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Book Publishing: Your Best Publishing Guide

Book Publishing

Exploring Your Current Book Publishing Options

This article will explore book publishing, its various types and options, its connection to your personality type, and its significance. If you’re contemplating writing and publishing a book in today’s world, consider this article an invaluable ally. It’s crucial to be well-informed before you begin this endeavor. So, let’s dive in without further ado.

What Is Book Publishing?

Once you have written, edited, and designed your manuscript to its finest, it’s time to present it to the world of readers in all available formats. But what exactly is book publishing? Many confuse book publishing with book distribution, yet it’s crucial to understand that they are related yet separate entities. A book must be published before it can be distributed in any form.

Publishing is the activity of making information, literature, music, software, and other content available to the public for sale or for free.[1] Traditionally, the term refers to the creation and distribution of printed works, such as booksnewspapers, and magazines. With the advent of digital information systems, the scope has expanded to include digital publishing such as ebooksdigital magazineswebsitessocial media and video game publishing.

Publishing – Wikipedia

Book publishing entails preparing a manuscript for public availability, which includes writing, editing, designing, and formatting. Thus, a book may be considered published prior to being available for sale.

Consider a manuscript: it remains a manuscript until it is edited and formatted correctly. Once it is professionally edited, designed, and formatted into its final version, it is published on that computer.

The subsequent phase of publishing involves distribution channels, where the manuscript must be printed or converted and then uploaded to a platform like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. However, the book is already a book on your computer even before this upload.

Typically, a book cover file is created separately from the book interior file, which is designed and formatted in another file, either in Microsoft Word or PDF format. The format is irrelevant; once the manuscript is well-edited and all components are included, it transitions from a manuscript to a book.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

Types of Book Publishing

There are primarily two well-known types of book publishing, with several variations in between: traditional publishing and self-publishing. Traditional publishing is so named because it represents the conventional method, while self-publishing is considered the modern approach, offering a range of attractive benefits. Nonetheless, each publishing method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Some self-published authors opt for hybrid publishing, which involves paying an upfront fee to a smaller publisher to handle the publishing tasks. However, this cannot truly be considered self-publishing, as the essence of “self” implies personal involvement. If the publisher does all the work, then they are the publisher, not the author.

Regardless of the method chosen, the publishing process remains consistent. Authors write and self-edit their manuscripts to the best of their abilities before a professional editor reviews and suggests corrections, usually with the author’s consent. Once the editing, cover, and interior design are complete, the book is ready for publication.

Upon publication, the book is distributed in various ways at the author’s discretion. In traditional publishing, the publisher takes on the promotion, marketing, and sales, subsequently taking a significant portion of the revenue to cover these services, leaving the author with a small percentage.

However, like 98% of authors, if you find yourself constrained, you might feel compelled to follow the prevailing trend. Yet, it’s important to heed the adage, “Only a dead fish goes with the flow,” especially when selecting a publishing method that aligns with your needs and personality.

Book Publishing Options

You have the option to publish and distribute your book in digital, print, or both formats. You can also choose to distribute it as an audio file. The choice is significant and entirely yours to make. It depends on the tools available to you and the type of publishing you select for your book. Therefore, the publishing option is distinct from the publishing type; it’s merely the method you choose to deliver your book to your audience. This can be achieved through online and offline platforms, or both. With the multitude of digital book formats available today, you’re presented with a wide array of choices.

As noted earlier, the actual publishing of the book occurs before you select a distribution channel or method. This is why it’s crucial to decide whether to distribute the book independently or enlist the assistance of a company. Once again, the decision is yours. While traditional publishers remain the preferred choice for many authors for various reasons, they may not suit everyone. As this author suggests, it’s advisable to conduct thorough research to understand the reasoning behind this perspective. Ultimately, it all hinges on the audience you’re addressing.

Book Publishing and You

What’s your perspective? Is self-publishing a book a wise move, or is it better to opt for a renowned local publisher? The choice is entirely yours. No one, no book, or article can compel you to decide. Philosophy underpins every decision we make in this world. That’s why I’m curious about your views on any subject, as you hold pre-existing beliefs and opinions.

What are your thoughts? I’m of the opinion that anyone can publish a book because it’s not buildings or institutions that publish; it’s individuals contributing to the process. If this holds true, do you believe you can’t succeed in doing so?

Your personality type plays a role. My thoughts are shaped by my identity as an Intuitive Introverted Empath, which encompasses many complex traits. Being intuitive means understanding things without being told. For instance, how do I know to refill an Epson printer upon first encounter, or how to publish my book without prior observation, or even begin designing a book cover?

These questions are crucial, and the answers are rooted in my personality type. You can’t force it. As an introvert, you might hesitate to share your knowledge, preferring solitude and independent work. And as an empath, you resonate with others’ emotions, sometimes even reacting contrarily.

Book Publishing and Personality Types

As we’ve observed, our personality type is significant in all aspects of life, including the steps of book publishing. Your personality largely influences your choice of publishing method and how you’ll distribute your books to potential readers. Indeed, your personality is your identity, and it shapes your life and career choices, as the most fulfilling career is akin to a vocation. Book writing and publishing is considered one of humanity’s noblest professions.

Your decision to self-publish or opt for traditional publishing, or a hybrid approach, stems from your personality. While external influences such as people and circumstances may sway your decisions, ultimately, you face these choices alone. In time, much like the Prodigal Son, you may come to an epiphany.

Moreover, self-publishing doesn’t necessarily mean going it alone. You can be a self-published author and still leverage the expertise and resources of others, such as hiring a professional for book design, cover art, and editing. But remember, self-publishing transcends beyond just transforming a manuscript into a book.

Self-publishing is entrepreneurial, requiring a business mindset. It demands resources, a solid business plan, and a unique execution strategy that doesn’t cause undue stress. It’s about being true to yourself, not imitating others, as authenticity is key to sustained success.

The Importance of Book Publishing

A product’s importance is null if it remains unknown. Recall that your book is arguably your finest product? Whether you’re a businessman or businesswoman with an array of products for sale, authoring a book on any subject could surpass them all. It becomes your offspring, a manifestation of your thoughts.

This underscores the significance of book publishing. It’s crucial to recognize that the publishing process commences prior to the book’s printing, recording, performance, or digital upload for sales. It transforms into a product the moment all components are integrated, including metadata and cover design.

The instant your manuscript evolves into a book file, it is considered published. The incorporation of these components is what distinguishes it as a book rather than a mere manuscript. Distribution of the book is a subsequent step to its publication. Prioritize publishing before introducing it to the audience.


Indeed, we’ve covered a great deal, particularly if you’ve followed from the first word to this point in the article. However, that’s merely my presumption. While I empathize deeply enough to ‘read’ the minds of my online readers, there are a few things I cannot discern.

I’m eager to hear your thoughts after reading this article. Did you discover something new? What have you learned? What knowledge did you possess before reading this article? I invite you to share your opinions with me. Feel free to start a chat, and I will respond as promptly as possible. For the time being, I make it a point to read all comments.

In this article, we explored the realm of book publishing, its various forms, the options available, and your perceptions of it. We examined how it aligns with your personality type and underscored the significance of transforming your manuscript into a final book file—a product that can fill you with pride. I trust this will assist you in making an informed decision. Thank you for reading!

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