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Thanksgiving for Places and Things: A Reflection on the Past

Thanksgiving for Places and Things

Thanksgiving for Places and Things Is the Importance of Places and Things in Our Past

Thanksgiving for Places and Things is an article designed to guide us in understanding the significance of expressing gratitude to God for the places we’ve been permitted to visit and the sights we’ve encountered. It delves into the methods of giving thanks, the reasons behind it, and the value of acknowledging the places and things from our past. The article aims to enhance our learning from these experiences and to reflect on how they have shaped our present selves. Now, let’s proceed to examine the entire article.


This signifies expressing gratitude to God for the places and entities He has allowed us to encounter in the past. These places I’ve visited encompass various elements such as birds, animals, fish, plants, insects, reptiles, trees, snails, grass, and all that is non-human. While humans are categorized as animals, the Creator views us differently. However, natural science, examining our physical aspects, deems us akin to other animals.

In a previous article, I expressed thankfulness for people and events. This article, however, concentrates on the places and their contents. It’s about appreciating the locales we’ve visited throughout our lives on Earth and their inhabitants. It’s challenging to recall every place we’ve been, and even more so, all that we’ve observed there.

Yet, even if we can’t recollect every location and its contents, we should be thankful for them since they contribute to our environment and, consequently, to our current existence. Indeed, our past is as crucial as our future, shaping our present. Without history, we are without identity. Africa has a rich history, existing long before outsiders arrived, complete with its own leadership, religion, technology, and ethics.

With the intent of this article clarified, we shall explore ways to express gratitude for the places and sights of our past. I acknowledge that this article isn’t comprehensive on the subject. There are likely other articles with more information, but I will include all that I can recall regarding this theme of thanksgiving.

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Indeed, we can express this through both words and actions. Singing is one of the finest ways to demonstrate our gratitude for the past. Writing about the places and experiences we’ve encountered is another method to show appreciation, though it is limited to those who can read and write in any human language. For many who cannot read or write, speaking or singing remains the best means to convey their happiness and gratitude for the past.

I can assure you that many have, are, and will continue to do this, consciously or not. People are profoundly grateful in their lives and express it in their unique ways. This is a universal phenomenon across all human cultures and tribes. Despite the negative or even harmful events of the past, we invariably find reasons to be thankful for our past experiences.

Reflecting on the places and events of the past, I am filled with nothing but gratitude to God for allowing it all to unfold. The past is history. Indeed, this article became history the moment it was written, before I even pressed the publish button. It becomes history the moment you finish reading it. Life itself is history in the making, for today is yesterday’s tomorrow, and tomorrow is today unfolding.


We express gratitude for the past, particularly for familiar places and objects. This act of thanksgiving often comes naturally, without needing specific reasons for our gratitude. There are countless reasons to give thanks to God for the places we’ve been and the things within them.

Thanksgiving is beneficial for those who practice it; it’s a positive habit to develop and practice, even if it doesn’t come naturally to everyone. God appreciates our gratitude, as do others. Thanking God for places implies gratitude for the opportunity to have visited them.

In giving thanks to God, we find ourselves filled with joy, hope, and peace. It’s a positive state that wards off depression, even for seemingly trivial things. While some may find it odd to be thankful for the places and things we’ve experienced, especially if their memories are tainted by negative associations, gratitude isn’t about past luxuries or a good life. The past, like the present and future, is a blend of both good and bad. My reason for giving thanks is simple: it feels right and benefits my soul.

Feeling grateful for past experiences and locations gives me a sense of accomplishment. That’s why I fondly recall places like Mayom, Nasir, Kuich, Kiech, Mataar, Lual, Nyandiing, Torkiel, Barmach, among others.


Being thankful is crucial to me as it fills me with joy and hope for my future. Reflecting on all the places I’ve been reminds me of how far I’ve come in life. It’s like watching my life story unfold. Those places have likely changed over time, just as I have changed since those early days. It’s astonishing to think that I can recall places from when I was merely 3 years old, and now I’m approaching 37. Such a remarkable transformation!

This notion of change is intriguing and worthy of gratitude. I am profoundly thankful to God for granting me a long life. I’ve survived many of my peers, which I attribute to God’s grace, giving me ample reason to express my thanks. I cannot speak for those who have passed, but I believe they were no less significant than I am. Perhaps they are grateful for their shorter lives, not having witnessed what I have since they departed.

If death is indeed akin to a profound sleep, then it represents a state of rest and tranquility. Eventually, we will all discover its true nature when our time comes. However, while we are alive, we understand the value of the present and the importance of gratitude. My thankfulness for the past isn’t just to please God; it’s an integral part of who I am. I remember and give thanks for my past experiences as a personal practice. While the places I’ve visited may not perceive my gratitude, God does.

The sights I’ve beheld in those places may not express gratitude for my thankfulness, but God acknowledges it. Therefore, it’s essential to be thankful because, at the very least, someone takes notice and may bestow blessings upon us in His timing.


We’ve explored the significance of gratitude towards God for the places and experiences we’ve encountered in the past. We’ve examined how and why we should be thankful, as well as the importance of gratitude. Now, it’s your opportunity to reflect on the key takeaways from this article and apply them to your life.

Do you believe it’s beneficial to be grateful for the places and experiences from your past? Was this a new concept for you before reading this article? I hope the article ‘Thanksgiving for Places and Things’ has been meaningful to you. If so, I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Your feedback is highly valued. It will aid me in improving my future articles, so I encourage you to express your opinions. Additionally, I pray for your safety and protection throughout and beyond the current global pandemic. Peace be with you!


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