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Blogging: An Ultimate Guide


Learn Modern Blogging Today!

This article will explore blogging, its various types, and its significance. We will guide you through creating or starting a blog, identify who should consider blogging, and review the common and top blogging platforms of 2023, among other topics. If you’re continuing to read, it indicates your interest in learning more about this subject. By the end of this article, you’ll be able to determine if earning extra income through online blogging is suitable for you. Now, let’s dive in!

What Is Blogging?

Blogging, to me, is the act of creating and disseminating content. As a regular writer and poster of blog material, I consider myself a blogger. The contemporary term “blog” originated from “web blogging,” which denotes the act of publishing one’s diary online. This is a periodic publishing activity.

WordPress stands out as a premier platform for content creation, management, and blogging. Today, there are numerous similar platforms, including Medium, Google’s Blogger, and others. If you’re capable of producing original content, you can distribute it to your audience via a blogging platform such as WordPress.

“The definition of blogging is the process of writing a blog, an online journal in which you share your thoughts about a particular subject with readers.”

Blogging Definition & Meaning | YourDictionary

WordPress offers a free hosting version, meaning the open-source software itself is free for life, although the hosting package is not. Web hosting involves renting a server to store your content. provides free hosting for your files indefinitely unless you choose to upgrade.

For more information on WordPress, start by writing a blog post on a topic of your choice. Then, create your blog account and log in using a computer or smartphone. Next, transfer your content from a word processor like Microsoft Word to your blogging platform’s editor. Finally, format and edit your post, set categories and keywords, and decide whether to schedule it for later or publish it immediately. More details on creating a blog account will follow later in the post.

Related: Technology Ultimate Guide

Types of Modern Blogging

Danielle Willatt has outlined 13 blogging categories such as personal brand, lifestyle, corporate, fashion or beauty, finance, sports, travel, tech, parenting, gaming, design, health & fitness. While there are additional types, for our purposes, we’ll focus on these. Essentially, you can blog about anything as long as you’re knowledgeable about the subject. There’s no restriction on blog topics.

The categories Danielle detailed in the aforementioned post are the most prevalent at the time of writing. The post was updated on November 15, 2022, and I composed this article the following day.

I suggest you thoroughly review these categories to determine if any pique your interest. Subsequently, you could launch your own blog and potentially monetize it. As of now, I am earning revenue from this blog post based on various factors.

The Importance of Blogging

Understanding the significance of blogging is indeed crucial, especially since you’re here engaging with this content. If what you wish to share holds value to you, then it’s as significant as one can imagine. I’m confident that the insights I’m imparting here are of great importance to us both, or at least, they are to me.

I hold the belief that my knowledge isn’t universally known, and I’m compelled to share it before my time is up. My aim is to inspire you before I expire. Adopting the mindset of “Aspire to inspire before you expire,” as Eugene Bell Jr. put it, underscores the importance of utilizing blogging technology to achieve your utmost potential. Inspiration is a powerful motivator for me, just as I understand the importance of informing, instructing, and possibly educating others on the subjects I’m knowledgeable about.

Writing and sharing these posts doesn’t imply I possess greater knowledge than the average person; rather, it signifies my eagerness to disseminate what I know to the world, as expressed here and in most of my other writings. For me, the act of writing and sharing is vital. I indulge in it because it brings me joy in both the writing and publishing processes, knowing that it may inspire someone in need.

If my efforts can positively impact even one individual in my lifetime, that’s a triumph! Perhaps that’s the very purpose of my existence. Jesus proclaimed His purpose was to deliver His message (Mark 1:38). Similarly, I believe you have a purpose, which you can discover. Perhaps your reason for reading this is to seek assistance, enabling you to aid others within your sphere of influence. Indeed, there are countless reasons why sharing your thoughts is important.

Who Should Create A Blog?

Now, who am I to share these posts with the world? Well, if not me, then who? There are countless bloggers out there, but my contribution matters, doesn’t it? Perhaps you’ll share your thoughts on it after reading this article. Indeed, it’s up to you to create your own blog system if you believe you’re capable. I’m not here to convince you that you’re a blogger, but I believe my points could prompt you to consider it. This means you may have contemplated writing a blog post but are unsure how to start. Or perhaps you’re concerned about how your readers will react to your post.

Regardless of the situation, I’m here to say that anyone can start a blog, and that includes you. However, there’s no need to force yourself if it doesn’t feel right. In my experience, I’ve encountered many who admire everything and want to try everything, but that approach isn’t always effective. Everything follows a process, including writing and posting an article online. Some write on their computers and post whenever they choose, while others write directly on the blog, scheduling or publishing immediately.

Firstly, you need to be able to write in any language, be it Nuer, Dinka, or another, and then find your preferred method. For me, writing on paper before typing is redundant. Hence, I’ve learned to type directly into the computer. The world is indeed evolving. Years ago, there were no computers or smartphones for typing, but now they are commonplace, and we’re constantly improving both the devices and our skills in using them. Can you see why computer literacy is essential? I have some free computer books available for download.

How Do You Create A Blog?

It’s a process, albeit not a lengthy one. The process is straightforward, provided you enjoy it. That’s why I suggested you begin with some self-assessment. It isn’t too difficult to discern your likes and dislikes, right? For instance, if you’re reading this article, you likely know whether you enjoy writing or not.

Starting a blog or website begins with writing. You need to be a writer first if you want to proceed in an honest and lawful manner. I mention this because technology has made nearly everything possible. You could purchase content or hire someone to write for you, and then publish it as your own. However, the question remains: does it truly belong to you?

Write the content

Creating your content is the initial and crucial step among many others. You have the freedom to select the method that best suits you, whether it’s writing on paper or typing into your word processor. As previously mentioned, what’s most important is finding what works best for you.

Choose a blogging platform

Indeed, there are numerous options available now, with more emerging. However, for beginners in blogging, I would suggest WordPress as the ideal choice. It excels in SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and offers a variety of useful features that are essential for bloggers.

Plan your content

Writing is one thing; publishing is another. How frequently do you wish to release your articles? For me, the objective of “An Article Every Monday” has been met consistently since August 2020. In fact, I had scheduled this article for the 16th of January 2022, two months in advance. You too can plan and schedule your blog posts in a similar manner.

There’s no need to publish new posts every hour. It would be impressive if you could, but remember, quality trumps quantity. Moreover, forming a habit is essential. Good and valuable things require time and thoughtful planning.

Publish your content

Finally, publish your content. This involves utilizing your content management system, like WordPress, where you can write, edit, design, format, and ultimately publish your new post.


You’ve been published! But hold on, don’t celebrate just yet. It’s a journey to get there, but fortunately, you’re now familiar with the steps. What I’m providing is a roadmap, not the specific steps for content creation. There’s an abundance of online resources on how to write nearly anything; I suggest delving into those detailed posts.

This roadmap is essential to start with before you dive into the finer details, like roads, streets, homes, and addresses. Similarly, you need this guidance to navigate the process. As for writing, I believe no article can teach us as much as the act itself. The best way to learn to write is by writing. We learn by doing, by getting our hands dirty. This is the advice I received and what I’ve discovered through years of experience. You can learn to write by simply opening your laptop, firing up your word processor, and embarking on the journey, right here, right now!

And yes, this isn’t directly about creating a blog. But remember, a blog is nothing without these steps. A blog is merely a platform, a space to share your creations with the world. Hence, as it’s often said, content reigns supreme.

Blog Creation Steps

  1. Make sure you have an active email address.
  2. Visit and sign up for an account.
  3. Log in to your WordPress account using your email address/username and password.
  4. Confirm your blog account by clicking on a link sent to you.
  5. Start designing your blog by choosing a theme and then customize it.
  6. Delete the default pages and posts.
  7. Create and publish a new post.

Read this article about creating a post or page in WordPress.


To summarize, this article has provided a wealth of knowledge about blogging. Now, the question is: are you a blogger, or do you aspire to be one? Your determination is the key to getting started. Begin by writing an article in your own style. Whether on paper or on a computer, the medium doesn’t matter. You could even draft your article directly on a blogging platform. The important thing is to learn content creation and share it with your audience. If writing excites you, dive in! If not, continue reading. Avid readers are essential; we writers value you immensely, even if we are the sole readers of our work.

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Between Birthdays and Deathdays: How to Live a Peaceful Life In-between

Between Birthdays and Deathdays

Learn How to Live in Peace Every Day: Birthdays and Deathdays

25th July 2022

“Between Birthdays and Deathdays” may seem like an unusual article to many readers as it aims to explore our journey from birth to death. Contrary to some beliefs, the term ‘deathday’ is not incorrect in English; it signifies the day of a person’s death or its anniversary. This article delves into the relationship between birthdays and deathdays, the significance of the days that lie between them, the concept of living with personal inner peace, and ultimately, the core message of the article. So, what exactly are deathdays? They are the anniversaries of a person’s death, marking the date on which someone has passed away.

What Are Birthdays?

Celebrating birthdays is a concept that feels foreign to me. In our culture, such celebrations were unheard of because people traditionally did not keep track of their birth dates. Like many of my peers, I am unaware of my exact birthday. We often choose our own dates of birth simply to complete various forms, both online and offline.

In contrast, in Europe and other parts of the world, it might seem odd for someone to not know their birthday. It’s possible that there are individuals in America who are also unaware of their birth dates. Not everyone in the West may prioritize literacy.

Nowadays, birthdays have become significant occasions. Our children are encouraged to celebrate them, adopting a modern culture that has spread worldwide, much like wedding gowns. Often, the origins of these customs are unknown to many before they are adopted in Africa.

Nonetheless, these practices from the West are worth embracing, similar to how I am utilizing this computer system to type. Computers, developed in the West, have become beneficial tools here in Africa. Similarly, wedding rings hold significance as symbols of love and commitment.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide

It is often said that an inner ring is more significant than the outer one, which can be easily left behind in a bathroom. The true wedding ring comes from within; the external ring merely symbolizes the internal commitment. Remembering birthdays is important; being born is a wonderful event. However, some believe that dying holds even greater significance than being born.

What Are Deathdays?

When I typed the word “deathdays,” my computer highlighted it with zigzag red lines, indicating that the word is unrecognized in its English dictionary. However, a “deathday” refers to the day someone dies. It should be celebrated even more than a birthday, if we are to embrace this concept.

Humans often fear death because we understand so little about life, associating it with loss. But is death truly synonymous with loss? Do we really lose those who die? What does the Bible teach us? Should Christians, in particular, mourn the dead as if we are ignorant about death? These questions trouble me whenever someone passes away.

The circumstances of our demise—how, when, where, or why we die—are less significant than the fact that we do die. We are unaware of what follows death or where we go after our final breath. Some may say that death is akin to a profound sleep. This view might be controversial among the religious, but who truly knows what occurs post-mortem? “We don’t know” is perhaps the most honest answer; anything else is speculative or potentially deceitful.

Religion, however, was established for a noble purpose: to provide solace. We yearn for a world superior to ours, yet we are uncertain of its location or the path to it. In response, religious beliefs, doctrines, and teachings offer solace to our yearning hearts.

If death is akin to a deep sleep, then it could be considered the ultimate rest, couldn’t it? If life on earth entails suffering for many underprivileged individuals, then death might be seen as an escape from that anguish. Could this be a valid reason to celebrate one’s deathday?

I believe my siblings, mother, and father have all found rest in death. This is my assumption. The true nature of death will remain unknown to me until I experience it myself. Perhaps I will not even realize that I have died if it is like a deep sleep, devoid of dreams and consciousness.

However, if death is a passage to another form of existence, then it could be considered blissful! Why then do we mourn those who are transitioning into what could be the greatest joy? Do we not trust the scriptures that say the dead will rise first at the world’s end? Whether this is true or not, our mourning seems to contradict these beliefs.

What Are the Days Between Birthdays and Deathdays?

As I pen this article, I find myself navigating the journey between birth and death. From my first breath to this very moment, I am traversing this finite existence. The pressing question is: How am I utilizing this limited time? Am I channeling my energy effectively? This inquiry fuels my writing career. My ethos is to live, learn, teach, and serve.

I’ve come to understand who I am and what I’m meant to do. I am actively living out my purpose in this life, all through the grace and intent of God. I didn’t conjure or wish myself into existence; I simply uncovered who I was meant to be, recognized my calling, and now I strive to fulfill it for the duration of my time on earth.

Peace is the cornerstone of my existence. I embody peace and abhor any form of conflict. Yet, I find myself generating conflicts in the pursuit of my own tranquility, as the world is not always a peaceful place. This struggle is a form of enmity, a conflict in itself. To me, the essence of life is to exist in peace, free from disturbances, embodying calmness, quietude, and a profound personal serenity.

What Is Peace?

Peace signifies calmness and joy, representing the absence of conflict or violence. Conflict does not always result in violence but can manifest as any form of disturbance. With peace comes tranquility, calmness, and joy. Peace begins within an individual, often stemming from the realization that life is fleeting; we are here today and gone tomorrow.

Yet, the awareness that life is brief can bring either peace or pain, influenced by the individual’s personality. To me, life is good and should be lived simply as it is. Life need not be complicated, for it is not inherently so. When I attain inner peace, I do not harm dogs, cats, lizards, or other creatures, including snakes, understanding that they are generally benign. A snake often bites not out of malice but fear, triggered by our actions.

Peace involves living harmoniously with oneself, God, humans, and other creatures. But how can I be at peace with myself when I persist in actions I later regret? How can I be at peace with God when I feel burdened by sin? How can I be at peace with others when they often bring me pain and trouble? And how can I be at peace with creatures when they flee or attack without apparent reason? Continual engagement with positive nonfiction material will, over time, lead to the discovery of personal inner peace, which in turn fosters external peace with God, humanity, and all creation.

Summary of Birthdays and Deathdays

Ultimately, we have gained insights into the significance of birthdays, deathdays, the days that fall between, and what it means to find peace in a world filled with turmoil. I hope you’ve gleaned some understanding about yourself, God, fellow humans, and other beings. Yet, this knowledge is not sufficient on its own. We must continually nourish ourselves with this wisdom throughout our lives.

Discovering your personality type and identity is crucial. What distinguishes you from others? Subsequently, determine which career aligns with your identity and personality type. By doing so, you are on the verge of embracing the life you were meant to lead.

For me, it’s about cultivating an inner peace that is unassailable. This peace cannot be stripped from me; it is mine alone. This same peace is what I embody, learn, impart, and offer as a service to you and to others in my sphere.

Who are you?
What is your pursuit?

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The Eternity: How to Perceive Life at the Eternity Past and Future

The Eternity

What Are You Doing Now for The Eternity Future?

“The Eternity” is an article designed to teach us the significance of viewing the past, present, and future through the lens of eternity. It guides us in understanding how to perceive things eternally, why we adopt this perspective, and the value of considering life as an everlasting entity. This article promises to offer a perspective on life that may be unexpected.


The concept of eternity signifies something that is everlasting or without end. It encompasses both the past and the future, yet our focus here is on the future aspect of our present lives. Viewing life as an eternal continuum suggests that physical death is not the conclusion of existence. While some may dismiss eternity as mere belief or myth, it’s undeniable that it remains a prevalent conviction in the 21st century.

Take, for instance, the notion that life, akin to a form of energy, cannot be created or annihilated. Neither humans nor divine beings seem capable of extinguishing life, which implies its eternal nature. If life is indeed eternal, it suggests a connection to its Creator, God, and indicates that it has always existed since time immemorial and will persist into the infinite future.

Eternity is characterized by its perpetual nature, whether it pertains to the past, the future, or both. It may refer to the essence of life or beings destined to exist indefinitely. Historically, such concepts have been deemed religious, but in essence, they are spiritual, reflecting the belief in an unending existence.

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How do we perceive eternal life, particularly in the present? We do this both instinctively and deliberately. Instinctively, because the concept of eternity is ingrained in us by God. While I’m uncertain about animals, I am confident that all humans possess an innate sense of eternity. This isn’t taught in schools; it’s a universal aspect of human culture. Even the most primitive cultures understand that upon death, a person’s spirit or their spiritual essence transitions to another realm. This doesn’t mean they’ve simply vanished into thin air; rather, they continue to exist in a different state.

Indeed, when describing someone who has recently passed away in the Nuer language, the phrase “Ci yieedɛ jiɛɛn” is used, signifying that his/her spirit has departed. Similarly, in the Dinka language, the expression “Aci wëi jäl” conveys the same meaning. These phrases suggest that our ancestors understood, even before the advent of Christianity and Islam, that death is akin to sleep, as Jesus mentioned in the Bible.

The physical body may perish, but the spiritual body is believed to be immortal. Indeed, it is said that not even the flames of hell can destroy the spiritual body, thus preventing eternal demise or separation from God. It is proclaimed that those condemned to hell will endure perpetual suffering, signifying an unending existence. Beyond our innate contemplation of eternity, we have the ability to consciously direct our thoughts and emotions towards eternal life. Indeed, our earthly existence is but a minuscule portion of the life that follows after death. This eternal truth is certainly thought-provoking.


The belief in eternal life, according to some, is instilled in our hearts by God. It’s also said that our human spirits inherently know they will exist indefinitely. This belief is reinforced by trusted sources, suggesting two distinct origins of this concept. Eternal life is intertwined with our essence, and attempts to rationalize it away cannot alter this intrinsic truth. Those who deny eternal life, whether in heaven or hell, are often seen as either abnormal or influenced by external forces to hold such views. However, if they are of sound mind, they are aware that their arguments serve only academic discussions rather than reflecting real-life convictions. They engage in debate not to seek truth but to refine their research through the responses they elicit.

Continued dialogue with skeptics provides them with substantial answers, emphasizing the importance of deliberate contemplation on eternity. Such reflection enables one to offer informed responses to inquiries about the afterlife. The fundamental reasons for considering eternity—nature and nurture—imply that all humans, regardless of religious affiliation, are aware of their eternal nature. This awareness predates the arrival of Islam in Africa and the establishment of organized religions in the East and West, suggesting that the concept of eternity is a divine implantation within humanity.


Considering eternal life is indeed significant. Whether we consciously ponder it or not, our inherent nature compels us to consider both eternity past and future. This natural inclination underscores the importance of deliberate reflection on eternity.

The desire for eternity, or the lack thereof, which implies the nonexistence of a deity, ultimately leads to the same conclusion: we are innately designed to contemplate eternity. Attempts to secularize expressions of surprise do not alter the intrinsic knowledge of a higher power within our spirits, which are believed to be connected to this entity. Earthly challenges may prompt some to reject the notion of a deity, and by extension, eternal life, as they are intertwined.

Regardless of worldly suffering, the human spirit instinctively seeks assistance from the fundamental source of existence. This is evident in the spontaneous exclamations we utter. Many of our actions are reflexive, including those driven by eternal instincts, occurring naturally because we are spiritual entities. While the modern world may overlook this truth, it resonates within us, serving as a profound affirmation of our spiritual essence and our yearning for the eternal hereafter.


I assume you have read the content above. If not, please take a moment to do so, even if it means skimming through it. Now, let’s consider my final words of advice and wisdom to you. We have explored the concept of eternity, how to contemplate it, why it warrants our attention, and its significance. What will you do with this profound knowledge? Do you accept the notion that we are essentially spiritual beings?

I am eager to learn whether this article has enlightened you or reinforced what you already knew. It seems natural to be aware of eternity, yet this article may have deepened your understanding, prompting more deliberate reflection from now on.

I hope that ‘The Eternity’ as an article has been beneficial to you. I invite you to take a moment and share your thoughts in the comments section below. Your feedback is valuable to me for enhancing this article or creating a superior one in the future. I wish you and your loved ones well during and beyond the global pandemic. Shalom!


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Understanding: The Second Key to a Meaningful Life


Understanding Is Your #2 Key to a Meaningful Life

Understanding is an article designed to elucidate the concept of understanding, the methods by which we acquire it, its applications, and its significance in our interpersonal relationships and beyond. This article delves into the second key to leading a meaningful life on Earth and beyond. With that introduction, let’s proceed to read the entire article to begin our exploration.


In this article, ‘understanding’ refers to comprehending what we read, hear, or view. It’s the second key to a meaningful life, with the first being attentive listening. We listen to understand others, whether through video, audio, or text.

Yet, do we grasp the intended meaning of what we read, hear, or watch? Answering these questions is crucial to truly grasp the concept of understanding.

‘Misunderstanding’ is the antithesis of understanding, but often they coexist. When I misunderstand, I may not realize it and believe I fully understand. Is it possible you’re experiencing this as you read? Do you truly grasp the essence of understanding?

Understanding others as we wish to be understood is vital. Communication, in any form, hinges on mutual comprehension between sender and receiver. Without understanding, we fall into misunderstanding. Let’s explore how to achieve the understanding we seek.

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This question may seem complex, but it’s one I often encounter from my readers, both online and offline. They’re essentially asking about the origins of human understanding, right? Let’s tackle this question. Our understanding stems from two primary sources: our innate nature and our upbringing, or nurture.

By nature, some individuals may not pay close attention, leading to poor listening skills or becoming easily distracted, which results in misunderstandings or a failure to comprehend the speaker.

Conversely, there are those who are naturally attentive listeners, which facilitates their understanding of various matters. To some extent, we all possess these traits. The second avenue through which we gain understanding is through our education in comprehension.

Even if we’re not inherently adept at understanding others, we can learn to improve this skill. This is why I write articles like this one, to impart knowledge to you and others through digital means.


Understanding is utilized for gaining knowledge. It enables us to comprehend the information we receive, analyze it, and then apply it for our advantage. You employ your understanding to read this and act upon its suggestions for beneficial use. Whether you grasp the text as intended or not is secondary; what matters is that you understand and utilize it, which is preferable to not doing so.

The desire to be understood naturally increases our desire to understand others. This is a reciprocal process. We aim to comprehend other humans and seek their understanding in return. Misunderstandings are a significant source of conflict, both on a personal and interpersonal level. They lead to disputes within families and between families, as well as among clans.

Misunderstandings were even cited as the cause of the South Sudanese Civil Wars, originating from a simple miscommunication within the SPLM, the ruling political party of the nation at the time. Thus, misunderstandings can escalate to problems at any societal level, causing tribal, national, and international conflicts.

However, with understanding, many, if not all, of these conflicts could be averted before they begin. This is how understanding is used to prevent unnecessary conflicts at any level, whether personal or interpersonal. Hopefully, you can now appreciate a few of the reasons and applications of understanding in our lives. We even use understanding to comprehend ourselves.


Is our human understanding significant? This is a question I often receive, and it makes me ponder what the asker truly seeks to understand. However, I’ve realized that no question is foolish. So, let’s address it. What is the significance of understanding? As illustrated above, understanding’s utility also highlights the importance of comprehending ourselves and others.

If I could fully grasp who I am, I would lead a life filled with meaning, peace, and harmony, both with myself and others. I refer to self-understanding as self-discovery because it involves uncovering our true selves. We cannot create, recreate, alter, or modify our nature. We can only discover and enhance ourselves, which means we must first understand our true selves before we can improve our identities.

When we understand ourselves on an individual level, we are more likely to understand those around us. But how do we begin to understand ourselves? For me, self-understanding comes from reflecting and examining my life from various perspectives, including my past. I consider my previous thoughts, words, and deeds to truly understand who I am today, rather than who I will become tomorrow. Another method to deeply know myself is to consider what God has said about humanity in His scripture.

By understanding ourselves as the Creator does, we can view other humans through the same lens: as God’s creations. Just as we view ourselves, we can perceive others, and even other living beings beyond humanity. We can observe birds, insects, plants, fish, animals, and all creation in the same light: as made by God.


Having explored the concept of understanding, we’ve established that it stems from two sources: nature and nurture. We’ve examined the role of human understanding in learning about ourselves and our environment. This leads to the realization that we must apply this knowledge in our lives, both individually and collectively.

It is my hope that the article on Understanding has been beneficial to you. I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Your feedback is greatly valued for this and future articles. May God protect you and your loved ones during and beyond the global pandemic. Peace be with you.


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Life Coaching: What It Is and Its Importance for Self-Discovery

Life Coaching

Mastering These Life Coaching Lessons Will Save You Time and Resources

21st June 2021

Life Coaching is an article designed to guide you through understanding its concept, the process of finding a life coach, and the significance of having one for your journey of self-discovery. It’s true that we must first understand ourselves before we can improve. We need to recognize our origins, our current position, and our future aspirations. With this in mind, let’s delve deeper into the lessons that follow.


Life coaching, as I understand it, involves guiding individuals through self-discovery, self-improvement, career exploration, and career advancement. It encompasses any assistance that fosters personal and professional growth. Both personal development and career progression often benefit from some form of life coaching.

If you are drawn to the idea of aiding others in surpassing their current selves, then you may be well-suited to life coaching in your distinct manner. While life coaching can be studied academically, its effective practice requires genuine passion. When we recognize a need in others, we can address it through coaching. Indeed, life coaching is an ongoing journey.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide


To find a life coach, a good one, you can search both online and offline. Today’s world is both digital and physical, giving us access to individuals in the real world and the virtual realm of computers and devices like mobile phones. This is likely why you are reading this online or in print media.

Before seeking a life coach, however, consider yourself as your primary guide. You understand yourself better than anyone else, except perhaps for a divine perspective. Others may have some insight into who you are, but they do not possess the full picture. Reflect on your current state, your past, and where you aspire to be in the future.

Next, contemplate how the world perceives you. ‘The world’ refers to those in your life—parents, guardians, friends, colleagues, and others. Their perceptions can offer insights, but it’s important not to become preoccupied with them.

Prior to engaging a life coach, immerse yourself in literature that resonates with your character. Fiction invites you to explore diverse worlds and perspectives, while motivational works encourage self-discovery and personal growth. These resources can profoundly influence your life.

After these considerations, seek assistance from those aligned with your life’s purpose. If you’re uncertain about your current position, there are individuals who can help you clarify it. As mentioned, you can connect with these advisors both in person and online, though some may require a fee for their services.


Life coaching is effective in various ways for different individuals, and for diverse reasons. For some, simply reading articles like this one is sufficient to kickstart their journey, but not everyone responds the same way. Others might prefer watching a video of me speaking these words rather than reading them, whether it’s online or in a book.

For certain individuals, neither reading nor watching is adequate; they desire a personal interaction. This diversity is due to the multitude of learning methods available, as each person absorbs information uniquely. Some need to experiment on their own before they can truly grasp the lessons being taught.

As previously mentioned, life coaching’s impact varies from person to person and for various reasons. However, it does have an effect. For others, it may not work at all, perhaps because the advice given doesn’t resonate with them. This can make it challenging, if not impossible, for coaches to effect real and meaningful change in these individuals’ lives.

The personality of the coachee is crucial in this context. We cannot help someone change their life without their active participation in the process. We can only fix our own lives. As coaches, our role is to steer individuals towards solutions for their issues and problems, enabling them to discover answers within themselves.


Life coaching holds significance for both coaches and clients, as each party benefits to varying extents. As a coach, I gain insights from my clients, just as they learn from me. Together, we enrich each other’s lives through shared experiences, which is mutually beneficial.

The method of coaching is secondary to the act itself. Whether I’m coaching through articles, books, live events, or direct interactions, the process is reciprocal—I too am coached. Feedback from readers like you is invaluable, aiding my growth in one way or another.

Your current engagement with this content, be it a website post or a book excerpt, is less important than the application of the lessons imparted. Action is the essence, surpassing mere theoretical knowledge. Learning is commendable, but the true value lies in applying that knowledge, particularly when it serves your personal growth.


We’ve reached the conclusion of this article, and I trust you found it enjoyable. Here are some key takeaways. I presume you’ve read it thoroughly from start to finish. If that’s the case, my hat’s off to you! If not, I recommend doing so before proceeding beyond this sentence.

The essential message here is that practice leads to perfection. Learning without application is not the most effective approach, although it may prove beneficial in the future. I urge you to self-coach before seeking guidance from others, as I believe you are your own best life coach.

I hope this Life Coaching article has been of personal benefit to you. Would you kindly spare a moment to share your thoughts with me and others in the comments section below? Your feedback and support would be greatly valued. I pray for God’s blessings and protection over you and your loved ones during and beyond this global pandemic. Peace be with you!