes to building a successful online presence, branding is a crucial element that cannot be overlooked. It is the process of creating a unique identity for your business that sets it apart from the rest. This includes developing a brand name, logo, colour palette, and other visual elements that represent your business’s personality and values. Your website is the face of your business, and it should reflect your brand’s identity, making it easily recognizable and memorable to your customers.

A logo and colour scheme are key components of your brand, and it’s important to use them consistently throughout your website to build brand recognition and trust. Speaking of my website, I have carefully chosen the colours blue and white to represent my brand, and they are featured prominently in my logo.

By incorporating these colours throughout my website, I have created a cohesive and visually appealing brand image that resonates with my audience. So, when it comes to building a strong online presence, don’t underestimate the power of branding. Take the time to develop a unique identity for your business, and use it consistently across all your online platforms to establish a strong brand that will set you apart from the competition.

When it comes to design, there are many different approaches that people take. Some designers choose to include their logos in their work, while others prefer to use infographics like Yoast to help convey their message. Regardless of the approach, it’s important to make sure that the design is consistent with the brand’s colours and overall aesthetic. By doing so, the design will be more recognizable and memorable to viewers. So, whether you’re designing a logo, creating an infographic, or working on any other type of design project, be sure to keep the brand’s visual identity in mind.

In conclusion, after extensive research and careful consideration, I have compiled a list of the top 10 best tools for authors around the world. These tools have been chosen for their effectiveness, ease of use, and affordability. Whether you are a seasoned writer or just starting out, these tools will help you achieve your writing goals.

First on the list is Grammarly, an AI-powered writing assistant that checks for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in real time. Next is Hemingway Editor, a tool that helps writers simplify their writing and make it more concise. Scrivener is a popular writing software that allows writers to organize their work and keep track of their progress.

For those who prefer to write by hand, the Livescribe Smartpen is a great tool that records audio while you write, allowing you to review your notes and ideas later. Evernote is another popular tool for writers that allows you to organize your research, notes, and ideas in one place.

When it comes to publishing, Kindle Direct Publishing and Smashwords are two great options for self-publishing your work. Reedsy is a platform that connects authors with professional editors, designers, and marketers to help them get their work ready for publication.

Finally, if you need inspiration or motivation to write, the Pomodoro Technique and Freedom app can help you stay focused and productive. These tools are a must-have for any writer looking to improve their craft and achieve their writing goals.

I hope this article has been helpful to you in your writing journey. If you found it useful, please consider giving it a rating and leaving a comment below. And remember, keep writing!

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