Top 10 South Sudanese Authors on Amazon

Top 10 South Sudanese Authors on Amazon

Learn About the Top 10 South Sudanese Authors on Amazon Today!

Greetings! I trust your day is going well. I’m eager to share an intriguing discovery with you. As an avid reader and explorer of new literary voices, I was delighted to come across a list featuring the top 10 South Sudanese authors on Amazon. It was a revelation to learn that so many gifted writers from my homeland are represented on such a prominent platform.

It was heartening to see these authors garnering high ratings, with scores between 4 and 5 stars. This clearly indicates that their narratives are resonating with readers and providing enriching experiences. As an enthusiast always in search of fresh additions to my library, I am keen to delve into their narratives.

It’s worth mentioning that this list may not be comprehensive, and there are likely numerous undiscovered South Sudanese authors with compelling stories to tell. This prospect only adds to the thrill of the literary hunt.

I hope this compilation encourages you to discover new writers and expand the scope of your literary adventures. Perhaps you’ll even encounter your next treasured read.

Indeed, while numerous books discuss South Sudan, emphasizing the narratives of native South Sudanese authors is crucial. This prompted me to research and identify the top ten South Sudanese authors gaining recognition online. Their works offer distinctive viewpoints and understandings deeply rooted in the culture and history of South Sudan.

Whether you’re interested in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or memoir, there’s something for everyone on this list. So if you’re looking to expand your reading horizons and learn more about this fascinating country, I highly recommend checking out the works of these talented writers. If you’re interested in self-publishing your own book, be sure to check out the Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide for helpful tips and resources.

My initial unawareness of South Sudanese authors on Amazon was quite a revelation. Delving deeper, I uncovered several authors I had met personally. Yet, this knowledge felt incomplete. Eager to learn more about the literary heritage of South Sudanese writers, I decided to document my discoveries and insights. Through this post, I aim to enhance awareness and appreciation for the remarkable contributions of South Sudanese authors, thereby nurturing the literary community and inspiring others to delve into this vibrant literary heritage.

1. South Sudanese Authors: Taban lo Liyong

It’s truly inspiring to witness the success of this talented author from South Sudan. Despite the challenges of having his name spelt differently across various platforms, he has managed to rise to the top of his field with the help of online research. His hard work and dedication have paid off, as he now holds the well-deserved title of the #1 author among the top 10 South Sudanese writers on Amazon’s bookstore.

This achievement is a testament to his exceptional writing skills and his ability to captivate readers with his words. It’s remarkable to see how his passion for literature has propelled him to such great heights, and we can only imagine the bright future that lies ahead for him. We wish him all the best in his continued success and look forward to reading more of his brilliant work in the future.

When it comes to the spelling of Taban Lo-liyong’s name, it can be quite confusing to see variations such as “Taban Lo li-yong”. However, I believe that regardless of how it is spelt, it still refers to the same individual, whether it is a pen name or the author’s actual name.

If you happen to have any further information about this author, please don’t hesitate to share it. By clicking on the link to his name above, you will be taken to his Amazon author page, where you can find out more about his literary works. I highly recommend following him, as he has written several titles, including “Carrying Knowledge Up a Palm Tree” and many others that are definitely worth checking out.

2. South Sudanese Authors: Francis Mading Deng

Thank you for bringing up Francis Mading Deng’s impressive collection of books. As Taban mentioned earlier, clicking on his name will take you directly to his Amazon page where you can explore his extensive repertoire. Francis Mading Deng is a prolific author, with several best-selling books in various formats such as Kindle, paperback, and hardcover.

His book, “Wars of Visions: Conflict of Identities in the Sudan,” is a seminal work that delves into the complexities of identity and conflict in Sudan. However, his collection extends far beyond that, covering a range of topics and interests. So, whether you are looking for a thought-provoking read or an engaging page-turner, you are sure to find something of interest in Francis Mading Deng’s collection of books.

3. South Sudanese Authors: Nhial Biel Lok

One of the notable writers on my list is Nhial Biel Lok, whom I have discovered through his works online. It should be noted that the list is not in any particular order of merit or preference. Nhial is the writer of “Unforgettable 15-December-2013 Civil War (South Sudan)” and several other titles. He appears to be the youngest writer on the list. As far as I know, Nhial is also a blogger, and I look forward to connecting with him in the near future.

Aside from Nhial, there are many other talented writers that I have come across in my online searches. Some of them are established authors with multiple bestsellers to their name. Others are relatively unknown, but their works are just as captivating and thought-provoking.

I truly believe that reading is one of the best ways to expand one’s mind and gain new perspectives. With so many talented writers out there, it’s hard not to feel inspired and motivated to delve into the world of literature.

If you’re looking for new authors to explore, I encourage you to do some research online and see what catches your eye. You never know what you might discover!

4. Abel Alier Kwai

This is yet another renowned author and political activist hailing from South Sudan. He is known for his insightful and thought-provoking works, including “Southern Sudan: Too Many Agreements Dishonored (Sudan Studies)” and many other books that can be found on his Amazon author page. As someone who values the power of writing and the importance of sharing stories, it is my pleasure to link up with writers and authors from home and around the world.

I am based in East Africa, specifically Kenya, and I am always eager to connect with other authors and creatives who share my passion for storytelling and making an impact through their work. Whether it’s through social media, online forums, or in-person events, I believe that we can all benefit from building a community of like-minded individuals who support and encourage each other in our respective journeys.

So if you’re an author or writer looking to connect with others and share your work, please don’t hesitate to reach out – I would be more than happy to connect with you!

5. Santino Fardol

Santino is a name that is synonymous with great writing and storytelling in the South Sudanese literary world. He is one of the top 10 South Sudanese authors on Amazon, and it’s no surprise why. His book, “Southern Sudan and Its Fight for Freedom,” is a masterpiece that tells the story of a people’s struggle for independence and self-determination. The book is an eye-opener, and it sheds light on the challenges that the people of South Sudan have faced over the years.

While Santino’s book is undoubtedly a gem, it’s worth noting that there are many other South Sudanese authors out there who may not have gained the same level of recognition yet. It’s possible that they have not uploaded their works online, or they are yet to publish their books.

Nonetheless, it’s heartwarming to see that South Sudanese writers are using their voices to tell their stories and share their experiences with the world. With more exposure and support, there’s no doubt that more talented writers from the region will emerge and make a mark in the literary scene.

6. Alephonsion Deng and a team

As someone who has lived through the unimaginable horrors of war in South Sudan, I have always been drawn to stories from others who have experienced similar traumas. That’s why I was so excited to discover the book “They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky,” which tells the harrowing tale of three lost boys who were forced to flee their homes and embark on a perilous journey to safety.

I was particularly interested in learning more about the co-authors of the book, Benjamin Ajak and Benson Deng. However, when I went to their profiles on Amazon, I was surprised to find that they were missing. This was concerning to me, as I believe that their story could provide valuable insight and inspiration to others who have been through similar struggles.

Despite the challenges that I have faced in my own life, I have always believed in the power of storytelling to connect people and foster empathy. That’s why I am so eager to obtain a copy of “They Poured Fire on Us From the Sky.” I know that reading about the experiences of Benjamin and Benson will not only help me to better understand their journey but will also remind me of the resilience and strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

7. Arop Madut Arop

I find it fascinating to discover new authors from different parts of the world. South Sudan certainly has its share of writers, and it’s great to see that some of them have been successful in getting their work published on platforms like Amazon. One such author is known for his work, “Sudan’s Painful Road to Peace,” which is a testament to his writing skills and knowledge of the subject matter. It’s interesting to note that many of the authors from this region seem to be involved in politics in some way or another.

Perhaps this is because their experiences in government or activism have given them a unique perspective that they can share with the world. Regardless of the reasons, I enjoy reading books from a wide variety of authors and learning about their perspectives on different topics. It’s always a pleasure to discover a new author whose work I can appreciate and learn from.

8. Dr. Lam Akol

This individual is a highly respected figure in South Sudan, known for both his political accomplishments and his literary talent. As an accomplished writer, he has authored several books, many of which have been highly acclaimed by critics and readers alike.

Although some of his books may not currently be available on Amazon, his profile on the KDP store shows a number of titles, including “Southern Sudan: Colonialism, Resistance and Autonomy” and several other works that showcase his unique perspective and deep understanding of the political landscape in his home country.

Despite his many accomplishments, this individual remains humble and committed to using his talents to help improve the lives of those around him. Whether he is working to promote peace and stability in South Sudan or using his writing to shed light on important issues facing his community, he is dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. With his intelligence, insight, and unwavering dedication to his craft, it is no wonder that he is regarded as one of the most important voices in South Sudan today.

9. Jok Madut

As someone who values the importance of literature, I understand the frustration of not being able to easily locate an author’s profile on Amazon. In this case, the author of “Breaking Sudan: The Search for Peace” seems to be particularly elusive, with the book being the only available option to click on. It would certainly make things easier if his publisher could establish an Amazon author page for him, so that readers can easily access more of his works. If the author happens to also be the publisher, I would be more than happy to connect with him and offer any assistance that I can. After all, promoting literature and supporting talented writers is always a worthwhile endeavor.

10. John Monyjok Maluth

John is a talented writer from South Sudan who has made a name for himself in the literary world. He is a versatile author who writes on a variety of topics, from politics to self-publishing. In fact, he is the author of the best-selling title, “Self-Publishing Experience and Tips for New Indie Authors,” which has helped countless aspiring writers achieve their dreams of becoming published authors.

Aside from his successful writing career, John is also a passionate advocate for literacy and education in developing countries. He believes that everyone should have access to quality education and the opportunity to pursue their dreams, regardless of their background or circumstances.

In addition to his best-selling book on self-publishing, John has also authored many other books and booklets on a wide range of topics. He is known for his engaging writing style and his ability to make complex topics accessible to readers of all levels.

Overall, John is a talented and respected writer who has made a significant impact in the literary world. His passion for education and his commitment to helping others achieve their goals make him a role model for aspiring writers everywhere.

Other authors published by us (Click here to read more)

  • Dr. Francis Ayul Yuar (South Sudanese)
  • Dr. Ramadan Chan Liol (South Sudanese)
  • Dr. Arkanjelo Wani Lemi (South Sudanese)
  • Dr. Drasi Bua Caesar (South Sudanese)
  • Pastor Elly Lugwili (Kenyan)
  • Rev. Micheal Lotiyu (South Sudanese)
  • Dr. Michael Jarvis (South African)

Other Authors (not online)

  • Salvatore Ibrahim Diolelah (Kamusa Dagaig)
  • Jonathan Mayen Nguen (The Vision of Folktales)
  • Azania Gilo Emilio (Victims of Folies & The Fossils)
  • Bona Malual Madut (Power and Politics in the Sudan)
  • Dustan Wai de Mogga
  • Ahisa  Affwoni Lais (God the Master)
  • Deng Banang
  • Stephen Wundu
  • James Wani Igga
  • Dr. Adwok Nyaba
  • Malok Aleng (South Sudan Struggles)
  • John Pen de Ngong
  • Tieth Ayuen (Politics of Hunuism)
  • Akol Miyen Kuol
  • Dr. Mijak de’Agot
  • Miamingi
  • Abraham Awuolic

Other Authors (Online)

4 thoughts on “Top 10 South Sudanese Authors on Amazon

  1. Many thanks, Deng for sharing this information. Let’s work together as South Sudanese writers, learning and benefiting from each other’s experiences. Shalom!

  2. I am thrilled to notice that we have many South Sudanese witters rocking on Amazon.
    I am also a published writer on Amazon. My friend(Mayo Dhal) and I wrote a book and it’s available on Amazon. The Freedom Fighter was published in 2020.

    Deng Joseph

  3. Traditional Animal Stories of South Sudan, lessons to its children. 2020. After long civil war between South Sudan and north. tragically it is suffering from war again and famine.
    Author. Repent Ritti Jada

  4. Repent Ritti Jada,
    South sudanese new author. Traditional Animal Stories of south sudan .

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